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LenHazell53 has not written a bio yet


Why does 45 say he will ban TikTok via presidential order? Is this something he could actually do?
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
He's an idiot with a god emperor complex, you'll find him at the beach one day ordering the tide not to come in
So true...act prudently.
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Have You Ever Wished Someone Was Dead?
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Violent fantasies are cathartic, those who fantasize about violence rarely perpetrate it, those who perpetrate it do not fantasize...they plan.
Louche ultimately comes from the Latin word luscus, meaning "blind in one eye or "having poor ...
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Prince Lelouche De Brittania is he protagonist in the Science Fiction Anime Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. Early in the series he is blinded in one eye, but there after finds that if he stare at a person with the dead eye and gives an order they are compelled to obey him
Due to the pandemic...
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
AH Jayzuz, da oirish post is taking this seriowsly
Just a question hear: since the change made with the groups home page I no longer find a 'search ...
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
That is weird, I have never had a search bar, still don't.
fat·u·ous /ˈfaCHo͞oəs/ adjective silly and pointless.
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
You speak of the Devil and the Devil will appear
Avant-Garde ah-vant-GARD Part of speech: adjective Origin: French, early 20th century 1: ...
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
The Avant-Garde was an extraordinary movement, springing out of the Fabien and Aestheticism on the late 19th century, in the early 20th century all the while fighting it's way through a lot of pretentious bullshit, Avant-Garde was a precursor of cubism, bricolage, photomontage, science fiction and fantasy literature, surrealism, the bohemians, experimental theatre and ultimately postmodernism. It had movements in politics, art, literature, theatre, music and made acceptable free love and feminism before they were widely known by practically inventing sociology and the idea of social reform. It is written off by many today as the utter nonsense, and only exemplified generally by some of it's more eccentric characters but the world we lived in up until this last decade pretty much would never have existed without it. True notable members of the Avant-Garde, included George du Maurier (grandfather of Daphne) HG Wells, Oscar Wilde, Pablo Picaso, Luis Buñuel, Salvador Dalí, Fritz Lang and James Joyce
Did Jesus, the man, exist?
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Does @waitingforgodo actually exist? You post provocative responses but never go back to them, this is your first actual post, your name is a Samuel Beckett satire, you give your birthday as April fools day, I think quite possibly you are as fictional as the Christ figure you comment upon.
If 2020 was an ice cream truck.
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
as the wise woman said
The Prosperity Gospel VS The Actual Gospels Everybody knows the gospels of the bible are Matthew,...
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Religion is the only business where you can sell a shit pile of nothing for Crap ton of something and not be prosecuted as a scam artist.
Cuckquean or cuckold?
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Derived from the habit of the Cuckoo bird of parasitically supplanting the own of the nest in which it is deposited as an egg.
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 3, 2020:
See also the variations Blather, Blatherskite, blither, and blithering idiot
Over 260 kids get sick with COVID at one "sleep away" camp in Georgia 100% of attendees (youth ...
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Wow I am so surprised
Take the survey in the attached image of my text from the trump campaign and tell him what a ...
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 2, 2020:
completed as Mr Seymour Butts resident at NY 10022.
Oh, snap...
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Christianity, the tale of how one teenage girl's fib, got WAY out of hand.
I used to consider myself exmormon, but I’ve gotten to the point I can go into reddit and feel so ...
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 2, 2020:
I am Ex-Mormon and will continue to be so until Mormonism is an ex-religion
Student and staff member test positive for COVID on the first day of school in Indiana
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 2, 2020:
When is it going to sink in, to Trump lives don't matter, the economy is the only thing of importance he does not care about anything except for the figures on bottom line of the balance sheet.
Today's Most Disgusting PersonS In-part: > According to Open Vallejo, of the 51 current and ...
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Their version of "blooding" no doubt
You never consider the aftermath.
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Spider man's webbing dissolves in to the air after sixty minutes, that was established in Issue 1.
I just love this.....
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 2, 2020:
OH that is clever, luv it
Creationist Kent Hovind Says Broccoli is Proof That Evolution is False | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 2, 2020:
Yes then it was pointed out to Kent several (hundred) times that bananas are a cultivated plant, eugenically bred by people with people in mind, and that they are so far removed from their original shape and form that new banana tree can only be grown from cuttings from old banana trees. Likewise Broccoli is a hybrid plant and a very new one at that brought about and copyrighted by Albert Broccolli senior the grandfather of Cubbi Broccolli producer of the Bond films . It is a cross between wild cabbage and cauliflower (a plant first cultivated by the Romans but popularizedd in the 18th century,) and the result then cross bread again with Chinese floretts by Broccolli in the 1970s, this second hybridisation makes the bitter vegitable far more palitable. However Cubbi Broccolli's claim that Broccolli is named after his grandfather is false, it was purely a case of Nomative determinism, the word comes from the Italian for "Little sprout"
Young Man Absolutely Destroys Atheism in Under a Minute! MUST SEE - YouTube
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 1, 2020:
WTF has that hipster been smoking, 'cos I want some
India, religion, matchmaking, and atheists
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 1, 2020:
In a country where "honour killing" is still a thing, perhaps lying about your religious status is still a sensible option.
Why Evolution Does NOT Support Atheism - A Savage Response - YouTube
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 1, 2020:
This Luke guy does not deserve the dignity of thoughtful response He is one of those "point and laugh" apologists.
I'd like to know if others in this forum agree with me on this.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
The atrocities committed by the RC did not culminate or end with the Inquisition, they are still going on. The Magdalene Laundries The Child murders therein The Irish "Boys homes" hot beds of murder and abuse The systematic rape and abuse of nuns and orphans in Catholic care Systematic child abuse and the protection of abusers The house of the dying in India, where people with curable conditions were left to suffer and die, to uphold the will of god The funding of homophobic lobbies for homophobic laws and regimes world wide Selling Indulgences to dictators and drug Lords The Vatican bank scandals The turning of a blind eye to the holocaust The Nazi Concordats Industrial scale theft And new horror come to light everyday. If the RC was any other institution but a religious one everyone higher than the rank of priest would have been in Jail years ago, the wealth of the church seized and returned to it's actual owners and its historical sites re-designated as war crime locations.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
The same theory is starting to be whispered in the UK media that those areas being most noticeably neglected by citizen Boris and his merry men are those who traditionally vote labour or have labour held county councils. Now that can't be true, can it?
Here's some fodder that just makes me want to puke...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
JUst as well that thoughts and prayers do fuck all
US: Portland calm as federal agents hand over to local police | News | Al Jazeera
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
All the same Trump will go down in history as the President who sent federal agent on to the streets of Portland Oregon to snatch citizens off the street. I wonder if his descendant will be proud of him?
Twitter bans former KKK leader David Duke - The Washington Post
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
Well they took their own sweet time about it, but finally decided he was NOT "a very fine person" after all
The group lists words so I thought I would take advantage of this.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
The shoe sizing device is called a Brannock's Device not a Bannock device, it was invented in New Jersey in 1927, it was superior to the previous invention "The Ritz stick" in that it could measure the width fittings as well as length of the foot.
The group lists words so I thought I would take advantage of this.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
4, 7, 9, 11, and 16 are all new to me Number 14 is wrong it is called a Septum, the columella Nasi is simply the padded skin that covers the bottom of your nose.
The group lists words so I thought I would take advantage of this.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
A tittle is the dot over an i like wise a Jot is the cross on a t or an f Hence the expression not a tittle or a jot has been changed see The passage in Matthew 5:18, *“For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”*
The group lists words so I thought I would take advantage of this.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
?! is not an interobang this is an interobang British Typewriters used to have a key for it It means a demand or question asked in anger.
Archaeologist Thinks He’s Found Early Portrait of God
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
There is nothing new about this, stories go back to the 13th century of the Templar knights finding these heads and worshiping them, it was part of the reason the Roman Catholic church and the Spanish royal family conspired to destroy the order of The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon. The other being to steal their vast wealth. The Templars called the head the Baphomet, which was believed for many years to be a name of an ancient god, but in the early years of the twentieth century was discovered to be a code word, and using the same Cypher that has been used to successfully interpret other Templar documents, Baphomet translates to the Greek word Sophia which as well as meaning wisdom is used in the Grecian gospel originals to mean the Holy spirit.
"Every true faith is infallible, it performs what the believing person hopes to find in it.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
Pretty much depends upon your criteria for happiness
From Center for Inquiry: Every nonprofit organization in the United States, including the ...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
Belov'd brethren, henceforth let this be the one commandment ***GOD NEEDS CASH***
Prosecutor: No charges for officer in Michael Brown’s death - AOL News
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
I am shocked
It seems to be ingrained in every Republican's DNA to steal anymore. []
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
They don't steal anymore, however they don't steal any less either.
12 Words With Very Different Meanings in the U.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
Also a Bum in the USA is a hobo and in the UK it is your butt. However in the UK a butt is also the extinguished filter of a smoked cigarette.
12 Words With Very Different Meanings in the U.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
Flannels in the UK are also clothes worn to play cricket. There also the famous Fag, in the UK a cheap cigarette, in the US a homosexual. Likewise Faggot in the US is a gay man, but in the UK a faggot is either a bundle of kindling or a spiced offal and meat patty also known as a savoury duck
They go great with expired milk.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
You'll see them on the Trumpozoids desk next week
"Love the sinner. Hate the sin." How do you feel about this saying?
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
It is a bullshit excuse used by hypocritical bigots. Note the use of the word sin, a sin is simply something a religion disagrees with. They never never say love the criminal hate the crime, because they aaint gonna love someone who steals from them or kicks them in the goolies. Love the sinner, Hate the sin is a carte blanche license to be racist, homophobic and sexist and that is all it is ever used for.
Please change the absolutely useless flat mouth emoji to one of sadness.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
I was wondering, with the alien DNA and demon semen "doctor" hand picked by the president and ...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
err Wibble?
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
***OH*** you have to dark skinned to be black now! **That's Racist!!!!**
So I made a reply this morning intending to refer to trump as a piss ant but it came out as ...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Pismire was the medieval English word for an Ant, when the word Ant was introduced as a variant in to spoken English in about the 11th to13th century, as was the French word pissier (to urinate) a confusion arose between Pis (meaning an or a) and the French Pisse meaning Urine. Thus Pismire, became Piss-ant and eventually Pissant, as it was believed urinating on an ant hill was an effective insecticide and resulted in ant hills smelling like latrines (or pissoirs)
Norman Bates: You know what I think?
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
"We all go a little mad sometimes."
Are you on 5G yet?
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
So long as my little phone still makes phone calls that's all I need.
More than 100 police agencies pull out of Democratic National Convention security contracts | ...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 29, 2020:
Politically orchestrated
Catholic Bishop Who Claimed COVID-19 Was ‘Sign From God’ Dies From Virus Catholic News ...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 29, 2020:
Ah as I have said before if there is a god he has a cruel and vicious sense of humour
If I asked you "Who are you"? Would you know what to say?
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 29, 2020:
Be doop doop, be doop doop
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 29, 2020:
he is such a childish sulky brat
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 29, 2020:
Criticism my not be quite the right word, criticism can be constructive perhaps censure would be a better word choice?
"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead." - Charles Bukowski
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 29, 2020:
"Poetry is what happens when nothing else can." Bukowski was a horror of a man but an extraordinary poet.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 29, 2020:
A much better word than bias 😊
Please post a picture of something that makes you smile. I call this one pure love plus joy.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 28, 2020:
the last picture ever taken of Laurel and Hardy together My heroes
7 Steps to Grooming Your Young Christian Wife | Biblical Gender Roles
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 28, 2020:
"I'm having a hard time believing this isn't satire." Poes law in action There is nothing so stupid or unbelievable done in the name of religion, that if done in mockery will not be taken seriously by the religious.
7 Steps to Grooming Your Young Christian Wife | Biblical Gender Roles
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Dear Mr Atheist did a review on this a few days ago, he was not complimentary
What are your thoughts on this?
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Well the French are definitely
Death estimates in Australia revised to 3 billion.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Which of course to most people means nothing, since religion tell them animals have no souls and are only there for man's use and so matter not at all. Thanks religion
Today is a great day for freedom. []
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 28, 2020:
The problem being of course that to those contemporary with the ratification "people" did not mean "people" as we understand the word today, just as democracy in the days of its creation, was in no way comparable with democracy as we use the term today. It was largely taken as read that those legally recognized as "people" were as defined by Aristotle, that being, up until the mid 20th century, defined as white or indigenous men over the age of majority (usually around thirty) who owned land or property and were judged to be mentally competent enough to maintain a regular income.
Wanting me does not flatter me.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 28, 2020:
There is a difference between Your company is Wanted and your Favours are wanted
My age range.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 28, 2020:
beautiful picture
There have been 23 deaths this year among Fort Hood's 36,500 soldiers.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 27, 2020:
We had a case like this at the "Deep Cut" Barracks in the UK. An investigation was a started after one 18 year old squady committed "suicide" by shooting himself in the back of the head eight times while running away from himself.
Do masks help stop the spread of the C19 virus?
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 27, 2020:
This proves these two infected hairdressers need committing to the nearest loony bin
I’m a gun aficionado, and I sometimes post pictures on Facebook of my target after I’ve shot ...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 27, 2020:
I agree the cross is more violent, it was in the context of Christian use, a device of death by torture. However, both the crucifix and the gun are both inventions that have the reraison d'etre of killing (even if consequently they have had other symbolism forced on them, in the same way a toddler hammers a jigsaw piece in to the wrong space insisting it can fit.) Anyone who picks up a weapon, be it a bow, a sword, a javelin/spear, or a gun is training them self to use it efficiently and in the context of the weapon efficiency means effectively lethal. My father trained me to be a marks man as a boy, first with 177 caliber air rifles and pistols and later with actual fire arms, as soon as I was old enough I sold my guns and in the forty odd years since have never touched a gun again. Never will and I have no desire to be in a situation where I am asked to associate on familiar terms with some one who feels it is appropriate to publicly display affection for instruments of death.
22 People Caught COVID at Preacher Andrew Wommack’s Bible Conference | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 26, 2020:
And not one of them asked "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
A man supporting the execution of apostates complaining about islamophobia. Hypocricy overflowed.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 26, 2020:
There are none so blind as those who will not see
This site's business model perplexes me.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 26, 2020:
Coffers plural noun Funds, especially of a government or corporation.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 26, 2020:
from Latin cophinus meaning "basket" the same root word as that for Coffin
Black militia members brandish guns demanding charges against cops linked to Breonna Taylor's death ...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 26, 2020:
Holy fuck Bubba, don they know the open carry rule, the stand your ground law and the 2nd amendment was only supposed to apply to PEOPLE not N'---ers!
Just out of curiosity , as this is an agnostic group , why do we waste so much time discussing ...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Wibble Ask a stupid question get a ...
The story goes that an interviewer asked Albert Einstein, "What does it feel like to be the smartest...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Strangely when Tesla died, all his papers were stolen by the US government and passed in to the hands of Government appointed scientist John George Trump for assessment and testing. Incidental fact John George Trump was the late uncle of the incumbent president of the USA
Ancient wisdom. Amazingly still applies today!
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day Give a man a fishing rod, he'll break it up make a fire and cook the fish you gave him yesterday
85 infants under age 1 have tested positive for coronavirus in one Texas county since March - CNN
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 24, 2020:
So much for the Trumpism that children neither carry nor spread the virus, so it is okay to reopen schools and kindergartens
Two men charged in July 4 ‘attempted lynching’ at Indiana lake - AOL News
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Well it was a good job cousin Dad was using the family brain cell on that day or they might have thought trying to lynch someone in front of witnesses and cameras might not be the smartest thing to do, and the rest of us might of gone on thinking they were decent human beings. Fucking cretins need locking away as a danger to themselves and others.
Millions erroneously think ‘Secular’ is synonymous with ‘non-religious’.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 24, 2020:
You are confusing Secularism with Ecumenicalism, the philosophy of seeking common ground between different view points, when used theologically it seek to bridge differences between all religions and no religion concentrating on shared values rather than quibbling over details ( and before anyone jumps in telling me I am wrong I am talking about Ecumenicalism NOT Ecumenism which is limited to the same idea but limited ONLY to varying Christian Denominations as in the Ecumenical movement of the RC church)
Today's most disgusting person, AGAIN! > Derek Chauvin and his estranged wife, Kellie May ...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 24, 2020:
To protect and serve....himself. A violent, murderous, bigot, also turns out to be a swindling scumbag, who would have believed it
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Why was it named for Lee in the fist place? I'm sure Stuttgart never had a Erwin Rommel Junior High School
Yeah ok.....I'm a dog person.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Cats are not supposed to be useful, they just honour us with their presence.
How Atheists Pray [] .
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Just a question. Can you get a 'double point', first reply bonus by replying to your OWN post?
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Yes but it shows you up as a complete tit
What is your take on life now?
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Life is as good as it ever was, Society on the other hand is going to hell in a hand basket.
SANCTION - noun - 1) a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Also recognized internationally as a euphemism for political assassination.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Unfortunately this is easily countered, as history teaches us, when a fascist leader is prevented from using a legal existing agency, he or she simply creates a new agency that technically does not exist, and is charged with making those it targets cease to exist too.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 24, 2020:
I am beginning to be certain there will not be a 2020 election , that DJT will find an excuse to delay it indefinitely, The USA is already a dictatorship under Trumpus Rex, he will given the opportunity force through an Enabling Act (a legal declaration of dictatorship) making himself in effect "leader" for life.
An unusual, yet factual, billboard was seen on the outskirts of Washington DC....
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 23, 2020:
Didn't some one post this a couple of days ago? Edit Yes here it is
Kenya pastor tells females in his congregation, "Don't wear underwear in church.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 23, 2020:
So not Mormons then?
Cheating on a Test!!!!!!
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 23, 2020:
its funny cos its true
Did Mary have an affair?
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 23, 2020:
Assuming she ever existed at all, there are only two ways to give birth, one is the usual way by sexual intercourse and the other is to give birth to your own fraternal twin absorbed in Utero and developed later at the onset of puberty. The second option is incredibly rare, less so with identical twins, but not impossible. Of course there is always the Erich von Däniken theory of artificial insemination by an ancient alien, for what that is worth. However given that he existed, Jesus would not be the first "virgin Birth" to a mum claiming divine intervention rather than admit to premarital sex or even rape, especially when the punishment for a rapist at the time was to pay thirty shekels and then being forced to marry his victim.
Let's see what we get with this.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 23, 2020:
A rabid weasel?
If you've ever wanted to take an affordable trip to Florida, you can get a round trip ticket for, ...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 23, 2020:
Welcome to the new normal
How do you get over the death of a love one?
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 23, 2020:
When you love someone and lose them to death, you don't get over it, you simply learn to be content with happy memories.
TRIPTYCH TRIP-tik Part of speech: noun Origin: Greek, mid-18th century 1: A picture or ...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 22, 2020:
Though pronounced Trip Tick, the word is Italian from triptica, tri meaning "three" and diptych meaning "to depict" a contraction of (Tr)(iptych) So literally three depictions or three pictures.
If you don't like Democratic Socialism what are you willing to give up?
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 22, 2020:
I like republicans cos eets got pub, lic and the can in it 3 parts of a great night out I donn like Democrats cos un its got demons and rats in it, thing I see when I start to sober up
A new interest in silent movies has narrowed to the field of Horror.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 22, 2020:
An extraordinary film.
I had one long term relationship since my husband died.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 22, 2020:
All successful long term relationships rely on three things coming from both (or sometimes more) parties Honesty, trust and the determination to make it work. If either of you lacked any of those things in your relationship it was never going to last anyway, so just remember the pleasant moments and look on it as a learning experience you went through.
Name what songs you see on this poster.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 22, 2020:
Moulin rouge, Bella Notte, Aladin, as time goes by, under the sea, Midnight cowboy, Peter and the wolfe, the wedding singer there are loads more
Formula to Heal America!!!!!
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 22, 2020:
Look out of the window and be ready to spot the black helicopters, ya pinko commie surbvesiv


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Minority Heathens
63 members
Biden Piñata
60 members
British Music and Comedy
52 members
No more war
50 members
Libertarians Worldwide
47 members
Beer and craft brewing
41 members
39 members
37 members
UAPs, UFOs, USOs and 1st Contact
29 members
Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
27 members
22 members
Dog Behaviors
21 members
Pin Ups
20 members
Songs of satire and wit
18 members
16 members
Herbalists Corner
16 members
Oppression Throughout The World
14 members
9 members