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Have you died or almost died?
kiramea comments on Jan 24, 2018:
There has been several times that I should have died 1) suicide attempt. Took 30 Dalmanes and 30 Phenobarbitals along with drinking beer. Still after over 30yrs I still don't know why. 2) peritonitius. Appendix burst and the ER doctor tried to tell my parents that I had an STD. Luckily my ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 24, 2018:
Wow. I glad you made it.
Are You A Litter Bug?
stinkeye_a comments on Jan 24, 2018:
I pick up litter. I dated a guy once who smoked in his car but didn't keep an ashtray in it. I didn't break up with him over that, but I could have.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 24, 2018:
@twshield My car doesn't have an ash tray. I don't smoke so no big deal.
Discussion about the latest site footer It reads "Agnostic.
Leutrelle comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I have only been a member a short while, and the way I found the sight was by typing agnostic. I clicked and joined. It has been my impression that there are at least as many atheists as agnostics which I would expect, and have no problem. I would not expect theist to be interested, unless they were...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 24, 2018:
@JeffMurray W/O a vote I think you two are stuck in a draw.
I was reading on CNN site the other day, and noticed a post that told what the presidential IQs ...
stinkeye_a comments on Jan 23, 2018:
Dementia. You lose "all the best words". Also ADD.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 24, 2018:
@stinkeye_a Thats interesting point. I remember that Regan was suspected of having Dementia while still in office.
I was reading on CNN site the other day, and noticed a post that told what the presidential IQs ...
stinkeye_a comments on Jan 23, 2018:
Dementia. You lose "all the best words". Also ADD.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 24, 2018:
Thats scary. I do have ADD, but some words are eluding as of late.
I was reading on CNN site the other day, and noticed a post that told what the presidential IQs ...
DragonDust comments on Jan 23, 2018:
There was a presidential hoax American President in 2001 which placed Bill Clinton as the highest at 181 and George bush at the lowest at 91. This was however fake news you might say and to quote "The techniques purportedly used to measure IQ of the presidents are not recognized means of measuring ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 24, 2018:
@DragonDustLike I said I don't have a clue.
What political party do you consider yourself to be?
Dida comments on Jan 21, 2018:
Having two parties in a country that calls itself united just does not make sense to me. I am of the sovereign free will party!
Leutrelle replies on Jan 24, 2018:
@Dida I was just checking:) Most live under the illusion that their vote counts, and I think the winner is picked before the voting begins. We are all just another brick in the wall!
Have you experienced the slap, kick, and punch of big pharma?
Leutrelle comments on Jan 24, 2018:
Big pharma is one many problems in our health care, but it is major problem. It seems very wrong that they sell to Canada for less. Most Americans are not wealthy and can't afford the costs of many drugs. I know about those test strips, they are very expensive. Sorry you have to bear such a burden,...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 24, 2018:
@kiramea Ya I was surprised also. The strips are the big expense.
Have you experienced the slap, kick, and punch of big pharma?
MsOliver comments on Jan 16, 2018:
Big pharma's a bitch. My father worked his entire life at a good union job. He has medicaid, a private part B and D provided by his union, and my mother carries him on a policy that she gets through work. He also has a supplemental cancer policy from AFLAC that helps some. Despite that, the last ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 24, 2018:
There seems to be plenty of suffering to go around.
Have you experienced the slap, kick, and punch of big pharma?
kiramea comments on Jan 16, 2018:
If it wasn't for Medicare and Medicaid I would have had to fork over more than $100,000 for my bypass surgery. Also, since Walmart is the only "preferred" pharmacy in my area, if I refill my meds anywhere but Walmart it would cost me more than $600 a month versus $28 at Walmart. This isn't ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 24, 2018:
Have you experienced the slap, kick, and punch of big pharma?
VictoriaNotes comments on Jan 16, 2018:
My brother got a staph infection after having back surgery. It was severe -- in his bones and he was at death's door. Without coverage, his antibiotics would have cost him $9,000 a month for one prescription, and the second prescription of antibiotics (are taken together) would have cost around ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 24, 2018:
That is just robbery.
Have you experienced the slap, kick, and punch of big pharma?
Duke comments on Jan 17, 2018:
Yes. I've buying Metrogel for my rosacia for decades at about 4 or 5 dollars for my prescription. Suddenly it went up in price to $170 even WITH my insurance paying half. F*ck that. I'll just by come concealer for my red face.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 24, 2018:
I have had medication go up. My inhaler used to be 7$, and now it is 70$ through insurance. I also noticed that through Medicare prescription costs have gone up.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 24, 2018:
And the wealth gap is much wider, the rich pay less in taxes, and college is much less affordable.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 24, 2018:
So true. We have been hit in all areas.
Is anyone doing that 100 days of thing?
Leutrelle comments on Jan 23, 2018:
I am doing a hundred days to life. I have to control my blood sugar, so diet and walking. It is something I should do any way, but still it is discipline and that is something I was never good at.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 24, 2018:
@SonderOpia Thank you. I hope you meet your goals:)
One of my dogs, Number9
Leutrelle comments on Jan 23, 2018:
My grand daughter and Shatzie a Toy Fox Terrier. She has been a fun dog.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 23, 2018:
@btroje We used to call her Rocket Dog.
What political party do you consider yourself to be?
Crimson67 comments on Jan 21, 2018:
I abhor the two party system and don't really consider myself either. I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 23, 2018:
I can relate to that. I am very liberal on some issues, and not in others.
What political party do you consider yourself to be?
Dida comments on Jan 21, 2018:
Having two parties in a country that calls itself united just does not make sense to me. I am of the sovereign free will party!
Leutrelle replies on Jan 23, 2018:
Do you vote, and if so which way do you lean?
If Agnostic had a potluck, what would you bring?
Leutrelle comments on Jan 23, 2018:
I would bring a yam casserole, and some iced tea.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 23, 2018:
@silvereyes Its not bad thats for sure
I was reading on CNN site the other day, and noticed a post that told what the presidential IQs ...
DragonDust comments on Jan 23, 2018:
There was a presidential hoax American President in 2001 which placed Bill Clinton as the highest at 181 and George bush at the lowest at 91. This was however fake news you might say and to quote "The techniques purportedly used to measure IQ of the presidents are not recognized means of measuring ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 23, 2018:
I don't have a clue. I was just surprised. They had Obama at 145, and Clinton at 146, Bush 2 at 124, and Bush 1 at 130.
Do you like guns?
davtim68 comments on Dec 15, 2017:
I like my guns and the freedom to carry them where ever I go. With my permit I think it's 38 states now I'm legal to carry. Guns I trust, people I don't.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 23, 2018:
I can carry in 38 states with my enhanced CWP. Have gun will travel:)
If Agnostic had a potluck, what would you bring?
Leutrelle comments on Jan 23, 2018:
I would bring a yam casserole, and some iced tea.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 23, 2018:
@silvereyes walnuts, pecans, shredded carrots, some butter, diced yams, and crumbled ritz cracker on top.
There is no agnostic vs. atheist! The peeve I have...
Leutrelle comments on Jan 23, 2018:
I had a melt down from that last debate (a lot to process), and my brain is still a little soft, but I am still comfortable with agnostic. I still take at face value how ever folks want to identify them selves.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 23, 2018:
If Agnostic had a potluck, what would you bring?
Leutrelle comments on Jan 23, 2018:
I would bring a yam casserole, and some iced tea.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 23, 2018:
@silvereyes We eat them every week. They are almost a meal in them self.
Feral Humans?
BeeHappy comments on Jan 22, 2018:
After reading your question, I decided to check out the cases of feral children (I mainly only knew of fictional characters like Tarzan and Mowgli, lol), I was surprised by how many, but also that several where just straight out abuse cases involving their parents isolating them. So.... ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 23, 2018:
It is a mystery as to what happened to the Mayans. Daniel Quinn hypothesizes that when their civilization failed, they dispersed into the jungle, and became hunter gatherers again.
What was a disillusionment in your life?
Loudpaintings comments on Jan 21, 2018:
I see marriage has been posted on here a lot. I too had a failed marriage. There was no anger or cheating, but we just grew apart. We just became very different people, with different needs and desires. In reality it wasn't anyone's fault, but it is a sad experience. She was a really great ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 21, 2018:
As long as you are moving through life, and not just watching life, things will change. Opportunities are always around, and if you are moving you most like bump into what you are looking for. Good hunting
I love nature.
AMGT comments on Jan 21, 2018:
I love the way the sun casts light through tree branches and leaves, I appreciate the different shades of color, how they change with the time of day, but early morning and dusk are my favorite. I get lost in the color contrast of sky, clouds, trees and mountains, especially when I’m in Yosemite ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 21, 2018:
Sounds wonderful, California really has it all.
If you could wipe 3 words from existence, which would you choose?
Paul628 comments on Jan 20, 2018:
1. Incorrigible. 2. Choice. (80's expression meaning cool) 3. Yuge.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 20, 2018:
@HippieChick58 That is how to say huge in eastern America.
I have significant Xian background, and I have been agnostic for over 20years.
AmyLF comments on Jan 19, 2018:
No, I don't. I don't think I ever really believed that particular theology about death and what goes on after. You could compare other ideas on what happens and see if something else resonates with you... but if fear or even terror in the face of death could push you back to it... did you ever ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 20, 2018:
@AmyLF I hear what your saying. I've spent twenty + years filling my mind with mostly anthropology, origin man, the age of man, evolution, philosophy, and vile church history. I am agnostic, and I have a hard time standing in the position of the absolute.
I have significant Xian background, and I have been agnostic for over 20years.
mrdunn comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Hi @Leutrelle I have been thinking about your problem. From your statement I have inferred that you are agnostic/aspiring atheist, would that be correct? I have been trying to figure out what, exactly, you are afraid of. If you lean toward the atheistic world view and hold to the opinion that...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 20, 2018:
@mrdunn Thanks man:)
I would like to know if there are any motor cycle enthusiasts?
CeciRosane60 comments on Jan 20, 2018:
Ride free or die. Ex had a gold wing....loved it...the only thing I miss about the marriage...riding
Leutrelle replies on Jan 20, 2018:
May you can get one in the future. It's therapy for me:) It is harder when you have a kid. It a couples sport.
I have significant Xian background, and I have been agnostic for over 20years.
mrdunn comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Hi @Leutrelle I have been thinking about your problem. From your statement I have inferred that you are agnostic/aspiring atheist, would that be correct? I have been trying to figure out what, exactly, you are afraid of. If you lean toward the atheistic world view and hold to the opinion that...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 20, 2018:
@mrdunn I hear ya. The kids never have never looked for anything to fill the void of religion. They are busy living life, and I commend them. We have one Xian by marriage in the family, she is indoctrinating her children at a very young age. She is a sweet girl, just religious. It's good to talk about such things. I am proud of my children. They have become great adults.
I have significant Xian background, and I have been agnostic for over 20years.
mrdunn comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Hi @Leutrelle I have been thinking about your problem. From your statement I have inferred that you are agnostic/aspiring atheist, would that be correct? I have been trying to figure out what, exactly, you are afraid of. If you lean toward the atheistic world view and hold to the opinion that...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 20, 2018:
I think I am pure agnostic. I am hoping that my Xian experience is not a default setting I revert to in times distress. I am of sound mind and do not fear death, or the end of existence. However I don't know if I will be of sound mind at or near the time of death. I personally would like an exit strategy if death does not come easily. I just want to die well with agnostic integrity for my families sake. I don't want my kid's falling back to the church because of me. Thanks for your comment.
How many people have a electric vehicle?
Leutrelle comments on Jan 18, 2018:
What kind of a heater does an electric car have?
Leutrelle replies on Jan 20, 2018:
@ownworstenemy I will google it, and thank you for sharing.
What are your thoughts on companion planting of crops?
JWDiaz comments on Jan 18, 2018:
What would anyone here accompany weed with?
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
Discussion about the latest site footer It reads "Agnostic.
Leutrelle comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I have only been a member a short while, and the way I found the sight was by typing agnostic. I clicked and joined. It has been my impression that there are at least as many atheists as agnostics which I would expect, and have no problem. I would not expect theist to be interested, unless they were...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
@JeffMurray I have enjoyed the thoughts shared. Now I have some thinking to do.
"It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there twenty gods or no God.
DreadlySmart comments on Jan 19, 2018:
"It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg" Though on reflection what I want to say isn't in line with the quote exactly, but it picks my pocket when they use my tax dollars to repair churches after natural disasters or even just to put out a fire in one. But that's not quite the point TJ was ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
@DreadlySmart Aw Dreadly you are right once again. It is really a minor issue. I personally think Xian religion is on a down hill slide. They go after the youth, but the youth grow wise:)
"It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there twenty gods or no God.
DreadlySmart comments on Jan 19, 2018:
"It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg" Though on reflection what I want to say isn't in line with the quote exactly, but it picks my pocket when they use my tax dollars to repair churches after natural disasters or even just to put out a fire in one. But that's not quite the point TJ was ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
If a Church takes tax dollars they give up some of their religious freedom. For example a church could not discriminate, and would have to hire a gay or transgender. I think I've had murderous thoughts before, and I don't remember any problems. I am glad I didn't murder. I appreciate your thoughts. You always make me think.
Discussion about the latest site footer It reads "Agnostic.
Leutrelle comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I have only been a member a short while, and the way I found the sight was by typing agnostic. I clicked and joined. It has been my impression that there are at least as many atheists as agnostics which I would expect, and have no problem. I would not expect theist to be interested, unless they were...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
@JeffMurray Yes you are right. The word belief seems to roll out of my brain easier. I am still not clear why the word belief is taboo. The fence concept does seem like a 50/50 metaphor, and that does not bode well with me. In the moment I am thinking I am a very sloppy agnostic.
Discussion about the latest site footer It reads "Agnostic.
Leutrelle comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I have only been a member a short while, and the way I found the sight was by typing agnostic. I clicked and joined. It has been my impression that there are at least as many atheists as agnostics which I would expect, and have no problem. I would not expect theist to be interested, unless they were...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
@TheMiddleWay I think you are right about doubting both ways although I tend to recognize the doubt of god more. My origin of thought and the reason for the agnostic position was that atheism was another belief. I don't like to say that cause it probably irritates the atheist. I am glad we have had this conversation. It brings back to my original thought.
Discussion about the latest site footer It reads "Agnostic.
Leutrelle comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I have only been a member a short while, and the way I found the sight was by typing agnostic. I clicked and joined. It has been my impression that there are at least as many atheists as agnostics which I would expect, and have no problem. I would not expect theist to be interested, unless they were...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
@Sadoi Ya I thought that may be the case just from comments I read.
How many people have a electric vehicle?
Leutrelle comments on Jan 18, 2018:
What kind of a heater does an electric car have?
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
@ownworstenemy I can see myself getting one for town driving. Something like a dmv rated gulf cart.
I have significant Xian background, and I have been agnostic for over 20years.
david7wk comments on Jan 19, 2018:
I was a devout Christian for 37 years. I consider the state of death to be the same state we were in before we were born - a state of nothingness. If you believe that you won't need to fear gods and their punishments. Just realize there is no evidence for any supernatural beliefs at all. The natural...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
Our energy goes some where. I don't believe our memories, or ego goes along for the ride, so reincarnation my be.
Discussion about the latest site footer It reads "Agnostic.
Leutrelle comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I have only been a member a short while, and the way I found the sight was by typing agnostic. I clicked and joined. It has been my impression that there are at least as many atheists as agnostics which I would expect, and have no problem. I would not expect theist to be interested, unless they were...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
@TheMiddleWay Thanks for further or repeat explanation. I have only this experience with other agnostics and atheists. I have been under the impression that atheists don't doubt their belief that gods don't exist. Where the agnostic was a doubter. I guess the equiprobable term kinda throws me. When answering the questions for signing into I believe there was a what percent did you believe god exists? I think I choose the not very much category .01%. So guess I am not equiprobable. That would be like 50/50 right? This is very new definition of agnostic to me. If my belief was that the odds were equal between God and no God then I would probably be a God guy. I don't believe there is a god. However I can't prove there is a god, or there isn't a god. Maybe this is a clear cut case of I don't know what the HELL:) I am. I know I am not on the fence. I hope you can forgive my ignorance. I am sure I am guilty of simplifying the subject. I think adding religion could hinder this groups development.
I have significant Xian background, and I have been agnostic for over 20years.
AmyLF comments on Jan 19, 2018:
No, I don't. I don't think I ever really believed that particular theology about death and what goes on after. You could compare other ideas on what happens and see if something else resonates with you... but if fear or even terror in the face of death could push you back to it... did you ever ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
Yes I most definitely left.
How many people have a electric vehicle?
Cynical-lion comments on Jan 17, 2018:
I'd love for my next car to be an electric car, those Teslas look pretty spiffy. It's the cost and scarcity of charging stations that are big inhibitors right now. I'll wait till the technology becomes more common, advanced, and affordable. It'll be like 5 years minimum before I'll need a new ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
Ya me too. But in ten years I think it might be a good time to buy, unless you can dedicate a car for short trip around town.
How many people have a electric vehicle?
MichaelSpinler comments on Jan 17, 2018:
i wish, they dont offer work trucks though. not to mention for cars, they have to work out a way to swap out the batteries so i can take long road trips. who has time to sit and charge? its great if you are only staying in town.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
I read quite a bit on this subject, and the technology is coming for a ten minute charge. Like most new innovation there is period of development that takes place after the product is released.
How many people have a electric vehicle?
Leutrelle comments on Jan 18, 2018:
What kind of a heater does an electric car have?
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
@ownworstenemy Thanks I have wondered that for many years. How would an epic car do on the hill of SanFrancisco?
I have significant Xian background, and I have been agnostic for over 20years.
stinkeye_a comments on Jan 18, 2018:
Nope. I punched my ticket already. The train never left the station, but I still punched my ticket just the same. I doubt I'll change my feelings when the time comes. Who knows? I don't pretend to know that I'll always feel the same way. I've been all over the map. But I feel solid about ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
It's good to get all this affirmation put in many different packages. That You
I have significant Xian background, and I have been agnostic for over 20years.
evidentialist comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Not even the slightest chance. When I went rational, I went rational. Been that way now for 60+ years. No looking back. No regrets. No more bullshit.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
I like your style
I have significant Xian background, and I have been agnostic for over 20years.
LeighShelton comments on Jan 19, 2018:
death and nothing at all afterwards if looked at wrong can be a very abrupt end and forever to make it seem terrible and scary. this is the living caring you thinking. death is the ultimate rest without stress we will ever have and won't care about then because we are finished and over. I for one ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
I have significant Xian background, and I have been agnostic for over 20years.
DavidLaDeau comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I do not but it is common. The reason I do not is that I study Christianity and the bible every day. I couldn't convert to or regress if I wanted to with all of my being. The reason is every day I study I find one more false claim that the religion makes. When you truly know something is a lie it ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
Thanks for the book suggestions.
I have significant Xian background, and I have been agnostic for over 20years.
RavenCT comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I had Cancer - this convinced me I wasn't going to turn around and go back. My Dad had once said to me "But what will you have at the end if you don't believe?" - it really upset him for me? But I strongly feel I'll have had my life and I hope some grace while dying. I know my family knows way ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
Well said and with experience to back it up. Thanks
I have significant Xian background, and I have been agnostic for over 20years.
Hominid comments on Jan 18, 2018:
Yep, me too. It's because of fear, which is religion's toehold. Fear of death; fear of the slight possibility we're wrong. It's explained by understanding how deep-seated these archetypes are in our reptilian brains.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
Thank you I like your explanation
I have significant Xian background, and I have been agnostic for over 20years.
Rhetoric comments on Jan 18, 2018:
Yeah, I know the feeling. If I had minor damage to the left side of my brain and my many uncertainty issues with Christianity were to decrease, I'd probably flip back. I don't think I should, but the emotional harnesses are pretty deep. If I had the emotional connections, but not the intellectual ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
You said it better than I. Thanks
I have significant Xian background, and I have been agnostic for over 20years.
buck1977 comments on Jan 18, 2018:
Not me...christianity is horseshit nonsense. On my death bed, I assume I'll be asking the nurse to see her tits.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 19, 2018:
Now thats an idea:)
Britons View Atheists As More Moral Than Believers, Religion More Harmful Than Good
El-loco comments on Jan 18, 2018:
Yeah, us limeys got our good points.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 18, 2018:
I like British TV. Someday hope to visit. My wife has a couple of cousins in the London area.
I am interested in what type of auto's you drive.
MyLiege comments on Jan 18, 2018:
2008 Ford Explorer Sport Trac got it from my ex in-laws 1 1/2 years ago and it had 25K miles on it! It now has over 52K miles ;) MPG somewhere around 21 for highway.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 18, 2018:
Sounds like your lovin it. With proper service it should run for many more miles.
I am interested in what type of auto's you drive.
Annaleda comments on Jan 18, 2018:
83 Celica. I get about 30 mpg. It’s been in my life for 35 years. My parents bought it new.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 18, 2018:
@Annaleda How has the body, and interior held up? I used to repair that vintage of Toyota. They were a solid car as I remember. That sounds like a keeper.
I am interested in what type of auto's you drive.
LeighShelton comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I got a mean Hyundai Getz 1.1 beast
Leutrelle replies on Jan 18, 2018:
@LeighShelton Sounds cool fellow nut:) I remember working as VW mechanic in the 60's and a little tiny Honda auto in came looking for someone to service it. It had an air-cooled engine that looked very much like a 750 Honda motor cycle engine. Man I wish I would have picked up as a collector.
I am interested in what type of auto's you drive.
SteveB comments on Jan 18, 2018:
2006 Honda Pilot for road trips, kids, and crap. Around 18/22 MPG 2014 Mustang GT 5.0 - about 18/25 MPG with 420 HP and a bunch of enjoyment fees (also known as tickets) ;)
Leutrelle replies on Jan 18, 2018:
@SteveB That is amazing millage. In the 60's we had the HP, but we didn't get good mpg. I lived in Ca. and near an Air Force Base, and there were so many muscle cars. It was a great time just cruising the drag on Friday and Saturday nights. Even the police cars were camed up. They were known to show off a little bit. Great times:)
I am interested in what type of auto's you drive.
VirginCotton comments on Jan 18, 2018:
01 Buick, 145,000 18 MPG 03 Cadillac DeVille 23 MPG 07 Lexus ES350 24 MPG in town, 27 mpg on the highway 06 Honda VFR Superbike 40 MPG but it's always at 6,000 to 8,000 RPM, I'm flying!!
Leutrelle replies on Jan 18, 2018:
@VirginCotton I can only imagine. Those crotch rocket, are crazy fast. I am not sure I would survive one. I always did want a BMW with the horizontal engine. A man can not have to many bikes! I can't get get my why wife to see that.
I am interested in what type of auto's you drive.
BackToReality comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I had an 01 Buick LeSabre. It always amused me how that boat of a car got better gas mileage than many of the compacts my friends bought trying save on gas. Lol
Leutrelle replies on Jan 18, 2018:
@BackToReality I was going to say in rural driving back an forth to town, my milage really stayed about the same. Idaho freeway speed limit is 80mph, and 30mpg was the norm. The engine is a 3.8L. I don't accelerate hard, but it is kinda of a granny car. All I ever do is change oil and filters. But even with big city commuting I think it should average a lot more than 18mpg.
I wonder why Jesus didn't come in a modern world?
chicagojcb comments on Jan 16, 2018:
Is this a hypothetical question? For fun? Because it assumes Jesus existed. Not much evidence for that.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 18, 2018:
@chicagojcb Thanks for the link
I am interested in what type of auto's you drive.
LeighShelton comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I got a mean Hyundai Getz 1.1 beast
Leutrelle replies on Jan 18, 2018:
Is 1.1 the engine size?
"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are ...
BucketlistBob comments on Jan 18, 2018:
Hmmmm.... It's terrible how we've been told to give 10 percent and not look back. What a racket.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 18, 2018:
I would like a refund. That money would come in handy now don't ya think?:)
I am interested in what type of auto's you drive.
stinkeye_a comments on Jan 18, 2018:
My Buick Century died. I am tooling around in the roomate's 1992 Ford Ranger. If the 4WD would work it would be a champion instead of a liability on these winter roads.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 18, 2018:
4WD is really nice when you need it. I spent many years in Montana with 2WD. If you load a few sand bags in the back it helps give it more traction. If you get stuck on the ice just take some of the sand and put it under and in front of the back tires.
I am interested in what type of auto's you drive.
VirginCotton comments on Jan 18, 2018:
01 Buick, 145,000 18 MPG 03 Cadillac DeVille 23 MPG 07 Lexus ES350 24 MPG in town, 27 mpg on the highway 06 Honda VFR Superbike 40 MPG but it's always at 6,000 to 8,000 RPM, I'm flying!!
Leutrelle replies on Jan 18, 2018:
I love my Harley too:)
I am interested in what type of auto's you drive.
SteveB comments on Jan 18, 2018:
2006 Honda Pilot for road trips, kids, and crap. Around 18/22 MPG 2014 Mustang GT 5.0 - about 18/25 MPG with 420 HP and a bunch of enjoyment fees (also known as tickets) ;)
Leutrelle replies on Jan 18, 2018:
I need more HP!!!!
I am interested in what type of auto's you drive.
MikeFlora comments on Jan 18, 2018:
2017 ford escape 2003 Suzuki intruder 800 1973 triumph spitfire 1994 Plymouth voyager
Leutrelle replies on Jan 18, 2018:
I love those old English sports cars.
I am interested in what type of auto's you drive.
Crimson67 comments on Jan 18, 2018:
2016 Jeep Cherokee 4wd and I get 25-30 mpg.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 18, 2018:
Thats impressive mileage for 4wd.
I am interested in what type of auto's you drive.
BackToReality comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I had an 01 Buick LeSabre. It always amused me how that boat of a car got better gas mileage than many of the compacts my friends bought trying save on gas. Lol
Leutrelle replies on Jan 18, 2018:
Crazy isn't. That Buick seems to run for ever too!
I am researching nuclear energy.
GreenAtheist comments on Jan 15, 2018:
Boiling any liquid to drive steam turbines is insane unless sailing ships or powering outer space probes beyond solar battery backup range. ...Portugal makes safe free electricity with miles of ocean wave tumblers atop the sea. ...nukes are slow cancer at best and bad medicine to fight tumors caused...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 18, 2018:
Liquid Floride Thorium Reactor. Google it and there are a few videos on LFTR. Ken Sorenson (I think thats his name) explains the origin and the process really well. I am not that thrilled with cooling towers either. @GreenAtheist
Are shorter people respected the same as taller people
atheist comments on Jan 17, 2018:
Didn't Randy Newman write a song about short people?
Leutrelle replies on Jan 17, 2018:
I like Randy Newman, and yes he did. It is a funny song, and I am not tall.
I am researching nuclear energy.
GreenAtheist comments on Jan 15, 2018:
Boiling any liquid to drive steam turbines is insane unless sailing ships or powering outer space probes beyond solar battery backup range. ...Portugal makes safe free electricity with miles of ocean wave tumblers atop the sea. ...nukes are slow cancer at best and bad medicine to fight tumors caused...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 17, 2018:
@GreenAtheist The LFT reactor does not have a cooling tower. It is completely different from the nuclear reactors that are presently used. LTFR uses molten salt as it's coolant and runs at very high temperatures ( 600 C) with no pressure issues. Sorry for thinking you were angry.
I am researching nuclear energy.
GreenAtheist comments on Jan 15, 2018:
Boiling any liquid to drive steam turbines is insane unless sailing ships or powering outer space probes beyond solar battery backup range. ...Portugal makes safe free electricity with miles of ocean wave tumblers atop the sea. ...nukes are slow cancer at best and bad medicine to fight tumors caused...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 17, 2018:
@GreenAtheist Sorry, but I think you are angry, and really don't want to dialogue, and I sincerely would like to have a discussion.
I wonder why Jesus didn't come in a modern world?
chicagojcb comments on Jan 16, 2018:
Is this a hypothetical question? For fun? Because it assumes Jesus existed. Not much evidence for that.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 16, 2018:
@chicagojcb That is interesting! I haven't heard of any autographs. That would be a rare find. I curious where to find this info?
President what religion are you?
MsOliver comments on Jan 15, 2018:
JFK was the only practicing Catholic President. Joe Biden is Catholic, so if he runs and wins, he'd be the second. Reagan actually started out Catholic, but by the time go into politics he'd become Presbyterian. Presbyterians and Episcopalians make up the vast majority of the Presidents who have ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 16, 2018:
Thats interesting. The Episcopalians church is the American version of The Church of England. The Church of England is a result of King Henry the 8th's separation from the Catholic Church because the Pope wouldn't allow him to divorce. Neither the Presbyterian, or the Episcopalian church should be considered fundamentalist or evangelical. They are part of the more moderate groups in the christian circle. Most likely they would believe in evolution, and deny the virgin birth. I would consider them as more of a social christian which handily lends them the name christian for election purposes. Do you know what president Jimmy Carters church affiliation was? I just wonder because he ran as "born again" which is a fundamentalist, or evangelical position.
Is belief a choice?
Coffeo comments on Jan 16, 2018:
I agree with some previous comments: when I stopped believing in the Christian faith, I went on _wanting desperately_ to go on believing it, but I couldn't. It was, for me at least, not a matter of choice. _Not believing_ isn't generally a choice, either. I really do not want to believe that Trump ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 16, 2018:
I can relate to wanting to believe but couldn't. Your comment is profound. You said so much, and I am confident you more to say on this matter.
Been months since I've been up here, but felt like I needed to vent some.
Leutrelle comments on Jan 16, 2018:
It's a hard path you've chosen, but picking this group will help you find your bearing. I was once a pastor a long long time ago. I still miss the group dynamic, and wish there was an agnostic group in every town. The Universalist church would be a good half way house. I bought a motorcycle, and ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 16, 2018:
@RYSR10 I felt your pain. Sounds like you have a great career, and you are still able to work with people. I am confident that you will be fine, and the "here" maybe can be helping those who are in need. Don't under estimate the purpose you have now, and remember you are grieving a great loss. Feel free to message me. Just click on my icon, and you will see a place to message in upper right.
I wonder why Jesus didn't come in a modern world?
stinkeye_a comments on Jan 16, 2018:
What if Jesus came today? Would he be the son of God? Or would we laugh at him and say "This hippy preacher's rather odd!"? Would any harken at his word And dare to nod in sympathy-- Or all decry "This man's absurd!" And "Get this guy away from me!"? "He wants to spend more on the poor ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 16, 2018:
Nice perspective stinkeye_a poetic:)
I wonder why Jesus didn't come in a modern world?
chicagojcb comments on Jan 16, 2018:
Is this a hypothetical question? For fun? Because it assumes Jesus existed. Not much evidence for that.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 16, 2018:
Josephus was taken captive in Jerusalem by the Romans in AD70 and and spent the rest of his life as a historian in Rome. He was a secular historian and writes of Jesus as a historical figure. He does not promote the cause of Jesus. Like many Jews he didn't believe Jesus to be the Messiah. So yes I am confidant the man Jesus existed.
What do you have faith in?
stinkeye_a comments on Jan 14, 2018:
Nothing. I'm incapable of it. I've tried. "Faith" requires something I just can't manage. And I don't feel bad about it. Idon't think "faithful" people are any better or worse than me--just different. It's all natural to the human experience. But, boy, it sure sticks in my craw when ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 16, 2018:
I have confidence that the sun will rise tomorrow, not faith. I have confidence in my doctor, and if I don't i'll find another one. I guess I prefer the word confidence.
What is your favorite plant based recipe? No meat, no dairy. I'd like to try it!
AMGT comments on Jan 14, 2018:
I just browned some sliced brussel sprouts in a cast iron skillet, in olive oil, fresh garlic, and kosher salt. Then I put them in the oven for 20 minutes, shaking the pan every 8 mins or so, and sprinkled some balsamic over them when they came out of the oven. Delish :)
Leutrelle replies on Jan 15, 2018:
@AMGT As kid I called them miniature cabbage:)
I am researching nuclear energy.
GreenAtheist comments on Jan 15, 2018:
Boiling any liquid to drive steam turbines is insane unless sailing ships or powering outer space probes beyond solar battery backup range. ...Portugal makes safe free electricity with miles of ocean wave tumblers atop the sea. ...nukes are slow cancer at best and bad medicine to fight tumors caused...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 15, 2018:
@GreenAtheist You are starting to make me chuckle. Never say never:) If you can get energy from cooling towers then so be it. I would never stand in your way. I just question how much power, and if is base line power? So far alternative energy does not equal base line energy. LFTR could be base line.
What is your favorite plant based recipe? No meat, no dairy. I'd like to try it!
Zster comments on Jan 14, 2018:
Tabouli salad: bulgur wheat (or Tabouli "mix"), I prefer Nile Spice brand as it comes with a wonderful seasoning packet. Soak the wheat over night per instructions, next day add in fresh parsley (chopped up), diced tomato and cucumber, mix herb/veggies with the wheat, add fresh squeezed lemon juice ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 15, 2018:
I will have to look up Tabouli. I am always willing to try a new food.
What is your favorite plant based recipe? No meat, no dairy. I'd like to try it!
AMGT comments on Jan 14, 2018:
I just browned some sliced brussel sprouts in a cast iron skillet, in olive oil, fresh garlic, and kosher salt. Then I put them in the oven for 20 minutes, shaking the pan every 8 mins or so, and sprinkled some balsamic over them when they came out of the oven. Delish :)
Leutrelle replies on Jan 15, 2018:
I've been eating brussel sprouts for years even when they were not popular. Cooking them in olive oil with fresh garlic is my favorite way. I am having some tonight.
I am researching nuclear energy.
GreenAtheist comments on Jan 15, 2018:
Boiling any liquid to drive steam turbines is insane unless sailing ships or powering outer space probes beyond solar battery backup range. ...Portugal makes safe free electricity with miles of ocean wave tumblers atop the sea. ...nukes are slow cancer at best and bad medicine to fight tumors caused...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 15, 2018:
@GreenAtheist I under stand your passion. World Wide if you don't include hydroelectric the energy production in the green category is about 7%. There is nothing greedy about LFTR power. I live in the west part of the US, and wind mills are every where and while they my make people feel good they will never be base line power, only supplemental. Ocean current may be an answer. Everyone liked the hydroelectric model until they saw the devastation to migratory fish. My vote would be to take the dams down. I don't know what harm the ocean current generation may cause, so I an not jumping on that band wagon. LFTR is the best solution for replacement of fossil fuel electrical power generation. I appreciate your commitment to saving the planet:)
I am researching nuclear energy.
GreenAtheist comments on Jan 15, 2018:
Boiling any liquid to drive steam turbines is insane unless sailing ships or powering outer space probes beyond solar battery backup range. ...Portugal makes safe free electricity with miles of ocean wave tumblers atop the sea. ...nukes are slow cancer at best and bad medicine to fight tumors caused...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 15, 2018:
You might be right, I may be crazy. We need more power, and renewable is a minor player for energy production. Yet we keep searching for the magic power fairy. If we had less than a billion people renewable energy might work. The LFTR system is ver different than any system currently on line. If folks got it in their head that nuclear is bad then the solution will be pollution.
JUMPING TO CONCLUSION I was changing a clutch on a customer's Farmal 1066 tractor.
DreadlySmart comments on Jan 14, 2018:
Well I can say I was jumping ahead in my mind on how the story was going to end. I figured you'd been putting the empty shells back into the bag and forgot you ate them all yada yada, didn't think about mice until I got to that part, thus I jumped to a conclusion here. In my defense, at work I ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 15, 2018:
@DreadlySmart Most people have the opposite problem. I am old enough now so I have learned to control my problem of talking before I think. Text is a good filter to pour ones mind through. It helps me from saying something I wish I hadn't.
JUMPING TO CONCLUSION I was changing a clutch on a customer's Farmal 1066 tractor.
sassygirl3869 comments on Jan 14, 2018:
In college I had a summer job washing dishes at a family restaurant in Maine. What is Maine most known for?Lobsters. And what was sitting next to the left side of the sink next to me-two enormous lobsters. What decided to jump in my dishwasher causing me to let out a scream that could be heard ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 15, 2018:
@MrLizard I am jonesing for lobster, and I live in boondocks Idaho:(
What is with the hatred of police officers?
AMGT comments on Jan 14, 2018:
I was married to a cop that was a controlling, dishonest malignant narcissist. He was a verbally abusive, mean man. Our son was murdered and there’s police corruption involved. In fact, my kid *might* still be alive if they had not made the EMT (who will be testifying for us) wait up the ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 14, 2018:
Wow I really must live sheltered life. So sorry for terrible experience.
Fellow agnostics, how do you feel about believers joining?
bingst comments on Sep 25, 2017:
I'm not thrilled about it either. I wonder wtf they're doing here. It's one of the reasons I suggested to admin that we'll need a blocking/reporting system. Unfortunately, even if blocked, that won't keep their inevitable disruptions out of discussions, unless everyone agrees to ignore these ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 14, 2018:
I think your right. I have a hunch that a religious person who joins this sight would be pretty sure about his/her position, and probably would be a nuisance.
God doesn't exist, blah blah, Religion is for stupid people, blah, blah, "you are just cherry ...
stinkeye_a comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Challenging religion for the sake of challenging religion? Why? To win a metaphysical argument? What's the point? Challenging hatred, bigotry, prejudice, narrow-mindedness, corruption, neglect, hypocrisy, vainglory, etc. et al wherever they are found? Sign me up. I don't care what people...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 14, 2018:
@ForTheWin The answer is simple: It's not my priority. By the way you don't have to be religious to be racist or any other "ism". I have known plenty of Christian's who were none of those mentioned. I know a few who who would fight against the "ism". I really can't understand your unbridled passion for converting religious people. To me it smacks of some type of disfunction. I didn't join this sight to debate, and I have never pole vaulted. I am pretty sure if we were neighbors, we would not be best friends. I hope you can let this go. Excuse me for having a thought.
JUMPING TO CONCLUSION I was changing a clutch on a customer's Farmal 1066 tractor.
bingst comments on Jan 14, 2018:
I saw that coming as soon as read there weren't many seeds. Ewww... ack!
Leutrelle replies on Jan 14, 2018:
I wish you were there when it happened, and you could have warned me:)
JUMPING TO CONCLUSION I was changing a clutch on a customer's Farmal 1066 tractor.
MsOliver comments on Jan 14, 2018:
Ugh, that one should have come with a vomit warning on it.
Leutrelle replies on Jan 14, 2018:
JUMPING TO CONCLUSION I was changing a clutch on a customer's Farmal 1066 tractor.
DreadlySmart comments on Jan 14, 2018:
Well I can say I was jumping ahead in my mind on how the story was going to end. I figured you'd been putting the empty shells back into the bag and forgot you ate them all yada yada, didn't think about mice until I got to that part, thus I jumped to a conclusion here. In my defense, at work I ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 14, 2018:
Our brains work very different, but that is great! I bet you would be a lot of fun in person too:)
JUMPING TO CONCLUSION I was changing a clutch on a customer's Farmal 1066 tractor.
sassygirl3869 comments on Jan 14, 2018:
In college I had a summer job washing dishes at a family restaurant in Maine. What is Maine most known for?Lobsters. And what was sitting next to the left side of the sink next to me-two enormous lobsters. What decided to jump in my dishwasher causing me to let out a scream that could be heard ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 14, 2018:
I could only imagine. I've heard some of those lobsters are so big you could put a leash on them. I always wanted to go to Maine, and check out the sea food.
Forgive and forget?
Eazyduzzit comments on Jan 14, 2018:
My ex wife did some horrible things I'll never forget, but I had to forgive her for my own well being. It was eating me alive. I used to be minding my own business (this was many years ago) and I would get an image in my mind of her sitting on a railroad track unable to get her car started, and a ...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 14, 2018:
I don't hold on to the negative feeling, I don't forgive either. They would have to make real clear amends before I would consider forgiving.
Ah the Golden Years.
stinkeye_a comments on Jan 13, 2018:
Fibromyalgia took my body away from me and imprisoned me in a torture chamber of debilitating pain and fatigue in my early twenties. I learned far earlier than most that you can't always count on your body to do what you expect or need--or simply be a place you want to live! After 15+ years I have...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 14, 2018:
@stinkeye_a I have warning signs for diabetes. I have to give up milk and any refined products which include flour. Maybe it will help with my pain. I wish my brain chemistry could tolerate Weed:) I happy for you: all that pain you had is gone. That must be euphoric. I am sure your mind and spirit will heal in due time. Thanks for sharing.
Ah the Golden Years.
stinkeye_a comments on Jan 13, 2018:
Fibromyalgia took my body away from me and imprisoned me in a torture chamber of debilitating pain and fatigue in my early twenties. I learned far earlier than most that you can't always count on your body to do what you expect or need--or simply be a place you want to live! After 15+ years I have...
Leutrelle replies on Jan 14, 2018:
@stinkeye_a What do you eat, or not eat. That sounds powerful and I would like to hear.


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