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Leaked dossier on JD Vance.... all 271 pages download link. []
DenoPenno comments on Oct 28, 2024:
There was a time when the movie Robocop exposed a terrifying political world. The reality of that is upon us today.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 28, 2024:
Try reading the book "Revolt in 2100"by Robert Heinlein sometime... or you can go with the old standards like "1984"...
Some to offend everyone, if i missed you. I'll be here all week.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 27, 2024:
For good reason I hope....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 28, 2024:
Some to offend everyone, if i missed you. I'll be here all week.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 27, 2024:
For good reason I hope....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 28, 2024:
Some to offend everyone, if i missed you. I'll be here all week.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 28, 2024:
I think we can all agree it is good to ask questions... (FYI they are blocking me from making Posts still I tried putting this in the group but they sent me to their silly assed rules page again....)
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 28, 2024:
@glennlab Yeah The post I made disappeared again...
Have you thanked god today?
yvilletom comments on Oct 24, 2024:
Hmm, GW has not written a bio. To me, she is not yet alive.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 28, 2024:
@Gwen_Wanderer Far from it... holding back is your specialty...
Have you thanked god today?
yvilletom comments on Oct 24, 2024:
Hmm, GW has not written a bio. To me, she is not yet alive.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 28, 2024:
@Gwen_Wanderer A fica?....
Have you thanked god today?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 24, 2024:
I see they are delaying this post also.... I guess the conservatives moderating this site haven't yet figured out that a post like this is NOT offensive to non-believers...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 28, 2024:
@Zealandia Most of the people affected are from the US or involved in US politics or supporters of Ukraine and Anti-Putin.... This isn't a glitch it is too precise and focused...
Some to offend everyone, if i missed you. I'll be here all week.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 27, 2024:
For good reason I hope....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 28, 2024:
@glennlab Thankfully we have been getting plenty of help from Trump and Vance...
Some to offend everyone, if i missed you. I'll be here all week.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 28, 2024:
I think we can all agree it is good to ask questions... (FYI they are blocking me from making Posts still I tried putting this in the group but they sent me to their silly assed rules page again....)
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 28, 2024:
@glennlab 93.6% of goats surveyed agree that Tucker Carlson's hygiene and intelligence make him unattractive...
Some to offend everyone, if i missed you. I'll be here all week.
zeuser comments on Oct 28, 2024:
See this is why I miss the old school voting booths where you closed the curtains and pulled "levers". Gonna have to try a lot harder to offend me, buddy. 😏
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 28, 2024:
Whose lever did you pull?....
Some to offend everyone, if i missed you. I'll be here all week.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 27, 2024:
For good reason I hope....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 28, 2024:
@zeuser And it just keeps getting better and better....
Some to offend everyone, if i missed you. I'll be here all week.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 27, 2024:
For good reason I hope....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 28, 2024:
@zeuser I am thinking that Trump is trying to gather up what cash he can so when things keep moving against him he can try to run...
Glitches be glitching!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 27, 2024:
Santa has always made children scream in fear and piss themselves...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 27, 2024:
@Betty No but several children I know did including my daughter growing up...
Apparently our group has been taken over.
glennlab comments on Oct 26, 2024:
@St-Sinner, @Killtheskyfairy, @Lizard_of_Ahaz, @Captfeelgood seem to be hardest hit so far. that doesn't mean others won't be soon to follow.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 27, 2024:
@St-Sinner Since this group is on Amazon servers I suspect that fuckfaced jackass who owns the Washington Post Jeff Bozo... misspelling intentional
As of today I have canceled my subscriptions to The New York Times, The Washington Post and the LA ...
michelle666gar comments on Oct 27, 2024:
This scares me! The way I'm seeing it, the twatwaffle is going to win and we're going to have a dictatorship and we're going to have to bow down to all the bullshit! I'm hoping not, I'm hoping it's just me being paranoid!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 27, 2024:
@glennlab Which I have nothing against at all... The sooner people learn that the far right is not real news the better...
As of today I have canceled my subscriptions to The New York Times, The Washington Post and the LA ...
michelle666gar comments on Oct 27, 2024:
This scares me! The way I'm seeing it, the twatwaffle is going to win and we're going to have a dictatorship and we're going to have to bow down to all the bullshit! I'm hoping not, I'm hoping it's just me being paranoid!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 27, 2024:
Actually it seems a lot of Republicans seem to be voting against him and are being very vocal about it... And WaPo is having real issues for not endorsing Harris because a large number of subscribers have quit on them and are having to beg people to come back... The same seems to be happening to other rags as well and all of them are offering low locked in rates (WaPo 80 cents a month) to get their numbers back up before advertising revenues plummet...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I am unable to respond to your comment for the following reason below Welcome...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 26, 2024:
I think you are unable to see what @Lizard_of_Ahaz (and others) posted because the site admin is censoring content that is critical of Trumpty Dumpty. I am experiencing a similar problem to that of @Lizard_of_Ahaz. My posts are being delayed and deleted with no explanation. It's probably no ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 26, 2024:
@Flyingsaucesir Either way they would have to pay someone competent to do it for their dumbasses...
Apparently our group has been taken over.
michelle666gar comments on Oct 26, 2024:
I'm seeing a lot of, say for example @Lizard_of_Ahaz made a post that has been deleted.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 26, 2024:
@michelle666gar This is the content of my latest post they are targeting I made it less than 5 minutes ago in Trump Pinata...
Apparently our group has been taken over.
DenoPenno comments on Oct 26, 2024:
About noon I was able to do another post in "Silly, Random, and Fun." I went back in to check it and it was there. I said that** none of us had anything to fear as long as our posts were all legal and honest.** Back on the site now to find it gone. Site says I have posted 447 times. Something took ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 26, 2024:
I am guessing that the post I made in Trump Pinata will vanish soon which is utter bullshit after all what do they think the name of the group means that we want to suck his dick?... This is the video I posted there...
Apparently our group has been taken over.
glennlab comments on Oct 26, 2024:
@St-Sinner, @Killtheskyfairy, @Lizard_of_Ahaz, @Captfeelgood seem to be hardest hit so far. that doesn't mean others won't be soon to follow.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 26, 2024:
@St-Sinner I am having another post being tampered with now in Trump Pinata which contains this video...
Apparently our group has been taken over.
michelle666gar comments on Oct 26, 2024:
I'm seeing a lot of, say for example @Lizard_of_Ahaz made a post that has been deleted.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 26, 2024:
@michelle666gar I am sure it is the site but this is targeting people and subjects which makes a glitch extremely unlikely....
Apparently our group has been taken over.
michelle666gar comments on Oct 26, 2024:
I'm seeing a lot of, say for example @Lizard_of_Ahaz made a post that has been deleted.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 26, 2024:
I have made several that have been deleted in the last 3 days several of which had citations that proved them to be accurate...
Apparently our group has been taken over.
glennlab comments on Oct 26, 2024:
@St-Sinner, @Killtheskyfairy, @Lizard_of_Ahaz, @Captfeelgood seem to be hardest hit so far. that doesn't mean others won't be soon to follow.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 26, 2024:
@St-Sinner It isn't just the group it is the entire site...
Apparently our group has been taken over.
glennlab comments on Oct 26, 2024:
@St-Sinner, @Killtheskyfairy, @Lizard_of_Ahaz, @Captfeelgood seem to be hardest hit so far. that doesn't mean others won't be soon to follow.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 26, 2024:
@glennlab Captfeeldog is a noted liar...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I am unable to respond to your comment for the following reason below Welcome...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 26, 2024:
I think you are unable to see what @Lizard_of_Ahaz (and others) posted because the site admin is censoring content that is critical of Trumpty Dumpty. I am experiencing a similar problem to that of @Lizard_of_Ahaz. My posts are being delayed and deleted with no explanation. It's probably no ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 26, 2024:
@vocaloldfart More likely it is DonOld the Dumbass...
@nogod4me I am unable to read your post or comment because of the following message:- Welcome ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 26, 2024:
I think you are unable to see what @Lizard_of_Ahaz (and others) posted because the site admin is censoring content that is critical of Trumpty Dumpty. I am experiencing a similar problem to that of @Lizard_of_Ahaz. My posts are being delayed and deleted with no explanation. It's probably no ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 26, 2024:
@Flyingsaucesir Tejas is full of shit most of the time...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I am unable to respond to your comment for the following reason below Welcome...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 26, 2024:
I think you are unable to see what @Lizard_of_Ahaz (and others) posted because the site admin is censoring content that is critical of Trumpty Dumpty. I am experiencing a similar problem to that of @Lizard_of_Ahaz. My posts are being delayed and deleted with no explanation. It's probably no ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 26, 2024:
@Scott321 When a moderator uses an algorithm to tag posts that they suspect are against their "rules" then quite often those programs pick out words or phrases that are not violations as well... Sometimes they just tag everything a member posts ...
Apparently our group has been taken over.
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 26, 2024:
What group is it? Admin has been deleting my posts (and those of @Lizard_of_Ahaz) that are critical of Trump/MAGA. Is it a mere coincidence that we are in the midst of a presidential election? I think not. Admin is putting its thumb on the scale.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 26, 2024:
@Scott321 The algorithm picked you out for some reason is all.
Have you thanked god today?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 24, 2024:
I see they are delaying this post also.... I guess the conservatives moderating this site haven't yet figured out that a post like this is NOT offensive to non-believers...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 26, 2024:
@Flyingsaucesir Exactly....
And let me watch you shake it, please.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 25, 2024:
Maybe she should just go back to doing porn then....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 26, 2024:
@zeuser Sleeping with the beast is prostitution....
Has anyone discovered how to get a post to go live immediately instead of in the future?
silverotter11 comments on Sep 13, 2024:
Not even sure what you are talking about. If post something I just click summit.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 25, 2024:
@glennlab Nope still having the issue.... this time in Trump Pinata....
Has anyone discovered how to get a post to go live immediately instead of in the future?
silverotter11 comments on Sep 13, 2024:
Not even sure what you are talking about. If post something I just click summit.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 25, 2024:
@glennlab, @SpikeTalon Ever stop to think that the people handling the site moderation are involved in the spamming?... this would be typical of an outfit in India as they charge so low they often get involved with scams on the side to increase their income. That is something you can thank Bill Gates for...
Has anyone discovered how to get a post to go live immediately instead of in the future?
silverotter11 comments on Sep 13, 2024:
Not even sure what you are talking about. If post something I just click summit.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 25, 2024:
@glennlab I called them out on the issue yesterday and they delayed it until 12AM EST today which amusingly supposed to have been already past when I checked on it.... I gave them both barrels on the problem and it seems they decided to allow the post. Whether or not it solves the (what I presume is a...) human created issue I won't know until I post again but my suggestion is for everyone having this issue to call them out on it...
Has anyone discovered how to get a post to go live immediately instead of in the future?
Pralina1 comments on Sep 14, 2024:
This is ridiculous. U guys can post ?? 🙄 I cant upload memes or any image since june i believe . Dont have me start 🙄
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 25, 2024:
@Pralina1 Try what I did call them out on the moderation issue...
Have you thanked god today?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 24, 2024:
I see they are delaying this post also.... I guess the conservatives moderating this site haven't yet figured out that a post like this is NOT offensive to non-believers...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 25, 2024:
@Gwen_Wanderer Not PC, they are becoming something even worse...
Apparently someone is blocking the posting of some of my posts in favor of their conservative views ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 25, 2024:
Same is happening with my posts. They're simply disappearing without a trace.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 25, 2024:
@Flyingsaucesir Check this out....
Apparently someone is blocking the posting of some of my posts in favor of their conservative views ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 25, 2024:
Same is happening with my posts. They're simply disappearing without a trace.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 25, 2024:
@Flyingsaucesir Of my last two posts one has already been removed and the second has now been delayed and will probably be removed also....
Apparently someone is blocking the posting of some of my posts in favor of their conservative views ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 25, 2024:
Same is happening with my posts. They're simply disappearing without a trace.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 25, 2024:
Apparently someone is blocking the posting of some of my posts in favor of their conservative views ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 25, 2024:
Same is happening with my posts. They're simply disappearing without a trace.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 25, 2024:
@Flyingsaucesir This could be an issue of site moderation being handled by cheap labor from India as well where both Trump and Putin are worshiped. Considering how badly both the BRICS conference has been going for Putin and the election here for Trump my guess is we are going to be seeing a lot of this all over social media....
Apparently someone is blocking the posting of some of my posts in favor of their conservative views ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Oct 25, 2024:
Same is happening with my posts. They're simply disappearing without a trace.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 25, 2024:
Mine as well and not just the ones that poke fun at the far right but also support Ukraine...
I understand there is no verifiable link to the orange turd, but it is on tape that he did not ...
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 22, 2024:
McDonalds is my very last choice for fast food. Last time I ate there I am sure there was a grandchild involved. And the time before that as well, etc. I hope the restaurant Donnie played at threw out anything he touched. But again, I don't go to McD's, and now even moreso.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 25, 2024:
@silverotter11 So what you are saying is you got the brains....
I understand there is no verifiable link to the orange turd, but it is on tape that he did not ...
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 22, 2024:
McDonalds is my very last choice for fast food. Last time I ate there I am sure there was a grandchild involved. And the time before that as well, etc. I hope the restaurant Donnie played at threw out anything he touched. But again, I don't go to McD's, and now even moreso.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 24, 2024:
@silverotter11 Is it in financial difficulty yet?...
Almost ready for bed!!!
zeuser comments on Oct 24, 2024:
Those dudes have the look of dork desperation. I can almost smell the Brut. Good bunch, MG!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 24, 2024:
@michelle666gar Both mine enjoy it when I wake them. I either pet them or hug them and they seem to enjoy it a lot.
Have you thanked god today?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 24, 2024:
I see they are delaying this post also.... I guess the conservatives moderating this site haven't yet figured out that a post like this is NOT offensive to non-believers...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 24, 2024:
@Betty Unless you are pro-Trump and Pro-Russia that appears to be the case...
Have you thanked god today?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 24, 2024:
I see they are delaying this post also.... I guess the conservatives moderating this site haven't yet figured out that a post like this is NOT offensive to non-believers...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 24, 2024:
@Gwen_Wanderer I just noticed one of Trump at a McDonalds window yelling that "we are serving the dogs and cats" that is being tampered with in Just for Laughs....
Have you thanked god today?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 24, 2024:
I see they are delaying this post also.... I guess the conservatives moderating this site haven't yet figured out that a post like this is NOT offensive to non-believers...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 24, 2024:
@Gwen_Wanderer They just deleted another of my posts making fun of Trump... Also the one about Ukraine blowing up 3 of Russia's vodka distilleries which will not only force the population into sobriety but will damage their ability to manufacture gunpowder and other explosives....
Have you thanked god today?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 24, 2024:
I see they are delaying this post also.... I guess the conservatives moderating this site haven't yet figured out that a post like this is NOT offensive to non-believers...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 24, 2024:
@racocn8 It is the moderators that are not...
"Are you, or have you ever been, a Democrat?"
Appleriver comments on Oct 23, 2024:
I’m liberal and proud of it. I’m also a registered Democrat. I would never vote republican. Especially after trump. The party is devoid of any common decency.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 24, 2024:
@Appleriver Unless of course they croak.... I would call that redeeming...
"Are you, or have you ever been, a Democrat?"
Appleriver comments on Oct 23, 2024:
I’m liberal and proud of it. I’m also a registered Democrat. I would never vote republican. Especially after trump. The party is devoid of any common decency.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 24, 2024:
The only way I would vote Republican is if Eisenhower came back to life and ran for office...
Almost ready for bed!!!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 23, 2024:
They hate having their naps interrupted but when it comes to your sleep....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 24, 2024:
@michelle666gar But we love them anyway don't we...
I want Kamala to tell trump that she was also a ballerina dancer and see what happens next!!!
zeuser comments on Oct 23, 2024:
Based on the crap moves I see on tapes of his rallies, he's a shitty dancer. He has no chance at any kind of ballet.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 23, 2024:
I understand there is no verifiable link to the orange turd, but it is on tape that he did not ...
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 22, 2024:
McDonalds is my very last choice for fast food. Last time I ate there I am sure there was a grandchild involved. And the time before that as well, etc. I hope the restaurant Donnie played at threw out anything he touched. But again, I don't go to McD's, and now even moreso.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 23, 2024:
@Organist1 Check the side effects of statin medication and you will find that they cause many health problems that are far more dangerous than your cholesterol being slightly high. I eat cheese, eggs, drink 4% (whole) milk, 4% yogurt, butter, and a few other of the old no nos from the older lists and my levels are fine. I got off the statin meds when I found out they were what was causing my problems and just adjusted my diet a little to bring me into the proper LDL levels.
I want Kamala to tell trump that she was also a ballerina dancer and see what happens next!!!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 23, 2024:
I want her to start saying in her speeches that he must have a hardon for her the way he shows his frustration of not being able to have her in his rants... Then say that he isn't her type because she likes gentlemen who have good hygiene and don't shit themselves...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 23, 2024:
@St-Sinner All people hate being the butt of the joke... Laughing at them makes them that much more stupid...
I want Kamala to tell trump that she was also a ballerina dancer and see what happens next!!!
St-Sinner comments on Oct 23, 2024:
That would be a big time fail. Trump has no shortage of women, and he is racist. Therefore he will not go for an Indian or African woman. He is into white supremacy.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 23, 2024:
@St-Sinner Oh I agree that if we went to a strict progressive agenda and stopped catering to conservatives we would change the political landscape completely within the next 4 years and few if any Republicans or other conservatives would ever get elected to office again. But it would take some hard decisions on the part of the party to manage that transformation and some prosecutions for treason and corruption to get to that point fast enough to keep them from undoing what is being done fast enough to matter.
Russian troll factory Storm-1516 outed as the source for false accusations against Tim Walz that ...
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 22, 2024:
Film feets like the old USSR. It's more like sex and drugs and rock & roll today from my experience. There is plenty of propaganda wars on both sides. . Even when a documentary film called :Russia at War:. made by a Canadain Russian, sponsored by the Canadain Goverment. Was banned by the ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 23, 2024:
@Castlepaloma You are nothing but a old man playing at children's games thinking he is "special" and vastly overestimating not only your abilities but your worth in the world... I can't wait until the last vodka distillery in Russia is blown up by Ukraine so you have to sober up and deal with reality...
I want Kamala to tell trump that she was also a ballerina dancer and see what happens next!!!
St-Sinner comments on Oct 23, 2024:
That would be a big time fail. Trump has no shortage of women, and he is racist. Therefore he will not go for an Indian or African woman. He is into white supremacy.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 23, 2024:
But think of how that would make him freak out in his rants...
I understand there is no verifiable link to the orange turd, but it is on tape that he did not ...
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 22, 2024:
McDonalds is my very last choice for fast food. Last time I ate there I am sure there was a grandchild involved. And the time before that as well, etc. I hope the restaurant Donnie played at threw out anything he touched. But again, I don't go to McD's, and now even moreso.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 23, 2024:
@Organist1 And yet that switch makes no difference at all in your serum cholesterol levels according to the latest research findings...
Dumber and dumbest...
DenoPenno comments on Oct 23, 2024:
Looking back on the past the far right called FEMA death camps. Either far right or some whackos.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 23, 2024:
Those were constructed under the Shrub... Yet Republicans blamed them on Obama...
Russian troll factory Storm-1516 outed as the source for false accusations against Tim Walz that ...
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 22, 2024:
Film feets like the old USSR. It's more like sex and drugs and rock & roll today from my experience. There is plenty of propaganda wars on both sides. . Even when a documentary film called :Russia at War:. made by a Canadain Russian, sponsored by the Canadain Goverment. Was banned by the ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 23, 2024:
@Castlepaloma "I had posted the top 10 fastest collapsing countries in the world in 2024. US was on the list and no BRICS countries were. . Plus 5 African countries were on that list." Well now that was an exercise in failure...
Russian troll factory Storm-1516 outed as the source for false accusations against Tim Walz that ...
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 22, 2024:
Film feets like the old USSR. It's more like sex and drugs and rock & roll today from my experience. There is plenty of propaganda wars on both sides. . Even when a documentary film called :Russia at War:. made by a Canadain Russian, sponsored by the Canadain Goverment. Was banned by the ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 23, 2024:
@Castlepaloma You just proved with your rant about your pathetic "sand castle theme park" that you don't even understand the concept of economics...
Meanwhile in Russia.... []
Dave375 comments on Oct 23, 2024:
To be honest, I think trump provides a different service to putin.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 23, 2024:
No doubt sexual in nature....
I understand there is no verifiable link to the orange turd, but it is on tape that he did not ...
michelle666gar comments on Oct 22, 2024:
I just made a joke on another platform about this! I was called stupid and childish by a trumptard! 🤣🤣🤣
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 23, 2024:
@michelle666gar And don't forget he stiffed the franchise owner by not paying the bill for all that food he was giving out...
I understand there is no verifiable link to the orange turd, but it is on tape that he did not ...
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 22, 2024:
McDonalds is my very last choice for fast food. Last time I ate there I am sure there was a grandchild involved. And the time before that as well, etc. I hope the restaurant Donnie played at threw out anything he touched. But again, I don't go to McD's, and now even moreso.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 22, 2024:
@Scott321 Potatoes and dairy make for a complete nutritional balance... Though it can cause weight gain and some minor health issues if you try to solely survive on that...
I understand there is no verifiable link to the orange turd, but it is on tape that he did not ...
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 22, 2024:
McDonalds is my very last choice for fast food. Last time I ate there I am sure there was a grandchild involved. And the time before that as well, etc. I hope the restaurant Donnie played at threw out anything he touched. But again, I don't go to McD's, and now even moreso.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 22, 2024:
@HippieChick58 Eggs and cheese are on the plate though... dietary cholesterol doesn't raise your cholesterol levels... Also milk might not be the problem they once thought they were... As for beef Grass fed is a good source of HDL and won't produce LDL so it is on the menu as well...
So apparently Elon Musk's door knockers haven't been door knocking as much as they claim.
annewimsey500 comments on Oct 22, 2024:
Take the money and Enjoy, people who are offered it!!!!!!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 22, 2024:
Stealing from thieves.... Ain't Karma wonderful?...
Meanwhile in Russia.... []
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 22, 2024:
Best Buddies.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 22, 2024:
@HippieChick58 Did you get to the part with Trump at the drive through window and them driving off with bags of McDonalds food?...
I understand there is no verifiable link to the orange turd, but it is on tape that he did not ...
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 22, 2024:
McDonalds is my very last choice for fast food. Last time I ate there I am sure there was a grandchild involved. And the time before that as well, etc. I hope the restaurant Donnie played at threw out anything he touched. But again, I don't go to McD's, and now even moreso.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 22, 2024:
@HippieChick58 Nothing wrong with baked potatoes but McDonalds is garbage and always has been.
Russian troll factory Storm-1516 outed as the source for false accusations against Tim Walz that ...
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 22, 2024:
Film feets like the old USSR. It's more like sex and drugs and rock & roll today from my experience. There is plenty of propaganda wars on both sides. . Even when a documentary film called :Russia at War:. made by a Canadain Russian, sponsored by the Canadain Goverment. Was banned by the ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 22, 2024:
@Castlepaloma Oh because playing with sand makes you something special?.... Does it teach you the math required to understand economics? or do you taper off with a D- in simple grade school arithmetic?...Children do it at the beach all the time. You know nothing about economics or much of anything else and are an under educated jackass with delusions of grandeur. I could be far more eloquent but I am trying to use simple words for your simple mind.
Meanwhile in Russia.... []
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 22, 2024:
Best Buddies.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 22, 2024:
Did you watch the video in the link?...
I understand there is no verifiable link to the orange turd, but it is on tape that he did not ...
HippieChick58 comments on Oct 22, 2024:
McDonalds is my very last choice for fast food. Last time I ate there I am sure there was a grandchild involved. And the time before that as well, etc. I hope the restaurant Donnie played at threw out anything he touched. But again, I don't go to McD's, and now even moreso.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 22, 2024:
@HippieChick58 I would rather go hungry than eat that shit...
This damn politics is effecting everyone
racocn8 comments on Oct 22, 2024:
Muslims will take her in...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 22, 2024:
Be a step up in her world...
Russian troll factory Storm-1516 outed as the source for false accusations against Tim Walz that ...
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 22, 2024:
Film feets like the old USSR. It's more like sex and drugs and rock & roll today from my experience. There is plenty of propaganda wars on both sides. . Even when a documentary film called :Russia at War:. made by a Canadain Russian, sponsored by the Canadain Goverment. Was banned by the ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 22, 2024:
@Castlepaloma Such a moron you can't even understand economics yet call others names who do... And FYI most NATO countries are now exceeding their defense budget targets... The exceptions are those that are having economic issues... or friends of Putin.
So apparently Elon Musk's door knockers haven't been door knocking as much as they claim.
zeuser comments on Oct 22, 2024:
I hope it cost Musk millions and contributes to the golf gangster's loss.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 22, 2024:
Kind of what happens when you recruit a "tech billionaire" who knows nothing about tech...
Russian troll factory Storm-1516 outed as the source for false accusations against Tim Walz that ...
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 22, 2024:
Film feets like the old USSR. It's more like sex and drugs and rock & roll today from my experience. There is plenty of propaganda wars on both sides. . Even when a documentary film called :Russia at War:. made by a Canadain Russian, sponsored by the Canadain Goverment. Was banned by the ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 22, 2024:
@Castlepaloma Well with their new ICBMs I doubt Russia can manage a launch so I think the world is safe... Seems they can't even make it out of the silo intact and as for the rest?... I doubt the warheads have been maintained in at least 30 years so they are pretty much worthless... Kind of like you are.
This damn politics is effecting everyone
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 22, 2024:
She is being polite.... He broke up with her for being fucking stupid and obnoxious...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 22, 2024:
@St-Sinner Extremely doubtful at this point.... In early voting results which are at record levels Trump is way behind... Harris 49% Trump 31% Independents 20%
This damn politics is effecting everyone
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 22, 2024:
She is being polite.... He broke up with her for being fucking stupid and obnoxious...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 22, 2024:
@St-Sinner MAGA is fucking stupid and obnoxious...
Russian troll factory Storm-1516 outed as the source for false accusations against Tim Walz that ...
Castlepaloma comments on Oct 22, 2024:
Film feets like the old USSR. It's more like sex and drugs and rock & roll today from my experience. There is plenty of propaganda wars on both sides. . Even when a documentary film called :Russia at War:. made by a Canadain Russian, sponsored by the Canadain Goverment. Was banned by the ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 22, 2024:
Only among the wealthy elite in Russia and even that is being cracked down on. Putin like Trump and other dictators (or potential ones in Trump's case) all want to bring back the bad old days... Putin is the bad guy and if you think differently you should move to Russia and find out.
Monday over and time to relax!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 21, 2024:
And never buy it from a Samoan in Waikiki who calls it "tops"...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 22, 2024:
@michelle666gar Actually it was a hard lesson for some tourists when I was working as a Pedicab operator out there...
Russian troll factory Storm-1516 outed as the source for false accusations against Tim Walz that ...
DenoPenno comments on Oct 21, 2024:
Political lies all over Facebook too and I fight them daily. Some of these postings are not even from our country. Gullible people do not know that and scarf up the lies as truth. Best way to fight these lies is to do a 2 sentence truther as a response and never argue with these people. You give ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 21, 2024:
Because so many in this world are gullible idiotic delusional jackoffs with the firm belief that they are somehow intellectually superior because of the color of their skin and lack of hygiene...
Can't sleep 😴😴😴
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 21, 2024:
Welcome to my world...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 21, 2024:
Can't sleep 😴😴😴
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 21, 2024:
Welcome to my world...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 21, 2024:
@michelle666gar Never found it as such to be honest...
Russian troll factory Storm-1516 outed as the source for false accusations against Tim Walz that ...
Scott321 comments on Oct 21, 2024:
What local Russian trolls posted this crap about Walz? I probably have them blocked already.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 21, 2024:
1patriot, Frayedbear and that stupid twat puff
That's the true meaning of IVF in Trumpworld.
Betty comments on Oct 21, 2024:
Mrs. Trump is in the market for an upgrade. ;) lol
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 21, 2024:
@glennlab From what has been going around she could get that "upgrade" out of a can of Vienna Sausages...
I've resorted to that fragrance myself once or twice.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 21, 2024:
Woody Harrelson did all the Real work, Sam Elliot just sat around looking tough...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 21, 2024:
Can't sleep 😴😴😴
zeuser comments on Oct 21, 2024:
Cowboys really lame this year. Philly fans: Gee, that's too bad! Har, har! Good set MG!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 21, 2024:
@zeuser Kind of like watching the Russians getting stomped on by Ukraine.... Now Putin has brought in 12,000 North Koreans which is about 8 to 10 days worth of body bag stuffing because he is running out of Russians willing to die for no reason... Never gets old.
Can't sleep 😴😴😴
zeuser comments on Oct 21, 2024:
Cowboys really lame this year. Philly fans: Gee, that's too bad! Har, har! Good set MG!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 21, 2024:
Really lame AGAIN this year... As I hear it the only reason guys watch those games is the cheerleaders...
The new BRICS payment system is here.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 19, 2024:
Just started and already failing because it blocks out trade with the countries that actually aren't in a state of financial ruin...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 20, 2024:
@Castlepaloma I suggest you move back to Russia it sounds like you belong there...
The new BRICS payment system is here.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 19, 2024:
Just started and already failing because it blocks out trade with the countries that actually aren't in a state of financial ruin...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 20, 2024:
@Castlepaloma In Russia you don't get to decide or believe anything except what you are told to decide or believe... You vote as you are told to vote and if you protest you are collected and sent to prison where you are tortured or simply disappear... You are a simple minded fucktard for believing otherwise...
I volunteered to help out...
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2024:
At least you won't have to worry about people dipping straight out of the tray.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 20, 2024:
Be a lot of fun though taking a big dip and making a big deal about it..... "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm tastes just like the real thing..." I wonder how many people would lose their shit over that...
Had to laugh and had to share.
puff comments on Oct 20, 2024:
A good thing Biden got in so no more shit on the carpet. He shits elsewhere.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 20, 2024:
@puff I doubt you will live long enough to have a problem like that... With your posts and comments being as dumb as they are I am shocked you can manage to dress yourself without assistance.
Had to laugh and had to share.
puff comments on Oct 20, 2024:
A good thing Biden got in so no more shit on the carpet. He shits elsewhere.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 20, 2024:
In an actual toilet like a normal human being unlike you...
The new BRICS payment system is here.
nogod4me comments on Oct 19, 2024:
"New BRICS currency a likely non-factor for U.S. investors." "It would instead require widespread adoption from other developed economies before a BRICS currency would truly threaten the status of the dollar. It is very unlikely for now that foreign developed economies would trust or rely on a ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 20, 2024:
@Castlepaloma Except in reality your ideas are invariably extremely bad... I can only theorize that this is because you are poorly educated and not particularly intelligent to start with.
On orange mushrooms... []
EricJones comments on Oct 20, 2024:
That was hysterical and disturbing at the same time.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 20, 2024:
The new BRICS payment system is here.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 19, 2024:
Just started and already failing because it blocks out trade with the countries that actually aren't in a state of financial ruin...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 20, 2024:
@Castlepaloma You sound religious.... That makes no sense at all when you claim that because a guy is trying to enslave the world he is keeping the world from being slaves...
The new BRICS payment system is here.
nogod4me comments on Oct 19, 2024:
"New BRICS currency a likely non-factor for U.S. investors." "It would instead require widespread adoption from other developed economies before a BRICS currency would truly threaten the status of the dollar. It is very unlikely for now that foreign developed economies would trust or rely on a ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 20, 2024:
@Castlepaloma Funny how you seem just like that movie making huge pronouncements on subjects you know nothing about.... It's almost as if you were religious.
The new BRICS payment system is here.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 19, 2024:
Just started and already failing because it blocks out trade with the countries that actually aren't in a state of financial ruin...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 20, 2024:
@Castlepaloma So you prefer a murderous psychotic like Putin then?...
The new BRICS payment system is here.
nogod4me comments on Oct 19, 2024:
"New BRICS currency a likely non-factor for U.S. investors." "It would instead require widespread adoption from other developed economies before a BRICS currency would truly threaten the status of the dollar. It is very unlikely for now that foreign developed economies would trust or rely on a ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 20, 2024:
@nogod4me Ignore him he doesn't understand economics and refuses to learn. He is like Putin but even more of an idiot...
The new BRICS payment system is here.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 19, 2024:
Just started and already failing because it blocks out trade with the countries that actually aren't in a state of financial ruin...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 20, 2024:
@Castlepaloma Can you try that again but in English?....
The new BRICS payment system is here.
273kelvin comments on Oct 19, 2024:
Just after the rapture or When flairs come back in fashion or When Everton wins the Premier League
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 20, 2024:
@puff Fucking idiot Russian drone operators are attacking civilians on the streets far behind the lines for fun and posting their murders online... They are purposely firing missiles and glide bombs at apartment buildings, hospitals, schools, markets and humanitarian aid vehicles in Ukraine as well. Putin is a murderous piece of trash who makes Stalin look like like a humanitarian and pacifist...
The new BRICS payment system is here.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Oct 19, 2024:
Just started and already failing because it blocks out trade with the countries that actually aren't in a state of financial ruin...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Oct 20, 2024:
@puff She is attacking your hero (actually zero) Trumpy...

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