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Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 27, 2024:
Sadly this is the way Israeli conservatives are...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@puff Hopefully that will change real soon to one somewhat better than yours... Progressives have a lot more influence in this election than they have in a long time...
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
Jolanta comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Wow, he must be so upset.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@puff Got to expect that kind of behavior on a continent colonized by criminals a prostitutes I guess...
Got a good laugh when I saw this and had to share.
ParryHotter comments on Aug 27, 2024:
Dear me, a sicko or what?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
No "or what" about him....
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 27, 2024:
Sadly this is the way Israeli conservatives are...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@puff Expansion by violence in that entire region goes back several thousand years...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 27, 2024:
Sadly this is the way Israeli conservatives are...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@puff You only need enough to amend a bill in either house here that MUST be passed (like aid to Ukraine) in order to force the money pipeline to Israel to stay open... You are completely ignorant of how our politics work here and yes they aren't perfect but they are a damned sight better than yours are and more than a few other countries I could name...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 27, 2024:
Sadly this is the way Israeli conservatives are...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@puff Here they are called "The American Israeli PAC" and should be outlawed because 80% of all those funds come from Israel and are technically illegal campaign contributions. Unfortunately this is being prevented by American conservative politicians who depend on that money for their election campaigns...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 27, 2024:
Sadly this is the way Israeli conservatives are...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@puff Wrong.... Expansion by violence is very old in history.... In fact it is most of recorded history...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 27, 2024:
Sadly this is the way Israeli conservatives are...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@puff Not a smear when it is a fact....
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
Jolanta comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Wow, he must be so upset.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@puff Damned right we are not savages here.... except in the red states...
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
Jolanta comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Wow, he must be so upset.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@puff We had laws against what he did in place but he was buying his way out of trouble using family money... Any average person who tried that would have been pulled over and the vehicle impounded with a possible psychiatric hold placed on them...
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
Jolanta comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Wow, he must be so upset.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@puff I am not the one denying that all countries have done this (even yours to some extent) either in the past or present (like Putin and Xi are doing).... What can I say we had some bad examples like England, Germany, France....
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
Jolanta comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Wow, he must be so upset.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@puff Gad you really are a moron aren't you?.... Oh and here is some more about your lord and savior RFK Jr...
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
michelle666gar comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Isn't he going to fight the outcome of the votes if he loses? Isn't he going to send his magats to start a civil war? I hope he would just go away.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@Betty No I am waiting to see what the DNC is doing... Georgia right now is looking to remove election denialists from its election boards and Harris has expanded the legal team for the campaign 10X so it looks like with Trump's performance lately that I might not be needed...
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
michelle666gar comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Isn't he going to fight the outcome of the votes if he loses? Isn't he going to send his magats to start a civil war? I hope he would just go away.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@Betty Not as many more as you might think...
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
michelle666gar comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Isn't he going to fight the outcome of the votes if he loses? Isn't he going to send his magats to start a civil war? I hope he would just go away.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@Betty In ending sedition...
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
Jolanta comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Wow, he must be so upset.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@puff They have been doing it for a long time in order to destabilize regions so they can gain influence dumbshit...
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
michelle666gar comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Isn't he going to fight the outcome of the votes if he loses? Isn't he going to send his magats to start a civil war? I hope he would just go away.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@Betty Effective...
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
Jolanta comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Wow, he must be so upset.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@puff LMAO did you know that tanker was a part of Putin's shadow fleet?... Yep more power to the Houthis for blowing up one of Putin's uninsured tankers it couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.... You do know he supplies them with weapons along with Iran right?....
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
Jolanta comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Wow, he must be so upset.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@puff The Middle East Monitor is in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists.... Something you should know before taking them seriously.... Check for yourself. Times of Israel is no better they are controlled and financed by a right-wing extremest billionaire who is a member of the David Project.... Again check for yourself...
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
Jolanta comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Wow, he must be so upset.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@puff So stupid you don't know the difference between Israel and Malaysia aren't you?...
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
Jolanta comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Wow, he must be so upset.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@puff Kennedy lost.... he can't even get his own family to vote for him. He is batshit insane just like Trump is...
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
Jolanta comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Wow, he must be so upset.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 27, 2024:
@puff "How are those Houthi's going btw?" Pretty badly...
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
Jolanta comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Wow, he must be so upset.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 26, 2024:
@puff He has been losing cases left and right including the one where he sued Daily KOS for outing him as a NAZI collaborator... As for Gabbard she is collaborating with Putin... And yes he was an attendee of this meeting vvv
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
michelle666gar comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Isn't he going to fight the outcome of the votes if he loses? Isn't he going to send his magats to start a civil war? I hope he would just go away.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 26, 2024:
@Betty I prefer the term practical...
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
Jolanta comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Wow, he must be so upset.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 26, 2024:
@puff You mean the guy who had his brains eaten by a worm and followed that up with Mercury poising?... Mr. Batshit insane himself?... The guy who dumped a dead bear in NY's Central park trying to make it look like it had been run over by a bicycle?... That Kennedy?...
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
michelle666gar comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Isn't he going to fight the outcome of the votes if he loses? Isn't he going to send his magats to start a civil war? I hope he would just go away.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 26, 2024:
@annewimsey500 It would be a very dirty job and the goal would be to leave no survivors unless they surrender. I wouldn't mind having a Ukrainian brigade for back up they know the job and how to do it right...
Definitely bananas
PadraicM comments on Aug 26, 2024:
There was a cartoon called Banana Man when I was younger... this video ruined that cartoon for me.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 26, 2024:
There is a cartoon of this one you might enjoy where they are fucking each other with a banana...
Never bored in Florida
backtobasics comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Hope she's not into oral.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 26, 2024:
Snapper for the snapper?...
Never bored in Florida
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 26, 2024:
When real men are in short supply they need a fallback plan I guess...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 26, 2024:
@St-Sinner Pretty sure some of them are women...
Never bored in Florida
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 26, 2024:
When real men are in short supply they need a fallback plan I guess...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 26, 2024:
@michelle666gar Armed rangers can help with that...
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
michelle666gar comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Isn't he going to fight the outcome of the votes if he loses? Isn't he going to send his magats to start a civil war? I hope he would just go away.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 26, 2024:
@michelle666gar They could always hire me to protect the capitol steps just supply me with the arms and munitions I ask for and they won't make it 3 feet past the barriers....
Never bored in Florida
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 26, 2024:
When real men are in short supply they need a fallback plan I guess...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 26, 2024:
@michelle666gar The Key Deer is a protected species...
Republican White House Lawyers Endorse Harris []
michelle666gar comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Isn't he going to fight the outcome of the votes if he loses? Isn't he going to send his magats to start a civil war? I hope he would just go away.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 26, 2024:
He is going to try but if things keep going at this rate he might only get at best 100 drunken Rednecks in Klan robes to charge the barriers yelling "hold ma beer an watch dis..." Easy to repel as they are a pretty repellent bunch to start with...
Never bored in Florida
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 26, 2024:
When real men are in short supply they need a fallback plan I guess...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 26, 2024:
@michelle666gar Well they do have the Key Deer which I hear is a little horny...
Tired of the same ole sandwiches?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Does it have French's mustard on it?....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 26, 2024:
@Betty Yeah I don't like mustard either.... For some reason it upsets my stomach.
Tired of the same ole sandwiches?
backtobasics comments on Aug 26, 2024:
frog burger anyone?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 26, 2024:
@Betty So "No fuck you" then?...
Please let the FSB fail to delete their communications in time exposing their entire network of ...
backtobasics comments on Aug 26, 2024:
Do you really think the CIA doesn't already have copies of everything they have posted on telegram?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 26, 2024:
Hopefully Ukraine does at least...
Trump using copyrighted music without permission?... Oh noes...
backtobasics comments on Aug 26, 2024:
The kicker is that the judge has required his presence in Atlanta for the hearing. As a convicted felon, committing more felonies may not be the smartest thing for him.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 26, 2024:
Only one person ever said he was smart.... guess who that was.
OK now this goes far beyond simple stupidity and is just plain weird brain-fried lunacy.
ParryHotter comments on Aug 25, 2024:
Face it, if you ain't got Red Indian blood you're an immigrant, period!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 25, 2024:
@ParryHotter Not completely sure what I am but at least in part I am supposed to be part Welsh, part Irish, part Scotch and part Soda...
OK now this goes far beyond simple stupidity and is just plain weird brain-fried lunacy.
EricJones comments on Aug 25, 2024:
If I remember correctly, Dred Scott was a slave and was considered to be property and as such was not considered a citizen.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 25, 2024:
He was an escaped slave in a state that refuse to recognize slavery and was fighting being returned to slavery under the escaped slave laws enacted by congress to appease the slave holding states...
OK now this goes far beyond simple stupidity and is just plain weird brain-fried lunacy.
ParryHotter comments on Aug 25, 2024:
Face it, if you ain't got Red Indian blood you're an immigrant, period!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 25, 2024:
Go back far enough in history and even they were immigrants.....
Seriously. Some nights my dreams are right out of an H.G. Wells novel
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 25, 2024:
Try dreams where you wake up in cold sweats and can't remember...They must be straight out of E. A. Poe or Stephan King....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 25, 2024:
@Appleriver I get them a lot which is one reason I don't get much sleep.
And trump is paying for it! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 25, 2024:
Just imagine if it had been a busboy at one of his country clubs...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 25, 2024:
@michelle666gar If you want another laugh try this....
He's a dangerous clown.
pamagain comments on Aug 23, 2024:
Shove a butt plug into that gaping hole!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 25, 2024:
How about one for each end?...
A tale of two conventions and two torn shirts.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 24, 2024:
The organ grinder and the monkey are so close to the reality of their campaign I don't see why anyone would vote for them...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 25, 2024:
@zeuser I can understand why some of these "women" support trump and Vance.... They are the type you could smell coming towards you from a mile away and not in a good way either... Unless you are attracted to the smell of unwashed rotting bodies... I for one am not.
Don't miss the Oscars
michelle666gar comments on Aug 24, 2024:
Awww, what a beautiful love story!!! Lol!!!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 24, 2024:
Man falls in love with his great, great, great grandmother....
A worthwhile watch that shows what MAGA is really all about and why they can't change.
michelle666gar comments on Aug 24, 2024:
They're just bullies!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 24, 2024:
And bullies are always cowards who need a mob to give them courage...
Could she possibly have been a worse pick?
michelle666gar comments on Aug 24, 2024:
Dumb and Dumber!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 24, 2024:
@michelle666gar A real "hold ma beer and watch dis..." moment in history...
Why Do So Many Workers Love Trump?
michelle666gar comments on Aug 24, 2024:
El Paso TX was part of the hateful rhetoric about immigrants, a young man drove 10 hours just to shoot illegal Mexicans who are committing crimes which is a very big lie! The shooter wrote a manifesto condemning the illegal immigrants and their crimes and hailed trump as a savior, because of this 23...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 24, 2024:
I remember that when it hit the news... As well as the UPS bomber...
Could she possibly have been a worse pick?
michelle666gar comments on Aug 24, 2024:
Dumb and Dumber!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 24, 2024:
Too bad this isn't really happening because if it was Republican turnout would drop to zero...
Could she possibly have been a worse pick?
TheoryNumber3 comments on Aug 24, 2024:
Oh shit! We have to listen to that nasally whining shit fer brains again?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 24, 2024:
Which one?...
Ow! My head hurts 🤕😂😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 24, 2024:
So did Barron ever have a DNA paternity test done?....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 24, 2024:
@michelle666gar He did go but paid little attention being to busy waving to people who don't like him...
I'd call it ballsy, but it's probably better described as ball-less.
PaddyO comments on Aug 24, 2024:
A xtian vasectomy!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 24, 2024:
@zeuser They have been this way for a very long time... I saw this today and it explains that the idea has even infected the movies...
I'd call it ballsy, but it's probably better described as ball-less.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 24, 2024:
Win with Darwin....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 24, 2024:
@zeuser Adds a whole new dimension to the saying "doing the splits" doesn't it?...
I'd call it ageism.
michelle666gar comments on Aug 24, 2024:
Sounds like a couple of plumbers I had do work for me, they both flooded my bathroom and kitchen! 🙄🙄🙄
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 24, 2024:
Kind of what happens when your state makes it too easy for morons to get a contractors license....
Camembert? You gotta be kidding!
michelle666gar comments on Aug 23, 2024:
Skindog! I'm going to try that on my kids! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 23, 2024:
Pretty sure they are going to love you for it...
Old Fashioned... []
racocn8 comments on Aug 21, 2024:
It's not easy explaining porn to a 13 year old...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 22, 2024:
@racocn8 Before kindergarten....
Old Fashioned... []
racocn8 comments on Aug 21, 2024:
It's not easy explaining porn to a 13 year old...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 22, 2024:
@racocn8 The song isn't about porn....
Financing available. Pay after you make money. Admissions Open!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 22, 2024:
About the size of it.... I had one call me again this morning at 7AM trying the Medicare scam so I told him his mama called and wants him to help her on the streets fucking cows.... His reply was to put it mildly obscenely funny..
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 22, 2024:
@St-Sinner All the fucking time it seems they are even stupider than Trump is and refuse to learn anything just like him...
Be sober coming in and going out
zeuser comments on Aug 21, 2024:
Holy crap, who designed *that * house?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 21, 2024:
@zeuser Nah unless he wanted to end up operating on himself...
Be sober coming in and going out
zeuser comments on Aug 21, 2024:
Holy crap, who designed *that * house?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 21, 2024:
Someone who doesn't like burglars?... Just a guess...
Old Fashioned... []
racocn8 comments on Aug 21, 2024:
It's not easy explaining porn to a 13 year old...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 21, 2024:
Did you listen to the song?....
Good idea. :)
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 20, 2024:
Good but I like mine better...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 21, 2024:
@Betty Hey it works....
Thinking of starting a go fund me account to pay for all the tickets they will need....
annewimsey500 comments on Aug 20, 2024:
I Reeeaaaallllyyy like it, go to Russia, I will not miss you for one second and neither will anybody else with a brain.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 20, 2024:
Betting the Ukrainians won't miss him either.... That fat ass of his is going to be an easy shot to make...
Don't hold back man tell us how you really feel.... []
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 17, 2024:
I feel numb for both sides.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 20, 2024:
@Castlepaloma Only someone as stupid as you are can't figure out that you are making a false argument trying to say that Russians are not fanatical Christian psychotics who are also White Supremacists... These are the same people you claim you don't "blend in with" yet they are the people you support.... Take it from the Russian soldier in this video...
Your guess is as good as mine. ;)
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 20, 2024:
Going to end up with a lot of confused people there trying to figure out if those are even the bathrooms...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 20, 2024:
@Betty Abstract art is a disappointment in and of itself. Art needs to format its message so that people other than the artist can understand what message that artist is trying to convey. Otherwise it is just a waste of materials and wall or floor space...
That's pretty much just like everything I post here.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 19, 2024:
Edison's most famous invention was the "Research Laboratory" which employed many talented people he could steal inventions from while paying them set and moderate wages and calling them "assistants" so he got all the profits and credit for their brilliance... One of those was Tesla when he first ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 20, 2024:
@DenoPenno He invented a remotely controlled submarine but the Navy wouldn't buy it because they couldn't put sailors in them... He was just too far ahead of his time...
Your guess is as good as mine. ;)
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 20, 2024:
Going to end up with a lot of confused people there trying to figure out if those are even the bathrooms...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 20, 2024:
@Betty Not a big fan of abstract art for commercial use it always seems to end badly for some reason...
Thinking of starting a go fund me account to pay for all the tickets they will need....
racocn8 comments on Aug 20, 2024:
As an added bonus, Putin has promised an all expenses paid vacation for all seeking to flee to Russia (non-whites need not apply). Clothing and towels will be provided in the lovely, lush beautiful holiday spots in various Donbass establishments.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 20, 2024:
Fun in the sun playing with drones.... They should get a bang out of that...
Don't hold back man tell us how you really feel.... []
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 17, 2024:
I feel numb for both sides.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 20, 2024:
@Castlepaloma You talk like a MAGA Klansman... Thanks for proving I have you dead to rights...
Don't hold back man tell us how you really feel.... []
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 17, 2024:
I feel numb for both sides.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 19, 2024:
@Castlepaloma So you don't want to be a Republican then or do you?... Because you are sending mixed signals there.... Republicans hate the "woke and LGBTQ" cultures because they are too stupid to change and they also fuck their young as well as letting their churches do it... If you hate the west so much Putin has a place for you so quit bitching and go already...
Don't hold back man tell us how you really feel.... []
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 17, 2024:
I feel numb for both sides.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 19, 2024:
@Castlepaloma The Russian propaganda machine you believe has you as brainwashed as a Catholic.... Vice news is independent not corporate Republican owned and the BBC isn't even American you fucktarddedly simpleminded fool.... Neither of these are "propaganda and nether is the video in the OP.... News reporters that went behind the lines in Kursk can bear witness to the FACT that the Ukrainians have committed NO war crimes there unlike the Russians who are even committing them against their own people... Or do you approve of them raping 15 year old girls?... As sick and perverted as you are it seems like you do approve....
One hot interview.... []
michelle666gar comments on Aug 18, 2024:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 19, 2024:
@michelle666gar I did find out some interesting things about Jenna Ortega though like the fact that she loves old books.... real ones like I do which makes her a very usual woman... Not a lot of women out there who take an interest in books written 2 to 400 years ago. Color me very fucking impressed!
One hot interview.... []
michelle666gar comments on Aug 18, 2024:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 19, 2024:
@michelle666gar You can always fast forward the video like I do...
Don't hold back man tell us how you really feel.... []
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 17, 2024:
I feel numb for both sides.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 19, 2024:
@Castlepaloma Try walking in these people's shoes... moron.
One hot interview.... []
michelle666gar comments on Aug 18, 2024:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 19, 2024:
Check out Selma Hayek and Jenna Ortega..... ^^^^
One hot interview.... []
silverotter11 comments on Aug 19, 2024:
This is something I will never try! EVER! LOL
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 19, 2024:
Hope you all are having a great Sunday night! 😘😘😘
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 18, 2024:
Me: What if I don't like them either Doc?... Therapist: Then fuck them in the ass with a brick...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 19, 2024:
@michelle666gar Government is trying to block it so that tells me the investigation should be done... My dead Granny could still do better than her...
Hope you all are having a great Sunday night! 😘😘😘
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 18, 2024:
Me: What if I don't like them either Doc?... Therapist: Then fuck them in the ass with a brick...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 18, 2024:
@michelle666gar The Australian public is trying to get her investigated as they feel she should never have been allowed to take the spot from someone more qualified...
Hope you all are having a great Sunday night! 😘😘😘
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 18, 2024:
Me: What if I don't like them either Doc?... Therapist: Then fuck them in the ass with a brick...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 18, 2024:
@michelle666gar And that Australian gal looks like that old commercial.... "Help I've fallen and I can't get up..."
Throwback to when your Mom was highly flammable !
michelle666gar comments on Aug 18, 2024:
Wait a minute, what about the 80's? I wore so much aqua net I would have blown up!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 18, 2024:
@michelle666gar Next time you run into him call pout "hey Aquanet..."
Throwback to when your Mom was highly flammable !
michelle666gar comments on Aug 18, 2024:
Wait a minute, what about the 80's? I wore so much aqua net I would have blown up!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 18, 2024:
@michelle666gar So what was his nickname after that?... Human torch or just Baldy?...
Throwback to when your Mom was highly flammable !
michelle666gar comments on Aug 18, 2024:
Wait a minute, what about the 80's? I wore so much aqua net I would have blown up!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 18, 2024:
That stuff was great on the 4th of July...
Don't hold back man tell us how you really feel.... []
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 17, 2024:
I feel numb for both sides.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 18, 2024:
@Castlepaloma You are either simple minded or a paid troll....
I’m going to put this here. Then run. Forgive my warped sense of humor
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 18, 2024:
One bad pun deserves an udder...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 18, 2024:
@pamagain So I have been told on numerous occasions...
Disney says man can't sue over wife's death because he agreed to Disney+ terms of service 7 years ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 16, 2024:
I doubt this will fly with the judge.... Signing up for a free trial of an unrelated service?...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 18, 2024:
@LenHazell53 I am surprised the Lawyers would be making this argument as it could jeopardize their licenses to practice law...
Disney says man can't sue over wife's death because he agreed to Disney+ terms of service 7 years ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 16, 2024:
I doubt this will fly with the judge.... Signing up for a free trial of an unrelated service?...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 18, 2024:
@LenHazell53 Actually it isn't it is an overall corporation controlling several smaller ones like the parks being individual corporations as well as Disney Studios being another. Even their streaming service is a sub-corporation held by Disney entertainment...ESPN is also a separate entity...
Don't hold back man tell us how you really feel.... []
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 17, 2024:
I feel numb for both sides.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 18, 2024:
@Castlepaloma So you "agree" with Russia's kidnapping and murdering of children as well as attacking other countries that they want to forcibly annex?.... Or their destruction of cities and settlements by bombarding them?... you are a very sick and twisted person (and I am using the word "person" ironically) Russia has ALWAYS been expansionist and IS NOT peaceful they cause political unrest in small countries then support military coups and terrorist organization to gain influence in those countries.... Ask the residents of those countries if they are beer off now being murdered for speaking out against their un-elected governments (also called dictatorships) Ask Gaza how things are working out for them with weapons being supplied to Hamas by Russia and Iran in partnership...
and strangely shown to be true.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 17, 2024:
The average Republican can't even spell strategy much less use it....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 18, 2024:
@pedigojr One the bright side they are actually declining in population and these new anti-abortion bills is making things worse for them.... Hopefully it gets really bad really soon and their patriarchal sub-sect of society collapses completely...
and strangely shown to be true.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 17, 2024:
The average Republican can't even spell strategy much less use it....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 18, 2024:
@pedigojr They have those supporters because there are a lot of really stupid people in this world. Stupidity is what makes them dangerous not only to themselves but everyone around them...
I need to go to sleep!!! 🥱🤣🤣🤣
Pralina1 comments on Aug 16, 2024:
Sniper and dead bird , i cant decide maam 😂😂😂😂😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 18, 2024:
@Betty Sure it was she wanted you to work up a good appetite...
Don't hold back man tell us how you really feel.... []
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 17, 2024:
I feel numb for both sides.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 18, 2024:
@Castlepaloma Still you reject the truth when it is right in front of your face... No wonder you support Putin... On the other hand I have been speaking against the policies of Israel since the 1960s'
FUCKING SLAYER!!!!! 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 17, 2024:
Depends on which beer.... Samuel Adams has won medals at the Munich Beer Festival.... and others...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 18, 2024:
@michelle666gar Because of the beer purity laws that go back to 1516... In Germany it is Lowenbrau but the stuff they send here is better called Lowbrow...
I’m going to put this here. Then run. Forgive my warped sense of humor
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 18, 2024:
One bad pun deserves an udder...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 18, 2024:
@pamagain Yep it is called putting the pun in PUNishment...
I need to go to sleep!!! 🥱🤣🤣🤣
Pralina1 comments on Aug 16, 2024:
Sniper and dead bird , i cant decide maam 😂😂😂😂😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 18, 2024:
@Betty Maybe she was trying to tell you that you needed more exercise....
Don't hold back man tell us how you really feel.... []
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 17, 2024:
I feel numb for both sides.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 18, 2024:
@Castlepaloma Russians are the ones using NAZI insignia and tattoos not Ukrainians and the fact that this is common knowledge while you deny it believing instead Nazi propaganda from Russia Times shows you to be either mentally deficient or a Russian tool just like DonOld the Dumbass is... This is also shown as an accurate assessment of you by your refusal to even examine the evidence... Like this article about the Wagner Group and its connection to the Neo-NAZIs...
FUCKING SLAYER!!!!! 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 17, 2024:
Depends on which beer.... Samuel Adams has won medals at the Munich Beer Festival.... and others...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 17, 2024:
@michelle666gar Better than the pisswater they sell for export wasn't it?...
Don't hold back man tell us how you really feel.... []
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 17, 2024:
I feel numb for both sides.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 17, 2024:
@Castlepaloma Of those 27 million deaths many were due to Stalin either not defending his people or killing them himself and blaming the NAZIs.. The real NAZIs today are the Russian Union and many of their s9oldiers have the NAZI tattoos to prove it... Stupid people like you just can't resist proving how stupid they are can you?
FUCKING SLAYER!!!!! 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Aug 17, 2024:
Depends on which beer.... Samuel Adams has won medals at the Munich Beer Festival.... and others...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 17, 2024:
@michelle666gar They entered it in contests but haven't been importing it not because they can't but because of the difficulty sourcing the ingredients...
I need to go to sleep!!! 🥱🤣🤣🤣
Pralina1 comments on Aug 16, 2024:
Sniper and dead bird , i cant decide maam 😂😂😂😂😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Aug 17, 2024:
@michelle666gar Cats think of those they love as the same as they are so they can't really comprehend that you wouldn't like a dead bird or mouse they are just trying to be nice so complement them, pet them and wait until they can't see you toss it in the trash...

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