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Another designer line from you know who....
Betty comments on Feb 24, 2024:
What will you find next? A pacifier, bib, maybe a bonnet? 😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 24, 2024:
How about this?...
A new book out for children....
Diogenes comments on Feb 24, 2024:
He has his $00.25 shoes on for $400.00 'plus' tax, $100.00 (ya know he always cheats on taxes). But you know they are not going to fall apart 'on your feet'. They are already apart in the box.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 24, 2024:
@glennlab For a guy who hates Gays he sure seems to enjoy buttfucking his followers doesn't he?...
A new book out for children....
Diogenes comments on Feb 24, 2024:
He has his $00.25 shoes on for $400.00 'plus' tax, $100.00 (ya know he always cheats on taxes). But you know they are not going to fall apart 'on your feet'. They are already apart in the box.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 24, 2024:
The disclaimer on the box reads.... "Some assembly required..."
I am NOT going to argue with this if it works...
anglophone comments on Feb 23, 2024:
" ... on a No Return basis"
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 23, 2024:
@noworry28 I figure the same...
I am NOT going to argue with this if it works...
zeuser comments on Feb 23, 2024:
I can chip in a fiver to help with the airfare.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 23, 2024:
@zeuser Gee 50 whole bucks.... That won't even buy food for a month in Russia...
I am NOT going to argue with this if it works...
zeuser comments on Feb 23, 2024:
I can chip in a fiver to help with the airfare.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 23, 2024:
How about giving each of them an extra $5,000.00 per person willing to renounce their citizenship?....
I am NOT going to argue with this if it works...
anglophone comments on Feb 23, 2024:
" ... on a No Return basis"
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 23, 2024:
I posted that one already a couple days ago...
Clearly, it's a failure to communicate
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 22, 2024:
I have yet to meet a woman who says what she really wants...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 23, 2024:
@Betty The majority of the human race does this I know because I have not only seen it but have done it in my past. These days I hope I have purged myself of this need to live in a fantasy world.
That's one way to give a thief a...surprise. 🤣🤣🤣
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 22, 2024:
I use clumping litter and scoop it out to put in a pail.... But with a few simple household chemicals I could make that box real entertaining when opened...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
@Betty I already know of him....
I know we're gonna win
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 21, 2024:
In the cities they are going to stick out like a turd in a punchbowl....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
@Betty I would get there...
That's one way to give a thief a...surprise. 🤣🤣🤣
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 22, 2024:
I use clumping litter and scoop it out to put in a pail.... But with a few simple household chemicals I could make that box real entertaining when opened...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
@Betty Just running through my mental files on the best formulas and designs that could be used... It's the little things that make you smile.
Clearly, it's a failure to communicate
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 22, 2024:
I have yet to meet a woman who says what she really wants...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
@Betty Nobody likes to be the bad guy so they edit the memories as they go convincing themselves that the imagined version really happened.
I know we're gonna win
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 21, 2024:
In the cities they are going to stick out like a turd in a punchbowl....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
@Betty With a bullet to their head...
That's one way to give a thief a...surprise. 🤣🤣🤣
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 22, 2024:
I use clumping litter and scoop it out to put in a pail.... But with a few simple household chemicals I could make that box real entertaining when opened...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
@Betty Yeah hopefully it is in their car but short of that anywhere inside the place they live is fine... Like maybe the bedroom?...
Clearly, it's a failure to communicate
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 22, 2024:
I have yet to meet a woman who says what she really wants...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
@Betty One thing I learned long ago is there are usually 3 sides to every story... his side, her side and the truth...
Clearly, it's a failure to communicate
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 22, 2024:
I have yet to meet a woman who says what she really wants...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
@St-Sinner not IFV we have those now and artificial insemination is common... I think you mean the artificial womb...
Don't look at me
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 22, 2024:
If a guy doesn't have at lease 6 inches, double up the time on giving head. Advice from lesbians..
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
@St-Sinner A better question would be what would a lesbian know or care about penis size?....
Clearly, it's a failure to communicate
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 22, 2024:
I have yet to meet a woman who says what she really wants...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
@Betty I do but unfortunately most women especially ones close to my age all want to be Peg Bundy....
Michigan GQP goes broke.... []
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2024:
They want to run the country and they can't even run their own party.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
And it isn't just one state either...
Michigan GQP goes broke.... []
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2024:
They want to run the country and they can't even run their own party.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
Yep the leader of the party wants to sell their HQ to get them out of debt even...
Clearly, it's a failure to communicate
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 22, 2024:
I have yet to meet a woman who says what she really wants...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
@St-Sinner They like to get established first and then the demands start and no matter what you do it never seems to be enough... So I am always upfront with what I expect which is a full partner not a moocher... So far at the least this seems to frighten them off...
I know we're gonna win
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 21, 2024:
In the cities they are going to stick out like a turd in a punchbowl....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
@Betty Not is we stop negotiating with terrorists...
I know we're gonna win
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 21, 2024:
In the cities they are going to stick out like a turd in a punchbowl....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
@Betty To them genocide is a sign of strength and they are firmly convinced of their own genetic and cultural superiority... in this they are no different from the Russians, Hamas, India, Iran or Israel... There is no "negotiation" with animals like these you either beat them financially or physically... Once they start shooting the other options are off the table... Oddly enough the Man who said "violence never settles anything" was Genghis Khan.... This falsehood has settled the destinies of many peaceful cultures over many thousands of years...
I know we're gonna win
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 21, 2024:
In the cities they are going to stick out like a turd in a punchbowl....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
@Betty MAGA only respects those who are in their view strong... Fighting back in their eyes is strong while trying to talk is just weakness... If you try to talk sense to them they will just laugh at you but if they start shooting and you shoot back they will cry like Trump does...
I know we're gonna win
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 21, 2024:
In the cities they are going to stick out like a turd in a punchbowl....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
@Betty They are the ones who want to break it even more than it already is... Your suggestion amounts to the same suggestion MAGA has made to Ukraine.... just surrender to the genocidal maniacs...
When even clowns have better fashion taste....
Betty comments on Feb 22, 2024:
Some products should never make it to market.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
And some products should be seen as warning labels... This one just screams the wearer is a tacky inbred moron with delusions of adequacy....
I know we're gonna win
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 21, 2024:
In the cities they are going to stick out like a turd in a punchbowl....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
@Betty The target would be the "one" because none of these scum are innocent...
I know we're gonna win
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 21, 2024:
In the cities they are going to stick out like a turd in a punchbowl....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
@Betty It takes two to make peace and only one to start a war...
I know we're gonna win
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 21, 2024:
In the cities they are going to stick out like a turd in a punchbowl....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
@Betty "Think of it as evolution in action..." Jerry Pournelle Oddly enough he was also a Republican...
I know we're gonna win
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 21, 2024:
In the cities they are going to stick out like a turd in a punchbowl....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
@Betty No if they start a war the sport would be nailing those hats to their heads...
Family of Canadian idiots move to Russia to "get away from teh Gays.
zeuser comments on Feb 22, 2024:
Boy, they saw these rubes coming a thousand miles away didn't they? Sure put all your money in one of our banks, it's safe. Har Har. Can't spend any money and the movies suck, and no good hairdressers! 😄 Suffer, you bigoted shitbags. I do feel sorry for the kids.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 22, 2024:
I think the kids are getting a wonder education there.... especially about what stupid mentally ill parents they have...
I know we're gonna win
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 21, 2024:
In the cities they are going to stick out like a turd in a punchbowl....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 21, 2024:
@Betty Those caps are going to help a lot they make the perfect target...
Family of Canadian idiots move to Russia to "get away from teh Gays.
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 21, 2024:
Gays can't force anything down my throat. There are better countries to move to than Russia and Canada. The number one problem in Canada is housing prices and cost of living.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 21, 2024:
You don't like it move to Russia like they did...
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Unless you can prove you are extremely wealthy I kind of doubt you are going to get laid much less a sandwich....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 21, 2024:
@Betty All systems are flawed ... Nothing is perfect.
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Unless you can prove you are extremely wealthy I kind of doubt you are going to get laid much less a sandwich....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 21, 2024:
@Betty That would just set this country up for the next time someone tries this shit...
The stakes couldn't be higher....
ThinkingFree comments on Feb 20, 2024:
This piece of crap is so teflon !!! 😡
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 21, 2024:
@ThinkingFree Because like I said he can't...
Historians rate American presidents by greatness....
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Good thing I can't read that list. Only great president was JF KENNEDY in my lifetime. From there onward every US PRESIDENT just gotten worse. Except Jimmy Carter who was the best ex president.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@Castlepaloma Apparently Canada and certain Canadians like you haven't caught on that the ones fucking you in the ass are the far right-wing Republicans.... Even though you are admitting it openly... FYI that wasn't what Executive order 111110 did...
Historians rate American presidents by greatness....
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Good thing I can't read that list. Only great president was JF KENNEDY in my lifetime. From there onward every US PRESIDENT just gotten worse. Except Jimmy Carter who was the best ex president.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@Castlepaloma Congratulations you're an idiot.... You mentioned 3 of the worst right-wing presidents in history and a center-right Democrat who lowered top tier tax rates by 20% for he didn't have to pay as much... JFK had both his good and bad points but he started a dangerous slide to the far right on tax policy that is now costing the US a fortune... This is something that has destroyed many empires and city states dearly over the millennia eventually destroying many of them and weakening the rest until they were destroyed from the outside....
I am pretty sure that it's not a dog
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2024:
He's pure bread.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
And worth a lot of dough....
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Unless you can prove you are extremely wealthy I kind of doubt you are going to get laid much less a sandwich....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@Betty I figure once Trump is done and the news stops boring us with clips about his latest bullshit and trying to convince us that this is just normal. about six months after that if you ask them who she is they are going to answer "Stormy who?..."
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Unless you can prove you are extremely wealthy I kind of doubt you are going to get laid much less a sandwich....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@Betty A very credible "professional witness" I bet...
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Unless you can prove you are extremely wealthy I kind of doubt you are going to get laid much less a sandwich....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@Betty The shaft is metaphorical more or less because once this shaft goes in you can never get it out... That legal shaft is buried deep for the rest of your life and then some...
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Unless you can prove you are extremely wealthy I kind of doubt you are going to get laid much less a sandwich....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@Betty Hey maybe if I can get them cheap enough I can sell them on Ebay with free delivery to Melina. With any luck at all I could sell a couple million and flood her with them...
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Unless you can prove you are extremely wealthy I kind of doubt you are going to get laid much less a sandwich....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@Betty Keyboard is acting up this one lasted a whole three years so far... but sweatshit sounds appropriate. And I did phrase it most carefully... Basically the shaft she got was shoved up her ass...
Trumpanzees march in Nashville and get scared off by a man with a camera... []
girlwithsmiles comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Not like in Grantham Lincolnshire, those Nazis had a rally and showed their faces, scared the heck out of me!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@girlwithsmiles Just remember there are two rules to dealing with bullies... The first is to go in low and dirty.... The more you hurt them especially their pride. The second is to hit them first and don't stop until they can no longer fight just be sure it will look like the bully was first.
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Unless you can prove you are extremely wealthy I kind of doubt you are going to get laid much less a sandwich....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@Betty She is going to need a sweatshit.... one that reads "I came for the gold mine and only ended up with the shaft..."
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Unless you can prove you are extremely wealthy I kind of doubt you are going to get laid much less a sandwich....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@Betty Fool's gold digger if you ask me...
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Unless you can prove you are extremely wealthy I kind of doubt you are going to get laid much less a sandwich....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@St-Sinner That is long gone and he owes both of them a shitpot full of money still....
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Unless you can prove you are extremely wealthy I kind of doubt you are going to get laid much less a sandwich....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@Betty He has already been doing that... Every penny spent from his "Save America PAC" has been on these cases and it is damned near tapped the fuck out. Down to 8 million and dropping faster than a hooker's panties on payday....
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Unless you can prove you are extremely wealthy I kind of doubt you are going to get laid much less a sandwich....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@Betty She is most definitely dumber than a box of rocks.... She is nasty, rude, self centered, greedy and conniving... All that makes her even more stupid. she is going to end up broke and deported if there is justice in this world...
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Unless you can prove you are extremely wealthy I kind of doubt you are going to get laid much less a sandwich....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@St-Sinner This money he already owes is going to trigger a collapse because his creditors are going to start being stiffed and he owes a lot of people a lot of money and some of those people are not the type you want to piss off.... Like the Saudis.
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Unless you can prove you are extremely wealthy I kind of doubt you are going to get laid much less a sandwich....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@St-Sinner Not looking very promising with the terms of the last court decision and he is still facing a lot more in fines, lawyers fees, court costs and money owed to creditors... I am going to be surprised if he doesn't end up with a prison job for .25 cents an hour...
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Unless you can prove you are extremely wealthy I kind of doubt you are going to get laid much less a sandwich....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@Betty And nobody wants those sloppy seconds...
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
Betty comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Was "lonely" a disappointment?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@Betty Especially in women of child bearing age....
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Unless you can prove you are extremely wealthy I kind of doubt you are going to get laid much less a sandwich....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@Betty You know what is going through her mind about now right?.... "I am not getting paid nearly enough for this shit..."
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
Betty comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Was "lonely" a disappointment?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@Betty Are you suggesting I should give a "hands on" tutorial in sandwich making? A video series perhaps?...
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Unless you can prove you are extremely wealthy I kind of doubt you are going to get laid much less a sandwich....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@St-Sinner Just goes to prove there are certain jobs no woman in North America will do for any price...
Hello Peeps, I'm done with lonely.
Betty comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Was "lonely" a disappointment?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
depends on which hand he was using to spread the mayonnaise that day I guess...
Do you have sympathy in your heart?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 20, 2024:
I think he has three chance to be elected again... slim.... fat.... and none.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@St-Sinner As far as Trump goes sympathy is just another word between shit and syphilis in the dictionary to me...
The stakes couldn't be higher....
ThinkingFree comments on Feb 20, 2024:
This piece of crap is so teflon !!! 😡
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@ThinkingFree Also I heard Elon Musk just met with him at Mira largo which may mean Musk is going to loan him the money to stay the collections which would make him a fool.... (as if that were anything new). If that happens it is going to drain Musk's wealth even more than even he has managed as he will need to borrow against even more of his assets because Trump will never be able to repay that kind of loan.This is absolutely the best birthday present I could ever imagine...
He is well and truly fucked... []
silverotter11 comments on Feb 20, 2024:
To the people who never watch anything but fox, newsmax, etc. they repeat just what trump said at the start of this video. I know because my twin sister claimed exactly that when she commented - completely off topic as usual - to a post our younger sister made on facebook. The right is also ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
Actually his loss in these cases will make people doing business in NY more comfortable because it shows that if someone is doing these cons they will be held accountable... Once Trump is forced to pay it should result in people outside being more comfortable in investing inside the state because of the greater sense of security. The ones who won't will be the ones who want to cheat people like Trump has...
The stakes couldn't be higher....
ThinkingFree comments on Feb 20, 2024:
This piece of crap is so teflon !!! 😡
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@ThinkingFree Actually you would be very wrong.... In order to put a hold on collections in the E.G. Carroll decisions so he can appeal he had to post either bond or cash in the amount of 130% of what he owes and he opted to pay cash. He has to do the same for the latest which brings the total for both him and his sons to around $540 million as nobody is going to be stupid enough to bond him in these matters and he hasn't got enough equity available in his properties. His PAC is down to $5 million and he is looking to control the GOP so he can keep paying his lawyer bills but the GOP only has $8 million in their accounts as it is. Between the appeals and his present Lawyers bills as well as his next criminal case starting in about a month that money is gone. So basically he is fucked well and truly...
Historians rate American presidents by greatness....
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Good thing I can't read that list. Only great president was JF KENNEDY in my lifetime. From there onward every US PRESIDENT just gotten worse. Except Jimmy Carter who was the best ex president.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@Castlepaloma Reagan was a scum sucking pig who sold his country to the highest corporate bidders, Shrub was an idiot with daddy issues who was controlled by Dickweed Cheney and Trump is a treasonous fool who only cares about himself and has more mommy and daddy issues than anyone else on the planet....
Trumpanzees march in Nashville and get scared off by a man with a camera... []
girlwithsmiles comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Not like in Grantham Lincolnshire, those Nazis had a rally and showed their faces, scared the heck out of me!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
Never be afraid of bullies they are all cowards first...
Historians rate American presidents by greatness....
St-Sinner comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Many rankings are surprising. Abraham Lincoln is right to be at the top for doing the bold and right things against fierce opposition and huge unpopularity for his efforts to free slaves and leading the nation to war to do it, while Andrew Jackson his VP is also right for ranking at the bottom ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
Reagan was a scumbag also there are many of these assessments that are way off if you ask me and Trump while he is in the correct position should have scored zero. Grant should have been lower as his administration was nearly as corrupt as Nixon's was he may have been an effective general though his tactics would have failed if he didn't have a far more massive army and better weapons firepower but he was a drunken fool as a president.
Historians rate American presidents by greatness....
Castlepaloma comments on Feb 20, 2024:
Good thing I can't read that list. Only great president was JF KENNEDY in my lifetime. From there onward every US PRESIDENT just gotten worse. Except Jimmy Carter who was the best ex president.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
Which once again proves just how little you know...
The stakes couldn't be higher....
ThinkingFree comments on Feb 20, 2024:
This piece of crap is so teflon !!! 😡
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
Not anymore this has cost him close to a billion so far....
He is well and truly fucked... []
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 20, 2024:
I trust Michael Cohen exactly as much as I admire and trust drump. What a weasel, ummm, wait, bunch of weasels
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
The differences between them are that Cohen is trying to stay out of prison a second time and has the evidence to back up his testimony...
Trumpanzees march in Nashville and get scared off by a man with a camera... []
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2024:
If you have to wear a mask in public you must be ashamed of what you are doing.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
Unless it is to make the public safer as we did during COVID....
The gist of my latest spammer conversation: Ring! Ring! I answer my phone and a woman says in a ...
michelle666gar comments on Feb 18, 2024:
My daughter tells them, they owe her money once they give her some name. She says oh yeah Carol you owe me $500, happy you called, pay me now and they hang up quickly, I'm going to start using that one!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 20, 2024:
@Gwen_Wanderer I love instant fish fillets....
A man from England who is more of an American than any Republican.... []
Betty comments on Feb 19, 2024:
Anyone have a prediction?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 19, 2024:
@Betty Only if he is smart so he can go on the run before the DOJ "indicks" him.... So far I haven't seen him do anything that proves he is smart...
That could be a dam good start
annewimsey500 comments on Feb 19, 2024:
Ummm, if you are not guilty you never even get indicted, ever mind go on trial, in most cases. On the other hand, when you are guilty And stupid, you get both.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 19, 2024:
I am wondering how long before Fakeriot here gets indicted.... or as as Maggot Turdface says "indicked..."
Russians making fun of Trump supporters and saying the same thing about them I do.
Mooolah comments on Feb 19, 2024:
Why would Putin permit this? Will these commentators be flying out of a 20 story building soon? What is he up to because he is always conniving? Suspicious.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 19, 2024:
@Mooolah these opinions are not just my own but also from some of the best national defense analysts in the world not just the US but unfortunately they don't get listened to the ones who do have the politicians ears are a pack of fools... people who really know about Russia advised NATO countries to give Ukraine full support and ignore Putin's toothless threats from the beginning which would have ended this within 3 months yet politicians hesitated and only sent short range weapons with severe restrictions on when and where they could be used. Now we are looking at the third year of this war with over 400K Russian troops dead or incapacitated and more Ukrainian civilians along with tens of thousands of Ukrainian children forcibly stolen from their families as well... Putin has made many formal statements publicly that his goals include ending the Ukrainian culture, taking over not only the old territories of the USSR, expanding into Europe and beyond and even taking back Alaska....
So it turns out that Trump properties are actually worth less than others in the same market.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2024:
I read earlier that Trump properties have lost value in a real estate booming market.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 19, 2024:
@annewimsey500 Hopefully it gets a lot better soon... Russia still needs to pay the price and MAGA needs to be completely flushed down the toilet of history. Plus corruption on the USSC needs to be ended permanently
Russians making fun of Trump supporters and saying the same thing about them I do.
Mooolah comments on Feb 19, 2024:
Why would Putin permit this? Will these commentators be flying out of a 20 story building soon? What is he up to because he is always conniving? Suspicious.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 19, 2024:
@Mooolah Putin has zero military experience and was only a low end moderately capable KGB operative according to those who worked with him certainly no more a "genius" than Trump is. Both have egos that are far larger than their abilities..
The gist of my latest spammer conversation: Ring! Ring! I answer my phone and a woman says in a ...
michelle666gar comments on Feb 18, 2024:
My daughter tells them, they owe her money once they give her some name. She says oh yeah Carol you owe me $500, happy you called, pay me now and they hang up quickly, I'm going to start using that one!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 19, 2024:
@michelle666gar I love dynamiting fish in a barrel...
Russians making fun of Trump supporters and saying the same thing about them I do.
Mooolah comments on Feb 19, 2024:
Why would Putin permit this? Will these commentators be flying out of a 20 story building soon? What is he up to because he is always conniving? Suspicious.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 19, 2024:
@Mooolah He is NOT as intelligent as you assume he is.... His sole advantages are that he is smarter than the people he is dealing with so far and he knows the fools here in the US will see his endorsement of Biden and the Republicans attempts to slander him as "senile and incompetent" as well as "corrupt" as a trap to saddle us with another president he can manipulate... The only other advantage he has so far is the ability to use the old USSR's finely honed tactics and networks for spreading disinformation. The reality is that if the US was still supplying Ukraine at former levels this war would be ending within the next 18 months with Russia going home losing everything they have won so far and a complete inability to wage war for at least 50 years which would cause the Russian Union to completely collapse and fragment. This would suspend those abilities indefinitely... If the supplies to Ukraine were upgraded to long range weapons and more modern ones instead of the aged out junk we were sending them before Russia wouldn't last 6 months and the results for them would be even worse... Plus the advantage either way would end up with Putin taking a flying lesson that ends badly...
Russians making fun of Trump supporters and saying the same thing about them I do.
Mooolah comments on Feb 19, 2024:
Why would Putin permit this? Will these commentators be flying out of a 20 story building soon? What is he up to because he is always conniving? Suspicious.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 19, 2024:
@Mooolah Because he can...
So it turns out that Moscow Mike is in the Pay of Russia through a corporation in Texas.
Switchcraft comments on Feb 19, 2024:
If tramp is elected, the money marked for Ukraine could very well be diverted to Russia.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 19, 2024:
It wouldn't be the first time he tried that...
Russians making fun of Trump supporters and saying the same thing about them I do.
Mooolah comments on Feb 19, 2024:
Why would Putin permit this? Will these commentators be flying out of a 20 story building soon? What is he up to because he is always conniving? Suspicious.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 19, 2024:
Putin is encouraging it... He has been lately talking about Trump in the same way.
Russians making fun of Trump supporters and saying the same thing about them I do.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2024:
Picking the low fruit. Shooting fish in a barrel. Take your pick.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 19, 2024:
@glennlab I call it dynamiting fish in a barrel...
So it turns out that Trump properties are actually worth less than others in the same market.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2024:
I read earlier that Trump properties have lost value in a real estate booming market.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 19, 2024:
@glennlab Actually according to the court he can't do that without their permission... As for the golf course maybe not so much...
Russians making fun of Trump supporters and saying the same thing about them I do.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2024:
Picking the low fruit. Shooting fish in a barrel. Take your pick.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 19, 2024:
Did you see the video?...
So it turns out that Trump properties are actually worth less than others in the same market.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2024:
I read earlier that Trump properties have lost value in a real estate booming market.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 19, 2024:
Did you see the part about the building having his name removed and the condos going up to market value?...
The gist of my latest spammer conversation: Ring! Ring! I answer my phone and a woman says in a ...
Redheadedgammy comments on Feb 18, 2024:
I love that you told her not to bless you with any god! I do that too when people say God bless you to me. 😉
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 19, 2024:
@Gwen_Wanderer Remember Yahoo Answers?... I was infamous there and was constantly getting death threats from all over the world. My IP address showed as a cemetery plot in LA even if they could figure out how to hack the internal message system like I had. I had a Muslim threaten me once who was working the oil fields in Saudi Arabia so I sent him a Google Earth picture of his location with superimposed cross hairs on it.... Scared the living shit out of the little bastard he was begging me not to kill him . I guess he thought I was some kind of drone operator or had my finger in the launch button of a cruise missile...
The gist of my latest spammer conversation: Ring! Ring! I answer my phone and a woman says in a ...
michelle666gar comments on Feb 18, 2024:
My daughter tells them, they owe her money once they give her some name. She says oh yeah Carol you owe me $500, happy you called, pay me now and they hang up quickly, I'm going to start using that one!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 19, 2024:
@Gwen_Wanderer I told one his mother had asked me to tell him she wants him to help her on her street corner because she was getting chapped lips from sucking so much cock... He must have been screaming at me for at least 5 minutes before his boss started yelling at him and cut us off. I bet there were a lot of people who might have otherwise been victims of that call center that over heard that and cut the others off.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 18, 2024:
Standing up or laying down?....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 18, 2024:
@Betty You just don't see it because you aren't used to word games while I grew up on them.... Puns as well as double or even triple entendres, literary humor etc... Even my screen name is a triple literary pun I created I created on the spur of the moment...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 18, 2024:
Standing up or laying down?....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 18, 2024:
@Betty I already did and the actual score is really 1 out of 4 read it yourself...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 18, 2024:
Standing up or laying down?....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 18, 2024:
@Betty Don't you mean 1 out of 3?... And I handed you that one.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 18, 2024:
Standing up or laying down?....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 18, 2024:
@Betty I set traps so I can smell one miles away...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 18, 2024:
Standing up or laying down?....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 18, 2024:
@Betty I see what you are doing here you just want to accuse me of bragging again...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 18, 2024:
Standing up or laying down?....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 18, 2024:
@Betty The difference between "good" and "bad" in bed is caring that who you are in bed with is satisfied also...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 18, 2024:
Standing up or laying down?....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 18, 2024:
@Betty Her end with any luck at all...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 18, 2024:
Standing up or laying down?....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 18, 2024:
@Betty the abuse my body has been through is what makes me feel old. Figure it this way what most people like you think of as an 8 or 9 pain level (the one your doctor asks you about) to me is no more than a 4 or 5....
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 18, 2024:
Standing up or laying down?....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 18, 2024:
@Betty You wish...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 18, 2024:
Standing up or laying down?....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 18, 2024:
@Betty Then she would really enjoy me...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 18, 2024:
Standing up or laying down?....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 18, 2024:
@Betty Ever heard the old saying "size doesn't matter?..." On the other hand lap sized is far better than beefalo sized...
The gist of my latest spammer conversation: Ring! Ring! I answer my phone and a woman says in a ...
Redheadedgammy comments on Feb 18, 2024:
I love that you told her not to bless you with any god! I do that too when people say God bless you to me. 😉
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 18, 2024:
@Gwen_Wanderer And yet she is a Hindu.... Learn to take advantage of that if you do it right they get all butthurt and start cussing up a storm...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Feb 18, 2024:
Standing up or laying down?....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 18, 2024:
@Betty Any Heterosexual male lying down with her the last thing they had in mind would be taking a nap... I might be old but I would die trying if need be.
So it turns out that Moscow Mike is in the Pay of Russia through a corporation in Texas.
glennlab comments on Feb 18, 2024:
He is on the payroll of the russian fascists. Doesn't have a bank account and makes more than 88% of all Americans, give me a break.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Feb 18, 2024:
And the Corporation calling itself American Ethane in Texas is owned 88% by Putin's favorite oligarchs... I think the company should be seized because all three of those bastards are under sanctions... Also the American covering for them should be arrested and put in prison for facilitating them. Oh and FYI I also posted this in the group "Biden Pinata" to piss off those idiots... Here I hope to piss off the pro-Russian trolls as well.

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