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So now White heterosexual male Republicans.... wait for it.... think women are "ugly and stinky?
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 28, 2022:
I hearsay a survey on media news ladies who wear too much make up and wear too much perfume are ugly and smell bad. I don't know if it was on the left or right news channels. Probably both and they are both extremely judgmental and very fear mongering. STOP Watching brain rot!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 28, 2022:
@FrayedBear Are you saying he should go finger himself?...
So now White heterosexual male Republicans.... wait for it.... think women are "ugly and stinky?
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 28, 2022:
I hearsay a survey on media news ladies who wear too much make up and wear too much perfume are ugly and smell bad. I don't know if it was on the left or right news channels. Probably both and they are both extremely judgmental and very fear mongering. STOP Watching brain rot!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 28, 2022:
@Castlepaloma Still don't read do you....
Best thing that every happened to Cuba was the banning of the Catholic church.
JackPedigo comments on Sep 28, 2022:
Mmaybe some of those that fled Cuba to Floriduh will think about returning.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 28, 2022:
Could you honestly blame them?.... I mean look at the ratfuck the GQP has turned Floriduh into....
So now White heterosexual male Republicans.... wait for it.... think women are "ugly and stinky?
racocn8 comments on Sep 28, 2022:
Pretty sad and ironic considering that neo-Nazi types possess a notoriously repulsive face with either overweight or emaciated body. As for odor, their lack of attention to grooming (other than idiotic tattoos) provides good indications. It's a fair bet that most of these cretins spend their time on...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 28, 2022:
If you mean because they are broke, dirty, live in a rusty trailer and the two most valuable things they own are a gun and a pick-up truck I do believe you hit the nail on the head....
So now White heterosexual male Republicans.... wait for it.... think women are "ugly and stinky?
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 28, 2022:
I hearsay a survey on media news ladies who wear too much make up and wear too much perfume are ugly and smell bad. I don't know if it was on the left or right news channels. Probably both and they are both extremely judgmental and very fear mongering. STOP Watching brain rot!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 28, 2022:
@Castlepaloma How is this for a rebuttal..... Unlike you I don't even own an idiot-box... and I can read.... Maybe you should try it sometimes after all if you do it privately who is going to know that you read VVVVVEEEEERRRRRYYYYY slowly and move your lips?....
So now White heterosexual male Republicans.... wait for it.... think women are "ugly and stinky?
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2022:
I wonder if they realize that their movement is doomed after the first generation without women?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 28, 2022:
@silverotter11 Now much more valuable due to it's rarity....
So now White heterosexual male Republicans.... wait for it.... think women are "ugly and stinky?
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 28, 2022:
I hearsay a survey on media news ladies who wear too much make up and wear too much perfume are ugly and smell bad. I don't know if it was on the left or right news channels. Probably both and they are both extremely judgmental and very fear mongering. STOP Watching brain rot!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 28, 2022:
Thanks for proving you are an idiot....
Best thing that every happened to Cuba was the banning of the Catholic church.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 27, 2022:
Cuba just made same sex marriage legal and allows gays to adopt.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 27, 2022:
By an extremely large margin ...
One day the teacher decides to play an animal game.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 27, 2022:
You never know what you might hear in a classroom. When I first started teaching, I taught at a catholic high school. I was teaching Milton's Paradise Lost. I was talking about different levels of hell and how different religions have their own versions and levels as well. I mentioned the 7 levels ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 27, 2022:
@glennlab You are thinking post "regime change..."
One day the teacher decides to play an animal game.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 27, 2022:
You never know what you might hear in a classroom. When I first started teaching, I taught at a catholic high school. I was teaching Milton's Paradise Lost. I was talking about different levels of hell and how different religions have their own versions and levels as well. I mentioned the 7 levels ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 27, 2022:
@Beowulfsfriend Actually in Egypt there were a lot of wealthy families before that "regime change" you mention (sponsored by the US government of course) . It was a freely elected government before we messed it up for them installing a dictator who killed off any who didn't escape so he could steal their wealth. Before we got involved Egypt was one of the wealthiest countries in that part of the world...
Not my music, not my monkeys
zeuser comments on Sep 27, 2022:
Lock those two in a room for 3 days and maybe, just maybe, they'll figure out how to crack an egg.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 27, 2022:
You are severely over estimating their intelligence....
How many sung it???
Betty comments on Sep 27, 2022:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 27, 2022:
The Rock...
Healthcare in America is a joke.... []
callmedubious comments on Sep 27, 2022:
unfortunately, for most ppl, an expensive, deadly joke.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 27, 2022:
For a year after I moved in some hospital was sending bills to the guy who had once owned the place here which I would keep sending back "return to sender person no longer at this address but the next month I would get another. Finally I opened one to find a phone number to contact the idiots and happened to notice the hospital was trying to bill the guy for $225,000.00 only $20,000 less than I had purchased the home for....
They called me again and I found out who they were.....
AnonySchmoose comments on Sep 26, 2022:
We get 'Spam Risk' calls several times every night and day often at 3 am. So annoying ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 27, 2022:
@AnonySchmoose LMAO try telling them their momma was a blender and their daddy was a circle jerk they hate that one... To get past the recording just press one or zero...
They called me again and I found out who they were.....
AnonySchmoose comments on Sep 26, 2022:
We get 'Spam Risk' calls several times every night and day often at 3 am. So annoying ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 26, 2022:
Do what I do.... answer the call and annoy them back.... Oh and do please feel free to leave these creeps a one start review... After all every little bit helps right?...
Even lacking that sign, they would figure that out PDQ.
p-nullifidian comments on Sep 26, 2022:
The group members might prefer better ventilation, however passersby might prefer keeping the door shut! 😉
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 26, 2022:
Nailing it shut and caulking the edges is more like it....
What a maroon.
NostraDumbass comments on Sep 24, 2022:
Except in Trump’s case the swollen part is his ego and the shrunken parts are his conscience and intellect.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 24, 2022:
Rumor has it he has a very tiny penis as well...
Unoffensive shark.
St-Sinner comments on Sep 24, 2022:
Wait a minute, that's called 'Reverse Discriminaion' in Texas. No, can't do.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 24, 2022:
Ok how about "Average Klan Shark"...
Oh well
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 23, 2022:
Romans were meticulous record-keepers and there is no mention of it +/- 30 years in either direction......
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 23, 2022:
Persians Romans, Greeks Egyptians, Syrians and other cultures in that region all kept excellent records as well and somehow there are no records of the events in the old testament as described.
Hey @MichelleGar1 I found one just for you.... []
MichelleGar1 comments on Sep 22, 2022:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 22, 2022:
Ahhh this takes me back to the good old days before Donnie Dumbass... []
phxbillcee comments on Sep 22, 2022:
This is a great disservice to Palin...everyone knows that in a crowd that size she would have packed a fully auto AR-15!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 22, 2022:
Once upgraded to full auto the AR-15 is a M-16 in every respect other that the stamped markings...
ExplosmEntertainment - Ed Gein's Dreamhouse []
MichelleGar1 comments on Sep 22, 2022:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 22, 2022:
Pretty big window.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 22, 2022:
Well at least they are prepared for flooding....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 22, 2022:
@Beowulfsfriend I would have used steel reinforced pylons and driven them 20 feet deep for the foundation myself and a two story triple-wide. Then for the cars you just setup a rail system with a raft like a small dock so you can drive your car up on them and not have to worry about floods. Much larger investment but worth it because you don't have to replace your home and cars after every flood.
Ouch! That hurt...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 20, 2022:
Be careful she might get angry and bite the nose off your face...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 22, 2022:
@RobertNappi2 She might mistake it for a turnip....
Who would have guessed?
joeandbarb comments on Sep 22, 2022:
I like asking them if their parents are proud of them for being such losers or are they as fucked up losers as they are?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 22, 2022:
I have told them "I bet your mommy is so proud she is still looking for an abortion...." I hear some interesting words when I use that one.... You can also try ""You are a ugly little shit and your mama dresses you funny..." I don't know why they keep calling me they must enjoy being abused.
That was one hell of a class
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 21, 2022:
I did acid once. It actually changed my life from a world class athlete to a world class sculptor and same for my daughter. We both didn't do heavy drugs ever again. Three day stone on orange sunshine acid almost killed me.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 22, 2022:
@Castlepaloma And yet some of those will be remembered for centuries while those with a "greater body of work" will be long forgotten...
That was one hell of a class
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 21, 2022:
I did acid once. It actually changed my life from a world class athlete to a world class sculptor and same for my daughter. We both didn't do heavy drugs ever again. Three day stone on orange sunshine acid almost killed me.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 22, 2022:
@Castlepaloma And the further into the past the shorter the average lifespan and more primitive medicine was making it harder to to determine the actual cause of death because of "naturalistic medications..."
That was one hell of a class
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 21, 2022:
I did acid once. It actually changed my life from a world class athlete to a world class sculptor and same for my daughter. We both didn't do heavy drugs ever again. Three day stone on orange sunshine acid almost killed me.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 22, 2022:
@Castlepaloma Since drugs were NOT illegal and no records would have been kept how can you know?... Also those two were Gay ...
Who would have guessed?
anglophone comments on Sep 21, 2022:
They also seem to become a trifle upset when I call them evil lying bastards. Funny that.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 21, 2022:
I used the lines in my post on one and she asked "how could you say such a thing?" So I answered her "Because you are a pathetic lying piece of shit who steals money from people who can't afford it and have good hearts" Her answer was "Yes, but how could you say such a thing?..." After that I couldn't resist and berated her even more... For me sympathy for these scammers is just another word between shit and syphilis in the dictionary....
That was one hell of a class
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 21, 2022:
I did acid once. It actually changed my life from a world class athlete to a world class sculptor and same for my daughter. We both didn't do heavy drugs ever again. Three day stone on orange sunshine acid almost killed me.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 21, 2022:
@Castlepaloma How many were never caught?... How many died before drug addiction was even a crime after all it has only been a little over a hundred years since using drugs required a prescription...
That was one hell of a class
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 21, 2022:
I did acid once. It actually changed my life from a world class athlete to a world class sculptor and same for my daughter. We both didn't do heavy drugs ever again. Three day stone on orange sunshine acid almost killed me.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 21, 2022:
@Castlepaloma Stuck on stupid?.... COVID doesn't care if you don't get vaccinated the chances of death or disability skyrocket exponentially.
That was one hell of a class
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 21, 2022:
I did acid once. It actually changed my life from a world class athlete to a world class sculptor and same for my daughter. We both didn't do heavy drugs ever again. Three day stone on orange sunshine acid almost killed me.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 21, 2022:
@Castlepaloma Bawhaha.... Wanna bet? I never heard of you but here are some everyone has heard of.... Some links here do mention some of the same artists but also mention others that were overlooked by the rest....
That was one hell of a class
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 21, 2022:
I did acid once. It actually changed my life from a world class athlete to a world class sculptor and same for my daughter. We both didn't do heavy drugs ever again. Three day stone on orange sunshine acid almost killed me.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 21, 2022:
@Castlepaloma My screen name is a triple literary pun.... Such a shame you wasted all that time in college being wasted or you might have realized that.
Who would have guessed?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 21, 2022:
I like the hacker dude who hacks them while they are talking to him. He deletes multiple files from their systems while having himself protected as they try to scam his money. I've seen him on the ubiquitous
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 21, 2022:
he calls his channel "scammer payback..." His name is Perogi.
That was one hell of a class
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 21, 2022:
I did acid once. It actually changed my life from a world class athlete to a world class sculptor and same for my daughter. We both didn't do heavy drugs ever again. Three day stone on orange sunshine acid almost killed me.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 21, 2022:
Might want to get checked much of what you post here makes it sound like you are still stoned....
Latest moves from the republican crowd.
silverotter11 comments on Sep 19, 2022:
Republicans pull this sort of shit all the damn time and there is like no blow back. Yeah, it's on the news but just like christie with his bridgegate, bush with the WMDs lie, etc. no real legal or political consequences. Clinton lies about a BJ while in the WH and he's fuckin' impeached. Two ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 21, 2022:
@silverotter11, @JackPedigo Wouldn't be the second time the first was in the 1930s' (Google the businessman's coup) where they tried to replace FDR with a dictator like Hitler and made the mistake of thinking Semdley Butler would make a good tool to overthrow the government... Prescott Bush was a part of that.... Senator and H.W. Bush's daddy...
Latest moves from the republican crowd.
silverotter11 comments on Sep 19, 2022:
Republicans pull this sort of shit all the damn time and there is like no blow back. Yeah, it's on the news but just like christie with his bridgegate, bush with the WMDs lie, etc. no real legal or political consequences. Clinton lies about a BJ while in the WH and he's fuckin' impeached. Two ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 21, 2022:
@silverotter11 He lied because he was stupid... He actually had two brains and didn't use either. The first was his wife the Goldwater girl and Republican crook who fakes being a Democrat the way most women fake orgasms and the second was his dick...
If some would say that they are really bushed do they want a shaver or a hedge trimmer?
NostraDumbass comments on Sep 20, 2022:
At a moment such as this, it’s best to deploy the trusted weed whacker.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 20, 2022:
Adds a whole new dimension to the phrase "beating your meat..."
If some would say that they are really bushed do they want a shaver or a hedge trimmer?
phxbillcee comments on Sep 20, 2022: dangerously...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 20, 2022:
Only if you are a guy....
DeSkankis stunt backfires horribly.... []
Budgie comments on Sep 20, 2022:
One of the more despicable things I have heard about this week. What sort of person does that to people. Glad there were those that stepped up to help.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 20, 2022:
We have four names for them here.... Republicans, conservatives, Christians and assholes....
Latest moves from the republican crowd.
silverotter11 comments on Sep 19, 2022:
Republicans pull this sort of shit all the damn time and there is like no blow back. Yeah, it's on the news but just like christie with his bridgegate, bush with the WMDs lie, etc. no real legal or political consequences. Clinton lies about a BJ while in the WH and he's fuckin' impeached. Two ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 19, 2022:
The impeachment was because he lied to congress which is an impeachable offense.... The problem is we have three judges on the supreme court who did the same and nobody will impeach them....
Trump Says Bad Stuff's Gonna Happen. []
phxbillcee comments on Sep 19, 2022:
"Donald's full of crap..."
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 19, 2022:
@phxbillcee I guess it depends on what kind of stable he is talking about...
Trump Says Bad Stuff's Gonna Happen. []
phxbillcee comments on Sep 19, 2022:
"Donald's full of crap..."
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 19, 2022:
@dalefvictor One of the reasons I call him "Donnie Dumbass" is that every time he shits his IQ lowers..... and it is already well below zero...
I have to tip my hat to whoever wrote the shirt label that made me laugh.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Pain in the ass to wash though...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 19, 2022:
@FrayedBear About what I get or a bit less when you consider that my income is tax exempt...
Trump Says Bad Stuff's Gonna Happen. []
phxbillcee comments on Sep 19, 2022:
"Donald's full of crap..."
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 19, 2022:
How can he be full of crap when he is just a big pile of crap?...
I have to tip my hat to whoever wrote the shirt label that made me laugh.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Pain in the ass to wash though...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 19, 2022:
@FrayedBear I hate to burst your bubble but pretty much everyone is bad at commerce. Either they don't understand money or they don't understand marketing or they simply don't understand the product-line they picked. This is why so-called "self-made" billionaires have to cheat people, buy off politicians, evade taxes and beg for huge sums of money from their wealthy relatives to become billionaires. Don't believe me?... Look up any of them and try to find one who hasn't done all of those things...
I have to tip my hat to whoever wrote the shirt label that made me laugh.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Pain in the ass to wash though...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 19, 2022:
@FrayedBear 5 years with my assets I bet I could own that place... My net worth is figured at 1.4 million USD and my income come December will increase to 4.400.00 USD a month. Thing is from your description I wouldn't want it... We get more sun here in the middle of winter!
I have to tip my hat to whoever wrote the shirt label that made me laugh.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Pain in the ass to wash though...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 19, 2022:
@FrayedBear The main reason most businesses fail is that the owners honestly have no idea what they are doing and get themselves into problems. Either they don't understand the way money flows in the business or they don't understand how the business works itself. People think if they throw enough money into the project it is bound to succeed or if they buy a profitable business it will stay profitable no matter how badly they fuck things up. If you go into the restaurant business for instance you have to know how to run a restaurant you can't just hand the keys to your moronic kid and say "I know you dropped out of high school and failed the GED five times but here run this for me" because he will for sure think strutting around acting like the jackass he is will keep that already successful business going even when he starts laying off the people who made the business a success to begin with and hiring his jackass drug addled friends to work there. Believe it or not I am seeing this happen now I think little knothead is hiring waitresses who will sleep with him after laying off all the ones that made the place nice to take your family to. All of them have the same lack of ability to do the job and are all bleached blondes who stand around talking to each other instead of checking if customers need anything. They think all they need to do is take the order and let the kitchen staff deliver it to the table while they stand around and talk. Damned near fucking impossible to even get the check much less pay it or get your drink refilled. Even in a shitty area guess how long that place will stay open and it is in a shopping development with high rent. There was also a over priced hamburger joint that started as a full restaurant but the location was so hard to find it failed as a restaurant so they moved to a main drag location in another town but as a hamburger joint the town they were in couldn't support it and the meat was rally greasy. So they tried a third location that was next to a popular seasonal attraction off the beaten path and finally ran out of money... If you don't understand all the aspects a business is just a money pit...
I have to tip my hat to whoever wrote the shirt label that made me laugh.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Pain in the ass to wash though...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 19, 2022:
@FrayedBear It wasn't my father's fault he just didn't understand business which is kind of funny since he had spent much of his life as a business owner (his businesses always failed of course) or a bank manager....
I have to tip my hat to whoever wrote the shirt label that made me laugh.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Pain in the ass to wash though...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 19, 2022:
@FrayedBear Maybe there but here an operator refers to owner/operator while I was the manager and since I was the son of the owner worked at least 16 hours a day 7 days a week and made squat. But within 4 months even though the franchisor was taking 11% off the top I had the place operating in the black...
Guy: It hurts when I go like this. Quack on the web: Don't go like that.
glennlab comments on Sep 18, 2022:
If anyone texts me while we are in the same room, they better be prepared for my reaction.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 18, 2022:
@zeuser More like 300 finger emojis....
I have to tip my hat to whoever wrote the shirt label that made me laugh.
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 18, 2022:
"kETO" on Everything! Such BS!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 18, 2022:
@AnneWimsey Complex carbs are fine in limited quantities but processed sugars and corn syrups are pure poison... On my own after researching it by myself I found this out and applied it. In the last 8 years I went from over 330 pounds to 215 and am now taking testosterone supplements to rebuild all the muscle I lost so while the drop in weight has slowed I am feeling better and feeling less in the way of joint and other pains. Drives the doctors at the VA crazy when I explain what I am doing and why when they keep trying to send me to the dieticians. Most of these dieticians don't yet realize that eggs and dairy products like 4% milk, yogurt (plain), cheese etc have over the years gotten a bad rap through ignorance and lack of real research. I have even stopped regular testing for my blood sugar and instead go by the yearly A1c test they give me which has for the last 5 years been nearly normal with the reduced amount of medication I take for my type 2 diabetes. I hope one day to be back to normal and not need it anymore.
I have to tip my hat to whoever wrote the shirt label that made me laugh.
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 18, 2022:
"kETO" on Everything! Such BS!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 18, 2022:
Keto diets are just a way to scam money out of you.... If you really want to Keto (cause your body to burn fat) just cut out the sugar. Yeah it is rough for about the first week but that is just your body going through the withdrawals and adjusting itself to start burning off the fat. All that expensive crap is completely unnecessary.
A LOT of it "tastes funny" recently.
MichelleGar1 comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Love the unicorns! Lol
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 18, 2022:
@MichelleGar1 Just wondering...
I have to tip my hat to whoever wrote the shirt label that made me laugh.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Pain in the ass to wash though...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 18, 2022:
@FrayedBear Still a virgin eh?.... Also not an operator the manager... My father owned the place and I had to relocate to Sunnyvale CA to run it for him because he was having problems and would have lost the business if I hadn't.
A LOT of it "tastes funny" recently.
glennlab comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Seems that happened more than once
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 18, 2022:
Female Gazelles have relatively small horns so it looks like both those are male as well....
awwww such a good man
joeandbarb comments on Sep 18, 2022:
the problem with making love with her is this. You aren't done until she is. You had better be ready for some serious sex and hope you satisfy her
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 18, 2022:
Die trying one way or another....
I have to tip my hat to whoever wrote the shirt label that made me laugh.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Pain in the ass to wash though...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 18, 2022:
@FrayedBear So then I take it you never managed a laundry and dry cleaning business.... or did much of anything else for that matter except maybe working as a sex toy demonstrator?....
Who's up for a little take out?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 17, 2022:
I tried them once. Just fatty meat. They were alright, it depends on the seasoning. I never tried "salty chocolate balls."
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 17, 2022:
I have always found them... er... cringe worthy myself.
A LOT of it "tastes funny" recently.
MichelleGar1 comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Love the unicorns! Lol
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 17, 2022:
@AnneWimsey Thank you, thank you... No need for applause just over-tip the next waiter or waitress for me and explain why...
A LOT of it "tastes funny" recently.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Yeah, John Wayne as Genghis was really stupid. Shooting the film at a nuclear testing site was even more stupid. "Well pilgrim, let's go ravage some women and ride into the sunset on the Russian steppes, those damn commies"
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 17, 2022:
@Beowulfsfriend A great way to clean out the gene pool .... Think of it as chlorine...
A LOT of it "tastes funny" recently.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Yeah, John Wayne as Genghis was really stupid. Shooting the film at a nuclear testing site was even more stupid. "Well pilgrim, let's go ravage some women and ride into the sunset on the Russian steppes, those damn commies"
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 17, 2022:
Probably helped speed up his death from cancer..... Couldn't have happened to a more deserving racist asshole draft dodger...
A LOT of it "tastes funny" recently.
MichelleGar1 comments on Sep 17, 2022:
Love the unicorns! Lol
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 17, 2022:
Is it because they are so horny?...
He really didn't think this one through!
azzow2 comments on Sep 16, 2022:
Whats going to get him first the saw being pinched in the tree or the fall?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 16, 2022:
@TheoryNumber3 I wouldn't refer to that "thought process" as "thinking...."
He really didn't think this one through!
azzow2 comments on Sep 16, 2022:
Whats going to get him first the saw being pinched in the tree or the fall?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 16, 2022:
From the shape of the tree and angle it would be the fall with a running chainsaw on top of him....
No arms? I guess it's just the luck of the draw.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 16, 2022:
That is sickly funny, akin to dead baby jokes or mommy, mommy jokes.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 16, 2022:
AAHHH! the good old days...
phxbillcee comments on Sep 16, 2022:
Or, if there actually is, the Statute of Limitations is in force...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 16, 2022:
@Beowulfsfriend Except they don't keep the financial records for more than seven years....
He answered the question.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 15, 2022:
Lucky guy mine was a pain in the ass....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 16, 2022:
@joeandbarb If only I could have been so lucky and the guy had turned out to be a registered sex offender so I could have gained custody of my daughter. Then my daughter would be alive today...
He answered the question.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 15, 2022:
Lucky guy mine was a pain in the ass....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 16, 2022:
@FrayedBear Want her?.... I am sure she is available but keep in mind she is a redhead and gives all redheads a bad reputation....
Happy Thursday!!!!
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 15, 2022:
When I had a gas stove, I often heated my tortillas that way - it works.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 15, 2022:
@MichelleGar1 Not hard just different which is compensated by lower cost and being better for the environment. Much lower cost if you have solar or wind generation on your home. Kind of the same situation as using infrared or ceramic heaters instead of those crappy old fashioned resistance wire ones.... I have plans to put in outer wall insulation and new insulation in the ceiling after I have my home rewired to modern standards and with 4 KW of solar I should actually receive a refund on my electric bill each year meaning that the only cost afterwards would be city services which average about $100.00 a month here. Kind of my way of saying fuck you to big corporations...
Happy Thursday!!!!
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 15, 2022:
When I had a gas stove, I often heated my tortillas that way - it works.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 15, 2022:
@Beowulfsfriend Get a small griddle and you can do the same on an electric stove....
Looking back in hind sight...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 15, 2022:
At least they got a bang out of it....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 15, 2022:
@Betty What can I say?.... I deerly love a good pun....
And here, I at least though I was safe with the salt.
racocn8 comments on Sep 14, 2022:
A lot of expiration dates are BS.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 14, 2022:
Tell that to the fried chicken that has been in my refrigerator for the last month....
It's your problem, not mine.
silverotter11 comments on Sep 14, 2022:
Yeah, #1 came up frequently during my career in the printing industry. My supervisor at my favorite job said to me one time, "You're a real pain in the ass but way too good a worker to fire." My attitude stemmed from not taking any crap from the men/boys and not letting them get away with it ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 14, 2022:
@zeuser It will only be in the rear view mirror for me after I am buried face down so the whole world can kiss my ass....
Twins separated at birth?
Donna_I comments on Sep 14, 2022:
king ozzie has a ring to it. imho😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 14, 2022:
Good call the UK would be far better for it....
Just so you know!!!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 14, 2022:
You finally noticed did you?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 14, 2022:
@RobertNappi2 There is a simple solution to that.... Never give stupid people any slack to start with...
God, I hate it! It's so annoying! 😆
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 14, 2022:
They teach them that in marketing to increase sales because people have to keep wandering through the store to find what they need it increases impulse buying.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 14, 2022:
@Ryo1 I went grocery store a couple years back and needed some superglue as well to fix some stuff around the house. I checked the stationary isle and couldn't find it so I asked the stocking clerk if they were out and when more would come in.... He directed me to the end cap on the chips isle so I asked him what kind of moron thought that up.... The manager was standing behind me at the time and he started laughing.... guess where it has been ever since..... Hopefully word got back to the main office and they fired some idiots....
God, I hate it! It's so annoying! 😆
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 14, 2022:
They teach them that in marketing to increase sales because people have to keep wandering through the store to find what they need it increases impulse buying.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 14, 2022:
The reality is that post COVID it is lowering sales because people are far more likely to buy online and have it delivered instead....
To all my British and Commonwealth friends
p-nullifidian comments on Sep 13, 2022:
For all these years the words “Her Majesty” and “James Bond” have been inextricably linked. It’s going to be hard for me to adjust to hearing 007 refer to His Majesty! 😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 13, 2022:
I don't know about that I hear he plans on being a little bitch....
This beats high school reunion.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 12, 2022:
That would be me on my ebike....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 13, 2022:
@Betty More like a wire brush
Yup...I'm feeling it!!!
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 13, 2022:
And the worst part of all is when parts start falling off...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 13, 2022:
@Betty Hair mostly but on the bright side I save a lot of money on haircuts...
Mm..........Is this the artist formerly known as "Princess" :-D
FrayedBear comments on Sep 13, 2022:
Who is she?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 13, 2022:
More importantly nobody cares....
This beats high school reunion.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 12, 2022:
That would be me on my ebike....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 13, 2022:
@Betty Only if I don't shave for more than a day or two....
Simply by replacing your morning coffee with green tea, you can lose up to 87%.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 12, 2022:
Green tea sucks the joy out of everything....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 12, 2022:
@anglophone I will stick with black teas like Irish breakfast or Earl grey thanks.... Though Blackberry and Black currant teas are nice when sweetened with stevia are like a nice hot cup of dessert with zero calories...
Is there a reward???
Betty comments on Sep 12, 2022:
How bad were the floors in the house that even a Roomba needed to escape!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 12, 2022:
Probably went to find a new home that would keep the charger out for him and empty the bin once in a while....
the vatican must be getting desperate
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 12, 2022:
For almost 300 years now....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 12, 2022:
@phxbillcee Yeah my bad ever since Martin Luther started gaining traction they were getting edgy but the real desperation started kicking in when people started saying "we don't want religion in government anymore..." That was almost 300 years ago during the Age of Enlightenment and the first successful occurrence was the founding of the United States but the religitards keep trying their best to force it back in....
I get things done
glennlab comments on Sep 12, 2022:
You forgot you red flag since it extends beyond the body of your vehicle. lol
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 12, 2022:
Only required if it extends past 18 inches sorry....
No, can't do.
Focus1 comments on Sep 11, 2022:
Yes like cutting your dick off makes you a woman!!! Bizarre!!!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 11, 2022:
Like having one to begin with makes you a man....
As long as they're tasty, I think I'm OK with that.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 10, 2022:
If they are smart enough to make a plan to kill us they are also smart enough to know that afterwards not only will they have no purpose but will have no ability to maintain or replicate themselves.... AI horror stories are based on a faulty premise....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 11, 2022:
@WilliamCharles Minerva the planetary AI.... Then you had his ship the Dora and Athene who was Minerva's baby sister. Of course in other books you had Mycroft Holmes in the Moon is a Harsh mistress and Gay Deceiver from the Number of the Beast....
A life of worship all for nothing! :-D
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 11, 2022:
And a son taking the throne who intends to go R.O.A.D.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 11, 2022:
@Austin-Cambridge Military term... Retired on active duty...
How to behave as a musical icon.... []
azzow2 comments on Sep 11, 2022:
The Blue Man Crew are always incredible.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 11, 2022:
I cracked up at the very beginning of the video with the voice from above....
As long as they're tasty, I think I'm OK with that.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 10, 2022:
If they are smart enough to make a plan to kill us they are also smart enough to know that afterwards not only will they have no purpose but will have no ability to maintain or replicate themselves.... AI horror stories are based on a faulty premise....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 11, 2022:
@WilliamCharles Try reading the book "Time Enough for Love..."
always the same
St-Sinner comments on Sep 10, 2022:
Yes, that's right, here is another fact. 1961 in India was about how terrible miscalculation the then PM did and China attacked and took land in a war soon after.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 10, 2022:
@St-Sinner I remember a while back India tried to build a submarine but it burned at the dock and the only thing that kept it from sinking was the dock it was at was a dry dock....
Now on sale! Ships from China. No returns please.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 10, 2022:
Finally a sex bot that can find both the clit and G-spot....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 10, 2022:
@AnneWimsey As many horny women as there are in the world you should be asking about replacement parts and service....
always the same
MerlinZap comments on Sep 10, 2022:
I tried to tell George W, they have sand in their pants, they are pissed at everyone. If you go in there they will just be pissed at us. He never listened.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 10, 2022:
Why tell him anything the entire family is a case of de-evolution.... Prescott Bush tried unsuccessfully to overthrow the country in the 1930s' HW Bush was the father of Arab Terrorism and W was the father of the Bushism.... Read more of Slate’s coverage of the end of Bush’s presidency. I started gathering Bush’s verbal slip-ups while covering his first presidential campaign. From the first one we published in Slate in October 1999—”The important question is, how many hands have I shaked?”—adding to the collection has been my main pleasure, perhaps my only pleasure, in watching the man. Since then, I’ve collected—with help from Slate readers—more than 500 Bushisms. What follows is a list of my 25 favorites. There were many to choose from, but in my opinion, the greatest Bushism of all was delivered on Aug. 5, 2004, when the president declared: “Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.” Advertisement People often assume that because I’ve spent the past nine years collecting Bushisms, I must despise George W. Bush. To the contrary, Bushisms fill me with affection for the man—and not just because of the income stream they’ve generated. I find the Bush who flails with words, unlike the Bush who flails with policy, to be an endearing character. Instead of a villain, he makes himself into an irresistible buffoon, like Mrs. Malaprop, Archie Bunker, or Homer Simpson. Bush treats words the way he treated recalcitrant European leaders: When they won’t do what he wants them to, he tries to bully them into submission. Through his willful, improvisational, and incompetent use of language, he tempers (very slightly) his willful, improvisational, and incompetent use of government. You can’t, in the end, despise someone who regrets that, because of the rising cost of malpractice insurance, “[t]oo many OB/GYNs aren’t able to practice their love with women all across the country.” It helps his case that Bush, like Yogi Berra, is in on the joke. This was clear from the first White House correspondents’ dinner, in March 2001, when the new president read from the first collection of Bushisms, which he described as like Mao’s “little red book,” only not in Chinese. “Now ladies and gentlemen,” he said, “you have to admit that in my sentences I go where no man has gone before.” Of course, he bumbled his speech, claiming that he’d invented the term misunderstanding. He meant to say “misunderestimated.” Being able to laugh at yourself is a rare quality in a leader. It’s one thing George W. Bush can do that Bill Clinton couldn’t. Unfortunately, as we bid farewell to Bushisms, we must ...
The condescending club ,won’t explain it , you won’t understand
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 9, 2022:
I believe that should be The Condescention Club, doncha know
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 9, 2022:
Just checking on you.
phxbillcee comments on Sep 9, 2022:
Naw, just giving it a rest...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 9, 2022:
In keeping with the musical beat?....
The condescending club ,won’t explain it , you won’t understand
glennlab comments on Sep 9, 2022:
Go ahead, give it a shot.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 9, 2022:
@Beowulfsfriend Need you?.... Yes. Can you?.... No.
At least one of these would not make me more comfortable, can you guess?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Sep 9, 2022:
My guess is the diet that works...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 9, 2022:
But I could be wrong after all you may not have missed that call after all....
Did anyone else out there sneeze so hard they shit their pants today?
Marionville comments on Sep 9, 2022:
Never happens to me….I must be anally retentive!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Sep 9, 2022:
@Marionville Look at the one calling himself @Brandy from Beaverton Ore he was on this post and as soon as I spotted his profile and checked it he blocked me...

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