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When you go shopping for that new tree ornament that is all the rage....
skado comments on Dec 19, 2020:
All we need now is a link for where to purchase!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 21, 2020:
@skado He just finds my posts funny but has me blocked like several other people who are all butthurt....
Just a little political humour.....😉
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 20, 2020:
"Grab her by the pussy..." Donnie Dumbass I hear they are now looking into election fraud in Kentucky.... Seems that some counties there more votes were cast for McConnell than there were residents in them... Same with Graham (the cracker) in SC...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 21, 2020:
@Freespirit64 Kentucky has a long history of "voting the grave yard" (death be not proud) and buying votes in poor rural areas. Political corruption is common there.
I would have put this on the gun lovers group but they are probably too dumb to get it.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 20, 2020:
Substitute a 5/16 SAE.. Old Mechanics tip...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 20, 2020:
@Moravian And 13mm is 1/2"....
When you go shopping for that new tree ornament that is all the rage....
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2020:
Just horsing around?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 19, 2020:
Looks more like he is "deerly" thankful to represent the season....
It's just a theory...
Wisterious comments on Dec 19, 2020:
Several thoughts: 1. OMGosh who ordered those? Fire him! 2. How did they get all the way to the point of installation without anyone noticing or caring enough to stop it? 3. Who designed them? Was it a joke? If so, I bet they were shocked when they actually received orders for them.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 19, 2020:
@JeffMurray A glowing dick pic with wings....
Lock em if you got em....
BestWithoutGods comments on Dec 17, 2020:
What if the kid has to pee? I guess Dad would have to go with him, having the key in his pocket.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 17, 2020:
Or dad might just leave it with the priest in case of emergencies.... after all what could possibly go wrong?....
Lock em if you got em....
bookofmorons comments on Dec 17, 2020:
if only it was that easy . . after all they hold the keys to Heaven
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 17, 2020:
"To a Catholic priest heaven must be the ass of an eight year old boy..." Anonymous Pundit
Still wondering?...
Joanne comments on Dec 17, 2020:
This is gross, in my opinion (although I am sure more that one shepherd has taken a few liberties with his flock). But, it does point out that the "good shepherd" doesn't tend to his flock and care for the animals out of any kind of love for them. The mindless animal is only regarded as worthy in...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 17, 2020:
Leviticus 18:23-28 23 “Don’t have sex with an animal and violate yourself by it. “A woman must not have sex with an animal. That is perverse. 24-28 “Don’t pollute yourself in any of these ways. This is how the nations became polluted, the ones that I am going to drive out of the land before you. Even the land itself became polluted and I punished it for its iniquities—the land vomited up its inhabitants. You must keep my decrees and laws—natives and foreigners both. You must not do any of these abhorrent things. The people who lived in this land before you arrived did all these things and polluted the land. And if you pollute it, the land will vomit you up just as it vomited up the nations that preceded you.
Canadian Problems (2 memes)
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Re: #2 the answer is that you are sarcastic not Canadian....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 17, 2020:
@scurry So is incest but all things being relative 75F (23.9C) is what I consider warm....
Canadian Problems (2 memes)
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Re: #2 the answer is that you are sarcastic not Canadian....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 16, 2020:
@scurry If you call that warm you are either insane or love living in a walk in freezer....
I believe I will have another beer...
MichelleGar1 comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Mmmmm beer!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 16, 2020:
@MichelleGar1 On what I get a month?... I would have to find someone who could afford to pay me.
I believe I will have another beer...
MichelleGar1 comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Mmmmm beer!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 16, 2020:
@scurry I have pretty close to 5 Gigs of these by my estimate I am so far behind categorizing them I might have to hire someone to do it for me.
I believe I will have another beer...
MichelleGar1 comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Mmmmm beer!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 16, 2020:
Taco Tuesday again...
Wisterious comments on Dec 15, 2020:
Offensive. This isn't a man's group. Sorry Lizard. I laugh at most of your jokes, but this one might be better received in one of the Kink/Erotic or male Playboy-type sites.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 15, 2020:
@Wisterious The group header.... Where it says "bad taste encouraged..."
Taco Tuesday again...
Wisterious comments on Dec 15, 2020:
Offensive. This isn't a man's group. Sorry Lizard. I laugh at most of your jokes, but this one might be better received in one of the Kink/Erotic or male Playboy-type sites.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 15, 2020:
You might want to read the header....
Too soon...?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 15, 2020:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 15, 2020:
@oldFloyd Make a good one as is....
My favorite Christmas sweater...
WhiskeyEight comments on Dec 14, 2020:
I LOVE this! Where can I get one? Haha
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 14, 2020:
Actually this one came from the Walmart website a few years back....
And a side of bacon, please.
1BrentMichael comments on Dec 13, 2020:
Where can I find this gorgeous mound of carnivorous delight?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 14, 2020:
@1BrentMichael I think Floraduh is a little higher but I wouldn't go to a doctor in a state that says if you are over 50 the doctor can't be held accountable no matter how badly he fucks up.
What Christmas is really all about.... Body piercings....
FrayedBear comments on Dec 13, 2020:
Doh! Isn't this an easter meme?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 13, 2020:
@FrayedBear His mommy wouldn't let him have them until he moved out of the house in his mid 30s'...
The war is on again...
FrayedBear comments on Dec 13, 2020:
Who is he?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 13, 2020:
Dildo O'Biley...
What, what, and what??!!!
bookofmorons comments on Dec 13, 2020:
Not sure what the point of the last one is
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 13, 2020:
Don't bend over or you might find out the hard way...
The war is on again...
ChestRockfield comments on Dec 13, 2020:
He's such a fuckin' douche. Is he dead yet?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 13, 2020:
@glennlab And why did the advertisers leave?... Oh yeah people organized and petitioned them to stop supporting Fox until he was fired as a pervert...
And a side of bacon, please.
1BrentMichael comments on Dec 13, 2020:
Where can I find this gorgeous mound of carnivorous delight?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 13, 2020:
@scurry Possibly after all in Mississippi the average lifespan is 62 last time I checked mostly due to cheap deep fried food diets...
The war is on again...
ChestRockfield comments on Dec 13, 2020:
He's such a fuckin' douche. Is he dead yet?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 13, 2020:
Not yet he is still living a life of shame from the 5 sexual harassment lawsuits that made Fox fire him...
And a side of bacon, please.
1BrentMichael comments on Dec 13, 2020:
Where can I find this gorgeous mound of carnivorous delight?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 13, 2020:
The guy who owned the restaurant died of a heart attack at 43 as I recall...
My favorite Christmas sweater...
Lady-DebianLinux comments on Dec 12, 2020:
Where the pink unicorn 🦄
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 12, 2020:
It's invisible....
When I was a young kid in elementary school there were many dangerous contagious diseases common in ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 12, 2020:
Unless you were born before 1953 you are a liar because that is when the vaccine for polio was introduced....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 12, 2020:
@dumasarok "Like a horror movie, throughout the first half of the 20th century, the polio virus arrived each summer, striking without warning. No one knew how polio was transmitted or what caused it. There were wild theories that the virus spread from imported bananas or stray cats. There was no known cure or vaccine. For the next four decades, swimming pools and movie theaters closed during polio season for fear of this invisible enemy. Parents stopped sending their children to playgrounds or birthday parties for fear they would “catch polio.” In the outbreak of 1916, health workers in New York City would physically remove children from their homes or playgrounds if they suspected they might be infected. Kids, who seemed to be targeted by the disease, were taken from their families and isolated in sanitariums. In 1952, the number of polio cases in the U.S. peaked at 57,879, resulting in 3,145 deaths. Those who survived this highly infectious disease could end up with some form of paralysis, forcing them to use crutches, wheelchairs or to be put into an iron lung, a large tank respirator that would pull air in and out of the lungs, allowing them to breathe." Cited from Discover magazine... Seems you are still a liar Polio was nowhere near as deadly as COVID and yet more drastic measures were taken against it than you complain about...
When I was a young kid in elementary school there were many dangerous contagious diseases common in ...
Lorajay comments on Dec 12, 2020:
If government action had been Swifter, many more small businesses would have survived. Design and implementation of the first stimulus legislation wasn't adequate in many areas. Our current government administration does not really care whether government works or not they just want to get paid ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 12, 2020:
@dumasarok And others like you refuse to accept facts opting for comfortable fictions instead...Yesterday the COVID scoreboard posted over three thousand more deaths and as of today another 1,500 more were posted. Keep in mind that death figures take three weeks to be processed so we are already past 1 death for every thousand of the US population. By the time a vaccine that will reduce the numbers of dead and disabled can be manufactured and distributed in amounts large enough to reduce these number thanks to Trump and his followers like you more US citizens will have died than Hitler murdered Jews in his concentration camps during WW2. That makes you and him some of the most prolific mass murders in the history of the world...
My favorite Christmas sweater...
Wisterious comments on Dec 12, 2020:
Well THAT'S quite the compilation! I think the only thing missing is the flying spaghetti.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 12, 2020:
@Wisterious My granddaughter Celeste's stepmother likes pineapple and pepperoni and so does Celeste... I stand by their opinions.
When I was a young kid in elementary school there were many dangerous contagious diseases common in ...
Theresa_N comments on Dec 12, 2020:
The closest comparison would be with the 1918-19 flu epidemic. In that there were compulsory stay at home orders. You and your so called "liberties" don't amount to a hill of beans. For most people it's been a minor inconvenience.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 12, 2020:
@dumasarok Damn you have the right screen name don't you?... The payroll protection loans were supposed to protect those small businesses but the problem was Mitch the bitch and company allowed the money to go to large corporate interests....
My favorite Christmas sweater...
Wisterious comments on Dec 12, 2020:
Well THAT'S quite the compilation! I think the only thing missing is the flying spaghetti.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 12, 2020:
And pineapple on the pizza...
Oh Canada... 🍁
Surfpirate comments on Dec 11, 2020:
Was that a fuck you or just a polite correction towards a bunch of rebels that had to go out of their way spell things in a silly way to prove that they were different?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 11, 2020:
@scurry Unless you are Dan Quayle... @Surfpirate Actually it has to do with separate countries and the standardization of dictionaries. Before hand some words were spelled by the personal opinion of the author. Many older books from any country are written this way and if your copy is old enough you might be wondering just how much you had to drink before you sat down to read...
The last bath bomb you will ever need...
bookofmorons comments on Dec 11, 2020:
should straighten out the curly's
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 11, 2020:
Or curl your nose hairs...
The last bath bomb you will ever need...
Willow_Wisp comments on Dec 11, 2020:
A little too dark for Goth, are you ok?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 11, 2020:
"I will survive" Diana Ross
Save the bears....
Adam_Metal comments on Dec 11, 2020:
I love how some people's brain works! 🤣
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 11, 2020:
In my case this is how mine avoids work...
Lord of the clueless
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 11, 2020:
Sounds more like Orc from the land of Morondor....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 11, 2020:
@OldMetalHead I just pull them out of thin air it seems like...
Is a $30,000 fine or gaol time reasonable with that meme that you just shared?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 10, 2020:
According to Comcast it is...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 10, 2020:
@FrayedBear They are the ones that merged with Time Warner to form Spectrum and are now charging people an extra $30 a month if they go over the data cap they put on their Internet to gouge them during the pandemic... The reason the merger went through is because while Kamala Harris was AG of California they bribed her with campaign donations not to stop it....
When you really need expert medical advice
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 10, 2020:
Oh look @BD66 is now a "medical expert..."
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 10, 2020:
@FrayedBear Reagan the guy who was so stupid he mistook making war movies for military service... And then there was president Shrub.... Only in the GOP could he possibly be mistaken for intelligent...
When you really need expert medical advice
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 10, 2020:
Oh look @BD66 is now a "medical expert..."
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 10, 2020:
@FrayedBear Like Trump bragging he has a high IQ....
When you really need expert medical advice
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 10, 2020:
Oh look @BD66 is now a "medical expert..."
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 10, 2020:
@FrayedBear When you study to take an IQ test it is void of meaning.... Which is why I never bothered to join MENSA all it was to me was a joke where decidedly ordinary people took pride in false results.... Like the moron in Maine who had everyone fooled with math that meant nothing...
I could really use a drink about now with all the stupid I am seeing....
Zoohome comments on Dec 10, 2020:
My birthday was yesterday... I should find a meme for hump day birthday. 😄
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 10, 2020:
When you really need expert medical advice
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 10, 2020:
Oh look @BD66 is now a "medical expert..."
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 10, 2020:
@BD66 Nope just pointing out the foolishness of listening to the opinions of a minimum wage employee on any matter of importance much less on COVID... We just passed 2,000 deaths from the virus recorded today...
Stay safe at home in your pajamas once the streetlights come on.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 10, 2020:
Please remember to have your next of kin post your obituary I am sure people here will get a good laugh saying "we told him so..." I am sure your boss will consider you easily replaced in whatever minimum wage job you work at as well...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 10, 2020:
@BDair Looking forward to reading your obituary soon....
Stay safe at home in your pajamas once the streetlights come on.
BDair comments on Dec 10, 2020:
Just the Facts on COVID 19. This is the first graphic to emerge for the spread of the virus, before anyone could have known it would behave any differently than any previous one. None of which resulted in such a global reaction. The graphic depicts two outcomes, based on no measures taken vs. ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 10, 2020:
@BDair Geeze that one statement has to be the most moronic thing I have heard this year. Dumber than anything out of Trump or any of his lawyers mouths...
Stay safe at home in your pajamas once the streetlights come on.
BDair comments on Dec 10, 2020:
Just the Facts on COVID 19. This is the first graphic to emerge for the spread of the virus, before anyone could have known it would behave any differently than any previous one. None of which resulted in such a global reaction. The graphic depicts two outcomes, based on no measures taken vs. ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 10, 2020:
News flash the graphic was wrong because it was made by a congenital idiot with delusions of grandeur who has no medical knowledge.... The Spanish Flu pandemic proved this was wrong 100 years before the graphic was made by a idiot flunky for that orange baboon... We are following the same stupid pattern of mistakes.
Stay safe at home in your pajamas once the streetlights come on.
altschmerz comments on Dec 8, 2020:
Rona's bad, but I didn't know it could cut your leg off too!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 10, 2020:
@BDair Thanks for proving you can't read and comprehend English.... First off he died of COVID-19, second he got it at an OUTDOOR EVENT he didn't bother to wear a mask at, third he was a doctor and admitted his behaviour was negligent and stupid, fourth he is telling people like you he was dead wrong and to wear a mask....
Stay safe at home in your pajamas once the streetlights come on.
altschmerz comments on Dec 8, 2020:
Rona's bad, but I didn't know it could cut your leg off too!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 10, 2020:
@BDair "As COVID-19 cases continue to increase nationwide, some state officials still refuse to wear masks and address the severity of the novel coronavirus pandemic. These individuals, alongside their followers, are pushing to end statewide mandates and other safety measures in place to stop the spread of COVID-19, failing to understand just how deadly the virus is. As a result, many of those who once denied the virus, deeming it a hoax, are sharing their stories after being infected to emphasize the importance of following safety guidelines to stop the spread of COVID-19. But not everyone who once downplayed the virus has had the opportunity to rethink their stance after experiencing it. A number of individuals have tested positive for COVID-19 and shortly died. In one incident a former Republican Alabama state senator, Larry Dixon, died at the age of 78 on Friday. Dixon. who also served on the Alabama Board of Medical Examiners, shared strong last words to his wife on his deathbed that also served as a warning to the people of Alabama. 'We messed up. We let our guards down.” Dixon said, according to close friend Dr. David Thrasher. “Please tell everybody to be careful. This is real, and if you get diagnosed, get help immediately.” Thrasher, a pulmonologist, shared Dixon’s last words with NBC News and added that Dixon was exposed to the virus at an outdoor gathering hosted two weeks ago. While he was unsure how many people attended, he confirmed that two other men who attended had tested positive. According to Thrasher, within days of the gathering Dixon felt COVID-19 symptoms and as his condition worsened, he was placed on a ventilator. His wife, Gaynell Dixon, also tested positive and is still recovering. The couple has two daughters who also contracted the virus earlier this year but recovered. Dixon represented the Senate’s 25th District, which covers Montgomery, Ellmore, and Crenshaw counties. He served as a state senator from 1983 until his retirement in 2010. Prior to this, he was a member of the state House from 1978 to 1982. According to NBC News, his death came as a shock to many individuals who worked with him, but those who knew him and considered him the “finest human being” were not surprised that his last wish was to prevent others from suffering the fate he did. "He wanted to encourage people to be careful, wear a mask, don't socially gather," Thrasher said. "He said, 'Let's save some lives.'" Just hours before Dixon died, local news reports noted that Alabama set a record for hospitalization rates and new COVID-19 cases. According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Alabama has reported almost 270,000 cases of coronavirus and more than 3,000 deaths as a result so far. While the governor ...
Stay safe at home in your pajamas once the streetlights come on.
altschmerz comments on Dec 8, 2020:
Rona's bad, but I didn't know it could cut your leg off too!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 10, 2020:
@BDair Not according to the idiot conspiracy theorists maybe but according to scientific evidence there certainly is.... I know you get your misinformation off OANN, Assbook, and other "sources" because every time you post nonsense like this you are proving it...
Stay safe at home in your pajamas once the streetlights come on.
altschmerz comments on Dec 8, 2020:
Rona's bad, but I didn't know it could cut your leg off too!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 9, 2020:
@BDair No what is ridiculous is over 6,300 admitted dead from the virus in the last two days and people being too damned stupid to do simple things like wear a fucking mask.... In two days we will be over 300,000 dead and when that number reaches 328KNot only are we going to see a huge increase in cases ever day but the death rate will start to increase as well. It is people like you causing these deaths and I can only hope all of you pay the price of your own actions.
Save the bears....
OldGoat43 comments on Dec 9, 2020:
OMG tell me it wasn't the reindeers too?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 9, 2020:
Nah they were seen getting shot down somewhere in West Virginia...
When the ER nurse asks you what the fuck is wrong with you....
Pralina1 comments on Dec 9, 2020:
In my 22 yrs at ER , I never thought I ll say this , but yeah , I miss these guys , them girls , and every drunk and even the gun shots . For the last 9 months in covid icu , I ll kill for some “ normality “. Drunk and stupid I understand . Drunk and stupid I can fix for the night . This covid ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 9, 2020:
It would be nice if someone could explain that to dumbasses who think this is funny when the death rate where they live is already over one out of every thousand people... "Stay safe at home in your pajamas once the streetlights come on."
Stay safe at home in your pajamas once the streetlights come on.
altschmerz comments on Dec 8, 2020:
Rona's bad, but I didn't know it could cut your leg off too!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 9, 2020:
Stupid attempt at a joke... COVID-19 Patients With Arterial Leg Thromboses Risk Amputation and Death
When the ER nurse asks you what the fuck is wrong with you....
jeshuey comments on Dec 8, 2020:
But I can explain everything!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 8, 2020:
Let me guess you kept putting it all around the house to annoy your wife and she showed you where to stick it....
Public Service Announcement!
Wisterious comments on Dec 8, 2020:
What's the funniest you've ever heard of? I've heard the Emerg Dept has seen them all!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 8, 2020:
A bowling pin but I have heard broken beer bottles are common... Then there is the urban legend about the guy who always lost his car keys so his wife suggested he put them where he couldn't possibly forget where they were....
Looking for a copy of this one for my collection....
FrayedBear comments on Dec 8, 2020:
You can get yourself a copy at Only 1700+ have downloaded it in the last 30 days.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 8, 2020:
@FrayedBear Sounds like most of the people around you did and I am betting Mel Gibson had someone take all his tests for him because in real life he is a real piece of shit.
Looking for a copy of this one for my collection....
FrayedBear comments on Dec 8, 2020:
You can get yourself a copy at Only 1700+ have downloaded it in the last 30 days.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 8, 2020:
@FrayedBear I am in the process of learning to read French so I can... Stop watching reruns of Mad Max because if the world goes down you won't be alive anyway. My sister has the same attitude towards these books that you do.... She failed the GED three times and reads at a 5th grade level. Hell she can't even pass a drivers test without studying for months first.
Looking for a copy of this one for my collection....
FrayedBear comments on Dec 8, 2020:
You can get yourself a copy at Only 1700+ have downloaded it in the last 30 days.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 8, 2020:
@FrayedBear I have a first edition of Maid of Orleans by Voltaire... Considering this book was declared blasphemous and most copies were burned I find it a safer investment than the stock market.
Looking for a copy of this one for my collection....
Willow_Wisp comments on Dec 8, 2020:
And what’s the difference? Woo is woo. I learned that in astrology class.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 8, 2020:
@Willow_Wisp Most of the characters in the bible are fictitious with a sprinkling of real names and titles (often with historically inaccurate dates and incidents) in a piss poor attempt to give credibility to the fairy tales it contains...
Looking for a copy of this one for my collection....
FrayedBear comments on Dec 8, 2020:
You can get yourself a copy at Only 1700+ have downloaded it in the last 30 days.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 8, 2020:
Not looking for a modern copy... I am hoping to find a first edition... Reprints and ebooks are a dime a dozen I am looking for investment value.
Looking for a copy of this one for my collection....
Willow_Wisp comments on Dec 8, 2020:
And what’s the difference? Woo is woo. I learned that in astrology class.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 8, 2020:
Collectability James the first was a real piece of shit who tortured then murdered Doctors and women because they were able to cure people of illnesses... He wrote a book on it titled "Demonologie" which was printed in 1599.
Worst case of morning after regret ever!
jeshuey comments on Dec 7, 2020:
He didn't think so but Admiral Yamamoto did.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 8, 2020:
@LEPeff The Japanese attack also didn't hit all the targets that were needed to delay US entry into the war in the pacific . One of the biggest misses was the aircraft carriers and others were the fuel depot, the submarines, and repair facilities were only slightly reduced in capacity as I recall.
Interactive tree ornaments....
Wisterious comments on Dec 7, 2020:
How da h^ll?....
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 7, 2020:
@Wisterious The cat goddess works in mysterious ways....
Just a meme and a song... and a pun... []
Wisterious comments on Dec 6, 2020:
She be a spooky child.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 6, 2020:
Good way to prove Santa doesn't exist... No screams in the middle of the night...
My house on December 24th...
FrayedBear comments on Dec 6, 2020:
And shitting in the firepace where he'll step in it!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 6, 2020:
@FrayedBear He is still too neat and polite he always uses his litter box...
My house on December 24th...
FrayedBear comments on Dec 6, 2020:
And shitting in the firepace where he'll step in it!
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 6, 2020:
Actually he is too polite to do that he doesn't like a messy house.
My house in 2021...
jeshuey comments on Dec 6, 2020:
My house every year.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 6, 2020:
I was referring to dumbasses who refuse to wear masks and want to sell me useless shit I don't need or proselytize...
Isn't capitalism great
QuidamOutrepont comments on Dec 5, 2020:
For people like for governments, debt makes you docile and obedient.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 6, 2020:
For people it does for government it empowers those running things... They use the debt to convince those obedient serfs that they have to cut back the programs that help them survive so they can cut taxes on the rich to pay off the debt.... Both these "solutions" only make matters worse.
Isn't capitalism great
girlwithsmiles comments on Dec 5, 2020:
I’m not sure if there are any other social models that fare better. Put a suggestion forward, a fair wage goes a long way to support people and the economy, that’s still capitalism. Trump removed environmental laws that took years to create, Biden understands the need for these to be ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 6, 2020:
@girlwithsmiles There has never been a "free-market capitalism" that is a fictional catch phrase used by the rich who just want to line their pockets without paying fair wages, their fair share of taxes, and be free to destroy the environment for their profit while all of us suffer the effects of their criminal actions.
Isn't capitalism great
girlwithsmiles comments on Dec 5, 2020:
I’m not sure if there are any other social models that fare better. Put a suggestion forward, a fair wage goes a long way to support people and the economy, that’s still capitalism. Trump removed environmental laws that took years to create, Biden understands the need for these to be ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 6, 2020:
@girlwithsmiles The key word is "can" but in reality they won't unless they are forced to by regulations or absolute necessity. Proper regulation is Democratic socialism...
Isn't capitalism great
BD66 comments on Dec 5, 2020:
That Alternative:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 5, 2020:
@BD66 Yeah laugh it up why don't you that those fascist terrorists paid for by US tax dollars were shooting up humanitarian supplies including medicine and food.
Isn't capitalism great
BD66 comments on Dec 5, 2020:
That Alternative:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 5, 2020:
@OldGoat43 The only part socialism had in that was it made them a target for US economic warfare... Our tax dollars also went to pay and supply terrorists to collapse the effective government and American corporations closed their factories to help create more poverty...
Isn't capitalism great
girlwithsmiles comments on Dec 5, 2020:
I’m not sure if there are any other social models that fare better. Put a suggestion forward, a fair wage goes a long way to support people and the economy, that’s still capitalism. Trump removed environmental laws that took years to create, Biden understands the need for these to be ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 5, 2020:
Capitalism doesn't pay fair wages they would rather buy politicians...
As a smart mother fucker I approve this message....
Paul4747 comments on Dec 4, 2020:
But crazy motherfuckers sound like crazy motherfuckers to smart motherfuckers, so are you absolutely certain which one you are?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 5, 2020:
@Paul4747 Fedora-like hats in the early 20th century were often worn by both sexes. But it’s the men of the 1920s through the ’50s — business executives, gangsters, detectives, journalists, and the Hollywood stars who played them — who would end up creating the idea of the fedora as a distinctly masculine item. You can pretty much blame Justin Timberlake for the comeback of the mid-2000s. Even though all he was trying to do was bring sexy back, instead he ended up bringing back the sartorial equivalent of Pepe the frog. All three of our menswear experts agreed that the fedora, despite being a classic, holds terrible connotations. “I think the fedora has gotten the worst rap out of all of them,” says DeLeon. “If you were ever going to find a picture of what an internet troll looks like and a men’s rights activist looks like, they would definitely be in the middle.” “If you saw a fucking dude wearing a fedora on the street, where does your mind immediately go? This dude loves to go to cocktail bars on the weekend and is an amateur mixologist and is an incel on Reddit or whatever,” says Schlossman. And despite the fact that Zaboklicki wears them himself, he says, “Even today whenever I wear one, I’m like, ‘God, I look stupid.’”
As a smart mother fucker I approve this message....
Paul4747 comments on Dec 4, 2020:
But crazy motherfuckers sound like crazy motherfuckers to smart motherfuckers, so are you absolutely certain which one you are?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 4, 2020:
@TCorCM Check the link...
Actually, many people are much safer, now that they commute from their bedroom to their kitchen.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 4, 2020:
So far we have more than 186,000 admitted dead from this virus and the curve is increasing so fast now that it will soon go vertical. We are already past the point of no return and in 10 to 12 days by my estimate more than 1/10 of 1% of this country's population will be dead from COVID and COVID ...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 4, 2020:
Redneck logic
OldGoat43 comments on Dec 4, 2020:
I've spoken with a few like this in my state of PA. One of them just died in a car crash.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 4, 2020:
"Think of it as evolution in action..." Larry Niven
I bet he had fun in the drunk tank
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 4, 2020:
What are we going to do for entertainment on the Internet when Floriduh sinks beneath the waves?...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 4, 2020:
@glennlab With the damage Trump has done it might be a lot faster now so enjoy it while you can. 12 inches would make much of Floriduh uninhabitable and drinking water would have to be brought in by pipeline for much of the rest....
As a smart mother fucker I approve this message....
Paul4747 comments on Dec 4, 2020:
But crazy motherfuckers sound like crazy motherfuckers to smart motherfuckers, so are you absolutely certain which one you are?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 4, 2020:
As a smart mother fucker I approve this message....
Paul4747 comments on Dec 4, 2020:
But crazy motherfuckers sound like crazy motherfuckers to smart motherfuckers, so are you absolutely certain which one you are?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 4, 2020:
Well I don't run around wearing a fedora or carrying a Trump 2020 flag so I am fairly certain which end of the gene pool I belong in....
Point, set and match....
freedom41 comments on Dec 4, 2020:
Good message, but posted it in the wrong group.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 4, 2020:
@freedom41 Are you saying only anti-Trump memes should be allowed?....
I bet he had fun in the drunk tank
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 4, 2020:
What are we going to do for entertainment on the Internet when Floriduh sinks beneath the waves?...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 4, 2020:
@glennlab Tallahassee is one of the few points that rise above 200 feet over sea level... But after a few years of hurricanes even that will change.
Guess who's Harvard-bound?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 30, 2020:
Other answers... #1 Are the branches in the same tree or different ones?... #3 A pond has no exit so it still has 8 fish in it...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 3, 2020:
@Alienbeing You are still ignoring reality because this has nothing to do with "companies..."
Guess who's Harvard-bound?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 30, 2020:
Other answers... #1 Are the branches in the same tree or different ones?... #3 A pond has no exit so it still has 8 fish in it...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 3, 2020:
@Alienbeing You are ignoring the reality set before you...
Guess who's Harvard-bound?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 30, 2020:
Other answers... #1 Are the branches in the same tree or different ones?... #3 A pond has no exit so it still has 8 fish in it...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 3, 2020:
@Alienbeing Trump running for president didn't require someone to vote for him either but a huge number of stupid people did anyway...
Guess who's Harvard-bound?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 30, 2020:
Other answers... #1 Are the branches in the same tree or different ones?... #3 A pond has no exit so it still has 8 fish in it...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 3, 2020:
@Alienbeing His rules opened the door for them to be hired... He might as well have hired them.
Agnosticism is the natural attitude of the evolutionist.
p-nullifidian comments on Dec 2, 2020:
Wait! Are we throwing quotes out there now on this site too? Might you at least show the intrepidity to offer an opinion upon the quote, if only as an icebreaker?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 3, 2020:
It's bullshit...
Welcome to the bible belt....
bookofmorons comments on Dec 2, 2020:
Obesity is a right isn't it?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 2, 2020:
@bookofmorons Not around me the Garbage Corral out here closed down before the pandemic... Better and cheaper as well as healthier places to eat here...
Welcome to the bible belt....
bookofmorons comments on Dec 2, 2020:
Obesity is a right isn't it?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 2, 2020:
So is the indiscriminate use of Mayonnaise but both will disable and kill you all the same....
A little picker upper
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Dec 1, 2020:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 1, 2020:
@glennlab Well when the guy has a low sperm count I guess that helps....
Yes I am...
SiouxcitySue comments on Dec 1, 2020:
Yes, but are you also a lumberjack?
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 1, 2020:
For a while I worked as a tree trimer, removal, and firewood man. I used to climb trees and use a Stil chainsaw often when the Santa Ana winds kicked up.
Guess who's Harvard-bound?
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 30, 2020:
Other answers... #1 Are the branches in the same tree or different ones?... #3 A pond has no exit so it still has 8 fish in it...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Dec 1, 2020:
@Alienbeing Thanks to Bush's "No child left behind" those "writers" are people who are unqualified that send in crap like this to school boards across the country....
Yes I am...
Paul4747 comments on Nov 30, 2020:
And it's okay if you want to dress as a lady, too. Honestly. Whatever does it for you.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Nov 30, 2020:
No I will not hang out in a bar with you...
Billionaire Alignment Chart
bookofmorons comments on Nov 29, 2020:
thought you said "Billionaiews"? Doubtful if the Ass hat at the end is
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Nov 30, 2020:
@Hages Doubtful as he has a lot of undisclosed debt which hasn't been tracked down yet.
Is peace coming at last?...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Nov 28, 2020:
Some one will need to count the silverware and the other valuables in theWH after ahole leaves.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@bookofmorons Search everything they try to take off the property . Since they behave like common criminals treat them as such.
Leftovers again?...
GeorgeRocheleau comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Nov 27, 2020:
Someone faked it but it does sounds like him...
FrayedBear comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Yawn! Snore.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Nov 24, 2020:
Try the scroll wheel or don't you know how to use it?...
It's the world as we know it...
TCorCM comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Actually, crystals do have power. It's used in technology, like watches.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Nov 24, 2020:
You are mistaking vibrational frequency for power... You need an external power source to create the vibrations...
Not a Meme, but definitely a WTF?!!? Getting Fit With Jesus. []
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 24, 2020:
3:20 time mark...
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@scurry Flashback is a great one too but people want a fortune for a used DVD even. I saw a used DVD on ebay for the film above with an asking price of $100
Trump dump
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Right now the first one hurts because I found out that yesterday my 34 year old daughter died of the virus because she didn't believe in it and failed to seek medical help.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Nov 22, 2020:
@Boomtarat03 Thank you for your words this was my only child and no parent should have to bury their child especially because due to listening to the wrong people she ended her life alone drowning in her own blood. Pulmonary edema is a bad way to go.
Trump dump
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Right now the first one hurts because I found out that yesterday my 34 year old daughter died of the virus because she didn't believe in it and failed to seek medical help.
Lizard_of_Ahaz replies on Nov 22, 2020:
@actofdog Thank you I don't mean to down your efforts to keep things upbeat but it is going to take time for me is all. I just hope others here don't have to go through what I am right now.

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