
What do you know about Crypto currency?
Marine comments on Apr 11, 2018:
They are the maintained by the Koch brothers which are anarchists in the first degree and should be watched carefully for the programs they espouse. They run the republican party, supported the john birch society, oppose welfare, support segregation and even slavery at one point. They made their start with Russia and Hitler building over 100 refineries in both countries prior to the 2nd world war.If there is anyone worse than trump it is these guys.
What do you know about Crypto currency?
Marine comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Nothing tell us about it
Who are you going to trust?
Marine comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Well said , oh yes he is perfect
Modern business at least in the USA.
Marine comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Deficit goes up because tax collection went down. Republicans are protectors of fiscal responsibility ? Ha ha ha ha ha Now they will criticize democrats for having to put in a tax increase to correct sitution.
Elisabeth Rosenthal Explains How U.S. Health Care Became Big Business : Shots - Health News : NPR
Marine comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Healthcare should not be a for profit enterprise. Blue cross Blue Shield ran an operation that everyone wanted. Every union wished they could get their plan and then it was ruined by becoming a for profit business. If it ran so successfully for many years why do we need to recreate a format. Let us go back to their plan as universal coverage with one payer and eliminate the greed and provide what is possible for a better life for everyone. We mmust stop the Koch brothers from suppressing what is good for the Nation rather than what is good for them.
House Speaker Ryan is not going to run according to the Washington Post
Marine comments on Apr 11, 2018:
He has done his damage it is to late.
House Speaker Ryan is not going to run according to the Washington Post
Marine comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Can he be asked to leave now?
FB, Concordia, and the Oligarchy - What can we do?
Marine comments on Apr 11, 2018:
The Koch brothers are the largest enemy of the democracy and the wealthest enemy we have. We need to stop their programs or at least point out how they hurt this government and the future of this country. They have taken over the republican party and their idealogy needs to be crushed as it is ruining this country.They were supporters of the john birch society and other elements like it.This one family exerts power that this Constitution was supposed to prevent.
When religion is more important then education?
Marine comments on Apr 11, 2018:
To replace flasehoods and myths with facts education will always have a need.
Could a computer create a more fair/functional society for mankind?...
Marine comments on Apr 11, 2018:
The computer is a tool and should be utilized as one by the human race to improve thwe wulity of life. However we must be causious to not allow a man made object to control humanity. It sounds stupid at this point but advancements AI will one day be amazing as the power of the computer explodes with quantum computing.We do not know what power we will be able to give these powerful machines and how control of them will develop. Seems like sci fi now but when I was a teen ager so did going to the moon.
What's Happening With Our Environment?
Marine comments on Apr 11, 2018:
They do not even care for their own families as they believe money conquers al
Trumpty Dumpty's Accomplishments?
Marine comments on Apr 11, 2018:
He is beyond incompetent
Scary Resemblance of Evil
Marine comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Please let the more liberal republicans control this monster.
Trump only hires the best.
Marine comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Once again I am not sure what swamp he is obrtaining these folks from but they seem to have an unliminted supply.
Free Your Mind and Think
Marine comments on Apr 11, 2018:
The question remains how can there be so many remaining fools with all the educaton we have?
The Fake Christian Show starring Betty Bowers with the surprise guest, Jesus! []
Marine comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Fake info as with all religion
Pretty much says it all
Marine comments on Apr 11, 2018:
As is religion in the whole.
Louisiana law to ban sex with animals wins Senate vote 25 - 10 | WWL
Marine comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Who knew they would catch up with society?
Does it matter how a gift is wrapped or is it only the gift that matters?
Marine comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Depends who is Wraping. Kid no adult yes
What people born today will never experience...
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
You never know at 79 I see history repeating itself and nothing going to stop it.
Is “Objectivism” a legitimate philosophy?
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Jusy a matter of opinion. i feel I should be the one in control of my destiny and will do whatever it takes to accomplish that goal. I feel that is pragmatic and not narcisstic.
Rules to live by: 1.
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
A lot like commandments but still good rules to live by
Would Oprah make a good presidential canidate?
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
No not the correct background.
When Dark Matter Goes Dark: New Research Suggests There May Be More than One Way to Form a Galaxy - ...
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
The subject is one that I have great interest in and hope they come closer to making a discovery before I leave this planet. I believe the universe and all it's glory does not receieve the schooloing it should and as a result these children of today do not give it the proper respect they.should.
The Nation indulges in fear mongering about cell phones and cancer – Science-Based Medicine
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
With all the media hikes and the false info disappated it is difficult to determine which stand a person should take. Most people do not understand statistics and what the values mean. Heck most of them struggle to balance their checkbooks.They do not know how to look in to the information and make a true decision.
If the people in America that are alive today made up the generation that fought the revolutionary ...
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
There would probably be a new one seeing how the republicans choose to ignore certain parts of the Consitution especally relating to religion.It is ashame how our politics has become so degraded and unworkable that no one works for the good of the country but for the good of the corporations and the wealthy.
Where were you when you realized you were an atheist?
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
I did not know it then but I was in grade school and when the priest stated that those who did not hear the word of god would all go to hell it was to much for me. I asked about why the miracles stopped? Why god would destroy churches with storms and many other questions that did not make any sense to me.
Does the current economic crisis here in America make you lean towards a more agnostic/atheist ...
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
This administration has caused it to be more of a concern because of the huge tax cuts that cannot support our spending. They have kicked the can down the road so when a democrat is in office to fix the problem with a tax hike they will cry about how unfair it is for the wealthy to pay their fair share.if you do not see the crisis they have created then you are always going to be in the dark. A trillion dollar deficit is a crisis.
Do you see gender pay gaps in your company?
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
There were many and the company was aware of them but did nothing to change I know as I was the management and I ws told what I could pay. I left the job but found that it did not matter as the companies would pay the lowest wage they could get away with.
Reached my personal goal of 100,000 points.Just wanted to share it with someone. Thanks friends.
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
good job
"88,000-Year-Old Middle Finger Found in Saudi Arabia Could Rewrite Human History" []
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
See how important it was for communications !
'I'm A Holocaust Survivor—Trump's America Feels Like Germany Before Nazis Took Over'
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
He has been the most destructive president in history by removing protection from the banking and investment industries, EPA, science,manufacturing & mining and has embrassed us in the world. attacking allies and our own intelligence & law agencies.
Here Is a pIc of the trump famIly busIness
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
He is the worst president in history and probably the most crooked.
Black kid applies and is accepted into 20 colleges and universities.
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
This just shows their level of intelligence is 0
When the tee shirts on point but you gave yourself groucho eyebrows. Thanks @Admin. Love the Tee.
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
They are not that bad.
When the tee shirts on point but you gave yourself groucho eyebrows. Thanks @Admin. Love the Tee.
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
They are not that bad.
Conservative host has show canceled after stating he'd like to shove a hot poker up a Stoneman ...
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
He is a person lower than scum and is an excellent representative of the people trumpie states are good people.
Beware the danger
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
That requires quite a wind up.
Trump attorney Cohen is being investigated for possible bank fraud, campaign finance violations - ...
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Please let this be over.
A thought for today; "You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image when it ...
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
No god just a mixed up bunch of evolution.
Tammy Duckworth becomes first US senator in office to give birth - BBC News
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Great veteran she has given and taken all life has given her and still comes out on top.She should be an example for all of us.
This website compared to the Facebook site?
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
More interesting
Waking up and not remembering who your with.
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Better slow down on the sleep meds.
Should you live for today?
Marine comments on Apr 10, 2018:
The fool does not save for tomorrow but you should live every day for it's fullest because you never know what lies around the cornner. Many get get caught up in the negative things of the day and do not make an effort to place them in perspective. What is the worse thing that could happen? Once they establish that they should be able to come up with alternatives and set the problems to rest instead of worring about them. I learned this to late in life and wish I had gained this knowledge earlier.
Two asteroid missions will help shape the economy of the 21st century
Marine comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Space medicine and research have so much to offer that it should have a better place in our budget. Unfortunately republicans do not see any immediate money to be made and does not place much investment into things that do not produce a profit.
Not getting everything we want is part of living.
Marine comments on Apr 9, 2018:
My life is what I have settled for, all my decisions,faults, accomplishments I have made. I can say it was not easy as there are many things I would do differently looking back but one does not have that option and to stew over them accomplishes nothing but, I have learned to look on the bright side and at the things that have worked out well like my family ,retirement, friends, and grandchildren.
Who do you support, the teachers of Oklahoma or the Republicans and Betsy DeVos, who claim the ...
Marine comments on Apr 9, 2018:
To be placed in a postion to train our children to excel and pay them minimum type wages is criminal. I cannot understand why they took so long to stand up for themselves.
If the universe is indeed expanding what is the cause? dark energy. then what is dark energy?
Marine comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Billions of $ are being spent to answer your question yearly. I hope they can identify it before I leave this planet. I just love the study of the universe as it has so much to offer.
Grandparenthood! So I decided to become a grandparent and to my surprise.
Marine comments on Apr 9, 2018:
It is great to have lived to see my grandchildren become adults and to have them include us in their lives. Old friends have died new ones are far between but the family stands strong and very supportive. It is great.
Don't you hate it when you think of something good to say and then you forget it completely?
Marine comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Yes and that is why I now carry a pen and paper card with me all the time. What really bothers me is when I think of it in the car while driving and then I cannot remember what it was .
Who's been the best President of the United States in your lifetime?
Marine comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Truman,Ike,Roosevelt All stood for principles and for the best in our country. They should be examples of what a president should be like.
The Number of Americans with No Religious Affiliation Is Rising - Scientific American
Marine comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Could it hurry up a bit. Dealing with all these evangelicals is wasting a lot of effort and time that could be used for better resul;ts.
Evangelical Jesus
Marine comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Great guy, gives you a warning!
Does the thought of dying alone scare you?
Marine comments on Apr 9, 2018:
No I have dealt with that when I became an atheist and determined this is all there is.
I was not going to install the app because I don't need distractions at work, and I want a full ...
Marine comments on Apr 9, 2018:
to each a little task must fall.
"As we’ve pointed out before, having a weekly Bible study for White House officials isn’t ...
Marine comments on Apr 9, 2018:
You can not be influenced by the con-men acting as religious people no matter where they meet. The republicans ignore the Constitution and do not live by it's writings as they choose to decide all meaning of it's contents with fake information.
Trump fought legislation requiring sprinklers in NYC buildings - NY Daily News
Marine comments on Apr 9, 2018:
As always his concern is money and how much he can garner from any project.He lacks morals, empathy and common sense. Let us hope we can survive his being president.
This is an important anniversary for me.
Marine comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Hang in there and live every day like it is your Last.
THIS GIRL!!! Doesn't want me on Agnostic.
Marine comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Neither does my chihuehue who helps me type.
This is a travesty
Marine comments on Apr 9, 2018:
It appears that politics never learns, they always support the villian.
We all have a brain
Marine comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Everyone has an opinion>
Was it the last?
Marine comments on Apr 9, 2018:
The diet seems very limited.
Literally just had a convo with a guy on a dating site who used the "I'm in a sex less marriage " ...
Marine comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Three Pieces of Garbage?
Marine comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Sorry but these are three of the most destructive people in government. They are the swamp!
How many dimensions are there, and what do they do to reality? | Aeon Essays
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
The only ones I am currently concerned about is the one I live in and that it does not go away!
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Good questions. I stop at four dimensions and state that if there are all these other ones they do not bother me so I will ignore them for now.*
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Very however I have traveled extendsively and have seen many different types of jesus displayed as it seems they all just adopt their society to represent him.
Would it be beneficial to separate out the philosophies of religions from the supernatural aspects?
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
They are all a waste of time and effort. As soon as anyone interjects faith into the equation the battle is lost.
I was born in Louisiana.
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
With all the northern people moving down perhaps they will convince them the civil war is over and we can become a nation of thinking people again. With all the bible verse printed it is necessary to counter this literature with science and other documents and hope these people can read it and comprehend it's meaning. To see medical schools and universeties still applying creationism as an alternative is disheartening.
Evicted by Matthew Desmond review – what if the problem of poverty is that it’s profitable to ...
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
With all the recomendations ,studies, aid facilities one would think we could get a handle on poverty. The problem lies partly with those in poverty as proven by those able to throw it off. They need to want to get out of it. I am very liberal and support all kinds of aid but I have been dishearten by the many opportunities extended and not taken by these groups. Help is available and they need to reach out & and take it.
I just attended a couple discussion posts here today.
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
It does not need to be. I have differences with my wife of 59 years and with my children and friends some of which are very conservative. It depends on your demeanior and those with whom you associate with. Compromise is lacking in our current generation and it is the basis of many of the problems we face today.
Attn: All Door Knockers
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Good job!
Hate Groups Have Risen Under Trump Says the Southern Poverty Law Center's Heidi Beirich - The ...
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
This is what you would expect of a person without a moral code of any kind. I can not understand how people do not understand that a moral code is important in governing a country & that this president has none!
Do you think its unreasonable to expect or search for a partner that doesn't watch porn on a regular...
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
It is discussing like treating people as animals . My view.
Ugly Precursor to Auschwitz: Hitler Said to Have Been Inspired by US Indian Reservation System - ...
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
It is a terrible example to follow from our nation.
Is it true that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas?
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
I was there for two days which were two days to long. I found the crowds smelly, overbearing and crude. The prices were ridiculas and it just did not offer much for me. So the memories can stay there for me.
For all my health conscious folks do you prefer to juice or blend your fruits and vegetables?
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
They get eaten anyway I feel willing to prepare them. Normally the easiest way. I do peel banana's!
It is true, being overly clean can actually be bad for your health and your kids health.
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
A good day in the mud should be enjoyed by everyone gardening ,fishing, hiking. If more of us could take part we might be healthier and enjoy the wonders of nature.
Will robotic androids change relationships?
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Who knows what the future will bring?
Why does gender matter? Does it matter, what real difference does it make to anyone?
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
I would say there are some jobs that are suited to one gender or another that better suits that person. You would not ask a person of slight build to lift 100 lb sacks of cement. It is the qualifications that a person offers that should deterimne if they suit the purpose.
So I'm curious.
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
I have friends that are diametrically opposed to my policies but we are able to set believes aside to be friends and in addition it allows for good discussions at dinners. No one becomes loud or defensive we just are able to discuss our views in a very gentlemenally fashion.
"A Michigan priest got out on bail after being charged with sexually assaulting two males, including...
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Church has not learned it's lesson and must have a very large account to handle these cases.!
The other day I was watching ABC 30 TV in my area and something Trumpian was said that was totally ...
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
One needs to be so careful these days as to where you obtain your information.
Surely this group is about experiencing the whole planet, or as much as we can manage in 60 years.
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
It also broadens one view of the world and allows one to value other cultures societies and ways of life. It gives one perspective when evaluating problems and challenges plus develops an appreciation for what one has . If all could travel there would be fewer problems in the world.
White Christians are now a minority of the U.S. population, survey says | PBS NewsHour
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Now if we could get the republicans to see the light we would really make progress.
Life coach Tony Robbins says women are using the MeToo movement to get certainty and significance in...
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
i do not believe in life coaches because I have known several personally and they cannot take care of their own lives yet to be recomending how others should run theirs.
Do you go by the amount of positive reviews when you make a purchase online?
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
If it is what I am looking for I buy it.If it is reviewed by consumer affairs I buy it. I do not buy on neighbors recomendation as I do not believe he likes me to much.
How often do you foot the bill at a restaurant?
Marine comments on Apr 8, 2018:
As a family we all pay for our own meals except on special occasions when the host announces this will be on me. Even then we will at least pay the tip which can be large.
"We’re constantly bouncing off other people and looking at other people as a mirror of us.
Marine comments on Apr 7, 2018:
It is always a difficult thing to compare yourself honestly to others.
These are Cindy, Bella and Mia, this weekend starts a week long babysitting of them on my own.
Marine comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Great they make me feel just great
28 fucking degrees this morning and I live in the damn south.
Marine comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Climate change comes with changes!
Do you feel that our society is getting far to used to the violence we see in today's media?
Marine comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Yes but you must fight censureship
Who else opposes Homeland Security tracking Journalists and Bloggers?
Marine comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Control of these venues is unacceptable as it aims at controlling the media and adversaries.
Do any of you get frustrated having a debate with Christians ?
Marine comments on Apr 7, 2018:
All debate stops once they state you must have faith because you cannot debate facts and evidence with someone who believes in faith alone for acceptance.
If you don't believe in a God but you do believe in ghost why are you any more rational than a ...
Marine comments on Apr 7, 2018:
I do not believe in things that do not present facts or evidence that can be reproduced through controled methods.
How would you handle this?
Marine comments on Apr 7, 2018:
As a ritual just say the words and get on with it.
Evangelical Pastor Claims Traditional Gender Roles Can Prevent Sexual Abuse | HuffPost
Marine comments on Apr 7, 2018:
I am a man & I would at this time in history after all the sacrifices made to bring equality to our society find this comment to be totally unacceptable, backward and supressive. To place a woman in servatude because she is a woman seems criminal. How could anyone yet another woman conjure up such nonsense.
Tell me something moving or profound that you heard, saw, or read about non-belief.
Marine comments on Apr 7, 2018:
We are all destined to a make believe place called hell.
How to respond to a proselytizing sibling?
Marine comments on Apr 7, 2018:
As much as I hate it ignore it and if it does not affect you personally do not become involved in a family situtation. You have only one family that you did not get to choose but to contend with. Keep it as pleasant as you can ,ignore the religion and keep the peace
Who would like to see political campaigns shorten to three month before the election?
Marine comments on Apr 7, 2018:
I would like to see these campaigns limited to 3 mos. because it would reduce costs, public could fund these campaigns, we could remove big business from backing these people, perhaps improve quality of candidate & if they cannot get their point across in 3 mos. they aren't going to get it across in office either.
Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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