
I don't get the connection?
Marine comments on Feb 26, 2018:
It is very confusing because it is these same people who oppose development of the sciences,society and the basis of edcation which is to learn new things and apply them . Who knows what these individuals really think or if they think because when they pray they are in another dimension, so they believe.
American Taliban. Just fyi, ?
Marine comments on Feb 26, 2018:
The republicans keep yelling let's take back America! Who are they taking it back from? I thought we were one nation! If they cannot distinguish between others who have different opinions and an aggressor who has conquered a nation we are really in trouble. They speak of the deep state whatever that is. If anything they must be the deep state poised to takeover our Nation against the wishes of law abiding citizens. Please be prepared to defend your country from these nuts who from their prior actions appear to be guntoting ,racists and evangelicals who would prefer to make up their own facts regarding science,education,medicine and society.
Have you ever known anyone to fall victim to a scam? Or, are most people wary enough to avoid them?
Marine comments on Feb 26, 2018:
It depends on how well they can pull off the scam. The person with a foreign accent who states the the grandson is in a Canadian jail most likely will not be sucessful. I have been targeted a number of times about the free trip I won and that I won a free visa card to Walmarts. It is ashame that people can be so vile as to attack the the old folks.
What's your saddest break up song ? []
Marine comments on Feb 26, 2018:
My wife ran away with my best friend and I miss him already!
What is unconditional love, and if so, what do people mean when they speak of it?
Marine comments on Feb 25, 2018:
I am not sure what unconditional means as there are always going to be points of discord even among those who love each other very much. In my case I have been married for 58 years to a wonderful wife and we are lucky to have each other in our older years.Marriage requires work ,mutual understanding and sometimes rejection. it is how these are handled that makes for a successful marriage. Marriage is like everything else ,it has rough spots and it is the join attempt to get thru these that makes the difference.
Is it possible to find real love that can last?
Marine comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Fifty eight years and counting with my beautiful wife. We have had hard times and great times and I am blessed to be able to share these years with her. We met in a chemistry lab and as she walked thru the lab door I said to my lab partner I am going to marry her. Four years later against both parents wishes we were wed. They gave us six months at best.
Does anyone realize how much science and our education systems are being attacked?
Marine comments on Feb 25, 2018:
It seems that our present administration has something against science,medicine and education. To begin with just look at the individuals who have beeen put in charge of the various departments. They all are opposed to the departments they head. We have people without any real knowledge of the departments they head making major decisions which are cutting funding and research in medicine and pure science which is crimminal. The media which is our watchdog in these matters do not appear to recognize the importance of this situation and little if any reporting is being done on the matter . Like everything else these days we need to be contacting our congress people and challenge what these people are doing.
Do you have a favorite decade of music?
Marine comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Yes I love the music from the thirties thru the seventies. I can't understand the music of many of the other periods as they just seem to be screeming like the heavy metal and rap. There does not appear to be any melody to the songs and I miss the ballards. Gee I can even remember when we danced together without jumping and playing rag doll.
What have you always wanted to do or try, that you just haven't gotten around to?
Marine comments on Feb 25, 2018:
I have always wanted to be a pilot and to experience the freedom of flight. I believe it would be wonderful to fly above the jungle, cliffs etc and view the many sites that I would not be able to view from the ground. I also wish I had done more scuba diving as it was so quiet and beautiful among the fish and coral.
I’ve noticed something on here.
Marine comments on Feb 25, 2018:
It is my belief that you must be open minded to become an atheist in the first place. To be open minded is also to be progressive by accepting new ideas.. The conservative individuals seem to look backwards , accept status quo and avoid change no matter how good it might be. They dislike regulations , rules even if they are for their own good . I guess I view conservatives as very narrow minded.
When someone invites you to a wedding, how do you feel?
Marine comments on Feb 25, 2018:
It depends on who the wedding is for . My friends I would be honored to attend. Someone at the office no thank you.
Billy Graham
Marine comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Not in our time.
In case you guys thought otherwise, Webster classifies us as pagan.
Marine comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Pagan is good as it defines our position very well.
Marine comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I appreciate this site simply because the indiviuals commenting here have no one to fear for their position. They can be totally honest and I do not know why on this site they would protray anything but honesty!
Hey all, I am new to this site.
Marine comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I sure hope that the others out there do not represent 95% of us. We have been working so hard to convert those believers! Welcome aboard
Maturity is the realization you can say "NO" without apology, and "YES" without guilt !
Marine comments on Feb 24, 2018:
That is a very apt realization. Thank you.
Spring is coming! What do you most look forward to?
Marine comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I plant a different flower arrangement in my front yard every year. Sometimes I use color other times the different types of flower sometimes it may be how dense the flowers are. However every year is different.
Why is it so difficult for people to disagree, without being disagreeable, anymore?
Marine comments on Feb 23, 2018:
We were all humans until Race Disconnected us, Religion separated us, Politics divided us and wealth...
Marine comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Unfortunately yes,There may be hope if the young are able to dispell the control of the evangelicals and provide rational thought to living in society.
Marine comments on Feb 23, 2018:
You can't. they need to have an open mind to appeal to logic and common sense. When they enploy faith as a defense any hope of having a discussion that makes any sense goes right out the door.
None of This Really Happened | And no, this time I’m not talking politics, although that does ...
Marine comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Facts can be very scary just look at trump. When people are overwhelmed by facts they seem to turn to the illogical as the explanation . This just makes matters worse. This is very evident when sickness is involved and the mass's turn to prayers which do not produce any desired results . If by some medical treatment they achieve the desired cure they attest that it was all the prayers that made the cure.
What is the most outlandish or improbable theory you've ever heard?
Marine comments on Feb 23, 2018:
That the USA could ever elect a president as dumb as trump and that people continue to support him as a good president.,
Generation Z is More Atheistic Than Any Other Age Group – Friendly Atheist
Marine comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Let us hope that these new atheist's are able to reverse the large amount of flak that the trump adm is putting forth. One billion dollars in aide to churches so far with school vouchers, allowing the churches to become political and still recieve tax benefits. These same individuals are attacking school ciriculums trying to eliminate evolution , big bang and teach religion in the public school systems.
Finally Friday! What is everyone doing this weekend?
Marine comments on Feb 23, 2018:
\Being retired I do the same thing everyday with a little variance except by season. I like to garden,fish shoot and just explore nature.
If you were heading out on a road trip right this minute, what would you pack?
Marine comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Money and lots of it
Besides your home and your work, where do you spend most of your time?
Marine comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Reading loading shells playing with my dogs, enjoying my wife's company enjoying my grandchildren who have been just fantastic abd enjoying classical music.
How with so many educated people have we had to come to the defense of science and knowledge?
Marine comments on Feb 23, 2018:
It amazes me how so many educated people can be so dumb. It amazes me how many refuse to use logic and common sense to refute the teachings of religion especially when they do not see results from their efforts. I recently knew of a person with cancer who prayed litterally all day long but when there were no positive results they wrote it off that god had other plans for him. With science we can see the same results proven over and over when we apply certain conditions. These are totally lacking in every religious position. What is really disturbing is that the religious right are preventing the development of science to aide and improve living just as they have over the centuries. Their opposition to genetic medicine and dna modification is causing un necessary pain and suffering because they state it is modifying gods way. They should be ashamed of their positions.
Today has been one of "those" days. Is it just me?
Marine comments on Feb 23, 2018:
Bottoms up
None of This Really Happened | And no, this time I’m not talking politics, although that does ...
Marine comments on Feb 22, 2018:
Just be concerned about doing your part to counter these fanatics and keep up the pressure to conform with the Constitution and the separation of the church and state. Living by the bible would drive any sane person nuts or be imprisoned.
How was your process of leaving religion?
Marine comments on Feb 22, 2018:
Quick once I was on my own. I have never felt so relieved and free as now . I have never had any itch to return to any religion. Of those I took part in the Unitarian was the best as I attended as an atheist for several years and was even elected to office for several of those years with everyone knowing I ws an atheist.
Marine comments on Feb 22, 2018:
All animals amaze me especially those we have as pets. I see how they wrap themselves around our little finger to get just what they want. I love to see the apes and how they communicate with people and among themsleves.Elephants and hippo's are other interesting groups.
Did god play a big role in your life growing up?
Marine comments on Feb 22, 2018:
Religion played a big role and it was not good with arguments about meat on Friday ,lent, going to church and it was my father and I that had to do these things while mother demanded these things she herself did not comply with any of this. Catholic school was another pain as I questioned what was being taught and was punished when I did not conform.
Florida to post “In God We Trust” in all public schools
Marine comments on Feb 22, 2018:
Not legal and should be protested by every progressive thinker according to the Constitution and the separation of church and state. Besides I do not think a few words will stop anything.
For decades scientists thought that galaxies were randomly scattered across the cosmos but now ...
Marine comments on Feb 22, 2018:
I always pictured myself living on the skin of some big thing!
Marine comments on Feb 22, 2018:
Welcome to the gang!
What's "contagious?"
Marine comments on Feb 22, 2018:
Puppies,kittens apple pie and a good pork chop!
How about a GPS safety device placed on all new guns that engages in proximity to any public ...
Marine comments on Feb 22, 2018:
3+There are more guns out there than there are people in the United States,never happen. What is needed is for responsible gun owner to write the laws of the nation as these are the people who know what will work. Mental Illness: First of all families that know they have a mentally challenged person in their home need to remove weapons from the household. This would be a good common sense start to the problem. Second we as a country need to treat mental illness with our health insurance in a more positive way instead of letting the insurance companies dictate control.Third, we need better and more mental hospitals to take care of these pations. Drugs need to be legalized and care provided to the addict by government. Gangs would loose their money incentive. The latter need to be broken up like they were in the thirties and the off street sales of guns stamped out. Backgrown checks are only good at purchase. There needs to be a requaiifing period for license holders say every three years combined with some type of medical exam. Any domestic violance conviction needs to give up their weapon and license to carry. Large magazines and the assualt weapons need to be banned. They are not needed for sport. Members owning guns should be required to join a shooting club as being with these type of people could perhaps lead to seeing someone who isn't acting properly with a weapon.
Do you try not to think about religion at all?
Marine comments on Feb 22, 2018:
Difficult to do in these bible belts but we lack dynamics because we are so poorly organized as a position. It is almost like we need to form assemblies of some kind inorder to make our position one of significance.
Gingrich in N. Naples: 'Atheist philosophy' is threat to Christianity
Marine comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Let's hope not . I hate to think of him giving any advice as he is as dispicable as trump and the swamp drained cabinet. They would both work to destroy America. I am very proud to be a Progresive and I just wish we showed more balls in combating this republican montrasity.
Do you ever miss the religious life?
Marine comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Just the music which can be very pleasant to listen to.
How comfortable are you with the word "Atheist" ?
Marine comments on Feb 21, 2018:
I am much more comfortable with it than the people who I tell it to. Some are schocked others say I will pray for you some actually accept it. At times it generates discussion which have been very entertaining. Many times I am able quite quickly to place a logical question that befuddles them and normally end sthe conversation.
What is the non-theist replacement for "I'll pray for you?"
Marine comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Tought it out no one has not had troubles different than your own . Seek some help and commit to to some hard work.
I notice people talking about the pain and troubles of escaping religions to find a life without.
Marine comments on Feb 21, 2018:
I have never been so free and happy until I was able to drop the religious burden. The values that religion supposed ly taught were so violated daily by religious members that it was just a farce.There has been no pain no trouble just relief.
Trump Budget Sends $1 Billion To Private Religious Schools
Marine comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Where is the cry from the left? Why are we failing to view the Constitution on these matters and call out how illegal these bills are? This is why I am so disappointed inthe left . We do not know how to fight these idiots. It is the same with the guns. Why aren't we showing how many reps are owned by the gun lobby and voting against the demands of the country. Are dems so lame and untried that they cannot mount a defense in these matters . Help Help.
How do you feel about the president tweeting his way through this presidency?
Marine comments on Feb 21, 2018:
He is the most dispictable person I have ever known and his swamp drained cabinet is just as bad.I am embarassed that he represents our country and my greatest fear is that he will last 4 years. However the vp isn't any better . He is a religius nut!!!
How do you feel about the president tweeting his way through this presidency?
Marine comments on Feb 21, 2018:
He is the most dispictable person I have ever known and his swamp drained cabinet is just as bad.I am embarassed that he represents our country and my greatest fear is that he will last 4 years. However the vp isn't any better . He is a religius nut!!!
Is Trump going to have to give up his "fake news" chant?
Marine comments on Feb 21, 2018:
The Russian's must have something big on him because he just refused to bring any rebuke on them. Just his attitude toward his administration and the Russian's and everyone else should be enoungh to impeach him. I have never dispised an individual as much as I do him and his smug admistration. They are ruining the country and people still support them. I just cannot understand this. I met a man this morning who just thought he was really doing a great job. When I asked him what he did all he could reply was that he shook things up.
[] I get so tired of the south sometimes.
Marine comments on Feb 21, 2018:
You would think by now with all the northertns moving down south that they would be able to break up these bible belt individuals and enact some decent laws and elect some decent politicians. Somehow we need to convince the south the war between the states was over many years ago and that they need to move into the new age.
Do you really think the second amendment protects a Civil Right?
Marine comments on Feb 21, 2018:
No the nazi's took passive restraint and took it into a horrendous periodof history. Religion often speaks of passive restraint and the same horrors have raised their heads in religion. Does this mean there isn't room for some common sense no. There is no need for assualt rifes,large magazines, people under 21 to purchase a weapon. Backgroung checks are good but only at time of purchase there should be followups to qualify say every three years. Anyone convicted of domestic abuse should have weapon removed and license revoked. Gangs need to be disbanded,a crackdown on weapons buying on the street. Mental checks and balances need to be put in place. Drugs need to be made legal to remove money basis from gangs and cartels these addits could be cared for at less expense than using police work to curtail drugs. Religious right opposition needs to be undone. So there are many aspects of society that need to come into play This probably will not hapen!
What value is there in freedom of the press?
Marine comments on Feb 20, 2018:
T he media both written and TV are lacking responsibility in that they currently have lost direction. They go for the sensational news without the old time news reporter seeking out i justice , crime and good works. We were once able to rely on the news for information about the world. T oday we are locked in to the repetitive nonsense. ZThere is no need for the media to repeat the same horrible story day after day for aweek or more. We get it the first time it is presented. Now speaking of freedom of the press is another matter completely. This freedom does allow us to challenge our politicians without being place in jail or worse. It is a hallmark of democracy. This freedom needs to be protected at all costs.
Gun Culture
Marine comments on Feb 20, 2018:
THERE ARE MANY GUN OWNERS WHO DO NOT like or care about the NRA myself being just one of them. I enjoy shooting very much and unless you have been introduced to shooting you probably cannot understand this. It is a shame that it is a sport that can have such terrible outcomes attached to it.I do not see it as a white power outlet rather an improperly controled sport.There are to many gangs,mental cases,domestic abusers who own guns. These could be limited if practical laws could be used. The question with this latest case is how did a nineteen year old mass a collection of 10 guns. Where did he get the money to buy them as they are not cheap.Why did he have control of the guns especially if he was known to have mental problems? /
What is your biggest fear?
Marine comments on Feb 19, 2018:
It is that orange man survives for 8 years and totally destroys the .USA Next would be not being able to care for myself and having to depend on others. I would rather that I not be alive than the latter.
What would you like to do that would go down in the history books?
Marine comments on Feb 19, 2018:
Since I expect my ashes to be spread to the wind in some nature spot I doubt I would be remembered only by my family and that is fine. My place in history I hope was that I was a fair and good person who tried to do the right thing by others and left this world a better place . It is simple but I believe it is a worthy life ambition.
Most and least religious U.S. states | Pew Research Center
Marine comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Yeh for New England states. I just love Ct. even with the stupid taxes. It is a pretty state with very liberal views.
Can well educated people be given the label as being an intellectual?
Marine comments on Feb 18, 2018:
You do not gain being an intellectual from college as I have known many jerks who have masters degrees. One becomes an intellectual by observation,experience and education . Education alone does not do the trick but it tends to direct you to gaining knowledge you might not otherwise gain. What makes you an intellectual is what you do with this knowledge ,experience and observations of life.
Six U.S. intelligence agencies warn against using Huawei phones
Marine comments on Feb 18, 2018:
gee whiz first my TV is spying on me now my phone is also. No wonder i go to my car and converse with it.
It is said that the truly intelligent prefer to be alone then to be in the company of others.
Marine comments on Feb 18, 2018:
I would state that anyone who can be happy with themselves is very intelligent. It can be difficult to live solely with only one's thoughts but those who can have a benefit that others lack. They are independent and not in need of others to make this a meaningful life and that is unique. I have been this type of person my whole life. I am married 57 years have two wonderful children and four grandchildren yet I can be by myself for days at a time with no other contact and be perfectly happy. I enjoy the freedom of mind about the the things I think about sometimes silly things other times serious thoughts. It also gives me the time to determine if these thoughts should be expressed to others or retained by me and worked upon in secret ways. Company can be accomplished in other ways also. There are pets, I love my dogs and then there is nature. I find company in a water falls or a rock bed of beauty a pretty sky and by being engrossed in the nature itself. I do not need the presence of others to not feel lonely.
I try as much as I can to avoid religious criticism,for two reasons, one is that,when I came to US, ...
Marine comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Education ,logical thinking, debate and long time periods to express all of these are necessary. Do not give up but convert one by one and success will eventually happen.
Have you ever contacted a elected official with secular views
Marine comments on Feb 18, 2018:
I remind my Congressmen and women monthly about the separation of church and state re vouchers,preaching from the pulpit the tax exempt status and other problems that arise. This adm. is going to far to ignore the Constitution which they always claim to support.
Are religions unfair to women? - YouTube
Marine comments on Feb 18, 2018:
As a rule they most definately are . It begins with the creartion and taking adams rib. It is stupid and results because the men were stronger . Women just caved in .
Should religion be taught in schools?
Marine comments on Feb 18, 2018:
Religion if taught at all should be taught by parents or churches and left out of schools as the latter are supposed to speak of truth and facts religion lacks truth and facts..
How do you deal with Door-knockers?
Marine comments on Feb 18, 2018:
I am an atheist please come in and I will tell you why your faith is untrue and without reason or logic.
Why do people think you need to believe in a god and read the bible and or go to church to live a ...
Marine comments on Feb 18, 2018:
People tend to forget the evil the bible spouts the killings etc. But this is the word of an all loving god. Reading the bible and trying to live by it would drive any sane person nuts.
If you were to be another animal what would it be and which chracteristic appeals to you about this ...
Marine comments on Feb 18, 2018:
For me it would be a dog . They lend themselves to loyalty and being faithful to someone who shows them kindness. I always find myself content and peaceful with my dogs even when the day has been very difficult. I can think of no other animal that gives such pleasure .
Are religious people, those who believe in God generally happier?
Marine comments on Feb 17, 2018:
I am much happier since I dropped out of the religious scene. Religion always paced guilt before happiness and I found this to be wrong. Life was to short to always be feeling some kind of guilt and to spend hours saying the same words over and over again to no avail. I did not see the miracles some stated they viewed like those standing in a church when a tornado passed over taking the building but not the people. I asked why was god angry at the church? Common sense and logic won me over and I have been very happy sense.
Did you arrive at your decision of belief by means of research and critical thinking or merely ...
Marine comments on Feb 17, 2018:
It started in my elementry school and then with a lot of review and research over the years i was able to state with out any reservation that god does not exist for me. I was a catholic and the teachings just did not make sense . The idea that anyone who had not heard of the catholic church was going to hell just wasn't good enough for me. That seem cruel > Things just went down hill from there.
Do you trust the government as a source of information?
Marine comments on Feb 17, 2018:
IT depends on the department . itelligence and FBI yes the rest no way they have all been done in by trumpy
Why do people assume being an atheist means you don't have morals?
Marine comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Simply because they are led to believe that man cannot develop these on their own but must rely on some myths to provide them with direction and value. The con man works there routine and behold we have religion.
What can be done to stop conservatives taking over all media?
Marine comments on Feb 16, 2018:
it would be nice to see liberals take on each of these duddies and correct the message but somehow we let the media do all the talking and it is the same thing over and over with the talking heads. I n addition have you noticed the media really does not give us any news . BBC is great. But everything must be checked for facts except when it comes from fox news and then we do not contest these made up facts, I wish we had the true reporters of latter days who did the investigating and fought corruptsion etc.
Do you believe in NDE (Near Death Experiences)? Ever have one?
Marine comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Yes ,I had them twice during operations and they were scary.The first was an all white hallway that led just higher and higher . I never did see where it ended but it was creepy. The second wasn't any better . Many things in my lifetimee passed before my mind and it was like a rapid transite of all of these items. Neither situation was very comforting. Both times i was looking down on my body.
Where Do You Go When You Die? The Increasing Signs That Human Consciousness Remains After Death
Marine comments on Feb 16, 2018:
What are these signs and where can I test them?
I was asked today what I had given up for Lent by someone assuming I'm Catholic. Smh. My answer?
Marine comments on Feb 16, 2018:
For some reason catholics seem to be the most of the converts to atheists. I too am one of these converts. When so many ideas just did not sit well with my reason I started resist and in school got into a lot of trouble and time looking at coats for penance.Lent never made sense to me nor did walking around with ashes on my forehead. giving up religion was a great option for lent.
Egypt’s parliament in bid to ban atheism
Marine comments on Feb 16, 2018:
No matter what laws may be passed it is impossible to regulate one's mind with respect to the believes it holds.It will depend on the person as to how openly they can profess their believes however they will automatically take into consideration the atmosphere they reside in.
Gun control? Yes or no and why?
Marine comments on Feb 16, 2018:
I belong to a shooting club with a 1000 members. I have been associated with this organization over 12 years and guess what not one member has had a problem with the law in this period. Many of these members support gun laws that are reasonable. Assualt rifes are not needed for hunting. Magazine size should be limited. Backgroung checks only work at time of application. Perhaps we should have a a medical review every 5 years for license holders. Remove weapons from any domestic violance case. Eliminate funding of politics by corporations and lobbists. All campaigns should be funded publicly and for only a three month campaign period to reduce costs. Gun enforcement needs to be increased as to many guns are being sold on the street illegally. Gangs needs to be broken up and placed in jails.Drugs again need to be made legal and removed from the gang element to eliminmate cash for these elements. Clinics could be used to care for these addicts. Reduce the number of police shows on tv and in the movies. The kids see nothing but violance over and over and do not realize the power and results they can have with a gun.
Is anybody else an outcast of their family?
Marine comments on Feb 15, 2018:
Yes and I was the barn burner for many others amoung my 62 cousins. Married outside of Catholicism, move to a different state. educated by my wife via hardship instead of taking a dead end job. I have been very happy with the decisions I have made and in many cases not that I am counting I am extremely happy.
Have you ever dated someone that reminded you of one of your parents?
Marine comments on Feb 15, 2018:
No thank goodness It would have been my dad however as he was a kind gentle man whom I admired very much.
Have you used a person's beliefs against them in a debate?
Marine comments on Feb 15, 2018:
When one person speaks in facts and the other in myths the discussion goes no where . Therefore it depends on what the discussion is. The ability to turn a debaters own facts or statements against them is a solid way to win a debate.
"In religion and politics people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at ...
Marine comments on Feb 15, 2018:
We do not have an ethical standard developed for our candidates which should be included in every race.In this manner a lie would automatically render the candidate dead. This would allow us then to establish the issues the candidate stands for . In addition I believe the campaigning should be shorten to 3 months before the election to reduce costs which should be publically funded without any corporation or lobbying funds.
If you could have any president re-elected, which one would it be?
Marine comments on Feb 15, 2018:
Truman was a no nonsense guy down to earth.He even had to have a pension introduced for him.
Another f@!king mass shooting here in America! At least 17 dead, 23 injured.
Marine comments on Feb 15, 2018:
Look at tv and all the police shows, next the movies and again the action movies. Our children are just introduced to this stuff over and over again and they do not realize that guns kill and that it isn't like in the movies and tv. Next we let the stupid NRA do it's thing. I am a gun owner who would vote for stricter gun laws any day. How ever the laws should be proposed by the gun owners because those who are not owners themselves put stupid laws into effect not knowing what really works,. Magzine size yes,carry permits yes,background checks yes, domestic violence remove weapons yes, Waiting period to purchase guns yes,
Do you think your birth order has impacted your personality?
Marine comments on Feb 14, 2018:
I am the eldest in the family and I broke the way for my sister and 65 cousins. I was the first to college,first to join military,First to marry outside the faith, first to move away from family. All of these had a large affect on me.
Some choice bits re death, religion
Marine comments on Feb 14, 2018:
Just look at the money and life styles of the tv ministers. How stupid these people are to donate millions of $ so this idiot can live a life style of a king.
What were the major turning points in your life?
Marine comments on Feb 14, 2018:
There were serveral in my life time. My first came with my mother when I told her never to attempt to strike me again. She never did. The second is when I felt I truly became a man Joining the Marine Corps. The latter thought more about life than all the catholic teaching together did. I learn about race relations,taking total care of my actions and being responceable. Third was marriage and the challenges to living with another person for 57 years. Fourth was becoming a parent and it's demands. Fifth and most difficult was getting along in the workplace, working with people of different standards,those who always saw the worse things and were always negative. The unfairness some managers imposed regarding promotion etc. Sixth was health conditions and dealing with constant pain which greatly impacted my life and that which I was able to do verses wanted to do.
How, will we ever create peace in our own country, when our government officials keep ...
Marine comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Those who would promote dynasties of wealth play right into this class of racism and separation of the masses into the wealthy and the poor. They forget that they were where the others reside at some time but wish to bury these facts.They are also prone not to give credit to those who aided in lifting them from one station to another as the working classes have done. I regret what our country has done to our native peoples and if anyone needs some aide today it is these fine individuals. Like it or not we are a melting pot of humanity and because of it we have become an island of greater good. Let us not allow the ignorant to destroy what has been a blessing.
Those who push to have the U.
Marine comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Homogeneous is inevitable as people lived together. People tend to inflitrate a society very slowly at times but eventually they will adopt the laws ,rules and practices of the society they live in. Jews and Moslems celebrate xmas, celebrate other holidays just as members of their community do. It can be painfully slow but it will happen as children grow up in the different society.
We die therefore we exist or exit?
Marine comments on Feb 12, 2018:
Being a total part of the cosmos who knows how many times we will be born and die or as what we might be reborn as. I just hope I do not come back as a marking place for a dog!
A lot of angry and/or uneducated atheists around here...
Marine comments on Feb 11, 2018:
Sorry but i have rtead these nomes and experienced religion in my childhood and adulthood which have convienced me to be an atheist As a child I was punished foir asking questions the nuns could not answer as well as the priest only to go home to a family who supported these actions . The latter waqs such a farce because they never practiced these rituals themselves. Then I look at the miracles of today the churches destroyed while people in side receive no harm ,children who suffer horrible disease from an all powerful loving god!Religion has been throughout history no more than the con man taking advantage of those who retain fear over logic as their premise to life.
What can one learn about a person's personality just by observing them?
Marine comments on Feb 11, 2018:
I have certain criteria that I have used in my 79 years which has been pretty accurate. The first is their manner of dress,next hygene finally the use of their language skills relative to their education levels.A slob in dress generally attests to a slob in all other matters as do the other two. It is a very simple test but is very accurate.Next is how they treat others and animals especilly those who it can be seen are less strong. slobs like to take advantage of those they preceive weaker than themselves.A person does not need an advanced degree to be a very nice person.I have a freind who did not finish school but he is obe of the kindest most gentle person even though hr is about 6'6 ' over 300 lbs.
Is this the smartest thing Trump has ever said?
Marine comments on Feb 11, 2018:
Yes above everything else he has said yes. Knowing him however he will deny ever having said those words because it sounds reasonable.
Is there a resounding silence by those Trump voters and supporters who claimed Hilary was going to ...
Marine comments on Feb 11, 2018:
Let us hope that our pentagon generals can prevent this loose cannon from getting us into a new war'. He never served and has no idea what it means to a service person to be waiting for the call to war.He seeks only that which he preceives as something that will make him look great in history. He has done that already with the rape of the country he serves.
figured you guys might like this :) steal away :P I sure did lmao
Marine comments on Feb 10, 2018:
I have more religious books than many religious individual as I enjoy using logic to dispute the premises they put forth. It is kind of like playing a game of scrabble for me. So many of their points are just plain fabrications. I ask if all these events were taking place why hasn't anyone of the period written about them, There were plenty of scholars at that time who could have recorded history in the making yet no one writes of jesus in the time period he was suppost to have lived..
Trump Signs Budget Deal Giving Taxpayer Money To Churches
Marine comments on Feb 10, 2018:
He has never heard of the separation of church and state and he possibility does not know how to read the latter takes comprehension and we know he lacks that. He is paying the evangelicals for electing him.
Which do you think should play a bigger role in your life tolerance or compromise
Marine comments on Feb 10, 2018:
For myself I see the two points entangled you need both to attaid just the one position. in politics you need both to accomplish anything in Congress.This is the current problem both sides lack the ability to do either. s i i
The Predator Convention
Marine comments on Feb 10, 2018:
Yes I have stopped upon numerous occasions once the theme became religious. I f I wanted religion I would go to a church and I do not apprecisaate it being dropped on me.
For those people that so like animals what is the pleasure you receive from them?
Marine comments on Feb 9, 2018:
For me it is the simple pleasures they react to that give me a laugh and a warm feeling. I really enjoy all the apes,dogs cats and the large animals taking care of their young. It is always peaceful althought I detest most zoo's. I appreciate those that take the wounded or sick and help them recover and then return them to nature if possible. I plan to have my ashes mixed with my favorite dogs ashes and spread in nature when the time comes.
Do you have a nerdy side?
Marine comments on Feb 9, 2018:
Yes I find that I like many things others would find nerdy. I like to study the cosmos, geology,learn weird facts of life,study politics and what makes people do what they do.I just love any type of animals except snakes and bugs they give me the creeps having spent a lot of time in the jungle!
What would you do if you won the Publishers $5000 a week for life contest
Marine comments on Feb 9, 2018:
I would set up a trust for animal rescue,the arts and contribute to our vets.Next I would secure education of grandchildren and therir children. My wife would like a NY appartment and I would buy a 75 foot boat i could live on.
If someone is dying and a bystander chooses not to help, should they be held responsible?
Marine comments on Feb 9, 2018:
yes soms states have laws stating good sarmaritains must provide care and will not be held liable for doing so. in addition everyone should be thought cpr in school plus other techniques of savingb a life like chokeing,heart attack etc.You cannot be held liable if it puts your life in jeopardy.
Does the structure of American society lend to unhappiness or dissatisfaction?
Marine comments on Feb 9, 2018:
Only if you approach everything from a negative perspective , whoa is me attitude or why did this happen to me. Life is far from perfect but just look at the accomplishments people have made. I will only name one Hawkings with a terrible disease yet has done so much for us.
I have said this to my kids - When I get older, I am NOT going into a nursing home.
Marine comments on Feb 8, 2018:
Please do not be so quick to judge. I have friends that thought along your line of thinking and they fought going into a assisted living both parties have now been in them for two and three years and have seen their grandchildren graduate from college ,marry and have become grandparents on one occasion.They need help on a daily basis for various illnesses etc but they are treated with dignity and are really enjoying the life they have left.
Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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