
This site reminds me so much of Facebook.
Marine comments on Feb 8, 2018:
That cannot be true everyone on this site has knowledge or questions that are of concern to them. Just when one of these come up write it down and put it out for comment and you will be supprized
Democrats Are Targeting 12 States to Prevent Another Decade of GOP Gerrymandering | Alternet
Marine comments on Feb 8, 2018:
Take positive action and call or write your state and federal representatives and let them know how important this is . We must be part of the solution .
The Trump Administration's War on Science Agencies Threatens the Nation's Health and Safety - ...
Marine comments on Feb 8, 2018:
This is only a part of it I have a friend doing pure science work on pasma tecnology who stated that they are near making major accomplishments with their science. They have had to reduce operations to a minimun because they are out of government funding. They are working without pay living on wife's incomes under hardship because they feel this is such an important achievement.This is happening throughout the science area. My cousin works at Lawance Livermore Labs and they have had to reduce the number of projects to the most cost effective for lack of funds. This is one of the most important government labs in the country. This ass is only concerned with lining his pockets at the cost to the rest of the Nation.
Did you ever have a best friend? What earned them the title?
Marine comments on Feb 8, 2018:
They were always kind,considerate and there for me when necessary.
Too many billions of galaxies for me to believe in God
Marine comments on Feb 7, 2018:
Look at the trillions of stars and other stuff we have yet to discover!
Have you ever thought about or written your own eulogy as a motivational exercise?
Marine comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Mine is already written and i included thanking those individuals who I really loved for their patience with me and for all the enjoyment they had given to me, I also imparted short messages to my grandchildren just for their eyes.It wasn't morbid at all .I wrote it to tell everyone how important each was in my life.
What was the worse job you had to endure?Why?
Marine comments on Feb 5, 2018:
These all sound like rotten jobs But i know of a Marine who 's job is to disarm bombs. Any volunteer's???
Eagles coach: "I can only thank my lord and savior jesus christ.
Marine comments on Feb 5, 2018:
This is really news in stead of taking care of the world poverty,hunger,disease,wars,bias god is watching a football game. He and trumper must be great buddies!
Is it "shallow" to care about looks when it comes to picking a partner?
Marine comments on Feb 2, 2018:
A person does not need to be "beautiful " but they should use common sense using makup and be clean. Personality is a different matter as is proper dress. All of these things are valid when dating. No one wants a slob or some one with bad breath plus BO! I have met and dated some ladies that were not considered the cream of the crop however they were far superior and I was proud to be permitted to date them. I even took one to the prom.They were better persons than the cheer leader and the beauty queen. Looks are not everything, common sense and knowledge outway beauty. I am very lucky as I married a very beautiful lady who remains so and with two masters degrees in chemistry and computers is very intelligent. Now going on 57years of marriage. It is very nice not to be lonely at this age.
How many e-mail addresses do you have?
Marine comments on Feb 2, 2018:
4 just like yours
What's your worst restaurant experience?
Marine comments on Feb 2, 2018:
That was good protein and it might have been from the waiting since the dinosaur period to be cooked! He should not pass up good protein! Once had a rat run by my raised seat just as our meal was served. Haven't gone back but the restaurant is still in business.
At a certain age, should people be re-tested for their ability to drive?
Marine comments on Feb 2, 2018:
At 79 I hate to admit it but yes so should anyone who has more than 3 tickets in a year and the 2nd dui should have license taken away until they have successfully completed an AA course plus suspended period. I would also like to see bumper huggers loose their license! The test should be a driving skills test and eye test and I have been blind in one eye for 20 years but have 20/20 in other eye.
Is anyone going to watch The State of The Union Address just to see if Trump makes an even bigger ...
Marine comments on Jan 31, 2018:
Was disappointed
How many places have you lived?
Marine comments on Jan 31, 2018:
Visited 72 countries with wife and I have lived in 9 states and love Ct. the best even with high taxes
Do you take after anyone in your family?
Marine comments on Jan 30, 2018:
No I am night and day different in personality,religion.sports,eating arts education political party and every thing else. I am a very well organized person who hates clutter. i I am very well organized i love it.
If you were asked to teach a class of your choosing, what would the subject matter be?
Marine comments on Jan 30, 2018:
I would also like to teach ethics and morality courses to the military or police units
What was your favorite subject in school?
Marine comments on Jan 30, 2018:
History and political science plus science courses of all kinds especially geology ,physics and chemistry. The first two tell us how to contend with the here and now learning from the past and the second group tells us about the passed and future.
Nutrition. Do you trust the experts? What do you believe to be true about health & nutrition?
Marine comments on Jan 30, 2018:
Which experts and at what time of day because these experts change every few hours.
If you were asked to teach a class of your choosing, what would the subject matter be?
Marine comments on Jan 30, 2018:
Political science or history to point out how we might improve our current situation. Majored in political sci and history minored in German & geology worked as manufacturing engineer for GE ,chemical engineer for Texaco and spent the last 26 years in insurance management and as a agent . I also worked in local politics. I also was a microwave radio & radar technician in the Marine Corps which also qualified as a minor for college credit. I would have liked to teach at a college level in either one of my majors but also was a big brother to a family of three for six years and we had a lot of teaching going on there.
Has your disbelief ever stained your reputation?
Marine comments on Jan 30, 2018:
A couple of times with family and former friends.
I'm called a pessimist, told that I have a negative attitude about life because I don't hold much ...
Marine comments on Jan 27, 2018:
Although the things you state are all true please attempt to make life as pleasant for yourself and others you are fond of. No one likes the pessimist who always looks on the negative. look for the beautiful and do what you are able to do to correct the bad things. Life is way to short! Try to live it as best as you can. Just ask a terminally ill person what they would give to be well and live! I always found the people who complained about anything never did anything positive to correct the problem.Don't waste your life ,be happy for what you have and work to improve your life and everyone else's.Get a puppy they will make you smile a lot.
One day the zoo-keeper noticed that the orangutan was reading two books - the Bible and Darwin's ...
Marine comments on Jan 27, 2018:
We never knew an orangutang could serve as a president either!
What Am I?
Marine comments on Jan 25, 2018:
A linguist
Just this morning, I heard this TV ad for hearing aids .
Marine comments on Jan 25, 2018:
Pillow man and his necklace,domino's pizza and many others
Am I in violation of Missouri law?
Marine comments on Jan 25, 2018:
Against Constitution not to worry even if passed as a state law.
What's your preferred dwelling type?
Marine comments on Jan 25, 2018:
Free standing home in an association
Is humanity doomed?
Marine comments on Jan 25, 2018:
Artificial intelligence and robots will be able to do all labor,surgery, teaching research so why do we need humans and what would they do that's better than the robot? Robots have knowledge and can recall it faster and without error than humans. Not only that but they can correct the errors based upon other acquired knowledge.
If religion died out, how would we repurpose all the churches?
Marine comments on Jan 22, 2018:
Incoming immigrant rant.
Marine comments on Jan 19, 2018:
I believe you are right on. Those who have been immigrants have added a great deal to our country and I hope we can still appeal to many others to come . Unfortunately we have a number of idiots who have no idea that they also were immigrants at one time . Good luck to you -- there I go we do not believe in luck do we?
Presumed to be religious.
Marine comments on Jan 19, 2018:
I was called the devils workman and was told my family was going to hell. I stated I did not believe in myths and we would all return to nature someday. Most assume that you are religious because we still do not receive recognition as an alternative life style. To bad for them!
What is with the hatred of police officers?
Marine comments on Jan 15, 2018:
Having been in the military I can relate to having your life placed in life or death situations daily and the stress one faces to make life or death decisions within micro seconds. However I do not understand shooting a man in the back who is running away from you and who has not displayed any weapon! Another situation is taking a man down who is not showing any resistance especially when there are several police officers on the scene to handcuff. These show a police unit out of control which then gets all the news coverage played over and over. I respect our law departments and the job they face . They are in a position no different than our military @ war . There isn't any difference.
What religion has caused the most murders
Marine comments on Jan 15, 2018:
There are a number of religions competing for the trophy and each is wackier than the next.The numbers will never be known but islam seems to be making a run at the present time. Both christian and islam seem to be the largest attempts at taking the honors to date. Some of the ancient religions killed entire populations but the numbers are unknown. Don't rule out the Asia rulers as their history is full of religious hate.
Atheist groups in Berlin, Germany
Marine comments on Jan 15, 2018:
Welcome aboard.
I must say since I started going on Facebook which my daughter introduced me to it,I have had the ...
Marine comments on Jan 15, 2018:
Welcome aboard. Hope you learn a great deal from the comments!
Why are all of the politicians religious?
Marine comments on Jan 15, 2018:
Anything to win votes.Just check their way of life after election and you can be sure they normally lack christian beliefs. Then again help us if they try to impose their holy feelings!!!
Is there such thing as Free Will?
Marine comments on Jan 15, 2018:
I vote for free will as no one tells me what I should or should not be doing. I am comfortable with this and do not feel compelled by any feelings that the decisions I make are challenged in any way.
For atheists - what makes you believe no deity exists?
Marine comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Physics, math, and common sense do the job for me. If we were created in his image what happened to Mrs. god? It is all a fable that the some among the people took advantage of to exploit the rest of the population and gee did it ever work!
I'm pretty tired of everyone talking about politics.
Marine comments on Jan 12, 2018:
While you are entitled to your opinion I sense that you may not attempt to prevent idiots from being elected as this one has. If to many people feel the way you do we whined up with people like trump and that really is sad for the country. Sometimes we must choose the leased offensive and this is depressing also.
Conservative and liberal atheist
Marine comments on Jan 11, 2018:
You won't ever find one.Liberals are for the most part progressive . I do not care for the term left wing . I do think I associate with the dems.because their policies tend toward the people and not the rich. I think that atheists are progressive thinkers freed from the chains of religion that provides us with open minds.
Hey everyone! I'm an ex-muslim atheist from Pakistan.
Marine comments on Jan 11, 2018:
Nice to have you a board.
Is this life all there is?
Marine comments on Jan 6, 2018:
Has the metoo movement affected your dating life or the way you interact with people of the opposite...
Marine comments on Jan 1, 2018:
It should not have if you have common sense.
Imagine a World...
Marine comments on Dec 30, 2017:
You can thank our imperial wizzard trumper and the evangelical community who pray for miracies instead of practical medicine.It seems that believing in myths instead of science which has a proven history appeals to those who do the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome!!!! Like religion itself it just is not logical but it continues to persist,
Do any of you have holiday traditions?
Marine comments on Dec 26, 2017:
Enjoy the time of year and the great sales. You do not need to partake in anything else and can easily ignore it. In a word don't be scrooge !!! No one likes them.
What is the difference between being happy and thinking you are happy?
Marine comments on Dec 26, 2017:
For myself the difference between happiness and being down is life itself. To be in the state of happiness for me is the love that my family and friends provide and good health.. However that comes with the other side also.To loose a family member or a friend can bring great sorrow. Then there are the other aspects of life like winning the lottery, gaining a great job, enjoying a nice vacation. This is joy not to be confused with happiness. I am able to be happy without these things being necessary. Life is what you make it joy enhances happiness.
So, I haven't been on here very long, but have seen some interesting posts.
Marine comments on Dec 26, 2017:
I sincerely doubt that it is the location rather it may be that you have become more stable and comfortable with your own ideas and ways with age.I have found that that i do not like the music of the times and definitely the politics and the politically correct way to speak. For myself, I believe in speaking frankly but respectfully my mind without the candy coating. Society has changed and some of it I like and other aspects I frown upon. Due to these changes it has become more difficult to find people that support my way of thinking but I find this to be an asset rather than a disappointment. The Unitarian Universal church is a great place to find people who may think like yourself. It is the only church I know that welcomes atheists and finds them acceptable people.
Seeing supposedly religious people support tRump has made me incredibly angry.
Marine comments on Dec 18, 2017:
The government under trump has caused so many problems it will take years to repair. Just today he insults China and expects them to aide with Korea. How stupid can one be! He has appointed money contributors to posts that they are not qualified for.He has Taken steps to stop research in science and medicine,he is ruining our National Parks, hurting the poor weak old and middle class with his tax plan, he is removing regulations that would prevent some of the abuses that banks ,wall Street, real estate and corporations have made; He has made a fool of USA in foreign diplomacy. This all in a few months .I hate to see what further damage he will do in his remaining term!!!!
Should public nudity be legal?
Marine comments on Dec 18, 2017:
No No NO Have you seen some of those in clothes in Walmart. They would really scare me unclothed! Same goes for some of the beach clothes > Many are just better with clothes on myself included!!!
Is there such a thing as an athiest jew?
Marine comments on Dec 18, 2017:
Jewish as a ethnic person yes but not as a member of the Jewish faith! .
What are peoples thoughts on death and does it scare you?
Marine comments on Dec 18, 2017:
Can't control it why worry about it. Most people are just not brave enough to acknowledge the fact that there is nothing after life! That is why you should live every day as your last. Tell the people that you love every day. Do not worry but take the best action you can with problems.Create a bucket list and try to complete it. I accomplished about 80% but health has prevented me from the rest. I hope I do not linger for a long time.In addition I am sad at the sadness my passing may cause others as I have a very close relationship with my extended family. Just appreciate every day!
If you wanted one religion to be neutralized/normalized/pacified, which one it would be and why?
Marine comments on Dec 18, 2017:
#Islam #2 catholic #3 evangelicals .#4 baptists #5 all others
What do you think when people refer to abortion providers and pro-choice activists as baby killers?
Marine comments on Dec 16, 2017:
I find most of these are Republicans to which I reply it is better to not bring a child into this world than to torture them by not educating them , feeding them or taking care of their medical needs. Just look at the current administration which has taken all of these items away from children and the sick to expand the greed they prefer. I strongly feel that this is torture to see many children brought up in slums or not wanted. Ask them why with their belief they do not support all these children!
Hello I am looking for like minded people to talk with about anything.
Marine comments on Dec 16, 2017:
Could you tell us what your interests are. I have seen you answer many sites but still do not know your specifics
Does everybody need somebody to love?
Marine comments on Dec 16, 2017:
At 78 I find that I am very lucky to have a great wife of 57 years ( it was supposed to last only six months---due to religion), two outstanding daughters and son in laws and four fantastic grandchildren. We are a very close family with problems that all share. This has made my life a very happy one in spite of lousy jobs, terrible bosses and other people who I did not like. Along the way I must say I had three very close friends who I could say I loved in some manner.I was very moved when I lost them and a little sad that I have not been able to replace them. From my experience I would say it makes life a lot nicer if you have someone to love.
What's the oil to your water: who would you hope not to be your cubicle roomie?
Marine comments on Dec 16, 2017:
Anyone who was just a slob. I have been in situations where the person left half eaten food,clothes left for days on the floor that smelled, bathroom unfit to enter all rapped up with a filthy mouth. Criticism just did not register. I finally told the boss either move me or I quit and I was moved. A few months later he was fired.
Marine comments on Dec 15, 2017:
What suggests to you that god is the answer? where does he exist? Does he have a wife and children? why did he create this universe? why is it so imperfect if he or she had this infinite power?Now that he created us what does he /she expect to happen and why? Who or where did this god come from?
I believe in freedom of association, be that the intoxicated(drunk), racial heritage, religion, sex...
Marine comments on Dec 15, 2017:
Disagree there are differences that we all experience which allows associations to form. What should be free is to join anyone of these organizations or associations that you have like views on.The Masons for example did not permit blacks to join for a period of time so they formed heir own Masonic order. They should not have been excluded because of their race.
What are your views on Sophia.
Marine comments on Dec 15, 2017:
Dan Brown latest book has us all becoming semi robots by 2050. We have artlficial limbs, sight,heart pumps and others types,tissue and organ transplants soon to be mechanical or artificial . Yea for Sophia !!!
What's your favorite thing about the winter season?
Marine comments on Dec 15, 2017:
When it is over. Snow for the week of the holidays only would be great. Cold weather is fine.
Should U.S. candidates be required to release tax returns as public knowledge?
Marine comments on Dec 15, 2017:
It should be public record to determine what laws the candidate will support based upon his tax record. The current president has with his new tax bill taken very good care of himself and other wealthy people at a very high cost to the other 98% of the population. He is increasing the national debt and will scream that the dems must bring down this debt when the reps. are out of office. Let us hope we can reinstitute these taxes on the 2% that should be paying their way!
I've generally regarded agnostics as atheists who want to keep their options open.
Marine comments on Dec 15, 2017:
Since I accept the scientific method in life situations I am an atheist. Theism of any kind does not compute. No option to keep open.
Am I alone in my opinion that we have enough children in the world?
Marine comments on Dec 14, 2017:
Don't forget you were once that pain in the a-- kid and someonr put up with you!!!
Am I alone in my opinion that we have enough children in the world?
Marine comments on Dec 14, 2017:
Life can be very lonely at 70 and my children have been of great aide and assistance.78////////////////// just my dog typing she does not get it yett.My grandchildren have been wonderful. this the compensation for those annoying years. However, I do agree that there are to many people and education and good government in Africa and Asia wood diminish the need for large families currently needed by the culture of these lands. We will not have enough food and water if the population keeps growing at this rate.We also need to control the greed of western countries as they wish to sell more and more product. All of these economies are running in a destructive manner and I see no way to stop it.
Recently my atheist/Jewish wife was about to have an operation.
Marine comments on Dec 13, 2017:
That isn't the time to debate their belief system and just saying thank you does not hurt anyone's feelings.
My children have instructions for my funeral.
Marine comments on Dec 13, 2017:
I have made plans also to be spread in the wild with my dogs ashes. This is very cost effective as I have also donated my body to science which also covers cremation.No party no viewing just the celebration of a life who loved the wild and nature.
You get to create a national holiday for non-believers, what would it be?
Marine comments on Dec 13, 2017:
Progressive day celebrating Knowledge and science
Charles Barkley was a part of the reason that Doug Jones won in Alabama.
Marine comments on Dec 13, 2017:
Do not think so as he carries a lot of baggage!
I agree with Ben Franklin with the words Mind Your Business.
Marine comments on Dec 13, 2017:
US Treasury instead of in god we trust. Especially with my money I do not really trust a myth.My money has had a difficult time without adding hocus pocus.
Family Feud - Why should a person associate with someone they don't get along with just b/c they're ...
Marine comments on Dec 13, 2017:
Sometimes it is kindness to others, sometimes just for spite, sometimes it is showing that you live the standards you have set for yourself and which you can be proud of.
Jake Tapper fact checks Roy Moore spokesman - YouTube
Marine comments on Dec 13, 2017:
Using the bible has proven to be not a trust worthy item in determining how well they will preform their duties. Some are spies,others steal and some just fool around. That just about covers the Congress , oh yes the president!
To be anti Islam, a person can be seen as islamophobic.
Marine comments on Dec 12, 2017:
You are simply viewed as a devil worshiper regardless of how you lead your life. Your actions are those committed to bringing everyone to hell! You really have your hands full with so many christians to work with.
What does your in-laws think about you being agnostic?
Marine comments on Dec 12, 2017:
They never accepted me even though I did everything to please them for my wife. My wife is also an atheist but the parents never knew for our children's sake. Thankfully my children and their children have all found atheism acceptable. The funny thing is my grandson is in college at a Catholic University and was required to take a religion course. His professor wanted him to major in religion because of his participation. He came home and stated no way could he accept all this mumbo jumbo. Needless to say I was very proud of him!
its ironic that this is an atheist/agnostic site but most of the posts seem to be about religion?
Marine comments on Dec 12, 2017:
It is nice to discuss the flaws of religion as I have experienced them with others who have had similar experiences. It is nice that others have recognized and made decisions of like kind because of common experiences.It provides some relief to know that your decision was not unique.
I am at odds about the gay couple and the bakery that turned them away.
Marine comments on Dec 11, 2017:
I too was in the business of sales and some people are born ignorant and rude. I did my best to live up to my belief system in these situations and it was not easy at times. In addition there were people I disliked but I treated them as fairly as any other person and it is my belief that if you are in a public business you treat every person the same.
Can there be a God in the new physics?
Marine comments on Dec 11, 2017:
To be a god as most people define one includes worship , the good/bad idea, and some type of ritual. I do not see any of these things but I am very grateful of having been created. I try my best to enjoy the fruits of life. I can not conceive of an all powerful and perfect being creating some of the humans who have been born with terrible conditions nor can I accept the premise they suffer on earth to be with god for eternity.I have no desire to pray but I do wonder and enjoy the beauty of our universe and despise the terrible things greed does to our environment.
Has anyone else made games or rituals with their pets?
Marine comments on Dec 11, 2017:
My two dogs both rescue have their individual games and my one dog when in the car likes for my wife and I to sing, I really don't know why . It is great to see their individual personalities. We just love animals of all kinds.
Hi, I'm a 61 year old, married, outspoken, lifelong atheist and undaunted survivor of 6 years of ...
Marine comments on Dec 10, 2017:
Catholic schools are great training grounds for atheists.
If the concept of God is just a mis-understanding of natural forces, and religion is just an attempt...
Marine comments on Dec 9, 2017:
I do not think so. I think they are great but I do not worship them.
Should religion be taught in schools?
Marine comments on Dec 9, 2017:
Yes in religious schools, this is where I began to figure this whole thing out. The myths spoke load and clear. These are fairy tales. I got into some trouble making comments in these schools but their answers to my questions just made me more of a non believer. Now let us speak of public schools.No they should not teach religion or hold classes or any other function in a public school. That is why they are called public schools paid for with tax dollars.
Are Religious persons allowed on this Agnostic site?
Marine comments on Dec 9, 2017:
Sorry I have to many individuals already trying to save me ,pray for me and generally trying to convert me.This site isn't being one sided at all rather it is a group of like minded people who have had enough religion and now wish to discuss topics that appeal to them without having to include a god figure.
About Jesus
Marine comments on Dec 8, 2017:
I also found the Unitarian church to be very open minded. As a member I gave a sermon as to why atheists believe as they do and received applause from the congregation. I was a member until I moved and found no other Unitarian church around. I also served on the board of directors and acted as treasurer. Everyone knew I was an atheist and it did not matter. I currently have many friends from that church.It provided the community that I do not have with like minded atheists.
Why isn't trump being called out for the treasonous, racist pig that he is?
Marine comments on Dec 8, 2017:
It appears the reps. have a dual standard at this time The dems got rid of their sex tainted reps but they are going to support the pres and Jones! I do not understand the evangelicals supporting both of these guys when they clearly defy their beliefs. Second ,what is wrong with the women who support these idiots. I can't understand the southern voters in total, they can not all be gun owners, oppose abortion ( Many should have used it) and all be evangelicals.
Can beauty, truth and goodness exist all within one entity? I assert that this is not possible.
Marine comments on Dec 8, 2017:
I must disagree as I find my wife beautiful,trustworthy and a very caring person who helps others,loves animals and the environment and best of all detests tRUMP. You cannot get better then that.
Did anyone catch yesterday's scary news?
Marine comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Let's face it we have an idiot for a president. He has no idea what diplomacy is (state dept. a mess) and I am not sure he knows what all the dept. are! Between his cabinet which opposes the dept. they head and the unfilled positions in the government nothing good is being done. The damage he is doing will take years to repair and his base loves him!.Let's start the correction in 2018 vote
Forget xmas - do you celebrate New Year's? How?
Marine comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Why miss a holiday celebrate them all , makes life much more pleasent
What's fixing to happen next my friend's?
Marine comments on Dec 6, 2017:
Climate change,our ability to insult our allies and then expect their aid, the environment, animals, drilling, religion , installing people opposed to the dept they in charge of(medicine,science,environment,education etc.),State Dept.,judges,Supreme Court,womens rights,children, poor & middle class and common sense> We are in trouble that will take years to repair and 2018 is a great time to start . VOTE VOTE VOTE
Marine comments on Dec 6, 2017:
I believe it would be better if as a group we might meet together and as church groups do preform a few good works to show society that we are not negative people who are devils.We always have this negative view because we use the Constitution to voice our displeasure with mixing religion with government,schools and public places.
How do you handle religious friends and family?
Marine comments on Dec 6, 2017:
I behave as myself. If religion comes up I will debate it in a manner that does not accuse or evaluate their position but that expresses my view and why I believe as such. Trying to convert does not work and goes against my desire to be converted.
Do you give money to the homeless who hold signs in Traffic?
Marine comments on Dec 6, 2017:
When I see a homeless person in a city I will often buy them a meal and give it to them,I rather not give money because i do not know how it will be used.I do go to the VETS home and bring items that I know they will use jackets sweaters etc. I am happy that I never had to be a homeless person and I know some of these people became that way serving our country
Do you get angry, annoyed or just plain amused when people think you are the devil for your lack of ...
Marine comments on Dec 5, 2017:
They ( Religious) are often so driven by their religion that they consider anyone who does not believe as they do are sinners going to hell. They never look at the person and the good works they may do. In addition they see atheists as negative people because we try to use the Constitution to keep religion out of the places it should not be like schools ,politics, public places,work etc.We as atheists need to organize into groups that show and do good works and deeds that cannot be viewed in the negative. It would also be nice to form a community to be socialize in.
Old question. What's your favorite classic song?
Marine comments on Dec 5, 2017:
Almost all classical music is great. The screaming and banging on instruments does not cut it for me.When I dance I like to understand the singing and I like to hold my date not just jump up and down in the area.
Are we not supposed to be able to discuss ideas and possibilities here that perhaps haven't been ...
Marine comments on Dec 4, 2017:
If what you state is valid then I have been misinformed or have rejected that part of the agreement because I have asked many what if questions and received many answers.
Is North Korea really that bad or is it just propaganda?
Marine comments on Dec 4, 2017:
When 90 % of their income goes into military spending they are bad. They have limited food,freedom of thought and very poor lives. Every man and child that can carry a gun is expected to fight when and if a time comes.With a crazy man at the top they are to be feared.
Trump and Russia: 'If he had to cheat to get in, I'm OK with that' - YouTube
Marine comments on Dec 4, 2017:
Let' us hope that cheating qualifies him to enjoy life in Russia
Read this poem if you are NOT a Racist, an Islamophobe, a Bigot or a Colonizer.
Marine comments on Dec 4, 2017:
Your point could have been made with fewer words and then would be better understood.
If you could meet Jesus, Mohammed or Buddha, who would you choose and why?
Marine comments on Dec 2, 2017:
He has the simplest message without the hate and killing of those who do not believe.
Man created God? I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that God created Adam & Eve.
Marine comments on Nov 30, 2017:
In the beginning man created god and as a result has been miserable for a very long time! It is a shame that we were so afraid of the unknown that we had to create this god to answer our questions. What really is amazing is man did it thousands of times and each states they are the true religion.Really messed that one up I'd say.
Texas Mall Owner To Install Ten Commandments Monument
Marine comments on Nov 28, 2017:
his mall let him display his ignorance ie free speech. public money no commandments
Sunday Assembly
Marine comments on Nov 28, 2017:
I would like to have an assembly and I think it would change the way atheists are viewed. Currently I am associated with the devil as stupid as that may be, but an organized group could work good causes and present to the public a positive position. We are always seen as people who protest something and I would like to show a different side of our people \
If you’re a closet atheist, why haven’t you made your views known?
Marine comments on Nov 28, 2017:
If they do not accept your position on a religion then they are to shallow a person to be concerned about. I have friends and family that know of my views and some will discuss them others will not but neither offends our desire to associate with each other.
Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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