
What is unique about your Generation?
Marine comments on Nov 27, 2017:
I just wish to refresh your memory regarding that so called silent generation. They survived two world wars and a depression that none of you have experienced.My family ran a stable that did weddings and funerals. Coaches plus eight black and eight white horses to drive them. During the depression there wasn't much call for fancy weddings and the family to survive ate those beautiful horses.Ten children ,two parents and three wives all living and working together to survive. The war saw three uncles and three other husbands deployed . Four were wounded and two were captured and held for 1-2 years in Nazie camps. During the war we kids collected cans ,nails screws and other metal objects for the war effort. The war was paid for by war bonds. Food, clothes were not the best. Cars were not made because the war effort needed all the metal. Kids practiced for air drills. We stood in long lines for food and used food stamps which limited what you could buy. There were blackouts fearing airplane attacks. Everyone gathered around the radio to hear the news at night. First were the number of killed in action then the wounded. It did not make for great news. We wanted to hear how far the Germans were pushed back in the various war zones especially those where we knew our men were fighting. The games played by the children both boys and girls centered around the war playing as nurses,Navy pilots,Marines and soldiers in the battles being reported that day. The Nation worked as one. The DEMS and REP all worked for the greater good of the Nation. There were still arguments but they were settled by compromise. Even in war it was a great proud country to live in
Facial hair: What do you think of it? Do you have it? Like it?
Marine comments on Nov 27, 2017:
I do not have it nor do I like it for myself. However I wish I did not have to shave every day IT is one of those things that is the choice of the person. I just wish there was a way to show some people how bad a choice they had made .
How far do you think choice goes?
Marine comments on Nov 27, 2017:
Having lived a long time I just reviewed some of the decisions I have made and I fine that instincts, personal drives, gut feelings,past behavior,settings,my views on life all plus many othersl influence my decisions. For example , my past training would make me make a very different decision if confronted by a terrorist than someone who has not had this training. One basis their decisions upon their experiences in life.
What does it indicate about a society that idolizes empty headed celebrities rather than other great...
Marine comments on Nov 27, 2017:
Unfortunately it was clebrities and athletes who started large salaries which then were picked up by corporations leading to these huge incomes. The pay would not be bad if it was shared with the ones making it possible ie the workers.These clebrities were made by their fan base who using the products the latter sold ,used or protrayed made a large amount of money earning them the large incomes! Talent or value were not the elements that made some of these people. It was just plain idol worship that worked.
Atheist/Agnostic fellas... Why are the concepts of infinity and afterlife would be like hell to you?
Marine comments on Nov 24, 2017:
It would depend on what the after life would be like. Infinity is really a long time! What happens to the universe in this time period ? Do I exist in all universes in all dimensions? What would I do every OOPS would there be a day? The thought of an after life really becomes quite complex doesn't it?Oh well!
Can both Diocese be correct
Marine comments on Nov 24, 2017:
Do unto others as you would have them do to you as long as it does not hurt anyone. People should be allowed to live their lives without having to defend it as long as it does not invade or hurt the people in the community.How does a gay couple hurt anyone else? How does a mixed race marriage hurt anyone else?Individuals will not accept science that tells us people can be born with mixed genes. Does that mean they cannot pursue a normal life with someone who has the same feelings and how does this bother anyone else? Time has changed with the new knowledge we have gained. Leave peopke live their lives in peace!
What does this community think of the role of the military in our country?
Marine comments on Nov 24, 2017:
It is my position that we have unwisely entered into the last two wars and that we should make every effort to remove our troops from those areas as soon as possible. Because of the different type of fighting now being used I believe the use of the special forces makes more sense to fight an asymmetrical type war.I do not believe the leaders promoting these encounters have used the best judgement in selecting where to send troops.from an economic or ethical basis. I am concerned that big business has been the cause rather than an ethical challenge to our country.I have served our country and still am very proud to have been a Marine. However, i do not see any reason for some of the conflicts we have entered and the loss of life plus the damage done to thousands of those who have served.
What businesses should we not buy from?
Marine comments on Nov 22, 2017:
Domino's pizza is just another hobby lobby and let's not forget the pillow guy on TV with the cross hanging from his neck who recently had to pay a fine for doing something illegal with his business.
How can they say the earth is only 10,000 years old?
Marine comments on Nov 22, 2017:
We can say that because there are people who voted for trump and they are evangelicals.
Ok, it’s been 3 weeks since our last confession, uh, I mean site improvement list.
Marine comments on Nov 22, 2017:
Please explain hoe use the follow feature. I have not been able to use it.
Should the Federal government continue the "Separation of Church and State" when the church does ...
Marine comments on Nov 20, 2017:
Our founding fathers new of the damage that religion had caused in the old world and did want to avoid this in our government. Yes , churches should pay taxes just like any other business and because it is so easy to get around the separation of church and state. I would maintain that there should be a branch of government to retain this separation. Unfortunately we now have a government dripping with religion which is supposed to make their laws untouchable. We must keep the pressure on to keep church and state separate but atheists need also to be viewed as good normal people who are always fighting the religious taboo!
It tiring to be a witness to religious hypocrisy around.
Marine comments on Nov 20, 2017:
Religion has been a business of fear that has been waged against those have approached the unknown in a mystic manner.Those who have recognize this weakness have made a good living.
While great strides have been made in gender equality I think we all need to change our laws, ...
Marine comments on Nov 19, 2017:
I for one have not seen a need to change because I have always practiced that I treat people the way I wanted to be treated. This has always worked for me and is a very simple way to live. No laws required, no enforcement needed just common sense which is lacking I am afraid. Just look at what we have elected for a president. I am so ashamed!
Evangelism and Redemption
Marine comments on Nov 19, 2017:
Religion as a business that dwells on forgiveness! There isn't anything called religious redemption because there isn't anyone to give it! It is just something the church sells to gratify their existence. If you fell you have sinned it is up to you to make it right if possible. The only one who can forgive you is who you have wronged.
Marine comments on Nov 19, 2017:
It should not be used as a form of birth control as it is a very serious decision for a woman to make. However, it should be the right of the woman to decide . If the child was to be born with a disease that would prevent a normal life or if the child was conceived by rape or incest I find no reason not to have an abortion. Another condition might be that you would not be able to support the child although you could give it up for adoption. It is always the woman's decision to make!
Hair in my soup because quantum mechanics.
Marine comments on Nov 18, 2017:
How much do you know about established religion?
Marine comments on Nov 18, 2017:
I was raised in a Catholic school and during this period of my life I asked many questions of the priests and nuns that taught me. I was told that I was being nasty and that if I kept asking these type of questions I would surely go to hell. They never tried to show my error in questioning them rather they chose to try and scare me by saying I would go to hell. I must admit it worked for a while but then just became more and more stupid to me. This led me to investigate many different religions which I found all had the same myths and projected the same fears to it's members.None of these religions appealed to my belief system which I found to be based upon science. Since then I became a solid atheist and have been much happier since. I still have a conscience and believe myself in many ways to be better than many Christians who do things they would consider to be a sin and then go to confession or pray and then feel all is good.
Pakistan bride accidentally poisons 13 family members in failed bid to kill husband
Marine comments on Nov 18, 2017:
The evil of religion and culture raising it's head. It is a shame that these things that seem so natural to many cultures continue when they know the results can cause such pain to those who survive. In this case it is poison but it could just as well be drugs,cigarettes, alcohol,dieting to excess and other practices that are common in the society but harmful. It could be the practice of religion or culture that results in death. American Indians of some tribes used the right of passage for boys to place them in danger to become a man. It was not a very good custom but to them it served a purpose and was accepted.
Can we chose our reality?
Marine comments on Nov 17, 2017:
I believe i am only in control to the degree that i may react to the demands of daily living. I plan for the future not knowing what i will be subject to.This is what really makes life interesting.
Will these "religious freedom" bills reverse the rise of Atheism in the U.S?.
Marine comments on Nov 17, 2017:
They already have changed America. One way is the use of the school voucher system: another is the avoiding of separation of church and state by holding prayer meetings among government people and saying prayers before meetings etc.The push to teach creationism in schools, and field trips to religious sites is appalling. The republicans and there use of these Evangelicals to gain power has been a challenge that we who ask for separation of church and state are loosing.
Not understanding science is not the same thing as science being untrue.
Marine comments on Nov 17, 2017:
Well said. I really like the "who created god" . I am a true believer in science and even have donated my body at death to science hopefully to provide some new knowledge.
Likelihood of meeting in person
Marine comments on Nov 17, 2017:
Not looking to meet rather looking for some intelligent conversation.
$100 million Ark, which was completed last year using tens of millions in taxpayer funds
Marine comments on Nov 17, 2017:
The evangelicals are pushing creationism to be taught in place of evolution in the south, their also pushing religion via the school voucher system. This adm. is allowing campaigning from the pulpit which is against the Constitution. Look at the new museum for the bible in D.C. They are against all science even in medicine which could save many lives. Religion and the harm it is doing daily is a crime that we are being forced to support. The church and Rev. are so good that they are given special favors and treated with so much respect in spite of what harm their church is doing.
Agnostic vs. Atheist?
Marine comments on Nov 17, 2017:
I do not believe in a here after and have donated my body for scientific research.My ashes are to be spread in nature and that suits me just fine. Perhaps my ashes will promote some new life and that will be great.
Which last longer, Christian marriages or agnostic/atheist marriages?
Marine comments on Nov 17, 2017:
Marriage began as a Catholic and a Methodist married in Episcopal, attended Congregational and Unitarian which led to atheist. Married 56 years and having a great time.
dad is a christian, mom is a Hindu.
Marine comments on Nov 17, 2017:
Let them seek comfort where they may. You just follow your own path of belief. AS long as they do not try to convert you there isn't any harm for you. Good luck!
Biblical dilemma?
Marine comments on Nov 17, 2017:
This is why they are able to justify any position that they might want to take. The same with the Koran These books do not protect women or populations as you can find actions to wipe out whole countries. What gets me is that they pretend to be so much better than everyone else because they are Christian!
How should pedophiles be dealt with?
Marine comments on Nov 17, 2017:
They could be placed on an island of like kind that they could not escape from!
Should euthanasia or "death with dignity" be available to anyone upon demand under controlled ...
Marine comments on Nov 17, 2017:
It is the right of every person to decide their own faith and especially when very sick.
After 'Choosing Donald Trump,' Is The Evangelical Church In Crisis? : NPR
Marine comments on Nov 15, 2017:
You are not seeing the disregard of the Constitution in the separation of church and state. The school voucher system is against the Constitution because it includes church schools. Religion plays a large part in Roe vs Wade, contraception availability and the use of prayer sessions before meetings in various parts of the government. To let these creep in is a disgrace.
"Has Evangelical Christianity Become Sociopathic?"
Marine comments on Nov 15, 2017:
There isn't any difference either you accept their beliefs or go to hell. That has been the message of all religions in some manner. Religion is a business made of power to subjugate others. At this time the evangelicals are using their power to invoke their way of thinking on the rest of society. The separation of church and state is being challenged. They are as cruel as others have been in the oast.
I have a friend, who I bowl with.
Marine comments on Nov 15, 2017:
He must be very thick,just look at the inquisition, crusades and the battles between the Catholics and Protestants. Then there was the new world and the Indians that were killed in the name of christ. Actually , you could go on& on about the Christians and the devastation they have caused.
Should euthanasia or "death with dignity" be available to anyone upon demand under controlled ...
Marine comments on Nov 14, 2017:
Unfortunately, we have these evangelicals and other religious bodies who feel that we must keep these individuals in pain and suffering because life means everything. They never take into consideration the choice the person should be permitted to voice as is their right.This is also a position that should be provided at birth if a child is born with terrible diseases or conditions that would not allow them a normal life. If the child healthy this would not be an option ,but to place a child in the world that is badly crippled or has another problem that would provide a life of pain and suffering is not humane.
Do you have a 'Pet theory' about what you think is the most likely explanation for Christianity ...
Marine comments on Nov 14, 2017:
Actually ,I believe christian beliefs are in decline and Islam is the growing religion for some reason.I really cannot explain the latter other than the Catholics with all of their scandals have lost many members.As for Christ, there were many saviors going around at that time. It was a good job just like today. People liked stories as they did not have much entertainment going on.They did not have the education also so it was easy to create these religious belief systems.
10 fallacies about atheists - have I missed any?
Marine comments on Nov 14, 2017:
I believe that no matter which religion one believes in there must be some question in their minds that their religion brings up.This has often come up in discussions I have had with church goers . It usually is the first question i ask in any discussion on religion.and is often answered by the word faith. The interesting thing is that they often also believe that the science is true even when it conflicts with the beliefs of their religion. Normally, they do not have an answer for this fact.
Has anyone else helped a person leave religion or god belief?
Marine comments on Nov 14, 2017:
I have aided in changing a person who is very close to me. In fact one related to me.They discussed religion with me over a period of 50 years and just recently stated they have left the Catholic church after having been raised and educated in the church. I think the reason they converted was because I did not pursue them rather they came to me. There were no arguments , just relating the factors that made change. I felt very good about their decision and the path they took over time.
calling science an atheist religion
Marine comments on Nov 14, 2017:
In addition there is no idol nor being that is to be worshiped. There are those who are recognized for their accomplishments but hey are not worshiped. The rules of science are not like the commandments because as knowledge expands so do the rules.
looking for atheist friends. Recently deconverted.
Marine comments on Nov 14, 2017:
Welcome to the group.It is diverse,sometimes funny, sometimes crude but generally very interesting.
Problem is those who require you to give up your guns are keeping theirs.
Marine comments on Nov 12, 2017:
I am a gun owner and I really enjoy shooting.I am not a member of the NRA nor do I support their policies and I do not support disarming either. Firearms licences are a privilege and call for responsibility. It should be a federal license & the same in every state. Those who abuse the right in any way should be disarmed. This is not being done at this time. They also are allowed to get a license without proper training. There will always be the criminal who obtains a weapon even if we were to disarm. Leaving the populace unarmed is a recipe for despots.Remember Germany!!
I love quotes.
Marine comments on Nov 12, 2017:
I would be happy to discuss points of view with you at any time.
China vows to eliminate poverty by 2020.
Marine comments on Nov 10, 2017:
The most positive thing he could do is resign!!
There's this, for lack of a better word, thing going around the scientific community that religion ...
Marine comments on Nov 10, 2017:
There is no chance the two can work together,religion is based upon faith and science on the ability to test and retest and get the same result.Science is based upon facts ,religion is based upon myths.
Teddy Roosevelt Stated that the public places should be kept and provided for so that future ...
Marine comments on Nov 8, 2017:
Thank you I will vote!!!!
OK you religious believers.
Marine comments on Nov 7, 2017:
The same goes for those who survive in a church that is destroyed by a tornado. They state it was a miracle.
Acronym of " TITHE " - I want to come up with one, like 'Too much Income for Heathen Evangelists' or...
Marine comments on Nov 7, 2017:
Religion has become a business for many. Just look at the mega churches and the incomes these preachers have along with the planes and plush homes.
Are America's problems too big for government to effectively solve?
Marine comments on Nov 5, 2017:
The present time is a very excellent time to introduce a new party ,fresh with new ideas and no baggage. Wouldn't it be nice to introduce a party of actions that addressed the problems of the government and aimed at getting back to representing the ideas of the majority without lobbyist's,corporations and the greedy. A party that recognizes the ills of society and supports change.Is it to much to ask for that we have a party that allows compromise? I guess I am just dreaming!
It would be good if atheists were instantly recognisable, both by fellow-atheists and by.
Marine comments on Nov 5, 2017:
As atheists to be recognized as something other than satanist's or evil people we need to organize in the community. We need to be seen doing something ,food kitchen's, working with the poor, endorsing candidates for office. At present we are seen only as trouble makers who attack religious beliefs. We are not understood and actually we are feared by many for what we do not practice. The symbol for infinity I believe would make a great symbol, as my beliefs have no limits or constraints . It would be nice to meet with people that have the same beliefs. I am sure that any building that we would identify with would be subject to vandalism immediately however and it would be difficult to get insurance!
We are in trouble, hopefully we can survive Betsy Devos trying to force Bible study into the ...
Marine comments on Nov 5, 2017:
trump has drained the swamp to the bottom and placed them all in his cabinet to destroy any position they have been appointed to. They display the inherent greed of their positions either for money or to impose their will on the people. I am ashame that he represents our country in any manner and it will take a very special person for us to regain any respect as a country .
Does anyone believe that theists are generally honest and sincere in their claims?
Marine comments on Nov 5, 2017:
Most christians do not practice what they preach. After all if you can go to confession or during a prayer state you are sorry and assume that this makes everything ok until the next time you SIN , this is an easy way to go through life. I do not believe we as people have evolved enough to live in a society with violence. Maybe some day if we do not destroy ourselves before we attain this state.
Statistically, I'm less likely to get divorced.
Marine comments on Nov 4, 2017:
The problem is to many people equate atheism with politics namely Communism and the forced nature of imposing atheism. To many still associate with the these political systems and have lived during this period under which Communism gave atheists a bad name.I believe that two things are required; first, we need to re-educate the public that atheism is not a political stance rather it is a moral position. Second, atheism must organize because they do not see us as a mass of society rather as individuals who are in sin or Satanic or some other nonsense. Without structure we do not exist a real movement because they can not say we do anything. They do not see us manning soup kitchens or helping the poor or anything else of value. The only time we come into view is as someone who is opposing something like the separation of church and state. Therefore, we are something to be discounted as bad or against society etc. Actually we have been referred to as freaks,sinners and many other derogatory names. I wish we could organize in some manner to be viewed as the educated , mindful people most of us are.
Who agrees with the theory of multiverse?
Marine comments on Nov 4, 2017:
I may be incorrect but i do believe our physics does in fact predict that there are other universes. It is my believe that the big bang was the result of one of these different universes's somehow leaking a great amount of energy into our universe which I can not say was empty at that time.The reason I believe as I do is the debate about what is nothing. As I see it nothing is something ,it is the lack of anything. Under this pretext an empty universe could exist and be invaded by another universe. it seems like a wacky nonsense but so does quantum physics with a particle being in two places at once.
Pushy Atheist?
Marine comments on Nov 2, 2017:
Yes but these people do not see that way. Their religion states go out and inform the nonbelievers and convert them to our business which is what religion is. The other ploy is to fall back on faith! You must have faith to not be able to explain basic things. Commandments are rules for a society to live by and for priests to make a living by. These ploys make it easy to explain their position in life.
why are agnostics afraid of using the word atheist?
Marine comments on Nov 2, 2017:
Many identify atheists with politics namely Communism and do not wish to be identified as such.They do not take the time or do not wish to explain that atheism and politics are different and not to be confused as the same. It just so happened that Communism adopted atheist positions because they saw the damage religion had done among governments . Unfortunately they chose to force it upon their people and gave atheism a bad name. They forget that Christians forced their religion upon many people as does Islam.
I would like to know what position atheists take on the prolife movement.
Marine comments on Oct 31, 2017:
i would like to thank everyone who commented. I am concerned that the right to choice is going to be overturned with this Supreme Court. The pro life people seem so concerned about the fetus but ignore the child after birth. The present president has reduced so many programs to date that are designed to aide the children of poor families or those who are unable to meet the needs of their children and I find this to be criminal.The decision to have a child or abort is a very difficult one to make for any woman without having to be subject to legislation or the pro-choice individuals. The population is growing at rates that cannot be supported by this earth and this will result in wars for the basics which will consume more life's than responsible individuals using contraception and when necessary abortion. Let's face it men have it easy and should not be legislating what a woman should or should not do with their bodies. Besides the legislature i find religion to be another obstacle to choice .Neither should have a say in determining what a woman should do with their bodies!
How many atheist/agnostics used to be strictly religious?
Marine comments on Oct 30, 2017:
As a child i was because of the fear it imposed.
As an atheistic, moral patriot, I am filled with anger and fear by the coalition of evangelical ...
Marine comments on Oct 29, 2017:
Unfortunately, mankind has not evolved to the degree that recognizes that religion is a business and !@#$% and that science provides a true meaning of life itself. At present we are allowing a minority to address our life's in an negative manner. The only way to correct this is to elect individuals who think and perform in a manner consistent with our thinking. We by not working the system effectively have allowed this idiot to represent us and go about destroying the USA and the planet. I just hope we have learned our lesson and will work for a more progressive legislature this next election.
Question for the non-religious, non-spirual people
Marine comments on Oct 29, 2017:
As I gained education which confirmed some questions that I myself had, I found that religion failed to be important . I looked at history and viewed the hate,death and dissension it caused and could not justify it as a way to a god. Once passed this, I began to question the idea of god and found that science provided a better answer than a book of myths. I found that common sense and logic for me dissuaded the existence of a god. Since becoming an atheist, I have found peace in my being and have enjoyed the pleasures of life as much as possible.
Are atheist thinking wrong in their idea to tax the churches?
Marine comments on Oct 29, 2017:
Churches were made tax exempt because they were eschew political platforms from the pulpit which the Evangelicals and Catholics have not done and therefore they should be taxed. To be fair they have the right of free speech and with that right is the obligation to pay their fair share of taxes. In addition those who have made billions of $ have the obligation to pay their fair share of taxes without the loopholes they are afforded. Every person has the right to an adequate living experience i.e. enough food ,shelter,health,free expression under the law. To deny any of these is criminal.
What's your take on pacifism?
Marine comments on Oct 29, 2017:
In this world one can be a pacifist as long as you have a very strong military.There is not one nation that survives as a pacifist nation because there is always someone who will view pacifism as weakness. The premise that one could survive as a nation as a pacifist is ideological at best. Now as an individual , one might survive as a pacifist in a nation that has a strong police force. However that person might find themselves living as a hermit or living in a society that does not support their position in mass. As for non violence I do not believe that the human race has evolved to the degree that it can live without violence.
Athiest and death
Marine comments on Oct 28, 2017:
One should donate their body for scientific or medical purposes and request that their ashes be spread at a particular place. This provides me comfort in that I know my body will be put to good use plus I know that my children would not go against my wishes for disposal. As for the death of others it depends upon their relationship to me. Fortunately my children and my wife are in agreement with my thinking and we will all grieve in our own way.We have decided to live our lives day by day and take the pleasures while they are available.As for death , it is coming some day and I just hope I have the last say in when I die.
Have modern-day liberals become authoritarian/fascists?
Marine comments on Oct 28, 2017:
The liberals as does the conservatives both have their nuts! What is important is that both take care to ignore these radicals for what they are. This is not easy because they with their agenda"s seem to catch the limelight and paint both factions with their radical ideas. What is lacking today in our politics is compromise and doing what is good for the nation in lieu of the party.The ultra wings of both factions have obtained to much power and have not been quelled. This may sound like censorship but rather it is common sense.
What are your arguments against the word "God" being in America's pledge and national motto?
Marine comments on Oct 28, 2017:
The answer for me is simple.The Constitution states that there shall be be separation of church and state. The pledge is the state, currency is the state,prayer before meetings is the state. These all should be eliminated as violations of the Constitution.
What do you think of these Principles?
Marine comments on Oct 28, 2017:
I attempt to live by all of these as they resemble what I believe to be my moral code very well written.Individuals often do not think of themselves in these terms but evaluate others by them either knowingly or not.Yes like the bible it offers rules to live by but these are common sense to anyone who lives in a society. Each of them could be asked would you like to have them done to you and I am confident that you would answer in the positive!
Are atheist as racist as religious people?
Marine comments on Oct 26, 2017:
No because they are more intelligent as a whole.
Which term(s) do you identify with?
Marine comments on Oct 24, 2017:
As an atheist the absence of god is defining enough.Being a freethinker i find myself depending on reason i.e. what feels gut correct. As a individual people seem to have an internal sense that guides them except for those people who choose to seek other means i.e. religion.I am sure they fear the end of life and seek reassurances of an afterlife as a primary mission.For me I believe in science and their proof system of test and retest to get the same results.As a humanist i delight in the achievements of mankind and how wonderful they are. Just look where the human race began using rocks to cut with; then discovering fire, other tools and progressing through the ages to where we are today.I did not see any aide from a god rather death, war and disease that no amount of praying has diminished.As a secularist i strive to keep church and state separate. Our country was founded on the premise of escaping from European forms of government which were strained by the affiliations of church and state. Just look at the protestant and catholic wars and the death and anguish they caused.
Do you think all religious are equal?
Marine comments on Oct 24, 2017:
Yes all are based on faith (myths), fear and the position that they are the only correct religion!!! They all play as if they are being nice to each other but when it gets down to the basics they all believe that they have the right path to heaven. Every religion is treated the same in our society except for islam which is questionable. They receive benefits due to their (holy status) and the good that they are perceived to do. Their charity work is great except when they make it mandatory to attend a service first! Regardless of their rules or philosophies they prey on the fear belief of an afterlife. The original religions could have been established to provide a society with common sense rules but were ruined by priests who soon recognized the power they enjoyed over the society. They controlled the human behavior. Islam isn't any different than voodoo or any other religion the premises remain the same.
Do you think that science teachers should teach alternatives to evolution in public schools?
Marine comments on Oct 24, 2017:
If you are a science teacher there is no other explanation than evolution!!! If you attempt to provide an alternative as a science teacher you are not being true to your chosen profession because it teaches that you must be able to test your position and and prove it by retesting and obtaining the same result. I have yet to find any proof in religion because it is based on faith (myth).
Black American
Marine comments on Oct 23, 2017:
Good for you.I cannot as white relate to the abuse that you have experienced. I am unable to understand how the various people can read the same or similar bibles and swear that they are good christians but deny all races are all humans and subject to the same commandments and rules.I served in the Marine Corps and I grant you race was not a big thing but many worshiped together . Their concern at that time was only is the guy next to me going to support my back! As for culture we are still trying to receive the same consideration that the LGBT community has achieved. Their's is far from perfect but they are not all considered children of the underworld as atheists are. Time is on our side but I am afraid it will not happen in my lifetime.
Do you think there is only one human race?
Marine comments on Oct 23, 2017:
I believe there is intelligent life in the universe but I am not sure they would be called human as that is the designation we have given to the earth's species. Believe it or not some ding bats still do not consider all humans humans!They use race to distinguish and do consider some humans to be less than human. I would venture to state that most of these ding bat's are also republicans and have little to no respect for the facts of science and are very religious plus deny the writings of their religion!
Evangelicals in Government
Marine comments on Oct 20, 2017:
First of all we must support those who think the way we do. There are many organizations we can call upon to voice our concerns. A few of these are ACLU,Freethinkers, Skeptics. It is difficult unless we are organized to present our view where the Constitution is not being followed. The separation of church and state is being violated by our present legislators. The voucher system for schools, allowing political statements from the pulpit, teaching creationism in public school are all direct violations of the Constitution. Because of the fear of addressing religion which has some exalted position in our society the evangelicals are passing legislation and influencing our laws in a manner that is against the Constitution.Atheist's must come out of the closet
I want a path to follow though I don't believe how to find meaning w out a god?
Marine comments on Oct 20, 2017:
Common sense is a great way to start.Do you wish to hurt anyone ? if not you have started.When you do things you must ask how would I want the results. Don't like to use the phrase but do to others as you would have them do to you. Next just enjoy nature.Get a pet.Just marvel in the things that happen around you. It is much easier to enjoy life when you do not have guilt of fear from god. You do need to follow your conscience and the path will be clear.
How do you deal with Door-knockers?
Marine comments on Oct 19, 2017:
By all means please come in I welcome the opportunity to explain why I am an atheist .
Recently I heard a minister expound about creation.
Marine comments on Oct 18, 2017:
Yesterday I heard that pence thought that all gay people should be dealt with in a very inhumane manner.I find that republicans who constantly support the Constitution and are extremely vocal about it tend to ignore it when they feel differently about a subject covered by the Constitution.Guns,peace,religion,sexual orientation seem to be their favorites.Why is it that we as people do not challenge them openly on these issues. We seem to be afraid to speak to these issues.Yes there are some protests but these are minor compared to the republicans producing bills in Congress that attack rights protected by the Constitution. Take vouchers for schools.Where is the separation of church and state.? What about teaching creationism in schools? How can we let a gun lobby dictate it's belief system which is opposed by 85% of the people? How can we let a law prohibit contraception but provide viagra for men?Taxation is supposed to be based on ability to pay relative to the advantages our economy has provided the individual.! Billionaires and millionaires have so much more than their needs that they should be willing to contribute to the society that provided their wealth. Regardless if they designed a product,developed a system. or created X without the workforce to make whatever should be compensated for the value they added. I am discussed with our response to these events. Individuals do not appear to care about what they are about to loose. Just look at those who voted for trump and still support him even though it is them who will suffer the most from his programs. Loss of revenue against the national debt;lost of healthcare,attack on their social security, ignoring church vs state , limiting women's rights ,limiting voting rights,etc .Lets really make ourselves heard in any way we can.
Is trump the best thing that could happen for the Dems?
Marine comments on Oct 16, 2017:
I fear Bannon and his nazi's.They would force their view of life ,politics,religion ,freedom, free speech on the masses and it would place America in the position of a new civil war. Just look what they are doing to their own party. Just imagine what they would do if they were in power.They are a threat to our country and our society using wealth and big money companies to rule. They have already under trump attacked the environment,society with their health care and social security plans and the debt of our country with their tax bill all to increase the wealth of the top 5% at the loss of the other 95%. Their greed and lack of caring for the world and it's environment,people and their health is staggering! Everyone please do what ever is neccessary to prevent these nazi's from coming to power.
If you could completely eradicate religion, would you?
Marine comments on Oct 16, 2017:
Yes. It has held back the development of the human race and does so today. It has caused more hardship,pain and death than all the wars of economic basis. Religion today still causes family breakups, war in the middle east, Africa and South America and religious plight in the USA of a political nature. Religion is the worse thing ever dreamed up by humans.It has been a source of power to subjugate everyone!
How do you make life meaningful without the help of religion?
Marine comments on Oct 16, 2017:
Life ,all you need do is look around yourself and be dismayed at how wonderful nature is. If you choose to not to take part it is a terrible thing. I do not know how one could not enjoy life while holding a puppy, looking at the grand canyon and sharing a life with someone.
If you were brain dead and on life support, would you want your family to pull the plug?
Marine comments on Oct 16, 2017:
I believe That i should be the one to determine my life and that is why I have legally drawn up papers to state that I did not wish to be kept alive on life support. The legal papers take away the need for a family member to make this decision and I feel this is very important to do.
How comfortable are you with the word "Atheist" ?
Marine comments on Oct 16, 2017:
I guess I am ok with being different as I have been my whole life. I always liked things that my friends found to be different like music (Classical) art, science of all kinds, history and political theory. I loved all of these from a very young age and my friends could not relate to them.
How long have you been an agnostic/atheist?
Marine comments on Oct 16, 2017:
I have been a non believer since I was ten or eleven. When introduced to science it did not make sense to me (Bible). I could not accept the stories as real. I found to many situations that strayed from the Bible and were accepted as OK.
How to deal with religious family and friends?
Marine comments on Oct 16, 2017:
I am honest with them regarding my position and if that is not good enough we do not associate any longer. I do not criticize them for their beliefs and expect the same from them. If they wish to debate religion we do so in an adult manner.
Do you have to pretend to be religious to fit in?
Marine comments on Oct 16, 2017:
No .I am an honest and good person and have no need to disparage myself in any way to be a member of society.
Do you ever miss the religious life?
Marine comments on Oct 16, 2017:
No. I find religion to be like doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. It just does not happen!
What moral code do you follow now that you are non-religious?
Marine comments on Oct 16, 2017:
My moral code is that of my conscience. If it does not feel right or if I would need to do it in secret it is simly wrong and should not be done. It works for me.
Would you raise your children religious just to fit in?
Marine comments on Oct 16, 2017:
I would find that to be dishonest. I would explain to my children my belief system which is based upon facts and not myths and fiction. My children grew up without a church education and they have become outstanding ,honest and caring persons who give and share in their community,take part in local politics and practice their conscience instead of religious beliefs.
What is your response when people threaten you with religious punishments? (i.e. Hell/Jahannam)
Marine comments on Oct 16, 2017:
By my belief system which is to use facts and not myths I am pretty certain that no such place does exists. Furthermore , I find that a religion that is supposed to be all forgiving would condemn people who have differing beliefs to hell completely nonsense.
Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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