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Single man, full time student, want a career in criminal justice, and a family. I love city life, cars, lifting weights, and my mom.


It's interesting to me that most women will agree that sexual orientation is a continuum while most ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 13, 2019:
in a way i think sexuality has really become less restrictive for us younger guys, at the same time there is more and more pressure to be "gender normed" eg use hormones or surgery to attain stereotypical het relationships
Solve a problem that you created and use the solution that you regularly rail against to save your ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Politicians from areas with lots of farming, say this, and theres a stereotype about farmers bwing close minded, but honestly, is it really the farmers themselves who are saying things about socialism?
WHY IS MY LIVE POST ON IMPEACHMENT HEARINGS been deleted from my feed? What's going on ADMN????
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 17, 2019:
this post, or another one?
What the actual fuck?
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 18, 2019:
This publicity has to have helped
An interesting article on vaginal versus Caesarian birth. []
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 18, 2019:
according to WHO the rate should be about 10-15%, for optimal mother baby health;jsessionid=557F9E36D6E83E590CDCF6E9ADB4CEA3?sequence=1 but its as high as 50% in some areas, and as low as a fraction of a percent in others. ive met women who wanted a c section for all sorts of reasons, but mostly convenience (timing the birth) or fear of complications from a vaginal delivery. On the whole, most every woman Ive met who has had one, says the "had to" for some special medical reason, but studies show its usually just the Drs convenience, or fear of lawsuits from the hospital industry. and also
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 18, 2019:
As far as holding a dogma, particpating in group rituals, and congregating with others who share the same beliefs, theres quite a bit of religion in this world, and that includes many athrists, sgnostics, humanists, etc... Rejecting theism doesnt always mean rejecting religion
Cutting health benefits of 1,900 Whole Food workers saved world’s richest man Jeff Bezos what he ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 19, 2019:
The more workers can transition away from getting their health coverage through work, the better.
Really curious to find out what this unknown promise President Punpkinhead made and to whom he made ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 19, 2019:
Sadly i think youre right about him getting away with it.
In your opinion (yeah, i know I'm opening a can of worms here) why do you think that integrity and ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 19, 2019:
Ive been in situations where my co worker had a medical problem that they simply didnt want to discuss, but werent comfortable lying for two weeks. Ive also had management instruct the worker not to tell anyone... they seem to think the other workers mught lose their focus? Who knows
Trump calling it fake news is how you know it's true -- impeach the traitor! Donald J.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 19, 2019:
I wouldnt speculate about Putin. I can see Trump talking to Israel or Saudi Arabia or Britain or either Korea, and promising support of some sort. And even if its Micronesia, its be a big deal if hes subverting congress, diplomacy, and treaties. Hge doeent get it, as far as how his job works. He could be trying to broker something with a millitary coup leader somewhere. Or a banker in Rusdia. Nothing would surprise me.
‘Transgender’ Could Be Defined Out of Existence Under Trump Administration
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 19, 2019:
for those of us without a subscription to the times, is there another link?
We must prevent the state’s GOP from suppressing the vote of their party members.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 21, 2019:
Why must "we" prevent anything? Seriously, beyond being from one of those states, and being worried on principle about states rights vs federal domination, who cares? If youre directly affected, it seems like finding another party to ally with, is far more useful than clinging to the crumbling wreck of what was once the GOP.
Looks like an admission of guilt. Can this be used at his trial?
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 21, 2019:
I'm not a lawyer, but I'll speculate on the rules of evidence and say no. A generic mention of crimes cant be attached to whatever specifc crime someone is charged with.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 21, 2019:
The NRA doesn't actually make decisions about gun design or marketing, they simply exist to lobby and propagandize. That being said, in sure they'll try to jump on any opportunity the gun manufacturers give them, even though they are in very bad shape financially. Nfi what youre talking about regarding dildos though. Spell it out for us?
Is einstein's e=mc2 even possible?
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 22, 2019:
I'd take anything that anyone said, here, with a house sized chunk of salt
Men and Women in MMA
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 24, 2019:
Gender is a really weird concept. Someone who *identified as* whatever thing, would be treated differently than someone who was biologically that thing. But anyhow, if a man beat a woman, he'd be called a horrible person (especially as violent as those fights can be) and if a woman beat a man, she'd either be accused of doping, or people would claim he threw the fight. Itd suck all around. Let world wide wrestling do the stupid stuff.
Medical bills not covered by insurance increased under trump
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 25, 2019:
pay less into the machine, get less our of the machine. shocking
Million pound bridge installed
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 26, 2019:
the videos are great if youre into that stuff
Donald Trump Claims Mike Pence Also Had Conversations With Ukraine President, Wants Pence ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 26, 2019:
Pence has been docile during his time in the WH, but he was a pushy jerk when he was governor. I wonder if that side of him will come out now?
Trump impeachment: The Ukraine whistleblower complaint has changed everything.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 28, 2019:
Ive been hoping for a less than 50 page summary. Also, the key players list, does it come in at less tham 25?
Has anyone actually paid for or is it the load of garbage I think it is?
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 29, 2019:
I know people who payed for march and got everything they wanted out of it. Also, I know people who paid and were disappointed. Basically, you have to decide if youd want to meet people and risk disappointment
What do you think?
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 30, 2019:
This is like a board game. Spin to pick a country, spin to pick a name, spin to pick a type of crime, then make up a grandiose story, and see if it can be proven true or false.
Arsonic found in bottled watter. []
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 30, 2019:
interesting article on groundwater thats high in arsenic. its much more common than you think
Anyone else seeing their menu like this? @developer , can you add more contrast or color?
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Ive had a similar problem off and on, with the lettering in the header of each page, being too light to read. Never on drop downs tho. We are like fingerprints, uniquely special.
Blog Post of a woman friend, also a mother of two kids: "The forces moving the universe in a good ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Sep 30, 2019:
Maybe she can become a motivational speaker
Sometimes when I try to write a longish post, a large part of what I am writing suddenly disappears.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 1, 2019:
I think it baries by platform, ive had that problem on my phone but not on a desktop. I think its some sort of automatic page reload/refresh
As an active volunteer for the American Cross and a number of other groups in the city I live in I ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 2, 2019:
you have to put in the time to get to know someone. so maybe being busy all the time, is off putting.
October awareness calender. Breast cancer awareness as well as the following.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 3, 2019:
this is making the rounds online
The awkward questions about slavery from tourists in US South - BBC News
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 3, 2019:
it would only take 2 paragraphs to get the message across. Did they need to give so many examples? I mean, thats all old news, right? right? Besides, we rent people by the hour now, not own them, why dwell on our economic failures?
At this rate, i could be a great-great grandmother when i finally die.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 3, 2019:
Fuark people suck. But apparently the bible counsels against self rightousness, so good for you, being a prominent member if the community here ????
Encourage or discourage joining marines?
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 3, 2019:
The millitary is a great option except for the whole millitary part of it, and the war thing. That being said, you cant run orher people's lives, and the best way to encourage people to make good decisions, is to let them think for themselves.
Uh oh: Trump’s attorney general asks Facebook for ‘backdoor’ messaging access
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 4, 2019:
Signal is the only end to end encrypted stand alone texting app currently available. Also supports encrypted voice and video.
Only an idiot would want to shut down the US oil and gas industry.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 4, 2019:
I find it amusing that youve got yourself worked into a frothy lather about words uttered by a semi-successful politician, making claims about things she would do, if she were elected, AND did what she said (or your personal spin) on the campaign trail , AND congress and the various states (the people who actually make the laws) did whatever she wishes. Its not going to hapoen, so however you want to interpret her intentions, its all good. Just remeber that youre likely making stuff up, just like she is.
How many days a year do you get for holidays in the US?
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 4, 2019:
My job gets 9 paid holidays (new years, mlk day, president day, memorial day, independence day, labor day, turkey day, day after tday, xmas) plus what was 25 days of PTO. But my workplace changed to "unlimited time off" which sounds great but its really utter BS and a cudgel.
I thought the Senate was a member block free group. When did it revert back?
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 5, 2019:
Its technically posddible those people havent blocked you, theyve deleted their accounts. But its also technically possible that this site is not working as expected
Have a look at this chart . . . .[]
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 6, 2019:
i wonder how hard it would be for Americans to transition from having more stuff- the current commodification of what used to be non tangible quality of life indicators. eg the idealized successful middle class family had one TV, one car, not all the latest gadgets, mended their clothes, did more manual labor around the house, kids rode their bikes places instead of being driven, didnt keep their house cooled to 68 degrees at all times.... IF things were like they were when you could live on th eminimum wage, theyd be spending less at big box stores, wouldnt have a pantry full of snacks, mom would take the bus while dad was at work, the kids wouldbt be enrolled in ice skating lessons in the summer in Phoenix, and the infant mortality rate would be much higher, people would just die of diseases instead of living years and years with costly treatments... but theyd have enough money to send the kids to college, save for retirement, go on a vacation every now and then...
I am literally about to lose my cookies.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Some of what you said makes sense, and you are totally entitled to vent- there is an odd discrepancy between our acceptance of people who feel marginalized, being allowed to interfere in other peoples lives, and the assumption that someone who was born into the mainstream, needing to shut up and keep to themselves. But when you tried to bring Obama and HRC into your reasoning, you lost all credibility. Its too bad we cant discuss issues that affect us all, without having to hear about each persons other issues. But it is what it is, I guess. Like I said, you can vent just like anyone else.
Confederate Flag ::: A comment about those who revere the Confederacy, and the Confederate Flag ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Im fairly sure I could find another post from you, railing about "identity politics", yet here you are.
Quick survey question of the day Before you answer the survey question, please do this mental ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 7, 2019:
Throwing the word "about" in there makes it way easier to agree with any answer. But, I tend to believe DOL analysis, over the overall wage gap. At the same time, theres this- its hard to believe companied actually value men for no reason. Everything is about the bottom line.
Dick's Sporting Goods destroys $5M of high-powered rifles rather than sell them ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 8, 2019:
ethical consumerism for the win, right?
In solving problems 'In general' how useful is the phrase.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 9, 2019:
why does human happiness matter at all? i mean, its kinda a useful metric, as a symptom of other things. like, if we're doing it right we should be happy, since thats how our brains are wired to work. but happiness as a goal, like doing lots of drugs is equally valid to working to create a satisfying sustainable life, doesnt make sense. maybe if fewer people had the "happiness is all the matters, in the end" attitude, we could have less greed and abuse
Not to brag, but I made it onto another blocked list...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 9, 2019:
lefties do it too, just to be fair. they exact same mo.... type a long response and then block. of course, regardless of political affiliation, the goal is to impress your friends
MOST WASTEFUL thing I can IMAGINE for the human race.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Why is it a waste? I understand your reasoning about wanting a job tthat at makes you happy, but that doesnt make other types of jobs a waste. I get the feeling you think that your unique experience is somehow generalizable and translatable.
I received notification in my alerts that @Zesty had commented on my recent post q:412648.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 13, 2019:
Meh, she mostly stays in her own world, and her comments arent long. Easy to metabolize. Besides, if we get too much groupthink, we turn on eachother. The issues with the site not working correctly, seem like a bigger deal. What if Zesty had blocked you because you were actually harrassing here, but you could still message her? Considering thats the only legit reason for blocking, im (not) surprised it doesnt work.
Hi Online Dating people, I just got a message from admin saying that I am now host of this group ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 13, 2019:
This group used to be the ProudMerrie sycophant club, its been awhile, so if the group now has enough other content to be self sustaining, thats awesome.
I live in a town where a lot of people are "into astrology.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 14, 2019:
Its a weird cover for saying "yes i do have standards" while at the same time trying to be the most enlightened yet low-standards kid on the block
Single and ready to mingle, what's up ladies
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 15, 2019:
Im the first to respond, youd be wise to get ready to be flamed. Also fill out your profile. then at least you can get flamed for the things you wrote, as opposed to the things you didnt write, but other people have issues with anyhow
Why are we all here??
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 15, 2019:
here ya go. see you in a few millenia
Christmas stuff already!?
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 15, 2019:
Meh, Home Depot is a just a huge warehouse, they cant not put the xmas stuff out. Where else would they put it?
Did you catch Ron Reagan's pitch for the Freedom From Religion Foundation on tonight's Democratic ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 16, 2019:
his face means that a shit ton more people will remember the commercial
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 17, 2019:
So corporate super PACs have a place because they allow local issues to get more play? Interesting hypothesis
Here I go again please give him a chance.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 17, 2019:
I think AY is a much nicer guy than DT, and i think he would pick smarter, more competent advisors too, but he would have lots of the same problems DT has... making decisions on incomplete information (not understanding the depth and bredth of the issues), learning on the job (getting bogged down on procedures and administrative tasks), and simply being unable to devote inhuman amounts of time to an incredibly steep learning curve, when hes also under huge time pressure for real life presidential actions. Effective delegation and managerial skills could really help, but AY presents himself as more of a charismatic individualist, and i dont think he could tolerate the mind numbing nature of dealing with professional politicians and bureaucrats, or negotiating/ game playing with Congress. He'd quickly "go rogue" just like DT. I th8nk hes got a ton to offer, in terms of new vision and changing the political landscape, i hope he sticks around, but his first big job should not be the presidency, and should be outside of the private sector.
To fellow scientists: How do you deal with people in social settings that speak with authority ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 17, 2019:
Get a dog, stop talking to people. *note: not a scientist but ive read lots of stuff about dogs on the internet
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 17, 2019:
* Ok. Here’s one for you. It’s importance for people in our societies to have both tolerance and boundaries. * Im thinking your premise is wrong, at least regarding the people you're talking about.
I was chillin out this morning listening to some music before work.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 18, 2019:
In other news, ... oh wait there is no other news.
Do any Democratic members agree with Hillary Clinton that Rep.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 19, 2019:
Im not a democrat so i cant answer your poll, but id be interested in anyone who can explain (beyond things i already know about, like money and power) how Hillary is relevant at all.
Look at his ear, I wonder if one day he will regret his choice of earrings.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 19, 2019:
Surgery is fairly cheap
People deride and often condemn online relationships, virtual friendships.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 20, 2019:
Cognitive dissonance for the #AndThatsWhyImSingle crowd
Green Party communications manager Michael O’Neils, peaking on behalf of the Green Party, Friday.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 20, 2019:
the word "Democrat" does not a democrat make. We need to welcome the threat of a struggle for political dominance. A 2-Dimensional system leads to 2-D solutions.
One of the posts I read indicated that being an atheist or an agnostic is a choice we make.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 21, 2019:
that sounds like predestination
Are Atheists racist
MarkiusMahamius comments on Oct 22, 2019:
I guess you have a different definition of atheism? I dont see how the two are connected. My grandfather was a racist eugenicist and also an atheist. He hated everybody, for most any reason, including believing an anything but pure rationalism.
“Religious refusals” are leaving rural patients without health care options - Vox
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 4, 2019:
My healthcare is not affected by catholic religious issues with eomens health or LGBT issues, but i try not to give religious institutions my money if possible.
Dating is so impossible in Connecticut, I gave up on love.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 4, 2019:
It is possible to get a pity-date or pity-fuck if you whine enough (alcohol also helps) so i guess there you go.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 5, 2019:
The majority of peoples dietary info and choices comes from the way food manufacturers and vendors market and sell their products. Education won't cut it. The govt would actually have to step in and start to subsidize certain foods (not food manufacturers) and subsidize stores that sell those foods/ pay them more than their distributors pay them, not to put the gigantic display of junk food at the front of the store.
Just a random query: how many people know what Asperger's Syndrome is and how many people would be ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 5, 2019:
I know what it is, though I dont try to diagnosis anyone, nor do I ask them screening medical questions before I'll date them. Yeah I might pay more attention to their butt shape than to their personality when I first ask them out, but I'm pretty sure I'm ultimately more interested in a whole bunch of other things. If someone I was dating announced "I'm an aspie" I'd probably freak out a bit though, but that's because anyone who lives their diagnosis/ uses it as one of the main ways they identify themselves/ their sense of self, is squicky to me. Same goes for ADHD or whatever else. *unless it's relevant, like "I have diabetes so that affects where I like to eat" or something
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 5, 2019:
If someone has lots in common with me, they're an 11
Why men sending dick pix get away with it: if they included their actual head, meaning they sent a ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Have you ever gotten a dick pic?
Does true love know distance?
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 5, 2019:
Ill get to this once i finalize my answer to "how many angels can fit on the head of a pin"
Animals in the home
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 6, 2019:
My neighbor has enough pets for everyone else in my building.
Study: Ransomware, Data Breaches at Hospitals tied to Uptick in Fatal Heart Attacks []
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 8, 2019:
Great link thanks
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 10, 2019:
female and male genital mutilation are both horrible, but why compare them or attempt to use one to amplify the feelings of the other?
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Can i donate money to this, and then claim ive never heard of you people, kinda like how Trump secretly supports Biden?
Whats going on with on-line dating NOW? See what research shows:[]
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Are there any stats on "regular dating"?
Any heathen thoughts communication in general?
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 14, 2019:
What does tbis have to do with heathans? Confused. Do they yell at you? Do other people know about this?
After a number of years living single (>20) I would like to check the box labeled "single".
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 14, 2019:
Leave it blank
Ok how do i set my shit to only see people who wouldnt cringe when i told them i wanted eat acid ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 21, 2019:
@MikeLantz you realize how you sound when you say you want to be around people who are more open minded, but only the ones you like?
The title of this group is fine enough but why isn't there a nice display pic?
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 22, 2019:
Dont know who the mods of this group is, but there are lots of groups looking for new better mods... might message them and ask, if youd like to get involved
A Florida dog put a car into reverse and drove it in circles for nearly an hour - CNN
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 22, 2019:
Driving in reverse for nearly an hour is super-human and deserves a medal
DOD joins fight against 5G spectrum proposal, citing risks to GPS []
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 22, 2019:
Putting anyones interests ahead of corporate interestrs???
Bernie has a message for people going home for T’Giving and concerned about the political ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Bernie is "concerned" about political discussions amongst those who have yet to listen to his podcast, and get the right list of talking points? This sounds like commie socialist facist mind control to me.
Pete Buttigieg may win Iowa and it is impressive but he will fizzle out by South Carolina [cnn.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Regardless of politics EW is a weak candidate for the same reason HRC was. Shes a woman. HRC knows it was a big factor in her defeat. And theres no reason to think things have changed.
Hello guys. Newbie here. Have a good day everyone☺️☺️
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Responses to have a blessed day?
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Who eats pasta on Thanksgiving?
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Why on earth would anyone want to have a dinner with people who dont want to *actually have dinner*? I mean, if she doesnt want the food, she can come over later. Im not sure if im more horrified that your mom is willing to pacify that whiny brat, or that your sister thinks she has the right to expect your mom to cook separately for her. I could totally understand having some consensus about the food during normal family dinners, but the whole point of thanksgiving is cooking particular types of food in accordance with myths about US history. Your sister should suck it up and go somewhere else. PS i hope shes vegetarian, except then shell throw a fit and your mom will cry. Ok rant over, back to dealing with my own family.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 30, 2019:
Hes an elitist jerk
Just moving around exploring the sites multiple levels and I am seeing how so many (level 1, not ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Nov 30, 2019:
So you're lecturing the people who arent here because they already came here and left?
DC Comics Comes Under Fire for Deleting Batman Poster That Sparked Chinese Backlash []
MarkiusMahamius comments on Dec 1, 2019:
This is how marketing works. Yawn
Does anyone think that the media is being fair and honest with their coverage of Bernie and Warren?
MarkiusMahamius comments on Dec 2, 2019:
The media is selling the info-bits that people enjoy. Im not sure the word "fair" has anything to do with anything
This advert is floating around now about a street interviewer in Britain asking people about ...
MarkiusMahamius comments on Dec 3, 2019:
Is there any way to see this link without facebook?
I noticed I have been having a headache every day for weeks now.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Dec 3, 2019:
William Barr Says Those Who Don’t Show More Respect To Cops May Not Get Police Protection
MarkiusMahamius comments on Dec 4, 2019:
I'm seriously not seeing the downside here. I'm sure the police do far more harm than good, in many communities
Woman skips mammogram because she cannot afford it and insce company refuses coverage.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Dec 5, 2019:
Just becsuse the Dr orders something doesnt make it right. Im not about to claim im a breast cancer expert, but i have known several other cancer survivors and all their surveillance imaging was CT or PET. Why should the insurance be on the hook if the dr is ordering unneded tests?
Anyone ever have altitude sickness? Going to Santa Fe and people are telling me to be careful.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Dont drink alcohol. You'll feel drunker and you'll get worse hangovers. Be smart if you decide to try it anyhow.
I’m having a hard time meeting other Gay men in my area and on this app?
MarkiusMahamius comments on Dec 8, 2019:
Very few people who are looking for romance here, have any luck.
I think someone in Admin should look into member "Blah Blah" before they make level 7.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Dec 10, 2019:
Thwres a report button for each post on this board. Let @admin deal with members who violate the terms of use of the site. Telling the senate group about your personal reading preferences, is pointless.
This is what liberals are good at ,complaining and whining about things they have no solutions for
MarkiusMahamius comments on Dec 14, 2019:
Do you have a solution to either thing youre complaining about? The lack of attention for the secong kid, or the way people resp9nd to social celebrity?
Some insight into Mayor Pete’s Medicare plan.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Dec 14, 2019:
I wanted to comment tl;dr, but i did read it. Thankfully very short. I think the big picture is 1- PB is very ordinary. Being young and gay does not set him apart- which is why hes still in the race. 2- no president is going to design a healthcare plan that actually passes, looking anything like its original self. Congress and lobbyists will determine our healthcare futire, no matter how qualified/ unqualified they are. Then add lawsuits and administrative decisions. Several of the candidates would have more power over this issue if they stayed in Congress. Id be surprised if we didnt se Buttigieg there too, in a few years.
I’m sure that this is true.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Dec 15, 2019:
*Of course when we apply a negative label like fool or stupid we’ve lost the ability to communicate with that person.* Who said i wanted to communicate with them, or they with me? I think debating/ discussing the subject at hand, rather than a person and their feelings about said subject, is far more useful.
Impeachment Predictions.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Dec 15, 2019:
The Dems have far more to gain by grandstanding, making moral judgements, and having speechs about their ideals, than they do with an actual impeachment and removal from offive. Personally i think DT will be impeached but stay in office. Im assuming this is a completely partisan series of events. The chaos of two changes in administration in under a year, would reflect badly on everyone in the Congress, and for anyone who claims to be running for the dem version of making America great again. Plus the dems run the risk of allowing a less divisive republican like Pence or Romney, to step in and smooth everything over. The dems want to get their version of a moderate Republican into office, and they have better odds if DT stays in office but is severely handicapped and loses the 2020 race.
Found that my mentally challenged niece is pregnant.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Have you talked to the state?