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Just read a few comments regarding Stephen Hawkins new book,and the only conclusion I came up with.
Sofabeast comments on Oct 19, 2018:
As a Social Scientist, we grade common sense as unenlightened people trying to explain phenomena through the rules and norms of their culture. As such, if that cannot explain it, then it must be gods work.
Mcflewster replies on Oct 22, 2018:
Must it?
Here's a good philosophical question (I took it from a philosophy podcast): Suppose there existed...
Marionville comments on Oct 14, 2018:
This question is hypothetical...we know there is no such pill and therefore we can never know how we would act should there ever be one. How we think we may act is no accurate indicator of how we would act when faced with a reality. Our knowledge that this pill does not in fact exist influences ...
Mcflewster replies on Oct 20, 2018:
@Marionville I suppose neither of us has any good access to them but I like the idea.
The army of a World Government ?
NoMagicCookie comments on Oct 14, 2018:
Served enough time wearing the US Army uniform. A world government? Controlled by who? The plutocrats? No.
Mcflewster replies on Oct 19, 2018:
Controlled by the people of course. Handing responsibility over to the whole population of the world is the ultimate test of democracy - so let us improve democracy to the hilt in our own countries first. Yes I know this is an idealistic thread, but it is a more realistic aim than heaven or others put forward by religionists.
Here's a good philosophical question (I took it from a philosophy podcast): Suppose there existed...
Marionville comments on Oct 14, 2018:
This question is hypothetical...we know there is no such pill and therefore we can never know how we would act should there ever be one. How we think we may act is no accurate indicator of how we would act when faced with a reality. Our knowledge that this pill does not in fact exist influences ...
Mcflewster replies on Oct 19, 2018:
@Marionville Are you saying that there is no possible preparation for that moment? If everyone talked openly about death e.g in death cafes would that not help in some way that is not apparent to you at the moment?
Is anyone here planning on being at the People's Vote March in London on Saturday (20th)?
GodlessWahid666 comments on Oct 14, 2018:
what is the peoples vote about
Mcflewster replies on Oct 18, 2018:
Just thought of another reason for marching 5. To thwart the ambitions of a small group of politicians who think they can rule by having hard and inconsiderate (for all) ambitions aimed at their own personal wealth and using single issue political parties to disrupt the previous political balance in order to get their way. Some of these politicians may last out as members of the government but have been resigning to make their point instead of working as one political party in unison. Hence the mess!
Is anyone here planning on being at the People's Vote March in London on Saturday (20th)?
Hebert54 comments on Oct 15, 2018:
Why are you talking politics on this site please? Personally , I believe you are using the wrong forum .
Mcflewster replies on Oct 18, 2018:
There is a politics category which I think is a good idea to include . There are three things in life which no one, I believe can fully avoid. Religion, Politics and Science.
Is anyone here planning on being at the People's Vote March in London on Saturday (20th)?
GodlessWahid666 comments on Oct 14, 2018:
what is the peoples vote about
Mcflewster replies on Oct 18, 2018:
In the UK 1. Showing up the disgraceful confusion that the politicians have generated by their lax organisational skills ( of referenda.) 2. Showing that you have sometimes to take more than one vote in a proper referendum to get full democracy out of such processes as referenda . Democracy implies informed consent. Without doubt that did not happen on the first vote 3. Showing that politicians cannot decide on our future without knowing how things have changed since the first referendum on Brexit. 4. Underlining the constitutional changes which are going to happen without a further chance to held a general election. In the world Hopefully to warn other countries which get involved with referenda to get the full and multiple processes crystal clear months before it happens and so as not to involve expenditures through the court to get things right.
The army of a World Government ?
NoMagicCookie comments on Oct 14, 2018:
Served enough time wearing the US Army uniform. A world government? Controlled by who? The plutocrats? No.
Mcflewster replies on Oct 15, 2018:
I am not thinking about this as a reality for a very long time and there are many problems to be overcome, but how do you feel about it as am AIM?
Where are you on the bridge?
jacpod comments on Oct 2, 2018:
For many years I havent given it any thought unless someone has brought it up religion or irreligion or any other kind of spirituality doesnt enter my head and thats the way I really want to be.
Mcflewster replies on Oct 4, 2018:
In a way you are in an ideal state as far as agnosticism is concerned and we should look to a future where everyone feels like that. We have potentially a lot of troubled people before that happens though. Do you see the establishment of this website as a step along the bridge? A guide to the future? Metaphores were such a large part of establishing religion . Do you think that they will playa large part in getting rid of religious thought?
I walked into a cafe somewhere in the Deep South of Oxfordshire -the village of Stoke Row, and ...
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 25, 2018:
Nisi nunquam felicibus queribundus Only happy when complaining (or moaning in the colloquial sense) Like it.
Mcflewster replies on Sep 26, 2018:
Can this phrase be more applicable to brexiteers or remainers or Both. Wish someone would come up with something positive that had a chance of working.
Stockholm Syndrome? []
Marionville comments on Sep 23, 2018:
I don’t quite follow your argument.....can you explain your reasoning. Stockholm Syndrome is when a victim or captive forms a bond or dependency with his/her captor as far as I know of this phenomenon.
Mcflewster replies on Sep 23, 2018:
Could it be that Joy was captured by the Christian church, tried hard to take on fully their beliefs but failed. I think the only word I would put to it is tragedy.
Where are you on the bridge?
Mb_Man comments on Sep 14, 2018:
// The only answer I really want is “Is the metaphor useful? ” // If used outside of ones personal context, than no. Though it can be a bridge for people, one should not feel obligated to cross it fully to be considered a *free thinker*. If anything, this flies in the face of the whole ...
Mcflewster replies on Sep 14, 2018:
Could you expand on 'the needle metaphore'?
Where are you on the bridge?
skepticaljerk comments on Sep 13, 2018:
No i hate metaphors
Mcflewster replies on Sep 14, 2018:
@skepticaljerk This was just a suggestion about how people get to have ridiculous beliefs. I was not suggesting that you did anything. QUITE POSSIBLY metaphors will not help quite a few people leave religion.
Where are you on the bridge?
skepticaljerk comments on Sep 13, 2018:
No i hate metaphors
Mcflewster replies on Sep 14, 2018:
They were particularly effective in getting people INTO religion [e.g. an Angel is a metaphor for a non existent best friend] . So do you not think that they could help people OUT of religion?
Where are you on the bridge?
Bierbasstard comments on Sep 13, 2018:
Where's that confounded bridge?
Mcflewster replies on Sep 14, 2018:
Join a face to face group that discusses in this area, but be prepared not to be punched.
Have you seen any changes in the discussion processes since you joined this site?
indirect76 comments on Sep 13, 2018:
What discussion in particular are you speaking of?
Mcflewster replies on Sep 14, 2018:
All of them ! -or as many as you can manage.
Have you seen any changes in the discussion processes since you joined this site?
Cast1es comments on Sep 13, 2018:
Not really . I'm guessing we're a bunch of hard heads .
Mcflewster replies on Sep 14, 2018:
Please delve deeper - if you want to?
Have you seen any changes in the discussion processes since you joined this site?
Renickulous comments on Sep 13, 2018:
None so far, but ive been presented with no new info.
Mcflewster replies on Sep 14, 2018:
That's interesting!
Have you seen any changes in the discussion processes since you joined this site?
RavenCT comments on Sep 13, 2018:
Yes I have. As people are here a little bit longer they lose their FB level of reactiveness and might actually raise their own point without degrading into "screaming" matches and insults. Naturally some people are just built that way. More people here tend to actually link their sources...
Mcflewster replies on Sep 14, 2018:
"More people here tend to actually link their sources too. It's refreshing" Well said .
Have you seen any changes in the discussion processes since you joined this site?
girlwithsmiles comments on Sep 13, 2018:
I've learnt a few new concepts and terms and have found some people willing to explain things to me in layman's terms which has been useful; leading to my being able to follow subsequent posts on those subjects. Discussion processes? I'm afraid I may have got a bit more argumentative since first ...
Mcflewster replies on Sep 14, 2018:
It is good that you are energised to fight - just make your punches softer BUT more effective?
Where are you on the bridge?
Dietl comments on Sep 13, 2018:
I was always wandering around in the uplands and curiously watched the people running around in circles on the other side. Did I come by this bridge? Maybe, but I don't remember the thought of exploring it ever crossing my mind. I'm fine where I am.
Mcflewster replies on Sep 14, 2018:
Some are rocketed over by enlightened parents but you could try walking back over the bridge to rescue others . I was confirmed for example -it may not apply to you - but I often think "Why did I let that happen to me?
Where are you on the bridge?
birdingnut comments on Sep 13, 2018:
I don't bother to argue or even talk to people about Christianity. I just defriend, block and/or ignore them.
Mcflewster replies on Sep 14, 2018:
Pity. As long as you treat people as not stupid , you can do a lot to alter people's thinking and it just going to be hard graft to get where we want to be
Where are you on the bridge?
Acseeley comments on Sep 13, 2018:
I'm none of the above. I don't see myself as C, because that is proselytizing, which I detest. What works for me doesn't work for everyone, and the goal is internal peace with your own rationale... Completely silent and within your own head. I'm not B, because I am open to "testing" and ...
Mcflewster replies on Sep 14, 2018:
It does not have to be proselytising. Rational discussion as often seen on this site is the only tool we have.
...and this.
rogeralyn comments on Aug 5, 2018:
I know you are trying to prove a point but if you have studied the bible you will know that the Devil isn't meant to be the "opposite" of God.
Mcflewster replies on Sep 13, 2018:
@rogeralyn My theory about Humour [ Therefore I am not yet saying is true]. is that it makes new connections between completely unexpected observations e.g. A new connection between a clown who slips on a banana skin and then gets up and carries on without pain. After the worry of thinking about possible permanent injury a wave of relief sweeps over you and if the clown continually does it you might even laugh!. This could explain why young children sometimes find clowns terrifying. So humour thankfully does very little harm unless plainly misdirected.
Definitions are NEVER ‘forever’.
Marionville comments on Sep 2, 2018:
I agree with you when you say definitions are never forever. I think the current difficulties the Labour Party finds intself in are largely of its own making, in regards to the definition of what antisemitism means. I don’t believe Jeremy Corbyn is an antisemite, but I do believe that there are...
Mcflewster replies on Sep 3, 2018:
I think politicians never do try to check all the evidence. They are biased not to. Our system would never look at a full scientific approach, at least in my lifetime, but it could solve a lot of problems and needs consideration now.
Which do you think is more important ?
SimonCyrene comments on Aug 30, 2018:
Honor no-one, seek to understand everyone (including oneself) ?
Mcflewster replies on Aug 31, 2018:
That is a good definition of Humanism
Which do you think is more important ?
jacpod comments on Aug 29, 2018:
Neither - I left home at 15 years old ,mother mainly manic, father war damaged, brother 8 yrs older & innaccessible ,- I fail to see how I could honour the abusive parents I was stuck with - Leaving was the best thing I ever did as my manic mother always was sparring for, a fight, a real one. it ...
Mcflewster replies on Aug 30, 2018:
@jacpod That was very sad for you and they missed so much potential pleasure - but you survived - well done.
Which do you think is more important ?
jacpod comments on Aug 29, 2018:
Neither - I left home at 15 years old ,mother mainly manic, father war damaged, brother 8 yrs older & innaccessible ,- I fail to see how I could honour the abusive parents I was stuck with - Leaving was the best thing I ever did as my manic mother always was sparring for, a fight, a real one. it ...
Mcflewster replies on Aug 30, 2018:
They made You??
Which do you think is more important ?
Cast1es comments on Aug 29, 2018:
Mine are , "no longer with us ."
Mcflewster replies on Aug 30, 2018:
I am sure that you still think about them or is this an assumption too far?
All Hail fellow UK Atheists.
Marionville comments on Aug 30, 2018:
Yes, I live in Northern Ireland, but you have my vote. Btw welcome.
Mcflewster replies on Aug 30, 2018:
Welcome. I am sure you have a lot to contribute
It's humankind's best interest to THINK God/s out of existence
Paul_Clamberer comments on Jun 9, 2018:
Thinking god out of other peoples heads is going to be the tricky part. How do we go about that?
Mcflewster replies on Aug 20, 2018:
Why not try stopping even talking about God ever again?
Comments on the video please . Does it convince you that science IS for everyone? []
Heraclitus comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Children often think outside the box because they have not yet learned to restrict their thinking to fit societal expectations. They also are not thinking in terms of what ideas will get them funding.
Mcflewster replies on Aug 20, 2018:
Should any question be limited to the bounds of social expectations? Surely that is the basis of censorship? funding will come if you want it badly enough.
[] How often do you live up to these two standards?
JustLynnie comments on Aug 18, 2018:
Brutally honest workaholic here
Mcflewster replies on Aug 20, 2018:
Are you honest about whether that (excessive?) extra? Work is really good for you and those around you?
20% of Tennesseans believe Creationism should not be taught in public schools. Only. 20. Percent.
Jprice422 comments on Aug 19, 2018:
I know, that’s nuts. I’m a transplant here, and love the lakes, mountains and Music. But I have a hard time living among people who don’t believe in evolution and still say prayers before every event in PUBLIC schools. I started dating a very attractive and successful woman that I was ...
Mcflewster replies on Aug 20, 2018:
Explain to her that when the evolution tree branches it is the start of profound changes mainly due to random gene changes so that both branches from then on are profoundly different in many respects . The branching took place so long ago that the two branches whilst retaking a few common characteristics can in no way said to be related except through that far distant evolutionary shake up. You can however continue to 'monkey around' with her and neither of you would have any fears about your offspring because you have no monkey genes to pass on.
Comments on the video please . Does it convince you that science IS for everyone? []
wdwyer comments on Aug 17, 2018:
To me, it's a dumb question.
Mcflewster replies on Aug 17, 2018:
Not really sure which question you are calling dumb. That is my own fault.
Comments on the video please . Does it convince you that science IS for everyone? []
wdwyer comments on Aug 17, 2018:
To me, it's a dumb question.
Mcflewster replies on Aug 17, 2018:
Is any question ever dumb? Badly formulated perhaps?Is any person ever fully informed?
It's humankind's best interest to THINK God/s out of existence
rcandlish comments on Jun 9, 2018:
How can something that doesn't exist in the first place, be thought out of existence. I don't think we need to attempt a mirror reversal of Anselm. I think the best that we can do is demonstrate the logical weakness of the theistic system, and press the apologists to the point of crushing them if ...
Mcflewster replies on Aug 17, 2018:
@SimonCyrene Yes comedians are very useful in pointing things out but if they are actually disrespectful they are taken off air. It is fortunate that the UK has set up so many areas of "infotainment" e.g HIGNFY where one can say things which are harsh, often exaggerated but never actually tip over into disrespect because the style has been set to tease not accuse.
Do we have some Corbyn supporters here? if so I have a question. Are you for or against Brexit?
Savage comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Well I'm glad to see leave voters don't seem to frequent this site, at least so far. My personal feelings on JC are mixed. I've followed his career for decades now and was estatic at him becoming leader, then Brexit. his achillies heel, the one thing I can't accept. All this crap about anti ...
Mcflewster replies on Aug 17, 2018:
I am completely with you in all aspects of your post but I have not studied him for so long. His style of parliamentary thinking is so balanced and alien to other members of the house but can we wait for them to adapt ?-some never will. Brexit is on the turn and the Labour Party conference is hopefully going to make a big difference. Anti semite problems are really anti Isreal government at root.
With such a lack of Reason and Logic amongst religionists and spiritualists how do we who have ...
DiogenesUK comments on Aug 8, 2018:
Ummmm... Why should we?
Mcflewster replies on Aug 9, 2018:
@Diogenes also reply to@JanGarber . If people thought like this before the time that religion came along then the good work that religion has done [and there has been plenty] would never have happened and we would be in a worse place now unable to think of a way of getting rid of religion...... which is what this thread is about.
With such a lack of Reason and Logic amongst religionists and spiritualists how do we who have ...
Castlepaloma comments on Aug 7, 2018:
I"m agnostic and spiritual. Who is to say atheist are not unbalance by being too much into their own heads. Too much in our minds is where the source of problems are. Why not lead their lives with their hearts?, said to be the other brain or sub consciousness. Suppose they lack the ...
Mcflewster replies on Aug 9, 2018:
@JimG I think the logic of religious people lies in a) gaining comfort and reassurance of a future 'prize' b) avoiding having the more difficult task of thinking of and alternative method of comfort and an alternative path when nothing exists after death. It is our job to find alternative methods and comforts . Difficult I know, but at least we should try
With such a lack of Reason and Logic amongst religionists and spiritualists how do we who have ...
Wurlitzer comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Are you asking how we can employ more reason and logic than we already do or what? I’m not sure I got your meaning. If that was the question: Those of us who are already trying can work on whatever source we’re weakest on: Be it personal experimentation or reading/listening to more ...
Mcflewster replies on Aug 9, 2018:
@Wurlitzer Empathy is the key to understanding reason for bad behaviour and gives hope that the behaviour can be corrected
With such a lack of Reason and Logic amongst religionists and spiritualists how do we who have ...
Wurlitzer comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Are you asking how we can employ more reason and logic than we already do or what? I’m not sure I got your meaning. If that was the question: Those of us who are already trying can work on whatever source we’re weakest on: Be it personal experimentation or reading/listening to more ...
Mcflewster replies on Aug 9, 2018:
Examining your assumptions is a good and reasonable way of altering your own life . Asking for reasons for any behaviour and being honest and patient enough with the person who is asking the question will assist you in helping others
Can you tell me how to insert a photo with the text of a question for discussion? mcflewster
CaroleKay comments on Aug 8, 2018:
Right above the comment box, click on "Add Photo". Is that what you mean?
Mcflewster replies on Aug 8, 2018:
I thought that was only for photos of ourselves and obviously I had used that before. Silly me. Thanks for your help.
Can you tell me how to insert a photo with the text of a question for discussion? mcflewster
Rhetoric comments on Aug 7, 2018:
On the make-a-post screen, there is a button on the bottom left (above the "Submit Post") to "Add Photo": See screenshot.
Mcflewster replies on Aug 8, 2018:
Thanks it was moving it I found difficult
With such a lack of Reason and Logic amongst religionists and spiritualists how do we who have ...
Marine comments on Aug 7, 2018:
You need to ask why they believe and then point out what makes that incorrect.
Mcflewster replies on Aug 7, 2018:
Agree CONSTANTLY but chapter and verse on why they are incorrect
With such a lack of Reason and Logic amongst religionists and spiritualists how do we who have ...
mordant comments on Aug 7, 2018:
People change when the pain of changing is less than the pain of not changing. My only interest is to help people already initiating their own transition. People can only save themselves.
Mcflewster replies on Aug 7, 2018:
I agree that only people can change themselves. However perhaps if we put more effort into making assemblies of NON religious people more entertaining and inspiring we could get a few religious people to 'change side'. A lot of work needs doing on making alternatives to established religion. The 'Sunday Assembly, movement is doing great things in pockets all over the USA and UK.
With such a lack of Reason and Logic amongst religionists and spiritualists how do we who have ...
KKGator comments on Aug 7, 2018:
The only thing any of us can reasonably do is lead by example. Coming to rational thought and logic, eschewing religion and deities, is an individual pursuit. It cannot be forced upon anyone. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him think. ;)
Mcflewster replies on Aug 7, 2018:
We have a whole advertising industry which is dedicated to make us think , often subliminally with a clever slogan and makes big bucks in doing so. Perhaps we should pay them to do the job for us. The politicians do.
With such a lack of Reason and Logic amongst religionists and spiritualists how do we who have ...
Geoffrey51 comments on Aug 7, 2018:
There is no reason that I am aware of that one would want to change anyone's thinking unless one is on an evangelical crusade. In which case the only reason that one would wish another to change their thinking is if one was threatened by them. Just a thought.
Mcflewster replies on Aug 7, 2018:
Are you suggesting that one can never be evangelical about agnosticism?
With such a lack of Reason and Logic amongst religionists and spiritualists how do we who have ...
Wurlitzer comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Are you asking how we can employ more reason and logic than we already do or what? I’m not sure I got your meaning. If that was the question: Those of us who are already trying can work on whatever source we’re weakest on: Be it personal experimentation or reading/listening to more ...
Mcflewster replies on Aug 7, 2018:
I know that we are all trying and I am grateful for the contributors to this website for the variety and stamina they illustrate, but we are doing something wrong. Religion has and will continue to damage the world if we accept that nothing can be done. We need new and innovative initiatives . My efforts are in science teaching and I advocate a 'science for all approach, but there must be other methods. Has anyone a tale to relate where a particular application of logic and or reason changed the mind of someone who had otherwise been intransigent?
Where do agnostics go when they die?
Scoobs comments on Jul 17, 2018:
I dunno.
Mcflewster replies on Aug 7, 2018:
You lead then and I will follow you.
What do you do for 'self' care?
maturin1919 comments on Aug 5, 2018:
Mastur- shit, that's not what we're talking about here, is it?
Mcflewster replies on Aug 5, 2018:
Why not? The engine always needs oiling!
Welcome to five new members to the group: - @Blindbird who is into blues, bluegrass, sad Irish ...
FrayedBear comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Welcome to @Mcflewster, @Hanksie, @Keymaiden. Please pull up a seat, say hello to your fellow group members and tell us what folk music types you like.
Mcflewster replies on Jul 29, 2018:
Welcome to five new members to the group: - @Blindbird who is into blues, bluegrass, sad Irish ...
FrayedBear comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Welcome to @Mcflewster, @Hanksie, @Keymaiden. Please pull up a seat, say hello to your fellow group members and tell us what folk music types you like.
Mcflewster replies on Jul 29, 2018:
What is your Mantra?
KateZilla comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Improvise, adapt, overcome and conquer.
Mcflewster replies on Jul 23, 2018:
Sounds like science.
I hate the phrases "Brexit means Brexit" and "leave means leave" They degrade the ...
CeliaVL comments on Jul 11, 2018:
The whole Brexit issue has been a mess from the beginning. It was a rushed and badly worded referendum which should have been made advisory rather than binding, the campaigns for and against were dishonest and should have been run under much tighter rules. Eventually the whole thing will settle and...
Mcflewster replies on Jul 21, 2018:
@CeliaVL Trouble really was that the first referendum was badly timed, explained, planned and not limited to a wider winning difference say 60 :40 which is the norm for CONSTITUTIONAL changes like this one. We need to admit our mistakes and have second educated attempt as opposed to a hurried unthinking one. The initial vote did justify the need to fully and seriously investigate the consequences of everything and we are nearly there in this respect. I would sign the voting paper to say no more votes after this one for 20years , but why would not you?
What is your Mantra?
Marionville comments on Jul 19, 2018:
“ If at first you don’t succeed, try, try and try again.” This is attributed to Robert the Bruce who was inspired by watching a spider when hiding from his enemies in a cave, on the island of Staffa. He used this mantra on his troops before the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314.....they routed ...
Mcflewster replies on Jul 20, 2018:
This mantra is an important part of science too. Better have a revised hypothesis the next time tho'.
I know this sounds daft but being in Australia I am totally out of the loop.
Geoffrey51 comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Does anyone here watch Coronation Street?
Mcflewster replies on Jul 19, 2018:
@Geoffrey51 That would be good as they tackle quite a few interesting social problems. Worst part of the show is that they do not have any really happy families.
So, agnostic to me means doubter, and to doubt something is to question it's validity.
Fibonacci1618 comments on Apr 23, 2018:
My issues with the Atheist that I have come across is just that. Or they project a demeanor of self servering Darwainian mindset of the strong eat the weak.I prefer the term Humanist. Which reflects compassion for each other because doing good is good, for no other reason than just to do good. If ...
Mcflewster replies on Jul 19, 2018:
@Fibonacci1618 How about going one step further to 'Humanist'?
I know this sounds daft but being in Australia I am totally out of the loop.
Geoffrey51 comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Does anyone here watch Coronation Street?
Mcflewster replies on Jul 17, 2018:
Yes me
I hate the phrases "Brexit means Brexit" and "leave means leave" They degrade the ...
CeliaVL comments on Jul 11, 2018:
The whole Brexit issue has been a mess from the beginning. It was a rushed and badly worded referendum which should have been made advisory rather than binding, the campaigns for and against were dishonest and should have been run under much tighter rules. Eventually the whole thing will settle and...
Mcflewster replies on Jul 16, 2018:
@NicoleCadmium Exactly why is a second referendum undemocratic?. Are we not allowed to change our minds when more evidence comes along?
I hate the phrases "Brexit means Brexit" and "leave means leave" They degrade the ...
Ellatynemouth comments on Jul 11, 2018:
I voted to leave the EU because of 'Article 106'. (See link below.) The way the EU turned a blind eye to police brutality in Catalonia recently and the way it treated the Greek people reaffirm my views on the EU. Mostly I was concerned that this *civilised* body denied its subjects an ...
Mcflewster replies on Jul 16, 2018:
@Ellatynemouth Where is your evidence?
I hate the phrases "Brexit means Brexit" and "leave means leave" They degrade the ...
David_Cooper comments on Jul 11, 2018:
No; it's perfectly clear what Brexit means. "Soft Brexit" simply isn't Brexit, but a mere pretence at Brexit which equates to staying in the EU in all but name while throwing out all direct influence over it, and no one sane would have voted for that. What's really happening is that the losers of ...
Mcflewster replies on Jul 14, 2018:
"Soft Brexit" simply isn't Brexit?? . So soft butter really isn't butter.? You really should explain what Brexit and soft means before attempting your point
Could someone please explain 
1) The meaning and purpose of the word ‘Rude’ as applied to ...
SleepingOnABoat comments on Jul 3, 2018:
Do you want an honest answer? Are you sure?
Mcflewster replies on Jul 6, 2018:
@BeerAndWine We all learn by making mistakes and the sooner one gets NOT to feel bad the better.
Could someone please explain 
1) The meaning and purpose of the word ‘Rude’ as applied to ...
SleepingOnABoat comments on Jul 3, 2018:
Do you want an honest answer? Are you sure?
Mcflewster replies on Jul 4, 2018:
Why would I NOT want an honest answer ? Surely any other than that would be Rude? . This is about peoples conception of 'Rude' and its possible connection to religion.
“Do not judge, or you will be judged.
CoastRiderBill comments on Jun 24, 2018:
The context of the Bible verse you quoted is set here in Matthew chapter 7, verses 1-5, from the New International Version: "1) “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2) For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. 3) ...
Mcflewster replies on Jun 26, 2018:
I would be interested to know where science stops and philosophy takes over - but perhaps that is best done in a new topic.
“Do not judge, or you will be judged.
Ellatynemouth comments on Jun 24, 2018:
We have to judge constantly.
Mcflewster replies on Jun 26, 2018:
Even to check that we can put weight on the foot that we have just moved forward.
“Do not judge, or you will be judged.
brentan comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Judging as assessing V Judging as punishing I think assessing people is absolutely fine.
Mcflewster replies on Jun 25, 2018:
Assessing is the act of gathering the evidence. Judging is the conclusion you reach -often not based on the evidence before you but your previous assessments and judgements.
Does anyone else agree that the only sort of competition that is healthy for society is when one ...
Mcflewster comments on Jun 16, 2018:
@kiramea @wordywalt @jujuofthesea @Faithless1
@MichaelSpinler @TiberiusGracchus
@JimmyOneLeg93 @LiterateHiker @jwd45244 @pepperjones @Mofferatu
@sAl @girlwithsmiles @wndrngcld @McVinegar @bigpawbullets @Jacar @NotAndrew @vnufall @memorylikeasiev @IamNobody @Michael_D ...
Mcflewster replies on Jun 17, 2018:
@kiramea I was just clarifying my own position for the benefit of everyone who was kind enough to comment.
If I tell you my best reason for labeling myself as an Agnostic Humanist, will you tell me one ...
mattersauce comments on Jun 15, 2018:
First off I'm not agnostic, I'm an atheist. Secondly the definition I found for "humanist" on is: a person having a strong interest in or concern for human welfare, values, and dignity. Although I do think those things are important, I would not say that I have a "strong ...
Mcflewster replies on Jun 16, 2018:
It's humankind's best interest to THINK God/s out of existence
Regburns comments on Jun 11, 2018:
Is it the job of atheists to struggle against religions? I fully accept that religions produce as much damage as good, maybe more. However, the fact that I don’t believe in Jesus, or whoever, is a negative. It doesn’t follow that I need to oppose their beliefs. That is a very different position....
Mcflewster replies on Jun 16, 2018:
You sound to me like a very practical agnostic!
If I tell you my best reason for labeling myself as an Agnostic Humanist, will you tell me one ...
nvrnuff comments on Jun 15, 2018:
Because I refuse to wear a "label".A label means nothing.
Mcflewster replies on Jun 16, 2018:
See my reply above . Of course it means nothing permanently but can be useful in certain situations. In fact all political discussion would currently be useless unless Americans had the label Democrat or Republican. It just shows what 'Camp' you are in but of course you can pitch your tent anywhere you like - even to spy on the enemy. It helps in statistics particularly in social sciences where changes in society are being followed.
If I tell you my best reason for labeling myself as an Agnostic Humanist, will you tell me one ...
brentan comments on Jun 15, 2018:
Agnostic Humanist as opposed to what?
Mcflewster replies on Jun 16, 2018:
@thinkingsooner Humanists generally do not like to Evangelise as they know the harm that those who call themselves such, can do but there are other ways of spreading a message which is not Humanistic
If I tell you my best reason for labeling myself as an Agnostic Humanist, will you tell me one ...
brentan comments on Jun 15, 2018:
Agnostic Humanist as opposed to what?
Mcflewster replies on Jun 16, 2018:
Any other TEMPORARY description as a shorthand for what I might believe. You basically know what a Republican will believe or you can predict what reaction a Republican will give to any problem. Labels are not to be thought of as permanent but they do perform a function quite frequently in well described situations . [Like being proud to call oneself an American]
It's humankind's best interest to THINK God/s out of existence
rcandlish comments on Jun 9, 2018:
How can something that doesn't exist in the first place, be thought out of existence. I don't think we need to attempt a mirror reversal of Anselm. I think the best that we can do is demonstrate the logical weakness of the theistic system, and press the apologists to the point of crushing them if ...
Mcflewster replies on Jun 15, 2018:
I think ridicule is disrespectful and is no help in recruiting bystanders . The hard slog of rationality, integrity and logic is all we have.
Anyone had any experience with the challenges and problems of teaching evolution in schools?
wdwyer comments on Jun 9, 2018:
As a physical science teacher, I've not had to deal with this issue, but as a science educator faculty member in teacher education programs, I don't avoid the issue in my science methods courses. I've made it a point to discuss the issue and the correct perspective (that will probably get a comment)...
Mcflewster replies on Jun 15, 2018:
@Heraclitus Theories are Theories wether they are popular or not. It is a stage in the scientific processes between hypothesis and law which explains the connections between reproducible facts. A law is more definite and is more difficult to think up exceptions for but they do happen and so the word theory applies whilst exceptions are being explored. In some cases it hangs around for a long time. "Just a theory" is a put down as it is a natural stage in the progression.
It's humankind's best interest to THINK God/s out of existence
Paul_Clamberer comments on Jun 9, 2018:
Thinking god out of other peoples heads is going to be the tricky part. How do we go about that?
Mcflewster replies on Jun 11, 2018:
We have to promote the many alternatives to religion that exist today and just need spreading
What is the real difference between a child who is capable of trying experiments and innovations and...
Stacey48 comments on Jun 1, 2018:
I work with children from infancy to age 5. It is my understanding that this is where curiosity and approach to learning begins. This has to be a priority throughout childhood. One of the aspects of my work is to help adults, who work with young children, shift their thinking about how young ...
Mcflewster replies on Jun 2, 2018:
We all have to learn how young children learn as this is the only way we will break the cycle of the bad influences of parenthood
Anyone else here involved in ' Street Epistomology' or is this simply an American activity?
Mcflewster comments on May 13, 2018:
Your post led me into a subject I had no idea went on. Thanks for introducing it to me and the site. Do you do this sort of thing?The videos on You tube were the best education in the technique. However I have the same objection to this as to philosophy in general . There are no hard testing points,...
Mcflewster replies on May 22, 2018:
@Flettie " encouraging people to think critically about blind faith in anything" That is the core of everything we should be doing.
Any Humanists amongst us? ://
UncleAlan comments on May 16, 2018:
Yes! Is there a Bournemouth/Christchurch/Poole group, does anyone know?
Mcflewster replies on May 22, 2018:
There is a new REGIONAL grouping of Humanists within Humanist(UK) . It is called South Central England Humanist Network.[SCEHN or SHEN for short]. They have pledged to get a Humanist group in every major town in their area. If a few like thinkers can get together and contact Humanist(UK) they may put your on a priority list for future development and extra resources to your town.
Idea for a new TV show.
Ellatynemouth comments on May 20, 2018:
What's the acronym?
Mcflewster replies on May 21, 2018:
General Data Protection Regulation
Substitutes for religion.
mordant comments on May 10, 2018:
Why is anything needed to stand in for that? Why is an All Seeing Eye needed in the first place?
Mcflewster replies on May 11, 2018:
@mordant I agree with what you say but a lot of people look int the direction of the religions when they grieve and when they have a moral decision to make. My question is how do we get these people to break that link?
Substitutes for religion.
rakuman comments on May 9, 2018:
Just some grubby CCTV operator looking for drunks pissing in the street and calling the cops
Mcflewster replies on May 10, 2018:
A definite possibility would be the politicians answer
Substitutes for religion.
mordant comments on May 10, 2018:
Why is anything needed to stand in for that? Why is an All Seeing Eye needed in the first place?
Mcflewster replies on May 10, 2018:
What I am curious about is how do we substitute for religion's call to be good because of the all seeing power of a god. How will people behave themselves if we (hopefully) remove that call. Just ,for example, with the rule of law? is that sufficient?
What are your thoughts on “You can never be sure 100% that there isn’t a ” Well I’d like ...
NicoleCadmium comments on May 10, 2018:
I'm inclined to agree that you can never be sure. A part of me still ponders that our existence might be part of a failed experiment that's been stuck on a shelf somewhere, while whoever created it goes on to try again (and again and again) to see if they can get it right. I believe there's ...
Mcflewster replies on May 10, 2018:
The surest things in life are that our hundred or so elements that make up all material substances will always react with each other in the way that they do IF they get close enough to each other. However, following a wipe out, it can take other millions of years to return life giving molecules. There may be interjection of life molecules from another planet. What other type of thing do you want science to do
Substitutes for Religious Practices (1) Why wait for religions to decline more ?
skado comments on May 7, 2018:
Yes, anything that has to do with enhancing compassion would be great. Meditation works well, I think, as a form of "prayer", that actually contributes to cognitive development. But a viable substitute will need a heaven surrogate too; a holy grail, an eternal salvation, a nirvana, a spiritual ...
Mcflewster replies on May 9, 2018:
@skado I am just unsure about Nirvana. I agree we should all strive to obtain better minds but to say that we have reached the top of all states of minds would I think be impossible to achieve and prove for a human who has striven for it, making plenty of mistakes on the way. I do not think it could be achieved just by rituals. Keep trying though!.
Just wondering how many post-Christians there are in this group
Mcflewster comments on Apr 23, 2018:
I used confirmation for christianity as a test of god. He failed.
Mcflewster replies on May 9, 2018:
@LenHazell53 Thanks. I knew that quote was somewhere.
There is no agnostic vs. atheist! The peeve I have...
ksmartines comments on May 4, 2018:
Fantastic post! Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed your efforts to educate us with cited sources. I find myself in conflict with fellow agnostics/atheists on many levels. I reject the dogma, I reject the required conformity of religion, but I do believe in the concept of a soul. Not as a religious...
Mcflewster replies on May 8, 2018:
Soul and Spiritual are two words which to me mean mostly "the unexplained" so to that extent they exist. `However do not look for their location in the body except perhaps a small unsatisfied region of the brain.
Substitutes for Religious Practices (1) Why wait for religions to decline more ?
skado comments on May 7, 2018:
Yes, anything that has to do with enhancing compassion would be great. Meditation works well, I think, as a form of "prayer", that actually contributes to cognitive development. But a viable substitute will need a heaven surrogate too; a holy grail, an eternal salvation, a nirvana, a spiritual ...
Mcflewster replies on May 8, 2018:
Meditation is good. I am only thinking of substituting for the things that are part of human nature which happen to get redirected to mythical roots. So holy grail, salvation, nirvana and spiritual liberation have to go. Heaven is something we just have to create here on earth.
Substitutes for Religious Practices (1) Why wait for religions to decline more ?
stinkeye_a comments on May 3, 2018:
Ok. Have fun. I'm not a substituter. I'm a *smash-the-paradigm-that-says-we-need-to-do-this-thing-in-the-first-place*-er. But whatevs. IDC what anyone does as long as they're not being a jerk.
Mcflewster replies on May 6, 2018:
@stinkeye_a Perhaps I am just studying Human nature. I just pain when I think of all those people asking impossible things from something that is not there when they could be talking to real people about possible practical things that would benefit everyone.
I joined this site because there many things to be discovered yet and not to be bothered with ...
Mcflewster comments on Apr 23, 2018:
Being an agnostic means that you are well prepared for anything that may be discovered in the future, All scientists SHOULD be agnostic. Why would you set out to discover anything if you NEW the answer already. All science should be a surprise.
Mcflewster replies on May 5, 2018:
I do know the word should be KNEW
Substitutes for Religious Practices (1) Why wait for religions to decline more ?
LiterateHiker comments on May 3, 2018:
Mountains are my sanctuary. Hiking is a transcendent, uplifting experience for me. From left: Olympic Mountains from the summit of Mt. Townsend, beautiful Spider Meadows, and Pacific Crest Trail above Stevens Pass. Washington State.
Mcflewster replies on May 4, 2018:
They certainly evoke thought. A friend's young son was a mountain guide and tragically committed suicide . He left a collection of wonderful poems about outdoor life which we are trying to get published.
Substitutes for Religious Practices (1) Why wait for religions to decline more ?
pixiedust comments on May 3, 2018:
There are many sympathy and get well cards that are non-religious. I generally use those as well as generic ones for the winter and spring holiday seasons.
Mcflewster replies on May 4, 2018:
Let's hear some of the wording?
Substitutes for Religious Practices (1) Why wait for religions to decline more ?
rogeralyn comments on May 3, 2018:
Check into the Spiritual Naturalist Society. That's what they try to do with things like Drum Circles, Meditation, etc.
Mcflewster replies on May 4, 2018:
This is what I thought some people with more knowledge of spiritualism would answer .. but in more detail??
Substitutes for Religious Practices (1) Why wait for religions to decline more ?
indirect76 comments on May 3, 2018:
Am I the only one who is fine believing or not believing, and doesn’t much care what others believe or have any inclination to try to change minds?
Mcflewster replies on May 4, 2018:
Fine if you want religions to carry on forever.
Substitutes for Religious Practices (1) Why wait for religions to decline more ?
stinkeye_a comments on May 3, 2018:
Ok. Have fun. I'm not a substituter. I'm a *smash-the-paradigm-that-says-we-need-to-do-this-thing-in-the-first-place*-er. But whatevs. IDC what anyone does as long as they're not being a jerk.
Mcflewster replies on May 4, 2018:
This is about "If you are just a jerk see where it has got you , Try a different apoproach.
Substitutes for Religious Practices (1) Why wait for religions to decline more ?
IamNobody comments on May 3, 2018:
We are away from religion for so many reasons, one of them is too much freaking work !!!!!!!!.... Do you realize you're kind of asking the same?????
Mcflewster replies on May 4, 2018:
I am asking the opposite. If you deny the human need for something religious then they will be with us for ever.
So, agnostic to me means doubter, and to doubt something is to question it's validity.
Fibonacci1618 comments on Apr 23, 2018:
My issues with the Atheist that I have come across is just that. Or they project a demeanor of self servering Darwainian mindset of the strong eat the weak.I prefer the term Humanist. Which reflects compassion for each other because doing good is good, for no other reason than just to do good. If ...
Mcflewster replies on May 3, 2018:
@Fibonacci1618 well interpreted!
Can One be religious and Skeptically agnostic?
JoelLovell comments on Apr 21, 2018:
I feel if one is a Christian one must be insufficiently sceptical.
Mcflewster replies on May 2, 2018:
There are groups of practicing Christian priests who are very skeptical but manage to just hold on to their jobs. One is called "The sea of faith" Look it up on google!
Can One be religious and Skeptically agnostic?
atheist comments on Apr 21, 2018:
In order to define what religious means you would first have to define what a religion is! A skeptic is a person who needs sufficient proof in order to accept something as valid! An agnostic is a person who believes in an unknown god! See my posts below! :)
Mcflewster replies on May 2, 2018:
@atheist Best means of survival known to man or beast!
Can One be religious and Skeptically agnostic?
atheist comments on Apr 21, 2018:
In order to define what religious means you would first have to define what a religion is! A skeptic is a person who needs sufficient proof in order to accept something as valid! An agnostic is a person who believes in an unknown god! See my posts below! :)
Mcflewster replies on May 1, 2018:
@atheist I thought it was a statement of facts not necessarily a criticism and what I say does I think apply to all religions . Buddhism of course is generally not considered a religion