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I am a pretty open minded dude, have 4 sisters and a mom, all raving catholics unfortunately. Very well educated, traveled all over the world, name a country or island and I have probably, even likely, been there. I speak 3 languages (English, Spanish and Portuguese), 1 dead language (Latin) and some basic French, Italian and Mandarin (at least enough not go hungry), very liberal, registered independent, hate Trump and whatever he stands for, married in a non monogamous household

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Michael Cohen is testifying today. I found more dirt on tRump
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Those hookers are ugly as fuck!
Funny how these republican Fascists read statements that ask the same questions that are not ...
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Them fuckers cry foul because a proven liar was invited to congress, so why the fuck none of them said shit when an even greater liar was invited to congress to lie even more in the SOTU address???
Not to be the “post police” but please read the group description before posting.
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 2, 2019:
Well fuck me! No, really, someone please fuck me!
Trump Denies Calling Tim Cook ‘Tim Apple.
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 11, 2019:
He lies so much his grip on reality is completely gone to shit.
I thought for a fleeting second that our putz junior Senator here in North Kackalacky had grown a ...
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 14, 2019:
A fucking coward!
Teathugliscums haven't changed:
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Trump Mocks Beto O’Rourke’s ‘Hand Movement’: ‘Is He Crazy?
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 14, 2019:
Is the pope from Argentina?
Are flies attracted to waste matter? Even if it's a Fox news commentator? []
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 16, 2019:
Shit attracts bugs.
one goes up, the other down
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 24, 2019:
Impeach the motherfucker!
I am just curious are there many followers of Bill Maher on here, and is he a leader in his thinking...
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 3, 2019:
Religulous was his creation and that gives him a special place among our community, he's also funny and very popular among pot heads too, his position against islam particularly has enraged many liberals, but overall his fame and popularity are well deserved.
I'll add a bit more from this article: [salon.
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 5, 2019:
Impeach the motherfucker!
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 7, 2019:
I wish she finds Jesus...Jesus Lopez, who has a burro size dick and had several nieces and nephews in the cages she came up with, payback is a bitch!
Oh brother. This was shared 40K times in 2016. smh
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 7, 2019:
Seems like Trump is spelling this meme.
Assortment of what I think are very sensual pics!
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 8, 2019:
A couple more
Trump aide Stephen Miller wants more DHS officials ousted []
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 8, 2019:
This POS Goebbels wannabe is a true Nazi and should have been shunned by any decent american, unfortunately the republicunts have all lost their balls, spines and of course never had decency, so we're fucked until 2020. Hopefully Americans have learnt their lesson, doubt it, but one can hope.
Julian Assange Arrested []
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
loose mouths sink ships
William Barr Accidentally Concedes His Reason for Withholding the Mueller Report Is Baloney By ...
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 11, 2019:
fuck him and all the trump ass kissers, and Impeach the motherfucker already!
Donald encourages law breaking. []
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Impeach the motherfucker!
This is what we're up against for 2020.
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 15, 2019:
it would be stupid to use those scare tactics again because NONE OF THOSE THINGS HAPPENNED and Obama was elected TWICE
I recommend that every man should have a slightly wild and crazy sweetie for great sex and ...
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 17, 2019:
Meet my goth baby.
RNC has released the 2020 platform
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 17, 2019:
Obey Jesus? Why don't you hypocrites do what you preach then: 1. Love Your Enemies! 2.Do unto others whatever you would like them to do unto you. 3. Love your neighbor as yourself. Just obey these 3 things that Jesus said and you will have to start burning your fucking banners.
Observation: Did anyone notice that when Obama was President, Ted Cruz ranted and raved about how ...
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 18, 2019:
Cruz is another spineless self-castrated republicunt who sold his father and wife, both insulted by Trump, to keep his senate seat, becoming right then and there one of the most despicable low lifes ever in the senate, proving one more time to Texans that he's a brownnoser, asskissing eunuch as well as the morons who re-elected him.
I am with my family for the weekend, for my younger brother's graduation.
Mofo1953 comments on May 5, 2019:
go to the church, do not enter, wait for them to come out, follow them to the restaurant, when they are all seated go inside, sit down and eat like nothing happened.
How Can We Create Inclusive Community?
Mofo1953 comments on May 7, 2019:
Since you are a "buddhist" why not mingle with other buddhists.
Maybe this is a wierd question.
Mofo1953 comments on May 11, 2019:
My decision to eschew all religious brainwashing out of my mind and reject all religions came naturally and logically for me after examining all the evidence, reading all the religious books and seeing how riduculous and detestable they all are. But it was a personal decision. Nobody has, in my family, disowned me or rejected me, they are all raving catholics, but they have never given me any sign of scorn or rejection, except for the typical eye rolling whenever I am forced to express my disapproval of some of the hypocritical things I see. Homosexuals were born that way and have no choice in the way they are, ignorant people and religious fanatics are constantly attacking them, it is definitely much tougher for them.
Well how about we post sexy classy pix of ourselves.
Mofo1953 comments on May 18, 2019:
Great idea, although I don't think anybody here wants to see me in a sexy pose, but I would LOVE to see many of the ladies who post here.
Trump's POS Maid
Mofo1953 comments on May 26, 2019:
whenever i see her ugly mug I always retch! see, there I go again, yech!!!
Lindsey Graham said if the House voted for impeachment, the tRumpthuglicans in the Senate would ...
Mofo1953 comments on May 28, 2019:
Fuck them all!!!
This is a link to an Op-Ed by Marie Yovanovitch.
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 7, 2020:
Agree 100%.
trump just had Lt.
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 8, 2020:
Trump is the worst kind of thug, the vengeful one. I hope the vets that still support him will now realize that this draft dodger coward has no honor, the military are just crap to him, Vindman is a very honorable officer who defended the constitution that he swore to defend and yet he's thrown out unceremoniously. Other armies in the world would do a coup just for this, we will not do that, but the military should protest and strongly at that!
The retribution has begun.
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 8, 2020:
Trump is the worst kind of thug, the vengeful one. I hope the vets that still support him will now realize that this draft dodger coward has no honor, the military are just crap to him, Vindman is a very honorable officer who defended the constitution that he swore to defend and yet he's thrown out unceremoniously. Other armies in the world would do a coup just for this, we will not do that, but the military should protest and strongly at that!
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 8, 2020:
he was not the whistleblower, he just answered a subpoena from congress, whistleblowers are protected.
Oval Office Fumigated After Complaints Of Overwhelming Smell Of Bullshit ...
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 9, 2020:
I wish it wasn't satire.
A little Moscow Mitch and Moscow Bitch
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 10, 2020:
Most fun headline for a Monday morning.
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 10, 2020:
The orange turd isn't fit to even be a crab in Melania's pubes, or a dingleberry in Ivanka's ass, much less to put his disgusting treasonous ass in the same sentence with a superior President, intelect, scholar and overall decent and compassionate human being like Obama.
This is the type of thing I hear over and over.
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 15, 2020:
All made up crap by the media who is owned by oligarchs, fueled by the lobbyists, pharmas, oil companies, etc. that are scared to death of Bernie being so popular and respected and be the front runner of dems. They do this propaganda to influence the easily scared and the gullible. But most americans know who Bernie is and don't fall for the crap and the blatant lies of all the main stream media. Follow the money.
I remember hearing about this before. Happy to know it hasn't gone away. []
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 16, 2020:
Another stripe for the orange zebra
My stepson's wife posted this in Facebook.
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 17, 2020:
I would disown my stepson for marrying a stupid woman who is delusional.
Donald Trump’s Vocabulary ‘Deteriorating’; POTUS Could Be Suffering From Neurodegenerative ...
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 17, 2020:
How can one tell if all he speaks is a lot of blabbering nonsense?
Trump Pardons Childhood Friend, Hannibal Lecter []
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
Funny satire.
I am very depressed.
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 19, 2020:
Biden did it to himself with his gaffes and living in the glasshouse of his son Hunter.
Trump Admin Offered Assange US Pardon if He Cleared Russia Lawyers for Julian Assange say he ...
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 20, 2020:
The turd is as corrupt as a mob boss, not surprising at all.
This administration
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 20, 2020:
Very true and it pisses me off!
State/church separation dealt major blow in 11th Circuit cross ruling - Freedom From Religion ...
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 20, 2020:
If it is recognized as a "neutral symbol" then christians should not bitch if the cross is used by owners as a neutral tree where we can take our dogs to shit and pee as they wish.
Traditional burials are hugely wasteful and toxic, while cremation uses lots of fuel, emits vast ...
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 21, 2020:
Why not just power the cremators with either solar or wind energy instead of fuel?
My mom's concern for me and my husband's atheism.
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 23, 2020:
Typical words from a brainwashed christian, delusion and denial coupled with a dose of contemt. I will pray for you. Typical. Sorry for your loss.
Another important supporter has his say..
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 25, 2020:
Good riddance!!!
Yes truly screwed
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Damn, we are really screwed!
Does anyone belong to the Humanist Association of America?
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 27, 2020:
No, because I believe in Groucho's philosophy: I would never join a group that would accept people like me!
Don Jr Accuses Democrats of Hoping Coronavirus Kills Millions Donald Trump Jr appeared on Fox &...
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 29, 2020:
not millions, just the Orange Turd's family
Breaking news...pence approved!!!!
Mofo1953 comments on Feb 29, 2020:
THE FLUS WILL NOT REPLACE US! (stolen from Bill Maher)
Is It Just Me?
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 1, 2020:
It ain't just you!
Okay, this just made me spit my water all over my monitor. LOL I am easily amused.
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Best teraphy to revive comatose peeps!
Trump misidentifies first US coronavirus fatality
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 2, 2020:
He's an ass!
Trump faces a coronavirus threat. Let’s look back at his Ebola tweets. - Vox
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Every fucking minute of each day he stays in the WH is an affront to decency. Blue wave in November, turn the senate, keep congress or expand majority so that we can lock this POS up.
🐷 Trump says corona virus is minor compared to the flu.
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Trump and thought do not belong in the same sentence.
Religious figures blame LGBT+ people for coronavirus
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Fucking morons!
I don't know about you...
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Hey Trump!!!
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 13, 2020:
No and no, he's a fucking moron bordering on imbecile.
Poll Shows Nearly Two-Thirds Of White Evangelicals See Donald Trump As ‘Honest’ And ‘Morally ...
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 13, 2020:
Religious to the extreme people ain't known for being the sharpest tools in the shed.
Donald Trump Tried To Purchase Exclusive Rights To A Coronavirus Vaccine, Report Says
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Wouldn't surprise me!
National day of pray?
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Everybody knows prayer works 100% of the time...nod nod wink wink.
Struggling with hell/satan/evil stuff.
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 16, 2020:
You either believe in bullshit or you don't, up to you.
News update: we can all relax now because the Buck-passes-through-here-and-lands-on-Obama-in-chief ...
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 16, 2020:
Some idiot sent me a politifacts link where they claim that technically Trump didn't fire them in 2018 but that they resigned en masse a day after a member declared on TV that a flu pandemic was inevitable. Trump just didn't replace them, until now and tried to defund the CDC several times untill congress refunded everything. My response was, how about I do not fire the nanny supposed to take care of my newborn, but not replace her for 2 years? Would that make me a great dad?
To give him credit, for once he's right.
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 18, 2020:
Well, technically he is right. But intellectually, he's a fucking moron!
Listening to today's press conference.
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 20, 2020:
It's sickening to see and hear this like if we were in North Korea, everybody starts sentences saying thanks to the effort of our leader. Barf!
I wonder after seeing Poltergeist...
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 20, 2020:
Bullshit is bullshit.
Hit the nail on the head!!!!
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 21, 2020:
Where's the masking tape when one needs it dammit!!!
While everything is taken place in the world right now, how many of you have starting talking to ...
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 21, 2020:
You're kidding right?
and here i sit, age 75, a smoker with a history of a heart attack and with copd, and to be truthful,...
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 22, 2020:
I'm not giving up, I will do my utmost to vote him the fuck out!!! In fact, I've volunteered to help registering to vote in FL and to drive people to vote on election day.
Social distancing sucks !!! I need a HUG !!!
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 22, 2020:
Cough, cough, sniff, sniff, ok!
Go back to work special....BoGo!!!!
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 26, 2020:
Made in China!
I have seen the ultimate now. They are putting Bible verses on surgical masks. Are you kidding me?
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 26, 2020:
Stupidity knows no bounds!
We know what we are united AGAINST: Trump and his GOP. Do we know what are we united FOR?
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 27, 2020:
Too many objectives is like two many cooks in a kitchen, totally futile. Main objective should be to remove all republicans from power and replace them with a blue wave. Period.
Someone needs to reassure Sean Hannity ...[]
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Did he say this while sticking his head out of Trump's ass?
Another one bites the dust.
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 28, 2020:
How so?
The Inquisition from a Catholic perspective.[]
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 29, 2020:
What a load of crap written with a positive spin almost like a justification for this criminal organization, typical catholic propaganda.
Trump Boasts of Coronavirus TV Ratings as Fauci Warns: 200,000 People Could Die in U.
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 29, 2020:
So what else is new with our egomaniacal heartless narcissist in chief?
Hey everyone, I'd love to get your opinion here.
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 2, 2020:
And we should care because?
Colorado AG steps in after Hobby Lobby defies COVID-19 stay-at-home order
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 3, 2020:
what is it with these religious freaks?
The Americans defying Palm Sunday quarantines: "Satan's trying to keep us apart"
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 5, 2020:
Let them die for all I care!
Chelsea Clinton’s Subtweet Of Jared Kushner Echos Critics Asking How He’s Qualified To Fight ...
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 6, 2020:
Kushner is a slum lord corrupt piece of shit that is fully qualified to be a crook and a scammer like his father in law/co-hubby, Netflix is showing Dirty Money which dedicated a whole episode exposing his corrupt talents and lack of ethics, a product of the turd's nepotism who has been put to advise in issues that he's not qualified for only because he fucks Ivanka, that other lying bitch. All that family should be jailed for murdering people via covid19 terrible handling of something they are not qualified for.
the whole world saw the Bengazhi/Email investigations for what they were - an utter sham.
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 11, 2020:
As usual, Obama did do it but the orange turd and republicans just fill their bird brains with crap and not facts. See video.
This sums it up in a nutshell....
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 11, 2020:
I'd say: you first!
Sandy sez hi! Something is wrong, puc is in bottom comment.
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 14, 2020:
Sandy says HI!
Pat Robertson: God May Have Created the Earth in Six “Universal” Days | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 15, 2020:
That's some galactic bullshit!
ok this pandemic must be that god is really pissed at mankind.
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 15, 2020:
You want logic from trumpers and christians?
this could help: []
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 16, 2020:
The Lincoln Project ads are quite devastating against Trump.
Saw this on Facebook.
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 16, 2020:
The truth that all religions are bullshit.
Have you wondered if perhaps the godbotherers of the US love trump because he does truly represent ...
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 17, 2020:
I think is directly proportional to their level of stupidity. The more stupid the more trumper.
Here's a bit from todays column... I'm having a deja vu again, are you?
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 17, 2020:
Trump "Victory Lap!" []
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 18, 2020:
I'm going to be....
Shockingly, the Four White Women Who Named Themselves the 'Conservative Squad' Have Run Into Some ...
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 18, 2020:
You need more than zero charisma to run for office.
I was over on the r/debateanatheist subreddit and formulated a lengthy and thoughtful response to a ...
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 18, 2020:
Lost interest in mid first paragraph. Perhaps the secret to your blockage from other group is not much of a secret: "Brevity is the soul of wit." Shakespeare.
While Melania is off vacationing again, here's what Michelle Obama has been doing.
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 21, 2020:
Michelle was a classy first lady, Melania is a crass first lady wannabe.
So much for trump's miracle cure. []
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 21, 2020:
what do you have to lose, besides your life? what a stupid moron!
Trump and Fox Now Both Silent on Miracle Cure Drug They Promoted Both President Trump and a ...
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 23, 2020:
Hope any victim or family of victims sue the crap out of trump for saying take it, what do you have to lose?
Trump Floats Treating COVID-19 Patients with Disinfectant Injections and Light Fresh off of ...
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 24, 2020:
I hope he decides to back his imbecilic theory by injecting himself in public with some clorox.
This fuckwit needs to be ousted RIGHT NOW! []
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 24, 2020:
why didn't he demonstrate his theory on himself?
Mat Staver: Church Lockdowns Are “Targeting” Christians Like Nazis Targeted Jews | Beth ...
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Darwin continues to be proven right by the idiot followers.


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Atheist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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