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Pursuing a Vaccination: A Trump Parody If you get the message "Video Unavailable" click on ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 18, 2020:
Video not available.
Running From Trump! []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 18, 2020:
Too late to develop balls, dudes!
Wear a Damn Mask! Love it! []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 18, 2020:
Very cool and well done!
Is there a solution?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 18, 2020:
There is no christ and evidently no antichrist, what we have here is a psychopath, want to do a list? Do a real one, I believe the turd has 33 of not more than 38 traits of psychopaths.
As an atheist, i've been thinking about this for a while now.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 18, 2020:
Unfortunately, religious brainwashing is powerful from all religions.
Who believes in the Scientific Big Bang myth?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 18, 2020:
Are you a cosmologist? What are your credentials as a scientist to come up with such a ridiculous poll? There is plenty of evidence to suggest a singularity event, the article you post never uses the word myth, and it even clarifies that the alternative hypothesis lacks any mathematical evidence. To make such a preposterous claim that a theory which is accepted by all cosmologists as the singularity being the most likely scenario, and there is plenty of evidence to support this hypothesis corroborated with mathematical models, is a "myth" is just irresponsible and a feeble attempt at pretending to sound sane.
Bill Maher Says Amy Coney Barrett Should Be Attacked Over Religion Because ‘Being Nuts Is ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 18, 2020:
He makes a very valid point.
Once I said to a dear Christian friend: “Suppose there really is no God, and suppose I had it ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 18, 2020:
No it wouldn't. Golden rule dude. Do unto others...they have no qualms in the reverse situation.
Christian “Prophetess”: I Can Draw God “Because of My Photographic Memory” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 17, 2020:
Atheists Call for Removal of Jesus Painting from Shreveport (LA) Police Dept.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 17, 2020:
Fuck that shit. Why not show other fake deities then? Thor comes to mind.
Who has Chump-supporting Farcebook friends?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 17, 2020:
if they can believe this crap despite kelly being way too young and the boy 17 while she was picking up hitchhikers when the turd is the oldest president ever elected to office, then these idiots are not really idiots, I would classify them more akin to cretins
I figure it's all about equal.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 17, 2020:
why do some people assume that non believers "follow satan"? that is just bullshit, non believers do not follow anything except logic, evidence and reason
I am curious of anyone in the group participates in or is familiar with the kink of Cuckolding?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 17, 2020:
Not many republicans here.
Sounds Like Excellent News: []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 17, 2020:
Typical trumper terrorists.
This is my work world, it’s the kind of view I have for eight to twelve hours a day.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
Professional nerd?
Teacher decapitated in France after showing Mohammed cartoons
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
islam, the religion of peace...a piece of flesh here and a piece more there!
Tim Wildmon: Liberals Want to “Close Down Every Christian Church in America” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
i want to close down all religions' churches, not just christian, but I can't, these fuckers with their woe is me victim attitude should at least pay taxes dammit!
Rudy is the fool Who is the Big Fool's Lawyer? Way to Go! []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
So what else is new?
Someone Reported a Sleeping Homeless Man on a Bench.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
Did he offer to suck cock for some meth?
A Wisconsin Man is Angry the Mayor of Ashland Skipped “Under God” in the Pledge | Hemant Mehta |...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
Good for her.
Residents of Small Minnesota Town Push Back Against Possible Whites-Only Church | Hemant Mehta | ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
“Bio:  Daniel Lev Shkolnik is a Humanist speaker and community organizer.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
Spirituality = BULLSHIT!
Michele Bachmann: Climate Change is a Hoax; “God Says We Will Never Be Flooded” | Hemant Mehta ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
Bat shit crazy Bachmann.
Time to congratulate a religious organization! While many churches are holding 'in person" ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
Fuck all churches and all religions!
I wanted to watch Biden speak last night.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
Silly? Wow. Understatement of the century. The turd is a psychopathic liar and a disastrous con man, science denier and remoreseless conspiracy theorist, aside from being a fucking racist, traitor and overall corrupt tyrant wannabe.
Merry Meet
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
The Lincoln Project presents our music video for "Commander in Chief" by Demi Lovato ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
Demi Lovato's song is amazingly accurate and true.
Savannah Guthrie had a real Trump Pinata. []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
I did not see NBC as a matter of principle and also because I can't stand seeing and hearing the lying turd for even 1 nano second.
They fixed Don Jr’s crazy ad: []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
What a douche, can't stand seeing any of them one single second, and I mean any of that corrupt entire family unless they all go to prison, that is something I will see gladly.
Nose Browning Corporation: []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
I didn't watch nbc as a matter of rejection to a stupid decision and also because I can't stand to see the lying turd spew his vitriol.
Antiabortion groups don't mind Trump used drug tested on fetal tissue - Business Insider
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
Hypocrits, abortionists don't give a shit about truth or even human beings that are already born.
Rudy Giuliani’s Daughter Caroline on Voting for Joe Biden | Vanity Fair
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 16, 2020:
Good for her.
I’d like to get members opinions and thoughts and feelings about agnostic theists; of which I am ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Fuck that shit!
Video Shows Conservatives Being Told Not To Fear 'Voter Suppressor' Label: Report These idiots ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Fuck all of them!
Trump's Aparatchick Nunes Must Go! []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
That asshole Nunes is such a brown noser!
Chinga tu pelo. You won't find the translation in textbook/classroom Spanish.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Chinga is mexican slang for fuck, tu pelo ia regular spanish and means "your hair" so basically the message is fuck your hair!
COVID Cases on the Rise at “Christian Hogwarts” School in Redding, CA | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Expecto covidius!
Christian Debater Gets Outwitted by an Eighth Grade Atheist | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Good thing he's not debating a catholic priest or he could have been molested.
This morning at work I was asked if I knew what the wages of sin was.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
I thought these wages were $7.50/hour
Does my heart good
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Great addition to a stupid sign!
An 11 minute, TED talk on female sexuality that I found interesting.. []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Which part and why is this posted in sexual deviants?
Billboard Warns Iowans That Trump Rally Will Be ‘COVID Superspreader Event []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Great sign!
Throughout my life, I've had to slowly learn that Perfection doesn't exist.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Of course he never makes mistakes, like forgetting to create a female in the beginning or letting the world be full of hunger, injustice and despair, among other whopper of mistakes, he is perfection personified. If you believe that I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'm selling very cheap.
Angry Christian Mom Condemns “Irresponsible and Offensive” Hot Sauce Ad | Hemant Mehta | ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
I don't even like Frank's Hot Sauce. Not hot enough for me.
Pope Francis assures atheists: You don’t have to believe in God to go to heaven | The Independent ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
If the pope says it, then it must be true. But he forgot to mention that you must also molest altar boys in order to be heaven wotthy. I will pass, though.
This Incredible Document Explains How Faith-Based Policies Affect Every State | Hemant Mehta | ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
What is incredible about it? I find it absolutely credible.
Kenneth Copeland: “Lazy Christians” Are Why Michele Bachmann Isn’t President | Hemant Mehta | ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Of course, has nothing to do with her being bat shit crazy.
AZ Teacher Fired After Repeated Acts of Bigotry Against LGBTQ, Atheist Students | Hemant Mehta | ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
All religious fanatics are brainwashed to the nth degree and should never proselytize.
It’s interesting how you can react to the same thing differently at different stages in your life.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Fuck all religions, they all suck!
Who here is interested in Norse mythology aka the Viking religion.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
I am interested in history, myths are part of history.
"If faith is truth without proof, how does anyone come to any conclusion when every conceivable ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 15, 2020:
You start with a false premise, faith is not about truth, it is about belief. There is only one truth. The one that is proven with facts amd evidence. Faith is to believe in something without any evidence, facts or science whatsoever.
Is there anything in this submission about atheism that is not covered by science ?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 14, 2020:
Not much.
Guess she came on high tide!
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 14, 2020:
Are you black?
The Ethical Barr! []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 14, 2020:
My pizza is sacred...not giving that up.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 14, 2020:
California Pizza Kitchen filed for bancruptcy in July, will close more than 50% of units.
why does all religion want your hard earned cash when they don't do anything to deserve it....
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Georhe Carlin might explain better
I have a friend that constantly says.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 13, 2020:
it makes as much sense as saying that the pope is from argentina, oh wait...
More proof that there did not need to be a god involved to create life.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 13, 2020:
of course there has to be to create life, i say it all the time when I'm ejaculating and so does the female when she's coming, oh god, oh god
Perhaps we should all paint ourselves orange?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 13, 2020:
If he was wearing these masks, the idiots who take them are suckers
I'm listening to the Supreme Court confirmation hearings.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 13, 2020:
It would not be the first time appointees have blatantly lied to get confirmed. You never judge people by their words, you judge them by their deeds and her deeds are pretty damning. I am not that naive or stupid to believe what any appointees say.
I do this all the time.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 13, 2020:
You are just hurting yourself. Why be mad at something that does not even exist?
I am not a religious person, I don't give a damn about religions but .
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 13, 2020:
By your comment, it seems like you do give enough "damn" to be concerned about what other people think.
How many members were reared religious vs not religious?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 12, 2020:
I'm not a cat either
Every so often, when I bite into a perfectly ripe fresh fig, I start to believe there might be a ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 12, 2020:
I am more of an oh god, but only when I am coming
"Lord of the Flies" Time, Indeed! []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 12, 2020:
right, because he filled the swamp with more swamp monsters like his billionaire cronies and other enablers from the lobbying corrupt asshole industry
Cardinal George Pell meets Pope Francis for first time since acquittal []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 12, 2020:
and to celebrate they fondled the altar boy
Evangelical leaders like Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell Sr.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 12, 2020:
sure, it's part of the war against christmas
This is what happens when you have a country where most of the population is poorly educated, and ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Hey, what the heck do you have against America dammit!
How will I know if my brain is in a jar on someones desk and this is a simulated reality?
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 12, 2020:
Easy, you marry the world's greatest Neurosurgeon, Doctor Michael Hfuhruhurr.
Carlo Acutis: Italian teenager could be first millennial saint []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 12, 2020:
i will now call his name Oh Carlo, instead of oh, god everytime i cum watching internet porno!
What a difference make up and hair present verses just el natural.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 12, 2020:
is there a difference? all i see is a turd in both cases
From the Huffington Post: "In a series of phone calls, President Donald Trump floated a bizarre ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 12, 2020:
if he did that we would see his boobs
WHO does Voter Fraud? []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 12, 2020:
fucking cheaters
He's complicit
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 12, 2020:
no shit, Sherlock!
You better believe I would
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 12, 2020:
That spud has more brains than the turd.
Christian Preacher Sean Feucht Holds COVID Super-Spreader Concert in Nashville | Hemant Mehta | ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 12, 2020:
I say great! If they ain't fit, let them eat shit!
A Trip Through The Erotic Thriller Donald Trump Wrote []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 11, 2020:
The turd and the verb to write in the same sentence can't be true.
Truth. 😂😂😂😂
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 11, 2020:
And also expect a lot of animal shit!
Why I see Evangelical Christianity and the Republican Party as the same thing, synonymous even.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 10, 2020:
Both are full of shit!
Priest caught having threesome on altar.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 10, 2020:
This was posted before, my comment was "talk about the second coming!"
Day of the Girl Child I used to say I was sorry compulsively, like all the time.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 10, 2020:
I'm sorry you're sorry.
Republican Religion []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 10, 2020:
Religious imbeciles!
Judge: NY Can Restrict Worship to Limit COVID, Despite Orthodox Jews’ Complaints | Hemant Mehta | ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 10, 2020:
Fuck all religions! Their followers are all brainwashed assholes!
It’s True, Dogma Lives Loudly within Judge Barrett -
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 10, 2020:
She's a religious nut case!
Christian Activist: Let’s Show Love By Putting a “Noose around Hillary’s Neck” | Hemant ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 10, 2020:
These assholes are fixated and obsessed with Hillary, qanon in da church?
Rick Wiles Blames Gov.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 10, 2020:
Typical asshole, blame the victim.
Can he get any more revolting? Steroid cheeks?🤢🤮 []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 10, 2020:
The turd has gone bonkers, he should be removed asap for being unstable and a danger to the country, in the Maria Bartiromo interview he wanted Obama, Biden and the Clintons arrested, called Kamala Harris a monter and a communist. This is no joke anymore, 25th amendment proceedings Pelosi!!!
Now this cover covers it all really!
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 10, 2020:
a fat fuck as superman, please!
Trump's public lands chief refuses to leave his post despite judge's order [theguardian.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 10, 2020:
prison for contempt dammit!
This is much more "interesting" Mythology! [en.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 10, 2020:
i need some goose eggs dammit!
Atheists sneaking into churches and putting googly eyes on all the Christs.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 10, 2020:
i cannot tell a lie, it was me dammit!
Bohemian Rhapsody gets new American/Christian lyrics! []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 10, 2020:
Beelzebub should fuck this imbecile Kemp in the ass and Queen should sue them!
AT&T plans thousands of layoffs at HBO, Warner Bros.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 10, 2020:
incredible, i thought the media were actually the most profitable due to people calling more, watching more tv, etc
Hello, Newman.... []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 10, 2020:
You reap what you sow! []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 10, 2020:
Cruz is even a worse spineless ass kisser and boot licker than Rubio, if that can even be possible!
This Might Be the Last Straw, Even the Last Gasp for Donny! []
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 9, 2020:
hoarse or jackass?
MAGA-Crazy Retirement Village Now Fears Covid - and Pence [thedailybeast.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 9, 2020:
I have to be honest.
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 9, 2020:
good for you
Some of you may think I’m “nutty”, but I thought I’d share this here anyways for those that ...
Mofo1953 comments on Oct 9, 2020:
in many states like Kansas, Arkansas, etc. people eat roadkill, why?


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Atheist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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