8 Like Show
Guinea pigs. They're not just for eating anymore.
Kissing under the cameltoe, jingle all the way, yule logs and stocking stuffers.
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2021:
Once a year? Terrific. Just how do I mean that?
Mooolah replies on Sep 10, 2021:
@QuidamOutrepont Maybe for some. But most women don't have as much testosterone to need it every day. They there are others who do Especially in puberty. Where that glove jkids.
I had a few of these when I was married..
Mooolah comments on Aug 27, 2021:
=0{ Why I strike first.
Mooolah replies on Sep 10, 2021:
@Killtheskyfairy You need a what I call an "equalizer". Baseball bats are a good choice. I only had to use it once on a wall to convince him to back off or..... I am so sorry for your experience. I was raised to defend myself.
Uhhh I think that would be cool like……for……picking up chicks and stuff…..huhhuh huhhuh.
Mooolah comments on Aug 28, 2021:
So good. As a woman I wasn't into B&B as I was surrounded by them in the world of employment. I so get the humor, but I need a break from that world. Pay & benefits parity for equal work kept me tethered to an atmosphere much as a men's locker room. Women! You have no idea how "they" act when you ...
Mooolah replies on Sep 10, 2021:
@AnneWimsey I so wanted their spouse to know how they acted when their "keepers" weren't around. Imprinted with boys at an early age I was able to negotiate my way with using their quips & foulness against them. After my 90 day probationary period proving that a 5' woman could do the job & did not diminish their prowess as a man, they got the verbal reaming if they ever touched me again or spoke of my genitals in any way. So they just did it when i wasn't there. Now they do it to someone else but there are at least some laws on the books. You & I had to do it on our own. The details can be harrowing. Stay strong sister!
A lucky escape? Would you do this?
Mooolah comments on Aug 29, 2021:
Your source is Russia Today which serves to manipulate the USA. With emotion they will try to encourage people to frequent their site. Anything from them is always questionable. Tho this may be a true story, I would trust them as far as I could toss a grand piano.
Mooolah replies on Sep 10, 2021:
@FrayedBear Crosscheck with reliable sources. VICE, Mother Jones, The Nation, The New Republic. Al Jazeera, BBC, Telemundo, Alec Jones. =0} They know how Americans love our animals. They manipulate, entice, & trick with KGB aplomb.
Now departing Tex-astan Nick Anderson Editorial Cartoons
Mooolah comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Get it over with and declare women illegal.
Mooolah replies on Sep 10, 2021:
@creative51 A lot of the Texas vote on the abortion issue are the poor, Chicana Catholic vote primarily along the border encompassing El Paso (the path/pass/way). Voters of one issue. The belief that a fertilized egg is a human with a soul. These, of poorest voters went for You-Know-Who. The representative district is 750 miles long. Elected the only black Republican in the House.
How elite US institutions created Afghanistan’s neoliberal President Ashraf Ghani, who stole $169 ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 4, 2021:
No surprise, but much to involved for the average Honey Boo Boo / Kardashian fans. History repeating itself. Only the names of the countries change. We are doomed unless we evolve. The high school drop outs, pregnant students, & poor grade attainers that I went to high school with all supported you...
Mooolah replies on Sep 10, 2021:
@William_Mary I went to the nation's best high school according to Time magazine. Those that did not take the opportunity to use that as a way to live successfully are responsible. Black kids living in Chicago would use grandma's address in this town in order to glean this successful educational offering. Those that were fans of said tv program "types" did not succeed other than by getting pregnant prematurely, not graduating, Choice! Choice to figure out a manner by which to excel anyway despite the culture. TLC depicts little of learning other than Dr. Pimple Popper. Youtube has levelled the playing field but it is tainted by the Alex Jones aficionados. Your point is well taken but we can steriotype as that is the basis of comedy. Those that make poor decisions must bear consequences. What those are varies from culture to culture. In North Korea the consequences for taking a public poster down can cost one their life. Make good choices. Learn from others. Do better.
What's it all about?
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 5, 2021:
Probably is. The admin. is no longer around and there appear to be no signs that anyone is maintaining the site's functioning.
Mooolah replies on Sep 10, 2021:
I can hear them now "phuque those Libtards! let them run it." I wonder how SLUG is doing. Haven't been there lately. Too many religiosos.
Another wise man....
Mooolah comments on Sep 9, 2021:
Was Colonel Sanders in business back in Samuel Clemens time?
Mooolah replies on Sep 10, 2021:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I missed the parody as people believe what they read on the internet. Watch. Some one will go with this as a quote. Thus history is rewritten & accuracy goes out with the bath water again. Mixed metaphor?
Yeah, how do you do it? I'm sure there are different ways to get to the same result.
KateOahu comments on Sep 8, 2021:
I add 30 to 47 and subtract 2. And THAT was “new math” when I learned it.
Mooolah replies on Sep 10, 2021:
@MsKathleen If only they had permitted me to use my fingers.
Yeah, how do you do it? I'm sure there are different ways to get to the same result.
Mooolah comments on Sep 8, 2021:
7+8=15 carry 1. 4+2=6+1=7. 75
Mooolah replies on Sep 10, 2021:
This is why I did not do well on math. It was never taught to me thin the manner that you folks have taught me. Thanks everyone. I got it at last. Yay! Open the champagne.
Read what an American reporter thinks of Australia today and published in RT.
Mooolah comments on Sep 8, 2021:
RT is RUSSIA TODAY. A propaganda outlet for PUTIN the POISONER. Believe nothing from this very poor source. Thank you.
Mooolah replies on Sep 10, 2021:
A broken watch never tells the time correctly. It is broken. RT publishes what Putin permits them to publish from anywhere. Americans can be traitors also.
Asian giant hornet nest destroyed in Washington state
Druvius comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Like as in glad the nest was found and destroyed. Wouldn't be the end of the world if they got established here, African killer bees didn't end the world, but all things considered hopefully they won't.
Mooolah replies on Sep 10, 2021:
Only because they cannot take the cold. Fire ants & termites are moving North with climate change. Those of us in rural areas see it in the change in wildlife including plants & insects.
Progressives, socialists & Black Lives Matter can not accept members for what reason?
AnneWimsey comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Ummmm, what?
Mooolah replies on Sep 10, 2021:
@AnneWimsey But not for me. Not available. Oh well. Their loss.
Another wise man....
Mooolah comments on Sep 9, 2021:
Was Colonel Sanders in business back in Samuel Clemens time?
Mooolah replies on Sep 9, 2021:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Yeah. "most". But not me. so this post needs an edit or it really is FAKE NEWS.
All they need is I I Duce (Mussolini).
BirdMan1 comments on Sep 8, 2021:
I don't know where you fund this, but it is marvelous! Whaco Central! QShaman has quited down a good deal, since finding a new prison.
Mooolah replies on Sep 8, 2021:
The "insurrection shaman" is back on his meds. Was disappointed that President Grifter did not come to his aid. He is not invited to the August 24th President Grifter's 2nd inaugural festivities. What day is this again? =0}
Lest We Forget: []
Killtheskyfairy comments on Sep 4, 2021:
The wheels of justice turn slowly..
Mooolah replies on Sep 4, 2021:
@phxbillcee Live long enough and history bends towards justice
I totally agree….
Mooolah comments on Aug 30, 2021:
What is your record of successful predictions Mr. Lewis? I do hope it is a very poor one.
Mooolah replies on Aug 30, 2021:
@LenHazell53 History repeats itself unless one learns from it. Large masses of people learn slowly.
Progressives, socialists & Black Lives Matter can not accept members for what reason?
AnneWimsey comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Ummmm, what?
Mooolah replies on Aug 28, 2021:
Can't join. Can't comment. But I am not blocked. 'Sup wit 'dat?
CourtJester comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Free is free. You’re free to get a vaccine or not and deal with the consequences of either. If you tools really trusted your vaccines, you wouldn’t care at all.
Mooolah replies on Aug 28, 2021:
Oh now that makes sense. Typhoid Mary was arrested. You do not have the freedom to force me to inhale YOUR 2nd hand smoke or the virus YOU ARE Carrying, spewing onto the helpless. Go and jest at a super spreader . So annoying.
Anyone up for Fantasy Football?
Mooolah comments on Aug 27, 2021:
I stopped watching when Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy became apparent. However as an owner, I kept writing the Greenbay Packers to HIRE KAEPERNIK ! Since when is taking a knee disrespectful? Some men do it upon a marriage proposal. The religious do it. The Queen knights folks on their knee. Stop...
Mooolah replies on Aug 28, 2021:
@marmot84 Same reason I stopped watching boxing. I enjoy pugilist sport but the residual effects must be reduced in order for me not to see every hit as a brain injury. And I am an owner of the Greenbay Packers. I prompted them to hire Kaepernick. So much for my influence.
South Dakota AG gets fines, no jail time in pedestrian death
Heavykevy1985 comments on Aug 27, 2021:
Unless he was drunk, it was an accident. Other than a civil suit, not much can be done
Mooolah replies on Aug 27, 2021:
How the incident is handled post accident, is relevant. Lying to cover it up. He saved SD $ by pleading no contest & was rewarded for it. Not justice in my world.
Outside my bedroom window I have put up a bird feeder.
Fernapple comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Photo would be nice ?
Mooolah replies on Aug 26, 2021:
@Fernapple That is true also, but only if one has friends.
What went wrong in Floriduh? Duh! De Santis was elected governor. []
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Why does Floriduh remain so Repudliklan?
Mooolah replies on Aug 26, 2021:
@BirdMan1 Many emancipated slaves took presidents names as well as their former "owners" as they had no last names when freed. I am surprised about the name Johnson tho. Scandinavian mostly.
The 40-year-old state senator from De Pere has six children Republican Sen.
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Obesity reduces the odds of surviving this virus. Medical personnel can not find veins, can't get the ventilator tube down the throat, can't roll them over etc.
Mooolah replies on Aug 26, 2021:
@BirdMan1 Hey! Stop picking on us ugly people. Joseph Merrick was a kindly man.
dalefvictor comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Glad I do not live in South Dakota, land of the free home of the almost dead.
Mooolah replies on Aug 26, 2021:
There are so few people in the Dakotas, can they really afford to lose so many RepudliKLANS?
barjoe comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Fake? According to who?
Mooolah replies on Aug 26, 2021:
Please note comment in parentheses.
What went wrong in Floriduh? Duh! De Santis was elected governor. []
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Why does Floriduh remain so Repudliklan?
Mooolah replies on Aug 26, 2021:
@Mofo1953 Got it.
What went wrong in Floriduh? Duh! De Santis was elected governor. []
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Why does Floriduh remain so Repudliklan?
Mooolah replies on Aug 26, 2021:
@Mofo1953 I'm asking? What is wrong down there? The heat?
The Ring of Fire - Trump Supporters Go Nuts After Arizona Ballot Audit Delayed Following COVID ...
Killtheskyfairy comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Go nuts? What does that look like when they are nuts by definition?
Mooolah replies on Aug 26, 2021:
Took the words WRITE out of my fingers.
Outside my bedroom window I have put up a bird feeder.
Fernapple comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Photo would be nice ?
Mooolah replies on Aug 26, 2021:
Not everyone has a camera.
What went wrong in Floriduh? Duh! De Santis was elected governor. []
Killtheskyfairy comments on Aug 25, 2021:
My narcissistic mother and two flying monkey right winger brothers live in Floriduh near Orlando where it’s pretty bad. Gee, I hope they’ll be alright.😜
Mooolah replies on Aug 26, 2021:
@Killtheskyfairy Won't let me join or access. Glitch? I'll report it to administration....if we still have one.
Sturgis South Dakota has had a1500% increase in covid cases
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Folks leave town during this abomination in the Black Hills. The problem is the spread. These are the people spreading the disease. As knowingly dispensing HIV or syphilis, they are the irresponsible who belong in solitary confinement.
Mooolah replies on Aug 26, 2021:
I had another 3 year battle with the motor heads who bought a $750,000 K property for 320,000 during the real estate collapse. Move to the country for quiet., Move to the country to make noise one can't make in the city. Captive audience. How murders are committed. It is featured on "Fear Thy Neighbor" on TV. The macho arrogant unsympathetic young service cops were motorheads themselves so I was in a difficult negotiation position. A mentor once taught me to "use the rules against them". I provided Mr. tough guy lead cop the ordinance. He refused to stop the mayhem entirely, only delegating them to the back of the 20 acre property. He went to the offending party to inform them. However, the din hasn't occurred since. They must have been an asshole to him & he shut the whole thing down. This has happened 3 times as urbanites infiltrate & think that "this is the country & I can do anything I want" ,is a common refrain.
What went wrong in Floriduh? Duh! De Santis was elected governor. []
Killtheskyfairy comments on Aug 25, 2021:
My narcissistic mother and two flying monkey right winger brothers live in Floriduh near Orlando where it’s pretty bad. Gee, I hope they’ll be alright.😜
Mooolah replies on Aug 26, 2021:
@Killtheskyfairy Am I blocked from the group "progressives, socialists & Black Lives Matter"?
Anti-vaxx lawyer for dozens of Capitol rioters is now on a ‘ventilator’ with COVID-19 Attorney...
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Mooolah replies on Aug 26, 2021:
@DharmaBum50 Toes also?
Anti-vaxx lawyer for dozens of Capitol rioters is now on a ‘ventilator’ with COVID-19 Attorney...
bobwjr comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Darwin wins again
Mooolah replies on Aug 26, 2021:
Extinction for this genome would be too soon.
Anti-vaxx lawyer for dozens of Capitol rioters is now on a ‘ventilator’ with COVID-19 Attorney...
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Mooolah replies on Aug 26, 2021:
Nice nails. Are they yours?
I’ve just heard the sad news this morning of the death in Nashville of Don Everly of The Everly ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2021:
as a child I wasn't permitted to "like" the Everly Brothers. As an adult I love every song they perform. Take that parents!
Mooolah replies on Aug 23, 2021:
@MikeInBatonRouge Only classical music was permitted in my tyrannical father's house as a child. Once he moved out the Everly Brothers became one of my favorite acts. Opinions? The pendulum swung from oppression to my current state which is having an opinion on everything. =0}
New Rule: Your Phone is Turning You into an Asshole | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - YouTube
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2021:
I still do not have a phone except the hard line. No pictures of me on the internet. I hate the intrusion & obsession, face recognition tech etc. People whine about not paying the rent & then have these unnecessary contraptions. Toys are unnecessary. I subscribed to Discovery +for the 7 day free ...
Mooolah replies on Aug 23, 2021:
@TomMcGiverin Free 7 day trial on Discovery Plus. I cancelled the next day. Lots of stuff is available on YOUTUBE. I am not a big movie fan. Preferring documentaries.
New Rule: Your Phone is Turning You into an Asshole | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - YouTube
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2021:
I still do not have a phone except the hard line. No pictures of me on the internet. I hate the intrusion & obsession, face recognition tech etc. People whine about not paying the rent & then have these unnecessary contraptions. Toys are unnecessary. I subscribed to Discovery +for the 7 day free ...
Mooolah replies on Aug 23, 2021:
@LenHazell53 Love my favorite rodent. Not just for eating any longer.
I’ve just heard the sad news this morning of the death in Nashville of Don Everly of The Everly ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2021:
as a child I wasn't permitted to "like" the Everly Brothers. As an adult I love every song they perform. Take that parents!
Mooolah replies on Aug 22, 2021:
@Marionville Good!
It's even hard to comment on this.
AnneWimsey comments on Aug 21, 2021:
But he wouldn't, she ain't up to his "standards"
Mooolah replies on Aug 22, 2021:
Standards? He has some? =0}
For fuck sake.
AnneWimsey comments on May 29, 2021:
Too bad all you care about is your portfolio......lead in pipes, collapsing bridges, too bad so sad..... Becuz FDR did the same thing & the country has never been more prosperous nor productive since,but hey, never look back & learn
Mooolah replies on Aug 22, 2021:
@JeffMurray Unlike some I admit I am at a loss. So if you are using the term as a slur or slight to provoke a response or acquire attention, then I might add that "they" who really are idiots respond the same. The Captain_Feelgood always has relevant arguments backed up with substance, tho I seldom agree with his conclusion. I think he gets a lot of it from self styled pod cast "illuminaries". They would say how we are wrong. I agree my values differ from theirs. I agree many are severely misguided by values that do not reflect my own. They resent government telling them what to do & see it as over stepping the boundaries that were in place when they were in power. ie the patriarchal, Caucasoid, cis, heterosexual, dominated society The question is how do we resolve our differences so as to respect & improve our ability to live among each other. He is after all in North Carolina. And not Ashville.
Just received a response from my state senator on cannabis.
Theresa_N comments on Aug 22, 2021:
I feel your pain, we in MN are just about to get flower for the first time from dispensaries. I don't know if we'll ever see recreational here.
Mooolah replies on Aug 22, 2021:
'Ya just have to live long enuf. It is inevitable if we vote our interests.
Just received a response from my state senator on cannabis.
MizJ comments on Aug 22, 2021:
I don't know about other state's medical use laws but in Floriduh it seemed to be nothing more than a way to get cash out of us, about $300 and virtually anyone can get a medical card.
Mooolah replies on Aug 22, 2021:
@MizJ Absolutely. Glad you are on board.
For fuck sake.
Mooolah comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Dear Captain, The "spending spree" is certainly not funded by Besos & Amazon not paying taxes when you & I pay too much. 55 corporations legally paid no taxes to fund our debacles around the world. You & I did. This is not a Biden tax code. This is your boy's gift to billionaires that they may ...
Mooolah replies on Aug 22, 2021:
@Captain_Feelgood Your "boy" As in the previous President. Yes the tax code is legal . I use it also to avoid as much as I can. However, this tax code has not benefited those who need it as opposed to trillionaires who do not. Such as small businesses, high property states, veterans affairs, the insane which are housed in prisons, education, infrastructure, invasive species control, blah blah blah.
Been there, didn't like it.
snytiger6 comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Our cats are very proficient at catching flies... and birds... and bunnies.
Mooolah replies on Aug 22, 2021:
day glo collar with an audible bell. I made them myself. Bright orange hazard tape with a loud bell. No birds. Rodents only.
Just received a response from my state senator on cannabis.
MizJ comments on Aug 22, 2021:
I don't know about other state's medical use laws but in Floriduh it seemed to be nothing more than a way to get cash out of us, about $300 and virtually anyone can get a medical card.
Mooolah replies on Aug 22, 2021:
I would rather pay cash legally than 20 years in prison. If legal cannabis is more expensive than cartel cannabis then capitalism says that the lowest price wins. It takes time to adjust to the data in this movement. States rights says that we can experiment in different states on just how to approach decriminalization.
For fuck sake.
AnneWimsey comments on May 29, 2021:
Too bad all you care about is your portfolio......lead in pipes, collapsing bridges, too bad so sad..... Becuz FDR did the same thing & the country has never been more prosperous nor productive since,but hey, never look back & learn
Mooolah replies on Aug 22, 2021:
@JeffMurray & that is your opinion & I respect that. I just think that intelligent, well read folks can still have misguided, ill informed, opinions & some even evil values. I agree that I am at a loss why some, many can not see the light. I know "they" call us idiots also. I know one thing for sure. I do not share their values on most issues. I always hope that reason will reach SOME of them & that we can reach consensus on some things. I am often disappointed, but I take solace that hope is audacious.
Alex Jones in Deep Doo Doo? []
Killtheskyfairy comments on Aug 22, 2021:
When do we see one of the big dogs who incited the mob do a perp walk???
Mooolah replies on Aug 22, 2021:
That only happens in the movies.
I posted this on the sexy pictures group and it got deleted, is it because it's a naked man not a ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 20, 2021:
For some of us, an erect penis eludes to horrifying experiences in the past. The larger the worse. I appreciate a hot hunk as much as the rest of those of us who do, but some do not want to see that thing thrust in their faces, & can now not unsee it & are reminded of trauma.
Mooolah replies on Aug 20, 2021:
@MichelleGar1 I disagree that on a site like this men & women should have access to all groups. This is not Proud Boys. Want to exclude women . Go there. A woman's group should not exclude men. It should embrace them in order to enlighten them. Want to exclude women? Do it by starting a group on the internet. We should not be excluding anyone here who is an atheist. Only proselysizers. & perverts.
I posted this on the sexy pictures group and it got deleted, is it because it's a naked man not a ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 20, 2021:
For some of us, an erect penis eludes to horrifying experiences in the past. The larger the worse. I appreciate a hot hunk as much as the rest of those of us who do, but some do not want to see that thing thrust in their faces, & can now not unsee it & are reminded of trauma.
Mooolah replies on Aug 20, 2021:
@MichelleGar1 I fully understand and support your motive. You will always offend someone if you take on a protest. I agree with you fully & have blocked certain groups whose public feed was immediately public & not for members only. Corrected the feed is now limited to the group. I had my big protests 3 years ago when I joined. Was thrown off of Agnostic but I prevailed. The men only restriction has not reoccurred. It was called "Sons of Bitches" & women could not join. So many women supported my opposition that I was surprised we still had those types. "Men need their own groups too". Saw nothing wrong with it. Now if you bar women, who is next. This is not Afghanistan & restricting people on the basis of the X or Y chromosome is anachronistic. So have a group for men but permit all to participate just as the different racial groups do here. Inclusion. Your experiment is well noted, I applaud you & keep up the fight for equal treatment by our right wing leaning administration. I did.
For fuck sake.
AnneWimsey comments on May 29, 2021:
Too bad all you care about is your portfolio......lead in pipes, collapsing bridges, too bad so sad..... Becuz FDR did the same thing & the country has never been more prosperous nor productive since,but hey, never look back & learn
Mooolah replies on Aug 20, 2021:
@JeffMurray No. Of course not & we in this country have a right to oppose the ideas. There are mass quantities of idiots on the right as Q & Alex Jones will attest. I have opposed the Captain on many occasion and on most of his positions. He is not fond of me but I have been banned from the Repudlican groups, so I can't argue anymore with them. They must need some interaction as now they are posting in other groups. What he values he sees as government interference. That is open capitalism where profit should have no checks & balences which socialism is. Shoot any animal & call it hunting. No checks on fire arms as governments do confiscate them as in 1938 Poland. If he takes a SSI check or Medicare then he is a hypocrite but not an idiot.
For fuck sake.
Marionville comments on May 29, 2021:
Oh you poor heart bleeds for you! Your predictably abusive response below speaks volumes to your lack of comprehension of anything beyond your own self interest!
Mooolah replies on Aug 20, 2021:
One will often hear the refrain from our government, "It's not in our interests". To me it depends on what our interests are. Over throwing legally elected governments is not my vision of "in our interests". Our interests might be better served providing an educational system that does not promote creationism/"intelligent design", but critical thinking & economics & simple science for the simple. Then there is our high infant mortality rate due to corporate food creating an obese nation. Then there is the legally created opioid plague by the drug companies. So our self interests might take a look closer to home.
For fuck sake.
AnneWimsey comments on May 29, 2021:
Too bad all you care about is your portfolio......lead in pipes, collapsing bridges, too bad so sad..... Becuz FDR did the same thing & the country has never been more prosperous nor productive since,but hey, never look back & learn
Mooolah replies on Aug 20, 2021:
@JeffMurray The Captain is not an idiot.. His values are just different. He doesn't care if the pipeline goes thru Native land or leaks. He doesn't care that the Defense Department tried to refuse the excess funds that are unused but was forced to accept it as Congress & the previous Executive willed it so. He cares about keeping things in the usual Caucazoid, heterosexual, male dominated, war like behavior of the past. He is well informed but does not value what we LIBERALS value. Fairness, inclusion, care for the indigent, clean environment, advancement of women & our citizens who as enslaved people never were able to build wealth as Reconstruction failed & the Captain is probably happy about that & wants us to fail as well. But the arc of history bends towards justice. But I take issue with the whole dismissal of his position as idiot. I defend his right to say it.
I'm not sure how much longer I can continue living in the US, but I am too adventurous to go back to...
Ryo1 comments on Jul 9, 2021:
Hi there. if you are adventurous, why not consider moving out of the West? Live in Japan for example. :)
Mooolah replies on Aug 20, 2021:
@Ryo1 I am relieved to hear that Japan has made much progress in tolerance. It was a long time ago. Now I hope we may do the same in this country where we have an abundance of work to form a "more perfect union". Where I no longer am an activist as I once was, having passed that torch to the posterity, I am now in a position to fund activism as those before me, funded mine. Pay it forward & give back.
"I heard the news today, oh boy.
Petter comments on Aug 20, 2021:
*We all must die, and yet live on, Though neither in heaven nor hell But in genes passed down, and down again Through life's eternal swell.* *... And also in deeds. The consequence Of what we do on Earth, Can affect the lives of thousands Who have yet to discover birth.* So remember to ...
Mooolah replies on Aug 20, 2021:
Goodbye "middle of the road."
Sierra4 comments on Jun 30, 2021:
I finally discovered why I was striking out on Match. It wasn’t my atheism or my liberalism. Not my height or chosen profession. No, it turns out I am just real ugly. It’s a relief to finally know. 😱
Mooolah replies on Aug 20, 2021:
@Sierra4 I have done that much too often. Accounts for my popularity or lack there of.
& the winner is...
bookofmorons comments on Jul 15, 2021:
I might ask - "In what?"
Mooolah replies on Aug 20, 2021:
@Moravian Yep. The freedom to be a sodomite.
5 clever ways to use up that leftover pickle juice in the jar
Julie808 comments on Jun 26, 2021:
All that seems a bit too fancy for me, but I do add the brine to my egg salad or tuna sandwiches in addition to the pickles.
Mooolah replies on Aug 20, 2021:
I am going to try that. =0}
Gotta Have That Funk: At 80 Years Old, George Clinton Says He’s Coming Out of Retirement
AnneWimsey comments on Jul 26, 2021:
Want a clean house in record fime? Put on some Disco, baby!
Mooolah replies on Aug 20, 2021:
Works for me.
What happens when you allow hundreds of snake hunters in the Everglades? You get a winner
Theresa_N comments on Aug 5, 2021:
Bit strong on the villification of this creature that's doing what comes naturally. They just are in the wrong place. Wonder what the meat tastes like?
Mooolah replies on Aug 20, 2021:
But they must be eliminated. Escaped from roadside zoos etc during hurricanes. Beautiful creatures in the right setting. Love these wild creatures but not as an invasive species which will disrupt the eco system more than we as humans already have. This is our fault not the snakes, but it must be done & done humanely.
Well to whom it may concern, I get out of the hospital tomorrow morning.
Mooolah comments on Jun 20, 2021:
Oh grow a beard. Shaving is so labor intensive. Feel better soon.
Mooolah replies on Aug 20, 2021:
@oldFloyd A few more years & you will look like Billy Gibbons which is currently in vogue.
I'm not sure how much longer I can continue living in the US, but I am too adventurous to go back to...
Ryo1 comments on Jul 9, 2021:
Hi there. if you are adventurous, why not consider moving out of the West? Live in Japan for example. :)
Mooolah replies on Aug 20, 2021:
A Caucasian friend of mind did that. Was back in 6 months. Never met more racist folks he said. "If the nail sticks up, pound it down" to paraphrase a Japanese saying. I've traveled to the mid east, Europe, Mexico & I love visiting their delightful cultures. The USA is where the freedoms I value are still more important than my distaste for the failings.
I'm not sure how much longer I can continue living in the US, but I am too adventurous to go back to...
Mooolah comments on Jul 10, 2021:
I would not live anywhere but in the USA. There are so many diverse climates, cultures, tax laws that one can choose where the fit is. Be as religious as one wants sans shoving it down my throat. I love this nation as it has permitted me to change the laws that shackled my quest for wealth building....
Mooolah replies on Aug 20, 2021:
The USA is both hated & loved. Hated for the right reasons & loved for the right reasons. We are diverse & flawed, but the idea of self governance is embraced by most of the world. We must keep working toward that end despite our past crimes, & attempt to mend our ways as history teaches us.
Not a joke, people.
Mooolah comments on Jul 12, 2021:
Believe half of what you see & non of what you hear, or read on the internet. Say "hi" to SpikeTalon for me. I miss him.
Mooolah replies on Aug 20, 2021:
@Trajan61 I am blocked for being an irritating smart ass.
Jason Momoa to star in next season of The Witcher?
Mooolah comments on Aug 20, 2021:
I'd kiss his wound & make it all better.
Mooolah replies on Aug 20, 2021:
@UrsiMajor His choice.
Dare to question god's wisdom?
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 18, 2021:
It's not about feeling protected, it's because, for many of them, having a gun makes them feel like more of a man....
Mooolah replies on Aug 18, 2021:
What do the women say?
Dare to question god's wisdom?
Secretguy comments on Aug 18, 2021:
Or a condom??
Mooolah replies on Aug 18, 2021:
female condom
A lot of Trump supporters are treating themselves with an antiworming medicine that has not been ...
Fernapple comments on Aug 18, 2021:
The article points out that humans, and horses, are very different and that a medicine that works with one may not work with the other. It however fails to point out, that parasites and viruses, are also very different, and that a medicine that works against one, may not work against the other, ...
Mooolah replies on Aug 18, 2021:
Our educational system is funded by property taxes. Poor neighborhoods with low taxes are in lead pipe infested schools, with poor nutrition, & questionable home life. It is a unfair, racially & class separation motivated. We are in the throws of not resolving our funding issues & segregation issues. Grappling with our inequities causes much unrest. How to address these issues democratically & fairly is an ongoing debate. Since Raygun began dismantling the safety nets of the federal government, our prisons have become our insane asylums, our veterans are homeless & suicidal, our affordable housing is not affordable, our Defense department is awash in money they don't need & tried to refuse, the drug war is lost, the war on poverty is lost, the war in Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, are lost. People can not even write a grammatically correct sentence here. Our infant mortality rate is inexcusably high as our obesity rate climbs above 50%. Very depressing.
Canndue comments on Aug 5, 2021:
Hitler was gifted with one of the original beetles, that’s how long they’ve been around. Love Woody Allen’s take on it in Sleeper
Mooolah replies on Aug 7, 2021:
Volks Wagon "People's Wagon". Every master race type family in Germany was to have access to purchasing one. But then Germany was brought to heel thank fully.
& the winner is...
bookofmorons comments on Jul 15, 2021:
I might ask - "In what?"
Mooolah replies on Jul 15, 2021:
In a guy's anus at a bath house?
Goodbye "middle of the road."
Sierra4 comments on Jun 30, 2021:
I finally discovered why I was striking out on Match. It wasn’t my atheism or my liberalism. Not my height or chosen profession. No, it turns out I am just real ugly. It’s a relief to finally know. 😱
Mooolah replies on Jul 15, 2021:
Do you know what us "ugly" women have to do to make ourselves "beautiful". It is called a "make over", costs hundreds if not thousands of dollars & still ends in catastrophe. Look at some of the make over videos. You might mistake them for horror movies. Or a metamorphosis. Look at Ru Paul. So make yourself beautiful in the eyes of shallow women or be true to yourself & live with the frustration of finding someone who fits. Ugly is John Merrick who was well loved in court for is inner beauty.
Goodbye "middle of the road."
twill comments on Jul 1, 2021:
[](http://) This what a violent mob looks like
Mooolah replies on Jul 15, 2021:
or friendly tourists just seeking to lynch the Vice President. Even had time to defecate on Representatives desks. Trumpanzeeees climbing the Capital walls.
Just had a state social worker check on me.
indirect76 comments on Jul 9, 2021:
I’d be less worried about the god comment and more concerned about why a social worker is checking in on me. I don’t know, that seems like a totally bizarre thing, but that’s probably just me.
Mooolah replies on Jul 10, 2021:
@PondartIncbendog I am sorry to hear you were unwell. I hope you are doing better.
We had a request for more meaningful discussions.
CourtJester comments on Jun 23, 2021:
I still prefer the American way of people working to accomplish for them selves with less taxes and government handouts. It worked fine until the lazy got WiFi signals.
Mooolah replies on Jun 24, 2021:
You & I would pay less taxes if AMAZON & Jeff would pay SOMETHING!. As to government handouts, our mentally ill homeless veterans could use some hand outs of follow up nurses for treatment which President Raygun cut so that corporations got the tax breaks that you & I did not get. Capitalism must be checked by socialism & socialism must be checked by capitalism. I am an ardent capitalist but outr helpless need government attention. Unless one would prefer eugenics & snuff out their lives as is the Anglo/Germanic history.
boisebob62 comments on Jun 21, 2021:
He is pretty funny sometimes, I am turned off by his condescending attitude
Mooolah replies on Jun 21, 2021:
You are in Idaho. Toughen up.
Deer farming drives predicament over CWD-infested dump site
AnneWimsey comments on Jun 11, 2021:
I do not think the active ingredients can transfer....edited to finish the thought: unless you ingest brain matter from an infected animal, and most hunters (like my ex) will not eat a sickly animal...they may put it out of it's obvious misery, but bury or burn it. We ate everything he hunted or...
Mooolah replies on Jun 12, 2021:
The Irish gave the bagpipes to the Scotts as a joke, but the Scotts haven't seen the joke yet.
Budgie comments on Jun 10, 2021:
Nah if the Scots still in Scotland are anything like the ones I have met in Aus then they decided to own the joke and make it better. I love the sound of bagpipes. So I went looking and found this information, not a scholarly article but interesting.
Mooolah replies on Jun 10, 2021:
Failed link
7 states still have bans on atheists holding office. []
bobwjr comments on Jun 7, 2021:
That's illegal but look at the states
Mooolah replies on Jun 7, 2021:
How is it illegal? States Rights prevail when no explicit protection is mentioned in our Constitution.
I haven't been online here for quite a while.
Freedompath comments on Jun 5, 2021:
I have also been in an odd state of mind. I did have several added stressors (some kind of ‘dry eye’ disorder for 3 weeks, small herd of cows coming onto my property and doing a lot of damage, twice, and both my daughters coming for a weeks visit during this time). In the meantime I am looking...
Mooolah replies on Jun 6, 2021:
@freeofgod Yes. I also noted your absence. "This too shall pass." & if it doesn't there is help available.
Tasmanian devils born in the wild in Australia in historic comeback
KateOahu comments on May 27, 2021:
This made me curious for Tazzie info. I still wonder how they fit into the overall picture...I mean, what makes them valuable to all of nature.
Mooolah replies on May 28, 2021:
One top predator left in the unique continent. Big carrion consumers.
Property values. []
FreethoughtKaty comments on May 23, 2021:
I don’t understand the fear people have of homeless people. I do not want anyone using the bathroom outside in my neighborhood but I can’t really see any other issue. I wonder if people just assume homeless people are dangerous. In any event, I think this idea is fantastic and I wish we’d ...
Mooolah replies on May 27, 2021:
@OldMetalHead Actually it was President Carter wanting to empty the institutions after Geraldo's Rivera's expose`. Then Raygun cut the funding for Carter's humanitarian intentions. This is the result of the failure of capitalism. This is where we need socialistic programs to check the unbridled greed & avarice of capitalism.
Property values. []
FreethoughtKaty comments on May 23, 2021:
I don’t understand the fear people have of homeless people. I do not want anyone using the bathroom outside in my neighborhood but I can’t really see any other issue. I wonder if people just assume homeless people are dangerous. In any event, I think this idea is fantastic and I wish we’d ...
Mooolah replies on May 23, 2021:
Because homeless people are mentally ill for the most part. That means unpredictable behavior & a lack of cogent standards. Sanitation is another concern. We must provide tax dollars for treatment & care. AGAIN.
Property values. []
Leetx comments on May 23, 2021:
Why does America have such a high homeless problem ?
Mooolah replies on May 23, 2021:
President Raygun eliminated federal funding for institutions & out patients with mental illness. So without those monies there is no incentive to provide for them. We have veterans who have PTSD & can't hold down a job. Homelessness is the result. That is the RepuDlican Party for 'ya. Hooray for me & phuque you. The grand 1% need more tax breaks.
Israeli airstrike on Gaza claims eight young cousins []
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2021:
HAMAS is a terrorist organization. It has the Palestinian Authority by the short hair. (Free & fair elections?) Young male hotheads fired first as usual. They hope to keep Israel in a state of permanent war. As the Taliban hoes to keep us permanently militarily engaged in Afghanistan. The people ...
Mooolah replies on May 18, 2021:
@Charlene May I just say that considering your background, I would think you would prefer the treatment Israel would afford you compared to how. Islamic HAMAS GAZA Port Authority would treat you. I believe you would not survive HAMAS detention. The only democracy in the area might permit you survival.
Israeli airstrike on Gaza claims eight young cousins []
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2021:
HAMAS is a terrorist organization. It has the Palestinian Authority by the short hair. (Free & fair elections?) Young male hotheads fired first as usual. They hope to keep Israel in a state of permanent war. As the Taliban hoes to keep us permanently militarily engaged in Afghanistan. The people ...
Mooolah replies on May 18, 2021:
@Krish55 The 6 Day War resulted in the taking of Gaza. Israel pulled out in 2005 only to receive HAMA missiles in 2007. Gaza is not occupied. It belongs to Israel tho I am sure they don't want it. & Israel has a right to defend itself as a sovereign nation. Christians, Moslems & Judaics are all permitted to practice under Israel's control.
Saw SNL and it really helped put things in perspective.
Mooolah comments on May 16, 2021:
I must say I am taking some pleasure watching the derision within the "hurray for me & fuck you" party. I hope to see them crash & burn. It is what comes after that is of concern. One party systems become complacent & corrupt. Look at PRI in Mexico. Or Daley's Chicago machine. 60 years in ...
Mooolah replies on May 18, 2021:
@Mofo1953 As a doomsday prepper I was ready for the virus. The one party I was referring to is the Democratic Party as the RePUDlicans seem to be fracturing. Sorry I wasn't clear. I need another bowl.
Let's Talk About the Israel-Palestine Conflict | The Daily Show []
Robecology comments on May 12, 2021:
Population Density rears its ugly head again. Too many of ANY organism living too close together = hostility. Proven, scientifically - over, and over again. In the celebrated thesis of Thomas Malthus, written over 200 years ago, ( in 1812), vice and misery impose the ultimate natural limit on ...
Mooolah replies on May 16, 2021:
Demographics are on the Arabs side. I agree.
Let's Talk About the Israel-Palestine Conflict | The Daily Show []
of-the-mountain comments on May 12, 2021:
It is simple: Islamist hate Jews!!! Islamist want to remove, kill, murder, and enslave all Jews on this planet!!! Israel does not have refugees, those who immigrate to Israel are accepted without prejudice!!! No Jew’s are allowed to immigrate to any Islamic sharia governed country ...
Mooolah replies on May 16, 2021:
Finally. Someone who I agree with. I part ways with my progressive friends when it comes to the ONLY democracy in the region.
Biden Stops Dumpy Era Arctic Drilling: []
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2021:
President Biden. Take back control of wolf management in Wisconsin. 85% over the plan "harvest". Bear dogs & leg hold traps, snares. If these were domestic dogs, cruelty charges would be levied. Unfuck DNR control of wolf management.
Mooolah replies on May 16, 2021:
@LiterateHiker I have written the Dept of the Interior & the President. Its barbaric here in Wisconsin. Leg hold traps, running them down in snowmobiles, bear dogs. A nightmare.
Israeli airstrike on Gaza claims eight young cousins []
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2021:
HAMAS is a terrorist organization. It has the Palestinian Authority by the short hair. (Free & fair elections?) Young male hotheads fired first as usual. They hope to keep Israel in a state of permanent war. As the Taliban hoes to keep us permanently militarily engaged in Afghanistan. The people ...
Mooolah replies on May 16, 2021:
@Charlene When Jordan held Jerusalem, Judaics were not permitted to pray at the Wailing Wall. Under Israel's control, all religions are free to practice. Except maybe Scientology. This is a result of the vestiges of colonialism. Ottoman, Brits, Israel, Jordan. The boundaries have changed since millennia. Personally I think Danzig should have been Israel 2. The Poles owed the Judaics sanctuary & an autonomous country. Anyway it is the Judaics land as well as the diaspora will attest. They are Abrahemic cousins. Anyway the Palestinian Authority should have excepted the 2 state solution. But they reject everything in order to keep the war a constant. Not a fan of Hamas hot head macho anti gay women oppressors.
Israeli airstrike on Gaza claims eight young cousins []
Mooolah comments on May 15, 2021:
HAMAS is a terrorist organization. It has the Palestinian Authority by the short hair. (Free & fair elections?) Young male hotheads fired first as usual. They hope to keep Israel in a state of permanent war. As the Taliban hoes to keep us permanently militarily engaged in Afghanistan. The people ...
Mooolah replies on May 15, 2021:
@Krish55 The Germans were the terrorists just as HAMAS is. Radical Islam is HAMAS. Jordan is Palestine as the colonialists designated these arbitrary boundaries. 98% of Jordan ID as "Palestinians". This was apparent during the attempted coup against a KING. Israel is the only viable democracy in the region. I am no fan of Bibi. But I have a different view of the problem.
The Voyager 1 is 44 years and 14 billion miles away from Earth and still sending important ...
EarnestEccentric comments on May 11, 2021:
Great photo!!
Mooolah replies on May 11, 2021:
@Sierra4 There were 2 but nowhere near each other. It was sort of a tongue in check question as who would be outside of Voyager 1 floating around, to take that picture. Of course it was a simulation photo shopped to appear as if........ My usual odd take on things.
Well, here I am Day 6 and still not smoking, though did cop a small twinge/desire for a ciggie ...
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2021:
Stay the course. The real challenge is when something stressful occurs. Have a Plan B...& C.
Mooolah replies on May 11, 2021:
@Triphid Ok. But it is the best!
Revisited a favorite song today.
Triphid comments on May 11, 2021:
From the Musical /Movie of " Paint your Wagon" starring Lee Marvin and Clint Eastwood. Got a copy of it on DVD.
Mooolah replies on May 11, 2021:
@Triphid Nearly 3 hours long, They could have cut 30 minutes. It is underrated and is polyandry at a time when no one knew the words meaning. the duration was a controversy at the time. Lee Marvin was drunk the whole time...or most of the time. I love the film.
Well, here I am Day 6 and still not smoking, though did cop a small twinge/desire for a ciggie ...
Mooolah comments on May 11, 2021:
Stay the course. The real challenge is when something stressful occurs. Have a Plan B...& C.
Mooolah replies on May 11, 2021:
@Triphid Please forgive me if I borrow the expression "EvangelOOn". I will credit you as it is a priceless adjective.
The Voyager 1 is 44 years and 14 billion miles away from Earth and still sending important ...
EarnestEccentric comments on May 11, 2021:
Great photo!!
Mooolah replies on May 11, 2021:
Yes but who took that photo?
Revisited a favorite song today.
Triphid comments on May 11, 2021:
From the Musical /Movie of " Paint your Wagon" starring Lee Marvin and Clint Eastwood. Got a copy of it on DVD.
Mooolah replies on May 11, 2021:
A little too long but has some of the bet lines in cinema. Just to hear Clint Eastwood sing is almost as good as his speech at the RePUDlican convention..
whiskywoman comments on May 8, 2021:
bill has a way of helping us accept some of the shit we cannot change and look at what is happening a few of his guests I cant stand but he and john oliver certainly inform and entertain
Mooolah replies on May 10, 2021:
He exposes us to folks we may not agree with but they deserve a platform to show just how flawed their argument is. He pushes back appropriately.
Judge: Texas Gov.
JackPedigo comments on May 8, 2021:
We have been fighting this religious jerk for years and I'll bet he tries to remove it again. Funny it isn't overtly atheist. To all those considering moving to Texass be warned.
Mooolah replies on May 10, 2021:
Texas will only become "purple" if LIBERALS/progressives move there. The problem is the weather.


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