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I am a confirmed non believer in any gods or supernatural beings and will remain so unless I am shown evidence to the contrary. I dislike being called an atheist as it is a label attached non believers by theists.


Tonight’s The Night (Gonna Be Alright). - Rod Stewart , 1976. []
Moravian comments on Apr 5, 2021:
I remember singing along with this song to my girlfriend many years ago. No wonder she ditched me.
Church Culture is Weird - YouTube
Moravian comments on Apr 4, 2021:
This is a peculiarly American phenomenon . Church services in the UK are sober boring affairs, The main problem is trying to keep awake.
Goes to show what can happen when you leave the bedroom door open.
Moravian comments on Apr 3, 2021:
I always keep my socks on. I like to keep the angels happy
Marjorie Taylor Greene Rips Biden Infrastructure Plan for Lacking Dome to Shield U.
Moravian comments on Apr 3, 2021:
I hope this is an April fool joke
What am I looking......
Moravian comments on Apr 2, 2021:
Or glasses
Moravian comments on Apr 1, 2021:
Are people like her elected for comedic effect to keep us amused when times are a bit grim ?
Feel hungry?
Moravian comments on Apr 1, 2021:
I'm not hungry any more.
Hello guys ,its nice to be around people who dont allowed their minds to be limited by lies
Moravian comments on Apr 1, 2021:
Yup. I can lie along with the best of them
Thanks Mike
Moravian comments on Mar 31, 2021:
I would like to see you say this to Mike Tyson's face, That would be fun.
What did i just read??
Moravian comments on Mar 30, 2021:
There's horsing around and then there's horsing around
During this, the holiest week of the year in Christendom arrives I hope all of you will gain some ...
Moravian comments on Mar 30, 2021:
In the words of the prophet Kenneth Williams "Infamy,infamy, they've all got it in for me.
Moravian comments on Mar 30, 2021:
Sadly Scottie died in 2005 so if he beamed me up now I would be a bit concerned as to where I ended up.
Truth in advertising...
Moravian comments on Mar 30, 2021:
What offence did Bill Clinton commit ?
Surely the silliest thing that humans can do is to think they can know the future, see the future, ...
Moravian comments on Mar 30, 2021:
Of course details of the future cannot be predicted but general trends can be forecast quite accurately, For example several people, including Bill gates forecast the current epidemic and the onset of climate change has been forecast for over 100 years. The problem is that we are more comfortable living in a state of denial.
oh Darwin...
Moravian comments on Mar 30, 2021:
Got to admire him.An honest psychic. Most of them are nothing but con men.
The nerve! Lol
Moravian comments on Mar 30, 2021:
Not as daft as sounds. An Indian man is suing his parents for bearing him
Shouldn't pick on disabled coyotes...
Moravian comments on Mar 29, 2021:
Roadrunners can fly. Coyotes can't
Works for me...
Moravian comments on Mar 28, 2021:
Do I sense some ageism here. What about those born in 1945 ?
Of course hammers are dangerous! Why I can terrorize and kill hundreds of people from afar with a ...
Moravian comments on Mar 27, 2021:
I think she slightly misses the point with her comment about background checks on hammers or does she just have a poor grasp of English. The background checks are on the gun owners not the guns.
Magic candle
Moravian comments on Mar 27, 2021:
I thought I smelt Gwyneth Paltrow's vagina, but I could be mistaken.
I was having a beer with a mate and his phone rang, rather nice music I thought, when he'd finished ...
Moravian comments on Mar 27, 2021:
As the real housewives of Glasgow once said " It's not anal bleaching it's just changing your ring tone "
Moravian comments on Mar 27, 2021:
I think transgender people deserve sympathy not scorn. I remember my ex who seemed to be attracted to people with problems brought home a guy dressed in womens clothes. Probably the saddest person I have met.
close call
Moravian comments on Mar 27, 2021:
I love the story of the guy/girl on holiday in India. The beautifully ripped designer jeans were left out to be laundered and came back next day with every rip and hole stitched and repaired.
I got this from some I never expected to think like this.
Moravian comments on Mar 26, 2021:
You call that thinking ?
I don't know if that 'grateful to the universe' feeling implies god, but it feels right in the feet.
Moravian comments on Mar 26, 2021:
Hells bells !!
Oh shit....
Moravian comments on Mar 26, 2021:
Easily sorted. Just go to the pharmacist and get a bottle of hare restorer
Another Responsible Gun Owner from One of the Usual Suspect States brings a Loaded Gun to a Birthday...
Moravian comments on Mar 25, 2021:
It's OK. thoughts and prayers went to the family
The premise of this group is good, but it starts off incorrectly.
Moravian comments on Mar 25, 2021:
Last week was the 25th anniversary of the Dunblane mass shooting. Gun ownership was severely curtailed and there has been one mass shooting since then in 2010 and deaths caused by firearms are very rare int he UK. Obviously the USA is a totally different case because of the gun culture and proliferation of guns in the country but if there was a will it could gradually change.
Moravian comments on Mar 24, 2021:
On the whole Danish people are sensible as well as happy so they do not have to be forced to have the vaccine. Almost 100% of people in care homes have had the vaccine. Deaths from Covid are at virtually zero unlike in the USA where they are still at a high level.
US death rate from guns is 203.5 times higher than in Japan. Why do you suppose that is?
Moravian comments on Mar 24, 2021:
Apparently there were seven mass shootings last week. It has to be exceptional to make the news now This is the suspect who was born in Syria so no doubt there will be attacks on people of middle eastern appearance. As Michael Moore says. A young man with anger issues who has easy access to firearms who shoots up a supermarket or school is now as American as apple pie.
What did i just read?
Moravian comments on Mar 24, 2021:
The navy personnel who serviced the Polaris submarine support ship in the Clyde during the cold war were mostly very well behaved as they were in deep shit if the got in to trouble. I was drinking in a country pub late one night when a young American guy appeared looking for help.He and a few of his buddies had taken a shore patrol vehicle and a couple of local girls and went for a jaunt. They had stuck the van in a ditch on the narrow country road. We all piled out and managed to manhandle the van on to the road. The Navy guys were profuse in their thanks as we probably saved them from an early return home.
10 people were shot to death in Boebert the gun toting terrorist's district today while minding ...
Moravian comments on Mar 23, 2021:
Where is the good guy with a gun when you need him
Anonymous No More, the Man Who Documents Pastors’ Expensive Sneakers Speaks Out | Hemant Mehta | ...
Moravian comments on Mar 22, 2021:
A Harley Davidson cruiser worth more than one of his parents tithes ?. How much more ? A top of the range Harley costs over $20,000.
Gardening is as bad as a religion....
Moravian comments on Mar 22, 2021:
That's how a lawn should look. None of this brilliant green weed free nonsense.
Don’t Discount Evangelicalism as a Factor in Racist Murder of Asian Spa Workers in Georgia | ...
Moravian comments on Mar 22, 2021:
"America is reeling" ?. really. I thought multiple shootings were an everyday occurence.
Mormon church indoctrinatIon []
Moravian comments on Mar 22, 2021:
It's their "holier than thou" attitude that annoys me. I saw Brandon Flowers of the Killers being interviewed and it was as if he had a monopoly on morality. ffs any self respecting rock star should be throwing TV sets from a hotel window surrounded by groupies while smoking the finest Morrocan weed.
Can anyone help me escape religious groups.
Moravian comments on Mar 22, 2021:
Those pesky Christians. I recommend "Atheists R us" Guaranteed to help in any religious imprisonment situation.
I experienced proof of prayer today.
Moravian comments on Mar 20, 2021:
Was the prayer by any chance on a cellphone to Spectrum to report the fault ?. That type of prayer tends to work best.
From Wikipedia: "The Brooks Brothers riot was a demonstration at a meeting of election canvassers...
Moravian comments on Mar 20, 2021:
All I remember is the "hanging chads" fiasco and thinking. This is supposed to be the most technologically advanced nation in the world ?
Need a new wardrobe?
Moravian comments on Mar 19, 2021:
£599 ?. A bit expensive. I'm sure there will be a used one going cheaply soon.
I feel not an ounce, personally, for "white guilt," do you?
Moravian comments on Mar 18, 2021:
I refuse to apologise because of an accident of birth just as after the horrific murder of a woman in London I refuse to apolgise for being a heterosexual male.
Is uk safe for ex muslim ?
Moravian comments on Mar 18, 2021:
Safe from what ?
These Religious Leaders Are Encouraging Their Congregations to Get Vaccinated | Hemant Mehta | ...
Moravian comments on Mar 16, 2021:
It's so sad that this should be newsworthy
If this so called god actually exists.
Moravian comments on Mar 16, 2021:
I think god is pissed off or just pissed if you are American because he started it all with the big bang so that means he is outside looking in and can't influence anything. Alternatively he is both inside and outside at the same time so he is beside himself and equally annoyed.
Deep Purple. - Smoke On The Water, 1972. []
Moravian comments on Mar 16, 2021:
I was a great fan of the band back in the day but I think they were in decline when this was penned. Famous guitar riff though.
How would the existence of a god confer meaning on our lives?
Moravian comments on Mar 16, 2021:
My question is, what is the point of these hypothetical questions ?
Moravian comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Poor sods. Buffy Sainte Marie nailed it with her song "The Universal soldier". I have a friend who's father served in WW1 and at the end of the war was stationed in France at a POW camp where he made friends with a German soldier. Fast forward to WW2 where a POW camp was set up near the village where my friend's father worked on a farm. The German soldiers were sent out to work on local farms and the soldier who was sent to his farm turned out to be the son of the soldier he made friends with all those years ago. After the war the soldier went back to Germany and the two families kept in touch for years War, What is it good for ?. Fuck all !!
One for the poor addicts! GAMBLING (or how to spend a fortune trying to get rich) :-(
Moravian comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Denise Coates founder and CEO of Bet365 earned over £300 million last year. If that doesn't tell you something you deserve to lose your money.
Clever Advertising
Moravian comments on Mar 15, 2021:
# If you want to drive over a ploughed field with a basket of eggs on the back seat without breaking any, this is your car
This works for both politics and religion
Moravian comments on Mar 15, 2021:
Clint mostly played a gun totin' cowboy type and on the 25 th anniversary of the Dunblane school massacre the belief that removing guns from the general populace would hopefully stop a similar occurrence happening again has been very effective.. So if the way of life he is espousing is that of the mythical freedom loving lead slinging cowboy then it is right that it should be destroyed.
Many years ago when I became more focused on CT, I was a little disappointed to find that science ...
Moravian comments on Mar 15, 2021:
I think the more outrageous conspiracy theories are easy to dismiss and as for the rest, good old common sense and a big pinch of salt are useful. I think Kipling nailed it I have six honest serving men they taught me all I know, Their names are what and where and when and how and where and who.
Excellent, close game between Scotland and Ireland.
Moravian comments on Mar 14, 2021:
An exiting match with a close finish but Scotland were poor. Lost too many line outs and gave away too many penalties.
I think I need this this morning
Moravian comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Where are the pancakes and maple syrup
Is science undermining religion ?
Moravian comments on Mar 14, 2021:
Of course science undermines religion and is has done so since the reformation and the European enlightenment and long may it continue to do so.
It's a viscous cycle.
Moravian comments on Mar 13, 2021:
Sticky ?
What religion does to humanity
Moravian comments on Mar 13, 2021:
Hong Kong is not a country. Is it there in place of China where religious minorities are persecuted ?. This is counterproductive as it only makes the sects more determined. Better for religion to die of apathy like in some western European countries.
It's not easy for an atheist to admit this but I love Christmas carols.
Moravian comments on Mar 13, 2021:
Like many other pop songs
Are we alone?
Moravian comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Employ Captain Kirk as a mediator
The difference.
Moravian comments on Mar 12, 2021:
What's a crore ?
Teacher Arrested At Pearson Airport A high school teacher was arrested today at Toronto's Pearson ...
Moravian comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Very funny
Returning Jesus Christ Downed By U.S. Missile Defense 30,000 Feet Before Making Landfall
Moravian comments on Mar 12, 2021:
Typical trigger happy US military. As they said in WW2. When the Germans fired the British ducked. When the British fired the Germans ducked. When the Amer[cans fired everyone ducked ;-)
Have had everything but Crickets, Haggis and 100 year old egg. Has anyone had those three?
Moravian comments on Mar 9, 2021:
I don't even know what some of those are. Chitlins, Kim Chi ??. I would never eat brains. Remember mad cow disease. I only scored 26. Must have led a sheltered life.
Can the city cycling boom survive the end of the Covid-19 pandemic: [resilience.
Moravian comments on Mar 9, 2021:
Temporary cycle lanes have been created in Edinburgh much to the annoyance of car drivers. There are a of few dedicated cycle paths but with narrow roads and lots of hills it is not too cycle friendly. Much of the inner city has a 20 mph speed limit so they are moving in the right direction.
Study: Atheism Isn’t Bad for Your Health | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos
Moravian comments on Mar 8, 2021:
"Contrary to popular belief" ?. Belief by theists trying to justify their illogical beliefs maybe.
Idaho Republican Claims Face Masks Do Damage to Our Souls: Before she introduced a bill that ...
Moravian comments on Mar 8, 2021:
Having visited Idaho twice in the past few years this does not surprise me in the slightest
It is possible she misheard him, then again, he did not tell her to stop?
Moravian comments on Mar 8, 2021:
How times change. She would have them on a plate now.
Just wishing we'd had a couple of these pop up on Jan.
Moravian comments on Mar 8, 2021:
Because all the guns are pointing the other way, At all those imaginary threats from the Middle East. North Africa, Russia, China etc etc etc.
Survey: Atheists Are More Likely to Get Vaccinated Than Any Religious Group | Hemant Mehta | ...
Moravian comments on Mar 7, 2021:
So what is the problem with the 10% of atheists who refuse the vaccine ?
I hear this all the time. This young woman is brilliant. []
Moravian comments on Mar 6, 2021:
On another group I was told over and over that I am racist. Now I am sexist and a mysogynist. Wow it's tough being a white male ;-)
Mechanic dad
Moravian comments on Mar 5, 2021:
I presume that this is a missing poster.
Are you a happy person too?
Moravian comments on Mar 5, 2021:
Greet the day with ass smile
[msn.] Is this your crazy aunt?
Moravian comments on Mar 5, 2021:
I'm too old to have crazy aunts but I like to think that I am a crazy uncle at times.
Magic Rocks: $5
Moravian comments on Mar 3, 2021:
1.8 billion Muslims must think so . They traipse over to Mecca and worship a big black rock
A new pop-up ad features Christa Mcauliffe on a commemorative dollar coin.
Moravian comments on Mar 3, 2021:
I remember it well and it did puzzle me as to why they went ahead with the launch when there were obvious safety concerns. Now it makes sense.
Reads true.
Moravian comments on Mar 3, 2021:
Don't get it
There’s going to be a lot of pushback if Biden follows through on his radical gun control ...
Moravian comments on Mar 2, 2021:
I notice the post where I had a gentle dig at the pro gun rightists by showing a photo of a guy dressed as an 18th century Jacobean fighter has been removed. Sensitive souls you gun lovers. Well in answer to Trajan's question " how do we expect to defend ourselves when hand guns are banned". The answer is that because the country is not awash with guns we do not feel the need to be armed. There is no danger real or perceived so unlike the USA we do not have many murders by shooting,accidental shootings, suicides by shooting,Children shooting themselves or their parents etc etc. etc.
Nothing worse in this world than being Tuna Shamed....tisk tisk. TunaSammiesUnite
Moravian comments on Mar 2, 2021:
Tuna are being over fished and some species are nearly extinct so it's good to see an environmentalist publicising the fact.
Golden Donald Trump Effigy Seen at CPAC Was Made in Mexico
Moravian comments on Mar 1, 2021:
It should have been bronze. Much more realistic. I saw a photo of him speaking at the rally recently and he has turned an oranger shade of bright.
Modern Christians on Jesus...
Moravian comments on Mar 1, 2021:
He'd be 2000 years old then ?. Nah. if he had a gun he would have shot himself. His crucifixion was self imposed but as it is difficult to nail yourself to a cross he need some help.
Okay, so some may find me as being somewhat pedantic here but, Given that Herakles(Hercules) was ...
Moravian comments on Mar 1, 2021:
If a mixed race couple , one black one white,have a child it is always classed as being black. Perhaps it is the same with gods. Even a trace of a god in your genes is qualification.
Christian Evangelist: Biden, Who’s “Not the President,” Is Blocking Prophecy | Beth ...
Moravian comments on Feb 27, 2021:
[] Gulf stream weakening
Moravian comments on Feb 27, 2021:
The weakening or complete stopping of the gulf stream flow has been forecast for years. It keeps our winters in the UK mild so I hope the prophets of doom are wrong
Be careful folks!
Moravian comments on Feb 26, 2021:
IF that had been a Blackberry things could have been so different.
Try to add your own addition to the list or elaborate on one that's already there.
Moravian comments on Feb 24, 2021:
I was 10 year old before our house was connected to the electricity grid so I went to bed carrying a small paraffin lamp. Just one step up from a candle so I feel quite at home watching movies set in the middle ages.
Women in Islam are a commodity in the hands of men, created to be a housewife and pleasure only, as ...
Moravian comments on Feb 21, 2021:
A BBC Womans Hour host was accused of "hostile questioning" of the female general secretary of the Muslim Council in the UK. She asked her how many female imams there were in the UK. She couldn't or wouldn't answer because the council has nothing to do with religion. !! I wonder what it has to do with then. So much for integration.
You caption this
Moravian comments on Feb 20, 2021:
Foxeee ladeee
The Rolling Stones. - The Last Time, live on Ed Sullivan Show. []
Moravian comments on Feb 17, 2021:
I think this was when Mick and the boys upset Ed by refusing to get on his carousel at the end of the show
Greta is an expert on climate change but hasn't finished high school
Moravian comments on Feb 17, 2021:
You seem to have it in for Greta for some reason. Does that mean you are one of those idiotic climate changer deniers ?
Moravian comments on Feb 17, 2021:
That's Boris, A amiable buffoon. A good guy to go to the pub with but running a country ??. ffs.
A Bible Thumper told me that “Covid has been around for thousands of years - the is using it as an...
Moravian comments on Feb 15, 2021:
He is probably right. The virus has been around for a long time but up to now has been confined to bats but he is bats to thinks churchgoers should be treated any differently from others.
A tourist was driving on a back road in Arkansas during a heavy rainstorm.
Moravian comments on Feb 15, 2021:
There's a hole in the bucket dear Lisa, dear Lisa
Who's a pretty boy then! :-D
Moravian comments on Feb 13, 2021:
The Sunday Sport ?. Didn't realise it was still publishing imaginary stories like this.
North Dakota Republicans Want the Ten Commandments to Go Up in Public Schools | Hemant Mehta | ...
Moravian comments on Feb 13, 2021:
What about the other 603 ? Wall not big enough.
On the epistemological syllogism that "God, by definition, is that for which no greater can be ...
Moravian comments on Feb 11, 2021:
Meaningless nonsense. "god exists in the understanding" what is that supposed to mean This syllogism makes more sense
Which books you recommend about Atheism, true revealing stories inside any religion, atheism ...
Moravian comments on Feb 11, 2021:
"In Defence of Atheism" by Michel Onfray is worth a read
There is an upcoming lockdown Worldwide 😂😂😂😂 set aside your bitterness ...
Moravian comments on Feb 10, 2021:
Upcoming ??. We have been in lockdown for weeks and by the end of February we hope to see it easing somewhat.
Mike Pence's Reward From the Lord?: []
Moravian comments on Feb 8, 2021:
He reminds me of the spitting image depiction of John Major. Grey from head to toe and the most boring politician on earth
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Well they say we have to take our pleasures in life wherever we can ...
Moravian comments on Feb 7, 2021:
Wales beat 14 man Ireland so I'm looking forward to the game at Murryfield next weekend.
Police arrested and tried a person and claimed the 60 thousand he had as bitcoin , but can't get to ...
Moravian comments on Feb 7, 2021:
I also believe that they are attached to the computer they were originally on when bought. There was a story recently about someone in England who bought some bitcoins years ago and accidentally threw away the laptop he bought them on. The laptop is in a rubbish tip somewhere and he has offered the council responsible for the tip a substantial sum to dig up the rubbish and search for the laptop.
39-year-old nurse aide dies ‘within 48 hours’ of receiving mandated COVID-19 shot | News | ...
Moravian comments on Feb 7, 2021:
Shame on you for spreading this conspiracy nonsense. I'm sure that the majority of visitors to this site are sensible enough to reject it but it could stop some people having the vaccine elsewhere.


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