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I am a confirmed non believer in any gods or supernatural beings and will remain so unless I am shown evidence to the contrary. I dislike being called an atheist as it is a label attached non believers by theists.


I went on a date with a Christian.
Moravian comments on Aug 10, 2022:
A shame, but it looks like there will be a problem there. I dated a religious churchgoer for about three years and we did debate the bible on occasions and I think I demolished all her arguments but she had her "faith" and that;s all that mattered. She dumped me not because of our differing beliefs but because I couldn't afford to "wine and dine" her as should have liked. Not very Christian I thought.
What are your thoughts?
Moravian comments on Sep 7, 2022:
Those who know that lie on your back when in trouble in water and those who don't ?
How long will it be before we can stop hearing about the dead queen?
Moravian comments on Sep 9, 2022:
To the tower with you ,you treasonous cretin.
We should be supporting the protester’s in Iran by supplying them with arms and the means to ...
Moravian comments on Sep 25, 2022:
If this was from anyone other than a right wing American i would assume that it is satire.
The Christian Destruction of the Classical World with Catherine Nixey []
Moravian comments on Sep 28, 2022:
I have her book "The Darkening Age (The Christian destruction of the classical world)". Very interesting and readable.
I listened to LK at the BBC this morning It is clear to me that Liz Truss is Not running a ...
Moravian comments on Oct 2, 2022:
I saw her being interviewed this morning. Totally clueless. Couldn't answer any questions and kept reverting to the money borrowed to reduce energy bills. It would appear that she had no idea that Kwasi was going to announce the tax cuts. Should be fun at the Tory conference this weekend.
India is celebrating the beginning of a Hindu new year with Lord ram's home coming after assailing ...
Moravian comments on Oct 5, 2022:
And I thought our western Christian religion is a load of bollocks
Got some ugly ones here
Moravian comments on Oct 6, 2022:
Couldn't find an ass but here is a dog
Freya or Frigg is also the source of the name for Friday but let's just pretend that the Dead God on...
Moravian comments on Oct 14, 2022:
The other members of the Robertson family. What an intelligent looking bunch
After being locked in an impenetrable strongroom, a panicked Dr.
Moravian comments on Oct 17, 2022:
Doesn't quite work with lemon- exit
LBC Journalist Sangita Myska eviscerates racist Tory caller on radio…he says Rishi Sunak ...
Moravian comments on Oct 24, 2022:
What an appalling guy.He is not going to be happy as his darling Boris has removed himself from the running and Rishi is odds on to be next prime minister.
When I had my doubts about my own religion I decided to do some research.
Moravian comments on Nov 25, 2022:
The supposed "evidence" in the writing of Josephus is known to be faked and was inserted by others after his death so the only evidence that Jesus existed is from the gospels written many years after his death. The gospel of Mark was the first to be written and the others are thought to be copies with some stuff added. For example the nativity does not appear in the gospel of Mark and was probably added to give Jesus a divine character. The god of the new testament is quite different to the original Jewish god who was vindictive, nasty, jealous and genocidal. Not a nice little god at all.
I wonder if the Theist and Atheist worlds will ever notice that God and Reality behave exactly the ...
Moravian comments on Nov 29, 2022:
Not in the minds of theists. They think that a prayer or loud incantation to their god will change reality. I doubt if many realists would think that way. An example ;- I was on an organised walk at the weekend led by a retired church minister. There was a Ukrainian guy in the group and he got a message on his phone that his home town had just been bombed by the Russians. The group leader gathered us together in the middle of the forest and said "I think we should say a prayer for the people of the town. I was expecting a moment of silent contemplation but not we got the whole "almighty god intervene etc said in a loud voice. I believe he honestly thought that it would do something. I thought he was totally deluded.
The hazards of growing up before the EPA.
Moravian comments on Dec 4, 2022:
Was that the cause of your dementia :-)
Who exactly is interested in prince Harry and Megan what's her name?
Moravian comments on Dec 10, 2022:
Since leaving "the firm" they have to find some other way of supporting their opulent lifestyle so why not sell some salacious gossip to the millions of royal watchers out there. It is just disappointing that there is a market for this garbage.
I just came across this, it shows a church near where I live, which is now disused due to falling ...
Moravian comments on Dec 17, 2022:
Fanciest bothy I have seen.
As I’m off tomorrow to visit my family in England for Xmas, I’d like to take this opportunity to...
Moravian comments on Dec 20, 2022:
Happy holidays to you as well. Have a great time and lang may yer lum reek. It was Keef's 79th birthday a couple of days ago. What a legend.
Ok so you all know about Elf on a shelf but did you know about....
Moravian comments on Dec 23, 2022:
Fuck on a truck ?
It’s a generational thing…
Moravian comments on Dec 30, 2022:
Those bloody socialist trade unions spoiled everything.
It’d be funny, it he wasn’t a rapist and human trafficker…
Moravian comments on Jan 1, 2023:
It is funny. Andrew Tate in custody made my day Sex trafficking is rife in Rumania and I hope he is incarcerated in some hell hole of a prison for years.
UK Town Cancels New Year Fireworks For Walrus Only For It To Masturbate And Leave "My work here is ...
Moravian comments on Jan 3, 2023:
Poor guy . He has been seen all over the coast of the UK. Doesn't know if he is cumming or going
I want to get off my chest, it seems like a disproportionate amount of time I run into arguments ...
Moravian comments on Jan 8, 2023:
people who talk about their "faith" irritate me. they don't care about facts they just have a vague feeling that their Christian god is looking after them.
Another tribute to Jeff Beck who sadly died yesterday, aged 78.
Moravian comments on Jan 12, 2023:
Very sad. He was so much more than "Hi Ho. silver lining"
Moravian comments on Jan 23, 2023:
"*Since 99% earths mass is unknown to all earthlings and greater the universe"* ??. What the fuck is that supposed to mean ??
They may have been speaking it longer but they do it so wrong 🙃
Moravian comments on Jan 25, 2023:
Many years ago I was working at Heathrow airport and on a bus from the airport to Hounslow West underground station an American guy asked me to tell him where to get off for the train. Ok I said and half way to the station he saw a sign saying "subway" and before I could stop him he jumped of the bus and disappeared down the stairway. I bet he was surprised when he came up on the other side of the road.
It’s the only way short of implants…
Moravian comments on Feb 1, 2023:
That looks like Ewen MacGregor. Why would he be irresistible to men ?. Unless they were gay of course.
Spooky count!!
Moravian comments on Feb 4, 2023:
Only in the backward USA ;-)
He doesn't sound like he's merciful, he would be a killer if he was real.
Moravian comments on Mar 18, 2023:
Maybe he is trying to tell you to take some advanced tuition, or stop taking lifts from drunk or drugged drivers.
Yeah, just sayin...
Moravian comments on Apr 2, 2023:
It can be expensive. NASA once lost their Mars Rover because of a mix up between Imperial and Metric.
Why did no one tell me?
Moravian comments on Apr 6, 2023:
Looks like he has the French horn
Happy Easter
Moravian comments on Apr 9, 2023:
Apparently rabbit meat lacks an important nutrient. Warreners, guys breeding the rabbits for food in England, were falling ill so they ate more rabbit to boost their health. They got worse. I'm not sure when this was realised but beware don't live on rabbit alone.
What's so funny?
Moravian comments on Apr 16, 2023:
A photo of Liam Brady and no Dicks shown.
Without all his ill gotten gains
Moravian comments on Apr 24, 2023:
but,but he only got $1 million from daddy and built this huge business empire by sheer hard work. Or so a Trumpist told me.
Religious Scriptures
Moravian comments on May 4, 2023:
I have read the first books of the old testament and the gospels. Entertaining fables but as for taking lessons from them ?. Not a chance.
So I woke up and my dog is laying on the back patio covered in dirt with a rabbit in his mouth.
Moravian comments on May 5, 2023:
An oldie but a goodie.
This was too punny to pass up.
Moravian comments on May 19, 2023:
Had me puzzled for a bit. That is purely a US expression. In the UK we would probably say "having kittens"
Once again the offended "God" doesn't show up but his fan club has no problem carrying out his ...
Moravian comments on May 22, 2023:
To think that Iran was once a forward looking secular country and the greed of the USA and the UK set in train the events that led to this.
Gotta love the Scottish accent []
Moravian comments on Jun 2, 2023:
What Are Neanderthals? Meet Humanity's Relative Who Went Extinct 40,000 Years Ago
Moravian comments on Jun 5, 2023:
How does Dawkins stay so calm when confronted by someone like this ?. He is far too polite. A pity she couldn't be Hitch slapped
Led Zeppelin - Going To California …live acoustic Earls Court 1975 ….
Moravian comments on Aug 22, 2023:
Pure nostalgia.
Well after yesterday’s announcement of Rolling Stones forthcoming new album Hackney Diamonds I ...
Moravian comments on Sep 7, 2023:
Great stuff. Looking forward to it. The album has had good reviews. Interesting to hear what Hackney diamonds are. The broken glass left after a house or shop break in.
Why did NATO refuse to not threaten Russia by continuing encroaching on its borders?
Moravian comments on Sep 9, 2023:
Of course this is all nonsense but suppose it was the reason, it has totally backfired as non aligned countries one being Finland,are now joining NATO
So there is this organization called the Self Realization Fellowship.
Moravian comments on Sep 10, 2023:
Sounds a bit like a cult to me. Harmless on the outside but controlling on the inside ?. Nothing wrong with meditation but it doesn't have to be connected to stuff like this.
Hi all I’m an atheist and in the military.
Moravian comments on Sep 10, 2023:
I seem to remember that sailors were allowed to have a "full set ". Maybe you should join the navy.
Yes look back at the history they are lying to you about climate change, sea rise, CO2 etc.
Moravian comments on Oct 9, 2023:
Oh dear. The insularity of Americans knows no bounds. A localised weather phenomenon disproves all the data on global temp. increase. But what about the European medieval warm period from 900 to 1300 when vineyards were common in England, but wait a minute, what about the frost fairs on the Thames in London from the 7th century to the last one in 1814. You are just making yourself look more stupid by the day
Israel does not speak for all it claims to represent.
Moravian comments on Oct 20, 2023:
Good to hear but there are too many who interpret their holy book differently. "God gave Caanan to the Jewish people" etc
Moravian comments on Nov 2, 2023:
My favourite prog rock band
I only heard about this Aussie band recently…but I like what I hear….
Moravian comments on Nov 24, 2023:
Very good. they remind me a bit of Golden Earring
Just wait for more
Moravian comments on Nov 30, 2023:
She's kidding herself. "The Firm" are here for the long haul
Normies: Don’t be ridiculous, you can’t harness and control the weather.
Moravian comments on Dec 1, 2023:
Of course you can Trump redirected a hurricane with just a sharpie pen.
I have a team im rooting for in both groups, but i still don't care too much.
Moravian comments on Dec 15, 2023:
If you think women and children being maimed and killed is fun you have a warped sense of humour
If You Behaved Like God - YouTube
Moravian comments on Dec 18, 2023:
seems legit.
The average homeowner pays a tax on 100% of their wealth and nearly 100 % of their income every ...
Moravian comments on Jan 20, 2024:
Nothing to do with the $billions spent on useless foreign wars ??
Rolling Stones - (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction, live New York MSG, 1969… []
Moravian comments on Feb 11, 2024:
Nobody struts his stuff quite like Jagger.
I didn't get addicted.
Moravian comments on Mar 12, 2024:
If all the ice used in coke and other cold drinks in America melted sea level would rise three feet
My favourite Rolling Stones song is the order of the day here on my birthday….
Moravian comments on Mar 14, 2024:
Happy birthday and lang may yer lum reek
My favourite Rolling Stones song is the order of the day here on my birthday….
Moravian comments on Mar 14, 2024:
Believe it or not, Susan Boyle had a minor hit with this song.
If you're a Brit.
Moravian comments on Mar 23, 2024:
It's not quite the same since teabags were invented. I remember my mother and her buddies having tea and then she would read the tealeaves left in the cup.
On this day today.
Moravian comments on Mar 26, 2024:
Long overdue for abolition
Even better when you finish getting the last corner on and see two lumps under the sheet.
Moravian comments on Jun 2, 2024:
even worse is when after fitting a carpet there is a small bump so you just hammer it flat then you realise that the budgie is not it it's cage.
Dear religious people, Don't worry ...
Moravian comments on Jun 12, 2024:
It has already happened here. In the last census over 50% said they had no religion. The Church of Scotland is closing churches all over the country including the village church I was forced to go to as a kid every Sunday.
That's how it works....
Moravian comments on Jun 19, 2024:
Dictators cannot dictate without the support of the people or at least a proportion of them
Post on Julian Assange of May 15, 2022 []
Moravian comments on Jun 27, 2024:
Attitudes seemed to have changed since 2015 !. He embarrassed the mighty USA that's all.
Every time I hear this song I start giggling like a silly school girl lol.
Moravian comments on Jun 28, 2024:
I wear the kilt on special occasions but I have never been brave enough to go au naturel
Happy 4th of July! It may be our last…
Moravian comments on Jul 4, 2024:
Many years ago the company I worked for were intending to expand into the US. so one of our directors went to spend a few days with a director a similar woodland management firm somewhere in New England. The American guy proudly said to our man "I haven't had a holiday in x years" Under his breathe our guy muttered "idiot". He will be enjoying his retirement now, that is if he hasn't died from overwork.
Motörhead - Eat The Rich… [youtu.
Moravian comments on Aug 9, 2024:
Shetland pony, exta pepperoni ;-)
I hope the shrub comes through.
Moravian comments on Sep 9, 2024:
I remember that shot It was when Bush was told that terrorists had flown planes into the twin towers. The combination of fear,bewiderment,incomprehesion and general inability to act in a realistic way is remarkable.
I got this from a friend who is an RN. Good to know.
Moravian comments on Jun 2, 2019:
20 cigarettes and a pack of viagra please.
I’ve been trying to get in touch with my feminine side… she won’t talk to me right now.
Moravian comments on Jun 3, 2019:
That's male behaviour ok. Men never ask directions. Maybe if you started using moisturiser and shave your legs ?.
Please someone come and get your stupid president and take him back?
Moravian comments on Jun 3, 2019:
We could entice him up to his golf course near Aberdeen and he may get cancer from the noise of those wind turbines off the coast
NO YOU CANNOT HAVE OUR NHS!!!! I will fight til my dying breath to maintain the free at source ...
Moravian comments on Jun 5, 2019:
Right on. After eating their chlorinated chicken and beef full of antibiotics we will be even more in need of it.
Genetics won. Curses, foiled again!
Moravian comments on Jun 5, 2019:
sorry to hear that. As someone once said "If you want to live a long and healthy life be careful in choosing your parents" Someone posted this recently. It may be of interest.
So, I want to meet a woman, that wants to live a hybrid off the grid/ realistic modern life.
Moravian comments on Jun 8, 2019:
There is a TV series shown in the UK fronted by Ben Fogle where he spends a week with people living "off the grid" Some families some couple and some single persons, both male and female. Fascinating to get an insight into the lives of those people but I think they are the exception and most would struggle without the modern amenities we take for granted.
People Who Read A Lot of Books Are Way Nicer, Kinder and Empathetic
Moravian comments on Jun 8, 2019:
I have to agree with that, I usually have three books on the go at the same time. I wonder where people who don't read get their ideas and information from. The internet ?
As an atheist and raising my sons as such I found the philosophy Stoicism a fantastic alternative to...
Moravian comments on Jun 9, 2019: Sounds like a very good philosophy to live by. They made some passable rock music as well.
[] Pompeo suggests people should move if they don't like climate change. - Is he a moron?
Moravian comments on Jun 9, 2019:
Yes. Like most of Trumps inner circle
"And a Man sat alone, drenched deep in sadness.
Moravian comments on Jun 9, 2019:
Very moving. Similar to the Cree prophecy :- When all the trees have been cut down, when all the animals have been hunted, when all the waters are polluted , when all the air is unsafe to breathe, only then will you discover you cannot eat money. ~ Cree prophecy
Why do so many men think sarcastic humor is positive?
Moravian comments on Jun 12, 2019:
I would only use sarcasm if being personally attacked or in reply to some particularly stupid comment. I think mild sarcasm or irony is ok though if used judiciously.
Cutting girl's genitals is beyond justifiable.
Moravian comments on Jun 14, 2019:
I agree that FGM is an abhorrent practice but it is more cultural than religious and predates Islam.
Profile pictures
Moravian comments on Jun 15, 2019:
Because it is also a dating site and who wants a prospective date to know what they actually look like :-)
Moravian comments on Jun 15, 2019:
By my arithmetic that works out at 6 cents per mile which sounds like good value compared to diesel or petrol even allowing for the cheap fuel prices in the US. Of course you have to factor in the extra cost of an electric car and the possible replacement of batteries during the life of the car.
Personal anecdote from younger days in NYC.
Moravian comments on Jun 16, 2019:
I'm not sure what point you are trying to make ?. The book of revelation is a wild story by someone who has obviously ingested magic mushrooms or something similar. "the most widely read book". It is part of what is probably"the most widely purchased book". there is a big difference.
“The All Scripture Baptist Church includes its belief in the death penalty for homosexuality in ...
Moravian comments on Jun 16, 2019:
probably a closet gay himself
We just had a very strong downpour all morning long here in New York.
Moravian comments on Jun 20, 2019:
Great song. Hope your feet are still dry
What do you think this means? Iran shooting down an American drone. []
Moravian comments on Jun 20, 2019:
Since those things are operated by a guy sitting in a bunker in New Mexico, I would say that there is a fair chance that maybe a wingtip crossed into Iranian air space.
Check Your Spare Tire?
Moravian comments on Jun 20, 2019:
Don't know. What's a tire ?. We use tyres over here :-)
I was 18 and 11 months 😊
Moravian comments on Jun 20, 2019:
16. I made the mistake of going back after 5 years. Wrong move.
Another day comes to an end. Now, the days begin to get shorter.
Moravian comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Not for our antipodean friends. I think this should be the year end in the northern hemisphere. I'd much prefer welcoming the new year in warmer weather.
Last year, at age 61, I got my first (and only) tattoo.
Moravian comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Well done. . Hope you get to the bottom of that bucket eventually
The Boomers Are to Blame for Aging America - The Atlantic
Moravian comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Yes, How dare they live so long
Story time! There once was a little girl who grew up in religion.
Moravian comments on Jun 29, 2019:
My nephew is in Kerala teaching English as a foreign language, That's a possibility. There are always openings for English teachers.
> In hopes of moving up a level, I thought I'd do a little post expressing my feelings about ...
Moravian comments on Jun 30, 2019:
Lawyers are sometimes useful but televangelists ? never.
Did you hear about the crow that was unhappy about the way he was treated at work?
Moravian comments on Jul 1, 2019:
I think that deserves a GROAN
I may have said this before: I am who my brain says I am.
Moravian comments on Jul 1, 2019:
Death is like stupidity, those afflicted are unaware of it but it is others round about who are affected.
Canadian artist fired after viral Trump cartoon "This is a false narrative which has emerged ...
Moravian comments on Jul 1, 2019:
At least he didn't suffer the fate of the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists
if there is not God, I would like to know where did everything come from?
Moravian comments on Jul 3, 2019:
I was recently given a book by Neil De Grasse Tyson entitled "Astrophysics for people in a hurry". It is a slim volume but explains everything we know about the universe. I suggest you get yourself a copy.
[] Could this mean they will eventually see their error in ever believing at all?
Moravian comments on Jul 4, 2019:
Never new "Abba" was god. Come on their music was OK but that's taking it a bit far
“Proud to be an American” doesn’t apply to me.
Moravian comments on Jul 5, 2019:
My sentiments exactly but when I look around the world I am eternally grateful for where I was born.
Well, my friends and I have gone and done it now.
Moravian comments on Jul 6, 2019:
i had to google cheetos to see what they were. I think we call them cheese puffs here and they are one of the most disgusting things I have ever tried (once). Why would anyone want to put them in a fried chicken sandwich ?
If God dropped acid, would he see people?
Moravian comments on Jul 7, 2019:
He doesn't need acid. He is all seeing already and takes a particular interest in our sexual activities.


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Atheist, Humanist, Freethinker
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