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How I can be so sure there is no god? Well I am 95% sure and simply round it up! I'm antitheist because religion is judgmental, persecutory and each brand believes they have a monopoly on truth.

Once upon a time I worked as a teacher but now work in mental health. I find fulfillment in my work, my family and friends and hobbies. I'm a strong advocate for social justice and have no time for racists or sexists. I'm a feminist and believe feminism has been advantageous for both men and women but I still don't feel fairly represented in government. Politically I favour democratic socialism.

Widowed many years ago, I raised my four wonderful sons.

Full Bio


Hugh Culverhouse: I gave the University of Alabama $26.
MsDemeanour comments on Jun 9, 2019:
I'm not at all sure that this so called educational institution is the best place for this man's money in any case
This is sad.
MsDemeanour comments on Jun 11, 2019:
I am so sad and so ashamed of my country
What the actual hell?!?
MsDemeanour comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Christians.......still blaming women for everything. (Doncha just wanna grab satan by the ovaries and ride him home?)
If you could one thing in your life, what would it be to make a significant difference in your life?
MsDemeanour comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Probably get people to proof read what they write before they post so I know what in hell they're talking about.
Um, that's not what you think it is.
MsDemeanour comments on Jun 15, 2019:
Sometimes I wish I wasn't such a 'visual' person
I was disappointed but not surprised at our local march today.
MsDemeanour comments on Jun 29, 2019:
He's hilarious. He should meet my four sons, all in their twenties and all can cook. Does he think we're all still running around in the desert (or caves). Anyway he gave me a laugh
What’s happiness?
MsDemeanour comments on Jun 29, 2019:
having purpose, meaning, values, fulfillment, goals and being part of a community, no matter how small where you care and others care for you. And above all it being appreciative of all these things in your life
Going to put a question to the group about whitening strips. Do they work?
MsDemeanour comments on Jun 29, 2019:
well with this grand philosophical question last on my brain.......I'm off to bed.
Richard Dawkins interviews Saudi Arabian atheist author Rana Ahmad - YouTube
MsDemeanour comments on Jun 30, 2019:
What an amazing woman.
DOUBLE AGENT REPORT 1 -- I mentioned yesterday that I had joined the Xian Forum boards and I'm ...
MsDemeanour comments on Jul 2, 2019:
ok I took a look. I can't believe no one has commented on your name, ya cheeky bugga. Anyway I haven't the patience to hang around that dive. I'll just await your updates Spanky
Someone please help me understand, at least in the U.
MsDemeanour comments on Jul 2, 2019:
You're right! This has snuck in without me noticing. I HAVE noticed how often my keys go missing. I say 'go' because I am quite sure they move themselves.
The Cognitive Biases Tricking Your Brain - The Atlantic - Pocket
MsDemeanour comments on Jul 2, 2019:
This is very interesting. We should all be aware of our unconscious bias. I must listen more and speak less
Sex ed belgium style []
MsDemeanour comments on Jul 3, 2019:
I liked the butterflies
Just in time to fix that thing...
MsDemeanour comments on Jul 3, 2019:
Hey that's where I live Scurry! I never saw this ad but it does look like an Aussie piss-take.
Well at least dad and a Chinese artist are visiting Assange in prison. []
MsDemeanour comments on Jul 3, 2019:
Back in da day
MsDemeanour comments on Jul 4, 2019:
MsDemeanour comments on Jul 4, 2019:
I rather like that!
Dump tRump
MsDemeanour comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Guys guys.....there are an estimated 120 guns per 100 people in the USA. Do I have to spell it out? It's not like you would be setting a precedence. Start a Go Fund Me Page.
They are good
MsDemeanour comments on Jul 6, 2019:
you wonder why men die first? :D
You're single, it is as simple as that.
MsDemeanour comments on Jul 7, 2019:
nothing wrong with being single :D
MsDemeanour comments on Jul 9, 2019:
MsDemeanour comments on Jul 12, 2019:
actofdog..........tell me something. Did you get it fixed or decide to keep it as is? (Just curious)
Miriam Adelson wants a 'Book of Trump' in the Bible. Is that possible?
MsDemeanour comments on Jul 12, 2019:
If he can't make himself 'king' let him be god.
A lot of people here have arrived from religious backgrounds so I was wondering what your feelings ...
MsDemeanour comments on Aug 8, 2019:
We weren't going to have children when we married. We were going to have a fun and selfish life without contributing to overpopulation. However, inadvertently and shockingly I found myself pregnant. Seeing the ultrasound at 12 wks I was blown away. I thought then and there I would never have an abortion. I guess I had a 'spiritual' experience.....or at least, I was greatly moved. I would never ever impose my beliefs on others and I stand for the rights of other women to choose. In fact I look around and wish half the population had been aborted. But not mine! never mine! lol. We went on to have three more babies.
Sounds about right.
MsDemeanour comments on Aug 8, 2019:
Fuckin Steve Irwin and Paul HOgan have lot to answer for. But I can see christ.....I can bloody see it.
That looks kinda like...
MsDemeanour comments on Aug 11, 2019:
Good enough to eat!
Ok so not really a meme.
MsDemeanour comments on Aug 11, 2019:
It's important to have support
America sending its kids back to school like ...
MsDemeanour comments on Aug 17, 2019:
We had a nasty incident here in Sydney a few days ago. A nutter went crazy, stabbing two women, one of them died. He was restrained by members of the public until police arrived. This was headline news across the country. It's not so bad having some of our rights taken away for the good of the community.
Shame on you Harry!
MsDemeanour comments on Aug 25, 2019:
I have to say 'Harry" with an american accent or it doesn't work! ;)
When you are looking for a bitch...
MsDemeanour comments on Aug 25, 2019:
I'm thinking this pic is photoshopped. The muslim is drinking wine! ;)
I know someone will be offended.
MsDemeanour comments on Aug 26, 2019:
Gestalt therapy
It's not easy to be romantic.
MsDemeanour comments on Aug 26, 2019:
He asked if he could nibble on my toes........I said let me take off my prosthetics first, so I'm not distracted watching tv.
My religion
MsDemeanour comments on Aug 26, 2019:
no need to hold back
Stolen from Fbuk with the caption - "Some fauna frequently emulated by politicians".
MsDemeanour comments on Sep 25, 2019:
that Koala looks like Barnaby Joyce
Geometry that’s bad to the bone
MsDemeanour comments on Sep 30, 2019:
'wrecked' (Rect)
Power and money is their God.
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 12, 2019:
They could start with a psychological assessment
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 18, 2019:
Trust you Rudy to give me my first laugh out loud for the morning! love it.
Yeah I went there you gonna make something of it?....
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 8, 2019:
Is this what they meant by the 'laying on of hands' ? Kinky stuff
Which one is which?
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 9, 2019:
I thought they'd both be the one on the left
Good observation.
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 9, 2019:
oh yes! haven't we ALL been there
Love this 😊
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 24, 2019:
It's been my experience that men often have a problem with this . Please correct my sexist generalisation if you like. But the men in my life have all wanted to spring into 'problem solving' mode. They've assumed that I've offloaded so they can 'fix' things for me. But sometimes there is no fixing or I already know myself what I must do. I just need a hug and someone to say "I'm here for you". Girl friends have immediately 'got' this. My husband, I had to explain that I just wanted empathy and sympathy. He got it when I explained.
‘Nudity is a great leveller’: Why Germans love to get naked
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 24, 2019:
I dare them to go bushwalking in Australia with venomous snakes, spiders, leeches, biting bugs and stinging plants. Swimming is ok. Blue Bottles and sharks don't care if you're wearing clothes.
FYI []
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 25, 2019:
omg it is frightening
Jeeezus wept, this mans a tosser []
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 27, 2019:
He's a disgrace. I hope to hell he doesn't win that law suit against Rugby Aus. People in the public eye should be held more accountable for what they say. They're in the position of being role models for our young
We can all point to others
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 27, 2019:
ooo Glenn that's rude! lol
Hohoho it's the time to be jollie and out fraudulent corporate behaviour.
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 5, 2019:
Australia is on fire.
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 6, 2019:
My dad's girlfriend (age 94) came out from Winnipeg after she met some hot Aussie during the war. That must've been very courageous in those days. My dad, is 86. Both are widowed and both very active and independent. They live two streets away from each other and dad goes up for dinner every night and they spend most of their time together. Only they could NEVER live together because they fight. Sometimes she tells him to GO HOME! I find this amusing because my parents never fought. I swear all this passionate arguing keeps them alive.
You little Beauty.
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 14, 2019:
yes I read that this morning with glee! :D
Does anyone else use the nutritional yeast?
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 18, 2019:
I found it for the first time this past week at my local supermarket. Usually I get it from the Vegan shop but have travel to city for that. I am so thrilled that supermarkets in my area are now stocking alternative foods. It is getting much easier to be vegan these days.
Another new member has just joined us.
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 20, 2019:
Thanks Marion :D
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 20, 2019:
you're over thinking this and you should be enjoying this time of year. Born into a non-religious family, we have no problem saying Merry christmas. I say it to the muslim or the Sikh down at the servo. To me, it has completely lost it's religious connotation as so many things have. Look at the Japanese........They adore xmas, tho most are atheist. It is a time where family and friends get together and appreciate what they have. Tell your children it was based on a hippy who talked of the importance of peace and love & to be non-judgmental and that these things are more important than material gain. Merry Xmas my friend :D
I don't think we can dispute the message here []
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 20, 2019:
People in the UK are trying to get it to No1 in the xmas charts after the disastrous election.
Aw, Scummo Shouty Shittypants Happy Clappy Jesus Chappy has 'offered' an apology for taking his ...
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 21, 2019:
I hope people remember this when next they hit the polls. Not meaning to make light of your comments but a gf sent me this link this morning which made my day. ie: Urban dictionary TOP DEFINITION: Scomo Scomo A person in charge who leaves things to others when a difficult or emergency situation arises. "Shit was going really tits up at work this week so I Scomo’d off to a tropical island for some R&R and let someone else sort it out".
Atheist reaches settlement over religious objection to mandatory AA - BBC News
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 22, 2019:
There is conflicting success rates around the success of AA due to lack of experimental research. Most studies rely on subjective participant surveys or observations. Pretty hard to have a control group, and two different recovery methods when anonymity must be preserved. The only participants I can see stepping forward are the highly motivated, who could've found recovery anywhere. This has nothing to do with your post of course. I am glad the young Canadian won his battle. It was never going to help him while the basic ideology is flawed
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 22, 2019:
Israel could stop trying to wipe Palestinians off the face of the earth........that could be a start.I refuse to watch another bloody holocaust movie until they stop the genocide. The hypocrisy is mind blowing.
This video of an Australian "Firenado" may, because of copyright, not be available outside of ...
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 24, 2019:
wow I never saw such a thing. I read somewhere that fire can burn faster than a car can drive given the right conditions.
I would like to know more about how we view ourselves.
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 25, 2019:
warm-hearted witty creative
The latest news from the desk of Fearful Freddie, Happy Clappy Jesus Chappy ScumMo is that ONLY the ...
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 25, 2019:
a picture tells a thousand words. I shouldn't have to make a comment but forces me to.
They say 90 percent of what you worry about won't happen.
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 25, 2019:
We all worry. We are problem solving machines. When we lived in caves, if we heard a rustle in the trees, more than likely it was the wind but those who didn't react often ended up some bear's dinner. The nervous Nelly's who jumped at the sound and got away or armed themselves, survived. We are descended from those nervous Nelly's. Anxiety isn't here for us to ruminate on. We have anxiety to prepare and act. Be grateful you have it.
Highest-Paid Baltimore Cop Facing Decades in Prison for Crimes Caught on Camera
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Too often it is the school yard bully who wants to become a cop.
Afternoon everyone, please give a good old Aussie welcome to Conkers who has just joined our ranks.
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Welcome Conkers..Does your moniker come from the game?
Still better than ghosting I suppose
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 30, 2019:
hahah love it
Are you truely agnostic or an athiest in hiding?
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 1, 2020:
I used to be 95% sure there was no god and simply rounded up.
If there existed a completely secular country, completely free of all religion, whos values and ...
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 4, 2020:
Well yes but knowing human nature we would soon find plenty of other things to argue about. There is no Utopia. Most of us here are atheist, most are humanist but still we disagree on topics. Values that we base our laws on are so subjective. If I had my way every boring plain wall would be covered in beautiful graffiti. That wouldn't suit others. I would still argue with my neighbour about his loud country music. But at heart, I am a socialist and so of course I would embrace those ideals. Religions are dangerous and exploitative and divisive. I see no good coming from them at all.
Terry Gilliam on Liff - ‘White males are blamed for everything wrong with the world’: ...
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 5, 2020:
Isn't he precious?
Your thoughts on pubic hair fashions?
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 8, 2020:
I can see why people (particularly women) can't afford to save money for a house when they're pressured to conform to such frivolities.
Millenials on steroids?
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 10, 2020:
FB you're so conservative! Throw out the suits and ties and live on the 'Wild Side' for a bit!
Hallelujah and praise the Pope, the Father, Son & Holy Ghost: [beliefnet.
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 10, 2020:
Please tell me he took all the christians back to heaven with him
Quick thinking
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 10, 2020:
love it. :D
A message for Prince Harry about the Queen [youtu.
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 11, 2020:
hilarious. When is Scotland going to shove the whole Royal family off the bus?
Let's have another go at posting a meme about Meghan Markle and the royal family.
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Please........just take all of them.
Now here's a novel way to possibly donate to Australian Bushfire Victims.
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 12, 2020:
you spend way too much time on the net FB. I can't begin to fathom how you found such a thing!
Recently Martina Navratilova came under fire for her comments that transgender women should not ...
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 12, 2020:
I was wondering how people would respond to this topic because free speech is tempered with political correctness and the good humanists we are, we wouldn't want to to offend anyone. From what I have read, if reassignment occurs before puberty ie, hormones stop biological males from growing tall, having wider shoulders etc. They would then be able to compete against females without an unfair advantage. I'm not sure what I think about allowing kids to decide what sex they choose to be. It is a serious operation and one hell of a decision for a 9yr old to have to make. Some trans have come to regret the decision later and opted to transition back. if I have a son who loves dressing in women's clothes, he might well grow to be a happy husband and father who happens to enjoy cross-dressing. Imagine if I'd pressured him into becoming a female when he was a child. Likewise, many lesbians describe tomboy childhoods where they shunned dolls and wrestled with the boys. They grew up to be lesbians but are still happy being female.
Kids More Likely To Be Molested At Church Than In Transgender Bathrooms
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 12, 2020:
And more likely to be molested by a family member than at church
Is there any truth in this TED talk?
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 14, 2020:
The vast majority of presidents have been above average height. Now that is an indictment of how superficial we voters are!
What is it with pet names?
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 14, 2020:
I'm with you. Mind you I hate it when the 20 yr old sales assistant say "thankyou love". I like pet names when we are intimate, especially if they're original. But I don't like being called baby and I don't understand why a grown man would want to be called 'baby' or 'babe'. But I'm probably reading too much into it.
Sensible car jesus
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 15, 2020:
Must've been the only thing he didn't talk about. He seemed to have an opinion on everything else.
Kentucky Christian School Expels Student For Eating Rainbow Birthday Cake | Michael Stone
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 16, 2020:
Jesus christ!
Who in here has actually had what they would consider a successful long distance relationship?
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 16, 2020:
I couldn't be arsed myself. I could chat to someone from across the world for a year. They could walk off the plane, start scratching their balls and it would all be over in a flash. A friend of mine had a long distance with an american. He visited for two weeks.....never took his cap off. We were brought up, it was bad manners to wear a hat indoors, and never ever to wear a hat to the table to eat. It was a deal breaker for my friend.
A friend did similar in a max security prison with equally astonishing result.
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 20, 2020:
oh WOW. Love this. I'm always a sucker for the didge tho.
"Early morning, April 4 Shot rings out in the Memphis sky Free at last, they took your life They ...
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 20, 2020:
who? Bono? I think he's still around......pontificating.
So sad.
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 22, 2020:
I wonder why Kathy Freeman signed up for this? Everyone has their price it seems.
Just a dick....
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 22, 2020:
I think it must be very difficult for men these days with women having more partners and porn convincing us that 8 inches is average. Maybe that is another reason that in the past men wanted to subjugate women and insist on virgins at wedding. I might suggest that next time I come across some ape on an anti-feminist rant.
Thoughts on extraterrestrial life?
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 23, 2020:
You know, whenever I see something I can't explain my brain does not automatically leap to the abnormal (or supernatural). I would respond with 'that's freaky. It looks like a ufo. I wonder what it really is". That is the skeptic in me. I do think it highly likely that there is life out there. I think it distinctly unlikely that they would visit and not make it to 60 minutes for an interview.
That's disturbing.
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 23, 2020:
reminds me of my neighbour.........he's a fuckin' cock-head too.
I'm so unfamiliar with gun culture that I can see myself doing this...😂
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 24, 2020:
I can see this! You'll be able to rain shells at the burglar and while he's distracted, eye gouge him with the spanner and subdue him with the nipple clips.
It is all fun and games until someone gets stuck with a needle
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 25, 2020:
that's why I'm an antivaxor.......only for ME!.....NOT you guys. You all MUST get the needle........I'm just a scaredy cat.
China’s Omnivorous Markets Are in the Eye of a Lethal Outbreak Once Again
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 26, 2020:
They eat guinea pigs?! omg. Johnny and Cash, our resident guinea pigs may well be the only grand children I see. The overarching msg I get from this article is 'don't eat meat'.
Who’s your favorite of the Four Horsemen?
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 27, 2020:
I'm going to be shallow here and say Hitchens was sexy as all hell. (despite some dubious sexist "women aren't funny" comments). His quick wit got me going. ;)
At least it wasn't a priest this time... []
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 30, 2020:
maybe after the anal prolapse they'll finally see the light!
This is a strange post for an agnostic, but this version of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" by Justin ...
MsDemeanour comments on Jan 30, 2020:
I prefer the Leonard Cohen (which is the first I ever heard) because I never interpreted the word Hallelujah as religious. It was pain, it was precious love, it was ecstacy, it was sarcasm. I found the song incredibly earthy and far from ethereal. This is probably why I disliked Jeff buckley's version with his change of verses. But even he said Hallelujah was a reference to oragasm. I like the John Cale version too. Now I will sit back and listen to this version.
I have something on my mind for a few days, and since I really have no one to talk to about it, I ...
MsDemeanour comments on Feb 1, 2020:
'near death' is not death. You're heart can stop beating for a time but your brain is still functioning which is why people still sometimes 'see' things And no atheist has had this 'near death' expeience and seen St Peter at the gate.
A wonderful heart warming French movie with fantastic scenic scenes filmed in the Plateau de Retord ...
MsDemeanour comments on Feb 1, 2020:
I'll check it out. There are certainly some gems out there that often make the oscars meaningless. I watched the most wonderful story with the best cinematography last week called Lad: A yorkshire story. It will make you cry and laugh. A very real story about l life and death and meaning of life. It could've been my story except the boys were much younger
Could I be considered an atheist or a deist?
MsDemeanour comments on Feb 2, 2020:
Can I politely ask why you believe in something supernatural for which you admit there is no evidence for?
She’s not wrong!
MsDemeanour comments on Feb 2, 2020:
This is why we vegetarians must stick together. :D
Addicted to milk? This report & video may change your mind. []
MsDemeanour comments on Feb 14, 2020:
20 yrs ago I stayed at my cousin's farm. Lovely place down Taree way. Free range and 'humane'. Next morning my cousin apologised for the cow cry-mooing all night for her baby who had been sold. Cousin said calmly that the cow would keep it up for about a week. Near broke my heart.
Child hates parent... would you say anything?
MsDemeanour comments on Feb 24, 2020:
Families say a lot of hurtful things they often don't mean. Why would you want to distress the mother by telling her such a thing. Who are these people to you? I think you should mind your own business and let them sort it.
A post by @Lorajay on her new promotion to the next level set me thinking.
MsDemeanour comments on Feb 25, 2020:
Never been one to chase the gold star, I find the point system a bit of a wank. But I was surprised to find my ppd was a 'lowly' 66. All this time I thought I was one of the regulars when in fact I'm hiding in the background, disapearing into obscurity. So picture me now waving my arms in the air like I'm hailing a taxi!
The war on drugs....
MsDemeanour comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Anyone who can turn water into wine is welcome at my party!
Feeling rather garbage-y today. Anyone got some cute pics or uplifting words?
MsDemeanour comments on Feb 26, 2020:
No matter how bad life can always be worse.


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Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting men
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  • Joined Apr 13th, 2018
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