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Makes Me Want to Barf
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 8, 2018:
With 17.000 violent deaths in the USA last year, I thought you guys WERE having a civil war.
Still not sure
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 8, 2018:
I'm sure she's very proud.
Little known fact.
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 8, 2018:
I thought you'd get arrested
Family photo time
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 8, 2018:
They make the Kardishans look like a class act
Not a morning person...
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 8, 2018:
half a dozen No-Doz does the trick for me
A very Poe meme....
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 8, 2018:
oh thankyou Eric! One of my fav poems. I just love this parody. It should be a video.
Have you guys been spreading discontent?
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 8, 2018:
"now is the Winter of our discontent". Winter? my discontent has been decades in the making.
Hello Aussie sceptics! I am an American (don't hold that against me please).
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Well make some friends here and we will probably be able to provide some free accommodation here and there. Or at least tell you where to go. hahaha
Australia passes world's worst data encryption laws with Labor's so called reluctant support.
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Labor sold out decades ago. You are quite right.
Is anybody on this site going to post an intelligent comment, ?
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 8, 2018:
"I am the Way the Truth and the Light". nah just kiddin. No bright sparks here.
Is anybody on this site going to post an intelligent comment, ?
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 8, 2018:
I'm an Absurdist so don't look to me to fulfill your needs.
Ladies, I have a question for you.
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Gees ya know you're getting old when you don't get porn OR dick pics!
Why do otherwise rational people believe in GOD?
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Indoctrination or just cos it's cultural
What do you turn to in times of sadness?
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Decembers are hard.
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 8, 2018:
I don't find it depressing. But it does irritate the shit out of me. I fuckin hate xmas lights and tinsel and everyone's cheery 'merry xmas' greeting. I hate when people give me cards cos then I have to return them. Christmas day means doing a shit load of cooking being a busy hostess and then cleaning up the mess. Next year I'm running away
What is the difference between hovering ,and actually visiting a person's profile?
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 8, 2018:
Hovering is checking someone out while they walk past. Visiting their profile is stalking
Can men and women just be friends?
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 3, 2018:
yes but if Im not dating them, I'd prefer to hang with my gf's and my gay male mates
This is why I am here looking ?
MsDemeanour comments on Dec 2, 2018:
I hope you can at least take her home to your tent Val
If you're at my house and tell me it's too cold, I'll tell you to grow up and gain a few pounds.
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Well Glenn, that'd be me. My name IS Brenda and I'm certainly of that certain age and girth
[] not a meme, but still pretty hilarious imo. how does this women still have a job?
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 20, 2018:
It's a bit like the chicken and the egg. Was she always on a power trip or did it happen AFTER she joined the force? I used to tell my kids, look out for the school bully........they're the ones that join the police force
One-third of US parents plan to skip flu shots for their kids - CNN
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Interesting. Here in Australia, we have flu vaccinations. The current one covers 4 different strains. The only people who get the vaccination are the elderly and people who work in high risk jobs, perhaps those working at chemists or nurses. I've never had one. I did have the flu this year but my doc said it was mild and wouldn't have been part of the vaccination anyway. I eat healthy, go to the gym and wash my hands. That'll do me.
wtf i am the the new host?
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 17, 2018:
'co-operative rules' ? That is sounding suspiciously like er........SOCIALISM! Good I'm in!
Vegans Are Traumatised and Need Help, Says Vegan Psychologist - VICE
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 16, 2018:
well I'd like to see stats that indicate that vegans are more depressed than any other demographic. Usually when people have a passion for something, it gives them a reason to live.
I have been laying low for a little while.
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 16, 2018:
I'm an Absurdist. There's relief in knowing there is no sense in anything
Question for Women: Short Hair on Men. Love it or Leave it?
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 16, 2018:
why do so many baristas have man buns? yuk
How do you pronounce GIF?
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 16, 2018:
If you give me a jiff, I'll answer..........GIF
It would be nice if all the religious crazies had their own continent where they could all be crazy ...
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 16, 2018:
Antarctica, the cleanest, most beautiful places left on the planet. No......send them to the moon
Have you ever stopped to consider…?
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Ahh The Circular Theory. When I'm old, with dementia, I will regress to my child-like ways, and crawl back into the womb; completing my circular life.
That's a new name for him
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 12, 2018:
The difference between Americans and Brits?
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 12, 2018:
yes this stereotype certainly goes beyond badgers. All I see on the news re USA is shooting after shooting. It's a scary place with scary people. Then I think of the English, trapped in an archaic political system with their quaint acceptance in place and think......oh yeah they're more like me and mine :(
'Remarkable' decline in fertility rates - BBC News
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 10, 2018:
What concerns me in my country, and I suspect it is the similar in yours, is the demographic that ARE reproducing. The more highly educated are having less or no children. Those that are in poorer socio-economic regions are still over breeding. A sweeping generalisation would be that 'smart people are not having kids and dumb ones are". So what does this say for Natural Selection? Perhaps we will start to decrease in intelligence.
One more note on how a President respects the military - at of time, personal comforts, or ...
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Regardless of your political colours, there has never been a more self-serving, so dishonourable man in the history of American presidency. The world feels your pain. You deserve better.
How many of you can verify that
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 10, 2018:
This reminds me of this JP Sears tedtalk I saw just this morning. If you have time, give it a look. It is well worth it. It's about embracing your weirdness.
Just make sure your candle doesn't burn out to soon.
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Someone famous for having talent! Now there's an idea.
Oops. I mistook what you said.
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Your best chance of dying alone is by staying away from education facilities, nightclubs, churches, cinemas or emigrating to Australia :D
Record number of women elected to the House, and that's a GOOD thing! []
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 8, 2018:
Buggerit! You're already married! lol
Happy Birthday @phxbillcee!!! Hope you have a great one!!!
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 6, 2018:
happy b'day me treasure. Keep the informative and entertaining texts coming but make sure you get out and make some dates eh. You're a smart bloke but you're not getting any younger. See if you can find a partner with nursing experience. ;) xx
The Florida yoga studio shooter was just exposed as a right-wing extremist
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Are you telling me it was ANOTHER white young male? Where have all the terrorists gone? If we're going to blame them, they really need to be a bit more pro-active. Praps the YWMs could start their own terrorist training camp.
Does anyone else feel this way?
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Has it wondered off?
Dating advice.
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Back in the olden days before the internet and couples met through friends, parties or at work, I recall this work colleague. Now he was plain as plain looking but he had a great sense of humour and a hint of wickedness (irrisitable to me). Anyway my attraction for him grew and grew as I got to know him. We flirted and you could light a match to the unresolved sexual tension. Finally we went out and the fireworks were electric. After a few months it fizzled, we weren't suited in other ways. So I don't put a lot of weight on the 'chemistry' bit when it was just a single meeting.
Are you liberal or conservative?
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 4, 2018:
I suspect the conservatives, feeling outnumbered here, are finding it hard to step out of the closet. Be brave and embrace your true identity! I don't want them picked up. I just want to know if a. they vote conservative cos their parents did. b: They don't care about the welfare of the disadvantaged. c: they're part of the .01% that own the wealth in this country and want to protect that wealth at all costs even though they could never possibly need that much.
Steve Bannon warns that women are going to 'take charge of society'
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Thank christ for that. Men have had their go. The whole government system needs an overhaul.
Interesting book...
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 4, 2018:
I wondered what happened to Michael Landon
Any suggestions on how to get over the anger and feeling of betrayal from your mother and brothers ...
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 3, 2018:
we can't pick our relatives, that's for sure. But you can hold your head up high knowing you have the moral high ground. Be glad you're enlightened and be an example of what is right and good by living by your principles. Never ever lose your temper in arguments!
Thank you to everyone who participated in this survey.
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 3, 2018:
I'm Australian so you won't want my answers but I am very interested in hearing your results. I'd be very interested to know how many people vote opposite to how they were raised. My parents were very right wing but as I grew up, became educated, I switched to left wing because of its humanist leanings.
This is an Australian show about American politics.
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 3, 2018:
"Democrats have a 30% lead from white college educated women". Get out there and make a difference girls.
I am a avid Podcast listener and I like to know what podcasts You all like.
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 3, 2018:
All in the Brain. I love hearing about the latest psychology.
Is It Wrong to Spank a Child? - The Jim Jefferies Show []
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 3, 2018:
I raised my four boys single handed so I didn't want to role model anything that was going to come back and slap me in the face so to speak.
The rich get richer: 2017 was best year for billionaires in recorded history with u.
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 3, 2018:
Are you looking for a date HippieChick? ;)
Wonder how many of the are FEers, too?
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 3, 2018:
This is topical in my part of the world as I just heard on the radio that Australia has officially eliminated German Measles ie Rubella. This is not to say one of you bastards can't bring it back over when you visit.
I guess there was no Americans in that Olympic game
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 3, 2018:
oh that's classic
Only a broom huh!
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 3, 2018:
that's where I carry my suitcase
Just wanted to meet like minded people,travel the world and maybe meet some of them. 🤓
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 3, 2018:
Have you ever thought of traveling to Brisbane? It could be a bit overwhelming but I like meeting new people. ;)
Alot of people hate me. i hate alot of people. seems fair to me then again i have a heart of stone
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 3, 2018:
lol not exactly a humanist then.
Last Concert
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 2, 2018:
Leonard Cohen and Leonard Cohen
What's your favourite show or channel to watch on TV?
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 2, 2018:
I love the free to air SBS in my country Australia. It is our multicultural channel and has the best crime series' from the world. Not too much of that american crap. Give Nordic Noir anytime! Ok so it's not for the lazy cos you have to read subtitles but I still love it.
Ok so let's hear how everyone thinks on this issue.
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 2, 2018:
No shoe rules at my house. If I take my shoes off it's simply because I want to go barefoot. Back and front doors wide open when I'm home. (I took the screen doors off cos I don't like them). Polished floors throughout. We used to have a few rugs but when my dog was a pup she weed on them and we never replaced them.
Oddly and a little sadly, the more I come here the less I find.
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 2, 2018:
you probably find the same in your real life too.
Where have all the members gone and why after such a short time.?
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 2, 2018:
sometimes real life imposes
Did you know: Barron tRump was born on March 20th, 2006.
MsDemeanour comments on Nov 2, 2018:
hypocrisy sits more comfortably with christians I find. (does it irk anyone else that when I write christian it is highlighted as a spelling mistake because I don't write it with a capital letter?)
I've converted!!!
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 21, 2018:
Jesus I'm not even part of the cat. I'm the fuckin' ball! Finger to you kiwis! :p
Well Stone the Crows, ScumMo has just come out and offered an APOLOGY to ALL the victims of ...
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 21, 2018:
The hypocrisy I see is an apology to abused children while he allows terrible abuses to continue to children in Narau and Mannus Island
What is LOVE?
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Lots of different kinds of love. The French have five words for our word love. But I am guessing you are talking romantic love. I knew I was really in love with my husband, some months after going out, when I met his family. His family were like mine. We fit together like jigsaw pieces. I recall the feelings of floating on air, the colours being brighter. I was so happy. That passes soon enough. But the birth of our children...what we made together, brought us together in a greater way. We had comfortable silence, similar life views and values. And I knew we could travel around Australia in our retirement and still be best friends. I'm sorry if you have never experienced it. I experienced it just this once and feel incredibly lucky to have had this experience. He died young 18yrs ago but still I am lucky to have experienced this. Anything else would be a lovely bonus but I'm not too concerned if I don't meet someone else
I just joined this site...And I don't get it.
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 19, 2018:
TRy not to over think it.
If you think about thinking, what are you really thinking?
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 18, 2018:
I'm thinking what you're thinking
And I thought it was people
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 15, 2018:
well someone has to load the bullet and pull the trigger.
Be veery, veery quite....I'm hunting Trump supporters...HAHAHA
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 15, 2018:
I can hear he say it! lol
My son's partner just told me about her experience with a tarot reader.
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 15, 2018:
I had a listen to some of the tape. I pointed out the cues my friend gave teh tarot reader. Her love of animals. I don't think she realised she gave the woman this information until she listened again to the tape. Confirmation bias. I am disappointed but not surprised.
Breast, Thy, Leg or Wing???
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 15, 2018:
I'll pass
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 15, 2018:
that's rather a good painting. I love the dripping blood on the wall. Not sure i want it hanging in lounge room tho
Those mischievous Muppets
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 15, 2018:
I was never a fan of sesame st. Obviously the subtleties of the humour went straight over my 3 yr old head! love it!
Hi, a vegan atheist here, I live in Holland but I plan to move somewhere in south Europe in the next...
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 14, 2018:
Where did you get those morals when you're an atheist?? Just kidding. I love people that recognise that animals are just as important as people and some times a lot nicer. I am jealous you know so many languages.
What is your Definition of:
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 14, 2018:
Atheism and agnosticism are pretty straight forward but spirituality is far more ambiguous. I believe I'm spiritual because I can be so emotionally moved by things (real things that is) For example, I can be brought to tears when I hear a choir sing Handel's messiah. I'm certainly not religious but it is an amazing piece of work. The exuberance of standing on a precipice, looking down on the vast valley bellow. The thrill of riding my motorbike far too fast, weaving in out of city traffic. THe awe of looking at the vastness of stars as I reflect on how insignificant I am in comparison to the universe. When I create something beautiful and original, it is like an extension of me. When I connect with someone who is a stranger and we realise we are so like-minded. I believe in the interconnectedness of humans and all living things and that no one should be alone because we need each other to thrive. I see the beauty and the pain and this to me is a spiritual experience.
Line dry or mechanical?
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 14, 2018:
Tackling the big questions today eh? You know, I never really thought about. I always line dry just because I always have and electricity is expensive in my country. I do have dryer and I'm using it right now because it has rained, or ive been working for about 7 days in row.
Can I talk about my feelings for a bit?
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 14, 2018:
I think you're grieving hon, for the life you had, and that is to be expected. How couragous you are. Be kind to yourself, be patient. It will get easier.
Supreme Court Enables Mass Disenfranchisement of North Dakota’s Native Americans | American Civil ...
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 14, 2018:
That's outrageous. I wonder how many people show up with outdated addresses on their ID anyway. Are they to be prosecuted? Don't tell me you live in a democracy!
Then there's this:
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 11, 2018:
What I don't understand is why any of the poor vote republican. In my country the poor and working class and those interested in the environment and social justice vote left and the business owners and rich vote right wing. But that line doesn't seem to be so defined in USA. Correct me if I'm wrong.
He's a Fine Person
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 11, 2018:
takes one to know one!
Better than group delusion
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 11, 2018:
you know....there are so many memes out there with mark twain quotes that I begin to suspect his entire life was filled with speeches. Instead of saying 'pass the salt' he probably said with suitable sincerity: "He who awaits salt shall be rewarded". Instead of saying "I'll put the garbage out" he would've said "To breath fresh air, one must relieve oneself of rubbish".
Do you want to be resuscitated?
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 10, 2018:
I wouldn't want my relatives to be too hasty in pushing me off just to get their hands on their inheritance.
Do atheists observe Halloween?
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 10, 2018:
When I was a kid, halloween wasn't observed in my country. But american consumerism wasn't going to allow an untapped market so some years back we started adopting it. When my kids were little it was fun to see their delight. I have no interest in it now.
Believers. I've noticed a few people state that they are believers in their profiles. Why come here?
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 10, 2018:
If they were here to question, they would say so on their profile. It is boring and a waste of time debating christians. You can throw them all the scientific evidence, challenge the validity of believing in one document that has no supporting evidence and still they persist in delusion.
Don't you just hate it when you wake up far too early? It's 4AM, and I can't do anything 'till 8:30!
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 10, 2018:
I have two bedrooms in my house. On a working day, I wake early with the sun shining through my eastern side bedroom. I take the dog for a walk at 6am and am at work by 8.30. Now on weekends, I sleep in my bedroom facing the west. It is dark and I sleep longer. But if it is insomnia you have, I listen to a guided relaxtion on 'sleep'. I don't make it through to the end of the audio.....I'm asleep. :D
Well THIS is horrific in every way. :( []
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 10, 2018:
Disgraceful. The rich won't have to fund it though
Love is......
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 10, 2018:
Thats my man!
Ahhh romance...
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 10, 2018:
jesus i dont think i ever laughed so much in my life. ha ha ha ha ha ha so funny, hilarious.
Looks a little ripe
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 10, 2018:
jesus christ ron . spare us the school boy humour
Not a coffee drinker
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 10, 2018:
CAn you please find something witty to post instead of this mysoginist bullshit. I'm tired of seeing it. Is this your daughter you're showing off.
Relax, Ladies. Don’t Be So Uptight. You Know You Want It
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 10, 2018:
This was a great article and I think you should run for the next president HippieChick. But I look around at jokes posted on this website and I despair because I see so-called enlightened men still making these sexist jokes.You know ones I mean,the sexist, pornographic ones that I don't find funny and can't comment on because of course I am an uptight feminist who can't take a joke.
Sharing is caring.
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 9, 2018:
Do we have to have this sexist stuff here? I was under the delusion that atheists were 'thinking people'. You don't post racist stuff
You know, to the untrained eye, I'm actually quite attractive.
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 5, 2018:
especially when I'm not wearing my glasses!
Kavanaugh being quietly confirmed in an after hours ceremony.
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Not sure whether I can laugh. I am very uneasy about the entire situation. But great statement.
Today, I will not complain about the red lights. I will celebrate the green ones.
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 5, 2018:
I only joined this group to post one of my fav songs.
Party Affiliation
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 5, 2018:
hmm so you have the right and the slightly left of right and er whatever independent means. Not much to choose from
Is Reality Observer Dependent or Independent?
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 5, 2018:
I wish you'd help me with my statistics exam.
Why do young guys think sarcasm is positive?
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Lovin' that sarcasm!
Why do young guys think sarcasm is positive?
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 5, 2018:
So here, David Wolfe presents the positives of sarcasm (I say without a trace of sarcasm)
I Know Why Evangelical Women Support Brett Kavanaugh. I Was Raised To Do The Same. | HuffPost
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 5, 2018:
I found this helpful. I could never understand how any woman could vote for a creep like Trump after the 'grab 'em by the pussy' statement. I don't like this 'boys will be boys' excuse that some women make.
I find it to be interesting, from a psychological standpoint, that the people who get the most upset...
MsDemeanour comments on Oct 5, 2018:
This shows a great deal of insight PolyWolf.
Bet he wishes he hadn't asked
MsDemeanour comments on Sep 29, 2018:
and he wanted to have her stuffed


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Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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