I am a single 44 year-old conservative, living in Arcadia Florida. I enjoy learning about people in ancient times, science, astronomy, animals & nature.
I became a baptized Christian at 19. At 25 hosted a bible radio program. At age 28-32 sold family bibles and Christian books door to door all over the country. At 33 managed a Christian book publishing house. At 35 managed a Christian TV studio. At 36 discovered my churches teaches were false. From ages 36-37 wrote 300 articles, had 120+ debates with ministers in my church.
From age 38-44 began studying history, archaeology, geology, astronomy, etc in a quest to learn the truth about the Bible, the age of the earth, and the claims of Jesus Christ. This has been a personal quest, that has led to some satisfying answers.
I believe, the earth is young, that a world-wide flood occurred, that the exodus and other Old Testament stories are historical happenings. I believe the gospels and Acts were written by 62 AD.
I believe Jesus is Jehovah, creator of all the universe. I believe Jesus was born to a virgin, lived a sinless life, died for my sins, and on the third day rose from the dead, and 40 days later ascended to sit at the right hand of His Father Jehovah. I believe Jesus is coming again.
I was agnostic when I first joined this website, today I am a Christian. I am not keeping this membership to convert anyone. However if anyone contacts me, to ask me why I became a Christian, I will certainly share my reasons.