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Is it a truism that women enjoy intimacy more in sex and men enjoy the physical more?
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I'd say no pattern. I genuinely believe that most sex differences (beyond primary and secondary sex differences) are cultural. I think its just an outgrowth of the "woman as natural nurterer" myth.
Look at the flowers on the back of the bike - how does this situation arise?
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Lost bets and creative though sadistic friends?
@Blindbird just hit level 8.
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Lol! You have met my sons!
Maybe a bit too much chili powder in the curry
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I've had curry like that. No Bueno
Back to work
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 3, 2018:
My favorite.
What does it mean to you when a members starts to follow your posts?
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I generally follow people who have said something interesting.
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 3, 2018:
We'll all go together when we go.....
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 4, 2018:
Best. Road Trip. Ever!
Women mock the way they are portrayed by male writers []
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 4, 2018:
I like this immensely!
And there you have it.. Texas
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 4, 2018:
Florida too
Evangelical Pastor Claims Traditional Gender Roles Can Prevent Sexual Abuse | HuffPost
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 4, 2018:
No words just murderous rage.?.
CW: The Dankest Meme in Phone....was saving it for a special occasion.
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 4, 2018:
Why does it have eyes and nostrils?!!!
Morning sexism / patriarchal meme.
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 5, 2018:
I warned @Blindbird, I really did...
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Also @triggered....
How about a childhood photo?
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 5, 2018:
I was cute for like, 5 minutes.
What are some of the things professing christians have done to irritate you and why did you find it ...
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Well one just f*×$ing messaged me on here to tell me I'm wrong about religion. That's pretty irritating.
Ok, back to TBT, a little further than the last, from the 1950's to the 1850's...
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 5, 2018:
I read somewhere that the overly attached girlfriend one is actually a posed corpse.
New to this, hello. Any advice about the site
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Hello. Have fun, be authentic and don't hesitate to block those that are annoying. Your experience will be much better for it.
Huh??? Lol
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Well I mean there were whips and a bunch of people got nailed, so....
I would say I am not superstitious, but you can’t argue the logic...
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 5, 2018:
So apparently one of the recent updates on agnostic.
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Dont back talk!
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Just shut up and drive,Timmy.
I'm cackling like the evil witch I am
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 6, 2018:
Also am attempting to "breast boobily down the street" because I'm absolutely tickled by that phrase.
This particular religion does have my interest.....
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Nacho average belief structure!
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Idk why "pew,pew,pew" always cracks me up. Good one!
Whats on your mind when having sex?
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Hahaha. Absolutely nothing. That's the appeal. Basically the only time my brain shuts up.
Blindbird, you can do the taste test challenge. I will watch.... from a distance.
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Some advice
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 7, 2018:
See, I thought you were going to go the peeping Tom route...
Bills. Bills. Bills...
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Haha. We need a @phxbillcee sticker.
They look so cute together
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Wtf is even going on in this photo?
THIS GIRL!!! Doesn't want me on Agnostic.
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 9, 2018:
She's a pretty girl and we all know pretty girls are high maintenance ;)
I camped in Florida a few times. Glad I didn't run into this
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 9, 2018:
How'd you get a picture of my backyard? ;)
But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete, When I wore a younger man's clothes.
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Too bad its not a woman. Perfect Tuna Piano pun opportunity.
He tried his best
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Hand fatigue is a thing!
Kind of cold
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Ah necrophilia. Cuddling optional, no need for plan B or a telephone call the next day.
Jenny has some power....stay on the Jenny in your life's good side peeps!
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 11, 2018:
I know quite a few and this is highly accurate :)
Parental viciousness
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Cuz people suck! Almost as badly as this pun does....
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Yeah they do ?
Okay, @Blindbird, time for germ warfare!
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Hold on,amoeba back....
@Blindbird....words of wisdom.
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 12, 2018:
I'm biding my time on the revenge.
Holy shit.. it's alive!
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 12, 2018:
My eeeeeeyyyyyes
It is an established fact that my wife does not crave physical intimacy like I do.
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 13, 2018:
My first question is if this is something that important to you and she's not willing to hear that. Why are you still married?
Well, here we are folks, Friday Night...The last one is for Eric!
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 13, 2018:
I'll have you know I am having a wild night. Got some root beer float marshmallows and mythbusters reruns. :)
My sister just posted this in a wholesome way.... am I just that much of pervert?
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 14, 2018:
You are a pervert and its great !
Just did a pet visiting job with 19 cats!! All Persians.
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 15, 2018:
Not as fuzzy as yours! So much cute.
Some puns for your edification & amusement...
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 17, 2018:
Love 'em!
Random thoughts this morning
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 18, 2018:
One of them days huh?
This is my's pronounced in Grape!
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 18, 2018:
That dang Zuckerberg. What a know it all.
Oh good luck!
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 18, 2018:
All over. Anything's a dildo if you're brave enough!
My posts are going to be an erratic balance of deep philosophical questions, smartassery and prose ...
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Looking forward to it, then!
Feeling adventurous, I bought a 24lb.
OpposingOpposum comments on Apr 19, 2018:
Jealous! I've wanted to try those for a while but I can never find them.
Follow up to Nancy Drew meme last night...
OpposingOpposum comments on Aug 1, 2018:
D'awww cute lil' thing
OpposingOpposum comments on Aug 2, 2018:
Hear! Hear!
So is there any chance we could ever have a game room?
OpposingOpposum comments on Aug 7, 2018:
I like that idea
It's my birthday today and I would love some Cat Memes.
OpposingOpposum comments on Aug 10, 2018:
Kitty memez
Have you or any of your friends ever been homeless?
OpposingOpposum comments on Aug 12, 2018:
It is happening to many, many people. Our society is breaking apart.
My fingers don't feel heat anymore, too many candles snuffed out.
OpposingOpposum comments on Aug 13, 2018:
@Nurse-Quantros thank you for everything you do. We see what it costs you. You're a good man at the end of the day,struggles or no.
Who in this group has children and what are their ages?
OpposingOpposum comments on Aug 14, 2018:
I have two boys 8&4
I gotta say that Redcupcoffee is the most prolific person on here, how she is not level 10 is beyond...
OpposingOpposum comments on Aug 16, 2018:
I know of 5 or 6 happy couples who met here. One couple just moved in together. It's not hopeless. The singles chat is where 3 (I Think)of those couples got together.
A creepy abandoned amusement park ?
OpposingOpposum comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Hell yeah I would!
Are you heartache proof? Did you ever think you would be?
OpposingOpposum comments on Aug 24, 2018:
Buddhist philosophy has some great insights on this. They discuss attachment and its role in suffering frequently. Appreciating experiences for what they are, not what you want them to be is profoundly helpful. Everything ends, it's appreciating what you have while you have it and accepting the nature of the relationships that heals your emotions.
This isn't really halloween stuff, but this girl is very creepy, so I thought I'd post it.
OpposingOpposum comments on Aug 24, 2018:
She is an original!
Do women lose respect for a guy or view him as weak if he cries in front of her?
OpposingOpposum comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Of course not!
What Working-class and Poor White People Need to Understand About Rich White People
OpposingOpposum comments on Aug 26, 2018:
To this I say a resounding yes!
"The more you learn, the better you come to understand yourself" Be good to yourself and others
OpposingOpposum comments on Aug 28, 2018:
@Bingst made it to Level 8 today.
OpposingOpposum comments on Aug 29, 2018:
Yay @Bingst!!! You rock!
I'll miss her more than words can tell.. []
OpposingOpposum comments on Aug 29, 2018:
So sorry for your loss. My condolences.
I usually don't like to discuss politics, but though Ron DeSantis did or should have done himself a ...
OpposingOpposum comments on Aug 30, 2018:
Agreed. Bad move on his part but indicative of his mind set.
Hi everyone, i have been away for a brief moment because have been dealing with some life ...
OpposingOpposum comments on Aug 31, 2018:
Hugs @Twishield. I hope you get the rest you need.
I will admit it, I am pointstitute, I have about a 1000 to go for 8, brother can you spare a like or...
OpposingOpposum comments on Sep 1, 2018:
You go @glennlab!
From a Canadian newspaper
OpposingOpposum comments on Sep 2, 2018:
???? because one laugh emoji is not enough.
Blessed are those of us who are cracked... for it is we who let in the light.
OpposingOpposum comments on Sep 3, 2018:
So very true.
Found this cute little guy in my backyard... He was so tiny!
OpposingOpposum comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Carolina Anole!
Don't forget @McVinegar is at 49193 points.
OpposingOpposum comments on Sep 4, 2018:
So its spam @Mcvinegar day?
Found : Cat
OpposingOpposum comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Hey that's my cat!
Good morning and happy Friday! My mouth feels fairly well, just a little sore, but no real pain, ...
OpposingOpposum comments on Sep 7, 2018:
Good morning GG!
That's just science.
OpposingOpposum comments on Sep 7, 2018:
Can confirm!
Been noticing this recently. Why is @KKGator above @Sheannutt in the leader board?
OpposingOpposum comments on Sep 12, 2018:
Hey! Congrats on reaching level 9 @Sheanut! I didn't know. You go girl!
Good morning!
OpposingOpposum comments on Sep 18, 2018:
Two Pills ? I'll take 1 and 4 ?
OpposingOpposum comments on Sep 18, 2018:
1 and 7
This political cartoon is not meant to condemn all rich people or begrudge anyone their success.
OpposingOpposum comments on Sep 20, 2018:
Why is it we must have more consideration for the feelings of the wealthy than the lives and opportunities of the poor. Fuck 'em if they can't handle the truth and see the need for change.
Good morning ....
OpposingOpposum comments on Sep 25, 2018:
Good morning!
The Boys’ Club That Protects Brett Kavanaugh | The New Yorker
OpposingOpposum comments on Sep 25, 2018:
Well, my takeaway from this is that we have a corrupt, priveleged aristocracy in this country that desperately needs to be exposed and replaced by "we the people". There is no place for aristocracy In a democratic republic. Lets refuse to put any more of these people in office and remove those already in place.
My relationships always sink into the abyss. Or All's Fhtagn in Love and War...
OpposingOpposum comments on Sep 27, 2018:
Is this about tentacle porn, @MFatheist?
"Liberal society is no longer willing to tolerate illiberal ideas or sentiments"It has adopted the ...
OpposingOpposum comments on Oct 4, 2018:
Asking people not to be bigots is NOT requiring people to be liberal. No I do not and I will not tolerate bigotry or idiocy in the name of " political freedom". No you are not free to be for the oppression of people different from you and demand the world coddle your idiotic baseless beliefs then cry about being discriminated against.
history in the making
OpposingOpposum comments on Oct 8, 2018:
This shit is almost enough to make me despair and give up. Whats the point? Every step forward we make, we get dragged back decades by the shittiest humanity has to offer, who call themselves leaders. They're leading us right into the end of humanity. Fuck. Some days it seems like humanities just not fucking worth it. Seems that most people want to stay dumb and miserable.
What in the actual fuck is up with some of the newer members being so hostile based on fuckall?
OpposingOpposum comments on Oct 14, 2018:
There has been a massive influx of trolls. Seems word of the sites tolerance for that sort of BS has vastly emboldened that element.
At Magical Gardens, Philadelphia
OpposingOpposum comments on Oct 15, 2018:
This is such a happy photo!
Does a post or comment make you feel a little ill? We now have a nausea icon under "Like".
OpposingOpposum comments on Oct 23, 2018:
I noticed and I am very pleased! Thanks Admin. *begins digging through old posts to nausea react*
Good morning
OpposingOpposum comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Morning GG. Yoga on the beach this morning :)
My working class life.
OpposingOpposum comments on Nov 3, 2018:
Whoops. This is a work in progress . thought I set to me only lol
Engagement! My daughter and her boyfriend got us all on a Hangouts call yesterday to announce ...
OpposingOpposum comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Origami Christmas ornaments that I'm working on for this year's Treefest tree.
OpposingOpposum comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Squirrel in Greenwich Park
OpposingOpposum comments on Nov 14, 2018:
Squirrel-"hey no pics! Mu nipples are showing!"
In 45 years, we have killed 60% of Earth’s wildlife | Condé Nast Traveller India | Trends
OpposingOpposum comments on Nov 18, 2018:
This is a hard, hard truth. Even harder is the realisation that most people won't lift a finger to change this.
EDIT Folks, this was an attempt at sarcastic humor.
OpposingOpposum comments on Nov 20, 2018:
FYI being agnostic or atheist does not preclude having a stick up ones ass. Good grief people, calm the fuck down. Bunch of pearl clutching baby eaters 'round here I swear.
Whoever made this meme definately knows a few of my ex's!
OpposingOpposum comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Cuts both ways. Anytime I go on a date with a guy who tells me this, I walk away. Either he craves crazy(which I am unwilling to supply) or he just dislikes women and dismisses us all as crazy. Either way, no way am I getting mixed up in that.
Plan-B Emergency Contraceptive Now Available in Vending Machines | Katie Paulson
OpposingOpposum comments on Dec 3, 2018:
This needs to be everywhere!
If this is a 'possum I'll be a bobtailed raccoon.
OpposingOpposum comments on Dec 5, 2018:
I am highly offended by this post. HARRUMPH,harrumph, harrumph....
Reindeer Boobs Is the New NSFW Holiday Trend - Ugly Sweater Part
OpposingOpposum comments on Dec 16, 2018:
"I demand to know why this trend is called reindeer boob and not Cariboob" lolololol


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Giving people the finger just got way more fun
Agnostic, Humanist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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