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Something else that has occurred to me.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 29, 2018:
Yes, yes, yes. Why do we , as atheists, spend sooo much time debating christian mythology?
Everyone Is Missing A Key Reason The U.S. Birth Rate Is Declining | HuffPost
OpposingOpposum comments on May 29, 2018:
Oh yeah. This is so very, very true.
Let the fun begin... :P
OpposingOpposum comments on May 29, 2018:
Someone already said Alchohol, so I guess I'm bringing anal beads.
I trolled this guy at my city’s Memorial Day Parade.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 29, 2018:
I ?you
A little later
OpposingOpposum comments on May 29, 2018:
Stunning @btroje
I'm such a weenie as I get older.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 29, 2018:
Awww. Nanthahala is so beautiful. I'm jealous, even if you didn't go rafting.
Hike today. Barlow Point in the great state of Washington
OpposingOpposum comments on May 28, 2018:
Goodnight Kitty:
OpposingOpposum comments on May 28, 2018:
It doesn't look like much, but this is one of my favorite moths of all, because of the history I ...
OpposingOpposum comments on May 28, 2018:
That's really neat @Insectra
John Oliver/Last Week Tonight on the North Korean Summit (5/20/18) []
OpposingOpposum comments on May 28, 2018:
What a bunch of clowns. It would be funny if they weren't driving us into extinction.
Time for BBQ and family gatherings
OpposingOpposum comments on May 28, 2018:
Well, that is one way to get a family....
Behold, a warm body may no er be needed! []?
OpposingOpposum comments on May 28, 2018:
Now honestly, why do you need this when the streets are chock full of lonely, hairy, kinda smelly guys who will do such charming things as telling you to "go make a sandwich" and hogging the tv to watch mind numbing stuff while expecting you to clean up after them?
Sarah Huckabee Sanders?
OpposingOpposum comments on May 28, 2018:
As a liberal woman I'd like to say Conservatives can suck mine. Boo! Your post is bad and you should feel bad.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 28, 2018:
Oh lol!
OpposingOpposum comments on May 28, 2018:
Legitimately funny video. Generally I'd be annoyed at more telling women what to do but this ladies' actually funny with it.
Two days till level 8 woohoo! ?
OpposingOpposum comments on May 28, 2018:
Woot! Woot!
I had a hot date this evening.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 28, 2018:
Cutest date ever!
Group owners and moderators can now "hide" comments and comment replies in their groups.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 28, 2018:
Thank you @Admin
I'm working on some ideas with flowers.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 28, 2018:
These are stunning
I'm single like a Pringle and wanting to mingle! Like a Snickers, I'm nutty and sweet, but I can ...
OpposingOpposum comments on May 28, 2018:
Oh I LIKE you. You seem fun.
Mistakes, I've almost made them
OpposingOpposum comments on May 28, 2018:
Oh dear
2 minutes from my parents house..
OpposingOpposum comments on May 28, 2018:
Incredible view
My native stick insect eggs have started to hatch! I had almost given up hope that they would.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 28, 2018:
Squeee! They're so tiny!
Please like and comment on this post ?
OpposingOpposum comments on May 27, 2018:
Lol whaf?
Where or when are you the most happy?
OpposingOpposum comments on May 27, 2018:
Riding down a quiet highway with the music turned up all the way.
What has provided for you?
OpposingOpposum comments on May 27, 2018:
Some good friends and lots if entertainment/educational links!
We'll hello there, my lovelies! I haven't posted or commented in some time, and I figured it was ...
OpposingOpposum comments on May 27, 2018:
Hello. Lovely post. Good to "hear" your voice.
A CDC report , released Thursday , says that of the 10,013 female homicides that occurred between ...
OpposingOpposum comments on May 27, 2018:
It's true. Every time I think about dating someone I wonder if he's going to turn out to be violent. Men just don't want to hear this and/or don't understand that this isn't an irrational fear. Women are killed by their partners every single day.
We don't know everything
OpposingOpposum comments on May 27, 2018:
Haha beat me too it.
AmelieMatisse, sharing with you how I flip and , arrange a section of an image to create something ...
OpposingOpposum comments on May 27, 2018:
Oh wow!
I love you all, even if I don't like you much, or at all really.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 27, 2018:
Yeah, everyone but that guy in the middle. He can fuck right off.???
I never would have dreamed that little pictures on a screen would feel like friends yet, here we ...
OpposingOpposum comments on May 27, 2018:
Very much so!
Go ahead.. let's hear it.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 27, 2018:
Invisible Hamburger. Least sexy stripper name ever!
Cat Traps pt 28: Traps with a view.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 27, 2018:
Too cute! I like Mr. Urban Renegade there.
Last night feeling unusually lonely I came to the kindling chat room.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 27, 2018:
I pop in from time to time but I only ever find Hank there. Of course a chat with hank is always worth the time ?
I am getting anxious and depressed with the newer people on this site who feel they need to ...
OpposingOpposum comments on May 27, 2018:
Sorry Buzz. That's really not ok behaviour ?
Did people unfollow me, or they're all ignoring me now for some unknown reason?
OpposingOpposum comments on May 27, 2018:
Not at all. Personally Ive been busy w/ work. It is summer, maybe people are on vacation?
Make this a wild & crazy 3 day weekend
OpposingOpposum comments on May 26, 2018:
This guy gets all the pussy (sorry, I'm so sorry)
Bathroom humor...
OpposingOpposum comments on May 26, 2018:
Aaaand the Boss is back.
Hasn't been run past Snopes yet....
OpposingOpposum comments on May 26, 2018:
Ha! Actually true
I hate reality.....
OpposingOpposum comments on May 26, 2018:
Dangit boss, would you stop posting pics of me on the internet? Jeez
I found love on Agnostic.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 26, 2018:
My first male Actias dubernardi, from the latest group of caterpillars, to eclose.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 26, 2018:
Beautiful @Insectra
I have a bit of a problem.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 26, 2018:
I'm so sorry. That is truly terrible
Ok we're going to be viewing "Young Frankenstein" Sunday night.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 26, 2018:
Ever meet that one person.....
OpposingOpposum comments on May 26, 2018:
Steve, always a buzz kill.
Homelessness.... []
OpposingOpposum comments on May 26, 2018:
This, so very much.
Self portrait
OpposingOpposum comments on May 25, 2018:
Very handsome!
Everybody wants tan skin and white teeth. In opposite world, I’ll bet I’m sexy as hell.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 25, 2018:
@Duke, you're awesome.
Caption this image!
OpposingOpposum comments on May 25, 2018:
everybody was kung fu fighting, those cats were fast as lightning...
I sure could use a hug today ... Any volunteers?
OpposingOpposum comments on May 25, 2018:
Aww. Hugs
4-Mation carousel 1: Jumping Frogs - a 3D Zoetrope - YouTube
OpposingOpposum comments on May 25, 2018:
This is so neat!
New species of tardigrade discovered in a Japanese parking lot []
OpposingOpposum comments on May 25, 2018:
Bears yesterday,waterbears today. I sense a theme @Jnei
Cat Traps pt 26: The Deluxe Transparent Trap.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 25, 2018:
@DotLewis you're a treasure.
This morning's group for release.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 25, 2018:
They're so beautiful!
Do you ever feel like there is no one else on the same plane of existence as you?
OpposingOpposum comments on May 25, 2018:
You are an individual. No one else has experienced your life or your thoughts. This is a beautiful thing but it's also a lonely realization. No one is ever going to understand you completely because no one's been with you on your whole journey. Friends are those people who can understand and share at least a little of what you've experienced and vice versa. Find and cultivate those little connections and you will probably feel better about your individuality. This site is a really good place to start making those connections. There really are a lot of good people here. Hugs.
Them kid books aren't what they used to be.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Quite the collection you've got there!
I had to Bushhog with the tractor today, and while I was cutting in this field Thor (dog) comes back...
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
I just got my second tattoo ever.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Traditional Memorial Day Celebration - weeding the parents markers..... Bringing the flowers. ;-)
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Hugs my friend.?
You're getting one of mine today - he was seriously up to no good right before this...
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Aww. I want to pet that belly so badly.
I quietly went live today with a "compatibility" match search results for members who are here for ...
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Neat. I may be playing with this for the next hour or so.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
You are entirely correct.
Squilly and Moxie, my two favorite cattle dogs.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
They're so dang cute.???
Ladies, how about giving men some advice on what you like or don't like seeing on dating profiles.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Picture please! Things you're interested in and positions you hold about important stuff are nice. Personally when I see negative language about past partners or women in general, I give those profiles a hard pass. I assume those men either just don't like women very much or are so bitter and jaded that no matter what I'M like, I'll be paying for whatever wrongs they feel women have done them in the past.
Some more Anti Trump stuff I have created...enjoy, majority of America and the planet!...;) .
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Oh man these are good.
What's your thoughts about me only having the group chatroom open when I can attend?
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
I think that's a solid idea. Instead of spit balling stuff left and right and debating what you think we could just ask. Having somewhat restricted access might give the questions a little more gravitas too. Not trying to ruffle feathers but some questions or topics have seemed a tad nonsensical.
A couple more examples of the Atheistic themed memes I have created...hope you like 'em... .
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Love these! Well done!
Penn and Teller Fool Us, Shin Lim both performances []
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Oh this was good.
Thought you all would appreciate this. I had it made bought it on Amazon.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Took my goats for a stroll along the canal bank on my property.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
They're lovely!
Woman fights off grizzly bear, then walks to safety ://[www.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
This lady is a certified bad ass. Much respect.
Bye bye peace prize
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
That last one!!! Omng!
Meanwhile as we are continually pointed driven and forced to overlook what is actually being done in...
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
How long are we going to let this go on??
Don't hate me because I'm going to see Tom Jones tonight!
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Yay. Have a blast.
So that's where that lamp came from!
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
How very stepford wife.
When You Really Matter to Someone Else
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Yep. Hard lesson to learn but true.
Need to Impeach: To whom it may concern: No one is above the law.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
You are entirely correct. Thank you
What's with the points?
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Lol @atheist. You can do it.
The smell of pooperee in the air.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Romance isn't dead but it sure does stink.
My two favorite people in the world. Granddaughters Talli and Kayli.?
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Good aim...
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Lol Thats a shitty thing to do to your pet.
The @admin bot is self aware! Everybody run! Agnostinet is active!
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Lol. I don't think admins a bot.
Dr. Steve Brule Investigates Space | Flat Earth DEBUNKED - YouTube
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
This was painful to watch.
I've learned how to accept that I am a beautiful young woman, and I don't listen to haters.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Awesome. You rock, don't pay any mind to the haters.
John F.Kennedy on economics...sounds a lot like Trump's plan
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Troll post!
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Always carry baby wipes.
Hey Lisa, what kind of plant is this?
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Collie flower
Ah, the joys of parenthood (suckers!).
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Quietly weeps in the corner...
Somebody had a bad day...
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
I guess you could say he went balls out. Badum tsssss.
Always time for a taco
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Mmmm tacos...
Prayer in US schools? It IS allowed, just not enforced.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
That's because Christianity not being actively taught in schools is seen as an attack by these folks. Anything at all that opens the floor to alternative or no belief systems is "war on christianity". They know damn well that people exposed to reason and secular lifestyles will abandon their organizations en masse.
The insect savior
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018: well they do kind of walk on water...
Ok. What's with the 'system test' posts by @cs10 Real member or what?
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
I thought it was admin?
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
This makes me giggle every time. ?
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Gahhh. I'm still traumatized by that.
One of my projects.
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Is pee stored in the balls?
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Snapples fact checker is high af
Ok, now please explain the problems in the Middle East
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Ugh not upvoting this because the source material is just too vile.
Because kindness is overrated..
OpposingOpposum comments on May 24, 2018:
Lmao. Preach sister.


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Giving people the finger just got way more fun
Agnostic, Humanist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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