I am a man of thoughts and imagination. I believe there is a higher power maybe not what one would term a God. Maybe it didn't want be. Something can't come from nothing. But i don't believe us as human beings can grasp the concept of what that higher power is. What if we are just a dream in a dreamers dream? So many questions. Ok well i guess I'm supposed write something trivial about myself so people know about me.... I'm 40, i have 3 wonderful kids (who i let have their own beliefs). I enjoy sci-fi, rock music all the way up death metal. I video games they don't dominate my world, but it's a great way blow off steam. I am a big guy 6'4 280lbs. I'm told I'm very intimidating to look at. But i have a big ole heart. I am very loyal, brutally honest (its prob Where i get in the most trouble)
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