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Retired after 55 years; in TV/electronics repair and 43 in computer integration and programming.
Atheist classical liberal humanist
Promoting personal liberty and socially responsible Capitalism.
Opposed to crony Capitalism, Marxism and the Islam political ideology.
Tolerant of life-affirming, unaggressive non-proselytizing religions


Interested in your thoughts on two different topics: 1) Karma 2) Soul-mates
PBuck0145 comments on Aug 3, 2018:
1. Karma is self-inflicted. 2. The existence of a soul-mate somewhere within Earth's population is a mathematical certainty.
Is it odd to occasionally look up and wonder... Is any of this real?
PBuck0145 comments on Aug 2, 2018:
As a solipsist, I continually wonder why there aren't more solipsists.
What is your strangest talent? How did you discover it?
PBuck0145 comments on Aug 2, 2018:
I can get goosebumps at will, even in a steam bath. Always been able to do it.
My lack of belief in a Supreme Being has resulted in there being a whole lot of gods I don't believe...
PBuck0145 comments on Aug 1, 2018:
I guess that makes me a polyatheist.
What decade do you think put out the best music? You can break it up genre if you want
PBuck0145 comments on Aug 1, 2018:
I just read an article about Tennessee's soon-to-be return to capital punishment.
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 31, 2018:
Capital punishment should never be imposed. It should be an option for the prisoner, who should have the right to demand death in lieu of serving the remainder of his/her sentence.
LOYALTY SIGNALING IN POLITICS My impression is that our political behavior is driven largely by ...
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 31, 2018:
Group identity politics is detrimental to cicizens' well being.
If you could change anything about this world to better it, what would it be?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 30, 2018:
End Islam.
What famous person do people think you look like?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 30, 2018:
Charles Bronson.
Are churches leaches to impoverished communities?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Many are leeches. Many have a net positive impact.
Finally!!! The Funeral Industry is starting to take a major hit, and so is organized religion.
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 29, 2018:
I want a natural burial.
Here's my struggle I am trying to figure out.
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Four stages of life: 1. You believe in Santa Claus 2. You don't believe in Santa Claus 3. You are Santa Claus 4. You look like Santa Claus
What is the one thing you were not prepared for in life?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 29, 2018:
The JFK assassination. I was depressed for weeks.
Have you ever seen a movie that you wished you never seen?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 29, 2018:
I am curious of people's thoughts of science here. Are you confident in science?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 29, 2018:
Christian Science.
Which do you think woudl be more likely...
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 27, 2018:
Like string theory and multiple dimensions, the conjecture of a multiverse is a temporary solution to hitherto insoluble problems in physics and mathematics. In contrast, the existence billions of star systems in our galaxy is observable.
Humanists, both religious and atheist, talk about the ‘dignity’ or ‘value’ or ‘worth’ or...
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 27, 2018:
An extraterrestrial who objectively observed mankind's effect on the planet would not value "human dignity". Cherishing human dignity is a subjective DECISION, not a matter of faith. Given society's current state and direction, I am ambivalent about such a decision.
I love when people speak loud and clear: Translation: "" The Bible is probably the most ...
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 27, 2018:
Not as genocidal as the Qur'an.
Your views on physicodelics?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 25, 2018:
I would like the opportunity to try Psilocybin legally, to combat my despair regarding the current state of society. It has been shown to be effective against depression and anxiety.
Tired of the religious US? Where would you want to move to?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 25, 2018:
Switzerland. Direct democracy.
At what age did you start to begin questioning god(s)/religion?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 22, 2018:
We are all born Atheist ?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 22, 2018:
Incorrect. We are born with one god, which is usually our mother. As the fallibility of this god becomes evident, the reverence can be re-directed by indoctrination towards a mystical entity. (Un)fortunately, I happen to retain vivid memories of my very early infancy.
Greatest living atheist debater right now?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 21, 2018:
Toss-up. Sam Harris and Matt Dillahunty.
What is the most inane thing you had to learn in high school?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 19, 2018:
I learned that the U.S. is the greatest nation that ever existed. I went to school in Canada.
Does anyone here have anxiety attacks?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 19, 2018:
Depression and anxiety were my diagnosis. In reality, it is despair about the current direction of humanity and society. Being able to lie to oneself would be helpful, but not consistent with acceptance of observed evidence.
Who are some famous people you wish would just go away?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 19, 2018:
George Soros, Theresa May, Justin Turdeau, Sadiq Khan, Angela Merkel
What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Have a parachute malfunction when sky-diving.
What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Write a book.
If you get invited to go to someone’s church, do you?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Only to attend weddings or funerals.
49 years ago today Apollo 11 was launched.
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 16, 2018:
I remember it well. I stayed up all night to watch the coverage of the lunar landing. I have a slide photo of the 15-inch TV screen displaying Armstrong's initial descent out of the lander.
What kind of philosophical school of thought do you adhere to in your daily lives??
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Materialistic humanism.
What's something that is popular right now that annoys you?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Safe spaces, trigger warnings, free-speech zones.
Free will?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 14, 2018:
Regressive leftism is hijacking the liberal agenda.
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 10, 2018:
Do you think that Atheists have different senses of humor compared to other people?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Here's one atheist with a sense of humour:
Why Does Palestine Matter?
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 5, 2018:
The unfortunate, oppressed Palestinians are continually frustrated by their inability to achieve their objective of destroying Israel and annihilating all the Jews. Those Pesky Israelis persistently refuse to cooperate.
Sandrine Thuret: You can grow new brain cells. Here's how | TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript | TED
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 4, 2018:
The video on the TED site wouldn't run. Here's the link to the video on YouTube:
What is your view on the Right to Die issue?
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 28, 2018:
The state does NOT own my life.
Hypothetical question: if antidepressents had existed long before it was ever thought of would we ...
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 28, 2018:
It has been my experience that antidepressants are placebos with undesirable side effects. I have been trying to obtain psilocybin treatment. Unfortunately, psilocybin is classified as a schedule 1 drug in Canada and USA. Some info on psilocybin:
I am sure everyone can equate sex and procreation, sex and love, can you equate sex and recreation?
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 27, 2018:
Recreational sex is what encouraged males to support and protect females (and their offspring), and was thus an evolutionary advantage.
Where do we go from here.
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 27, 2018:
I am a "classical liberal" atheist. I recognize that liberalism has been hijacked by the regressive leftists. Therefore, I support many of the same issues which are traditionally considered to be conservative. Until the "liberal" left recognizes and rejects regressive leftism, many free-thinking rational liberals will continue (reluctantly) to support the conservative agenda.
I have a question for all you music lovers out there: Do you have a favorite song? If so, why?
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 26, 2018:
1. Yes, I have a favorite song. 2. Because I like it more than all the other songs.
Can you be an Atheist/Agnostic and have a Conservative stance?
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 26, 2018:
An atheist can certainly support many conservative principles. While I consider myself to be a classical liberal, I observe that current "liberal" politics has been hijacked by regressive leftists. In Canadian Federal politics, the Greens come closest to my viewpoint. Hopefully, we can adopt Proportional Representation, which will encourage inter-party cooperation and reduce partisanship.
When I was traveling around Arkansas last week, we went into a local restaurant and the young lady ...
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 25, 2018:
"I really don't care. Do you?" - Melania Trump's jacket.
True or false An atheist is more willing to date a religious person than a religious person is ...
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Seems likely. Due to the indefensible nature of theism, an atheist is a greater emotional threat to a religious person than the converse would be.
Someone just stated that those without religion amounts to 23% of the population in the USA.
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 24, 2018:
Most theists unconsciously realize that their belief is indefensible. The existence of atheists aggravates their unease. Instead of living next door to an atheist, most Christians would prefer a follower of Islam as a neighbour. This is despite the increased likelihood of violence and general non-civility intrinsic to followers of "the prophet".
Until I joined this group I didn't realise how the pernicious strain of Christianity is gnawing away...
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 24, 2018:
No where near as pernicious as the current crusade of "quiet conquest" being waged by Islam in the West. The ideology of Islam mandates the subversion of democracies and the establishment of a global caliphate. This is to be pursued using any means available, including violence, deception, migration and accelerated reproduction. The well-being of Islam's followers and of humanity itself is not a consideration of the ideology.
Who has/had the best singing voice of all-time? My vote goes to Whitney Houston.
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 17, 2018:
Lily Pons. Maybe Maria Callas. Its a toss-up. I guess that dates me.
Will Trump win in 2020?
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 16, 2018:
The Dems blew the last election, and got the results they deserved. To defeat DJT, the democrats will need to: 1. Disband the DNC. 2. Reject corporate donations and lobbying. 3. Return to and respond to grass-roots ideas. 4. Nominate a sincere, honest, intelligent woman who renounces group identity politics. In other words, Trump will likely win.
Language is important, at least it is to me.
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 16, 2018:
There can be agnostic theists AND agnostic athiests (I am the latter). Ask me if a god exists, I will answer "I don't know, I'm an agnostic." Ask me if I believe in a god, I will answer "No, I'm an athiest."
Who is in the wrong here?
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 16, 2018:
She might have over-reacted; not surprising after a recent birthing. You should have obtained her approval before posting.
What's the worst purchase that you have ever made?
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 16, 2018:
BRIC (B.C. Resources Corporation) common stock.
What's the song you remember most from the year you graduated high school and what year was it?
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 13, 2018:
Blowin in the wind, 1963.
Does anyone supplement their diet with probiotics? Thoughts?
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 13, 2018:
I eat a lot of sauerkraut and fermented garlic.
Let's pretend we're wrong and a supernatural diety shows up on earth! What three questions would ...
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 13, 2018:
If you really exist, how is Islam possible?
If you could teach everyone in the world one thing, what concept would have the biggest positive ...
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 13, 2018:
Abandon all your indoctrinated beliefs, observe the evidence and think for yourself.
I've been thinking of adding a Group called Dyslexia.
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 12, 2018:
Thank dog for dyslexics!
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 11, 2018:
A great video. Unfortunately, completely ineffective against those who CHOOSE to reject evidence and instead accept faith-based dogma. What is needed is education in how to think, instead of what to think.
Who agrees?
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 11, 2018:
The U.S. will recover from the DJT presidency only when voters/citizens overcome their group identity politics and embrace independent thinking. Liberal/Conservative antipathy benefits no one.
In the future people will ask the question 'What's an Atheist?
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 6, 2018:
will persist into the foreseeable future. Power-trippers will continue to take advantage of people's inability to accept their own mortality.
What's your favorite ridiculous Bible verse?
PBuck0145 comments on Jun 6, 2018:
"I am the Lord thy god."
Is Reality Just a Figment of Our Imagination?
PBuck0145 comments on May 23, 2018:
Soliphism is an illusion.
My dads entire life he was an Atheist.
PBuck0145 comments on May 10, 2018:
I doubt that the useless ceremony harmed your father or shortened his life.
Can anyone decipher this?
PBuck0145 comments on May 9, 2018:
Obviously a very tormented, anxious individual. To misquote Shakespeare: "Methinks the gentleman doth protest TOO much."
Was anyone else required to kneel and say a prayer before bedtime?
PBuck0145 comments on May 9, 2018:
In our family we were required to recite the Rosary every night.
My daughter has taken up Christianity, despite all the work I put into her and her sister early on, ...
PBuck0145 comments on May 9, 2018:
At least you can be thankful that she didn't embrace Islam. Christianity is fairly benign by comparison. Some people need to believe in a deity because reality is too difficult to confront.
If a true believer knows, without a doubt, that God is real and an atheist knows, without a doubt, ...
PBuck0145 comments on May 3, 2018:
Ask me if god exists. I answer "I don't know, I am an agnostic." Ask me if I believe that god exists. I answer "No, I am an atheist."
Should Atheist be tolerant of religion or should it be treated as unacceptable social behavior?
PBuck0145 comments on May 2, 2018:
In general, religions should be tolerated. Treasonous political ideologies masquerading as religions should be vigorously opposed.