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36 THINGS YOU WOULD NEVER KNOW WITHOUT THE MOVIES 1) During all police investigations, it will be...
Paul4747 comments on Jul 15, 2019:
A couple of "Truth In Television" notes: 3) The St Patrick's Day parade in *The Fugitive* wasn't staged, it actually happened to be the day they were filming and they took advantage of it. "Real Life Writes the Script" 16) Maybe not *no* pain, but due to adrenalin, the pain response is reduced during an actual fight (as I can tell you, having had both lips split open during the line of duty and not even knowing it at the time; but at the Emergency Room, boy howdy, did they hurt). And also: SUPPLEMENTAL RULE 30A) - Conservation of Ninjutsu (Inverse Ninja Law) In any martial arts fight, there is only a finite amount of ninjutsu available to each side in a given encounter. As a result, one Ninja is a deadly threat, but an army of them are cannon fodder.
Second bathroom selfie
Paul4747 comments on Jul 15, 2019:
I was about to be jealous of your second bathroom.... then I read the post... My main goal in life is a house with 2 bathrooms. An in-ground whirlpool bath would be a nice bonus.
This idiocy on the internet of storming area 51 is like the picture grow up and get real
Paul4747 comments on Jul 15, 2019:
And then they will look different as their bodies start to cool off... you know, after being shot... It should horrify me, the prospect of a bunch of people being shot down for trying to rush the fence at a government base, and yet it doesn't. Because they're sort of idiots.
What a fool
Paul4747 comments on Jul 15, 2019:
Did she just implicitly compare herself to Jesus, or the Pope, or something?
So so bad but I laughed... LOL 😄 😆🤭
Paul4747 comments on Jul 15, 2019:
I can't afford personalized license plates, so I'm thinking of changing my name to "75XPC9"
I like old western movies.
Paul4747 comments on Jul 15, 2019:
There's a trope that says "Most writers are writers". They don't know what historical times were like, but they sure know how to take the plot of a '30s gangster movie and set it in the Wild West! (Or whatever the explanation for that particular plot point.) One of my favorites has always been "The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly", in which Sergio Leone gets history wrong (like most Westerns) by having it set in the Civil War, but featuring quite a few guns from the 1870s and 80s. Also, dynamite wasn't invented until 1867. And as for parting a hanging rope with a bullet... But it's all worth it for hearing Eli Wallach's parting line at Eastwood as it turns into the closing theme song: "HEY BLONDIE! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE?! JUST A DIRTY SON OF A" aa-AA-aa-AA-ahhhh
I Am An Affront To God says hot air balloon. []
Paul4747 comments on Jul 14, 2019:
But what, in this heliocentric universe, isn't?
It' Bastille Day! Anyone want to celebrate by revolting against the oppressing class? I am stoked!
Paul4747 comments on Jul 14, 2019:
Be careful what you wish for. Depending on who you ask, *you* might be a member of the oppressing class.
Daily Mail: Leaked cables show UK ambassador saying Trump abandoned Iran deal in act of 'diplomatic ...
Paul4747 comments on Jul 14, 2019:
Yeah, like others are saying, I thought we all knew this... or maybe it was just Americans who saw it right away.
Imagine. Done by a 30 year old Swede on America’s got Talent. Beautiful. []
Paul4747 comments on Jul 13, 2019:
Then shouldn't it be called "Sweden's Got Talent"?
Catholic bishop to rain down ‘holy water' from helicopter in ‘mass exorcism' over city - Story |...
Paul4747 comments on Jul 13, 2019:
So, when it doesn't do a damn bit of good (pardon the expression), does the Bishop admit there's no basis whatsoever to the whole exorcism gag?
ATTENTION - A SURVEY ABOUT AMERICAN WOMEN! Most US women won't dine alone with opposite sex, ...
Paul4747 comments on Jul 12, 2019:
I thought the whole point of the Revolution was that people were people, and we aren't supposed to regard each other as "men" or "women" but just another individual? Going out to dinner isn't automatically a date, is it?
Miriam Adelson wants a 'Book of Trump' in the Bible. Is that possible?
Paul4747 comments on Jul 12, 2019:
Considering that most of the OT is fiction, he would fit right in. 12 lies a day, ladies & gentlemen!
What Is Patriotism? How Is It Different to Nationalism?
Paul4747 comments on Jul 12, 2019:
Patriotism is a love of your country and wanting it to do well. Nationalism is an irrational belief that your nation is the best of them all, and can do no wrong; furthermore, anyone who criticizes it is an enemy and is out to get you. If they're from abroad, they're just filthy foreigners; if at home, they're damn subversives. Nationalism is also closely associated with ethnicity, so in times when nationalism is running high, minorities often suffer. Nationalism is an atavistic tribal impulse writ large. Patriotism is (or should be) a more mature and reflective feeling. Sadly, many call it patriotism when they merely mean nationalism.
Trump’s failed defense secretary pick defended his son after he brutally beat his own mother with ...
Paul4747 comments on Jul 10, 2019:
Holy fuck. 17 years old... and in the supposed 3 hours he never thought of getting in the car and leaving, or going for a walk, or going to his room and closing the door. "Imbalance of force" my ass. "Assault with intent to do great bodily harm less than murder" would be the plea bargain.
Paul4747 comments on Jul 9, 2019:
For "soul" I read the word "personality" and then I can sort of endorse the concept. Two people who have very similar tastes, yet enough differences to be interesting, have a strong chemistry between them, and want to do the work of keeping a relationship going... yeah, I can see that being called "soul mates" if it lasts.
Ark Encounter founder warns ‘kids of all ages’ that libraries are becoming dangerous - New York ...
Paul4747 comments on Jul 9, 2019:
There are AT LEAST 925,000 species of insects in the world (that's just how many have been discovered). If there's no such thing as evolution, then those have always been around. So that's 925,000 pairs of insects ALONE in a boat 300 cubits x 80 x 40. There are estimated to be 8.7 MILLION animal species on the Earth. That's 17.4 million animals (or a lot more, if you read the verse that says "5 pairs of all those clean") crammed into that boat. It would be a shame for someone to read that and realize... there's just no way.
Oh the books we must get! and this one is sure to annoy! []
Paul4747 comments on Jul 9, 2019:
I don't know about the book, but the review (or is it a preview?) is awash in over-generalization about men and over-the-top stuff. For example: " kill any person is a terrorist attack on all women." Okay, so.... just for example... Usama Bin Laden? should not have been killed? It does not so much annoy as exasperate. These are her opinions, she's entitled to them... but I'm entitled to say that "all men" do not oppress or attack "all women" the way she professes to believe. Her definition of "feminist" and mine are miles apart. But hey, good luck to her and enjoy the book.
Attorney General Barr has recused himself from anything to do with accused child molester/sexual ...
Paul4747 comments on Jul 8, 2019:
But at least he was able to lie about the Mueller report, so good job there....
Do we have religious members in this website?
Paul4747 comments on Jul 8, 2019:
This is from a site called, and even though it's a Christian apologist site, this is the best way of answering that I have come across. (Please note that this debate has been around since the Middle Ages...) (Any misspellings in the original, for which I make no apologies. I didn't do it.) "This question reminds me of when the religious leaders tried to trap Jesus in a no-win situation by asking “Should we pay taxes to the Romans?” If Jesus said yes, then that would mean that He was siding with Rome, the people hated Rome and wanted their Messiah when he came to overthrow the Romans and destroy them. Answering yes would turn the Jewish people against Him. They might even stone him or something! On the other hand, if Jesus said no then he’d get in trouble with the Romans. It’d be treason. No matter which answer Jesus gave, it seemed, He would get Himself in trouble. We all know what happened next and how Jesus brilliantly wiggled out their trap. (Mark 12:13-17, Luke 20:21-25) The Christian Apologist seems to be in the same position. “Can God Create A Rock So big he cannot lift it?” If we say yes, then we concede that there is something God can’t do because God would then create a rock which He couldn’t lift. The thing God couldn’t do would be to lift the rock. On the other hand, if we say no, then we also concede that there’s something God cannot do. Namely, create a rock which He can’t lift. Either way, our answer will affirm that God is not omnipotent, or so it seems. I think this attempt to stump the theist and get him to admit that God is finite is a pretty bad one. For it misunderstands the definition of omnipotence. When we Christians say “God can do anything” we don’t mean literally everything. When we say that God can do the impossible, we don’t mean he can do the logically impossible. By impossible, we mean things like creating things out of nothing, keeping people in a fire from burning, having a guy walk on water, or make a 90 year old woman get pregnant and give birth to a healthy son, and things like that. We don’t mean God can do absolutely everything. We mean only what is logically possible (that is to say, things that are not contradictory concepts). There are some things God cannot do simply because He is omnipotent. If God is infinitely powerful than it’s impossible to create a rock so large He cannot lift it. For if there was anything He couldn’t lift, that would prove Him a being of finite strength. But a being of infinite power could create a rock of infinite size and infinite weight and still be able to move it. It is because God is infinitely powerful (i.e omnipotent) that He cannot create a rock too hard for Him to move. This little riddle is akin to asking...
What do you think? Is AOC correct?
Paul4747 comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Not to mention, we'd have pensions, and/or Social Security would be fully funded. Probably overfunded. My union lost our pensions just before I was hired in (that is, those who hired in before me had pensions, all of us new guys from 20 years and less get only a 401k). We were told "The 401k is better than a pension!" Then why do the politicians all have both? Now we have a program where, unless you opt out each year, 1% more of your paycheck automatically gets diverted to the 401k each November, until eventually it's 15% of your pay. Sounds great to the people who set it up. I imagine they all put 15% into the stock market. My problem is, at my level, I need all of my paycheck for right now. I can barely afford the 3% that my employers make me put in. Paul's 5th Law: The wealthier you are, the more you think everyone should be invested in the stock market...
I'm looking for songs which have a saxophone line. Do you know some interesting ones?
Paul4747 comments on Jul 8, 2019:
So the Supreme Court tells the President "The citizen question is illegal " : what does he do - ...
Paul4747 comments on Jul 8, 2019:
It seems to be the behavior of a spoiled child looking for a loophole that will let him do what he wants, regardless of the rules his parents have laid down. "I can't drive the car on Saturday night? But if I wait until 12:01 a.m., it's technically Sunday morning... so then I can drive the car! Foolproof!!" "I can't get a cookie from the jar? But if I have the maid get it for me, then *I* didn't get it, and yet I still have a cookie... *Foolproof!!!*"
“When taking an oath, our biblical ancestors placed their hands over the testicles of a witness to...
Paul4747 comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Hence phrases like "Cross my nuts and hope to die" and "I swear on a stack of testicles"...
U.K.'s top diplomat blasts Trump in leaked memos.
Paul4747 comments on Jul 8, 2019:
"For a man who has risen to the highest office on the planet, President Trump radiates insecurity" Oh my yes. And of course, his reaction was to criticize the Ambassador for giving honest criticism. He thinks the Ambassador has not served Britain well? This president has not served our nation 1 percent as well as we deserve.
I made a new group called "Smart Ways To Save Money & Life Hacks".
Paul4747 comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Not to be a wet blanket, but you can only hack computers, cell phones or similar. "Life" is not susceptible to hacking.
Ex-Trump Campaign Official Charged with Human Trafficking [] via @snopes
Paul4747 comments on Jul 8, 2019:
It's really sad that I just pretty much expect this kind of headline now. I expect Trump sooner or later to go out and shoot someone on 5th Ave just to test out his campaign boast. (I hope he picks Guiliani...)
You know, the more you know.... []
Paul4747 comments on Jul 8, 2019:
GI Joe!!
Is this group more anti-Christian? or anti- Republican?
Paul4747 comments on Jul 6, 2019:
As the Republican party tends to identify with and be backed by the Christian establishment, and passes many laws based solely on religious dogma (example: the various "heartbeat bills" and other anti-abortion laws), it's easy to be both. And, since the large majority of atheists polled also self-identify as liberal, and the Republican party is dedicated to conservative ideology... well, there you go.
I like to share these tidbits of information with theists in hopes that they will stop and think.
Paul4747 comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Well, good luck. If they were inclined to critical thinking, they probably wouldn't be inclined to be theists in the first place.
Donald Trump, again, falsely says Obama had family separation policy | PolitiFact
Paul4747 comments on Jul 6, 2019:
Lying about President Obama is one of the things Trump is best at. It makes him seem just ever so slightly more competent when he denigrates his predecessors.
Any fans of the tv show Lucifer? I’m loving the show.
Paul4747 comments on Jul 6, 2019:
My daughter & I are in fact binging it on Net flicks as I write. Into season 2 or maybe 3, I can't keep track. (No spoilers ;)) I just noticed your screen name. Love it
My younger sister (32) & I were at my parents house to do some yard work for them.
Paul4747 comments on Jul 6, 2019:
So as a straight man, I can't wear an ankle bracelet according to these "rules"...? Now that I know I'm not supposed to, I suddenly want to.
Trump is back on his golf course in New Jersey, meaning taxpayers are shelling out at least another ...
Paul4747 comments on Jul 5, 2019:
Added to the $92,000,000 for that parade.
Progressives accuse establishment of "stealing" NYC D.
Paul4747 comments on Jul 5, 2019:
I live in Michigan, I don't really give 2 shits who won... except that all the cries of "RIGGED ELECTION!!!!!!" and "STEALING THE ELECTION!!!!!" sound oddly like a certain president with orange hair, and don't at all dignify the loser. My experience as a union steward trying to explain voting laws to people convinced me that a substantial percentage of people are dumb as rocks. I have no idea how many people in Queens understand the laws governing primary voting, but I have no trouble believing that 2300 decided to just show up and vote without being registered Democrats 6 months before (which, if I read it right, is the law- I imagine to prevent sabotaging a primary). “How dumb do they think we/the people are?” Apparently dumb enough that someone had to ask the above question.
Can there be a safe and decent Patriotism? Interesting analysis? []
Paul4747 comments on Jul 5, 2019:
"Lurking behind the critique of patriotism is the longing for an unattainable moral purity in politics." I would argue that this is also behind the critique of politicians in general, especially the current trend of criticizing those hoping to run against Trump next year. One is not liberal enough, another is not young enough, still another has dark clouds in their past... The fact is, the perfect candidate does not exist. Anyone who wins the Democrats' primary will be my default choice, because that's the candidate with the best chance to win.
Can there be a safe and decent Patriotism? Interesting analysis? []
Paul4747 comments on Jul 5, 2019:
"In sum: I can believe that my country has made serious mistakes that must be acknowledged and corrected without ceasing to be a patriot. I can believe that my country’s political institutions are evil and need wholesale replacement without ceasing to be a patriot. I can believe that other objects of regard (my conscience, or God) on occasion outrank my country without ceasing to be a patriot. The fact that zealous patriotism can have terrible consequences does not mean that reasonable and moderate patriotism does so." Or, in my words, quit hatin' on America, y'all! We're in a rough patch right now, so let's fix it up!
First Democratic debate: Demagogy on social issues, silence on war - World Socialist Web Site
Paul4747 comments on Jul 2, 2019:
I would say the demagogy is on the part of the author. Refusing to recognize that Russian interference played a part in the 2016 election (in other words, agreeing with Trump), insinuating that anyone who served overseas is some type of "imperialist", and a remarkable ability to read the minds of the candidates: "promises to provide healthcare, jobs, decent schools, tuition-free college and a clean environment for all, knowing full well they had no intention of carrying them out." I'm in favor of certain socialist policies, but I have no interest in what the World Socialist Website has to say after reading this flurry of baseless insults.
Another AOC-like moment in an election upset.
Paul4747 comments on Jul 1, 2019:
By "real truth", you mean, "things you agree with" rather than "things you disagree with"?
Islamic Centre, Leicester (UK) website: ‘An apostate does not have the right to life.
Paul4747 comments on Jun 28, 2019:
Do you have a link to that?
The country cannot rely on states to legislate themselves when it come to Civil Rights.
Paul4747 comments on Jun 28, 2019:
But right now, we can't rely on this Court to do it either. Or this Senate. Especially not this president.
Is Billy Mumy god?
Paul4747 comments on Jun 28, 2019:
Billy Mumy is not god. He is a confused adolescent whose space dad always leaves him with the pedophile doctor and the robot while the rest of the family is off having adventures. This will cause him, for some reason, to grow up to become a curiously self-effacing yet ass-kicking alien with a huge bony skull living on a 2.5 mile long space station....
Doesn’t seem kosher
Paul4747 comments on Jun 27, 2019:
That's not the Homer that I remember.....
What truly baffles me is how anyone who has ever worked for 45, doesn't publicly stand up to him?
Paul4747 comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Notable exception goes to Michigan's own Justin Amash, who called out Trump despite his own party holding anti-Amash rallies outside his HQ and calling for his head (in some cases literally). In the birthplace of the Republican party, this is one Republican that Lincoln could be proud of. Although he technically doesn't work for Trump, he's one of the only Republicans to speak his conscience instead of the party line.
Republicans in Missouri want to keep women who use birth control from working.
Paul4747 comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Yeah, after researching this (it's from 2017) this was not as dire as it is made out to be, although still bad. Here's the actual bill. It takes some very panicked and loose interpretation to come up with the claims in the article.
Sanders / Gillibrand 2020
Paul4747 comments on Jun 27, 2019:
I got nothin'.
What truly baffles me is how anyone who has ever worked for 45, doesn't publicly stand up to him?
Paul4747 comments on Jun 27, 2019:
It's "circle the wagons" syndrome. The Republican establishment is afraid to admit they fucked up. His base is so loud that they have the old guard terrified. They figure Trump won't last past 2020, but anyone who speaks up now will have won the ire of the right wing base and they'll never work again. They won't get any more appearance fees from Faux News or fellowships with Heritage University. They won't be team players. Simply put, with a very few exceptions, they're exactly what you said; cowards.
Before gun control, when shootings were unheard of. 1950s an early 60s!
Paul4747 comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Are you seriously inferring a causal connection between gun control and gun violence? That's incredibly simplistic. As simplistic as inferring a connection based on immigration, or ethnic diversity, or the political parties, or any of 1000 factors. Our cities are more crowded and complex, our culture is both more tolerant and at the same time some elements are more intolerant, the economy has put pressure on more people than ever, the media culture makes violence seem omnipresent and makes some seek instant celebrity via committing violent crimes.... I could go on but I won't.
Pelosi on the rape allegation on the POTUS
Paul4747 comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Unfortunately he can't be impeached for acts that took place before he entered the Oval Office. "You're a miserable excuse for a human being" is not an impeachment charge. Politics is the art of the possible. In order to get anything passed, the Senate Republicans will have to vote Yes on it. That's a fact. Hold out for a perfect bill and you get nothing but talking points on CNN. How does that help the kids in the border camps, exactly? The kind of idealism that makes the best the enemy of the good is exactly what got us Trump in the first place.
Five times more fatal than sharks: Report lays out high-risk selfie stakes — RT World News
Paul4747 comments on Jun 27, 2019:
" the US it’s more common to accidentally shoot oneself while posing for the perfect shot." I actually see no downside to this. Anyone who doesn't know better than to point a loaded gun at themselves for the sake of a picture, had no business owning one in the first place... and was more likely to have killed someone else along with themselves eventually. I feel like these people have shown just how right Darwin was.
Stress Sewing I am getting ready to retire, sell my house, move across the country and settle in ...
Paul4747 comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Lately I've been binging on *Robot Chicken* and wishing they were still making episodes. Imagine the fun that show would have with Trump.
Ancient DNA reveals new twists in Neanderthal migration
Paul4747 comments on Jun 26, 2019:
I used to think I was part Neanderthal. Then it turned out to be bad posture. (*rimshot*)
This is way worse than "It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is."
Paul4747 comments on Jun 26, 2019:
It sucks having been right all along, doesn't it? And then they move the goalposts on you.
Or that you could download windows 10 free, but people stood in line and paid large sums for Windows...
Paul4747 comments on Jun 26, 2019:
That's why I'm not an early adapter
So you're saying he lied? Huh.
Paul4747 comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Give the guy a break. He can't be expected to remember *every* woman he assaults and/or rapes. I mean, there've been so many. It's like asking me to remember every book I've read. (*sarcasm mode* please don't jump on my ass)
That's all I needed, too.
Paul4747 comments on Jun 26, 2019:
I agree, accusing someone of spitting on you is purely a disgusting act by someone who clearly has emotional problems. Beyond that, what do I care if Eric Trump gets spat upon or not?
My prayers have been answered 🙄🙄 []
Paul4747 comments on Jun 26, 2019:
So to speak
Out yonder there is a huge world which exists independently of us human beings and which stands ...
Paul4747 comments on Jun 26, 2019:
And yet he wasn't talking about religion. No matter how many people claim he was.
Does anyone else worry that they're dumb and just don't realize it?
Paul4747 comments on Jun 26, 2019:
You're not going insane. You're going sane in an insane world.
Man Convicted In Charlottesville Death Asks For ‘Mercy’ Ahead Of Sentencing
Paul4747 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
Funny, I was thinking the same thing.
“If your response is “The parents should not have brought their children here illegally” know ...
Paul4747 comments on Jun 23, 2019:
We can't keep convicted felons in the conditions they're keeping immigrant children. Children are being treated *worse than murderers. Worse than child abusers.* What does that say about the Trump administration's values? What does it say about their supporters?
'Eye-Popping': Analysis Shows Top 1% Gained $21 Trillion in Wealth Since 1989 While Bottom Half Lost...
Paul4747 comments on Jun 22, 2019:
And somehow they're conned into voting for more.
Wisconsin Democratic Gov.
Paul4747 comments on Jun 22, 2019:
The Republican clowns in my state of Michigan are trying the same thing. There's a ballot petition drive underway too; if that passes as a ballot initiative, certain types of abortion would become illegal without the possibility of veto. These are dangerous fucking times to be a woman.
[] Interesting ideas on saving the human race. Do you think we can do this?
Paul4747 comments on Jun 22, 2019:
Save humans! Win valuable prizes!!!
Christian Hate-Preacher: Gay People Are Selfish Pedophiles Who Must Be Killed | Hemant Mehta | ...
Paul4747 comments on Jun 22, 2019:
Since when have Christians been worried about evidence?
I’m freshly new here. Hoping to meet interesting and wonderful people, and make new friends
Paul4747 comments on Jun 22, 2019:
@LiterateHiker is both wonderful and interesting. I am sometimes interesting, more often annoying. Either way, I bid you welcome!
An Archbishop told a Jesuit school to fire a gay teacher. They said no - CNN
Paul4747 comments on Jun 22, 2019:
'The Catholic catechism teaches that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered" but also that LGBT people "must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided."' That sounds like an inherently contradictory statement. And it's just plain discrimination to fire a teacher for being gay.
New York Could Become First State To Be Completely Done With Private Prisons
Paul4747 comments on Jun 22, 2019:
It's far from as simplistic as you portray it. Voters demand "truth in sentencing", in other words longer sentences and less parole, but then balk at the cost of public prisons. Legislatures are sold on privatization as a cheap alternative, but don't consider that as a rule you get what you pay for. Republicans in general tend to see privatization as superior to the civil service on philosophical grounds; they believe the private sector does everything better and cheaper than government can, despite past experience. Michigan has not had private prisons for 20 years now, but the Republicans in our legislature keep trying to bring in bills to "study" what it would cost to turn over one or two facilities as a "test case" to private industry- even though we did it before and it was a failure.
Is this dress too short?
Paul4747 comments on Jun 22, 2019:
Seeing as you asked... I think it's perfect. ;)
Has anyone actually tried using this app as a means of dating?
Paul4747 comments on Jun 22, 2019:
I've met a few people in person through here, had some nice dates.
Fox Host Laura Ingraham Shuts Door on Reparations: 'We Won, You Lost, That's That'
Paul4747 comments on Jun 21, 2019:
I think the more important quotes are from Coleman Hughes: "If we were to pay reparations today, we would only divide the country further, making it harder to build the political coalitions required to solve the problems facing black people today," Hughes said. "We would insult many black Americans by putting a price on the suffering of their ancestors. And we would turn the relationship between black Americans and white Americans from a coalition into a transaction—from a union between citizens into a lawsuit between plaintiffs and defendants." Hughes added: "The question is not what America owes me by virtue of my ancestry; the question is what all Americans owe each other by virtue of being citizens of the same nation. And the obligation of citizenship is not transactional."
Why do so many Christians believe in "fighting to the end" in supporting Jesus Christ and Donald ...
Paul4747 comments on Jun 21, 2019:
I feel a better question is, "Why do so many Christians believe that *this* is the end, despite the historical record showing that *every generation* of Xians have believed they were living in the end times, and yet none of them were right?"
Death v. Religion at the Supreme Court - Religion News Service
Paul4747 comments on Jun 21, 2019:
And yet, with such enthusiasm for putting adults to death, the Right still refuses to countenance even a morning-after pill to prevent conception. This is what "pro-life" means to them; pro-life up until you leave the womb, and then we'll execute you as we please.
Neil Gaiman hilariously responds to Christian group demanding Netflix cancel Amazon's Good Omens ...
Paul4747 comments on Jun 21, 2019:
Next step- petition Hulu to cancel *Lucifer.*
Why So Many People Believe Conspiracy Theories
Paul4747 comments on Jun 20, 2019:
I once read, of the JFK assassination: (words to this effect) "If you put the Nazis on one side and the Holocaust on the other, that balances. You have a great evil force and a horrific deed. People can comprehend that. But put Lee Harvey Oswald, an anonymous loser with a rifle, on one side, and the killing of the young, handsome President of the United States, on the other, and it doesn't balance out. People believe something greater must be responsible for such a horrendous crime. They want a dark conspiracy. It's too frightening to believe that one random man with a rifle can change the course of history."
Do you think the rich will make sure Satin is President in 2020?
Paul4747 comments on Jun 20, 2019:
I think I would like President Satin. Sounds like a smooth talker.
Why Do People Hate Feminism 13 - Feminism is Totalitarian: the lies and stupidities of current ...
Paul4747 comments on Jun 20, 2019:
I can't decide if you're just trolling or not, when I see shit like "'When in doubt, vote for women,' was my mantra" and "I refuse to compromise my belief in equal rights for women" in your bio. There's no way to reconcile these words with your antifeminist posts.
You and a person that you deeply love are placed in separate rooms with a button next to each of ...
Paul4747 comments on Jun 18, 2019:
There's no choice. Push the button. And fast, before the other person can try to sacrifice themselves to save me.
Political Correctness IS bigotry: intolerance screamed at other's ideas.
Paul4747 comments on Jun 18, 2019:
Calling out bigots is not a form of bigotry. There's a difference between* ideas* and racism or sexism. And although hate speech is legally free speech, when it turns to urging action it is not; any more than is shouting "Fire!" in a theater. Speech meant to incite violence is a crime, not a free exchange of ideas.
Newspeak: Men are women Diversity is strength Free speech is silence Religion is peace...
Paul4747 comments on Jun 17, 2019:
So, you believe we are stronger if everyone is the same? Conformity is the key to strength? How dull the world would be. And I don't see anyone peddling any of these other notions, apart from religion being peace, which- well, that's a gimme. Some people find peace in their religion, others use it as an excuse for violence. You are overgeneralizing all of your propositions, actually.
What are some of your favorite TED Talks?
Paul4747 comments on Jun 16, 2019:
The one in which someone explains who Ted is, and what he's been talking about all this time.
How Mindfulness Became the New Capitalist Spirituality
Paul4747 comments on Jun 15, 2019:
Asking a stress-reduction technique to guide people in their political ethics is, I think, looking for something that isn't in the box. I don't go to a therapist seeking guidance on how to overturn the current imbalances of capitalism, but rather on how to cope with their effects on me. It's up to me to go out and vote, read the news, get involved. Whether I practice "mindfulness" or not, I don't believe has any influence on the overall thrust of my political awareness. I think the author is reading something into it that isn't there.
Supreme Court denies Flint officials' request to block lawsuit over water crisis
Paul4747 comments on Jun 15, 2019:
However the Michigan Attorney General is currently not pursuing charges as they resume the investigation to make sure no stones have been left unturned. The charges have been dismissed without prejudice, meaning they can be charged again at any time without double jeopardy, having never gone to trial. (I can't give a citation as I was listening to this on NPR last night.)
Anti-Gay Christian Can’t Handle Pete Buttigieg: “We’ve Got To Expose Him” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Paul4747 comments on Jun 14, 2019:
Didn't he already expose himself? That came out wrong....
Another good idea.
Paul4747 comments on Jun 14, 2019:
I'm practicing what you preach, Miss.
If the election was held today, who would you vote for and why?
Paul4747 comments on Jun 14, 2019:
Shit I hope it's not held today. The Left is split 50 ways, while the Right all votes for Trump. "I don't belong to any organized political party; I'm a Democrat."
Accused Christchurch mosque shooter pleads NOT GUILTY to killing 51 people and trying to murder ...
Paul4747 comments on Jun 14, 2019:
1. I doubt it will cost "millions". The cost will be well into the thousands, but this is the nature of such things. 2. It is not a "pointless exercise". This proceeding reaffirms the rule of law in civilized society. It is, first of all, necessary to establish beyond doubt the guilt of this individual and do all we can to nullify those who would try to portray him as some kind of "hero" in their warped ideologies. We must establish the sequence of events, painful as that will be. The forensic evidence must be seen. Finally, what would you suggest be done with this "absolutely guilty madman"? You say he deserves to be wiped off the face of the earth. I do not disagree. But to execute him **ABSOLUTELY REQUIRES** the process of trial by jury and a finding of fact. If not execution, then life imprisonment; which likewise **requires** a trial by jury, in our civilized societies. Without a trial, to simply lock someone away for life or dispose of them makes us barbarians. It puts us on the level of this murderer. And while we may derive a visceral satisfaction from such revenge, it is fleeting at best. It doesn't last. It sickens us individually and it sickens our society. Those it does not sicken aren't fit to live in civilized society.
As individuals, we store very little detailed information about the world in our heads.
Paul4747 comments on Jun 11, 2019:
I'm master of my domain.
Ammo sales rise in California ahead of new gun law - AOL News
Paul4747 comments on Jun 11, 2019:
You didn't actually read this law, did you? Neither, I suspect, did those who are stockpiling ammunition. The exact same phenomenon took place in 2008 as soon as Barack Obama was elected, as idiots who knew nothing about the law or the Constitution took heed of hysteria fanned by the NRA and talk radio hosts that the new, ultra-liberal President would, with a stroke of his pen, sign executive orders making it illegal to move ammunition across state lines or restricting how much one could buy at a time or even putting a special tax on ammunition, so that one round would cost 5 dollars... and they created the very shortage they feared. It was two years before even .22 ammunition was readily available on a store shelf. The fact is, absolutely nothing will change in California, except that, in addition to a background check to purchase a gun (which is carried out instantly through the DoJ), buyers will have to submit their documents when they buy ammunition, beginning in July. There is no restriction on how much ammo a person can buy. The only restriction is that they must pass the check, meaning they aren't a convicted felon, not under a court order, haven't been involuntarily committed to mental care... and all these answers rely on the person responding truthfully. The system is still vulnerable to liars. (That's assuming they aren't flagged in the system, which we've seen is notorious for people failing to enter the data correctly.) Currently it is illegal to retain purchase records for the purpose of tracking who buys how many guns. Presumably, under federal law, the same applies to ammunition purchasing. It's nobody's damn business if someone who is law-abiding wants to buy 1000 rounds of ammunition to shoot on their weekends. That could easily be a month worth of shooting if that's what the person does for fun. Who is California- who is ANYBODY- to say, "You bought too much, you have to come in every Saturday, get your 5 boxes that day, and then come back again next week"? This is not a nation where we micromanage our citizens. If a person is over 21, obeys the law, and is making a legal purchase, pardon me for asking, whose fucking business is that? To be absolutely clear- this is not a restriction on ammunition purchasing. It's a background check and nothing more.
So now we can only post in groups.
Paul4747 comments on Jun 11, 2019:
Who said we can only post in groups?
Paul4747 comments on Jun 11, 2019:
Let me guess... he'll probably say something like, "We don't know exactly what happened, there are conflicting reports, we don't know for sure... but I met Mr. Kim, he is a very strong individual, very impressive individual, very trustworthy, he is doing everything we agreed to, I'm not going to upset our very good and strong relationship over a lot of unconfirmed questions...." Basically the same thing he did when Kashoggi was murdered by Saudi intelligence, in other words. Deny that awful dictators are doing awful things.
Question for the guys.
Paul4747 comments on Jun 9, 2019:
I was introduced to a friend of friends at their Xmas party (who they invited thinking she would be perfect for a different friend, ironically). We both stood there with our drinks for a long awkward pause as the friends walked away. To break the pause, I asked, "So... You into leather?" Turned out her sense of humor was just as twisted as mine, she laughed her ass off. We monopolized one another's conversations. Two hours later I was sitting in the big leather chair with her in my lap kissing me. We dated for 7 months, so...
It pains me to block ladies. Women need to support each other.
Paul4747 comments on Jun 8, 2019:
It frankly pains me a little to block anyone, male or female, because I feel atheists and agnostics need to support one another; but I eventually realized with deep chagrin that jerkass conservative trolls are not confined to the religious Right. Nor are all conservatives jerkass trolls, so please don't mistake me for calling out all conservatives; I have encountered a few liberals who meet the definition as well. Sadly, the one thing that presumably brought us all to this site is not enough to unite us all against a common enemy sometimes.
The Brits and their oh so “snobby” tactic. Gotta love them.
Paul4747 comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Trouble is, he'll just deride it as "fake news" anyway. He's already claimed in advance that any protests are just fake, and the "real" news is that crowds of people love him. I really can't decide if he believes his own lies or not. Is he delusional or just a sociopath?
After being on this site for several months now, I’m still confused about “hovering.
Paul4747 comments on Jun 4, 2019:
On a serious note: you can actually go into your profile controls and turn off your ability to hover, as well as the notifications that tell you who hovered over you. But where's the fun in that?? (Holy crap, I hit level 7.8 responding to this post! Excellent.....)
Where were you when.
Paul4747 comments on Jun 4, 2019:
My (ex) wife woke me up right after the first plane hit on 9/11. I thought she was tooling me. I was only about 1/4 awake on my day off. I pulled some sweatpants on and went to the living room, then we both saw the second plane hit. We watched the news the rest of the day and into the night, completely numb, mechanically eating lunch and then eventually had some dinner. To this day I also remember she got the blender out about 5:00 and made strawberry daiquiris from a mix. We had 3 each and got mildly drunk. I have no idea what got her making daiquiris, and she doesn't even remember doing it.
After being on this site for several months now, I’m still confused about “hovering.
Paul4747 comments on Jun 4, 2019:
As Woody Allen observed, in *The UFO Menace*: The most frequently asked question about the UFOs is: If saucers come from outer space, why have their pilots not attempted to make contact with us, instead of hovering mysteriously over deserted areas? My own theory is that for creatures from another solar system "hovering" may be a socially acceptable mode of relating. It may, indeed, be pleasurable. I myself once hovered over an eighteen-year-old actress for six months and had the best time of my life.
He must think he looks slimmer/better with his tuxedo tailored like that... I don't think so!
Paul4747 comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Am I imagining that he looks constipated? What, did he stop at McDonalds before coming to dinner at the palace?
Feminist Wife Wants to be Dominated in Bed
Paul4747 comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Well... it so happens I know this guy (who is totally not me, right? we're totally not talking about me) who just started a relationship with someone who is actually kind of shy and passive everywhere except in the bedroom... and it turns out that there, she has always had fantasies about being dominant. And this works out, because this guy (who, I reiterate, is totally NOT me) is in a career where people play dominance type games all day long psychologically, and it's a huge relief to "totally not me" to be able to just give that up and let someone else be in charge for once. And it is also helpful that she's super sensual and sexy. (So he says.) So it's not surprising that a woman like that would enjoy letting someone else take control sometimes, and find it arousing. It has nothing to do with gender.
Let's talk about a third of migrants lying about their kids.... []
Paul4747 comments on Jun 4, 2019:
So? What about it? Post something more than a video; write something intelligible down. I'm not here to watch this neckbeard blathering.


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