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Number Of Witches Rises Dramatically Across U.S. As Millennials Reject Christianity
Paul4747 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
At least they had the sense to put a hex on Trump...
Number Of Witches Rises Dramatically Across U.S. As Millennials Reject Christianity
Paul4747 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
But how can you spot a witch?
Slate Ann Coulter on Her Support of Trump: “OK, I’m a Very Stupid Girl”
Paul4747 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Let's be clear, she's not admitting that supporting Trump was stupid; she's saying she was stupid to believe his promises not to fold on the Wall standoff.
Why would anybody vote for the looney democrats??
Paul4747 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
1) No problem with that. 2) In 1954, under Eisenhower, the top tax rate was 75%. If we adjust for inflation, that would apply to couples making over $465,000. That year, the Dow returned to its 1929 high. The next year, GDP growth was 7.1%. What was your problem again? 3) If by "shield" you mean "use the legal process that has been in place since the Reagan administration", then this makes sense. In the sense *you* probably mean, though, it's just ridiculous. 4) Define what's being proposed. Don't just use the words "gun control" like they're the bogeyman. 5) Ha ha ha haaaa..... No...
Not only was Edison a thief, he was a murderer too. []
Paul4747 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
You obviously missed the part of the article that said: "Though the company did bear this name, Thomas Edison had nothing to do with its founding or management." And: "The SPCA and Edison Electric Illuminating Co. both contributed to the event, but *no actual proof exists that would indicate Edison's presence*. And: "Many sites claim that he not only filmed but also personally orchestrated her slaughter, though historians agree that *this information is fallacious.*" In conclusion: Gr8 b8 m8.
To the surviving people of Palestine; I am truly so very sorry that you, your families, your ...
Paul4747 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
And yet posting this apology, without even a mention of all the deaths caused by those who think there should be no such nation as Israel, is disingenuous at best. How many civilians did the Intifada kill? How many children? How many people have been killed by suicide bombers and random attacks on restaurants and hotels? There are plenty of innocent victims on all sides. The root of the problem is religion; the belief that "God" granted one side or the other exclusive claim to a piece of territory, along with the right to exterminate all who deny that claim. The best way, in fact the only way, to end the bloodshed is to spread rationalism and oppose the vile preachers and their followers who have turned the Middle East into a charnel house.
You know, once 45 has been removed from office, I think we should do like the ancient Egyptians used...
Paul4747 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Can we bury him under a Trump pyramid?
Wakey wakey
Paul4747 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
That reminds me... I'd better get some sleep so I can be first in line at the laundry room. Bloody cheapskate landlords have only 1 washer and dryer for 10 apartments, and if I don't get there first it'll be 8 hours before I can get my turn.
This is homemade "wine" in pineapple & apple/orange flavour.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
If you want authentic prison spud juice, add some chunks of potato in there for extra fermentation. Store next to a heat source and make sure to vent it regularly. You can also make it in bulk, use 5 gallon trash cans lined with garbage bags, then strain and pour out into pop bottles for individual sale. You can also make a Bloody Mary equivalent with spaghetti sauce mix as a base. The key is as much stolen sugar and other ingredients from the kitchens as you can get your hands on. I've also frequently found 60-gallon bin liners inside duffel bags, half full of the brew, with a plastic straw arrangement so it vents itself. I'm sorry... 19 years working inside has made me a little cynical about this subject. Maybe more than a little.
Kellyanne Conway looks like a heroin addict. That is all.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Lying for other people has to really take a toll on a person. I almost feel sorry for her. Notice how I said "Almost" right there.
Is the Atheist Community a Cult? - Genetically Modified Skeptic []
Paul4747 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
I once joined a *Firefly* fan club, but never made it to any meetings... I suppose that may have been a cult... I hear those *Game of Thrones* and *Walking Dead* groups are pretty rugged, though.
Hello my beautiful heathen friends.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
You will live, as long as anyone remembers you. My father died 20 years ago, yet he is still alive in the stories I tell my daughter about him and my memories of him. And he lives in the DNA that I passed on to her, as I will live in the genes that she will pass on if she has children. He lives in all the lives he touched, just as I will. All the kindnesses and good deeds that I have done, all the moments that I did not turn away... all the chances that I took to help another, all the people I've loved, even the strangers I've shared a smile with. As long as those people live, then so do I. Long after I'm gone. We live through others. That's how we become fully human. That's how we achieve immortality.
How comfortable are you with the word "Atheist" ?
Paul4747 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Is there a better word on offer? As much as I like and respect Richard Dawkins' works, I don't like the term "Brights". It's just too damn smug and self-congratulatory. I've known bright Christians and Muslims and idiotic Atheists. Let's just stick with "atheist" for now.
"I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 26, 2019:
I am too often aware of my own ignorance. It's probably too late for me to become a biologist, a physicist, a meteorologist, an oceanographer, a botanist, or any of the dozen things I wish I knew more about. But that doesn't stop me from picking up the tidbits of knowledge that I can find here and there, nor from increasing my understanding wherever I can, nor from trying to use that knowledge to what little extent I can to improve the world around me. It would be a poor substitute to sit in church and simply pray for someone to take care of it all for me.
Idea to make Trump supporters heads explode: Make America Great Again hats- but in Spanish.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 25, 2019:
My only problem with the entire "MAGA" thing is, it implies America *stopped being great* at some point. (Well, there was the GW Bush administration, but then we elected Obama, stopped waterboarding people, and *then* America was great again...)
Caption this.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Nutritionists recommend several servings of leafy red vegetables daily.
Stephen Colbert hits Trump and McConnell with 5 Scathing Words over the Shutdown
Paul4747 comments on Jan 25, 2019:
More to the point of the headline, the "5 scathing words" (and fake movie poster to go with them): "No Country 'Cuz Old Men"
If you are pro union or not, unions helped to create what was the strongest middle wealthiest middle...
Paul4747 comments on Jan 24, 2019:
It's gone so far that in Michigan, the Civil Service decided that they were inconvenienced by certain parts of the contract, like mandatory overtime (the fact that contractually, only the bottom 50% of seniority were on the mandatory list). So they simply declared that these items are no longer subject to contract and that the Employer has sole discretion over how they're managed. This was after over 20 years of these items being negotiated in contract. It's union-busting by the state against public workers' unions, plain and simple.
Mitch McConnell is still in hiding.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 23, 2019:
If I didn't answer the phone for about 15 minutes at work, my ass would be called on the carpet. Politicians have forgotten who they represent.
9 Signs Cats Are Plotting World Domination! - YouTube
Paul4747 comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Yep... Cats are evil...
This is what people like Angry Orange 🤡 Clown mean when they say they want to make things in ...
Paul4747 comments on Jan 20, 2019:
I miss Woolworth's. But not scenes like this. They can rot in the Hell that I don't think exists.
Bazinga! I just signed up. How is everyone doing?
Paul4747 comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Bada boom. Welcome aboard.
Is online long distance dating a complete waste of time?
Paul4747 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
It depends on so many things. If both parties have the time, budget, and circumstances to travel and meet... if they can deal with not meeting for extended periods... how long they're willing to be in a long distance relationship, or whether one or both are able to relocate. It can be fulfilling or it can be a nothing.
Has anyone ever had both the pleasure and frustration of having a great romantic sexual dream, then ...
Paul4747 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I recently dreamt of my very first lover (wow, I managed to phrase that as if I had been with a ton of women, not just three...) and it was as intense as when we were together. I still remember her from time to time and think, if only things had worked out differently...
How is everyone dealing with the winter storm?
Paul4747 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
My migraine and I stayed home until I had to go pick my daughter up for visiting time. Part 1; dig myself out of my parking lot. Part 2; dig my ex-wife's driveway out so I could get in. Technically, my daughter could have walked through the snow to my car out in the street, but then the ex would have had to shovel after a 12 hour day at work. I didn't want to feel like a dick by leaving that for her. I guess I'm a pretty good ex-husband... :|
Divers swim alongside famous Deep Blue shark - YouTube
Paul4747 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I thought she looked more like 25. 3 tons of her. But then this is one of the greatest scenes in film history, engraved in the back of my mind for life...
According to buzzfeed there may be proof of collusion with Putin. Treason
Paul4747 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Sure wish I could read a link to the article and decide for myself...
It's always at 3am
Paul4747 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
You mean, that's when the instructions arrive?
So much winning! A Small Alaska Town Reels As The Coast Guard Weathers on Without .
Paul4747 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
The sad part is that Trump & co. will never hear about this, first of all because it's in the NY Times, second of all because it tells a story they don't want to hear. In their world, all the unpaid Federal workers are actually cheering for the shutdown to continue until he gets his wall, and all evidence to the contrary is just fake news.
Female film critic: "I got death threats for writing a bad review of 'Aquaman.'"
Paul4747 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Aquaman was no Wonder Woman, that's for sure. And reviewers agreed. I wonder if male reviewers got the same kind of threats, though? I'm guessing probably not.
Bertrand Russell said, "War does not determine who is right - only who is left.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
You're confusing natural selection with Social Darwinism, a discredited theory. The idea that being the winner in a war means you were in any sense *morally* "right" is baseless. If that were the case, then the Khmer Rouge were right, and the 25% of Cambodia's population they murdered were wrong. The Hutu in Rwanda were "right", and the Tutsi minority were clearly "wrong" and were massacred as a consequence. I could go on for pages and pages here. Those instances where the victors were by coincidence fighting for a moral cause, such as in the US Civil War, had nothing to do with fitness to survive from a Darwinist perspective. In those cases, the war could have gone either way, the winner's strategy and preponderance of force determined the outcome, along with a healthy dose of good luck. The tide could easily have turned the other way at a number of points and resulted in (for example) victory for the South.
Stop the cruelty.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
On a similar note: You know, for years I've been urging people not to eat Spam unless it's wild-caught. If you compare the tragic lives of farm-raised spams compared to the majestic herds of spam roaming the plains the American West, alongside and sometimes under the rugged buffalo, I think you'll agree. The occasional hiker trampled by spam is no reason to punish an entire species by penning them up and stealing their freedom. Thank you for your support.
Damn gluten
Paul4747 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Who invented gluten, anyway? I never even heard of it until like 5 years ago. Suddenly everything has gluten in it, or else it's gluten free. I blame this guy.
Watching, That 70's show. I relate more to the parents now than the kids. I've changed. ?
Paul4747 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Red was always my hero. I was like 12 in the 70s anyway.
hitler: i wanna kill six million jews and i'll shut down the government if you won't let me.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I call Godwin's Law on this.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Wait, that's a compromise? Sounds like "I get what I want, you get nothing." Oh, I forgot, that *is* his definition of a compromise.
Religious license plates..
Paul4747 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Our previous Secretary of State allowed custom license plates with "Pro Life" and variations of this because it was freedom of religion, but said "Choice" was a political statement and therefore disallowed. And didn't seem the least bit fazed by the obvious contradiction in this. :|
It makes me ill to see sports figures praying , crossing themselves and taking other religious ...
Paul4747 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I want to be generous and think they're praying nobody will be injured... but I know that's mostly not true. They really believe God cares if they score a touchdown. It's as ridiculous as two nations going to war, with both claiming "God" is on their side. Consider the history of Europe, where *every* nation was a Christian nation, and all claimed the exact same God was on their side. (Apart from the Napoleonic Wars, where most French were explicitly anti-religious... and many on all sides were irreligious.) (Obviously I'm glossing over a lot of historical subtleties here, and I'm going to ignore all those who tax me for it, as I'm making note of it right here in my post.)
It really upsets me when it is just getting dark and these people refuse to put on their headlights.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Almost every vehicle built this century has automatic-on lights with sensors that detect the light level and come on when it's dark out, or even dusk/dawn, there's no reason for anyone not to have these set to automatic. Except for "stupidity" and "selfishness", which are very prevalent in our society, I must report.
Medicare for all - are you for or against it?
Paul4747 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
The hardest negotiating my union does, every time the contract comes around, is over 1) wages and 2) health insurance. Out of every $1000 I take home, I'm "paid" another $1000 that I never see because it goes into insurance premiums, between my portion and my employer's contribution. And yet I pay income tax on the employer's contribution. Tell me that I could have full coverage instead for, let's say, $300 a check, and the employer won't have to contribute a thing? (These are some hypothetical figures I saw thrown around somewhere, I don't know by who, I don't know where, so don't get strenuous with me about them, OK?) That leaves me $200 up on the whole deal and my employers would have $500 they could theoretically pay me as a raise. They won't, but I could potentially see part of it, and they wouldn't have the cost of health insurance as an excuse for keeping our raises at 2% when the economy is booming and revenues are at an all-time high. So, yes, I'm for replacing the profit-driven insurance companies with an at-cost insurance system. It would have to be implemented correctly, and the layers of bureaucracy would have to be set up carefully to guarantee people are given the proper care; but people are turned away right now when their benefits run out, for no better reason than money. That should never be a reason to sacrifice a person's health.
I host vegan and vegetarian potlucks.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 18, 2019:
I'll bring the meatloaf.
I have only 170 points to get to reach level 7 - so now is the time for a poll.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 17, 2019:
It's not as outrageous and blatant as Trump.
How do you get the Jesus/Jehova people off your doorway?
Paul4747 comments on Jan 17, 2019:
I just talk to them until they give up and go away. It's good entertainment for me. Turns out I know their Bible better than they do. They can't answer my questions about all the contradictions in their book.
Pelosi just told 45 to put his State of the Union address in writing, because due to the shutdown, ...
Paul4747 comments on Jan 17, 2019:
It's a trap. She knows full well he can't write anything longer than 140 characters at a time. She's a genius.
Do you believe aliens exist?
Paul4747 comments on Jan 14, 2019:
In the sense that something exists somewhere in the universe, it's almost entirely certain. In the sense that they're visiting Earth to strap people to their Probulator, almost certainly not.
Serial vs parallel dating.. have i posted this topic already?
Paul4747 comments on Jan 14, 2019:
My sole experience with the so-called parallel dating, right after my divorce became official... while on the date with the second person, I found I was remembering the first one, who had really seemed to "click" for me. And that in turn blew the second date. I just don't have what it takes to divide my concentration that way.
The Consumer Electronics Show just banned a sex toy invented by and for women but awarded one made ...
Paul4747 comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Now that's just wrong.
Do ya think I’m sexy?
Paul4747 comments on Jan 12, 2019:
I just drink until my reflection looks better.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 10, 2019:
If they would just be consistent and apply that rule across the board, and get rid of all those who believe in religious law... Well, hell, they would have to vote themselves out.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is beating Trump at his own game. No wonder Washington is scared.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 10, 2019:
I hope you don't mean she's more gifted at empty bluster and lies than he is... because really, that's the only game he's got.
I think I'm having a contraction
Paul4747 comments on Jan 10, 2019:
When your Grammar tells you you need to get back to school...
How annoyed do you get when a religious person give all credit to god, despite it was you that may ...
Paul4747 comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Do they also make sure to give the "credit" to God for things like multi-car pile-ups on the freeway that kill entire families on their way to Xmas dinner? Because, if God is omnipotent, then he must have made that happen too. Just because it's not nice doesn't mean it's not miraculous!
Well I am at 513 off level 8.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 6, 2019:
What about the insomniacs?
Admiral Nelson's flagship, undergoing restoration.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Now that's a worthy cause.
Have you ever just wanted to tie "Flo" the Progressive Insurance character down to a tanning bed and...
Paul4747 comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Some of my friends have expressed a desire to tie Flo from the progressive commercials down to some kind of bed or other. I don't see it myself. She's too "uncanny valley" -looking for me, like a department store dummy brought to life...
Would you move for love?
Paul4747 comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Oh, move "for" love. I thought the question was "during". Had a flashback to my ex for a minute there. Her answer was "no", for the record...
MoveOn Petitions - Rename Fifth Avenue in front of Trump Tower: "President Barack H. Obama Avenue"
Paul4747 comments on Jan 4, 2019:
You're just trying to give him a stroke, aren't you.
The Extinction of the White American Male Dinosaur
Paul4747 comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Wait just a minute now... Not having read the article, isn't the title a bit combative? Does it kind of make the point why some white men refer to themselves as "the only unprotected class in America"? I'm generally not in the least reactionary, and yet, seeing this, my neck hackles start to rise. And I wonder how people would feel, in this day and age, about an article entitled "The Problems With..." I can't even finish that example, because of the stones that will be cast my way, but you know very well what I'm saying. I thought we weren't supposed to launch attacks on people because of their group identity anymore. I thought we were supposed to be more enlightened these days. I may be old, but I'm no dinosaur. "White American Male Dinosaur"? Seriously?
It good to be realistic sometimes...
Paul4747 comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Aw, nah, girl. You not talking about me. I'm totally awesome too.
I write as an English observer across the pond.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 4, 2019:
It's not logically required. It does make more sense, since the GOP does actively pursue and cultivate the endorsement of those old-time religions (I mean the conservative Christians, not Greco-Roman). While fewer and fewer people identify as Christians, those who do puff themselves up to make themselves seem more important than they actually are, and because they vote pretty much as a bloc, the conservatives exercise an undue influence at election time. This leads to the Republicans catering to a shrinking, but extremely vocal, portion of the population at the expense of everyone else. One example: most people surveyed either favor abortion rights or are neutral. Yet, because of the influence of conservative Christians at the polls, it seems likely that, for the first time in over 45 years, the high court is now preparing to revisit the very legality of abortion in America. A purely personal issue could be decided for millions, based on the religious scruples of the minority. Next up: birth control. :D
Was sex more fun when you still believed in original sin?
Paul4747 comments on Jan 4, 2019:
I never actually thought about it during the act, and if I gave it any thought at all, it was kinda creepy that a guy in an imaginary place was watching me get it on. However, the very best sex of my life was with my married neighbor, who was also a Jehovah's Witness, and I guess by her standards we were sinning left, right, center, front, back, and sideways (and on one occasion sort of upside down). (I know, I know... TMI :D) So, depending on how you look at it, I guess when she was sinning, sex was the most fun? If I had it all to do over, though... much as I loved and wanted her, I would tell her to get herself free first and then be with me. Because that's the straightforward moral choice. I should never have got in the middle of their marriage.
Garbage, feces take toll on National Parks amid shutdown
Paul4747 comments on Jan 3, 2019:
People technically are animals... religion just makes them think they're separate from the rest, I guess.
I was hammered going to an Athiest party with the short phrase go god concept blasts.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 3, 2019:
I'm sorry, I wasn't listening, can you repeat that?
Good morning Debaters! Seems like this page is turning into just another "fighting" one.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Sadly, in the environment of today, there is precious little neutral ground.
Trump suggests that unpaid government workers can work odd jobs to pay rent.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Since I am a civil servant, supervising close to 250 convicted felons on a daily basis, frequently threatened, verbally abused, assaulted multiple times, routinely finding drugs and weapons, not to mention protecting them from each other (something people don't usually take into account), while being told year after year how overpaid I am and how easy my job is- I would be insulted. Even more so than normally.
I think Michelle Obama should run in 2020.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 3, 2019:
She has, A), shown no political ambitions or inclinations that I'm aware of, and B) although very intelligent, might fall prey to the same mistake her husband (and other intelligent people) have while in office, that of thinking that intelligent proposals are self-evidently correct and don't need selling or negotiation with the other side.
I'd like to setup one of my groups where only the host and mods can start topics but group members ...
Paul4747 comments on Jan 2, 2019:
What would be the incentive to join a group in which all I could do is reply to existing posts?
Fair is fair ...;)
Paul4747 comments on Dec 31, 2018:
Out of place and slightly embarrassed...?
I am beginning to fear that my love for Yoga Pants is nearing unhealthy.
Paul4747 comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Just the pants by themselves? Wearing them? Other people wearing them? This kind of statement leaves too much ambiguity...
Wisconsin Lawmaker: Convert To Christianity Or Be ‘Destroyed’ | Michael Stone
Paul4747 comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Something funny in the cheese lately?
$4,700 is all... Shit.. no wonder Liberals are so pissed if that's all they spent... ?
Paul4747 comments on Dec 28, 2018:
I see by your response that your mind is made up, so I won't bother you with any more facts.
Ann Coulter says the children crying after being separated from their parents at the border are ...
Paul4747 comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Want to know who's a crisis actor? Those people on the Republican Party ads claiming they lost their small business and family farm due to the estate tax. Those kids, on the other hand, are real kids.
Republican praises ICE's 'excellent record' because 'only two children' have died in its custody
Paul4747 comments on Dec 28, 2018:
In over 19 years I've never had anyone die in my custody. Then again I work 8 hour shifts. (State prison.) The secret to career success is keeping your goals achievable.
$4,700 is all... Shit.. no wonder Liberals are so pissed if that's all they spent... ?
Paul4747 comments on Dec 28, 2018:
You realize the reason his account was suspended has nothing to do with the Senate report. No, wait, you don't realize that at all, or you wouldn't be linking this tripe. That's the real story. Yes, he also did work for a firm which did work on the Senate report. The two things have no relation.
The fastest growing group of people in the country has been measured as being those who have no ...
Paul4747 comments on Dec 28, 2018:
I think you're going to find it's a smaller group than you think, once you add the word "conservative" in there. Even conservatives don't know what the hell they stand for these days. Once you add "atheist" you're just going to confuse them all.
Most of the religious people put their children at risk.
Paul4747 comments on Dec 24, 2018:
What's more disturbing is when people give thanks for being "spared" in a horrible storm or fire or some such, implying that god chose other people's homes to wipe out. This leads to a sense of smugness and moral superiority which is totally undeserved; a sense of being "chosen". It also bothers me when people pray to be cured of diseases. If they're not cured, what does that say about their wish-granting god? Did they not pray hard enough? Or is God just a dick for not granting their wish?
Spending my first holiday alone in eleven years and not sure what I'm going to be doing.
Paul4747 comments on Dec 24, 2018:
Last year: Took presents over to the ex's for my daughter in the morning. Opened a couple for myself. Watched Die Hard and Lethal Weapon (the Xmas classics) and heated myself a Hungry Man dinner. I can't improve on that plan this year, as my hopes for getting laid in 2018 have dwindled beyond vanishing point. No big deal, at least now I don't have a partner where I *would* be thinking I should get some action on the holiday...
Department of Obvious not so obvious to some: LEAVE the service dog alone []
Paul4747 comments on Dec 24, 2018:
"I'm gonna call my lawyer".... wonder how that conversation went. "No, you cannot sue for the way they told you 'no'. That'll be $150, please. No personal checks."
Jesus loves you? What does it mean to you?
Paul4747 comments on Dec 22, 2018:
I remember as a little kid singing the "Jesus loves me" song. As I got older I started thinking, but does he even know me? We never met. Would he even like me? Imagine if we were watching a movie together, or a football game. "Jesus is a bro to me." Knowing from textual analysis that Jesus was very prejudiced against non-Jews, I doubt we would get along.
Found this today in the grocery store. Why is it so expensive? Did Jesus make it?
Paul4747 comments on Dec 22, 2018:
So, I looked up EZ 4:9 (NIV) and a few verses beyond... 9 “Take wheat and barley, beans and lentils, millet and spelt; put them in a storage jar and use them to make bread for yourself. You are to eat it during the 390 days you lie on your side. 10 Weigh out twenty shekels[a] of food to eat each day and eat it at set times. 11 Also measure out a sixth of a hin[b] of water and drink it at set times. 12 Eat the food as you would a loaf of barley bread; bake it in the sight of the people, using human excrement for fuel.” 13 The Lord said, “In this way the people of Israel will eat defiled food among the nations where I will drive them.” So I'm guessing the ingredients are wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet, and whatever the fuck "spelt" is. My real quandary here is; do they bake this stuff in a human-excrement-fueled oven?
I've always been a tad annoyed at those guys that target vulnerable women at Christmas.
Paul4747 comments on Dec 22, 2018:
I've never known any women like that. Must be I'm not a predator type.
LIGHT starter ideas for Christmas Day?
Paul4747 comments on Dec 22, 2018:
Halogen is too heavy. Go with LEDs.
How important is playfulness and humor in a relationship?
Paul4747 comments on Dec 22, 2018:
Thank you, I just did a spit-take on my computer (Diet Sprite if it matters)
Obama photographer taunts "nut job" Trump with sweet holiday throwback photos
Paul4747 comments on Dec 22, 2018:
I would take any 2 out of those 4 attributes, even. Dibs on sane and intelligent.
Trump hints at firing Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. THE CHAIRMAN IS DOING HIS JOB STUPID!
Paul4747 comments on Dec 22, 2018:
"Doing your job" has never been a job qualification under Trump's administration. We are actually due for a small recession, historically speaking. Trump's afraid it will reflect badly on him (which it should, since everything he's pushed is absolutely horrible policy for the economy). The Fed wants to raise rates a little so that when the recession hits, they have a tool (lowering rates!) to stoke the economy again. But then Trump's short-term economy isn't as YUUUGE!!!! as he wants it to be. Anything that doesn't help out the Trump 2020 campaign is bad policy, in his eyes.
Trump vs. Obama: a new theory of why Republicans and Democrats fight - Vox
Paul4747 comments on Dec 21, 2018:
I'm not sure how new this theory is. "Republicans want things to stay the same and fear change; they fear people who are not like themselves... Democrats are the party of "inclusion" and hate the old school who discriminate and fear-monger..." This goes back at least to the 1960s. The author has just put some nice labels on it.
"It is interesting to note that the men who, in the teeth of history, proclaimed that, if you want ...
Paul4747 comments on Dec 21, 2018:
And the point of this quote is? Simply preparing for war does not bring peace, but nor does simply hoping for peace in the face of those who are prepared to use war as a means to their ends. The history of the Cold War bears this out. True, there were numerous small-scale brushfire wars, but the world-wide conflict everyone feared between East and West never materialized; because the NATO countries were prepared for war, the USSR had no realistic chance of expanding its dominion without resorting to nuclear weapons and thus mutual destruction.
Who do you think would win in a battle: Harry Potter versus Harry Dresden? hmm...
Paul4747 comments on Dec 21, 2018:
I remember very little of the Harry Dresden TV show, but I think he had actual magic bullets, right? So, winner. The grittiest wizard wins.
What type of death do you most fear?
Paul4747 comments on Dec 21, 2018:
I plan my death to be quick, painless, and someone else's.
Collective Evolution - Conscious Media
Paul4747 comments on Dec 21, 2018:
From what I can see, this is a bunch of nuthatches believing everything from "deep state" to aliens, astrology, anti-vaccine, Q-anon, and some shit even I haven't heard of (what the hell is this about yellow vests? Never mind, don't want to know). It's definitely nothing to do with human consciousness; all about human gullibility.
Something to seriously think about...
Paul4747 comments on Dec 21, 2018:
Oh, I hope she decides she wants to do me....
Are you a food hoarder ?
Paul4747 comments on Dec 21, 2018:
I counted 4,56*5* rice. Somebody's been in my stuff again.
When you’ve had kind of a shit day but you bought a light up unicorn. ❤️
Paul4747 comments on Dec 20, 2018:
If a horny horse is what gets you through, then by all means, enjoy.
I will accept Christ ...
Paul4747 comments on Dec 20, 2018:
I will convert to orthodox Judaism if he is smitten by lightning as a perjuror and bearer of false witness.
People with the healthiest personality types have these three qualities
Paul4747 comments on Dec 20, 2018:
Welp, I'm screwed.
What is a sexual atheist?
Paul4747 comments on Dec 20, 2018:
I was thinking, reading the title, that it was someone who didn't say "Oh God" in bed.
Update on the black cat theory...
Paul4747 comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Oh. That sucks. I feel for whoever owns those.
How Many Trump Rallies Do You Think Trump Has Done POST ELECTION?
Paul4747 comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Technically, since he filed IMMEDIATELY for reelection, isn't every appearance a campaign rally? I think one of the next priorities for Congress (under the next President obviously) has to be campaign finance reform, including putting a "season" on political campaigning and fund-raising; let's say no earlier than 6 months before the election. Unofficially putting your name in the hat? Fine. Officially filing and taking in campaign funds? Nope. Not before April.
I overheard men discussing yoga pants on women are disgusting.
Paul4747 comments on Dec 18, 2018:
I actually prefer them. Wait, was it the mens' discussion that was disgusting??
Trump Christmas Card: I got an email inviting me to sign and add a “personal note” to the ...
Paul4747 comments on Dec 17, 2018:
The mind boggles at how many obscenities are going to hit that inbox.


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