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Exactly. just another version of the "War on Christmas" nonsense.
Paul4747 comments on Dec 17, 2018:
What have I missed now?
Good morning everybody! Happy Monday! Love and light to all. ❤️?
Paul4747 comments on Dec 17, 2018:
Try this again next week when I'm on vacation...
My luck
Paul4747 comments on Dec 17, 2018:
That's gonna be one tough chicken by the time it gets out of there.
Nothing works
Paul4747 comments on Dec 17, 2018:
My vacuum cleaner is broken. Ironically, it does not suck.
I told Siri I didn’t believe in god and her response was hilarious. You should give it a try.
Paul4747 comments on Dec 17, 2018:
Siri who?
What are your thoughts/ideas on prophesy?
Paul4747 comments on Dec 17, 2018:
The only true prophesies are those that go something like: "And in that time, a friend shall lose his friend's hammer, and the young will not know where lieth the things possessed by their fathers, that their fathers put there only just the night before, around eight o'clock..."
Guns: Give them to everyone as a government program.
Paul4747 comments on Dec 16, 2018:
I'm with you on the guns, let everybody have one, why not. As long as I can have all the ammunition. I've met those losers and I don't trust them one damn inch.
Are you ready for President Pelosi?
Paul4747 comments on Dec 16, 2018:
I..... yiyiyiyi would have to grit my teeth and hope that she would work with the more moderate center of the party. Specifically, I would want to avoid any notion that the gun control legislation on the books in the most liberal bastions, for instance CA, NY and IL, are also going to be a blanket cure for every state in the Union. Federalism means that those states have a right to pass those laws if the people wanted it. But the MidWest is not the same as the East and West. We're a more moderate type of liberal here, especially on the gun issue. With you all the way on assistance for the poor, leveling the playing field, education, tax breaks for the middle class... and universal background checks to keep guns out of the wrong hands. Just don't try to tell me that my guns are unsafe in my hands because of the size of the magazine, please and thank you.
Paul4747 comments on Dec 16, 2018:
Didn't this news come out a while ago? Not to rain on your parade. And I believe they are going to lock him up.
Use your brain to think and figure things out.
Paul4747 comments on Dec 15, 2018:
Anyone who doesn't admit they have a dog in the race.
Evangelical Christians Helped Elect Donald Trump, but Their Time as a Major Political Force Is ...
Paul4747 comments on Dec 14, 2018:
Holy crap, I hope so. Trouble is, they're such a loud bloc of voters and they turn out at every damn election, so they swing more power than they should account for by their numbers. If atheists, for example, were organized around the issues we cared about, like free speech and so on, we would swing more weight than them. But atheists/agnostics are all over the map politically. It's only religion where we tend to agree.
OK men.
Paul4747 comments on Dec 14, 2018:
Take a look at my profile pics. Now tell me I have any business giving anybody advice on "improving their image." What does attract me? If a woman lets me know that she's attracted to me.
??? RICK! RICK! RICK! [] []
Paul4747 comments on Dec 14, 2018:
*Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down* Is it that Rick? Different Rick?
If I were a Jedi, there's a 100% chance I'd use 'The Force' inappropriately. ?
Paul4747 comments on Dec 14, 2018:
As inappropriately as this guy?
How can modern man believe in a God?
Paul4747 comments on Dec 10, 2018:
I still remember, as a child, being taught the song "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so". The next verse talked about how children especially are under his protection because "they are weak but he is strong". It would be very comforting to accept the message that there's a supernatural, omnipotent protector right now looking out for me. I think that's part of the answer; as Wilhelm Reich postulated, people often seem to desire a dictatorial protector to run their lives, and a God person would fulfill that role. However, I accept personal responsibility for my life, and I know that scientifically there is almost certainly no God. (I wouldn't mind a Goddess, though...)
Dealing with religious people at work
Paul4747 comments on Dec 10, 2018:
At one point I had a partner who kept mentioning religious topics and then becoming irate because I would use logic and textual analysis to shoot his ideas down. He kept getting so mad at me continually (and I would be so amused in return) that eventually he just decided the only way to work with me was to stop talking about religion; which was fine with me, because I think he was trying to convert me to begin with. It was his failure that irked him so.
"Oh my god!", "go to hell!", "Jesus Christ!", "soulmate" and other phrases featuring religious ...
Paul4747 comments on Dec 10, 2018:
As Douglas Adams wrote, it takes a very strong-minded type of atheist to say something like "Arrgh, random fluctuations in the space-time continuum!" or "Primitive and outmoded concept on a crutch!" when you stub your toe.
My boss: "Good morning." Me: "You need to calm the fuck down."
Paul4747 comments on Dec 3, 2018:
Okay then. You need a coffee.
I’ve actually done this, and might lose a friend but you’ll have to buy less vegetables and ...
Paul4747 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Humans evolved to be omnivores for a reason, dammit
Because we can...
Paul4747 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Also, cheaper than sending men to the moon again.
You slept with her...
Paul4747 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
But it was *totally worth it.*
A guy blocked me
Paul4747 comments on Dec 2, 2018:
I get blocked on dating sites all the freaking time, sometimes before I have a chance to send a message to someone, or before I do more than "like" someone's profile. I guess that's their response to me, saving them all the hassle of saying "sorry, not interested". I actually appreciate knowing someone is not interested, it shows the person is willing to take the time to consider me in the first place.
GHW Bush is dead, at 94. Meh.
Paul4747 comments on Dec 1, 2018:
By comparison with the other Republican presidents in my lifetime (an admittedly low bar as far as I'm concerned), he did the least damage. He signed an income tax increase in violation of his own campaign rhetoric and took the heat for it from his far-right wing. He took us into a war to repel a genuine aggression in violation of international law, and then stopped before we could replace Iraq's government and become involved in a nation-building exercise. He stepped firmly on his dong when he encouraged the Kurds to rebel, and then, because of political calculations (we still needed a counterweight against Iran, even a weakened one) did nothing to stop Saddam slaughtering them and burying them in mass graves- the very graves his son's administration used as retroactive justification for our second invasion. And I hold no brief for the way both he and Reagan propped up both sides of the Iran-Iraq war until Saddam went against one of our oil-producing allies. Domestically, his continuation of Reagan's policies- kinder and gentler, but still blaming poor people for being poor- I believe were a result of the prosperity gospel that many of his age grew up with; if you're a good person, then God will look after you, and if you're not, then your faults find you out. The reverse of this is that wealth is a sign of good character and hard work, while poverty means you're slovenly and have no redeeming qualities. This is still the basic economic foundation of the Republican party, where it takes the form of social Darwinism: look after the rich, because they're the superior breed. We're better off without the poor weighing us down. All in all, though, considering the Republicans who have come after him, I prefer GHWB. He was still more or less a gentleman, and his was a better generation. It's hard to imagine him sending twitter rants. I always felt that Barbara looked like his mother, though. :p
What is your worst blind Date Experience?
Paul4747 comments on Nov 30, 2018:
A blind date might actually improve my chances... it's the deaf dates that make me feel awkward
Why Dont We Ever Call White Extremists Terrorists? []
Paul4747 comments on Nov 28, 2018:
What type of terrorism are you talking about, exactly? Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist (blew up the Federal Building in Oklahoma City). People like Dylan Rooff are not. I think the authors of the article (and the ADL) draw a false equivalency between hate crimes and terrorism. Terrorists have a political objective. While some may be attracted to the politics of terrorist groups, they're not acting to further those objectives; they're using them as an excuse to act out their own hateful power fantasies.
What's your stance on Roe vs Wade?
Paul4747 comments on Nov 26, 2018:
It is the settled law of the land. Stare decisis should mean that the court defers to the judgment of the previous bench and doesn't reopen the books on it, unless for some compelling error of law (such as in *Dred Scott*). Also, "pro-birther" doesn't really mean that in this case, does it?
Are there childish or childlike activities that you still enjoy?
Paul4747 comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Want to come check out my Nerf guns?
It's official! Strong evidence that Saggitarius A black hole exists in the center of our galaxy.
Paul4747 comments on Nov 26, 2018:
I propose an expedition personally led by President Trump to verify its existence. If he hurries he can launch tomorrow. I'll help him pack.
Would you pay someone to date you?
Paul4747 comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Don't men sort of technically pay people to date us every time we pick up the check? I realize that's supposed to be outmoded these days and everything is supposed to be 50/50, and yet I can count on 2 fingers the number of dates I've had who didn't expect me to take care of dinner, etc, etc.
I would watch this so hard.
Paul4747 comments on Nov 26, 2018:
I would be torn... would I have to watch just for that 1 in a million chance of a flat-earth fanatic going up in a crow's nest of a ship, seeing around the curvature of the ocean surface, realizing he or she has been wrong all these years, and deciding to convert all the rest of the bozos? Because there's really no more complicated demonstration called for.
True or false An atheist is more willing to date a religious person than a religious person is ...
Paul4747 comments on Nov 25, 2018:
I have never yet, on a dating site, told anyone "You seem nice, but my atheist beliefs forbid me from dating outside my atheism." But I have had religious people tell me they couldn't date atheists, no matter how nice.
I miss MAD magazine! Imagine how much fun they would be having with the assshole prez.
Paul4747 comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Know who I miss? *Robot Chicken* on the Cartoon Network Adult Swim. You know how they roasted Bush? Just think what they would do with the Orange One. He would be calling for the show to be pulled off the air, calling for Seth Green to be fired, calling for the network to be fined... all over a stop-motion animated puppet show. :D
What in the actual fuck!?
Paul4747 comments on Nov 24, 2018:
"We can no longer think about sexual offending against children as some kind of forgivable sin." I couldn't have put it better myself.
Do you know how long it has taken me to go from level 7 to 7.1?
Paul4747 comments on Nov 24, 2018:
I don't know when I hit 7.2, but it seemed like it took for frakking ever. I think it's exponential growth between levels, they don't want to give away too many shirts or something.
Do you listen to religious music?
Paul4747 comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Johnny Cash, "The Man Comes Around". I offered to sing it as "special music" for my ex-wife's church services way back when, I figured it would get the offerings up, but they didn't see it my way. They prefer the "happy smiling Jesus".
Trump Removes Positive Reports About Obama Admin From FEMA Website - The Intellectualist
Paul4747 comments on Nov 24, 2018:
I wish I could read the link cited, unfortunately their privacy certificate is out of date and my security blocks it.
Should physician assisted suicide be made legal, for loved ones who're either terminally ill, or ...
Paul4747 comments on Nov 24, 2018:
People have no problem with committing suicide over a period of 65 years with reckless sex, tobacco, alcohol and food and then dying slowly and horribly, but just try doing it in one painless shot. It's like the moral guardians want to make sure you pay for any enjoyment you may have experienced with an agonizing death.
Sorry guys, my spirit animal got loose again.
Paul4747 comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Okay... this is somebody with problems. Why in the fuck would you do this?? I'm not saying that people camping out to get in line at a store are any better, but come on!
Call me crazy, but I'm in absolute Heaven ! The Wizard of Oz is on TV! The greatest movie ever made!...
Paul4747 comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Yikes No thank you.... those monkeys *freak my shit out*. Someday I will seek professional help for this, but in the meantime, avoidance seems to be working.
Please consider small store shopping today.
Paul4747 comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Is holster making considered an art?
Wanking it to an anime character isn’t perverted as far as I’m concerned.
Paul4747 comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Well... like... Gumby? Speed Racer? Please not Gumby or Speed Racer. Tentacle porn is borderline.
John Allen Chau, Preacher killed by Natives, Appalling Atheist Reactions - YouTube
Paul4747 comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Religious people regularly call it "God's judgment" for someone's imagined crimes when terrible things happen. Recall Jerry Falwell's hateful comments after 9/11, when he blamed the terrorist attack on the Roe v Wade decision, among others... gay people, unwed mothers, and atheists I believe were among those he blamed for God "allowing" the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Here we have actual crimes for which someone suffered the ultimate price. I think atheists have a right to equal time for calling people out when they bring punishment upon themselves.
Why is the label African Americans used to describe black Americans
Paul4747 comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Why is there an Irish-American parade for people whose families haven't set foot off this continent in like 150 years? Or German-American festivals where oom-pah music is played at innocent bystanders? Don't all these titles divide us more than they unite us? I know where my ancestors were from, vaguely, but so what? That was all more than 4 generations ago. I was born right here. Can't we all be American Americans?
How does a writer point to white male dominance?
Paul4747 comments on Nov 23, 2018:
How about, mention specific males with whom you have an issue, because they are the ones that are doing something wrong? "White Male privilege and domination" is not a thing. There's no big club where the white men sit around plotting how every single white man is going to be advantaged over everyone else. That's the truth you were looking for.
Play to win and everyone gets a trophy, what a crock.
Paul4747 comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Do you play to win, or do you play because you want some trophy?
I can't wait to see what he gets her for Christmas
Paul4747 comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Welp, that pacifier ain't getting lost....
Let's rake the forest like Finland
Paul4747 comments on Nov 20, 2018:
RAGA Rake America Great Again
And because they're not that smart
Paul4747 comments on Nov 20, 2018:
God is dandy but liquor is quicker
Trying really hard to not post any politics on face book for one week and see what happens.
Paul4747 comments on Nov 19, 2018:
I have successfully not posted anything on Facebook for 53 years. Worship me.
Background color on your profile
Paul4747 comments on Nov 19, 2018:
Mine appears to be purple, and I've no idea how that happened or how to change it....
Safe spaces.
Paul4747 comments on Nov 19, 2018:
I've found myself disinvited to a few threads on this very forum when my very slightly more conservative views apparently conflicted with the OP. How could I tell? Because I had a notification of a reply, which I couldn't read because "the thread was made private". In my book, opening up a topic means you've opened yourself up for replies, whether you like those replies or not. Not everyone is going to agree with you. If you just want to hear your own opinions back, try an echo chamber
Meanwhile in Kansas
Paul4747 comments on Nov 16, 2018:
I got that one!
Can anyone help me phrase a note to my tenants in order to contribute to snow removal?
Paul4747 comments on Nov 16, 2018:
"Pick Up A Shovel, You Lazy Twits" Oh... you probably meant something more persuasive and less something I yell at my own neighbors...
When white folks say President Obama was "an embarrassment," here's what you say
Paul4747 comments on Nov 16, 2018:
I say, "Don't you have some cotton to plant or something, back in 1800?"
I love the quote in here by Dwight Eisenhower, the last decent Republican president: []
Paul4747 comments on Nov 16, 2018:
One of the last decent Republicans, period, on the national stage. John McCain was the only one like him in recent memory. Too good for today's Republican party...
Gay cure therapist trawled for gay sex online on as ‘Hotnhairy72’
Paul4747 comments on Nov 12, 2018:
You have to live the life, baby.... Just as David Koresh claimed he was committing every possible sin so that he would be better equipped as a savior. You have to understand the sinner's point of view. Which, I admit, makes a twisted kind of sense. Nobody is going to accept that a Catholic priest understands the difficulties of marriage except via academic knowledge. That's part of the problem with an officially celibate (and repressed) clergy.
Paul4747 comments on Nov 11, 2018:
That's a tricky one. I've met someone finally (not to jinx the whole thing, please don't jinx the whole thing) with whom things are going pretty well, been on a couple dates, talk almost daily, etc... and the thing is, she hasn't asked me to change. I haven't felt the urge to change. I'm at that point where I have the warm glow and whatever she feels like doing is fine by me, and yet the things she feels like doing are things I had wanted to try anyway, I just didn't want to try them alone. Like, I don't know jack about sushi... well, she does, and she was my guide. I like stargazing, but it's not as much fun by yourself... one day real soon, I hope. I guess I'm saying, if you're lucky, you meet someone who takes you as is. I feel like maybe I've been that lucky, finally. Took long enough.
Ribbed! For her Pleasure! For the low low price of $2,710, plus tax, you TOO can look like a ...
Paul4747 comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Now why can't I go into business as a designer? Obviously no talent is required.
Anybody else hate daylight saving time?
Paul4747 comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Yes... I've hated it forever.
Caption this.
Paul4747 comments on Nov 2, 2018:
Oh, sweet mystery of life, at last I've found it...
Even stranger than having an imaginary friend is having an imaginary enemy.
Paul4747 comments on Nov 1, 2018:
Paranoia is its own reward...
"White men also get to authorise what constitutes pain and whose pain is legitimate" Robin ...
Paul4747 comments on Oct 30, 2018:
I'm currently working on a title for my book on the topic of "people who assume all white men are racists". Any suggestions? Seriously, not everything is explained by playing that card.
Wisdom is more precious than rubies.
Paul4747 comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Yeah? How much can I get for this wisdom on the Bourse?
God’s Intelligent Design?
Paul4747 comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Sinuses. Let's design a wet bag with drainage holes at the top. Yeah. Also, the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which takes a huge detour en route to its destination. If you think we have it bad, pity the poor giraffe.
What are your thoughts on the Honduras refugees heading to our border?
Paul4747 comments on Oct 23, 2018:
That would be going to a lot of time and trouble just to make Trump look like a jerk... much easier to just repeat some of his tweets.
What do you do to look better in photos? Apart from turning your back.
Paul4747 comments on Oct 20, 2018:
I stay well out of view of the camera. But seriously folks, you've been a great audience... please tip your server...
Finished reading the latest Dan Brown book, Origin, today.
Paul4747 comments on Oct 20, 2018:
"I must find the roots of this conspiracy! Haha!" "But the Mach 5 is not ready! Haha!" "Haha!" "Haha!" "Haha!" "Haha!"
What position do you sleep in?
Paul4747 comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Not sure... I'm usually asleep at the time
Guys ask why women are so pissed off.
Paul4747 comments on Oct 20, 2018:
The thing about this issue that sickens me is that I'm *automatically* labeled as a potential threat, by virtue of my gender. The last thing I want to do is hurt anyone... but how do I show that? Wear an "Absolutely Harmless, Trust Me" t-shirt?
No Jesus, no peace
Paul4747 comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Sounds like a spin on "No Justice, No Peace". Like they couldn't leave that perfectly good useless phrase well enough alone.
How do you all DO this?
Paul4747 comments on Oct 9, 2018:
People date even in our 50s. Trust me. It's a leap of faith in yourself somewhat, just like deciding to relaunch a career (which I'm about to go looking into). After all, what employer wants to hire a 50+ year old with our salary and benefit demands, our assorted health problems, and our bucket full of other issues, when there are 20 year olds out there who work cheap? Just have to have faith that the character and experience you've built over a lifetime makes you worth investing in- be it in a job or a relationship. Also, as an objective person who is several hundred miles away and therefore has nothing to gain one way or the other- Don't say you're "not much to look at". I find you just my type.
Paul4747 comments on Oct 8, 2018:
The last possibility is frankly insulting and the stuff of myth. The idea that someone can be "turned" gay is legend. You might as well theorize that a heterosexual assault can turn someone who otherwise would have been homosexual. Rape does not change sexual preference, rape is just rape.
This idea that because white men get what they want, men in general do, is wrong and IMO, dangerous!...
Paul4747 comments on Oct 7, 2018:
The core of social inequality is less ethnicity than economy. The majority of everyone, regardless of their ethnic group, has become more and more excluded from participation in the economy. The middle class is still earning the same as it was in 1970 (adjusted for inflation), while prices have increased ten and twentyfold on everything. (I pulled that last number as a rough approximation directly out of one of my body cavities, but gosh, it seems about right when you consider that two incomes can now just about feed and shelter a family of 4 in not-quite-poverty, yet 1 average income used to be able to afford a new car every three or four years and a nice ranch house for a family of four or five. And college for the kids.) I agree that non-whites are hit both ways; they are both much more likely to be in the lowest income groups, and *vastly* less likely to be on the top. A restructuring of the educational, social, and economic system has been overdue for, let's say, 300 years. But in my lifetime, it really started going downhill again (after a promising start in the '60s and '70s) when the Republican Revolution came in and fought for all those oppressed, wealthy white men. They really felt Trump's pain, and now he's paying back. (Please ensure sarcasm detector is set to the "on" position when reading those last two sentences.)
Important philosophical question: Would you rather eat ice cream that tastes like feces or feces ...
Paul4747 comments on Oct 7, 2018:
"Capitalism is like a shit sandwich. The more bread you have, the less shit you have to eat." -Robert Anton Wilson
Science saves lives.
Paul4747 comments on Oct 5, 2018:
And religions generally waste them, when they don't outright destroy them.
If we assume, for example, that God created the universe .
Paul4747 comments on Oct 5, 2018:
The problem with the idea of a creator of the Universe is the infinite regress. If you assume that everything must be created, therefore the Universe needs God to create it, then what created God? It simply moves the question one step back. Furthermore, what created God's creator? What created that? It's an infinite regress of creators. There's no point where we can stop and logically say "This is the ultimate Creator who did not need to be created." However, by assuming that things come about by a natural process without the need for supernatural creators, we resolve the infinite regress. The Universe happened. We may not know exactly how, but it was by a natural process.
Permission to step outside the marriage?
Paul4747 comments on Oct 1, 2018:
I was in his situation. Thing is, I didn't want anyone else, I wanted her to still want me the way I wanted her. It wasn't a health issue in my marriage, but libido issues. I respected her right to change, but I asked her to go to counseling with me to talk about it. She didn't even reply with yes or no. That's when I knew there was something really wrong with the marriage itself. We had different intimacy needs. The honest thing to do was get divorced.
Apparently I can no longer like my own posts and comments. Travesty.
Paul4747 comments on Oct 1, 2018:
You never could... As far as I know.
How important is sex to you?
Paul4747 comments on Oct 1, 2018:
I sure hope to have some again. Any day would be fine.
There are a number of mechanical devices which increase sexual arousal, particularly in women.
Paul4747 comments on Oct 1, 2018:
Every time we glorify the cradle of our civilization.
Paul4747 comments on Sep 22, 2018:
Saluting them as philosophers (specifically the Greeks) and the founders of democracy and the republican (small R) forms of government in no way endorses any of their excesses. The Romans held rapacious orgies. Both practiced slavery. Nobody denies that, but nobody wants to carry those traditions on today either. Not so much ignoring as, it's irrelevant to the matter at hand most of the time.
What's a body part that you wouldn't mind losing, and why did you pick that one?
Paul4747 comments on Sep 21, 2018:
Appendix Never used it for anything
Trump’s “Opposition” Supports All His Evil Agendas While Attacking Fake Nonsense ...
Paul4747 comments on Sep 21, 2018:
Given the increasing threat from Russia, which Trump has actively helped along, it's actually a wise move on both parties' parts to expand our own military. The next President might need it.
Jeez, stop being such a prude!
Paul4747 comments on Sep 19, 2018:
If he had some chest hair he wouldn't be so ashamed.
If a woman says, "Pick a place and time and let me know," and then ignores whichever part of my ...
Paul4747 comments on Sep 19, 2018:
I hate to tell you, this is how the system is rigged. Always has been, always will be. It's part of Darwinian sex selection. The female weeds out unsuitable candidates based on those who cannot guess her preferences. The unsuccessful male has no chance to breed with the female, and must move on to try and find another potential mate. :D
Go ryan ! Go ryan
Paul4747 comments on Sep 19, 2018:
Ummm.... who IS Ryan Stiles, anyway?
I have always asked myself how a black person could be a Republican, as I seek answers, I landed on ...
Paul4747 comments on Sep 19, 2018:
And yet, just because he registered Republican, didn't mean he had to vote that way. But I understand how personal gratitude to a single Republican could result in overlooking all the negative factors of the party's policies. Look at the number of people who voted for Reagan, "because he's such a nice man". Never mind that he was borderline senile and dangerously incompetent, he was so *nice*.
So... Did @Bobby9 really leave out group because he was bored and come back, because he's bored ?
Paul4747 comments on Sep 19, 2018:
I have no opinion on the issue at hand. I just clicked because of the picture of the angry hot woman. Angry women excite me. I am now tempted to join this group just to get some abuse directed at me. Does this seem weird?
Enjoy yourselves ! Today is that fateful, horrid day.
Paul4747 comments on Sep 19, 2018:
Everyone thinks a pirate's favorite letter of the alphabet is "Arrrr". But they're wrong. Actually, 'tis the "Sea".
Is Christianity a religion or a cult?
Paul4747 comments on Sep 17, 2018:
A cult that grows big enough to get tax-exempt status in the US is a religion. Ask the Mormons.
Most people here seem to tolerate disagreement to a reasonable extent.
Paul4747 comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Some people take a disagreement as a personal attack, especially if their minds are already made up. (Example- the Current Occupant in Washington DC.) They don't want to consider why they might be wrong, or why they might need to refine their ideas, they just want people to agree with them. And when someone disagrees, it's because of *that person*, not because of the issue.
Congratulations to Mr Donald Trump for reaching 5000 lies in less than two years as ...
Paul4747 comments on Sep 16, 2018:
I can say only this...
Is socialism bad for the USA?
Paul4747 comments on Sep 16, 2018:
It depends on your definition of socialism. For some, anything that obligates them to others or takes money out of their pockets to pay for anything that isn't to their direct benefit is "socialism". In my mind, socialism is the mass control of everything in society, where the majority controls and directs the individual; which would clearly be harmful. There's a middle ground where social programs provide a safety net for the less fortunate and help lift people up to the middle class, without dragging down the very fortunate. That's where we need to get. How do we do it? That's the mystery.
Reminder: Join Us For Trivia Nite in The Singles/Mingle/Chatroom Tomorrow, Sunday, Sept 16th at ...
Paul4747 comments on Sep 16, 2018:
I'll say this... the internet has killed trivia quizzes. People look this stuff up on their phones in seconds. Or worse, they talk to Siri. Who the fuck is Siri and why is she on all these phones?
Why so many private groups ..,?
Paul4747 comments on Sep 16, 2018:
People trying to get points toward Level 8??
DONE!!!! Thanks to all of you who helped put me over the top!!!! I love the lot of ya!!!! ...
Paul4747 comments on Sep 16, 2018:
I had absolutely nothing to do with it. Sorry. I figured it was a "weeks" type timeframe, not one night.
The REAL Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel
Paul4747 comments on Sep 16, 2018:
I'll agree with that piece except insofar as, Jesus probably didn't actually say most of the things he's supposed to have said. The "books" (manuscripts) were cobbled together decades later by men who most likely never met Jesus (who possibly never lived anyway) and are at best heavily fictitious, if not completely so. There was no concept of documentation as we know it, and the legends of Jesus passed on by word of mouth were conflated with the prophecies of the Torah so that Jesus would qualify as the Jewish Messiah. The fact that he was born in two different places, depending on which book is read, is uniformly overlooked by Christians. But, yeah, the philosophy is pretty good at times. Jesus was way cool.
I was talking to a customer today in the hurricane ravaged state of n.
Paul4747 comments on Sep 16, 2018:
So if I have it straight; God creates the natural disasters, but Jesus stops them from hurting too many people if they pray the right way....? And God targets 'Murica because we took prayer out of the public schools. Can't forget that part.
Chelsea Clinton: It Would Be “Unchristian” to Overturn Roe v. Wade | Sarahbeth Caplin
Paul4747 comments on Sep 15, 2018:
Arguably, yes. Christian values demand compassion and charity. Also arguably, there's more of a demand to show compassion for the woman who is already a living person, than for an embryo which has the potential to one day possibly be born as a baby. The idea of a person being "human" from conception is based on a lack of scientific knowledge and understanding; the majority of embryos don't live past a few days, but spontaneously "abort" themselves as unviable. The point at which a fetus could survive outside the womb is where we could speak of a "baby" and not an embryo. The Hebrew text that is translated "Thou shalt not kill" more accurately meant "Thou shalt not murder", and given the societal background of the time it was written, actually meant "Thou shalt not murder another Jew". Jesus, as a good Jew, also would have had this understanding. He would have been shocked to find his message of "Love thy neighbor" applied to Gentile pigs. So technically, Ms Clinton is being more compassionate than the Christian standard.
Ever notice how often “improvements” don’t feel as if they’re making anything better?
Paul4747 comments on Sep 14, 2018:
It's harder and harder to find an actual cashier anymore at the big box. I try to go to the more locally owned grocery store where they don't have a computerized "self-service" checkout, which is just a way for the stores to cut down on staff and maximize profits. Speaking of things "improving", someone mentioned a Microsoft update. Since the last one, I'm finding it impossible to type fluidly on this site, the page doesn't accept my input as quickly and I have to slow down my typing to a crawl. Plus, I can't move the cursor more than one space or delete more than one letter at a time. It's as if something changed my input settings for me...


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