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Politicians. Eh?
PhoebeCat comments on Apr 10, 2018:
The desire for power in a definite indication that a person is not fit for public service. I'm not up on politics in other countries but in the US the whole lobbyiest career should be illegal. Imagine a job where you are paid by rich people to bribe politicians.
Sexuality Lables
PhoebeCat comments on Apr 12, 2018:
It's important to me because I feel it's important to be very upfront with the fact that I'll never want to have sex, but don't expect anyone to give up sex. Just don't lie.
Do more non-believers view life as a painful, unpleasant experience?
PhoebeCat comments on Apr 15, 2018:
When I'm finished, I'll make the choice to die. I'll travel to say good-bye to son and my brother's family. I'll probably tell my son what's up, but not my brother.
Age difference dating
PhoebeCat comments on Apr 16, 2018:
I suppose. Personally, I could never date anyone my son's or father's ages because that would just be disgusting. So my perfect person would have to be somewhere between 28 and 72. A lot of options available.
What’s your experience with family after rejecting the religion that was forced on you as a child?
PhoebeCat comments on Apr 16, 2018:
They don't understand, but that's not really a change. We've never had anything in common other than relatives. I've always been the odd one.
How do you define unconditional love.?
PhoebeCat comments on Apr 16, 2018:
Unhealthy...conditions should always exist.
Embarrassing nickname?
PhoebeCat comments on Apr 17, 2018:
My dad called me Pudger.
Do you see gender pay gaps in your company?
PhoebeCat comments on Apr 18, 2018:
The men I work with are all in different fields. As far as I know, pay is based on field (ST, OT, PT), experience, days worked (higher pay for working Sat & Sun), attendance percentage and meeting deadlines for reports. I assume the PTs start at a higher pay due to the fact they are doctor level and they rest of us are masters level. But, pay raises would be held to the same criteria. I have no clue what happens with the administrative side.
Hi, friends. Any woman intending to be near Carson City or Reno soon? Let me know, and we can meet.
PhoebeCat comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Attending a conference in Reno this weekend.
How to possibly tell your parents that you do not follow there religious beliefs?
PhoebeCat comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I met with the mormon missionaries on my local campus. My mom freaked out about that so much that everything else I did was a relief.
Marriage... yea or nay
PhoebeCat comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Twice...1989-1996 and 2005-2006. I got out of number 2 much quicker.
How and where do you make new friends in the area you live in?
PhoebeCat comments on Apr 22, 2018:
I don't. If someone talks to me , I respond. But I rarely initiate. I'm just not really much of a people person.
Arrgghh So watching a shitty comedy and a young girl is pregnant and she decides to not have ...
PhoebeCat comments on Apr 22, 2018:
Don't assume it's a hard choice. Abortion was probably one of the easiest choices I've ever made. I knew that I absolutely did not want a baby and that I would resent the resulting child for the rest of my life. If I turned up pregnant now, I'd contact the police first then the nearest abortion provider.
Did you get married in a church, temple, mosque, or synagogue?
PhoebeCat comments on Apr 24, 2018:
Too be honest, I didn't care about the wedding. I let my mom plan the whole thing.
How much salary would make you happy?
PhoebeCat comments on Apr 24, 2018:
I'm happy with what I make now.
Parents: Do you use punishment?
PhoebeCat comments on Apr 25, 2018:
I did with my kid and I do with my kids during therapy. My expectations and consequences for not meeting those expectations are always clear and consistent. Generally speaking, I give directions one time only. Each time directions are not followed consequences become more severe - loss of privilege. I never threaten and always follow through. For example, my son refused to pick up a favored toy. I gave him the warning: if I pick them up, I'll throw them away. He still refused, so they went straight into the garbage. Never had that problem again. He knew that when I said something I meant it. I spanked him a couple of times once for hiding in a store and once for running into a parking lot and smacked his mouth because he called me stupid.
Do you have any qualms about indoctrinating your children into non-belief?
PhoebeCat comments on Apr 30, 2018:
Going to church made me, my son, my brother and my niece non-believers (4 out of 5). There is nothing like a gathering of Christians to demonstrated what a joke religion is. I have one niece that has been completely brainwashed. She lives with her mother who has totally poisoned her against her father.
Do you think world peace is achievable in our current political climate?
PhoebeCat comments on May 1, 2018:
No one really wants world peace. It sounds good in theory but is unworkable in practice. Peace would require compromise. When compromising, egos have to be left behind because let's be honest in a compromise no one actually gets what they want.
What do you do when someone tells you to “have a blessed day?”
PhoebeCat comments on May 2, 2018:
Have a good day
Are there members who support tRump?
PhoebeCat comments on May 7, 2018:
Telling children Santa Claus is real? Are you against it or for it?
PhoebeCat comments on May 8, 2018:
I never thought Santa as a big deal until I saw how upset my son was when he found out he had been lied to. At that point, he questioned everything he had been told. I went for almost brutal honesty after that. If he didn’t want to know the truth, he didn’t ask. I didn’t give it a second thought as a kid. I’m sure that I didn’t believe at an early age because all my friends got much more and expensive presents than I did. My brother believed for a long time because he thought my mom was too cheap to buy that much stuff and I didn’t tell him anything different because he seemed happy.
Do you have fear or peace about yourself dying someday?
PhoebeCat comments on May 8, 2018:
I’m not afraid of death. The act of dying is something I want to avoid especially in the form of a plane crash or extended disease. I can and plan to take action if diagnosed with a disease. Nothing I can do about an accident except try to be careful.
If you can retire early, what you will do in your Life?
PhoebeCat comments on May 8, 2018:
I don't know that I ever want to completely stop working. I think I'd like to be able to continue doing what I'm doing now but with limited hours.
Who is most responsible for the supply of opioids in U.S.?
PhoebeCat comments on May 8, 2018:
My first thought was rich kids. I went to high school with the rich kids. When everyone else was smoking pot, they had the money for cocaine. Trips to Mexico to buy heroin to sell at school is a common occurrence among the country club kids or they sometimes steal from their trophy wife stepmother's stash.
What do you think of Ben Shapiro?
PhoebeCat comments on May 8, 2018:
He's one of those who picks apart othets but has no idea how insane he sounds himself. I just have to shake my head and laugh at his paranoia.
Political Athiest I was a conservative, then a libertarian, then a progressive.
PhoebeCat comments on May 10, 2018:
I have to maintain party affiliation to vote in primaries, so officially I remain a Democrat. I pretty much always end up voting for the Democrat nominee because they're usually the most closely aligned to my values. I haven't voted Republican since the candidates all started trying to outcrazy each other. Every once in awhile an independent candidate catches my eye. I cannot vote for any candidate that values an ideal (religion, money, etc) over the actual benefit of people. An economic crash is heading our way soon. When I was visiting Reno last month I found out their median house price is now $400,000. These houses are not nicer than they were a couple of years ago when they were going for $150,000 (they were already overpriced). I've advised people to watch the market closely and think about selling soon.
Do You Celebrate Holidays / Why or Why Not?
PhoebeCat comments on May 12, 2018:
I haven't celebrated holidays since I got divorced. I figured I was there everyday for my son, so there was no reason to go nuts few days of the year trying to buy his love. My ex OTOH was the kind of father who never paid child support and rarely used his visitation time except for holidays when he would insist on having him and would not pay his bills to have money to buy an overabundance of presents.
I'm not sure how many others learn of this issue the way I did.
PhoebeCat comments on May 12, 2018:
Even if they did, I don't care.
Are there any Gnostic Atheist out there besides me?
PhoebeCat comments on May 13, 2018:
I just read a book where a gay wolf shifter gave birth to twins. I rank the existence of god(s) to be just as probable.
It seems the great majority of atheists and agnostics are also very liberal.
PhoebeCat comments on May 13, 2018:
I consider myself to be a liberal libertarian. People don't need government oversight; however, I believe business entities need to be closely regulated to protect people. If we are giving corporations the same rights as individuals, then the owners should lose the personal protections they are granted by separating their business lives from their personal assets.
What is the one extravagance you do just for yourself without feeling any guilt?
PhoebeCat comments on May 14, 2018:
I buy anything I want witbout guilt. Why would I feel bad about buying something for myself?
What are your nervous ticks?
PhoebeCat comments on May 16, 2018:
I'm a pen clicker or pick at my cuticles. I also laugh inappropriately.
The 2nd amendment is a part of the bill of rights and should not be changed.
PhoebeCat comments on May 18, 2018:
The police don't even need them. Very rarely I'll run into a police officer who is honest enough to admit that the only difference between the cops and the criminals is one has a badge.
Is it ever okay to hit your children as punishment or to assert your authority? Why? Why not?
PhoebeCat comments on May 19, 2018:
Yes, your kid runs into the street and doesn't get hurt. They'll do it again because you were wrong. Your kid runs into the street and doesn't get hit but you spank... Result- running into the street hurts. Actions have consequences and its best that the parent provides rather than getting hit by a car or electricuted when sticking objects into outlets.
Should Kelly Sadler-White House Aide-Be Fired For John McCain Insults?
PhoebeCat comments on May 21, 2018:
Why fire her for saying out loud what everyone around her is thinking? Getting cancer doesn't change the fact the John McCain is not now, nor has he ever been more than self-serving.
Are social expectations an influence on how parents feel towards their children?
PhoebeCat comments on May 21, 2018:
I think it plays a huge part in it. From my observations of families around me, children's biggest problems come from parents who don't feel about their children the way society, tv and social media tells them they should. This leads to over indulgence due to guilt. I'm always leery of people who claim to be head-over-heals in love with a person they've never met before just because of a biological connection. I love my son because of WHO he is not because of WHAT he is. I didn't know that about him until I met him and he developed a personality completely independent of gestation.
Do you think the Pope really believes there are gods, heavens, and lives after death?
PhoebeCat comments on May 22, 2018:
No, he's a life long power seeker, and he gets his fix using the church's power.
Atheists/Non-Believers with Kids- How do you deal with family members trying to shove their ...
PhoebeCat comments on May 23, 2018:
Let my kids (son & niece) know that all religion is an opinion. I shared my lack of belief in Jesus, God and explained details of all religions when the topic came up. Then, I let them make up their own minds.
At what age did you move out?
PhoebeCat comments on May 27, 2018:
I was 18.
I really hate Walmart.
PhoebeCat comments on May 27, 2018:
That was one of my promises to myself after I graduated from grad school. I will never step foot in a Wal-Mart unless there is absolutely no other option within 20 miles.
It may just be me but does anyone else dislike what memorial day has become?
PhoebeCat comments on May 28, 2018:
I worked all weekend, but addressed the history and origin of Memorial Day with my kiddos who are school aged. I do the same with all secular holidays. I don't address religious holidays unless the child brings it up. I've explained to all my parents when the touchy topics come up that I will always answer a kid's question to the best of my ability at their cognitive level. I let the parents know what I was asked and how I answered, so they can address the child's concerns also. I try to be respectful, yet honest.
Reading to children can give them a step up as their young brains develop; but is all reading ...
PhoebeCat comments on May 28, 2018:
I vote for the benefit coming from actually having the parents talking to the kids. Very few parents demonstrate an actual interest in spending time with their kids. They give them their cell phones or tablets to avoid actual one-on-one interactions.
Do people become more bigoted as they age?
PhoebeCat comments on May 28, 2018:
As we age brain tissue deteriorates and inhibitions are lowered.
Why would Christians join this site?
PhoebeCat comments on May 28, 2018:
Curiosity would be my first guess.
How do you see the current political and economic situation playing out over the next several years?
PhoebeCat comments on May 28, 2018:
Market is going to crash soon. I'm seeing the same artificial increases in Nevada that occurred before the bottom fell out last time.
Trump is at Arlington Nat. Cemetery. There must be a golf course there.
PhoebeCat comments on May 28, 2018:
Photo op with a politician's favorite kind of veteran, the dead ones.
Just for grins, how many of us still have bibles laying around the residence?
PhoebeCat comments on May 30, 2018:
I found 6 yesterday while boxing up my books. One was the original given to me when I was a kid. I loved to compare the King James to the NIV. I've always preferred King James. The others read like Bibles for Dummies.
Why do you lie?
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 1, 2018:
Generally, I don't care enough to have the conversation and a lie ends it.
A big contingent of my wife's bible thumping family is coming to our house for the weekend.
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 1, 2018:
Your house, your rules
Just asking, but what do you think about the more"millitant" athiests?
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 3, 2018:
It's worrying how many atheists and agnostics allow religious people to rule their actions and sometimes even thoughts. The only thing that makes atheists " militant" is that they offend religious sensibilities. Religious people should be offended at all possible moments. Why should it be my responsibility to indulge their delusions?
Do you "talk with your hands"? Does it bother you if others do?
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 4, 2018:
I do. I teach my kiddos in ST to do the same. Gestures can provide the listeners cues to improve understanding.
How do you handle family members that have cut you off or vice versa?
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Why would I want to have anything to do with people who walked away from me or that I have walked away from? Once I'm done, there's no going back.
What is everyone doing either fun or productive today?
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Continued packing (4 boxes, 6 bags of trash, 1 bag for donation), did laundry, dishes, went to vet for cat food, grocery store and had first Pieology pizza for lunch.
A woman at work keeps asking me to come to her church.
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Everyone at my work knows I quit going to church when my mom quit bribing me. You might ask what she's willing to give you to get you there. She'll either offer something and you can say, "no thanks, what about cash?" Or she'll stop.
What or Who created the universe?
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 6, 2018:
Don't know or actually even care.
Am I the only one that absolutely DETESTS where they live?
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 6, 2018:
State, city or house/apartment? I love state and city where I am now and am moving to new apartment soon. But I lived in east central Indiana for 34 years and will only go back when it involves parental medical situations.
How do you feel about getting into a relationship with someone who is a believer and says it doesn't...
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 6, 2018:
I wouldn't because it would matter to me that they're gullible enough to fall for an obvious line of BS. I'd wonder in what other areas of their lives are they completely stupid.
Do you patronize religious businesses or do you avoid?
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 6, 2018:
I try to avoid but there's sometimes when it's unavoidable.
Does very sensitive people annoy you sometime?
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 13, 2018:
Sensitive just a codeword for pain in the ass. I miss the days when everyone would just suck it up.
Do you believe in ex lovers getting back together ?
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 14, 2018:
No, I believe in moving forward, not backwards.
New Job: Last week I had to endure a lecture from a colleague about religion.
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 14, 2018:
If you really want to see a surprised look, tell someone you don't want grandchildren. My don lives 8 hours away from me. Even if he decides to have children i wouldn't see them often enough to love them.
Are you pro
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 17, 2018:
I would encourage anyone experiencing an unwanted pregnancy or severe birth defects to get an abortion. But, only if they asked.
I've discovered/concluded that I really can't stand baby talk in a relationship.
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 17, 2018:
I can't stand baby talk, period. The person doing it always looks and sounds like a moron.
Has anyone here considered running for local office?
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 17, 2018:
I spoke to a candidate for the state assembly. After listening to my ideas and taking notes, he suggested that I run. I can't see many people voting for me because my mouth generally runs 10-20 mph faster than my brain.
Can you have sobriety without a higher power?
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 18, 2018:
I've never dealt with an addiction but it seems to me that every day there are two choices, either use or not. A higher power isn't providing strength. It comes from the individual.
Why is the topic of over-population never discussed when considering climate change, sustainability,...
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 18, 2018:
The planet will start to recover once people start dying off. I don't think there's anything we can do at this point to avert a crisis.
What's the biggest physical turn-off when looking for a mate?
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 19, 2018:
Bad or missing teeth.
The question of the Soul is one that polarizes opinion within this Site.
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 22, 2018:
I see no reason to think I have a soul. We live, die then are gone.
Isn't the most beautiful part being atheist, the freedom to say I don't know ?
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 22, 2018:
My answer for most questions of religion or origins is simply "I don't care". I honestly don't care about what others do or believe as long as they keep it to themselves and don't hurt anyone else.
MSM = Fake news?
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 26, 2018:
Everything is available. We just have to look deeper than a catchy meme and catch phrase.
Has anybody ever got into the wrong car?
PhoebeCat comments on Jun 27, 2018:
No but I walked out of the grocery store to see a woman trying to open my trunk. Her car looked exactly like mine.
CARE BUT DON’T CARE- Call it what it is.
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 2, 2018:
I define it as not wanting bad things to happen to someone but not really being affected one way or another if they do. Same with what they consider good things.
My mom and her mom (90) have always been involved in church.
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Lying to people you love is never the right thing to do. When you lie about who you are, you robbing yourself and your family of a chance to truly know and love each other. If your lack of belief is more important than the fact you're her child, she never loved you only who she wanted you to be.
Someone posted that they can't get along with ex's.
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 10, 2018:
I get along fine with my ex. I just don't care about what happens to him beyond how it affects our son.
At his rally in Great Falls, Montana, on July 5, Trump claimed that he has been cleared by Congress ...
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 10, 2018:
Hell, the republicans cleared Hillary Clinton over and over again and they still want more money to investigate again. Obviously being cleared by a congressional committee is useless.
When did you realize that it’s all BS?
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 10, 2018:
I gave up trying when they wanted me to memorize the books of the bible to join youth group...way too much work for very little return.
There is a tendency, even in this forum, to attribute anything science cannot at this moment explain...
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 10, 2018:
I'm quite apathetic toward the whole thing. I have very little concern with why. I can't change what happened. I have to make the most of what IS.
A post about roommates got me thinking - maybe y'all can tell me if I'm the crazy one or she was.
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 10, 2018:
I always clean as I cook and put everything away immediately
Does anyone else assume when they're talking to someone new that they're a right-leaning, ...
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 11, 2018:
Nope, with the exception of a few acquaintances I'm surrounded by liberal Christians. We're in agreement about most issues except the existence of a god.
Some say Trump is a puppet. If so, who's pulling the strings?
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 13, 2018:
He's an insecure needy SOB. He's easily manipulated by anyone who's willing to suck up.
Who speaks up when friends post religious beliefs?
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 14, 2018:
I roll my eyes at the stupidity then scroll past. Most of them don't even believe the shit they post.
How soon upon meeting new people do you mention being an atheist or agnostic?
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 14, 2018:
As soon as they ask what my tattoo means or they mention they're whatever they are.
Woman Dies After Trusting "Black Salve" Fake Cancer Cure Over Real Medicine
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 16, 2018:
She made a choice of treatment and died. That’s on her.
Moving for love
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 16, 2018:
I would move if my standard of living remained stable and I had a job. I would never quit my job before securing a new one.
If you get invited to go to someone’s church, do you?
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 16, 2018:
Thanks for asking but no.
How important is marriage to you?
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 17, 2018:
I hate marriage. Feels and sounds just like a trap.
Do we make our fates or is life preordained??
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Neither. The only thing an individual has control over is how they react to the consequences of their own and other’s decisions.
What do you want most out of life?
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Peace snd quiet
How do you plan on raising your children?
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 17, 2018:
I was very much a free range limited rules kind of parent. There were 5 rules that were never to be broken and everything else was negotiable. Anything other than an unequivocal yes was a no, end of story. The more st aggravating moment of parenthood was when he learned how to tattle in head start. If no one was hurt, I didn’t want to hear it.
How is it that so many people believe in a god (or The God)?
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Instinctive, non answer. Most people haven’t stopped to ask themselves ‘do I believe?’ They just say yes, of course.
The Freedom From Religion Foundation is having their national convention in San Francisco November ...
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 18, 2018:
I chose would not be interested because I'm interested but unable to attend. I will have just returned from a 2 week vacation and can't request more time off from work.
How many of these apply to you?
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 18, 2018:
I've already reserved a fireside room with a kitchenette.
What do you think of circumcision?
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 18, 2018:
My son was circumcised almost 28 years ago. His father wanted it done because he had a nephew that had problem being uncircumcised.I had no strong feelings one way or the other .
What do you think of parents who home school their children?
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 20, 2018:
They're crazy. Sending the boy off to school saved our sanity.
Human nature question around the "greater good".
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 20, 2018:
Depends. I wouldn't die for a stranger or someone that I don't like.
The buzz word empathy is used to justify socialism
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 20, 2018:
The same people who holler about socialism cry the loudest when the government wants to do away with socialism. I completely support getting rid of medicare, social security and the VA. If not available to everyone, no one should get it.
The United Way is conducting a fundraising for school supplies.
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 23, 2018:
It says that it's time to stop treating schools like a business with all the money going to superintendents who then provide high paying jobs to their best friends instead to placing the money into the school budgets for supplies and staff.
Obama: great husband, never cheated on Michelle, amazing father of two Evangelicals: WE HATE THIS...
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 23, 2018:
Trump's a white man. That's generally all it takes. The only socially acceptable black man or woman acknowledges the superiority of white males.
Does it drive anybody else crazy when there is a sink full of dishes that hasn’t been cleaned for ...
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 23, 2018:
I wash dishes as I cook. If it's just a coffee morning, I'll rinse everything (cup, spoon) and leave it to wash after lunch. That's the only time I have dirty dishes. I helps that the living room, dining area and kitchen are one open space. No way to hide a mess.
Pro and cons of homeschool....pour them out if you are able,waiting to read....
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 23, 2018:
I think tbe parents are crazy to do it, but given a actual curriculum that is actually followed with appropriate social activities homeschooling can be good for kids. However, that's rarely what happens. Homeschooling is often another way to say "can't be bothered by our kids".