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Do you find yourself getting angrier as the days go by?
Paracosm comments on Apr 10, 2020:
Not really. I've been angry for like thirty years. Trump and the virus are just additions to the list. I'll just continue to work on improving what I can personally and in society.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 10, 2020:
@Paracosm Well,,,,,you look like a redhead,,,,,,,,,,,,
Do you find yourself getting angrier as the days go by?
Paracosm comments on Apr 10, 2020:
Not really. I've been angry for like thirty years. Trump and the virus are just additions to the list. I'll just continue to work on improving what I can personally and in society.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 10, 2020:
I'm suspicious of everybody, you have'ta tell me if you are a republican, are you a red? HUH? You have to tell me........
Oh shit, I should've it would too good to be true.
Donotbelieve comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Yikes! I'll take a bit of dog poo in my yard over a raving zealot any day.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 10, 2020:
@Triphid Two coyotes ran by me in the middle of the road last year. I invited them to stop for a snack but they had work to do. I chased off two mormons about a week later.
Do you find yourself getting angrier as the days go by?
itsmedammit comments on Apr 10, 2020:
I'm not angry, but I am concerned. I don't think I could survive another four years of the orange sphincter.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 10, 2020:
I'm looking at everybody now since Trump and his flying buttmonkeys took over. His minions are everywhere. I think I heard a noise on the roof!,,,,,I'll be right ba,,,,,,,,,,,,,AHHHHHHHGG!!
Oh shit, I should've it would too good to be true.
dkp93 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Welp, there goes your property's value in addition to all the economic fuckery this virus has caused.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 10, 2020:
@Triphid Bummer. We have a senior and disabled program where the USA pays the taxes until you're gone, then they take the unpaid out.
Oh shit, I should've it would too good to be true.
Varn comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Maybe he’s warming up for ‘easter’ … where they may further cleanse their flock? ..keep yur pistol near, he may be as dangerous as crazy :S
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 10, 2020:
@Triphid So, what pull is your bow? About three stone?
Oh shit, I should've it would too good to be true.
Varn comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Maybe he’s warming up for ‘easter’ … where they may further cleanse their flock? ..keep yur pistol near, he may be as dangerous as crazy :S
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 10, 2020:
@Triphid Perch are nice for a fight with light gear. We catch perch off the breakwater in the range of fifteen inches. I have torn up three reels before I bought a nice one.
Oh shit, I should've it would too good to be true.
Varn comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Maybe he’s warming up for ‘easter’ … where they may further cleanse their flock? ..keep yur pistol near, he may be as dangerous as crazy :S
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 10, 2020:
@Triphid So, what kind of warrior doesn't have a trebouche? Got any spare bowling balls?
Oh shit, I should've it would too good to be true.
Varn comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Maybe he’s warming up for ‘easter’ … where they may further cleanse their flock? ..keep yur pistol near, he may be as dangerous as crazy :S
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 10, 2020:
@Triphid Ten stone, ok, to the rest of the civilized world that would be how many pounds or kgs?
Oh shit, I should've it would too good to be true.
Donotbelieve comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Yikes! I'll take a bit of dog poo in my yard over a raving zealot any day.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 10, 2020:
I've got dog, deer, racoon, coyote and anything that flies. But I couldn't take a religinut for ten seconds. The last luny that knocked on my door said,,," uh oh,,,,,,,," ,,,they recognized me from last time. He looked at his friend and said, " we should go now",,,,,,,,I almost started laughing.
Oh shit, I should've it would too good to be true.
Varn comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Maybe he’s warming up for ‘easter’ … where they may further cleanse their flock? ..keep yur pistol near, he may be as dangerous as crazy :S
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 9, 2020:
@Triphid Oh yea. How much does this guy weigh?
Oh shit, I should've it would too good to be true.
Varn comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Maybe he’s warming up for ‘easter’ … where they may further cleanse their flock? ..keep yur pistol near, he may be as dangerous as crazy :S
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 9, 2020:
@Triphid Have you ever bow hunted for fish?
Oh shit, I should've it would too good to be true.
Varn comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Maybe he’s warming up for ‘easter’ … where they may further cleanse their flock? ..keep yur pistol near, he may be as dangerous as crazy :S
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 9, 2020:
@Triphid Uh, lets see, sixty pound pull, fifteen feet,,,,,,,,,,,I'd say you need at least a two inch wooden dowel.
Oh shit, I should've it would too good to be true.
dkp93 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Welp, there goes your property's value in addition to all the economic fuckery this virus has caused.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 9, 2020:
I think what he means that as we age, we're not gonna fucking move. And as land values go down, so do our taxes.
Oh shit, I should've it would too good to be true.
Varn comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Maybe he’s warming up for ‘easter’ … where they may further cleanse their flock? ..keep yur pistol near, he may be as dangerous as crazy :S
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 9, 2020:
@Triphid You need a recurve set up to shoot a toilet plunger.
Oh shit, I should've it would too good to be true.
Varn comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Maybe he’s warming up for ‘easter’ … where they may further cleanse their flock? ..keep yur pistol near, he may be as dangerous as crazy :S
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 9, 2020:
@Triphi Much quieter and accurate. I just bought a recurve after ten years. I had open heart surgery so I'm going to see if I can pull a 30 pound accurately.
Vote for one of these? I've been bored. Six pieces in a week.
yvilletom comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Symmetry is ok but I find asymmetry more interesting.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 9, 2020:
@Fernapple I've been told never use a rag on a wood lathe. It will snag. I've been using toilet paper.........kidding..........
Vote for one of these? I've been bored. Six pieces in a week.
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 9, 2020:
What are these?
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 9, 2020:
Pots to piss in. My dad said I'd never have one,
Vote for one of these? I've been bored. Six pieces in a week.
yvilletom comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Symmetry is ok but I find asymmetry more interesting.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 9, 2020:
@Fernapple That seals and finishes? I use laquer, fast dry and my mix of oil, beezwax, and diatomic earth. Then yorkshire grit fine. Some refer to your finish as OB juice. I don't know why.
Vote for one of these? I've been bored. Six pieces in a week.
yvilletom comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Symmetry is ok but I find asymmetry more interesting.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 9, 2020:
@Allamanda I don't do oil. Seriously, I haven't tried that yet.
Vote for one of these? I've been bored. Six pieces in a week.
Paddypereira comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Great stuff!!! I liked them all a lot!!!
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 9, 2020:
@Paddypereira That's apple.
Vote for one of these? I've been bored. Six pieces in a week.
Paddypereira comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Great stuff!!! I liked them all a lot!!!
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 9, 2020:
Which one?
Vote for one of these? I've been bored. Six pieces in a week.
yvilletom comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Symmetry is ok but I find asymmetry more interesting.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 9, 2020:
That is called a natural edge bowl. Its a side turning with the outer bark left exposed.
Vote for one of these? I've been bored. Six pieces in a week.
yvilletom comments on Apr 9, 2020:
Symmetry is ok but I find asymmetry more interesting.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 9, 2020:
I agree. Mother nature does a pretty good job.
Is the US right in confiscating masks made in China at the 3M factory or should the buyer who paid ...
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 4, 2020:
That's a tough moral dilemma. Maybe the answer is that we should do less outsourcing of manufacturing and make sure that we have factories here for everything that is essential to our health and national security instead of shipping it all to third world countries with starvation wages.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 4, 2020:
@TomMcGiverin At least he chose a mammal.
Why all the hate?
LiterateHiker comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Since age 13, I have been an atheist. I realized the Bible is just a book of stories or fables like Grimm's Fairy Tales. Beginning at age five when I had to go to Sunday school, I scoffed at ridiculous Bible stories: Jesus rose from the dead, a woman turned into stone, parting of the Red ...
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 4, 2020:
@LiterateHiker Wow! You are in a bad mood. It was just a joke. Are you going to block me for a joke?
Why all the hate?
LiterateHiker comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Since age 13, I have been an atheist. I realized the Bible is just a book of stories or fables like Grimm's Fairy Tales. Beginning at age five when I had to go to Sunday school, I scoffed at ridiculous Bible stories: Jesus rose from the dead, a woman turned into stone, parting of the Red ...
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 4, 2020:
You didn't tell us you could walk on water! It's a miracle!
We shouldn’t hate Christ as a person in spite of what his philosophy has done to humanity over the...
seattlepanda comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Jesus of Nazareth was a historical person, mentioned by chroniclers of the times. There is no historical record of anything the guy did, taught, or said. Just that he existed, in context of some vague disturbances in that area of the empire.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 4, 2020:
@seattlepanda You don't know BOB?
Why all the hate?
Paracosm comments on Apr 3, 2020:
First explain why throughout history the religious have been so hateful and vicious towards anyone who didn't believe their bs?
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 4, 2020:
Ok, I will! Ghosts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,there!
Is anyone else drinking way more than usual, and constantly surprised what day it is?
Varn comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Not the water part … but having thought yesterday was Saturday, today would have been Sunday, not Friday..
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 3, 2020:
@Varn It's been raining for forty days and forty nights. We get our moisture from the air and the bugs we eat.
Is anyone else drinking way more than usual, and constantly surprised what day it is?
Paracosm comments on Apr 3, 2020:
I'm not drinking at all, unfortunately.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 3, 2020:
Good for you! If you drink and smoke and chase women, you will look like me in forty years,,,,,,,,,,wait, that's not right,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,bye.
Is anyone else drinking way more than usual, and constantly surprised what day it is?
Varn comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Not the water part … but having thought yesterday was Saturday, today would have been Sunday, not Friday..
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 3, 2020:
What? I just passed out.
We shouldn’t hate Christ as a person in spite of what his philosophy has done to humanity over the...
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Why would you hate a totally made up inexisting literary character? Do you hate Dracula? Do you hate Hannibal Lecter? Or the Godfather?
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 3, 2020:
@Mofo1953 Ko-ne-che-wa.
We shouldn’t hate Christ as a person in spite of what his philosophy has done to humanity over the...
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Why would you hate a totally made up inexisting literary character? Do you hate Dracula? Do you hate Hannibal Lecter? Or the Godfather?
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 3, 2020:
@Mofo1953 Only to the Japanese.
We shouldn’t hate Christ as a person in spite of what his philosophy has done to humanity over the...
SeaGreenEyez comments on Apr 3, 2020:
We shouldn't talk about fictional characters as if they were real.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 3, 2020:
@SeaGreenEyez That's not the first image I remember.
We shouldn’t hate Christ as a person in spite of what his philosophy has done to humanity over the...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Who was Christ? Isn't this just a title? It is hard for me to hate a forever mythical personage just because someone declared that he was god. There are many different gods. I have studied the bible and read it through. The problem is that the older I got the more I discovered that I do not ...
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 3, 2020:
His real name was BOB.
We shouldn’t hate Christ as a person in spite of what his philosophy has done to humanity over the...
AtheistInNC comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Hating christ is like hating zombies or bigfoot. They don't exist; nothing to hate.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 3, 2020:
I hate the Kraken. He keep stealing my bait.
We shouldn’t hate Christ as a person in spite of what his philosophy has done to humanity over the...
SeaGreenEyez comments on Apr 3, 2020:
We shouldn't talk about fictional characters as if they were real.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 3, 2020:
Wonder woman is real.
We shouldn’t hate Christ as a person in spite of what his philosophy has done to humanity over the...
seattlepanda comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Jesus of Nazareth was a historical person, mentioned by chroniclers of the times. There is no historical record of anything the guy did, taught, or said. Just that he existed, in context of some vague disturbances in that area of the empire.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 3, 2020:
@Andrew1954 PRAISE BOB! He is our lord and saviour. Son of God,,,,,,?? Bob in heaven, son in,,,,,,,,,,I'm confused.
We shouldn’t hate Christ as a person in spite of what his philosophy has done to humanity over the...
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Apr 3, 2020:
I don't despise Christians just because they are Christians: I despise those who use their religion to persecuted and harm others. These people would do this regardless of their religious beliefs.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 3, 2020:
Christians,,,hmm. Some of them are dumber than cardboard. Some of them are con-men. Some of them are dumb and destructive. Some are dumb and kind.
We shouldn’t hate Christ as a person in spite of what his philosophy has done to humanity over the...
Varn comments on Apr 3, 2020:
‘Christ’ was a concept, perhaps not even a person. Humanity’s nearly as likely to worship a rock. ‘He’s’ just another god, based on the image of it’s followers..
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 3, 2020:
Geologists worship rocks.
We shouldn’t hate Christ as a person in spite of what his philosophy has done to humanity over the...
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Why would you hate a totally made up inexisting literary character? Do you hate Dracula? Do you hate Hannibal Lecter? Or the Godfather?
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 3, 2020:
I hate Godzilla. What an asshole!
We shouldn’t hate Christ as a person in spite of what his philosophy has done to humanity over the...
Larry-new comments on Apr 3, 2020:
I don't hate Santa. Both are fictitious.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 3, 2020:
I hate the tooth fairy.......Never brings me any teeth.
We shouldn’t hate Christ as a person in spite of what his philosophy has done to humanity over the...
KKGator comments on Apr 3, 2020:
I don't hate fictional characters. That would be dumb.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 3, 2020:
I met the real Bugs Bunny in California. I know he was real. I have faith.
If you need masks and you can't wait, order furnace filters with a MERV rating of at least 10.
xenoview comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Will your home made mask block a one micron corona virus?
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 2, 2020:
An N95 FFR is a type of respirator which removes particles from the air that are breathed through it. These respirators filter out at least 95% of very small (0.3 micron) particles. N95 FFRs are capable of filtering out all types of particles, including bacteria and viruses.
If you need masks and you can't wait, order furnace filters with a MERV rating of at least 10.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 29, 2020:
At this point I'm not into masks. Trump wants to end this thing by Easter and he doesn't know that you cannot tell the virus what to do. It tells you. Beyond this I'm not finding many people who know much of anything about this. Is it just another "flu varient" or is it much worse? Who knows? I've ...
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 2, 2020:
@Freedompath I'm hitting the jackpot on all of these. What do I win?
Scenario: You're in the hospital with a terminal illness.
Jolanta comments on Apr 1, 2020:
You can always start singing “Always look at the bright side of life.............
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 2, 2020: "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life"
Scenario: You're in the hospital with a terminal illness.
Jolanta comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Your wishes matter, however you will die but they will still be here. If it really worries you that much if they pray, ask them to do it outside or after you have carked it.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 2, 2020:
carked it.? Bought the farm? Kicked the bucket? Crashed and burned? Went to the farm in the sky? Bit the big one?
Scenario: You're in the hospital with a terminal illness.
Jolanta comments on Apr 1, 2020:
You can always start singing “Always look at the bright side of life.............
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 2, 2020:
That's a great idea! I'll have the Doctors and Nurses sing it.
p-nullifidian comments on Apr 1, 2020:
What some fail to grasp is that we are in a war here--one in which selfish behavior risks getting people killed.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 1, 2020:
Then, we are doomed.
Hat off to President Putin and the Russian people who have just sent a large plane full of much ...
Varn comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Man … it appears Russia’s Assets have awakened! Get this - had those Russion pieces of shit not fucked with our last presidential election - and were not in the process of doing it again - **President H.R. Clinton** would have moved on this epidemic months ahead of time - thus saving ...
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 1, 2020:
@FrayedBear Lets kill him and eat him before he gets away!
The dog was going ratty so we decided to practice a bit of social distancing at the beach.
PondartIncbendog comments on Apr 1, 2020:
Looks like the beach I live near. We can't drive on the beach, but we can walk on it. The tourists came two weeks ago and wiped out our stores. The mayor was pissed. So the beaches were closed. The temp is around 45 blowing wind and rain. Perfect!
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 1, 2020:
@Cyklone They had no idea we were going to kill them,,,,,,,,,and eat them!
Holy crap, ! Im less than a 1000 pts from level 8 ! I might make it ! Lol
GeorgeRocheleau comments on Apr 1, 2020:
There is no cake.
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 1, 2020:
There is Apple pie however.
Call it a weird thought, or what ever you like BUT, when this pandemic is finally over, done with ...
Cyklone comments on Mar 31, 2020:
We could petition for it but the people who make calenders and software would scream. Remember how alarmist they were for year 2000. Imagine how they'd go off for year 0001 😂
PondartIncbendog replies on Apr 1, 2020:
@AmyTheBruce My brother and I worked tech support in that time. Software had to be tested and ran forward and the data verified. A lot of software had to be modified or replaced. It took a lot of hours and funds, and that wasn't always covered by the client. But of course it was our fault. So, anybody says "nothing happened", that's because a couple of million techs worked overtime, took a lot of shit and were fed up by the time it was done.
If you need masks and you can't wait, order furnace filters with a MERV rating of at least 10.
Tooreen comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Have you made some? Post a picture
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 31, 2020:
@Freedompath Research the MERV specs. You might do better with a micron filtering material.
If you need masks and you can't wait, order furnace filters with a MERV rating of at least 10.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 29, 2020:
At this point I'm not into masks. Trump wants to end this thing by Easter and he doesn't know that you cannot tell the virus what to do. It tells you. Beyond this I'm not finding many people who know much of anything about this. Is it just another "flu varient" or is it much worse? Who knows? I've ...
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 31, 2020:
@Freedompath Oh crap. You have some good news to go with that?
If you need masks and you can't wait, order furnace filters with a MERV rating of at least 10.
xenoview comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Will your home made mask block a one micron corona virus?
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 31, 2020:
Google MERV specs.
If you need masks and you can't wait, order furnace filters with a MERV rating of at least 10.
motrubl4u comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Thing is masks only work if you HAVE the virus. It wont really do much in prevention.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 31, 2020:
@motrubl4u Ahh, who you calling stupid? The guy who doesn't know? Research MERV specs and you owe someone an apology.
Dolly Parton says virus is 'lesson' from God: []
Seminarian comments on Mar 30, 2020:
Her message isn't that bad. She isn't claiming God is punishing us over the usual list of "Thou shalt nots". She just believes God wants us to come together as humans and show love and support for each other. I think that's a pretty good message, no matter where it comes from. Whether that ...
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 30, 2020:
When giraffes fly....
I have a great idea! Yes, I know that I have often have great ideas, but many people will actually ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I'm NOT cleaning my garage and you can't make me.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 30, 2020:
@Mcflewster What happens if dragon appear out of nowhere. First; I don't keep my truck in the garage, so that is moot. I don't have a son. What if? What if
Dolly Parton says virus is 'lesson' from God: []
JackPedigo comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Problem is, we all know where Ms. Parton's brains are located.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
Ye gotta go down south.........
Dolly Parton says virus is 'lesson' from God: []
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I don't trust women who can't see their feet because their mammary glands get in the way. No, wait! I think it is a lesson from god: do NOT vote for corrupt assholes.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018 Then, I wouldn't know which way to walk, would I now?
I have a great idea! Yes, I know that I have often have great ideas, but many people will actually ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I'm NOT cleaning my garage and you can't make me.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018 I don't know where it's been...
I have a great idea! Yes, I know that I have often have great ideas, but many people will actually ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I'm NOT cleaning my garage and you can't make me.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018 Great. I just bark at mine. You humans are so primitive.
Dolly Parton says virus is 'lesson' from God: []
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I don't trust women who can't see their feet because their mammary glands get in the way. No, wait! I think it is a lesson from god: do NOT vote for corrupt assholes.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018 Someone told me that. I've never look at them myself. And I don't have a pair.
Agnostic wicca
PondartIncbendog comments on Mar 8, 2020:
There is a excellent reason why we call it "invisible". Because no one can prove it exists.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Slava3 Proof?
I have a great idea! Yes, I know that I have often have great ideas, but many people will actually ...
fishline79 comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I have Better idea, get the fuck out of this country before it's too late! I am moving to my second home in Menorca, Spain permanently.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Cavalloscuro I tried. But I took it too literally. I didn't know "hole in the wall" was an actual place. They had to hire carpenters to get me out.
I have a great idea! Yes, I know that I have often have great ideas, but many people will actually ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I'm NOT cleaning my garage and you can't make me.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Donotbelieve Suck on your thumb? Nope. That's just perverted.
I have a great idea! Yes, I know that I have often have great ideas, but many people will actually ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I'm NOT cleaning my garage and you can't make me.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Donotbelieve OK,,,,,ok,,,,,,,IF, you two are going to gang up on me,,,,,,I'll,,,,,,,,I'll,,,,PHTTTT!!!,,,,,,grow some.
Dolly Parton says virus is 'lesson' from God: []
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I don't trust women who can't see their feet because their mammary glands get in the way. No, wait! I think it is a lesson from god: do NOT vote for corrupt assholes.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
"Thou shall not prosper if one is not balanced" (with echo)"But those are nice"
Dolly Parton says virus is 'lesson' from God: []
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I don't trust women who can't see their feet because their mammary glands get in the way. No, wait! I think it is a lesson from god: do NOT vote for corrupt assholes.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
It's evolutionary selection. If she goes downtown and she can't see her feet and trips and falls into traffic, that's darwinism at work. See?
Dolly Parton says virus is 'lesson' from God: []
Triphid comments on Mar 28, 2020:
WTF, I thought she had a few more brain cells than that.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Triphid That's ridiculous. She can neither bend over or see her toes.
I have a great idea! Yes, I know that I have often have great ideas, but many people will actually ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I'm NOT cleaning my garage and you can't make me.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Donotbelieve And that another thing! How many of you use your thumbs to press the thumbs button? HUH?,,,,,,,,,,YOU DON'T!! You use your finger on your right paw! And don't you dare tell me your a leftie.
I have a great idea! Yes, I know that I have often have great ideas, but many people will actually ...
Cavalloscuro comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I’m reviewing Trig.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Cavalloscuro I had to go over a lot of math in Electronics school. I placed it in the middle of the hall and went over it.
Dolly Parton says virus is 'lesson' from God: []
Imatheistically comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Disappointing, but not unexpected since there are NO atheist country singers!
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
You've gotta listen to Roy Zimmerman.
I have a great idea! Yes, I know that I have often have great ideas, but many people will actually ...
Lauren comments on Mar 29, 2020:
It's a lovely thought, and I fully support it. In my dreams I imagine a citizenry who would actually stand up for their own benefit, instead of voting against their own self-interest (particularly if it means someone else benefits). Ah, dreams! ;-)
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
Next year, the government will be taxing dreams at thirty dollars a hour for Rem sleep.
I have a great idea! Yes, I know that I have often have great ideas, but many people will actually ...
Lauren comments on Mar 29, 2020:
It's a lovely thought, and I fully support it. In my dreams I imagine a citizenry who would actually stand up for their own benefit, instead of voting against their own self-interest (particularly if it means someone else benefits). Ah, dreams! ;-)
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018 Not for long. Dreams will be taxed in the future. I'm sure they'll figure out a way.
I have a great idea! Yes, I know that I have often have great ideas, but many people will actually ...
Cavalloscuro comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I’m reviewing Trig.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
I have a great idea! Yes, I know that I have often have great ideas, but many people will actually ...
PondartIncbendog comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I'm NOT cleaning my garage and you can't make me.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Donotbelieve HEY! You are a thumbist! So, thumbism is ok here? What kind of world,,,,,,,,oh fuck it.
Dolly Parton says virus is 'lesson' from God: []
richiegtt comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Another unfortunate individual with a brain that is immune to common sense and logic due to fear and indoctrination.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
Yeah. But she makes some nice shade. The south is hot.
I have a great idea! Yes, I know that I have often have great ideas, but many people will actually ...
Lauren comments on Mar 29, 2020:
It's a lovely thought, and I fully support it. In my dreams I imagine a citizenry who would actually stand up for their own benefit, instead of voting against their own self-interest (particularly if it means someone else benefits). Ah, dreams! ;-)
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
Starting in 2021, dreams will be taxed.
If you need masks and you can't wait, order furnace filters with a MERV rating of at least 10.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 29, 2020:
At this point I'm not into masks. Trump wants to end this thing by Easter and he doesn't know that you cannot tell the virus what to do. It tells you. Beyond this I'm not finding many people who know much of anything about this. Is it just another "flu varient" or is it much worse? Who knows? I've ...
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
Plan for the worst, expect the best. That's all we can do.
Dolly Parton says virus is 'lesson' from God: []
Triphid comments on Mar 28, 2020:
WTF, I thought she had a few more brain cells than that.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
Dolly Parton says virus is 'lesson' from God: []
Lightupmylife comments on Mar 28, 2020:
If it’s good; it’s a blessing from god If it’s bad; it’s a lesson from god If you are good, god will reward you If you are bad, god will punish you If you are a good lier, god will make you president If you are a bad lier, god will make up lies for you and then make you president ...
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@phoenixone1 I was chewing my binkie and wasn't listening. Could you repeat that?
As if the end of the world were not enough, I have to experience it with a case of poison ivy.
PondartIncbendog comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Get spores from a fern, grind them up and apply. Old indian told me that. Or Italian, or maybe he was from Spain,,,,,,or ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,asia,,,,,or was that for spagatti sauce?
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018 Hey! Wake up!!! You've been sleeping all night!!!! BZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feeling superior?
PondartIncbendog comments on Mar 28, 2020:
I like to let them build themselves up, "sure, ya right, I agree,,,,,,," then hit em with the stunner, "But no, none of that is true, and its silly." Let them get their tempo and arrogance built up and then stop the show quick. They won't know what to say.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
Question; I have six coffee filters. Are they effective to block covid19??
Fernapple comments on Mar 29, 2020:
No but if you make Irish coffees with them, and drink all six, you wont care.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
And you'll never be able to smell anything ever again.
No, not everything has a reason.
PondartIncbendog comments on Mar 28, 2020:
The transmission rate of the pathogen to susceptible hosts per infected host is β
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Green_Chile_Type Oh, hidden icons.
No, not everything has a reason.
PondartIncbendog comments on Mar 28, 2020:
The transmission rate of the pathogen to susceptible hosts per infected host is β
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Green_Chile_Type (a) (A) (B)
No, not everything has a reason.
PondartIncbendog comments on Mar 28, 2020:
The transmission rate of the pathogen to susceptible hosts per infected host is β
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Green_Chile_Type How the hell did I get a glass of beer?
No, not everything has a reason.
PondartIncbendog comments on Mar 28, 2020:
The transmission rate of the pathogen to susceptible hosts per infected host is β
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Green_Chile_Type And the value (B)= S otherwise known as BS.
If you need masks and you can't wait, order furnace filters with a MERV rating of at least 10.
Tooreen comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Have you made some? Post a picture
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
No. I'm blind. I can't post pictures. And I've got no goddam thumbs.
Dolly Parton says virus is 'lesson' from God: []
motrubl4u comments on Mar 28, 2020:
Well, she is old enough to be senile afterall
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
That sounds like a great name for a medication. "Get some Senile Afterall for your racist religious elders. They'll love it."
Dolly Parton says virus is 'lesson' from God: []
Mofo1953 comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I rather go with the greek philosopher Epicurean Paradox rather than this senile country singer.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
But, there"s nowhere to hide.
Dolly Parton says virus is 'lesson' from God: []
Theresa_N comments on Mar 29, 2020:
I dislike Dolly Parton's music, religion, and southerness.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
I like her shadow.....
Dolly Parton says virus is 'lesson' from God: []
Cutiebeauty comments on Mar 29, 2020:
It's a lesson for trump but he isn't learning anything from it...
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
He can't even count.
Dolly Parton says virus is 'lesson' from God: []
Jolanta comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Dementia is setting in.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
It was always there. Its just setting up now.
Dolly Parton says virus is 'lesson' from God: []
Pyriis comments on Mar 29, 2020:
She's old, she could be senile, Kenny's death could have pushed her over the edge. Nah. Doubt it.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty Mr Rogers? Wtf????South park Rodgers ? ,,,,failure,,,,,,failure,,,,,,,,,,this post will self destruct in,,,,,,,sorry now.
Coronavirus: ventilator parts maker says 'nothing happened' for weeks after he offered to help ...
bingst comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Sounds like Boris, like Trump, also didn't listen to the experts. I am not confident that these big companies in the US are going to meet our needs. I'm still looking into making something from commonly available parts.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
Coronavirus: ventilator parts maker says 'nothing happened' for weeks after he offered to help ...
bingst comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Sounds like Boris, like Trump, also didn't listen to the experts. I am not confident that these big companies in the US are going to meet our needs. I'm still looking into making something from commonly available parts.
PondartIncbendog replies on Mar 29, 2020:
@bingst Shorter intake period, modified pegs to wider profile, variable speed control, time to go to youtube?


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