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Has anybody else lost family members over their beliefs?
PontifexMarximus comments on Jun 9, 2018:
My elder daughter fell into some religious trap. First she joined some happy clapper sect and a few years down the track she got sucked in by the JWs. She was a very normal child, even cheakier and more witty than average. As a baby she had the most amazing laughter. Musically gifted, an avid reader and good writer. One day, she was 17 at that moment, she asked me whether I would give her permission to become a Christian. The bigoted mother of one of her classmates had lured her into some sort of happy clapper mob. "Of course, my dear daughter, you have my blessing!" No bullshit I just said that as a 17 y-o she was old enough to make her own decisions and off she went on her mission. I suspected she was just interested in checking out the boys who were non drinkers and non smokers and non sweaters. We were all of that too without getting any senile god envolved. During that conversation her mother whom I had known at that time for 25 years suddenly uttered: "I believe in god too!" - "Holy Shit," was all I could say. At some stage in very beginning of our relationship I had asked her whether she wanted children. And in this context I had mentioned that I didn't want my children to be subject to any religious rite. She agreed and briefly mentioned that she had been baptised Lutheran, that her mother was at some stage a Mormon (I didn't really know what that meant apart from baking kosher cookies in Utah.) and that she had attended a catholic school in a Catholic country. She never mentioned anything about any god, neither had her parents ever mentioned anything religious during our gatherings. So here was my otherwise normal daughter joining a Christian mob. She is 1/6 in her generation on my side and 1/4 on her mother's side, that is that she has only 1 sister, 4 paternal coursins and 2 maternal ones. She was only the 2nd one in my clan to have the privilege not to undergo baptism rites. As a child we had decided to withdraw her from religious education. Anyway after a few years of a rather loose connection to the happy clappers she sank even further and joined the JWs. She still invited me to her wedding, but since then she has severed her ties with me. My younger daughter is sad about the situation because her elder sister didn't even inform me that she had a child. Several years ago she accused my on Facebook, sort of publicly of abusing her. I didn't expose her to the scriptures (btw she used to be a voracious reader and good writer with tons of musical talent, perfect pitch). Recently she told her sister that she drags her baby just about 9 months old to bible study. Now my only hope for her daughter is that when she turns 17 to walk up to her mother and ask her: "Mom, do you mind if I became a normal person and atheist?"
I hate suicide.
PontifexMarximus comments on Jun 9, 2018:
Well, it is certainly a tough decision that requires courage. I am somewhat baffled by your differentiation between **celebirties** and mere mortals.
The Atheist movement has changed since the days of Christopher Hitchens (hallowed be his name).
PontifexMarximus comments on Jun 9, 2018:
I must admit that I never really thought of atheism as a sort *counter-congregation* to the religious ones. Part of the enjoyment of being a freethinker came from this very freedom not to compress my thoughts through any filter. I see a religion free platform as a sort of mental safe zone for those who escaped from their religious concentration camps. Perhaps the best compromise would be a religious particle collider surrounded by an antitheist field.
The Atheist movement has changed since the days of Christopher Hitchens (hallowed be his name).
PontifexMarximus comments on Jun 9, 2018:
I must admit that I never really thought of atheism as a sort *counter-congregation* to the religious ones. Part of the enjoyment of being a freethinker came from this very freedom not to compress my thoughts through any filter. I see a religion free platform as a sort of mental safe zone for those who escaped from their religious concentration camps. Perhaps the best compromise would be a religious particle collider surrounded by an antitheist field.
Koro and kuru, two very strange diseases.
PontifexMarximus comments on Jun 8, 2018:
I am glad to know that I am not the only one. At least I stopped pulling. As to my perforated brain ... It doesn't make me laugh at all.
Influential Books - Which book changed your life so completely it altered your path in life?
PontifexMarximus comments on Jun 8, 2018:
***The Absolute at Large*** and ***War with the Newts*** by **Karel Čapek**. These two books triggered a mental avalanche. Though it was a set of circumstances I was flaoting in when I read them. Karel Čapek was the writer who coined the term **robot** though it was suggested to him by his brother Jospeh. ***Rossum's Universal Robots*** was apparently the first time the term was used in a literary work. Until reading ***War with the Newts*** I was always reluctant to engage in implausible stories.
99% of school shootings were done by males . How do we get them to stop ?
PontifexMarximus comments on Jun 8, 2018:
OK 3 main ingredients are needed: guns, users and schools. Which one would be the easiest to eliminate? There is something fundamentally wrong with the American culture. Switzerland compels all able young men to do military service after which they take their guns home. Switzerkland has schools too, but not school shootings.
Breatharian NOUN A person who believes that it is possible, through meditation, to reach a level ...
PontifexMarximus comments on Jun 8, 2018:
Interesting technique ... So if they meditate too much, they risk becoming obese.
Sadly, as strong as I wish I was - as I hope to be - it still only talked a few people to trigger ...
PontifexMarximus comments on Jun 8, 2018:
Interesting self-assessment... I am curious as to the scales you apply.
Am I wrong for comparing the religious to Nazism?
PontifexMarximus comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Nazism was essentially a religious movement. Under the Nazi regime Atheism was illegal. The motto ***Gott Mit Uns*** was on every soldier's belt buckle. The date that was chosen for the ***Reichskristallnacht***, the event that started the progrome against the Jews, was Martin Luther's birthday.
What is worst religion or sexism?
PontifexMarximus comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Most religious organisations are breeders of sexism and a range of other *-isms*
What moral code do you follow now that you are non-religious?
PontifexMarximus comments on Jun 7, 2018:
Most of the comments seem to focus solely on human to human interaction. My morality include human behaviour towards their environment. I admire vegans.
What moral code do you follow now that you are non-religious?
PontifexMarximus comments on Jun 7, 2018:
This question contains the assumption that people with religious propensities use their religion as their moral compass. The original Mafia organisations were probably very much committed to some of the Catholic principals.
To Whom it may concern: I am attempting a post of my latest story and I am concerned about font ...
PontifexMarximus comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Just formate it the way you want and post it as a picture
Pope laments 'hemorrhaging' of priests and nuns in Europe - Religion News ServiceReligion News ...
PontifexMarximus comments on Jun 4, 2018:
There is a connection between celibacy and the lack of reproducing priests, nuns and monks. SIlly pope!
Should religion be taught in schools?
PontifexMarximus comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Perhaps the curriculi include the teaching of humans' tendencies to become addicted to drugs, brands, junk foods, sports and religions.
Should religion be taught in schools?
PontifexMarximus comments on Jun 4, 2018:
Perhaps the curriculi include the teaching of humans' tendencies to become addicted to drugs, brands, junk foods, sports and religions.
Polyamory is wrong, don't mix Greek and Latin roots in the same word, it should be multiamory
PontifexMarximus comments on Jun 1, 2018:
What would you suggest instead? Polyeros, Polyerotica, Pluriamor, Multiamori? This neologism is not just a melange of Greek and Latin but the "y" at the end doesn't fit the Latin, but the term seems to be recognised. What about more fanciful terms: ***Ménage-à-many, Multisome, Polysome, Plurisome, Erosome***?
Casual relationship
PontifexMarximus comments on May 31, 2018:
Romantic illusion
Does intelligence lead to atheism?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 31, 2018:
Perhaps one has to differentiate between being a believer in something *divine* and just belonging to a religious congregation, perhaps in the way that someone has a nationality without having any patriotic feeling. ***Giordano Bruno, Gregor Mendel*** and ***Georges Lemaitre*** are prominent examples of people who were *professionally* religious without being mentally incapacitated by their religious mandate.
Does intelligence lead to atheism?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 31, 2018:
Not necessarily ... But reflection does.
Should religion be taught in schools?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 30, 2018:
In a very critical way. Showing the connections between wars and religious conflicts.
If you had to choose between keeping 30 grand or bailing a loved one out of prison with the money, ...
PontifexMarximus comments on May 28, 2018:
This would have to be tested in real life
Do you cycle?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 21, 2018:
The humble bike and workhorse ...This water deliverer is carting 70 gallons almost 600 pounds of water on his bike while the cars weighing often in excess of 4000 pounds just carry their drivers and a handbag or a briefcase.
Inamorata, one who is in love.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 21, 2018:
Wouldn't it be a female in love? A male in love would be **inamorato** ..
What do you think should happen to people that have sex with animals?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 20, 2018:
What should happen to a pooch fucking my leg ... without my consent?
Frippery showy or unnecessary ornament in architecture, dress, or language.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 20, 2018:
Interesting explanation ... I would have thought that her entire outfit was a fantastic example of frippery => unnecessary and very unpractical except for sweeping the floor.
Do u think Christianity is bad ? What's your opinion on it
PontifexMarximus comments on May 20, 2018:
Why single our Christianity? All religions are bad!
I just learned this word thanks to CeliaVL, another member, using it in a post in a different group.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 19, 2018:
A Dictionary of Geography distinguishes between **uninuclear conurbations** and **polynuclear conurbations**
Writers, where do you get your character names?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 19, 2018:
The bible, the stock exchange, headstones, newspapers, novels, my imagination,
What do you think should happen to people that have sex with animals?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 18, 2018:
Obviously this question elevates *humans* behind their animal condition. It also introduces the idea of *divine* punishment by using the phrase *"What ... should happen to people"*. But the question surprises me less that the responses. Perhaps the venerable members should reflect upon the broader question of what the *human primates* do to other animals, including their fellow primates. ***"Soliders are murderers"*** is a phrase that was coined by **Kurt Tucholsky**. I would think that *beastiality** would rank much lower on my list of morally reprehensible acts human primates perform/commit on a regular basis.
As an atheist/agnostic, what would you do if the Dark Ages were to come back?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 18, 2018:
I think they are already back.
Who is your favorite Atheist?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 18, 2018:
**MEA CULPA - MEA MAXIMA CULPA** I unreservedly apologise I confused *Celsus* with ***Democritus*** the founder of modern science. Celsus merely cristicised Christianity. My favourite atheist is **Democritus**
Should religion be taught in schools?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 18, 2018:
I was asked to teach *European Cultures* in a Chinese university. 80 pages out of a book of 400 were devoted to the bible. I didn't expect that in communist China. But even within this group the religious influences are stark amongst some members.
Should religion be taught in schools?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 18, 2018:
Social studies should include relgions as a subject of investigation. Some people hold the strange believe that one has to know the Talmud in order to criticize Judaism or the bible to understand Christianity or the Qoran to have an opinion about Islam. The same people are ready to dismiss the 33000000 Hindu deities without even knowing their names. The could be a good tool to deal with religion as a phenomenon.
What do you think should happen to people that have sex with animals?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 18, 2018:
Wow ...**Holy Inquisition** Some comments here could come straight from the Torquemadas... Perhaps the punishment could include quartering, swallowing molten lead ... Sex with an animal deserves bizarre punsihments: e.g.castration etc, but murdering an animal just to please your gustatory senses is ok? How does one castrate a woman?
I am going to try this group in reverse.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 17, 2018:
I am going to try this group in reverse.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 17, 2018:
Short circuit due to power surge?
I am going to try this group in reverse.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 17, 2018:
WiFi dysfunction?
I am going to try this group in reverse.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 17, 2018:
I am going to try this group in reverse.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 17, 2018:
Perhaps you should set up a reverse group ...
I am going to try this group in reverse.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 17, 2018:
Cheeses envy?
I am going to try this group in reverse.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 17, 2018:
I am going to try this group in reverse.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 17, 2018:
Fuel crisis?
I am going to try this group in reverse.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 17, 2018:
Mental blackout?
I am going to try this group in reverse.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 17, 2018:
Temporary religiomania?
Hebrews and American Indians - Land Claims
PontifexMarximus comments on May 17, 2018:
Shlomo Sand explains it nicely ...
I am going to try this group in reverse.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 17, 2018:
Momentary insanity?
Is Buddhism better than other religions?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 17, 2018:
The *betterness* is in the mind of the believer. Some people argue that Buddhsim is not really a religion. Well if it isn't, it resembles one. The main characters have supernatural powers and the Tibetan ***Dalai Lama*** , title created in 1578, is the 14th copy of some other dude. So the Buddhist business model is somewhat different from other religions there are still some underlying principles other religions use. Though some Buddhists principles appear to be somewhat cooler many rules are almost identical. Buddhist officials are collaborating with state authorities in a number of countries: China, Taiwan, Myanmar, Thailand etc. Buddhisms are perhaps more adapted to different settings.
Trying to understand transgender perspective
PontifexMarximus comments on May 17, 2018:
Excellent question ... Unfortunatly it is very difficult to raise such a question without immediately being australcised. I think everybody should be allowed to do to their body and mind whatever they want. But I am skeptical of the professionals who promises surgical gender alignment as a panacea. I have always been too short and the insufficiencies of my physique are very obvious, yet I would not undergo unnecessary surgery. I even avoid needles. Recently I raised the issue with some members of a freethinkers group and felt almost instantly pilloried. I was even sent a reference alluding to the level of happiness of postoperative gender-aligned people. The reponse from this group, not themselves aligned, was vehement and aggressive. I just dropped the issue. I found other articles on **pubmed** stating the contrary: higher rates of morbidity, depression and suicide amongst transgender people. I would strongly suggest ot people contemplating alignment surgery to consult independent people. I think that many people for a variety of reasons are not happy with their appearance. Learning to live with contradictory facts even within one's own body should be prioritized over damaging surgery. I have naturally larger boobs than my girlfriend and they are firmer too, but I refuse surgical removal.
Why do men think that they should be with younger women?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 15, 2018:
Why are there so many more Asian women in relationships with Caucasian men than Asian men in relationships with Caucasian women?
Prestidigitation and palimpsest - two to drop casually into conversation (triple points if you can ...
PontifexMarximus comments on May 15, 2018:
What about a flummoxed, peripatetic prestidigitator cogitating ...
Prestidigitation and palimpsest - two to drop casually into conversation (triple points if you can ...
PontifexMarximus comments on May 15, 2018:
What about a flummoxed, peripatetic prestidigitator cogitating ...
Hello everyone.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 14, 2018:
Just feel silently sorry for them! They know no better. Just tell yourself that you will recover. They might not.
Why do men think that they should be with younger women?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 14, 2018:
*"Doesn't the older man set himself up for failture ..."* Well at least he can tell himself: "At least I have tried." Marrying an older woman is no guarantee either. What is interesting, is that older women tend to forget that they were once younger.
Why do men think that they should be with younger women?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 14, 2018:
It really depends on the moment or the phase in one's life. When I was in my late teens and early twenties I likes mature women in their early to mid-thirties. Now I am 63 and I sitll like them. Several years ago I had two female visitors, both menopausal women. One was about 48 and Japanese and the other about 53 and Taiwanese. Somehow the conversation deviated into the rapids of precisely the question of *preferred age range by men* . The Taiwanese said: "I cannot understand why men prefer younger women ..." To which the Japanese very calmly replied: "L. fresh fruit - dried fruit ... Which ones do you prefer?" I was very amused by this conversation and immediately thought od dried prunes so popular as laxatives. Sometimes later when I had the rare opportunity to take look into the Taiwanese lady's vagina, I almost felt compelled to raise the issue. If sex is not an issue, age really doesn't matter.
Any one here know about stoicism.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 14, 2018:
Check out **Massimo Pigliucci**
God bless America?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 12, 2018:
*** "do not use plastic bags" ***
Atheophobia - RationalWiki
PontifexMarximus comments on May 12, 2018:
No chieftain of any major religious organisation would ever publicly admit that s/he is an atheist, just as no McDonald's manager would publicly admit to be vegan.
Every year the local Rabi must order the Hanukkah menorah to be dragged out of storage and be ...
PontifexMarximus comments on May 12, 2018:
The irony is that the same city administration puts these stickers but obviously never sent one to the local Rabi.
Does anyone know which wine pairs best with Nutella and a spoon?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 12, 2018:
Chinese snake wine
So everyone who I know is trying to get me to believe in God and I just want to remain an atheist ...
PontifexMarximus comments on May 11, 2018:
Just tell them if god wants that you are on a mission from god who wants you to report back from behind the enemy lines. God send you an angel called ***Conchita Wurst***.
I'm looking for people to host Gun Control Now groups in cities around the country.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 11, 2018:
If you get rid of the top imbecile, Mike Pence will slip in. The scenario makes me think of the silly joke with the burning paper-bag in front of the door. The USA steps on the Trump piece of space junk only to end up in an even deeper religiously infused muck.
Anti-intellectual movements make me rage!
PontifexMarximus comments on May 11, 2018:
What is your response when people threaten you with religious punishments? (i.e. Hell/Jahannam)
PontifexMarximus comments on May 11, 2018:
Would these punishments include beheading or are just thinking about the punishments in the *afterlife*?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 11, 2018:
Just yesterday I bumped into one of those totally wacko proselytisers brandishing his bible and yelling out his bs boosted by a small amplifier hanging from his belt. I had to stop and take a photo. Time: lunch time on a Thurday - Location: one of the busiest spots in the Brisbane CBD just oppostie the GPO (Grand Post Office) There he was reading from a bible that had the *important* passages printed in read. Not even manually highlighted. As I was just watching another guy who looked more like your average bank employee started talking to me. I thought he was just as baffled as I was, but he was the silent offsider. He looked like the celebrity pornstar ... attorney Miichael Avenatti.... but with more hair. It didn't take a miniture for me to be annoyed as he was giving me the usual spiel. Just at that moment an attractive woman walked by and I said: "When I see a creature like that, I feel inclined to believe in a god, a male god." He immediately threatened me with eternal damnation. I tried to remind him of the principle of *innocent unless proven guilty*. Just don't worry about these idiots! Btw ... I asled him why his preacher had to wear an amplifier. "So people can hear him better." - "Well," I replied "if it had been your god's intention ... why didn't he give him a better voice?.#
Sexual Compatibility
PontifexMarximus comments on May 10, 2018:
Very important ... I was married for a long time and though there was a degree of sexual comparability frost the first half of 25 years it completely vanished. Even the evocation of the topic and what solutions could be found was off the table. At some stage I asked my wife why she would, despite her disinterest, hold the monopoly over my sexuality. I quoted, in this context, our state government that had canceled a French company's mining lease on the grounds the leaseholder showed no intention of exploring the allocated area. Over several years no explorative drills had been carried out. Somehow I failed to emphasize the connection to our sexlife and we ended up having an interesting discussion on mining and its impact on the environment.
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 10, 2018:
I think this issue needs a more reflective approach. Think who people breed with. Humans breed with humans. More often than not people breed within their own ethnic group. I hate to employ the term *race* but most people produce offspring within groups their are familiar with. Despite increased mobility this remains a fact. Just look around and see how many people have partner that they share many traits with. So it might offended your mindset but arguably it is not as unnatural as many people make it out to be. The issue of degeneration due to genetic mutations is a totally different issue. As much as I appreciate people passionate responses they are extremely biased. I wonder whether their are pet owners or farmers among the respondents here who feel attracted to specific breeds, or shall I call them inbreeds?
My daughter has taken up Christianity, despite all the work I put into her and her sister early on, ...
PontifexMarximus comments on May 10, 2018:
I have one of those. She was a very normal child, even cheekier and more witty than average. As a baby she had the most amazing laughter. One day, when she was 17 she asked me whether I would give her permission to become a Christian. The bigoted mother of one of her classmates had lured her into some sort of happy clapper mob. "Of course, my dear daughter, you have my blessing!" No bullshit I just said that as a 17 y-o she was old enough to make her own decisions and off she went on her mission. I suspected she was just interested in checking out the boys who were non drinkers and non smokers and non sweaters. We were all of that too without getting any senile god envolved. During that conversation her mother whom I had known at that time for 25 years suddenly uttered: "I believe in god too!" - "Holy Shit," was all I could say. At some stage in very beginning of our relationship I had asked her whether she wanted children. And in this context I had mentioned that I didn't want my children to be subject to any religious rite. She agreed and briefly mentioned that she had been baptised Lutheran, that her mother was at some stage a Mormon (I didn't really know what that meant apart from baking kosher cookies in Utah.) and that she had attended a catholic school in a Catholic country. She never mentioned anything about any god, neither had her parents ever mentioned anything religious during our gatherings. So here was my otherwise normal daughter joining a Christian mob. She is 1/6 in her generation on my side and 1/4 on her mother's side, that is that she has only 1 sister, 4 paternal coursins and 2 maternal ones. She was only the 2nd one in my clan to have the privilege not to undergo baptism rites. As a child we had decided to withdraw her from *religious education*. Anyway after a few years of a rather loose connection to the happy clappers she sank even further and joined the JWs. She still invited me to her wedding, but since then she has severed her ties with me. My younger daughter is sad about the situation because her elder sister didn't even inform me that she had a child. Several years ago she accused my on Facebook, sort of publicly of abusing her. I didn't expose her to the *scriptures* (btw she used to be a voracious reader and good writer with tons of musical talent, perfect pitch). Recently she told her sister that she drags her baby just about 9 months old to bible study. Now my only hope for her daughter is that when she turns 17 to walk up to her mother and ask her: "Mom, do you mind if I became a normal person and atheist?"
I'm curious!!! How do you feel about "hooking up" as the younger crowd call "one night stands"?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 10, 2018:
Your feeling stems from your upbringing. As an old cadger I went to China and realised how people are far less complexed about sex; and not just men. Perhaps women with a healthy libido know how to orgasm more readily and more rapidly. Otherwise what would be in it for them. I can understand your reticence, but try not to judge others. I was frankly amazed when a lady gave me a sample of her abilty to have a double orgasm. For me is almost felt like a science experiment. Just be yourself. ... Interesting comment *proper holes (?) to penetrate*
Sure, I suppose it's odd that atheists say jesus, and oh my god.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 10, 2018:
I remember witnessing a miraculous transubstantiation> Several times I had heard the expressions *for god's sake*and for *Christ's sake* and then one day someone said *for fuck's sake* ,,, I thought it was a rather interesting example of transubstantiation
Have you ever had in-laws that you didn’t like at all?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 10, 2018:
My mother has such a mother-in-law. So, consequently I hated her in return and was convinced that she was an evil witch. Nasty piece that one. I had two subsequent fathers-in-law who didn't like me. One didn't like me because of my nationality and the other just didn't like me. The second one was a real Nazi so my daughters ended up with Jewish names.
Excluding sex or bathing, what activities have you done naked?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 10, 2018:
I would never have thought that sleeping in the nude would be worth mentioning. If anything I wear a t-shirt. Swimming in secluded ares or beaches where it's tolerated. In Germany nudity was not really a big deal. People sunbath naked, swim in lakes naked ... Sauna: They used to be segregated but most saunas seem to be mixed and nudism seems compulsory. I have never seen anyone wear anything, except a wedding ring, in a German sauna.
Here's a Molotov type of post: I heard someone (a leftist female) say the other day that drag and ...
PontifexMarximus comments on May 10, 2018:
Female politicians often do that with masculine stereotypes.When I look at Maggy Thatcher, Golda Meir and Frau Merkel I often wonder whether they have bigger balls than I have. Of course drag queens make a living out of exaggeration. As too the parodying and the devaluating of women ... This is of course a bullshit argument because women do it themselves in advertising all the time. As to the transgender people that is a totally different issue. Tell the lady to watch *Precilla Queen of the Desert*
The intolerance towards cigarette smokers.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 10, 2018:
I guess your comparison is slightly off target. I would compare a smoker to a farter emitting fumes that are not appreciated by others. I don't insult people for smoking. I am addicted to coffee and if someone dislikes the aroma and requests me to move, I would oblige. Vegans might react to your juicy burger and might remind you the you are consuming the remnants of a dead animal. I have to admit, I even feel annoyed by people smoking in movies with the exception of *Casablanca*.
President Trump lied more than 3,000 times in 466 days - CNNPolitics
PontifexMarximus comments on May 10, 2018:
And these are proabably just the official recorded lies. He probably manages to squeeze 3000 lies in a week.
Glass half full or half empty?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 10, 2018:
People who se the glass as half full lack foresight and the willingness to accept inevitable consequences.
Catching feelings for a JW?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 10, 2018:
Though I was a nominal Christian growing up in a household where nobody believed in the stuff I was never really indoctrinated. At 19 I thought it was ridiculous to carry a misleading label, also I had no desire to finance the churches I never used through my tax contribution. I the part of the world where I grew up the two dominant *faith providers* (namely Catholics and Lutherans) had a deal with the state which compelled the state to collect a *churchtax*. I was already paying additional taxes on my coffee, but at least I was drinking it. When I met my charming wife, a semi-nominal Catholic practicing on the family occasions, she asked me wether we should marry in a church. I refused and we just signed a papers in a pompous wedding hall in townhall. My second wife told me after having lived together for 25 years that she believed in *god*. The only answer I could utter was *Holy Shit* Now to the fundamental issue of getting into cahoots with a religious critter. I had a 2 year relationship with a *born again Christian*. For a psycho drama/thriller it would have been a fantastic script. It was not just her but the brain amputees she was hanging out with. The slimy shady old men who would come and visit her after dark. These people somehow know that it is bullshit. This woman was quite smart. In private she was a tiger with a ferocious appetite for good sex. But ultimate the sect seize her by the short and curly, me too at the lower end. I had witness dramatic scenes between JWs and former JWs. Compared jihad is a picnic on a lovely Sabath afternoon in a fragrant ambience of a lovely park. My elder daughter joined the numb nuts and we have no contact. They even convinced her that I was an abusive father because I deprived her of the delights of the *scriptures*. Luckily she's got a younger sister who would be my defence witness. JWs only lucky kind when they zoom around with their mobile churches filled with pamphlets. Enjoy the sex with him while it lasts, but if he gets back into it *Hallelujah* & *hosanna*. Once I helped one JW to start his cleaning business. He ran away when he discovered that the owner of the carpet he was cleaning was homosexual because of an erotic picture above the toilets. This JW just left a totally soaked carpet behind. Sorry .. Too long.
So, which is MOST important, a physical attraction or a psychological attraction?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 10, 2018:
I guess it is impossible to *divorce* one from the other. The appearance translates into a psychological effect. I was very close to two women: one with a body that suited me perfectly and the other with more psychological *advantages*, one an artist and the other a science oriented person. Both frequently invited me to comment on their physcial attributes. Together they complemented each other. So I often thought about the fundamental question of attraction, but could never really come to any deeper insight. I guess the problem is that the physical is a nice stimulant to commit intercourse. But I like an interesting conversation too. At my age sex consumes at best 30 minutes a week but a week 10080 minutes which leaves 10050 minutes to be filled. I hate to admit that I can talk and listen for hours... BTW I am convinced that these two charming creatures do not see much of a physical attraction in me. I am short, bald and overweight. So there might be a sex/gender issue. It would be interesting to find out how same sex partners answer your question.
Two weekends ago my 28 yr old daughter Sarah married the nicest guy any father could hope for.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 10, 2018:
Ran·kle ˈraNGk(ə)l verb past tense: rankled; past participle: rankled 1.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 9, 2018:
Do your wrinkles rankle you?
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 9, 2018:
Now that the moral goal post have shifted and many jurisdictions have legalized marriage between partners of the same sex the argument of unwanted congenital defects in offspring is no longer an argument for *same sex* couples. Consequently the whole question has to be reevaluated. I think many people confuse morality with taste. So there is the temptation to sweep everything under the moral carpet. I was thinking of Pitcairn. Those who know the story of the *Mutiny of the Bounty* might no the place. A couple of years ago the total population was estimated to be 48. The censors must just have been confused or to lazy to just count them. Now would you tell these brave souls that incest is a taboo?
Greetings all, I am totally new to this site! I've been openly atheist for many years now, but had ...
PontifexMarximus comments on May 9, 2018:
Welcome and good luck ... Just abstain from posting Heinrich Zille's *Helferin* (my post was censored). I guess that how freedom is interpreted at your neck of the woods. One question: How is one openly atheist? Do you have a bumper (you might call that differently) sticker like this?
Should Atheist be tolerant of religion or should it be treated as unacceptable social behavior?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 8, 2018:
Interesting questions: Every Friday night some relgious mob sends out their retards harassing people in a pedestrian mall. Sometimes they use some rather attractive chick. I realised I am more tolerant towards them. Unfortunately these morons are equipped with noise propagators. That is socially unacceptable but they get a licence. There used to be Christian sandwich mujaheddins at many intersections, but the seem to have lost their jeehad. They were probably not not properly trained in urban warfare. I tolerante these nutters just like other mentally challenged citizens. I wrote this yesterday and bingo today, in broad daylight I saw this fine specimen of *biblebashers original edition* Hallelujah
What Survival Strategies do you have?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 8, 2018:
Good strategy!!!
What, in your opinion, is the greatest work of visual art ever created?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 8, 2018:
Nobody will ever know ...Perhaps those who were invited to watch the Nuclear explosions on the Bikini Atoll thought that they witnessed humankind's most majestic, albeit very ephemeral at least as far as the visual aspects are concerned, artwork.
In responding to another post in this group I was reminded of the 3 date rule that I used to apply -...
PontifexMarximus comments on May 8, 2018:
A few years ago my daughter, then about 25, told me that rule. I realised that rule does not apply in China.
This is my first post here so be patient.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 8, 2018:
Hallelujah... I had no idea how bad this religious obsession still is in some parts of the world.
The Mormons left a note at my door today.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 8, 2018:
Next time when they come with cookies you invite them in for a cup of coffee.
What film would you say is under-appreciated?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 7, 2018:
Denys Arcand's *The Barbarian Invasions* (*Les Invasions barbares*) 2003 Canadian film
Isn’t it a shame that our current president didn’t get into politics for a higher service, or a ...
PontifexMarximus comments on May 7, 2018:
Trump is certainly good entertainment value. He will enter Mme Tussaud's cabinet as the most recognizable of all presidents. You should also consider having him processed by that mad plastinator, Gunter von Hagens.
Isn’t it a shame that our current president didn’t get into politics for a higher service, or a ...
PontifexMarximus comments on May 7, 2018:
Yes it is .. On the other hand it demonstrates how broken the system is. You end up with a guy who in most other countries would be either rotting in jail or an asylum for the insane. I am not sure how many of your presidents would really have been motivated by higher goals. I thought Bernie Sanders sounded convincing but Hillary Clinton looks just like your average power freak a la Thatcher. Bush junior? Ronny?
Is it long overdue for the disciplines of philosophy and natural sciences to divorce due to ...
PontifexMarximus comments on May 7, 2018:
BTW ... Should biology be divorced from other sciences? Should biology shed the nomenclature used in taxonomy? Science cannot certainly not be the judge who can pronounce the divorce. Who would be hearing this case?
Is it long overdue for the disciplines of philosophy and natural sciences to divorce due to ...
PontifexMarximus comments on May 7, 2018:
Interesting question ... No the one about the noise or unnoisy tree but the potential divorce between philosophy and natural sciences. Ultimately the devil is in the detail. What did the prenuptional agreement state? As long as humans are being the investigative tools of scientific research and the interpretaors the research results philosophy has a vital role to play. Once science becomes the exclusive domain of self sustaining and developing robots philosophy will become redundant. Ultimately scientists still connect with the trivial world outside their LHC or their stellarator or tokamaks. Philosophy is an instrument to facilitate that connection. Felix d'Herelle, the father of microbiology, couldn't even see the bacteriophages he was investigating. I am convinced that his internal phisophical framework enabled him to connect the dots and convince him that he was onto something. In my capacity as a toilet cleaner I believe/think that pursuit of science just for its own sake it non-sense. Ultimately I will appreciate the result of scientific enquiry, if it results in a better toilet cleansing process that has regard for the environment and improves my working conditions.
I've been following the story of the teenage boy in Alabama who was pronounced brain dead.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 7, 2018:
I don't know much about Alabama ... Is this not traditional KKK territory? Perhaps I should love to Alabama ... I am a self confessed KKK => ? KuhKackeKuenstler ? (German for BullShitArtist)
Politness and Courtesy
PontifexMarximus comments on May 7, 2018:
Perhaps you should add another option: "I am polite when warranted" I am vegetating in caravan park, small community, I started greeting when I came with about about 2 metres (metre is a civilised measurement equivalent to about 3 feet plus sales tax) but when there was no reply after several attempts I stopped. I find it extremely weird especially in an enclosed space when someone passes at less than 05 of a metre (metre is a civilised measurement equivalent to about 3 feet plus sales tax) and the persons walks past without acknowledging my presents.
Politness and Courtesy
PontifexMarximus comments on May 7, 2018:
The first time I heard passengers thank a bus driver was in Australia. Now I do it and my younger daughter, now 28, always says it with a smile, even when she is not necessarily in a good mood. It a bit of a social lubricant. One day we took the suburban train together and after exiting I started running towards the head of the train. "Daddy, where are you heading?" "I just want to say *Thank you* to the train driver." Do you realise that these guys never get a word of thanks? Before settling in Australia I lived in a could of other countries. After over 30 years in this vast open air slammer I still think Australia, perhaps just Queenland, is generally very rude. Even the politeness and courtesy is just a very thin cheap veneer. I worked as a teacher here and realised how there is no fertile ground for these qualities to take root. I often blame it on the rough sports and the macho attitude that is catered for in all the beer ads, though I really like some of them. For many years I had the habit of turning off the engine of my car when I knew I had to spend more than a few seconds at a traffic light especially near restaurants. One day I was sitting at a red light on a popular dining strip. I knew the sequence I that I had to sit there for 90 seconds. I turned off the engine and dimmed the lights. Some guy walking past said: "Mate, your lights are off." "Thank you. I know. I turned off the engine.." His reply: "What a fucking wanker." This not really such an exceptional reaction. I wonder whether this person is now calling all the drivers of cars whose engine turn off automatically *fucking wankers*. Schools do nothing to promote the old fashioned virtues. I found it an uphill struggle to convey some other ideas to my daughters. They turned out to very polite which unfortunately is often perceived as a weakness by bullies.
I've been following the story of the teenage boy in Alabama who was pronounced brain dead.
PontifexMarximus comments on May 7, 2018:
"He walked along a field" ... So there is no better transport in heaven???
If you were god, what would you have designed differently in human body?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 7, 2018:
OMG ... Where to start? I have been dwelling in my body for over 6 decades. So I got a few ideas how to redesign my own, plus a few ideas as to the redesign of some of the generic features. I know my first modification would only concern about half of the population.Total Recall I would immediately fix the *...king* (this is the result of autocorrect, there were 3 more letters) prostate. To do something for the other half I would change the period stuff, I think inflicting periods upon them, and ultimate also on the other half who has to suffer the consequences, is a major design fault. Not even Ford or GMC would get away with delivering vehicles that suddenly opened their sump to release all the lubricant. The brain ... The fucking brain I would fix the short-circuit that leads people to believe in gods, angels and all the other crazy stuff. Perhaps it's only a software problem, but it's annoying.
If you were god, what would you have designed differently in human body?
PontifexMarximus comments on May 7, 2018:
OMG ... Where to start? I have been dwelling in my body for over 6 decades. So I got a few ideas how to redesign my own, plus a few ideas as to the redesign of some of the generic features. I know my first modification would only concern about half of the population.Total Recall I would immediately fix the *...king* (this is the result of autocorrect, there were 3 more letters) prostate. To do something for the other half I would change the period stuff, I think inflicting periods upon them, and ultimate also on the other half who has to suffer the consequences, is a major design fault. Not even Ford or GMC would get away with delivering vehicles that suddenly opened their sump to release all the lubricant. The brain ... The fucking brain I would fix the short-circuit that leads people to believe in gods, angels and all the other crazy stuff. Perhaps it's only a software problem, but it's annoying.


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