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Even if I did gamble, I'm not taking her to the casino.
Robecology comments on Jan 11, 2021:
Why is that? Why are the attractive women so dumb?
Robecology replies on Jan 11, 2021:
@Mooolah and @TheGreatShadow It was kind of a rhetorical question. As a 45 year retired teacher veteran....I know exactly why....the attractive ones are not only "hit on" (so it's not all their fault) but they are simply more distracted, more focused on social interaction than the less attractive...who in turn focus better on learning. It's true for men and women.
I just saw the cover for the 12/28 New Yorker magazine; and it speaks wisdom; That, and a Bill ...
Redheadedgammy comments on Dec 27, 2020:
This man has brought nothing but pain and suffering to this Country. Hopefully he will end up broken and in prison!
Robecology replies on Jan 6, 2021:
@LucyLoohoo You'll love this; written by Michael Moore in early 2016.
from the mouth of babes
Moravian comments on Dec 30, 2020:
An alternative is ;- Little girl-- Is that a female horse officer ? Policeman -- Yes and her name is Bonnie Little girl -- well shouldn't the cunt be at the rear end of the horse and not on top of it
Robecology replies on Jan 6, 2021:
Yes...I'm tired of arrogant men being referred to as the best part of my anatomy. We shouldn't label arrogant women as c....t's either it's my favorite part of a female's anatomy.
Hi Everyone! Happy Tuesday!!! Hope yours is better than mine!!!!! Just had the worst day ...
Robecology comments on Jan 5, 2021:
I got a solution for a Tesla. Hit me up for a discount code if you buy new...or buy a used one...they're getting cheaper every day...and you just plug that puppy in at night....full "tank" in the AM!
Robecology replies on Jan 6, 2021:
@StarvingArtist Tesla has more Cybertruck pre-orders than the number of cars it's delivered in two years; Would you believe 650,000 $100 deposits have been made? Now that's a low deposit #...and it's being refundable - suggests that 20-30% or more will change their minds. But that's still a great number.
Dear ol’ Dad...
Robecology comments on Jan 6, 2021:
And don't you love how they put a shirt or blouse on the upper body...but leave the lower body without clothes...nor sex organs?! LOL!
Robecology replies on Jan 6, 2021:
A rather long-wiinded but well referenced explanation of what's likely to happen in D.
yvilletom comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Hm-mm, the Founders distrusted democracy so they let only white male property owners vote. They distrusted white male property owners so they created the Electoral College ( EC ). They distrusted the EC so they let state legislatures in December replace EC members. They distrusted state ...
Robecology replies on Jan 6, 2021:
@yvilletom 黙殺
Hi Everyone! Happy Tuesday!!! Hope yours is better than mine!!!!! Just had the worst day ...
Robecology comments on Jan 5, 2021:
I got a solution for a Tesla. Hit me up for a discount code if you buy new...or buy a used one...they're getting cheaper every day...and you just plug that puppy in at night....full "tank" in the AM!
Robecology replies on Jan 6, 2021:
@StarvingArtist From my account; "You and anyone using your referral link can each earn 1,000 miles of free Supercharging with the purchase of a new Tesla car. Each car referral also gives you a chance to win a Model Y monthly or Roadster supercar quarterly. Owners who already have free Supercharging get two chances to win." My referral link is Hope this helps get another Tesla owner gasoline-free!
Hi Everyone! Happy Tuesday!!! Hope yours is better than mine!!!!! Just had the worst day ...
Robecology comments on Jan 5, 2021:
I got a solution for a Tesla. Hit me up for a discount code if you buy new...or buy a used one...they're getting cheaper every day...and you just plug that puppy in at night....full "tank" in the AM!
Robecology replies on Jan 6, 2021:
@StarvingArtist According to the website; "You will be able to complete your configuration as production nears in late 2021. Tri Motor AWD production is expected in late 2021" So - typical for Tesla....they'll roll out the CT try-moter ($69.9K) late this year, followed by dual motor, then the cheapest ($39,9K) single motor in '22 or '23. I'm waiting...the measurements on that thing are just too big for my garage. I'm hoping for a downsized "mini" version.
Status check! Has anyone heard from, or have knowledge of the reason, @cutiebeauty has gone "radio ...
Robecology comments on Jan 5, 2021:
I've had a nice off and on relationship with Kaitlyn...only on these pages...nothing personal....but I'm concerned about her well being as well. We had a few debates about things she posted on the sexy photo group....and I dropped out of the group for a while. On her profile page she seems ...
Robecology replies on Jan 6, 2021:
@bigpawbullets I hadn't been to her profile before this comment; but what she wrote on the Benetar post mentions her children and her interest in photo-art of women....but no mention of a man in her life. The latest I read was that her "boyfriend" ( I think his name was "Frankie" and he allegedly was father of both kids _ I think I read that he wanted them "baptized" ) had proposed. I think it's odd for her to mention the kids...but not him. Maybe "Frankie" is a woman? Maybe they're in the process of breaking up/growing together? Who knows?
"Now, we judge people as lazy if they don’t exercise.
Robecology comments on Jan 6, 2021:
The conclusion to the article says it for me; "Dose response curves show that just 150 minutes of exercise a week — only 21 minutes a day — lowers mortality rates by about 50 percent. Knowing that, I think, can help people feel better about doing just a little exercise instead of none." ...
Robecology replies on Jan 6, 2021:
@Mitch07102 Kudos to you, sir! I had to google Concept2 Erg.- had no idea what you were talking about. Yea, the girlfriend swears by rowing machines and "going to the gym"...I don't even do that; I do 50 crunches a day on my decades old total gym, then I hop on my bike and do 4 miles - or 8 if it's not windy. I like the point of the article; that it doesn't take much to up our fitness and that's me. 75 and going
A rather long-wiinded but well referenced explanation of what's likely to happen in D.
yvilletom comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Hm-mm, the Founders distrusted democracy so they let only white male property owners vote. They distrusted white male property owners so they created the Electoral College ( EC ). They distrusted the EC so they let state legislatures in December replace EC members. They distrusted state ...
Robecology replies on Jan 5, 2021:
@yvilletom I tried looking up the "facts" you presented....and I can't find any references that back you on them. Can you back up your comments? I concur that the E.C. is a mess...but I can't find the evidence you suggest about why they created and changed it... I found this;
A rather long-wiinded but well referenced explanation of what's likely to happen in D.
gigihein comments on Jan 1, 2021:
The devisiveness of politics is so destructive. Campaign contributions should be accounted for. Trump and his coherts have set up his base to more fraud by those who will ask for money from them as a solution to the "Stolen election." I appreciate this post, though was a bit confused with some ...
Robecology replies on Jan 5, 2021:
I'm responding to this comment you made; Campaign contributions should be accounted for. Wow...that nails it! FYI...
I found this by Bill...and I have to share with all my Agnostic brothers and sisters.
Theresa_N comments on Jan 3, 2021:
While I think Maher has some good things to say, religion isn't the sole cause of these things, as proven by some of the members of and the state of civil liberties in China and N. Korea. Religion is the cause of much that is bad but not the sole cause.
Robecology replies on Jan 4, 2021:
Religion was a need that evolved for the curious and imagining. Pre-science - it answered lots of questions. But by the Middle science dawned -astronomy, then microbiology began to poke big holes in the story of creation. Then it was too late; the Crusades, the inquisitions all worked to force people to think religiously or perish. We're coming out of that slowly; too slowly for me and most scientists...but we are evolving; But we are running out of time; We are headed towards extinction;
Happy Sunday Everyone! It's pose your own question day. What would you like to ask?
Mitch07102 comments on Jan 3, 2021:
How do you define old? The conventional definition is chronological age. This makes sense in that it correlates with physical and mental changes. But “old” is much more than that. I use another definition, One based on experience and observation since my early twenties and more applicable ...
Robecology replies on Jan 3, 2021:
@Mitch07102 Except that I would argue that it's not a prejudice. We don't see minorities justify the typical prejudicial behavior they're accused of (yea, I steal/use what?) So what I'm saying is - we need to stop looking at "raising health awareness" as "fat shaming. America - the world - is getting soft and flabby...and it's not prejudice to say "stop trying to justify it"!!! IMO...
rainmanjr comments on Jan 3, 2021:
None of it is important. In 17 days our President will be Joe Biden. If he prosecutes then these treasonous vipers will be vilified and rejected. If not then they win and all this will happen again, worse. Happen Again Worse just wouldn't make as good a campaign motto. Highlights: @1:40 ...
Robecology replies on Jan 3, 2021:
I'm frightened about all this talk of the uprising in D.C. I hope you're right.
Happy Sunday Everyone! It's pose your own question day. What would you like to ask?
Mitch07102 comments on Jan 3, 2021:
How do you define old? The conventional definition is chronological age. This makes sense in that it correlates with physical and mental changes. But “old” is much more than that. I use another definition, One based on experience and observation since my early twenties and more applicable ...
Robecology replies on Jan 3, 2021:
I don't know if I should ask this under your excellent question; but let me start here. I just got put-down for "fat shamming" on FB. So I ask; At what point does one go from encouraging a healthy lifestyle to "fat shamming"? I think America has been too anti-fat-shamming...and that has led to this horrible tolerance for being overweight and obese - -and it's not just an American does seem world-wide; but here's the CDC map of the growth for Obesity in America; If the GIF doesn't cycle, go here;
A rather long-wiinded but well referenced explanation of what's likely to happen in D.
LucyLoohoo comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Well said--but--will the cult read it?
Robecology replies on Jan 1, 2021:
Copy and share it on FB please. We have to wake them up.
What is this lovely plant? It is like a “grass” with lovely blue “berries”.
Robecology comments on Dec 29, 2020:
My "plantsnap" app (free) says Dianella caerulea...commonly know as Blue Flax-Lily.
Robecology replies on Dec 30, 2020:
@Wisterious Download "plantsnap" it's free.
Happy Sunday Everyone! It has been a very long week.
Robecology comments on Dec 27, 2020:
January 6th will be the last chance for Trump to disrupt the Electoral college - and I understand he's planning not only a series of disruptive official actions, but he's invited the public to come to DC and "get wild". My question is; What's your opinion on this? Can he do anything to ...
Robecology replies on Dec 28, 2020:
@BTHT The big question is What is their motivation for "getting the country back on track"?
I just saw the cover for the 12/28 New Yorker magazine; and it speaks wisdom; That, and a Bill ...
Redheadedgammy comments on Dec 27, 2020:
This man has brought nothing but pain and suffering to this Country. Hopefully he will end up broken and in prison!
Robecology replies on Dec 28, 2020:
@LucyLoohoo I think I found what you're looking for; by Martin Scorsese (producer of "The Godfather")
36 Questions: Wild and Wacky Wednesday, anyone?
glennlab comments on Dec 23, 2020:
Kitty christmas
Robecology replies on Dec 23, 2020:
I found the purrrr-fect counter meme for that one...
How would you answer this question lol?
dalefvictor comments on Dec 22, 2020:
Donnie Drip Shit and His Band of lairs, thieves and traitors. Trumpty Dumpty. The Drump with no brain.
Robecology replies on Dec 22, 2020:
I found a cute meme for "Dumpty" or even "Trumpty"
Perfect, I tested negative for Covid, finally got tested by having my first heart attack tonight.
Surfpirate comments on Dec 22, 2020:
Wow, did that come out of nowhere or did you have a condition that you were already aware of? Good to hear that you are on the mend.
Robecology replies on Dec 22, 2020:
@Willow_Wisp "Just" smoking? Come on....time to quit if you want to add a few years...
It is absolutely sickening that when it comes to political gambits, people don't respect the rules ...
Robecology comments on Dec 18, 2020:
I think the biggest mistake we made in the past two decades - that encouraged all this cheating and greed - is the passage of "Citizen's United" amendment to the constitution. It sound's so "user friendly" but what it that anyone can donate any amount - anonymously - to any ...
Robecology replies on Dec 21, 2020:
@DZhukovin They - you. - do what you can get away with. They play by the rules....but some of the rules are hidden in the documents and long-winded 'legaleeze" contracts. I hand it to Trump. He warned us in the debates with Hillary; he said it more than once ""I took advantage of loopholes" - He may have a low reading level...and make dumb and arrogant remarks...but he knows exactly what he can get away with. You say "It is absolutely sickening"....don't get sick....get busy. Contact your congress people. Contact your senators. Keep calling. Keep signing petitions. If you got $$ keep donating to causes you support. I think this is the one we all should be focused on;
Happy Sunday Everyone! It's pose your own question day. Please have fun!
Robecology comments on Dec 20, 2020:
I've been called a pessimist because I keep talking about H.sapiens extinction here and on my Blog ( So - my question is how many are "optimistic" that humanity will solve the environmental/population crisis, how many are "pessimistic" and why?
Robecology replies on Dec 20, 2020:
@Wangobango3 I concur; We often hear of folk who want to "save the planet"...I agree with you....the planet will not only survive...but breathe a sigh of relief when we're gone. And I predict that even if every human goes extinct - and most of the animals and plants that depend on us to survive - that evolution will simply won't be but a few million years that another species - I predict the Raccoon - will evolve in to an intelligent civilization. But if Monkeys make it...or apes? Dolphins? Hmmmm. But the planet will simply reset.
We'll soon get to the end of it!
Robecology comments on Dec 20, 2020:
Be prepared; 2021 doesn't promise much; 1. Vaccines. for COVID19 won't be commonly available for months. 2. Trump will continue his fundraising and anti-democracy rallies. 3. We are growing by 150 more births, than deaths, per minute; 220,000 more per day. 4. Huge glaciers threaten to break off ...
Robecology replies on Dec 20, 2020:
@QuidamOutrepont I concur; C19 was a walk in the park for several reasons.... 1. Low infection rate (low Catch-ability) 2. Low mortality rate (yes...I know a lot have died....but its' mortality rate was and is still low. 3. It's non-vector transmission. When...not if....when...a mosquito becomes a carrier for a virus with a higher death rate we are in for a serious problem.
When you go shopping for that new tree ornament that is all the rage....
skado comments on Dec 19, 2020:
All we need now is a link for where to purchase!
Robecology replies on Dec 20, 2020:
Google is a friend of mine;
Be touched by His Noodliness and oblate spheroid this holiday season:
MikeInBatonRouge comments on Dec 20, 2020:
Happy to see the proper heathen pentagram star atop the solstice tree, yay! ...not that silly 8-pointed nonsense, lol(either my picture is sideways, or my kitten has been messing with the tree, again. 🤗)
Robecology replies on Dec 20, 2020:
Speaking of kittens messing with trees...I found this;
You're all scared aren't ya?!
Robecology comments on Dec 19, 2020:
I have read that vaccines for COVID19 won't become widely available until June or won't be a good year. I've also read that as our population continues to grow (150 more births, than deaths, per minute, 220,000 more per day) that we are speeding up our pollution rate, our ...
Robecology replies on Dec 19, 2020:
@QuidamOutrepont I fear you're right....but NBD....I wish I could come back and see the evolution after we're gone...the return of dinosaurs? (Is it me or are lizards getting bigger?). A civilized reptilian-based organism? The evolution of Raccoons? Chimps? Apes? I'm sure we'll just reset the evolution-clock a few million years back.....
From "A Christmas Story".
barjoe comments on Dec 18, 2020:
No accounting for taste.
Robecology replies on Dec 19, 2020:
Hey, it was an Italian lamp, right? F_R_A_G_I_L_E....Fra Geel lay..... Doesn't that count?
Mount Rushmore
Robecology comments on Dec 18, 2020:
I get why the did the carving. It was a noble effort. What's not noble is that it was done on land that recently had belonged to the Native American tribes in the were most lands in the U.S.; and we lied and cheated to steal most of these locations. The creation of Mount Rushmore is a ...
Robecology replies on Dec 18, 2020:
@Wisterious Don't get me wrong....I do think that the local tribe gets a token kick-back from the proceeds...and the art is unique...if you do go see it, be sure to go see the nearby Native American cliff carving - unfortunately it's still a work in progress.... Forgive the still hasn't fixed that; But turn your phone or computer sideways, and read about an American who took on the carving of the Crazy horse cliff carvings. Sad but true story.
Health & Unhappiness in this case! []
LucyLoohoo comments on Dec 18, 2020:
Right! This explains why our ancestors had such short life-spans!
Robecology replies on Dec 18, 2020:
@AnneWimsey Could you share documentation where you got that info? I can't find that it wasn't a problem...only that because our population was so much smaller a few decades ago it might have been less well known.
Another beautiful story from deep time. []
AnonySchmoose comments on Dec 18, 2020:
Global warming could cause the ocean conveyor belt to get messed up again, which could cause massive climate change again.
Robecology replies on Dec 18, 2020:
@RoyMillar Spell it right, Roy....ArCtic.
Another beautiful story from deep time. []
AnonySchmoose comments on Dec 18, 2020:
Global warming could cause the ocean conveyor belt to get messed up again, which could cause massive climate change again.
Robecology replies on Dec 18, 2020:
Indeed. There's chunks of ice the size of Florida about to break off Antarctica....could suddenly raise the oceans inches in months.
Canada is providing people with $500 a week. For up to 26 weeks.
Robecology comments on Dec 17, 2020:
I put an angry emoji...but feel helpless. We have to win the Senate race in Georgia to get a balanced Senate.
Robecology replies on Dec 18, 2020:
@silverotter11 Here's some good news. I'll post this in a general post...but you seem empathetic so I'm sharing it with you as well;
Canada is providing people with $500 a week. For up to 26 weeks.
Robecology comments on Dec 17, 2020:
I put an angry emoji...but feel helpless. We have to win the Senate race in Georgia to get a balanced Senate.
Robecology replies on Dec 17, 2020:
@PondartIncbendog and @silverotter11 It's hard if you post stuff and know that it falls on deaf ears. It's hard when you "write or call your congressperson or senator" when you know that "Citizens United" constitutional amendment lets rich folk buy politicians. That's why I - and most Americans - feel helpless. Even in Florida; we have nearly a 200,000 democrat enrollment advantage...(search voter registration in Florida for the data) - where did these votes go? Hard to believe that somehow Republicans didn't put their thumbs on the scele. Even Bob Woodward in his book rage pointed out that the NSA and CIA found evidence of "stealth malware" installed...allegedly by Russians...but we know the connections to Republicans and Russians enough to know that they (the Russians) influenced the 2016 elections....and on page 116 and 117 of Bob's book, he detailed the stealth malware they found that not only had the ability to change ballots, but then had the ability to "self-destruct" and become unfind-able. Read it for yourselves. If Trump was serious about investigating voter Fraud...he should have started with Florida. Click here....then click "listen"...or get the book and read it.
What does everyone want for Christmas?
Cast1es comments on Dec 17, 2020:
Since you asked , I'd love it if these new vaccines actually work !
Robecology replies on Dec 17, 2020:
@tinkercreek There's been many trials..that's why it's taken nearly a year. They were calling for beta test subjects as early as June. Here's one from September. True; none have been "long term - as in what might happen generations down the road from this - but the nation and the world is desperate for a fix...
Vitamin D and Covid 19 - Excellent information. []
AnneWimsey comments on Dec 17, 2020:
Any fat-soluble vitamin, like D, can build up in your fatty tissue & have serious overdose side effects, not easily reversed....Google it! Water-soluble vitamins like C will simply be excreted, but your liver, for example,does not like being overwhelmed by fat-soluble "permanent visitors". ...
Robecology replies on Dec 17, 2020:
@AnneWimsey I concur; they'll find out the hard way.
It's amazing that a cartoon created in 1941 applies so well 80 years later.
Hages comments on Dec 10, 2020:
Robecology replies on Dec 17, 2020:
Interesting. Thanks for the research.
What does everyone want for Christmas?
Cast1es comments on Dec 17, 2020:
Since you asked , I'd love it if these new vaccines actually work !
Robecology replies on Dec 17, 2020:
They've been throughly tested. They had to be. Many volunteered to be test 'victims...and the efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine is 94.5%, the Moderna version won't need the extreme (-90ºC) cold, but works differently. Read, please;
This one is excellent! Where do you fit in?
DenoPenno comments on Dec 16, 2020:
I fit in strongly at number 7. The problem is that I cannot take that stand because to do so the burden of proof shifts to me. Just call me 99.9 % sure. :)
Robecology replies on Dec 17, 2020:
That's between 5 and 6.
This one is excellent! Where do you fit in?
JackPedigo comments on Dec 16, 2020:
I am #8 Anti-theist.
Robecology replies on Dec 17, 2020:
Beyond 6 - and you're showing hatred and resentment. Watch this and eat a Snickers.... You'll feel better...
This one is excellent! Where do you fit in?
Charles1971 comments on Dec 16, 2020:
I'm essentially a 7 though I feel claiming 100% certainty is a bit much. More like 99.999999999999% sure.
Robecology replies on Dec 17, 2020:
If you're a 7 you might be harboring resentful instincts... .Let it go. Being 99.99% sure puts you in cat #5 or 6. The religious are #religulous... Watch Bill's Movie and you'll feel better. Your religious parents didn't pressure you to hurt you.....they indoctrinated you because they were indoctrinated by their parents, and on and on going back. Don't hate for that...feel sorry for their dogmatic ways.
Vitamin D and Covid 19 - Excellent information. []
AnneWimsey comments on Dec 17, 2020:
Any fat-soluble vitamin, like D, can build up in your fatty tissue & have serious overdose side effects, not easily reversed....Google it! Water-soluble vitamins like C will simply be excreted, but your liver, for example,does not like being overwhelmed by fat-soluble "permanent visitors". ...
Robecology replies on Dec 17, 2020:
They - the scientists in the video...are talking about deficiencies (> than 20 nanograms/ml) which is a very low amount...yet many who avoid sunlight, decent diet and supplements, do suffer this condition. It's not an argument for doing large doses...just avoiding deficiencies. Wise, careful research.
A comment posted from a discussion on this site by Hank This is just for you! It is an ...
Robecology comments on Dec 15, 2020:
#1. As I told my students for 45 years, being scientific, or performing a scientific experiment makes you a "scientist"'s not necessarily a paid position #2.Scientific thinking is what separates the religious from the unreligious or non-religious. To be considered atheistic or agnostic - it...
Robecology replies on Dec 17, 2020:
@Mcflewster I love your enthusiasm...but I guess you could say I've become staid and complacent....I see the levels of pollution rising. I see the population growing. I see America getting stupider and more religious. I get depressed trying to find words or ways to express my anger and frustration...I'm even blocked from Facebook for a few days for a contentious post I made. Sorry, a demographer, I don't see a good future for Homo sapiens. Not a bad thing...I just see us becoming extinct soon. NBD...the earth will breathe a sigh of relief. The evolutionary clock will reset back a few million - to tens of millions of years back..and will re-start finding a "civilized being"/
A comment posted from a discussion on this site by Hank This is just for you! It is an ...
Robecology comments on Dec 15, 2020:
#1. As I told my students for 45 years, being scientific, or performing a scientific experiment makes you a "scientist"'s not necessarily a paid position #2.Scientific thinking is what separates the religious from the unreligious or non-religious. To be considered atheistic or agnostic - it...
Robecology replies on Dec 16, 2020:
@Mcflewster Sorry; can't help you... Remember; I'm out of the loop...I retired in 2012....taught a few years in a "Charter school"...then a couple years substitute teaching...before I realized I didn't need to work at all.
This one is excellent! Where do you fit in?
BD66 comments on Dec 16, 2020:
6 and that's a terrible definition of Agnostic.
Robecology replies on Dec 16, 2020:
@BD66 Let's just remember the basic breakdown of the word, "Agnostic"...a....not. Gnostic...."knowing, aware, knowledgeable". I think Dawkins was just was being too "officious" - some would call it a British POV, as I had suggested earlier.
This one is excellent! Where do you fit in?
BD66 comments on Dec 16, 2020:
6 and that's a terrible definition of Agnostic.
Robecology replies on Dec 16, 2020:
@BD66 So his use of the word "exactly" bothers you?
This one is excellent! Where do you fit in?
BD66 comments on Dec 16, 2020:
6 and that's a terrible definition of Agnostic.
Robecology replies on Dec 16, 2020:
@BD66 I think you're just arguing semantics; "neither faith nor disbelief in God." is pretty much the same as "God's existence and non-existance are exactly equiprobable". Dawkins is British....and you know those Brits have a way with the "English" language. But -IMO- you and he are saying the same thing. Here's a clip of him stating the obvious....
This one is excellent! Where do you fit in?
BD66 comments on Dec 16, 2020:
6 and that's a terrible definition of Agnostic.
Robecology replies on Dec 16, 2020:
This is Richard Dawkin's quote. I consider him to be the best authority on Agnosticism/Atheism. Here's a couple of his quotes;
This Is What Women Really Want It’s simple, but not easy. []
LifelongLearner comments on Dec 15, 2020:
It's almost like people didn't even read this before they commented...🤔
Robecology replies on Dec 15, 2020:
From the article; Here’s what everyone really wants in a partner: Some people just want to date around, which is fine. People ready for long term relationships want someone who: Possesses some sense of social and emotional intelligence. Seems comfortable with themselves. Has some understanding of their purpose in life. Treats everyone with genuine respect. Knows they’re not perfect. Doesn’t expect anyone else to be, either. Wants someone to push them to be a better person. Makes them want to be a better person. Can take care of their own needs and desires. Understands boundaries. Earns their trust, and trusts them back. Makes reasonable decisions. Will have their back. Sounds like vague generalizations to me...
i made this beauty. but still improving my photography skills.
Coffeo comments on Dec 14, 2020:
The colors are really lovely. I would like to see the horizon either level, or tilted quite obviously if you want to achieve some special effect. Seeing it just a little bit off bothers me — maybe I'm the only one.
Robecology replies on Dec 14, 2020:
I concur; either level or starkly tilted..but a little tilted doesn't work. Also try earlier in the day...that hint of blue in the sky would have been excellent if it were stronger. A sequence of the same scene over ___ minute intervals is the way to go.
Why are the pictures sideways. Why. Make it stop.
skado comments on Dec 12, 2020:
Apparently... because of the way the site is formatted, it can’t post vertical photos. The only solution I know of is to shoot the original in landscape orientation instead of portrait orientation.
Robecology replies on Dec 12, 2020:
@skado Attention,'s time to fix or at least address this....please?
Buckle up and batten down.
Surfpirate comments on Dec 12, 2020:
Are you trying to suggest that viruses mutate over a much shorter time span than other biological organisms, like say mammals??
Robecology replies on Dec 12, 2020:
That's a fact. They have grandchildren after 24 hours (but technically identical....their reproduction is asexual). But the point is - the faster they grow and reproduce, the faster they mutate...most mutations are harmful/deadly/fatal ...but...some are helpful to their survival....rare ones will make them impervious to vaccines...that will's not a matter of's when.
Why are the pictures sideways. Why. Make it stop.
skado comments on Dec 12, 2020:
Apparently... because of the way the site is formatted, it can’t post vertical photos. The only solution I know of is to shoot the original in landscape orientation instead of portrait orientation.
Robecology replies on Dec 12, 2020:
Nope...Here's two flipped intentionally in my "library" both come out skewed. Both formatted horizontally.
Happy Tuesday wonderful people! What is something new that you would like to try?
StarvingArtist comments on Dec 8, 2020:
Hang gliding!!!! I've always fantasied about having the ability to fly.
Robecology replies on Dec 9, 2020:
I'm still in touch with a fellow who has a limp for life due to hang-gliding hard landing.
Made sugar free home grown Raspberry jam today.
Robecology comments on Dec 7, 2020:
Ugh....can't stand the aftertaste from Stevia. I"ve tried several brands...maybe - I think I read - it's my particular genetic make up that discerns the bitter after taste more than most. I'm OK with Sucralose (brand name- splenda...but there's cheaper non-brand name sucralose in packets and ...
Robecology replies on Dec 8, 2020:
@FrostyJim Try's similar in molecular structure to sugar...and it's made by common non-chemo-synthetic processes. Here's the pros and cons...
Just a proposal/suggestion here but, why don't we make things just a little bit more interesting?
evidentialist comments on Dec 4, 2020:
I fully expect to be taken off the list of the living long before I make it to level 9, so I'll have to settle for my score of babies eaten for my elite status.
Robecology replies on Dec 5, 2020:
@evidentialist and @Triphid...reaching 9 is'll happen if you keep posting and keep commenting...the concern is that after you reach nine there's nothing on the "goal" - no "carrot" of temptation. I recommend that if you get to say level 9.5 you get some sort of token offer. Same with level 10...and upwards. Even the offer of another pen...or T shirt would be cool.
Just a proposal/suggestion here but, why don't we make things just a little bit more interesting?
girlwithsmiles comments on Dec 5, 2020:
As amusing as that is, it seems a bit like baiting god botherers. If I wanted to do that I’d be a Satanist 😉 Maybe a grey squiggle to indicate age reached.
Robecology replies on Dec 5, 2020:
Isn't capitalism great
BD66 comments on Dec 5, 2020:
That Alternative:
Robecology replies on Dec 5, 2020:
It's clearly unfair to compare Venezuela's autocratic socialism with democratic socialism. Are you American? Do you participate in Social Security? Then you sir, are a card-carrying socialist.
[] Enigma machine found!
Cast1es comments on Dec 3, 2020:
Alan Turing , who broke the code and saved many . many lives during WWII , was a gay man . When that was discovered , he was forced to take a chemical pill which not only made him impotent , but also caused him to grow breasts . He died due to cynide poisoning , though it is not known if he was ...
Robecology replies on Dec 4, 2020:
I think I saw a movie about him. He also was an inventor of the fundamental operations - the 0 or 1 binary code...that's used in all of today's computers, I believe? "After the war, Turing worked at the National Physical Laboratory, where he designed the Automatic Computing Engine. The Automatic Computing Engine was one of the first designs for a stored-program computer. In 1948, Turing joined Max Newman's Computing Machine Laboratory, at the Victoria University of Manchester, where he helped develop the Manchester computers[15] and became interested in mathematical biology. He wrote a paper on the chemical basis of morphogenesis[1] and predicted oscillating chemical reactions such as the Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction, first observed in the 1960s."
Ladies, can you explain why unsolicited dick pics are offensive?
EyesThatSmile comments on Dec 4, 2020:
You have asked two questions and honestly there’s not enough space to answer both. The second question: The guy is proud of his stuff...he is not looking to shock you (usually). He is horny (for you?) and the best (also the worst) way to get that across to you is to “show” you. However, ...
Robecology replies on Dec 4, 2020:
I concur with most of what you say...but let's agree to avoid calling anyone either a "dick" or a "cunt"? It's an obviously sexist slanderous remark. Fool, buffoon, loser - yes. Dick,
Hi - I'm not sure what to do about something.
Robecology comments on Dec 3, 2020:
Those of us who feel confident in the "American way" are 99% sure Biden will be inaugurated on Jan 20th. But having said that - there's 1% assumption that Trump might make a significant stir. Trump might try one of several things. He might end up totally free, with a pension - or in jail....
Robecology replies on Dec 3, 2020:
@kmaz Sorry; I just read it more carefully.
A few for today:
Robecology comments on Nov 29, 2020:
"Don we now our plague apparel"....I want that sign!
Robecology replies on Dec 1, 2020:
@actofdog duh... I knew that....I want THAT sign....don we now our "plague" apparel!
Getting back in the dating game. The search is daunting. What dating sites are recommended?
Boomtarat03 comments on Nov 28, 2020: 😉🙃
Robecology replies on Nov 28, 2020:
I concur; it's free; lots of images and a detailed bio are allowed. They respect your privacy - and you know that potential dates aren't going to be #religulous!
To my bud on Acostic dot com, Dave, who used to use Father Sarducci as his avatar...
barjoe comments on Nov 27, 2020:
Don Novello always was better known by a pseudonym. He wrote a book "From Bush to Bush" under the pseudonym Lazlo Toth. It was a series of letters and took place during the era from George the elder to Dubya.
Robecology replies on Nov 27, 2020:
Cool! Didn't know that! I'll look up his book!
I will use the flu vaccination as an example for this question.
Robecology comments on Nov 16, 2020:
Read this, please; BTW this was published in July of this year... "Chinese companies are at the forefront of global efforts to create a vaccine for the coronavirus, with more than half a dozen candidates in clinical development. Last week,...
Robecology replies on Nov 16, 2020:
@azzow2 - but there's also well made things that come from China. Did you read the whole article?
latest testing kits from China
Robecology comments on Nov 16, 2020:
Kind of racist. We've had Chinese food restaurants in America long before the first fast food hamburger or chicken prep came out. Let's note poke fun at the "Fortune cookie" or the broken english of the Chinese Americans... Who can forget this scene from "A Christmas story" ...
Robecology replies on Nov 16, 2020:
And you'll never guess which scientific research is leading the rest of the world in the rush to get a COVID19 Vaccine.....
1) US universities are some of the best in the world when it comes to STEM education and research.
Robecology comments on Nov 15, 2020:
There's a "secret weapon" that MIcheo Kaku explains that allows foreign students in very easily google H 1B. or watch this;
Robecology replies on Nov 16, 2020:
@Spongebob - good question. I look at foreign influx this way....we in America need it. We should welcome it...and this H 1B does. Go in to any hospital. The employees and doctors there are to a large extent obviously new immigrants.... But it's also a warning to our educational system. We are obviously weak in integrity. We pay teachers meagerly compared to other nations. We don't welcome innovation - due to the local taxpayer controlled funding. Local taxes fund most US educational systems...and no one wants higher property what suffers the most is the US educational system. It's not the way other nations do it....thus they are gaining and passing US educational standards. In the 1950's we were #1 in many we're way much lower in international rankings in math, science, and reading.
Biden's Bought Bombast Barely Bested Bigly Bloviating Boorish Bastard. LanceThruster
Robecology comments on Nov 14, 2020:
I can only hope Joe doesn't get #religulous;
Robecology replies on Nov 14, 2020:
@WilliamCharles can't possibly call yourself an atheist and even consider "getting in to heaven"... and "hoopy Frood"....that's a new one on me!
Rx for life!
Robecology comments on Nov 12, 2020:
Nice memes; but unless we get our out-of-control population growth in check...we're looking at extinction. If you think COvID19 was serious, you 'ain't seen nothin' yet". The UN gives us about 10 more years to get it- and the resulting burning of fuels - under control...or the heat will grow...
Robecology replies on Nov 14, 2020:
@BeeHappy I'm an optimistic person.Single and alone as well - so I empathize with your "be happy" POV. And I'm sorry if my rant of realism offends you...but if we don't start thinking more realistically - we will go extinct quickly - and horribly. If you're offended by my realistic posts you can block me.
Happy Sunday Everybody! It's pose your own question day! Have fun!
Robecology comments on Nov 8, 2020:
I watched this revealing interview of Mary Trump - and she made some great points....mainly that we overwhelmingly voted Trump out...but we didn't vote out the Republican Senate....and the House actually increased in Republican seats and decreased in Democratic seats. Here's the video; ...
Robecology replies on Nov 10, 2020:
@silverotter11 and @Davekp A meme that expresses exactly what you did...
I posted this in politics today but I think it's a nice composition so I put it in Photography too.
HumanistJohn comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Post this in tRump Pinata...
Robecology replies on Nov 8, 2020:
In the future you can click "share" above...then pick any group you want. I shared to the Trump Piñata, but there's other groups you might like.
It's over for tRump.
Robecology comments on Nov 7, 2020:
i wish/hope it's true; but he will try every trick in the book...and some not in the books yet.... Bill explains it best;
Robecology replies on Nov 7, 2020:
@noworry28 I hope you're right; but I'm afraid you're not up on the "electoral college proceedings"... Please; read this; It's a scary foreboding; Many of his lackies in Congress could "object"
So Who has had the Coffee pot on over time thru the US election ,still not over a real nail bitter ...
Robecology comments on Nov 6, 2020:
This might be a long process. He (DJT) won't give up easily. He's got some tricks up his sleeve. Remember if he's here 1/20/21 He subject to arrest. I'm guessing he'll not only resign soon, get Pence to "pardon" him....but he has properties in 27 other nations. He's likely to run,hide, and lick ...
Robecology replies on Nov 7, 2020:
@RoyMillar Good point...If they wait until the December "electors" meeting scheduled...that might be wise; Wow...I just read the "Electoral college rules"...there's a lot of room for Trump to manipulate this...
Some thoughts on broadening the appeal of Agnostic.
Robecology comments on Nov 6, 2020:
How about "freethinker" or Freethinking, or Freethought dot com? The "Freethinkers" had a subtle message when the acquired the name. Everyone know it was agnosticism/atheism.....but the name - established as a group over 400 years ago - implied the "taboo" thinking of being free of religious dogma....
Robecology replies on Nov 7, 2020:
@Admin Hard...but not impossible. Do it. I think we'd all be impressed! Otherwise I don't see much change happening. But that might be fine, too!
Heee Heee!
Robecology comments on Nov 4, 2020:
I occasionally think of MJ...he was so paranoid about sunlight and his skin color, yet he took that drug to knock himself out intravenously. Hard to comprehend his extremely cautious yet haphazard look at health.
Robecology replies on Nov 4, 2020:
@OldMetalHead - in keeping with my enjoyment of everything environmental, Here's one of my favorite compositions that he made;
And for those Agnostic dot com members that are still "on the fence".
UUNJ comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I don’t believe in god but also don’t appreciate the assumption that people on must be atheist. If you hate differences in belief, go to the American Atheist website.
Robecology replies on Nov 4, 2020:
There's no "assumption"...I was just offering some interesting stuff. No "hate"here...take that chip off your shoulder...Pick where you fit....
And for those Agnostic dot com members that are still "on the fence".
Leelu comments on Nov 2, 2020:
Though I'm 100% atheist I take issue with "fence sitters". First, it's a derogatory term used to shame agnostics, which I find objectionable behavior. Stop shaming something just because it's different. Save that shaming for horrible things. Secondly, so what if they aren't atheists... they are in ...
Robecology replies on Nov 3, 2020:
@Leelu You can't "shame" anyone...shame defines a reaction, not a cause. I "fence-sit" on a lot of issues...and t don't feel shamed by my position. Nor "dissed". Nor derogated. If you feel "shame" then you need to examine why within yourself. Ain't nothin' wrong with "fence sitting". As I said; Bill's an "in-your-face" protagonist/champion for the agnostic/atheist strategy. He doesn't care if you feel "shamed" and's not his fault or mine that you do feel it's derogatory or shaming. If you feel shame - don't comment. Think about why you feel shame. Then try to get over it. You have every right to be on a sliding scale toward agnosticism or atheism. I was a "fence-sitter for many years...perhaps decades....on the validity of religion...on whether God might be real or not. I felt no shame for that position. Now that I'm solidly agnostic - I still feel no shame. Neither should you. If you do...move along.
Jimmy Kimmel interviewing Bill Maher....impressive! []
prometheus comments on Oct 30, 2020:
I think he was right on RBG and Obama should have dropped a hint so big it knocked her right out of office before the Republicans figured they could just stop doing anything by the so called rules and "gentleman's agreements" that Washington used to use. She at least would them have got to enjoy a ...
Robecology replies on Oct 31, 2020:
Good thoughts. I'm convinced that if/when the dems get the majority they'll move to increase the # of seats on the SCOTUS and also move to limit their terms. Let's hope.
Made Eggplant Parmigiana last night.
Robecology comments on Oct 30, 2020:
Looks great. Why don't you peel the eggplants? Never seen them prepped that way...are the skins a bother to eat?
Robecology replies on Oct 30, 2020:
@FrostyJim Small? They look pretty big to me. I might try that!!
Trump Has Weaponized Masculinity As President. Here's Why It Matters []
Paul4747 comments on Oct 29, 2020:
One thing I disagree with in that commentary- the idea that Biden hugging a kid was "feminine". That's not masculine or feminine; it's what we call "human".
Robecology replies on Oct 29, 2020:
You're only responding to the remarks of Meredith Conroy, professor of political science at California State University. The "commentary" didn't suggest that Biden hugging a kid was "feminine". From the article; "There was a way to make wearing a mask masculine, a different type of masculinity, about protecting other people and being patriotic," she said. "But that's not the type of masculinity that Trump has really ever embodied. So it probably was never going to happen." she said. Some have called this a sort of enlightened masculinity. Conroy, however, thinks differently. "When people talk about Biden's empathy and compassion and they're like, 'That's a 21st century vision of masculinity.' No, it's not! It's just femininity!" she said. It may be, she adds, that there's more room for Biden to appear warm and caring among heavily female Democratic voters. That may be evident on Election Day. Polls suggest that the gender gap in this year's election could be record-setting. my point is that this wasn't coming from NPR...but from the POV of a psychologist. I'm a heterosexual male who considers himself to not only support feminism but to exhibit feminine traits. It's not a bad thing, nor a "gay" thing to be touchy-feely and easily willing to hug children.
Trump Has Weaponized Masculinity As President. Here's Why It Matters []
davknight comments on Oct 28, 2020:
Trump's posturing is just that. He is a whine baby and a wussy, who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth, and a bowl of mashed potatoes on his head!
Robecology replies on Oct 28, 2020:
Whiny baby....that reminded me; You'll like this;
Trump Has Weaponized Masculinity As President. Here's Why It Matters []
powder comments on Oct 28, 2020:
I just can't associate masculinity with Trump; it doesn't fit. What we have is a psycopath. He is vain and lies naturally. He is charismatic and very good at living the moment, it's just past and future are discounted. No grudges, regrets or anxiety. He is absolutely shit at reading body ...
Robecology replies on Oct 28, 2020:
I concur that he's not "masculine" in a modern sense; but you apparently didn't read the article. I'm sure you'd agree that... "However, Trump has been blatant about amping up his particular, aggressive and pugilistic brand of masculinity. After four years, that machismo has manifested itself in seemingly every area of his presidency. And it matters — it has potential political and even policy impacts that may last well beyond his tenure in office."
The most interesting read for me, this AM; A good analysis of the pros and Cons of each party's ...
barjoe comments on Oct 27, 2020:
It's all about Trump using China as a campaign issues. If he gets re-elected, shudder the thought, he'll normalize things with China and negotiate the tariffs. Biden and Trump will have a similar policy if truth be told.
Robecology replies on Oct 27, 2020:
I concur; but I don't see Biden as being half as disrespectful to the Chinese as Trump was/is. But you're right; policy isn't usually the result of one leader's personal opinion.
Happy Sunday Everyone! It's pose your own question day - have fun!
DaisyMaeNot comments on Oct 25, 2020:
In the event that Joe Biden is elected president what do you think his first move will be in addressing COVID-19?
Robecology replies on Oct 25, 2020:
@DaisyMaeNot You're from Ohio, and I'm here in Florida. We're both in states that can go either way....and are likely to be contested. I don't have a "blowtorch"....and I'm not looking for trouble. If the worst case happens and Trump wins another term....I foresee a lot of unrest...maybe I'll see pictures of you with your blowtorch right before/after they arrest you...hope not. Here's the Ohio RCP graph; Trump slightly ahead. And here's the Florida graph; Biden showing a slight lead;
Happy Sunday Everyone! It's pose your own question day - have fun!
DaisyMaeNot comments on Oct 25, 2020:
In the event that Joe Biden is elected president what do you think his first move will be in addressing COVID-19?
Robecology replies on Oct 25, 2020:
What I think will be far more news-worthy will be Trump's attempt to nullify the election. He'll come out with preposterous comments. He'll refuse to "accede". He'll turn to the SCOTUS. He'll try to get the electors to change their votes. He will try every trick in the book...and some not on the books yet. Watch; "This guy finds loopholes like birdshit finds my windshield"
Come on! ❤❤❤❤
Robecology comments on Oct 21, 2020:
The more crowded it gets...the harder it becomes to "love one another". The logic is simple; more and more ars struggling for less and less. It's been proven scientifically....crowding stresses us. makes us less "loving", more greedy, more hostile. We're 150 more per minute. ...
Robecology replies on Oct 24, 2020:
@BeeHappy I'm an optimist myself; and I'm pretty sure I'll be around a few more years...I don't see myself succumbing to any more pandemics or hostilities....but I'm not optimistic about our survival as a species. I'm a demographer/Ecologist...and as such, that's what I was paid to do....forecast the future. Let's put it this way; I don't think our extinction will be the "end of the world" fact it's very likely the world will breathe a sign or relief when we're gone. And scientists that I've worked with are excited about the evolutionary reset...some suggest it'll be just a few million years we very likely will wipe out most - if not all - mammalian species. Just think...the dinosaurs might have a second chance! -- - - - - - - - - - - In my youth I was a huge fan of Jesse Collin Young and the Youngbloods. I learned to sing and play this tune in the 60's....and it was a part of my life as a hippie youth. THE YOUNGBLOODS "Get Together" Play "Get Together" on Amazon Music Unlimited (ad) Love is but a song to sing Fear's the way we die You can make the mountains ring Or make the angels cry Though the bird is on the wing And you may not know why Come on people now Smile on your brother Everybody get together Try to love one another Right now Some may come and some may go We shall surely pass When the one that left us here Returns for us at last We are but a moment's sunlight Fading in the grass Come on people now Smile on your brother Everybody get together Try to love one another Right now Come on people now Smile on your brother Everybody get together Try to love one another Right now Come on people now Smile on your brother Everybody get together Try to love one another Right now If you hear the song I sing You will understand (listen!) You hold the key to love and fear All in your trembling hand Just one key unlocks them both It's there at you command Come on people now Smile on your brother Everybody get together Try to love one another Right now Come on people now Smile on your brother Everybody get together Try to love one another Right now Come on people now Smile on your brother Everybody get together Try to love one another Right now
An indelible image of the year?
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 23, 2020:
Edit the photo, rotate left one time, save and replace
Robecology replies on Oct 24, 2020:
aaaand....nope....still an Agnostic issue. I aint gonna rotate the image to upside down in my photo album just to have it appear right side up here...
An indelible image of the year?
Cutiebeauty comments on Oct 23, 2020:
Edit the photo, rotate left one time, save and replace
Robecology replies on Oct 24, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty I stay logged in - and I don't use Google; I surf Agnostic on my laptop. I'm going to try logging out and back in...hopefully that'll fix the issue.
Happy Saturday! What's the last thing you did, even though it scared you?
Robecology comments on Oct 24, 2020:
I just cooked some Ahi Tuna and veggies in a stir-fry wok. I am always afraid of "under-cooking" because it does cook everything so fast. If I get sick I'll share the news...if I die of food poisoning I won't share the news.
Robecology replies on Oct 24, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty Point I can't undercook it. Good.
So this is what information I gathered from last night's post.
BitFlipper comments on Oct 21, 2020:
Biden doesn't inflict his religion on others.
Robecology replies on Oct 24, 2020:
Found this; Good news about U.S. "Catholics"
I would like to sell everyone a one-time use prediction license at the cost of 1$ (only for personal...
273kelvin comments on Oct 17, 2020:
This time it will be very different. Last time the Dems choose about THE worst candidate that they could. She started off with a negative rating and her campaign was not very good either. Whilst Trump ran on MAGA her slogan seemed to be "It's my turn". Even with all that, she still won the popular ...
Robecology replies on Oct 21, 2020:
@273kelvin What's your "stake"?
Here’s a good question for the group: (my answer is yes and it was one of the most difficult ...
Robecology comments on Oct 20, 2020:
This is a very general question. #1. How do you define "walking away"...cutting off all phone and email contact? Not even seeing them at all? #2. How do you define "in love" what extent? How deep/how long? Children? etc.
Robecology replies on Oct 21, 2020:
@EyesThatSmile Obviously. All I'm suggesting is that we approach this scientifically, factually. How would you define "walking away"? How would you define "in love"? I find all these behaviors change with age...and mean different things to different people at different times... So what I'm suggesting is...get to specifics. You define walking away, and being "in love" then we have something to work with.
Come on! ❤❤❤❤
ZantiMisfit comments on Oct 20, 2020:
Much easier said than done.
Robecology replies on Oct 21, 2020:
@BeeHappy is. and will continue to be;
I would like to sell everyone a one-time use prediction license at the cost of 1$ (only for personal...
Cast1es comments on Oct 17, 2020:
I've read Hillary , who was put on trial during the election and finally cleared of all charges , actually had nearly 3,000,000 more public votes than Trump . While she did won the popular vote , it was the electorial collage that put Trump in office . Gee , I wonder how they managed that . Do you ...
Robecology replies on Oct 20, 2020:
As I suggested above it's pretty clear (NSA and CIA confirmed) that Putin's team is interfering with our elections....and this time they're far less likely to get caught...their "malware" does its' work then "disappears"...but they found evidence that it had been placed in voter registration machines in several places in Florida. And to answer your question more specifically; Trump's sales of everything from overvalued properties to yachts and his statements made by his sons have made it abundantly has, indeed crossed palms. Tap here...then tap "listen"
I would like to sell everyone a one-time use prediction license at the cost of 1$ (only for personal...
273kelvin comments on Oct 17, 2020:
This time it will be very different. Last time the Dems choose about THE worst candidate that they could. She started off with a negative rating and her campaign was not very good either. Whilst Trump ran on MAGA her slogan seemed to be "It's my turn". Even with all that, she still won the popular ...
Robecology replies on Oct 20, 2020:
@273kelvin I'm confused; and thanks for your wisdom on the topic. I went to your page....I couldn't figure it out. Help me Figure this out, please? Betting Odds Date Joe Biden (D). Donald Trump (R) RCP Average 10/20 61.9 38.6 I got this from
I found this; and it's my first post today.
LovinLarge comments on Oct 20, 2020:
Are his greed and his selfishness part if it too?
Robecology replies on Oct 20, 2020:
@LovinLarge Then #1. Click here and get to know the's the now. And when you're ready to order; copy and paste this; it's a discount code. #2. I learned from the video myself. He's such a unique down-to-earth human; Here's more of him if you can stand it..
I found this; and it's my first post today.
LovinLarge comments on Oct 20, 2020:
Are his greed and his selfishness part if it too?
Robecology replies on Oct 20, 2020:
I concur with both @LovinLarge and @EdEarl....Musk seems too genuine, too real, too down to earth to be called "greedy and selfish" Remember he did something rare for a CEO of a growing company; he shared - in 2014 and still today - all of his patents. His goal is more Electric vehicles on the planet; not just profit. Even the wording is awkwardly immature; he was (perhaps still is) an electronic "gamer" and this word-style (often oriental translated to English) was popular in a computer game out then; All Our Patent Are Belong To You Elon Musk, CEO June 12, 2014
LucyLoohoo comments on Oct 20, 2020:
"intentionally" might not be the best word here.
Robecology replies on Oct 20, 2020:
what do you suggest?


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Dharma Café
133 members
122 members
Jewish by Culture
120 members
Earth Preservers
119 members
114 members
108 members
Marriage & Long-term Relationships
103 members
103 members
Conservative Atheist Singles
102 members
Celebrity Pictures
100 members
Political Theory & Policy
97 members
At Retirement!
92 members
Pop Culture - TV
87 members
Atheist Videos & Miscellany
87 members
Crass Comedy
87 members
Tales from the Lockdown
82 members
Memes R hilarioUS!
80 members
Marijuana changing the world
79 members
78 members
Sex Over Sixty
77 members
Religion of Science & Higher Consciousness
74 members
Age Related
72 members
Healthy Living
72 members
Atheist News Network
70 members
62 members
Gardening and natural crafting
61 members
The Path of a Taoist
60 members
Trumpanzees & Morons
55 members
Common Ground
55 members
54 members
54 members
No more war
51 members
Suicide is painless
50 members
Electric Vehicles and Vehicle Related Technology.
49 members
The Truth Is Out There
49 members
Car Lovers Group
45 members
Volunteering, Charity Work, and Community Service
45 members
Meatballs & Pasta
40 members
Secular Teachers
39 members
39 members
39 members
38 members
Signs signs everywhere signs
36 members
36 members
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
35 members
Elon Musk
30 members
Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
28 members
Camping for adults in Dixie (no children)
27 members
Atheist Points Of View On The Middle East
27 members
Pin Ups
20 members
Oppression Throughout The World
14 members
9 members