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Here's a sign outside a UK pub...that really puts visiting Americans in their place....
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2020:
Notice that the sidewalk is wet...typical rainy London....except where the sign is!
8 logical fallacies that are hard to spot
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2020:
Good article; and a must-read for anyone who likes to debate and follow the rules. Here's a handy meme you might enjoy....
Science, God, and the cosmos: Science both erodes (via logic) and promotes (via awe) belief in God -...
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay. Carl Sagan wrote a great fact his last...on this very topic. You might like it...called the "Demon Haunted World". You can go directly to page 210 wherein the "tools of the skeptic" are carefully laid out. Enjoy coming to the truth....thanks for joining us in debate, here. R
Questions Will someone please explain to me: 1 Why my number of fans goes up & down.
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2020:
Members come, members go. Some join. Some drop out....or their relatives take them out - for various reasons...deceased...etc. I have no idea about the "number of fans" I have...why do you even care?
Sure could use a couple cups of that this evening
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2020:
LOL! Like a COVID19 Martini - called the Quarantini?
Yeah, coming to a classroom near you.
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2020:
This opening of just a few weeks....clearly will be a disaster. As a 45 year teacher veteran - the writing is on the wall...
BLM - No - All Lives Matter?
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2020:
This is such a vague phrase. Certain lives matter more to every individual than others. and science has proven - repeatedly with many different populations - -the more crowded it gets the less that other lives matter. J.R. Malthus, the father of Demography (population prediction studies) said more than 200 years ago; "As the quantity of life (of any one species in any given location) increases, the quality of life for each individual decreases. The logic is simple - more and more fight for less and less of the share of resources. This has inevitable consequences. Wars, conflict, diseases, extinction. Whether it's fruit flies, or rats, or humans....the studies prove this - repeatedly. Here's a study done in the 1960's Here's a follow-up to Calhoun's classic study, in '08 The Pandemic will get worse. Global warming will get worse Conflicts with nations might not lead to nuclear assault...but might lead to economic dominance by other nations besides the US...which shouldn't be looked on as a bad thing. We will finally change this direction when we realize that it's our growth...our increase in population - that's causing all these problems. When we reach ZPG we will begin to see lives matter more.
According to a 2019 Pew Research survey, 68 percent of all atheists in America are men, with a ...
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2020:
I'm guessing that the numbers are fairly equal...but women are less outspoken about their religious or non-religious preferences. They know how to hide/go-with-the-flow better than men.
If you see it respond "Got it"
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2020:
Didn't see the Lab at first...trying to figure out who'd do that kind of facial hair...LOL delayed!
What do you think of this carving?
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2020:
I've seen this posted on FB....yet can't seem to trace it back. It's possible that it's photo-shopped?
I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone.
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2020:
I'm sad about R.W. He wasn't thinking correctly when he said this...and when he took his life...he really wasn't thinking correctly. People don't "make you feel" decide what you feel or not. You, as an adult, are responsible for what "you feel"...not others. He was a genius...except for that one flaw that led him to suicide. The worst thing in to lose control of your feelings of being alone, or being that you blame others who "make you feel". Ken Keyes jr.said it best...
Sometimes you just have to let Darwin take the wheel....
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2020:
Shhh....maybe by Nov 3 we'll have a significant number of the severely Trump-handicapped hospitalized or deceased?
Why are you obese?
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2020:
Obesity is a disease; but a better description for it is a sign of addiction. There's too many who not only find comfort in obesity, but call those who criticize it "fat shamers". As a friend of a woman who's close to being obese let me say how difficult it is to impress upon them the need to work on "fixing" this. I've sent her this. I'll share it with you on the chance we can share it with others and get this symptom of addiction addressed. Here's the website I got the map from; which quotes the CDC. You can get it from them directly but it's complicated.
"Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, 'regretted,' that ...
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2020:
I'm so afraid that your quote is painfully accurate for today's America.
....... ..... . ..
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2020:
Happy Sunday Everyone! It's pose your own question day - have fun!
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2020:
Anyone else have problems with Facebook? I like the format (except for the ads) and although there's many more Christians and Trump-sters there....I get along with them...I actually like the debate as long as it's not nasty. The main reason I like them is the access to Words with Friends...I even found a friend here who plays me....sorry, MaryAnne....I'm now off FB and can't get back on! Help?
Birth of Chuck Norris
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2020:
You may poke fun at Chuck...but I liked him for decades for two different reasons. 1. He was an early advocate of Tang Soo Do karate - which i practiced for several years decades ago 2. He was an early advocate of the Total Gym...which I still use almost every day to keep fit.
I like these metaphors.
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2020:
The "Science" logic has an I recommend a similar addition for the philosophy one; ....looking for a black cat = because they're lonely- existentialist. because they can- because it's what you do in the dark because you sense that there's a cat present and you assume it's black? I'm thinking too much..forgive me...
Rawr!!!! My purp hair! Best hair dye I’ve ever used 🥰
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2020:
Would you string several love interests along at the same time without them knowing?
Robecology comments on Jul 19, 2020:
@2muchstupidity /Suzanne First may I recommmend you get rid of the "2muchstupidity name....self-degrading. #2. I don't think any person intentionally "strings several love interests along at the same time without them knowing" ....what has happened to me is I developed an interest, then another one happens along....then another. If you say to them that "you're pursuing someone else" then they quit and stop communicating... So in my opinion/strategy - I avoid being excessively "honest" and don't "confess" that you're involved in others. It's not "stringing" anyone along. It's being naturally friendly and reserving your privacy. Don't get sick. It's life. Pursue others yourself. Play a similar game. Or...if you're not happy - or "feeling sick" with being "involved" in more than one at a time... Politely but honestly confront him/her and let them know you're monogamous...and that you won't be involved in anyone who's "pursuing others" at the same time. Then you don't feel develop your own confidence through your own standards and honesty. (S)he might respect that.
I dont have any idea what is the name of this plant/flower ☺ but isn't it beautiful 🧡
Robecology comments on Jul 18, 2020:
My "plantSnap" app says it's Kaempferia galanga, common name (not that common) Kaempferia.
Hey guys! Happy Saturday! How are you at hydration? Are you being good little Agnostics?
Robecology comments on Jul 18, 2020:
Better to over-hydrate than under-hydrate. Play it safe...keep some water handy.
“Wherever forests have not been mowed down, wherever the animal is recessed in their quiet ...
Robecology comments on Jul 18, 2020:
I went through a period of intense empathy for the native American for many years. From buying lots of silver and turquoise to attending pow-wows, to helping to fund pro-Native American efforts....I was there.
'Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.' - Napoleon
Robecology comments on Jul 18, 2020:
I share these with my Trump friends whenever they post ant-mask/pro-share-the-infection POV's...
I have started to look into this subject it was definitely not covered in sex ed.
Robecology comments on Jul 14, 2020:
She can massage my prostate any time!!
Community Garden Several years ago a couple of us built a large High Tunnel Hoop House ...
Robecology comments on Jul 14, 2020:
So they've withstood winters? No heavy snows, I assume? Please take pics/post pics of these over winter..that's when these structures suffer...
Is this group only for Tesla cars or is Tesla solar also part of this group?
Robecology comments on Jul 13, 2020:
Good question; I've been a Tesla owner since 2013, but a (hot water)solar panel owner since 1990....I consider myself a pioneer. I moved to a Condo - and they just won't even listen to me at the meetings anymore when I emplore them to switch from deisel backup to Solar....someday, maybe. But do share the details of your Tesla investments; the good, the bad, the ugly...and the pretty! Rob; originator.
Welcome to redneck central, you decide the state.
Robecology comments on Jul 13, 2020:
Limo...I ferget howe ta spell da hole werd....
Please let me know.
Robecology comments on Jul 12, 2020:
That is so.....Betty...
Voice message
Robecology comments on Jul 12, 2020:
We're only a few years away from eliminating keyboards completely. Most phones have voice to text messaging....and that'll be a computer feature soon.
A little sobering thought for a Sunday
Robecology comments on Jul 12, 2020:
True; and it's now being a union-busting move. Overseas labor is cheaper, and the poor folks there work harder, faster, and the folks who have relied on unions to find easy, high paying jobs are suffering. The way out of this? !. Population (self) control and family planning. We have to recognize that "growth" is no longer a goal, nor wise. The new key word is "sustainability" 2. Recognition. The official policy is to hate, despise, and resent foreign labor. That has to change. Trump used to be a big "get 'er done overseas" fan....all his products had...and many still do have...foreign-made labels.
[] record lightning bolts.
Robecology comments on Jul 12, 2020:
As the climate warms, the amount of moisture and clouds that form increase. This creates more ionizable particles for lightning to exist...So global warming is also increasing the length, frequency, and duration of lighting! Wow!! Shared on FB.
Trump Presidential Portrait Unveiled
Robecology comments on Jul 11, 2020:
Here's a front view....
I recently joined an online group of anti-Trumpers so I make a lot of my own memes now.
Robecology comments on Jul 11, 2020:
As we approach the election we have to post memes that aren't just put-downs of how they look. He committed some major illegal corrupt behaviors. Trump lied to justify his pardon. It's charming and funny to "make fun" of his look...but this is a real, sinister person.
Happy Saturday! What's your favorite mythical creature? Everybody knows mine - Mermaids!
Robecology comments on Jul 11, 2020:
Do you own any stained glass? That image is stunning! I hope you do...
Best description yet
Robecology comments on Jul 11, 2020:
My favorite 2020 meme;
At least a 99% chance of coming true
Robecology comments on Jul 11, 2020:
I found a cartoon that explains their mentality. It's similar to being;
Oh no!....Anyway.
Robecology comments on Jul 10, 2020:
At least he's being honest. That is the main reason we're not going to socialized medicine soon...too many profit very well from it. But Trump and his minions must be delighted with this COViD19 second wave. More folk the welfare and social medicine dole...that's gotta be the main reason they're pushing for re-opening.
Good Morning Everyone!!!! We have a tropical storm heading for the Northeast with flash flood and ...
Robecology comments on Jul 10, 2020:
Stealing that meme and sharing on FB!
Watch out for that sweet drink.
Robecology comments on Jul 9, 2020:
Unfortunately, I taught health...and I'm so saddened and frustrated by the push to drink sweetened drinks. Sugar is a highly addictive substance...and Obesity is a rampant epidemic in America.
Happy Thursday Everyone! When you think of Independence Day, what does that bring to mind (for ...
Robecology comments on Jul 9, 2020:
It does bring to mind a day that we celebrate our American Revolution; With fireworks, a grilling/cookout style meal, and family gathering. Having said that - I recently retired to an "adult community" and get sad that I haven't hosted a 4th of July party yet. I live a few hundred feet from the beach...and can - from my 3rd story window...see pretty far down the beach. It's a delight that on the 4th - around 9 PM...I can witness at least 3 fireworks displays. I also have a fabulous grill just outside my condo.... But I haven't enticed either of my (adult) kids or their kids to visit and share the day with me. Hopefully soon?
Enjoy your coffee in a mug today
Robecology comments on Jul 9, 2020:
I have a mess of mugs...but I've "graduated" to a thermos. It allows me to do two things that mugs don't.... 1. keep my coffee hot 2. avoid spills. I guess i should just give them away - Goodwill them....
When your boss makes you wear a mask to work.
Robecology comments on Jul 9, 2020:
Here's some Trump stuff that FB has "tolerated". Remember; it's often not FB who complains...but someone in your "friends' group - or even someone who "follows' you...and likes to critique (i.e. report) you. I still have a weird brother who actually signs on as different folk...I've blocked over 60 of folk with the exact same name (as my brother) so I know it's him who keeps "reporting" my anti Trump go through your friends and followers list...
Robecology comments on Jul 9, 2020:
Did you hear WHO says meat is bad for you? Who? That’s right. What’s right? That WHO says meat is bad for you. Who does? Yes. WHO does. Hey, I asked you first. Pun intended....but seriously....there is such a thing as an overdose of Bacon...
Epic battle.
Robecology comments on Jul 9, 2020:
That's what happens when you don't use a fully "tanged" knife...
For success don't join the march, just go to the pub get drunk and fall on the tracks OK.
Robecology comments on Jul 9, 2020:
Silly argument; "Evolution: That Famous ‘March of Progress’ Image Is Just Wrong" No, it's not. It served a purpose to educate those who believed in a sudden "creationism"... Jordi Paps is just a headline -seeking sensationalist, IMO. - - - - - - It originated as a Time-Life illustration and it worked to explain that we didn't simply "appear" as the Judeo-Christian model implies...we gradually changed. The image shows an increase in height and loss of body hair. It's not "wrong" -True, it's not "linear". There's many stops and starts; there's sudden changes and then no changes. ...but for the common folk....the ones that we now know are still out there, still naively religious, and still believe in the "creation" model....this works. There's no implication that genes get "more complex nor less complex" as the author argues. There is no implication that this happened suddenly....and that's the point of the images. It just suggests that over time we evolved taller, and less body hair. That's all....and that's provably true. Go home, Jori Paps, you're drunk.
It is July and there is cause for concern
Robecology comments on Jul 8, 2020:
And there's "bitch" and there's "Beotch" and "Bitche" - nevermind...the heat is getting to me, too!
Double check and make sure you don't forget your ticket.
Robecology comments on Jul 8, 2020:
I bet whoever assembled those signs had a good laugh...
It's Wild and Wacky Wednesday, Y'all! Gimme yer funnies! Here's mine 😁: Did you know that ...
Robecology comments on Jul 8, 2020:
What we used to call it...
Robecology comments on Jul 7, 2020:
And another. Please share - especially if you have a Facebook account.
Robecology comments on Jul 7, 2020:
Here's another ad by them;
Happy Tuesday! Slowly waking up and just realizing I already started the coffee maker whilst ...
Robecology comments on Jul 7, 2020:
I'm tickled by buying and fixing up this second Condo-townhouse -within walking distance of where I live now. It gives me things to do during the day...from washing the linens to painting...putting up the TV to changing light bulbs....I'm anticipating being a landlord to a happy vacationing couple some day...probably not until the cooler months (November). We'll see. Please share if you know any one who wants a week or more time in Florida close to the beach in "Ocean Village", Hutchinson Island.
When you have sexy time, is it : 1. Wildly animalistic?
Robecology comments on Jul 6, 2020:
Variety is the spice of life. If you don't do all 4 - I'm sorry for your suffering!
Why does it seem like history is being repeated for the umpteenth time?
Robecology comments on Jul 6, 2020:
In my junior year of H.S. I read this Scientific American article.. Population Density and Social Pathology.... .and it changed my life. It redirected my career. The reason we talk about "the good old days" has been explained.... It's population Density. The more crowded it gets, the more we struggle to live, be well, be happy. It's been proven. Repeatedly. In many types of populations. And we're growing. 150 more births than deaths per minute. 220,000 more per day. 1.5 million more per week. More and more fighting for less and less. Did you ever notice that drivers in a city are more agressive? As you drive in to "the country" the drivers around you seem more courteous. That's just one example of thousands - of the stress of population density. Malthus...the father of demography....said this over 200 years ago... "As the quantity (within any given area; he was describing it's a world-wide issue) of life increases the quality of life decreases". So to answer your question When is society going to mature? 'When we reach ZPG. When births equal deaths. Until then we will always talk about the "good old days"
Happy Monday! I realized this weekend that I can't remember a smell.
Robecology comments on Jul 6, 2020:
Wait...what? @FlippantLlama - You must have smell memories. The smells of colognes? Rotting things? Foods? I recall many colognes and perfumes...many flowers, many foods... Popcorn? Coffee? Cigarette smoke? Cannabis/pot smoke? Come on...don't give me that... The weirdest smells I can't put a finger on? The smell of rain....or the ocean...or deep inside a forest. I know it once I smell it...but can't "recall" the smell.
Some time ago the electrical company dug up my driveway entrance to bury a cable.
Robecology comments on Jul 6, 2020:
Interesting. The main reason our government is not getting out of Afghanistan has to do with these flowers; Search U.S. military guarding Opium poppies in Afghanistan - images. There's hundreds....but nothing official ever gets done. And dozens of folk are dying, per day, from legal Opioid meds - from Afghanistan. In 2018, 67,367 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States.
1. is The Simpsons Only say one so everyone can do it!
Robecology comments on Jul 5, 2020:
Can I get a clue?
Seems like a lot of pictures are being posted sideways.
Robecology comments on Jul 5, 2020:
It's July and that's still an issue with me. I sure wish @Admin would fix this - or suggest a way to avoid the rotated image post?
35$ worth of fireworks and an hour supervised pyromania by me.
Robecology comments on Jul 5, 2020:
I step daughter's husband spends hundred on a complex, deluxe private pyro-show....weird that some get off on that...
Happy Sunday! It's post your own question day!
Robecology comments on Jul 5, 2020:
My question for today Being a landlord. Pros? Cons? I just bought a Condo-townhome within biking distance of where I live. I'm fixing it up....ceiling fans, new/better ceiling treatment (removing popcorn). New appliances. It's loaded and furnished...right down to the golf clubs and tennis rackets...and geared toward a vacationing family. I've been recommended to 1. Rent it/clean it on my own 2. Use a local rental agency (they presently want 18%) 3. Use Zillow/AirBnB and make my own rules.... 4. Hire a cleaning person/agency. What's your POV? (post edit - what can I do about those pics that are rotated? They're not like that in my photo file?)
What kind of bird is this? (Pic from FB)
Robecology comments on Jul 5, 2020:
Bear meat is delicious. Bear populations are growing. I'm not sure if there's any controlled bear harvesting right now...but it's an opportunity. They grow quickly and eat anything....and their fur has a value. They might, along with Buffalo, be a future meat/food/harvest item.
For all older singles ...[]
Robecology comments on Jul 4, 2020:
...and for too many of us...that swamp hasn't had enough rain...and is drying up....
I haven't been here for a long time but it feels the same .
Robecology comments on Jul 4, 2020:
Decaf has evolved to a good flavor...or maybe it's me adapting. I'm a half decaf, half Hazelnut full bodied coffee lover myself...
Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted. - John Lennon
Robecology comments on Jul 4, 2020:
Here's a Karoake video of Lennon's "Imagine"
Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted. - John Lennon
Robecology comments on Jul 4, 2020:
Love and dear John...
Good description
Robecology comments on Jul 4, 2020:
I wonder how the world lived without it....
It has classically throughout history been like that.
Robecology comments on Jul 3, 2020:
True;.... But men who want to achieve this "older man-younger woman" thing - you typically have to work harder and wiser to get those resources. If you want to appeal to the younger woman you have to have several attributes; -fitness -vitality -success (income stability, at least) Simple as that. If you're lethargic, out of shape, with an irregular/deficient income... -then you're here for wishful thinking... -or because you have charisma, and/or you "swayed" a younger woman to "be" with you. Decide now; dedicate yourself to "getting those resources' - to getting fitter. To become more "vital" more active, more alive, and more successful. Do it. Just do it.
Good morning and Happy Friday! What's your favorite flavor of ice cream? Mine is Butter Pecan.
Robecology comments on Jul 3, 2020:
The more chocolatey the better.
Good Afternoon Everyone! Happy Holiday Weekend! Whats everyone doing?
Robecology comments on Jul 3, 2020:
Visiting my son about an hour south...he finally bought a pool home...and. he knows i love swimming in pools...I'll pack my goggles and suit...stop along the way to get some fresh fruit for a salad....should be a nice day; here's a pic of my boys and me!! Ooops...came out rotated...hey @Admin....can we fix this?
Chainsaw broke and it is just about the same amount of cost to repair the older one then it is to ...
Robecology comments on Jul 1, 2020:
That's a sign that you want to get away from whoever made that chainsaw. That's called "planned obsolescence". GM did it or a while in the mid 20'th century - and it got them too close to bankruptcy. Stay away from that company's products.
Dear July...
Robecology comments on Jul 1, 2020:
This one says it for me;
Robecology comments on Jun 30, 2020:
Susan Rice seems more prepared for the role. Kamala will make a great Attorney General.
Hello! New member here.
Robecology comments on Jun 30, 2020:'ll find 1. Much more friendlier people 2. More rational, reasoning, logical people 3. No ads. 4. Perks for participation Glad you joined. Kudos on the awakening!
Saint Carolus Borromeus Church and a lovely sky in Antwerp - 2019
Robecology comments on Jun 30, 2020:
The monuments to the #Religulous are profoundly amazing.
Do you agree with this statement?
Robecology comments on Jun 30, 2020:
That's the key to becoming religious...fear of being "mortal". We agnostics have accepted it. The Religious haven't. We have no proof. We don't "know" We're Agnostic (hence we are **a** - not....**gnostic** ....knowing... knowledgeable about the existence of a superpower, or afterlife, or god) It doesn't mean we're just means we "don't know". We tend to think scientifically, rationally, logically. If you "know for sure" (have proof) there's no "afterlife" then you are an official **Atheist.**
Working on it
Robecology comments on Jun 30, 2020:
Nice thought; but as we grow in population, and more and more have to fight for less and less, love will spread less and less, hate and hostility will spread faster and faster. Until we reach ZPG. Call me an idealist. A Utopian. But it's been proven - over and over again - with rats, with fruit flies...with any population; if you crowd them they will fight harder to survive - and will eventually kll each other off. We are thinking, rational beings. We know how to other organism does. So if we don't plan to reduce our population...nature will do it for us. Malthus said, over 200 years ago.."as the quantity of life increases, the quality of life decreases" Proven...over...and over...again.
What’s your geographic range for dating?
Robecology comments on Jun 29, 2020:
You of all people should know that this is just an "excuse" for them...their story is far more complicated/they're not ready/you're "too hot/not hot enough" for them, and etc.
It was said that coffee was discovered by a goat herder named Kaldi in Ethiopia in the 9th century.
Robecology comments on Jun 29, 2020:
What's interesting to me is the relative recent discovery of coffee...less than 500 years ago?
"I apologize because of the terrible mess the planet is in.
Robecology comments on Jun 29, 2020:
I don't agree with K.V.; it hasn't "always been a mess"....we humans and our unbridled growth...have made it so...look at the chart.
The 25 greatest Java apps ever written From space exploration to genomics, from reverse compilers...
Robecology comments on Jun 29, 2020:
Meh...even as a Tesla owner I had to search hard to find why I should even bother downloading "Visible Tesla...I found it "does a few things that the regular phone app does not"...but it -wont roll up/down the windows. won't turn on the seat heaters. ...lots of things it WON'T do... Meh....
"Think of yourself as dead.
Robecology comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Ahhh...but what is "properly"?
[] Radio pulses from another galaxy.
Robecology comments on Jun 28, 2020:
We need to stop getting excited about radio signals that are more than 100 light years away. This one is 500 million LY away. That means that signal...if it came from an intelligent life form...was sent out 1/2 billion - 500 million - years ago. "The FRB, known by the bar-code-esque designation 180916.J0158+65, is the first to show this kind of regular cadence. Astronomers traced the source to a spiral galaxy about 500 million light-years away, where it’s still going strong." Even radio signals in our local area - say within 100 LY of us...are a joke. it would take the same amount of time to reply. And there's only three or four possible earth-like planets within 100 LY of us. So let's stop being concerned about communicating with E.T.; it's just not going to happen.
Happy Sunday! It's pose your own question day - have at it!
Robecology comments on Jun 28, 2020:
I avoid the news - but I can't help it. I need some sense of what's going on in the world. Can anyone play "devil's advocate" and tell me why Donald J. Trump thinks and talks as he does? Is he really that clever to get elected president - and at the same time be so profoundly dumb? Has he just figured out how to manipulate the public? Does he know he's ignorant but just knows the "tricks" to impress people? Did he honestly think the COVID infection wouldn't evolve to the level it has? Does he honestly respect Kim Jung Un and Vladimir Putin? Please; defend him...even if it's just playing "devil's advocate"....I am still so curious about whether he's a real traitor or just a clever huckster?
Lovely walk with my camera in one of Brisbanes botanical gardens.
Robecology comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Excellent photography!
Good Idea or Bad Idea?
Robecology comments on Jun 27, 2020:
First relationships are different than second ones...which are, in turn - different from additional ones. I'm a "marrying man" I proposed quickly...and as hindsight is 20-20...far too quickly. Now I'm happily single...and and finally growing in love
Robecology comments on Jun 27, 2020:
Saw this...what do you think?
Robecology comments on Jun 27, 2020:
Slowly we are recognizing the struggle for normalcy and recognition that the African - American has been struggling with for centuries. Thanks for this. Shared on my FB home page.
[] Humorous date ideas for a post quarantine world-Some really offbeat things to do.
Robecology comments on Jun 27, 2020:
Single - pick-up lines in the days of pandemics...
Hello everyone again, I've been gone....thanks for keeping the quotes going.....
Robecology comments on Jun 27, 2020:
LOL...I'm a Thoreau fan, for sure! It's called living an "ecological" lifestyle....
Bras... So true
Robecology comments on Jun 27, 2020:
Ahhh...but the face mask is to contain disease...the other's to contain - and prevent the aging of - a bodily treasure! Quite a different function, IMO! (and yes...I welcome the wearing of both!!).
Two prayers.
Robecology comments on Jun 25, 2020:
Bill Maher coined the perfect word for it...#Religulous;
John Bolton.
Robecology comments on Jun 25, 2020:
Bolton's sharp. He even called out Colbert for calling him "naive"....I was impressed...
The Lincoln project; mastermind of KellyAnn Conway's Republican husband; Brilliant advertising.
Robecology comments on Jun 24, 2020:
Here's yet another;
Two prayers.
Robecology comments on Jun 24, 2020:
excellent. Too bad we agnostics know there's no superpower...and the evidence repeatedly proves that prayers don't work.
I'm still hand-pollinating vanilla every morning for the next few weeks, but I've just found my ...
Robecology comments on Jun 24, 2020:
Wonderful that you can grow Vanilla bean Orchids there. That can be a real money maker... I noticed the prices on line were $9 a pod!! Wow!
It's uncanny how ...[]
Robecology comments on Jun 24, 2020:
What's more uncanny is how quickly the exaggerated claims of 'love at first sight" and "wanting to spend forever" with someone disappears....
I had to borrow this from fbuk:
Robecology comments on Jun 23, 2020:
Shared on FB! Hilarious!
Happy Tuesday! What's your favorite kind of humor?
Robecology comments on Jun 23, 2020:
No particular "favorite"...good humor - good joke-telling, good puns and good memes are based on truths. Here's memes of some of my favorite funny people; Don Martin (MAD cartoonist) George Carlin and Steven Wright...
The Lincoln project; mastermind of KellyAnn Conway's Republican husband; Brilliant advertising.
Robecology comments on Jun 23, 2020:
Here's the more shareable YouTube version;
Ha, ha, found this very funny.
Robecology comments on Jun 22, 2020:
Awww...did the faithful one get his faith shat upon?


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Me on the boardwalk over my beachfront condo in the background!
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Me cooking up a storm at Tom’s home in Puerto Rico!
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