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Like trying on shit from 30 yrs ago. Not good.
Rudy1962 comments on May 22, 2019:
She has to be in strong denial about her weight gain
Robecology replies on May 22, 2019:
It's called "Idontgiveashititis" and it's a rampant infection;
Extremes of they, and how do they, affect intimacy for you?
Robecology comments on Apr 1, 2019:
I'm a "height-challenged" guy who's been labeled "Napoleonic" and felt like I've missed out on many relationships. I know for a fact that short men are more "challenged" as teachers by agressive students (usuallly male) than most. I know for a fact that taller people are better paid... So ...
Robecology replies on May 22, 2019:
@Cast1es Shorter women are much more socially acceptable than shorter men. I won't research it now; but it definitely results (for men at least) In lower pay and less opportunities.
Extremes of they, and how do they, affect intimacy for you?
scout123456 comments on Apr 17, 2019:
Hi First post. I have found that taller women will not even consider me. I put in a different profile and hight of 6.2 and the messages flooded in. (I dropped the profile the next day) I don't get it. thoughts? thanks scout
Robecology replies on May 22, 2019:
Deal with it. I'm far shorter...5' 6"....have had plenty of relationships. There's plenty of women who prefer shorter men...and it's more the #religulous ones who want a "daddy" figure - far bigger/taller than they accept your fate...quit complaining.
It's been flooding something fierce here for several weeks.
ToolGuy comments on May 21, 2019:
Near me too. But where is this?
Robecology replies on May 21, 2019:
Slide your cursor over the poster name to see where they're from. I just learned that myself.
"Maybe You Really Can Use Black Holes to Travel the Universe.
Robecology comments on May 21, 2019:
The nearest black hole is 3000 light years away. The center of our galaxy is 50,000 light years away. I hate this talk of the possibilty of using black holes for travel. The nearest star is 4.5 light years away. If we could travel 1/1000th the speed of light...186 miles per ...
Robecology replies on May 21, 2019:
@AnonySchmoose I am even disillusioned with my mentor, Elon Musk, wanting to go to Mars. Dumb idea, IMO. My strategy is that space travel is practically unnecessary. We know how to make this planet much better for all...we need to work on this planet first.. Here's a charming and slightly angry Bill Maher who often speaks what I'm thinking...
All too true.
Robecology comments on May 20, 2019:
John B. Calhoun. "Population Density and Social Pathology"...the more crowded it gets, the crazier we get. Proven in 1962.
Robecology replies on May 21, 2019:
@Freedompath I was disheartened with the comment you made "I can’t agree with this idea"....I assumed you were referring to my idea about the more crowded it gets the more pathologically disturbed we get...or the OP's idea that we're "walking wounded, every person (is affected by) anxiety or grief". Both are strong, and scientifically backed assertions, I'm afraid. And fixing it is simple; we need to reject our "growth is good" mentality. The sooner we get to ZPG the happier we'll be....proven in '62 by the article Calhoun wrote...and many others. Perhaps you recall Alvin Toffler's "Future Shock"...? He said the same.
Global sea levels may rise much faster than previously predicted, new study finds - CNN
altschmerz comments on May 21, 2019:
I wish we would do something about this.
Robecology replies on May 21, 2019:
@altschmerz I think - and hope - that there's going to be a big wave for Bernie as we approach the final wire.
Price of progress
Lutherzme comments on May 21, 2019:
How does one mine for electricity? #poorwordusage
Robecology replies on May 21, 2019:
Coal, and oil...from the ground? Technically getting any raw product from the ground is "mining".
"Maybe You Really Can Use Black Holes to Travel the Universe.
Robecology comments on May 21, 2019:
The nearest black hole is 3000 light years away. The center of our galaxy is 50,000 light years away. I hate this talk of the possibilty of using black holes for travel. The nearest star is 4.5 light years away. If we could travel 1/1000th the speed of light...186 miles per ...
Robecology replies on May 21, 2019:
@AnonySchmoose BTW - I did the math. The data you shared is not correct. 110,000 MPH is 30.556 miles per second (divide 110,000 MPH by 60 minutes per hour, then again by 60 seconds per minute). Going at that speed would take a lot longer than 20 years. Light travels 186,000 miles per second - so 30.556 in to 186,000 - 6,087.18 times So multiplying this times 4.5 light years - the distance to A.C., the time to get to Alpha Centauri would be 27,395 years...not 20. To get there in 20 years The ship would have to go 1/5 of 186,000 miles per second, or 37,200 miles per second.
I don’t find xtians sexy at all!
St-Sinner comments on May 21, 2019:
What about ex Xitians?
Robecology replies on May 21, 2019:
X tians? Like X mas? get it?
Global sea levels may rise much faster than previously predicted, new study finds - CNN
altschmerz comments on May 21, 2019:
I wish we would do something about this.
Robecology replies on May 21, 2019:
We are. Everyone/anyone who's trying to reduce their Eco-footprint. Anyone with Solar power on their roof, or even a solar hot water heater. Anyone who recycles conscientiously (not because they have to - but because they want to). Anyone who even shares info like this is "doing. something about this". Stand strong. Keep posting, keep sharing. We'll vote out the present anti-environment, Anti-education, anti-progress administration resoundingly in 2020....I'm confident. 8 Ways to Reduce Your Ecological Footprint
All too true.
AncientNight comments on May 20, 2019:
Well, that poses the questions; "What is sanity?", "What is normal?" "Why are we even here?" One thing that I've never been accused of is being sane. Not even by me. I can attest to the derangement that is brought on by grief. Next week it will be 2 years since Lisa lost her battle with ...
Robecology replies on May 21, 2019:
@AncientNight and @ToolGuy....I'm in the "spouse lost to cancer" club...mine was decades ago ('77) and I'm here to tell you life goes on. Message me if you ever need info...glad to share with you guys.
All too true.
Robecology comments on May 20, 2019:
John B. Calhoun. "Population Density and Social Pathology"...the more crowded it gets, the crazier we get. Proven in 1962.
Robecology replies on May 21, 2019:
@altschmerz Exactly; Climate Change Is Already Driving Mass Migration Around the Globe. Thanks for sharing the link...
All too true.
Robecology comments on May 20, 2019:
John B. Calhoun. "Population Density and Social Pathology"...the more crowded it gets, the crazier we get. Proven in 1962.
Robecology replies on May 21, 2019:
@Freedompath It's simple math. We're growing - the world's resources: fresh air, fresh water, food, places to live, are not. The soil is being depleted. The minerals. Fresh water, all grow less available, more costly every day. While the "Green Revolution" of the 1980's (Norman Borlaug) is feeding more people than ever, housing is not keeping up with the pace of growth. Today 384,701 people will be born and 156,936 people will die, resulting in a net gain of 227,765 humans (give or take a few thousand). That's an increase; birth minus deaths, of 158 per minute. This year 140 million babies will be born and 57 million people will die. This year's growth will be only 83 million (1/4 the population of USA). And we know how to fix this...we have the tech to fix it; all we need is the awareness and willpower. it's called the Green New Deal and intense, focused, family planning.
"Maybe You Really Can Use Black Holes to Travel the Universe.
Robecology comments on May 21, 2019:
The nearest black hole is 3000 light years away. The center of our galaxy is 50,000 light years away. I hate this talk of the possibilty of using black holes for travel. The nearest star is 4.5 light years away. If we could travel 1/1000th the speed of light...186 miles per ...
Robecology replies on May 21, 2019:
@AnonySchmoose Good info! I found more on it; NASA says it's still "years away" but it has possibilities...
I drove through the Valley of Fire in Nevada this evening near sunset and these are a few of the ...
Cast1es comments on May 21, 2019:
Presumably , the red color is due to iron content ?
Robecology replies on May 21, 2019:
Oh fact; there's an interesting story behind how early phytoplankton made the oxygen necessary to precipitate iron oxide out of the then iron-rich ocean waters, starting about 4 billion years ago. Earth was just losing it's CO2 (thanks to the phytoplankton evolution) and it was that was first taken out of being dissolved in the (then) hot oceans by these primitive organisms...which settled in to the huge, red sediments and rocks we have world-wide - that created the iron ore that we were able to harvest for our industrial revolution. If it weren't for these primitive ocean-plant-like organisms (not true plants), we not only wouldn't have oxygen, we wouldn't have had iron. Get this's cheap and worth watching over and over.
Vaginas brought you in to this world...vaginas will vote you out... []
Marionville comments on May 21, 2019:
You need to get chastity belts on these evangelical women !
Robecology replies on May 21, 2019:
Na...their stone-age husbands will keep them in line....but Kudos to those who "step out of line"!
Just saying...
MojoDave comments on May 20, 2019:
And you are who...?
Robecology replies on May 20, 2019:
C'mon, know damned er...darn well who that is!
Like my tattoo?😎😋😉
Robecology comments on May 19, 2019:
Body - fabulous. Pose - stunning. Lighting and photography...excellent. Tattoos? Sad/sorry for your suffering and foolish decision
Robecology replies on May 20, 2019:
@Boomtarat03 #1. A woman - and her fit, healthy body... is like a work of art. Tattoos cheapen and stain them, IMO. #2. A person may like the pain of the needles rapidly staining your skin...I feel sad and sorry for those who feel compelled to do this to themselves. #3. An image you like now may become not only irrelevant, but hard to explain as you get older. Having said that....I wish you no disrespect. You asked...I replied honestly. Many people cherish and hold purity of the skin to a higher standard than you, apparently. That's your decision.....I wish you well. Try not to be so easily offended! People who take offense create more suffering in this world than those who make comments that were asked for out of honesty...and who are interpreted as being offensive.
Like my tattoo?😎😋😉
Robecology comments on May 19, 2019:
Body - fabulous. Pose - stunning. Lighting and photography...excellent. Tattoos? Sad/sorry for your suffering and foolish decision
Robecology replies on May 20, 2019:
@Boomtarat03 You asked "Like my Tattoo".... I said;Sad/sorry for your suffering and foolish decision. Others above have said..."A tattoo on a woman is like drawing a moustache on the Mona Lisa." You asked...and you take offense? We have the right to like or not like, right?
@Robecology got and having a tattoo is one of the best decision I made in my whole life,it took away...
amymcmxcii comments on May 20, 2019:
You mean that @Robecology is not entitled to an opinion but you are? I'm glad you are happy with your decision. I hope you'll be just as happy with the passing years.
Robecology replies on May 20, 2019:
thanks, @amymcmxcii. I'm not sure what I said to offend her; I made sure I was just expressing my opinion; I think it was a "classy-sexy" image of a woman; I said she's beautiful, nice figure, but I felt sad sorry for her having to deal with the pain of needles and the enduring nature of the skin stains. I think I did use the words "foolish" but that's my opinion; - you've made a fair point. I said nothing insulting. Again, just my opinion...I have friends who love them; and they know I don't. BFD. No need to get hostile because I have opinions... Unless you know you've made a mistake, and you're being defensive about them. Then go ahead...rag on me....I can take it! What's that thing we learned as kids? I'm rubber and you're glue....your hatred bounces off me and sticks to you... ...and I've reported the rude ones and name callers here. They'll be blocked by me as well. If you're going to debate; debate the issues - to name call is showing us you've lost the debate. I often refer to a quote I've memorized by Ken Keyes, Jr. "You create more suffering in the world by taking offense than by others who say what you interpret as offensive"... from "Handbook to Higher Consciousness".
My son made this pecan pie for his climbing team get together tonight.
Ohub comments on May 19, 2019:
@Hastur @FrayedBear Here is the recipe
Robecology replies on May 20, 2019:
@FrayedBear If you edit "nuts" to "pecans" then we know where you're coming from? LOL!
I have an important question; I shop on line; often at Amazon.
HippieChick58 comments on May 19, 2019:
My Amazon Smile donation goes to my Humanist group, we're a non prophet non profit organization.
Robecology replies on May 19, 2019:
Clever play of words! Love it! Thanks for sharing your experience with them. I donate to a very atypical "Christian" group. I don't look at them as "Christians"...more like "Jesus-ians" I got to know them in the 80's when I learned that my son's mother (became my ex in'88 ) was literally taken off the streets and raised by them for a few years at no expense to her real parents....just because she was a "troubled girl" who needed assistance. The Hills (Jerry and Fern) are now in their late 80's and still helping kids in trouble in the I've named them my donation recipients.
Good morning! What a beautiful morning! I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Robecology comments on May 19, 2019:
I nominate pic #5 as the best/winner...Clearest focus, great color balance...(top row, far right).
Robecology replies on May 19, 2019:
@Heidi68 yes....MacBook Air
Moby Dick
Robecology comments on May 19, 2019:
Sorry; I have little respect for "dick" and "cunt" references...both sexist....both wrong.
Robecology replies on May 19, 2019:
Sorry ladies; I'm offended by "d**k" jokes....and I'll never post nor share "c**t or p***y jokes - which I'm sure you find offensive, and hard to "ignore" you suggest. We should avoid all such tacky jokes, IMO.
HIV drugs cost $2000 a month in the U.
RavenCT comments on May 19, 2019:
I swear I just saw something about a potential price drop? Reuters maybe...
Robecology replies on May 19, 2019:
If you watched the whole video they talked about a price drop in 2020; when the alleged "patent" expires on the generic brand....which AOC no doubt expedited. She's articulate, and finds great issues to attack.
A radical offshoot of the No Bra Club!
Cutiebeauty comments on May 19, 2019:
They certainly don't offend me.... I got a couple 😂😂😂
Robecology replies on May 19, 2019:
Wait until the baby'll be think you got a couple now? You ain't seen nothin yet!
1980 Has it been that long? Mt. St. Helens
Robecology comments on May 19, 2019:
The first wife had a Pinto...1970's....but what's going on in the background?
Robecology replies on May 19, 2019:
@Aryn Nope...didn't...but I'm sure you're correct. Wow....great picture! Yours personally?
A follow on from the Cologne sucker had to share these from mu time in India - a visit to ...
Robecology comments on May 19, 2019:
Wow...looks like eroticism is centuries old and spread throughout the world....who knew? (tongue in cheek).
Robecology replies on May 19, 2019:
@ShadowAmicus Already has been considered; although it's a bit of a stretch....
Good Morning Fellow Hippies.
Sticks48 comments on May 19, 2019:
Right now he seems to be the person who can beat Trump handily. It may change, but he has the most support from black women and moderate Republicans. I don't believe Trump can be beat without the support of those two groups. I hope you are enjoying your new home.
Robecology replies on May 19, 2019:
@Heidi68 Thanks for committing to vote blue regardless of who wins the nomination. in 2016, 12% of Bernie supporters voted. for Trump... essentially giving DJT the POTUS position. We can't ever do that again.
Good Morning Fellow Hippies.
Sticks48 comments on May 19, 2019:
Right now he seems to be the person who can beat Trump handily. It may change, but he has the most support from black women and moderate Republicans. I don't believe Trump can be beat without the support of those two groups. I hope you are enjoying your new home.
Robecology replies on May 19, 2019:
@Heidi68 Sources? Fully 12 percent of people who voted for Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., in the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries voted for President Trump in the general election....but many of them said he was the "lesser of two evils" and remember; Bernie had a lot of underhanded DNC behavior (some even say it was illegal) that allegedly robbed him of the nomination. That' won't happen this time.
Sounds perfect to me
Rudy1962 comments on May 19, 2019: sends a million dollars to everyone who reaches level 8
Robecology replies on May 19, 2019:
I heard you have to reach level 11 for that...
Sounds perfect to me
altschmerz comments on May 19, 2019:
What a coincidence, it’s mine too. HEY, you made it to level 8! Congratulations!
Robecology replies on May 19, 2019:
Actually, it's hard to believe they spend money on us; T shirts? Pens? Man...someone who runs this site has deep pockets! I wonder how long this generosity will last?
I went out to see a band at a bar last night.
sassygirl3869 comments on May 19, 2019:
all types of people go to bars.
Robecology replies on May 19, 2019:
@NorCalFreethinker Shades? Beard? Long haired? Wondering why you attract crazies? LOL!
Amazon has taken over everything!
Robecology comments on May 18, 2019:
Sorry; I don't resent Amazon...they have their fingers on the pulse of the American consumer...they know we don't want to spend time driving and parking to get something that takes a couple of days to be delivered to our the same price or less!
Robecology replies on May 19, 2019:
@altschmerz Quoting from the article; "I'm a current Amazon employee and I think the dude that wrote you that email was full of shit. This is a competitive culture and unlike companies with huge funding reserves or incredibly high margin business models, Amazon is at heart a retail company where margins are slim by the nature of our business. On account of that we need to work hard: people who can't compete are weeded out the same way they are in any other highly competitive company. Amazon's demonstrated success and explosive growth are indicative of our success in our corporate culture. It seems like this person wasn't cutting it." Basically; The job is tough. Suck it up or quit. Many others would love your job.
What's everybody up to tonight... any party going on ..
Robecology comments on May 18, 2019:
Toronto's a happening town. Go downtown, explore the bar friends...or just chill and chat with us?
Robecology replies on May 19, 2019:
@Neenz Nope...I'm here watching the waves come ashore in Ft. Pierce, Fl....sorry I wasn't clear about thet; I meant stay on this page and chat...
Amazon has taken over everything!
Robecology comments on May 18, 2019:
Sorry; I don't resent Amazon...they have their fingers on the pulse of the American consumer...they know we don't want to spend time driving and parking to get something that takes a couple of days to be delivered to our the same price or less!
Robecology replies on May 18, 2019:
@Tooreen Anecdotes about timing an individual does not make much of a difference to you nor me. What makes a difference is 1. Amazon has unbeatable prices. 2. Amazon has fast delivery 3. Amazon has a huge workforce. 4. There's always going to be some who work below par, get fired, complain about conditions, and 5. There's always going to be many willing to take their place if they can't hack it. 6. Amazon is changing the way we shop for goods we need. They save us time, gas, and pollution. Hey. look... Amazon employs tens of thousands with a far better overall rating by their employees than Walmart! Now that's something to Woo hoo about!
Amazon has taken over everything!
Robecology comments on May 18, 2019:
Sorry; I don't resent Amazon...they have their fingers on the pulse of the American consumer...they know we don't want to spend time driving and parking to get something that takes a couple of days to be delivered to our the same price or less!
Robecology replies on May 18, 2019:
@Tooreen That's not what I hear about the Amazon labor force. I hear they're well paid. Sure they work have to's a workout working is demanded. They require you to lock up your phone, and not stand still. They keep camera tabs on you to make sure there's no product theft. But I hear/read the pay is damned good. Whenever there's openings there's long lines of applicants. 'Amazon has made it crystal clear in everything they do when it comes to hiring. We only want to hire people who want to work hard and be successful. CRYSTAL CLEAR! Many people want to work at Amazon because they have really good pay and benefits. Unfortunately, most people can’t handle the expectations. That doesn’t make Amazon a bad place to work.'
Robecology comments on May 18, 2019:
Yummmm! Just made some fresh basil/garlic/walnot/EVOO pesto myself....will have it on a small piece of bread (watching carbs) tonight with my chili!
Robecology replies on May 18, 2019:
@Looking4-Others Olive oil and garlic are great anti-mold, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial foods...I think as long as you keep it refrigerated (near 35-36º ) you're good for weeks, if not months. If you have extra oil, just cook up some pasta and stir that in with the pesto mix...the extra oil will be soaked up by the pasta - just remember that's a lot of calories...make the portion small - or you will put on weight very easily from a pesto-pasta meal!). I found this; Pantry Fridge Pesto (sold unrefrigerated, unopened) Best-by + 1 – 3 months Pesto (sold unrefrigerated, opened) 7 to 10 days Pesto (sold refrigerated, unopened) Use-by + 7 days Pesto (sold refrigerated, opened) 5 – 7 days Pesto (homemade) 4 – 5 days Please note that the periods above are rough estimates. How To Tell If Pesto Is Bad There are a few things to look out for when it comes to spoiled pesto. Of course, there are the usual suspects, like mold or any other organic growth. Look for it on both the surface of the sauce and the inside of the container. The second classic sign of spoilage is an off or rotten smell. If the sauce doesn’t smell fresh like it usually does, it’s past its prime, and you should discard it. Next in line are the basil leaves. If they’ve changed color from green to brownish, it’s a good indicator that the pesto should be discarded. If everything about the sauce seems okay, it should be fine. Give a small amount a taste and decided based on that if it’s good enough to use. If not, discard it.
'Impeachment is inevitable’: Maxine Waters tells CNN there is ‘overwhelming’ evidence to ...
altschmerz comments on May 18, 2019:
He *should* be impeached, but it probably won't happen because his party doesn't respect the law.
Robecology replies on May 18, 2019:
@altschmerz I know; they're being too polite, too hesitant.
GOP Pollster Predicts Bernie Will Win the Democratic Nomination []
Robecology comments on May 18, 2019:
I concur...and hope it's true. But who he takes for running mate will be crucial. I'm hoping he'll tag Liz Warren, Kamala Harris, or Beto O'Rourke.
Robecology replies on May 18, 2019:
@Looking4-Others The DNC realized they F'd up... I found this; I think they realized their foolishness cost us DJT's win and Hllary's loss.
True Grit.
Robecology comments on May 18, 2019:
Also staring Robert Duval and Dennis Hopper! Great old flick!
Robecology replies on May 18, 2019:
@Marionville Here's the trailer;
'Impeachment is inevitable’: Maxine Waters tells CNN there is ‘overwhelming’ evidence to ...
altschmerz comments on May 18, 2019:
He *should* be impeached, but it probably won't happen because his party doesn't respect the law.
Robecology replies on May 18, 2019:
But if the process is started, the Dems won't appear weak to the average voter. They know when they get back to their home states, too many will ask how come you didn't do something? We all know by now that impeachment is a waste of time; the blind/rabbid republicans in the senate would never ratify the impreachment and it would die in the senate.... ...but I follow the need to try...and leave the blood on the senate republicans' hands.
Robecology comments on May 18, 2019:
Yummmm! Just made some fresh basil/garlic/walnot/EVOO pesto myself....will have it on a small piece of bread (watching carbs) tonight with my chili!
Robecology replies on May 18, 2019:
@Looking4-Others Bingo. Don't throw that batch away; but cut it with more basil, a bland nut (pecan, walnut, or the pricey and original recipe pine-nut) and a few more cloves of garlic.
Is it just me or are some posts (here and in other groups) just plain difficult to understand?
Robecology comments on May 18, 2019:
As a retired teacher I cringe at the confusing comments. I recommend grammarly to anyone who feels posting-challenged. I see now why Twitter works....demanding a short letter count makes folk be concise. Maybe it's an idea to suggest to admin....limiting post lengths?
Robecology replies on May 18, 2019:
@Cast1es There's a difference between expecting/encouraging punishment and expecting/encouraging discipline. Even when Twitter was shorter I liked the need to be more concise and to the point.
I think I see now how the party will defeat Bernie.
Robecology comments on May 18, 2019:
@JesseBoren; #1. Bernie's fighting two things. ageistism and the socialism stigma. #2. Bernie's wisdom is unparalleled, as is his experience. #3. Having a lot of candidates isn't necessariliy a bad thing. It's no one group or person's fault that a lot of people feel qualified to run. #4. ...
Robecology replies on May 18, 2019:
@JesseBoren You're just being too negative, too 'what if". Be patient. If it's Bernie's turn to shine...he will. He's a wise, wise man. If he sees the writing on the wall that says he won't make it; he'll bow out. He's gracious like that. You say you wear shirts...but that's not enough. Wear and share buttons like the one I spoke of. Buttons create a subconscious commitment. Order them by the dozen; they're still cheap. The point is; we have to defeat matter who the candidate is we chose. The web site to order them is right on the button. Do it if you care.
[] Respect yourself walk away....
altschmerz comments on May 17, 2019:
For those without Facebook
Robecology replies on May 18, 2019:
I just discovered that Trump's judicial picks wouldn't answer the question, was "Brown v board of ...
Looking4-Others comments on May 18, 2019:
Yeah a 69 Chevelle SS was mighty sweet!
Robecology replies on May 18, 2019:
Wrong strand comment? I don't get it?
"Selection for Tuskless Elephants Working in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique, Dr.
Robecology comments on May 18, 2019:
...hunting has clearly eliminated the big-tusked elephants.
Robecology replies on May 18, 2019:
@AnonySchmoose I would have clicked the "sad" emoji but it didn't show in the choices this AM. Good morning to you....don't let the bad AM news get you down
Well how about we post sexy classy pix of ourselves.
Robecology comments on May 18, 2019:
I think I've already seen provocative posts by women here....and kudos to the ladies who still "have it"...or act like they "have it"'s a very bold confident thing to "expose" yourselves to the benefit of I understand and respect your hesitation. You all know I'm a fan.......
Robecology replies on May 18, 2019:
@Boomtarat03 You've just begun. I think your "lips" shot in your profile is pretty are several pics of you. You're much too modest!
The Future Energy - Top 10 Energy Sources --- 10.
Robecology comments on May 18, 2019:
As we warm up...and keep adding warm bodies (158 more births, than deaths, per minute, 227,000 more per day, a million more every 5 days, 85 million more per year)... We're going to have to talk of eliminating all exothermic - heat producing, or heat-releasing - reactions. That means we have ...
Robecology replies on May 18, 2019:
@Allamanda I guess your definition of "rapidly" is dfferent than mine. Most demographic theorists don't see us reaching ZPG until very late this century. I concur with the inequality. China is fighting that now...their standard of living is zooming....but we still have almost twice the carbon footprint of any Chinese, and five times that of a typical eastern Indian; Saying we "export mayhem" is a bit biased and vague...and I don't see the tech and food we export as "speeding up growth"....I'd like to see the data on your me "agnostic" on these. comments.
Well how about we post sexy classy pix of ourselves.
Robecology comments on May 18, 2019:
I think I've already seen provocative posts by women here....and kudos to the ladies who still "have it"...or act like they "have it"'s a very bold confident thing to "expose" yourselves to the benefit of I understand and respect your hesitation. You all know I'm a fan.......
Robecology replies on May 18, 2019:
@Boomtarat03 Your turn!
The Future Energy - Top 10 Energy Sources --- 10.
Robecology comments on May 18, 2019:
As we warm up...and keep adding warm bodies (158 more births, than deaths, per minute, 227,000 more per day, a million more every 5 days, 85 million more per year)... We're going to have to talk of eliminating all exothermic - heat producing, or heat-releasing - reactions. That means we have ...
Robecology replies on May 18, 2019:
@AnonySchmoose Thanks. Solar, hydro, wind and battery technology's worst enemy is heat; so they're becoming "mesothermic" (neither heat producing nor heat absorbing). Any research to improve them is almost always focused on reducing the heat; and China is years ahead of us and Germany in this area. Solar panels that face the sun are almost "endothermic" - heat absorbing"....but the net heat in-out is neutral, at best, and there's a lot of exothermic processing to make them. But "Thermic" a key root word that energy physicists work with constantly.
Hi all, I will be suspending or deleting my account here in a week or so.
Robecology comments on May 17, 2019:
Two questions; 1. why are you suspending/deleting? 2. What are the responsibilities/perks of being the 'new owner'?
Robecology replies on May 18, 2019:
@Lukian You're 55...I'm a retired and healthy 73...and if the responsibility falls on me I'll accept it...but I'm not volunteering. I'm on the computer too much as it family and lover hate my obsession with it!
Most of the votes coming from White Republican men.
Rudy1962 comments on May 17, 2019:
I try to watch Colbert every night but sometimes I fall asleep before then.
Robecology replies on May 17, 2019:
I'm never up that late...I get it directly off or FB.
Most of the votes coming from White Republican men.
MojoDave comments on May 17, 2019:
It's on YouTube too! Thank dog!
Robecology replies on May 17, 2019:
Three Gen you flecks for you, father!
Getting excited, in less than 24 hours I’ll be on my way to Costa Rica! I’ve wanted to visit ...
Robecology comments on May 17, 2019:
BEWARE; we rented a car there; the police look for rented cars and stop you for no reason...then write you a ticket that you can pay if you have cash. It happened to my son and I a few years ago. TWICE!! If you're going with a tour you'll be fine...but the police there are corrupt.
Robecology replies on May 17, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 We were driving. At or below the speed limit. We tried lots of negotiating. We heard this was possible so we kept cash stashed in different we could literally show the officers our wallets. You've obviously never driven a car in C.R. lately.
Back when the earth's crust was molten rock and I was a child, I had a favorite joke.
Robecology comments on May 17, 2019:
A religulous, racist joke? Here? on Really?
Robecology replies on May 17, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 lol...I found a picture of her...
15 May 2019 - Diet Diary - Goal day Made the goal with .
Robecology comments on May 16, 2019:
Wow! Only 3.4 pounds away! Awesome. I had a good diet day yesterday. I have to resist the chocolate still laying around from Easter left-overs - and my muscle brownies. When I resist them....I lose weight. Of course, the problem is....
Robecology replies on May 17, 2019:
@DotLewis OK...then make that 'muscle waffle...use a high fiber flour, or oat/wheat combo. Use just egg whites; it's bound to be higher in protein, lower in carbs. Use real maple syrup and butter....just go easy on the amounts. I'm a portion-control-focused dieter.....I can't be bothered with estimating calories. I'm betting one waffle stretched out over two to four mornings...a quarter/half "Muscle-waffle" with syrup and mouth's watering now.....
15 May 2019 - Diet Diary - Goal day Made the goal with .
Robecology comments on May 16, 2019:
Wow! Only 3.4 pounds away! Awesome. I had a good diet day yesterday. I have to resist the chocolate still laying around from Easter left-overs - and my muscle brownies. When I resist them....I lose weight. Of course, the problem is....
Robecology replies on May 17, 2019:
@DotLewis LOL! When I finally decide to "toss" this chocolate (or mix it in my next batch of "muscle brownies" ) I'll feel better...and the weight decline will begin. My "muscle brownie" recipe is simple; any brownie mix, but fortified with pecans, dried cranberries, papaya, and pineapple, chocolate laying around, a cup of oatmeal (pureed to a flour) and a few scoops of protein (whey) powder. I also use only egg whites....pure protein....not the yolks (far more calories in the yolks...and little protein). Once done I cut the results in to one-inch "cubes" for diet control.
I just got home from the hospital a little while ago.
Robecology comments on May 17, 2019:
Good news. Recover well! Sorry 'bout the cats when baby will be coming will be a good thing...I just sent you a PM before I saw have enough to do!
Robecology replies on May 17, 2019:
@HippieChick58 They do require maintenance. It's her first baby. Why are you fighting me? I only want the best for her...and she can always get a cat once the baby's health is assured. Lighten up! Cats also present a dander problem. Microscopic hair fibers can give that baby allergies for his/her life. I strongly urge she waits. She's wise...she'll do what she choses.
Noam Chomsky--Best Speech of 2018.
Robecology comments on May 16, 2019:
I feel sorry for Mr. Chomsky. He's got too negative a world view IMO. Yes; the "doomsday" clock puts us dangerously near the end. But I see too narcissistic a leader to see him pressing buttons to send nukes all over. ...
Robecology replies on May 17, 2019:
@michaelinlivonia G.W. isn't "America's" fault, but we live a far more lavish lifestyle than any other it can be said that it's a typical American's fault. You said; " instead of economically sanctioning them, we send them foreign aid money." Also false. The Iran multi-nation agreement restricts Iran development of nuclear material. We even heard they were trying to secretly speed up their centrifuges (to create weapons grade Plutonium) and we sent them a computer bug to mess up all of their we are "sanctioning" them tightly (and Trump wants out of that agreement, which is unwise) and we don't just "send them money".
I just got home from the hospital a little while ago.
Robecology comments on May 17, 2019:
Good news. Recover well! Sorry 'bout the cats when baby will be coming will be a good thing...I just sent you a PM before I saw have enough to do!
Robecology replies on May 17, 2019:
@Boxdoc She needs to focus. Cat care can be tedious. In a couple of years once the baby's health is established she can get a new one.
Noam Chomsky--Best Speech of 2018.
Robecology comments on May 16, 2019:
I feel sorry for Mr. Chomsky. He's got too negative a world view IMO. Yes; the "doomsday" clock puts us dangerously near the end. But I see too narcissistic a leader to see him pressing buttons to send nukes all over. ...
Robecology replies on May 16, 2019:
@AnonySchmoose One of my most popular blogs that I"ve written (on was titled "Greed; the Perfect addiction; And the one factor that could kill America" over 2 years ago. So I concur; it's wealth, the enabling of wealth by the present administration, and the perfection of the "Greed Addiction" that could spell disaster for us.
Hi everyone! Running a little behind today with the next question, but here it is: If you knew ...
Robecology comments on May 16, 2019:
Sorry @DoNotBelieve, my reply button's not working...but you ask a good question. Another go-to person for wisdom is Einstein;
Robecology replies on May 16, 2019:
@Donotbelieve I love your friendliness....but leave my chain alone! (LOL). Seriously tho....take a peek at the brainyquote link I sent, above.
Hi everyone! Running a little behind today with the next question, but here it is: If you knew ...
GuyKeith comments on May 16, 2019:
@Robecology, what was DoNotBeleive's question, since she has blocked quite a few of us?
Robecology replies on May 16, 2019:
Donotbelieve 9 37% replied May 16, 2019 1 What if Einstein had never been born? 😎 Donotbelieve 9 37% replied May 16, 2019 1 I'm just being a dick, now. Ignore me. 😆 Robecology 8 replied May 16, 2019 0 @Donotbelieve #1; Let's leave "dicks" and "cunts" out of were being neither...just throwing out questions. #2. As I said; I hate "what if" questions; and there's several wise folk who've said good things about living in the present. A third I can think of is Tim Alpert aka Baba Ram Dass...who said "the past is dead. The future is an illusion. Be here now". Search for more gems of wisdom. []
Hi everyone! Running a little behind today with the next question, but here it is: If you knew ...
Robecology comments on May 16, 2019:
Sorry @DoNotBelieve, my reply button's not working...but you ask a good question. Another go-to person for wisdom is Einstein;
Robecology replies on May 16, 2019:
@Donotbelieve #1; Let's leave "dicks" and "cunts" out of were being neither...just throwing out questions. #2. As I said; I hate "what if" questions; and there's several wise folk who've said good things about living in the present. A third I can think of is Tim Alpert aka Baba Ram Dass...who said "the past is dead. The future is an illusion. Be here now". Search for more gems of wisdom.
So my cousin died last month.
Robecology comments on May 15, 2019:
Death is a sad topic. Often a taboo one. We just don't like talking about it....I'm guessing because of our eventual demise being so certain. But Richard Dawkins came out with a short story....a "meme" if you will...that gives me comfort....
Robecology replies on May 15, 2019:
@callmedubious ...and to those who don't appreciate life... I suggest they find a quick and quiet way to exit. In the meantime...I take Dawkins comments to heart. Hav you even read them? It sounds like you haven't. Why force them to struggle with existence? Make it easy for them. Unfortunately many get in to complications, do things that are hurtful and ruinous..and then express that they "prefer to never have been born'.... I say that's fake, and false of them. They're crying for help to survive, not help exiting. I help from me. If you don't see your gift, then exit and be quick about it. I hope when I'm terminal and suffering that someone gives me an easy exit.
Was it something I said?
EllieUnique comments on May 15, 2019:
Are they returning your money?
Robecology replies on May 15, 2019:
@RobertMartin Easy on the prejudice...can we just say the "Religulous" won't refund s...t?
Can't let facts get in the way
altschmerz comments on May 15, 2019:
I doubt that’s a quote from Neil DeGrasse Tyson – he’s too much of a gentleman to say that out loud. But I’m sure he thinks it. I have one friend who loves Osteen. She buys all his books and then gives them away after she reads them. She declared bankruptcy TWICE. Another (former) friend ...
Robecology replies on May 15, 2019:
NDT spoke with Bill Moyers 5 years ago on this very topic. a bit lengthy, but worthwhile video to watch. If you want to get to the point slide to the 17 minute mark...
The Surprising Links Between Your Mental Health and Everyone Else’s Why are anxiety and ...
Robecology comments on May 15, 2019:
In '62 I read an NSF paper titled "Population Density and Social Pathology"...and it changed my life. One of my highest honors was to be selected out of 800+ applicants to get free Room and board and tuition to study the population problem and its' effects on people. (U. of Cinci, '71) What...
Robecology replies on May 15, 2019:
@Freedompath This might help you
The Surprising Links Between Your Mental Health and Everyone Else’s Why are anxiety and ...
Robecology comments on May 15, 2019:
In '62 I read an NSF paper titled "Population Density and Social Pathology"...and it changed my life. One of my highest honors was to be selected out of 800+ applicants to get free Room and board and tuition to study the population problem and its' effects on people. (U. of Cinci, '71) What...
Robecology replies on May 15, 2019:
@Freedompath Please explore the website. There's more births, than deaths, in almost every nation. I think of the ID (Industrialized/developed) nations, only Japan is in negative birth rate range right now. I can look it up and share the link if you like...but I think you're capable of finding it.
So my cousin died last month.
Robecology comments on May 15, 2019:
Death is a sad topic. Often a taboo one. We just don't like talking about it....I'm guessing because of our eventual demise being so certain. But Richard Dawkins came out with a short story....a "meme" if you will...that gives me comfort....
Robecology replies on May 15, 2019:
@LiterateHiker Sorry, that's a clear misinterpretation on your part. I'm guessing you're just not familiar with Richard Dawkins. Here's Dawkin's take on those who criticize pro-abortion people as 'murderers"; " You can sort of see how these people could come to their warped conclusion (that abortion is murder). They honestly and sincerely believe that abortion is murder. The right way to answer them is not to say that a woman has a right to do what she likes to a part of her own body. They will simply deny the premise and accuse her of murder. The right response to people like “RightWingRebel” is show them they are being illogical, speciesist and – oh dear – really rather stupid."
The Surprising Links Between Your Mental Health and Everyone Else’s Why are anxiety and ...
Robecology comments on May 15, 2019:
In '62 I read an NSF paper titled "Population Density and Social Pathology"...and it changed my life. One of my highest honors was to be selected out of 800+ applicants to get free Room and board and tuition to study the population problem and its' effects on people. (U. of Cinci, '71) What...
Robecology replies on May 15, 2019:
@Freedompath The babies born are not dropping. There's 158 more births, than deaths, world wide, per minute. 227,000 per day. Some nations; advanced, industrialized, developed, as they are have low Birth rates....maybe some have negative ones...but there's still a good number of births per minute in any nation. Check this page out....
BurgerBot will soon replace burger employees.
altschmerz comments on May 15, 2019:
When jobs are lost to automation, what will be left for the displaced workers? That’s my concern.
Robecology replies on May 15, 2019:
I've read the stats; only 50 years ago a majority of jobs were simple skill-level jobs...that's shrunk considerably to less than 5%....
I LOOOOOVE me some Alexandria Cortez. ;0)
Beowulfsfriend comments on May 14, 2019:
Not sure your angle. She is smart and energetic. Reminds me of my daughter. Happy she serves we the people. And I expect her family is quite proud of her.
Robecology replies on May 14, 2019:
@ToolGuy Thanks. Interesting. I don't think the OP realizes....
I LOOOOOVE me some Alexandria Cortez. ;0)
Beowulfsfriend comments on May 14, 2019:
Not sure your angle. She is smart and energetic. Reminds me of my daughter. Happy she serves we the people. And I expect her family is quite proud of her.
Robecology replies on May 14, 2019:
@ToolGuy Film? Link, please?
Hanging out in the back yard... Bring me a beer...
ToakReon comments on May 14, 2019:
Hmm - maybe I'm being unjust, but those boobs look silicon enhanced to me.
Robecology replies on May 14, 2019:
@Wangobango3 I don't; but I don't criticize women who go through the trouble, like some posters do. I appreciate "enhanced" beauty....others feel better by puting it down. Not me.
Hanging out in the back yard... Bring me a beer...
ToakReon comments on May 14, 2019:
Hmm - maybe I'm being unjust, but those boobs look silicon enhanced to me.
Robecology replies on May 14, 2019:
Realize that a "silicon-enhanced boob" is not a walk in the park. It's risky and pricey surgery. Please don't put down beautiful women because they've been "enhanced"?
Hanging out in the back yard... Bring me a beer...
ToakReon comments on May 14, 2019:
Hmm - maybe I'm being unjust, but those boobs look silicon enhanced to me.
Robecology replies on May 14, 2019:
So? She enhanced 'em for us...what's the problem?
I LOOOOOVE me some Alexandria Cortez. ;0)
Beowulfsfriend comments on May 14, 2019:
Not sure your angle. She is smart and energetic. Reminds me of my daughter. Happy she serves we the people. And I expect her family is quite proud of her.
Robecology replies on May 14, 2019:
Yea; if you look at the OP's profile...I'm not sure if he's coming from a "Progressive/socialist" POV...that's why I commented; 'Leave the low-life come-ons for the sexists..."'s hoping he's not one...
“I do not fear death.
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Here's another good one on "death"
Robecology replies on May 14, 2019:
@JMarley You pointed out the two "odds-makers"...luck, and "otherwise". Luck is just about the odds, or chances. Usually as a statistic. No "god" no 'spirit" no B.S. So he...and I, either feel "lucky" to have been born and eventually dying" or "blessed" - the "otherwise" you spoke of. Luck is pure data. Otherwise assumes a superpower influence. I go with luck. That's why I proudly follow the agnostic path .
An unusual tree in Miami...
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
Strangler figs....not true fruit bearing "fig trees" which do better out west and in Mexico...but these local varieties do start in detritus - usually the moist material that gathers in the notches of the Saw Palmetto tree; so that this is more commonly how the Strangler fig appears, at least in ...
Robecology replies on May 14, 2019:
Me being "strangled" by a Strangler Fig....(LOL!)
Sarcasm at its finest.
altschmerz comments on May 13, 2019:
I feel personally attacked.
Robecology replies on May 14, 2019:
@EyesThatSmile Not at all...I think you're "deep".....
Keep your mouth shut..
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Sorry to disagree; but as a conscientious father, I will always add my opinion. Resent it all you want; there are some of us who feel strongly about empathy and equality for women; so you can count on hearing from me.
Robecology replies on May 14, 2019:
@Marionville No anger or disrespect aimed at you...not one bit. Nor to the original poster; although I have perused her profile and I'm not impressed. I sincerely hope that most of the "me-too" women don't resent a man's wanting to comment in support of a woman's right to chose. The tone of the meme is very hostile and resentful.
glennlab comments on May 11, 2019:
If you're in a legal state, it's cheaper than many of your meds that it can replace.
Robecology replies on May 14, 2019:
@bobwjr That's cool...explain to us in (it just got legal to be medically dispensed here in Florida) what "having a med cannabis license means, please?
Keep your mouth shut..
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Sorry to disagree; but as a conscientious father, I will always add my opinion. Resent it all you want; there are some of us who feel strongly about empathy and equality for women; so you can count on hearing from me.
Robecology replies on May 14, 2019:
@Marionville Thanks for the empathetic response, Marje. I was beginning to think the women here didn't have it in them. I won't post angry nor arrogant memes only because while some see the value, others see the sarcasm, anger, and hostility behind them. I don't buy the "only a meme" excuse....
Don't do it...
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
Buy that dude a Tesla...please?
Robecology replies on May 14, 2019:
@Captnron59 They're not exactly "pumps"...and 90% charge from simple 120V outlets at home.
RoyMillar comments on May 14, 2019:
The united nations needs to come up with a world wide refuge plan and how to excute it and get counrys on side as the situation is only going to get worse,,refugees quite often overwhelms a nation infrastruce and suppply ad just creates a worse situation,,not going to be easy
Robecology replies on May 14, 2019:
They have one...and of course the present administration ignores it. and
Decisions, decisions []
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
Check this out....Human facial evolution by an artist/anthropologist.
Robecology replies on May 14, 2019:
I"m sorry; I published this in response to Don's article...that was dumb of me. I meant to do it as a new post under the Science and Health tidbits. Again, sorry, Don. If you ask me to delete it I will.
Having a Bison burger for lunch at one my favorite sports bars!! For you burger fans out there, you ...
Cutiebeauty comments on May 14, 2019:
Looks yummy... How much that cost?
Robecology replies on May 14, 2019:
I saw bison/buffalo ground meat for sale recently at Aldi's...about $6-7 a pound, 95% lean. Pretty closely priced to similarly lean beef. Bison/buffalo is finally coming down to competitive price levels. When I was out in Montana last year, I got in to a discussion with a major beef grower there. He said buffalo were definitely cheaper to raise, but "butchering" them required expensive equipment because they basically have no neck; so it's hard to. "Lock them in" to a butchering brace.
Causality argument is invalid because time is relative and stops in singularities.
Robecology comments on May 14, 2019:
"Causality argument is invalid because time is relative and stops in singularities. "....yea, whatever you say....can you back this up with facts? I don't think so...(tongue firmly in cheek).
Robecology replies on May 14, 2019:
@Diabloazul So #1 -if you are up to level 7 (or is it 8 ) feel free to form a group called "physicists"....most of us don't know what you're talking about. and #2. You say that; but a good scientist always backs up his statements with facts, data, and references. I have taught science 45 years, and have never heard of a "causality argument"...and most of us don't know what a "singularity" is. Links? Sources? remember; us "agnostics" need proof! Not to change topics; but I just came back from a 4th visit to Puerto Rico...I hope you guys are recovering well. Tom Meyer, who is the CEO for Solar Libre, is working to put solar panels on roofs of homes there... Watch this....
Keep your mouth shut..
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019:
Sorry to disagree; but as a conscientious father, I will always add my opinion. Resent it all you want; there are some of us who feel strongly about empathy and equality for women; so you can count on hearing from me.
Robecology replies on May 14, 2019:
@Freedompath Aren't all opinions grounded in reality...that includes grief? I had to help my Cancer-ridden wife decide to get, and then go get an abortion. She didn't force wasn't my child...but it was her decision. She needed my assistance. The meme above is very anti-men, anti-caring partners, anti-anyone but the potential mother.'s just rude, and wrong, IMO.
Like thousands of countless other habitats in the hundreds of millions of years before it.
Robecology comments on May 10, 2019:
As an ecology/environmental scientist I must disagree. Yes we're ignoring many signs - -the dying old trees in the Carolinas -the dying coral reefs -the shocking warming of the Northern Canada/Alaska range, and the melting of the Arctic; which could be ice-free in summers within 10 years. ...
Robecology replies on May 13, 2019:
@Piratefish I'm not a professional, paid scientist. But anyone who applies the scientific method, and demands facts and evidence, is behaving scientifically. Being a scientist isn't necessarily a paid position. It's a way of life.
This writer explains why millennials ‘refuse to grow up’ in viral thread. | GOOD
Robecology comments on May 10, 2019:
It's not a matter of "refusing to grow up" it's obsessing with a cartoon writer. Stan Lee was good, and. talented. I agree with Maher...if you get obsessive-compulsive about comic books/comic's not that you're refusing to grow up" just that your a sad, obsessive-compulsive person....
Robecology replies on May 13, 2019:
@altschmerz Don't get me wrong; although I'd never put A...hole status on Bill, I still enjoy MAD magazine, I have fond memories of Charlottes' Web, Tom and Jerry, and Cinderella (lest we forget Snow White and the 7 dwarfs and Pinnochio) - I just don't obsess over them like Bill's critique points out about the obsessive-compulsive Stan Lee superhero comics devotees. Be well!
“I do not fear death.
Oldman51 comments on May 12, 2019:
Dammed not a good christian that is going to be saved.
Robecology replies on May 13, 2019:
Saving - is what you do to be remembered. The more lives you "impress" the more your memories will be "saved".
This writer explains why millennials ‘refuse to grow up’ in viral thread. | GOOD
Robecology comments on May 10, 2019:
It's not a matter of "refusing to grow up" it's obsessing with a cartoon writer. Stan Lee was good, and. talented. I agree with Maher...if you get obsessive-compulsive about comic books/comic's not that you're refusing to grow up" just that your a sad, obsessive-compulsive person....
Robecology replies on May 13, 2019:
@altschmerz Try this one.
In case you didn't notice.
Babyoda comments on May 13, 2019:
Love it.Even if it is legal in Canada I love the idea of legal everywhere.People get killed elsewhere because of drug dealing or possesion.
Robecology replies on May 13, 2019:
And I hope you'll soon have lots of evidence that it's a win-win for your nation.
Boiling hot cofffee, none better. lol
Robecology comments on May 13, 2019: used the percolator pot in the 50's and 60's ....then the drip technique (actually older) became vogue because the water didn't have to be boiled to death.....
Robecology replies on May 13, 2019:
@HankSherman Yes; I recall that percolated flavor; I started out as an "extra sweet/extra light" coffee lover....I can even recall sipping that first cup of black unsweetened, thinking "WTF"? now I do enjoy it black, one teaspoon of sugar. I recently had to go to half decaf (blood pressure)...but it's all good....
Why sarcasm?
Sticks48 comments on May 13, 2019:
I love sarcasm, always!
Robecology replies on May 13, 2019:
So that means you hate it?


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Me cooking up a storm at Tom’s home in Puerto Rico!
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Memes R hilarioUS!
80 members
Marijuana changing the world
79 members
78 members
Sex Over Sixty
77 members
Age Related
72 members
Healthy Living
72 members
Religion of Science & Higher Consciousness
71 members
Atheist News Network
70 members
Gardening and natural crafting
61 members
61 members
The Path of a Taoist
60 members
Trumpanzees & Morons
55 members
Common Ground
55 members
54 members
54 members
Electric Vehicles and Vehicle Related Technology.
50 members
Suicide is painless
50 members
No more war
50 members
The Truth Is Out There
49 members
Car Lovers Group
45 members
Volunteering, Charity Work, and Community Service
45 members
Meatballs & Pasta
40 members
Secular Teachers
39 members
39 members
38 members
38 members
Signs signs everywhere signs
36 members
36 members
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
35 members
Elon Musk
30 members
Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
28 members
Camping for adults in Dixie (no children)
27 members
Atheist Points Of View On The Middle East
26 members
Pin Ups
20 members
Oppression Throughout The World
14 members
9 members