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Rocky Mountain national Park, one month ago.
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
I see a lot of dead and dying trees, and two stone (?) monoliths....correct?
Since he's gone... []
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
I had no idea that Ben Orr was the lead singer for most of the Cars' hits... sad that the group didn't keep going...Orr died young, in 2000, of Pancreatic cancer. Sad.
Hey everybody! What's your favorite form of transportation?
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
My two favorite activities are transportation oriented...swimming and biking. My favorite car....the Tesla...I even created a group for that.("Tesla owners/drivers/lovers Group"). Trains are are buses. Too few use mass transit; once you try it you fall in love with it. Can you tell I love it?
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
That committee's toothless, and Chao and McConnell know it. Trump's proven he can flaunt any congressional action, with our courts' blessings. We're in deep s...t until we vote for a regime change.
Good afternoon all.
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
If you're in NYC, find a good Broadway show. There's plenty to be seen....and that plus a dinner out can end up being a huge tab...but a glorious time!
[] You may want to know. Keto diets are good for weight loss, but have side effects.
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
I'm slowly losing weight. My target is getting in to the 130's and staying there...while keeping my fitness. I work out daily; either a good swim, or a decent bike ride. I won't go to a high fat /low carb "keto" diet. The logic to me is in the portions and the hunger factor. If I go to be a bit hungry, I lose weight. If I eat unwisely, I gain weight. The diet demands we have are far stronger than any drug addiction; we've been programmed to diet prefs before we could walk and it's no wonder that it's hard to change our diet. My recommendations are simple....ease up on the carbs. Cut out/reduce breads, rice, and potatoes. Boost your proteins and fiber. Boost your fresh frruits and veggies. Even frozen and lightly cooked is better than none. Ease up on your pure sugar; Splenda/sucralose is a good substitute. I'm at 145 this AM and I plan to be in the 130's by the time the holiday "feasting" season rolls around.
Dear Odin... NOOOOOOOO! 😳😯😫😫😫😫 []
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
For those who don't want to "click" to the web site; it's basically that Cacao may go extinct...NO CHOCOLATE!! "Here's some chocolate-covered bad news. Many of the world's cacao plants—the natural ingredient in chocolate—are being decimated by a fungus. '
I do not go on FaceBook very often I rarely read post there anymore.
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
I concur...and that damned "messenger" box floats right in the middle of my Words with Friends games. Restart your computer, or go to preferences and close or cancel the messenger service.
When you just can't take it at work and need a break...
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
That reminds me of a good one I've saved;
“Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers.
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Love my old, last of the long-haired, ex WWF wrestler/Minnasota Governor Jesse!
Yummmy tasty!
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Sexy, classy! Well composed, well lit, provocative but not "revealing."...excellent!
Tots and pears!
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
As @Livinlife said.....
Classic art
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Finally, a Sexy Classy image !! Thanks! It seems some posters forgot what that means....
How do we stop the American Taliban?
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Religion is dying a slow death - in fact - it's growing, still, in many parts of the world. There's serious generational brain-washing going on world wide...many religions are actually growing in relation to population increase - mainly due to the traditions and mores passed on, and the family behaviors.
If I join this religion, I could become the high priest of memes.
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
This reminds me of early Red Foxx I recall; "Confuscius say, man who loses key to girlfriend's apartment get no Nookie....
Interesting changes for the younger generation (change is constant).
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Proven in 1962; As population density increases, any social population naturally loses interest in sex, there's more child neglect and abandonment, and there's more same-sex behavior... BTW We're still growing (births minus deaths) at the rate of 158 more per minute, 227,000 more per day, 1 million every 5 days.
NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE @FlippantLlama and I discussed a few minor changes to the group.
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Thanks for opening up the possible questions to us for a day! I love it!
A doubles feature today...
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
uh....this is the 'Sexy-classy" strand, right?
In a bathroom, somewhere in India...
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Cute...but please allow me to shave that belly....
Shall we tell them?...
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Only if (s)he's been hit with the Santa and Easter bunny myth....don't want to overwhelm him/her.
Question - is this group basically just about sex?
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Great question...and of course it depends on too many factors to give a definitive answer. Generally; younger women inspire me to value my life better...they challenge me. to stay fit, be more interesting. Older men offer the younger woman a lot that men their age don't. So again....this depends on lots of factors.
Happy Sunday everyone! Swimming, sewing and family time for me today - what about you?
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
A stormy, windy day here on the east coast of Florida as yet another Tropical wave reminds us that we're living close to violent mother nature. I got in 40 laps before the foul weather moved in this I'm rested and chillin' on the computer...high from the swim.....
What every man dreams a woman should be:
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
A Corvettte Truck? LOL! Here's my kind of "woman/truck" - an all electric...and made by a smart/hot woman!
A no smoking sign is needed.
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Obesity is a serious epidemic in America. Thank you for poking fun at what is a potentially serious nightmare for too many of us... Check out this 10 second gif Map showing the growth of obesity in America by the CDC.
I'm trained in photography, but the only real camera I have is a 35mm Canon A1.
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
They're very personal tools...your best bet is to go in to a store and talk to a salesperson. Look through many - ask lots of questions. The weight, the "heft" the reputation, new or used...there's too many really depends on what you're comfortable with.
Good Morning Everyone! Deportations begin at Homeland Security.
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
You are beyond courageous for protesting....while too many of us just sit and observe. Pat yourself on the back...a big thank you for being an activist in the true sense of the word.
Yesterday afternoon I was at a Mediterranean fete.
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
The ethnic Greeks of N.C. know how to eat...or shall i say "indulge" in gastronomic delights...
Mid Autumn festival with the Love Birds on the train, nyayyyyy 😉😂
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Hong Kong, I presume? And is that a pic of you or someone else taking a "selfie"?
Sadly, terraforming, while maybe possible technically, doesn't stand a chance politically. 😥
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Bill Maher covered this well, the eve of Earth day this past April. it was so good I've saved it...
Hi all! I was feeling discouraged about my weight loss and told myself that I had to wait a week ...
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Great question! Forgive me while I ramble and rant...but.... Being retired - and being "old"(74)... is a mixed work to do...but if you don't "sweat" or "huff and puff" feel it more quickly than when you were young. So, I do weigh myself daily. I do exercise every day (love the "rush" of energy after a workout and shower)...and I just feel better on the days I've had a good bike ride or swim-lap workout... ...And then there's the wondering about "the end"...a lot closer, now. You try not to think about it...but if you don't, you forget the "meds" your doc prescribes.... Yes, I do volunteer for a few things...I have my finger in the pie at the local botanical gardens, I'm lined up to be an assistant at the community science fair, and etc. There's the frustration of very, very infrequent "intimacy" because I've chosen to live alone... I do bend over backwards to please the lady-friend who rarely visits, and when she does, is too often bitter and is not fun to be I'm happy to see her go... I eat carefully; after morning coffee - some egg whites, with cheese and salsa....a light yogurt lunch, and I love the evening meal...a small portion of something healthful....followed by something decadent... tiny....but decadent (my 'muscle' brownies usually fill the bill).
Almost nighty night time....
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Now I believe that Sophia Loren did allow a few pics of herself semi-nude; although her areolas were darker ( that dark Italian pigmentation) so I'm guessing this isn't accurate;[]=Sophia%7Ctyped[]=Loren%7Ctyped
Almost nighty night time....
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Just going to drop this here to explain what is really going on these days...
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
It's almost too close to the truth to be funny....
The remains of a man missing for 22 years have been found -- thanks to Google Earth []
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
LOL....Good ol' alcohol....
Lucy Lui? Or another Photoshop?
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
If you google 'Luci Lieu nude photographs" you get all sorts of soft and even some hard porn shots. I'm 99% sure she'd never pose for them...but I could be wrong.
Lucy Lui? Or another Photoshop?
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Luci and Annette are/were both too "classy" to have allowed a topless or full nude image of them I'm only guessing that yes...that's decent photoshop work.
Retro tins.🙂
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
I still have a few, including a band-aid box pre-"plastic strips"...when they were cloth and gauze!
Ten thousand years from now we will be the subject being analyzed.
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
We are all combining and re-combining our DNA. In a few generations there won't be an "Asian" sub-species Why? Because all the dark skinned and fair skinned and oriental and western folk will have interbred.
I thought that being the people you are, you would like to see a photo of a ruined church.
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Considering all the work done in ancient times....this is indeed a beautiful "ruin"'s sad, really, to see how delusional our fore-fathers and mothers were.
Annette Funicello... How do you like her?
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Annette would never have posed for this...and I had my first crush on her...and know that's not her body. She was nearly a double A....and unless she got boob jobs and took a chance with a provocative photographer, It's clearly a photo-shopped job.
How humans were created according to the History Channel.
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
The history channel gave in to the "sensationalists" years ago...and I stopped watching. Could our DNA have originated extra-terrestrially ? Sure. Is there a deep dark, complex story behind it? No. Some flash-frozen ocean from another planet far away rained down on us....complete with flash-frozen organisms....and there it was... DNA to start its' complex evolution in our proto-oceans. NBD.
Wow what a night it was.
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019: She's a phone call/email away.....go find out.
Always hot and sexy...
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
I'd click "love" if the bottoms were a "high-thigh" strap style. Delightful classy sexy image, and woman.
Ok so they are not pets but aren't they cute? And they were playing corn-hole 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
**Msucovy ducks...the future chicken"?** Some good news about Muscovy's; their eggs are bigger and better tasting, they grow to adulthood faster than chickens, and their meat is tastier.
Man accidentally beheads himself showcasing his swordsmanship during Muharram procession ...
Robecology comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Evolution in action...
Excellent advice.
Robecology comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Gotta ask...why is that even a thing? Are there that many desperate fellas...or demanding women? I feel so "out of the loop"...
So i dissed some jackass on facebook about an hour ago, and i keep check back to see if he's replied...
Robecology comments on Sep 13, 2019:
You "dissed" him/ in throwing insults? #1. Remember; the lowest form of debate; where you know you've lost and don't want to be a good sport about name-calling. I assume agnostics are above that - and more sophisticated than that. #2.Watch this video; Don't be like these dogs....don't be a "dog"...
Ok so they are not pets but aren't they cute? And they were playing corn-hole 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Robecology comments on Sep 13, 2019:
They're "cute"...and that's why they're taking over habitats of many "less cute" and "shy - but beautiful" native species. They're reproducing rapidly....and they're disease carriers. If you walk over to feed them, be sure to wash your shoes - especially if you have toddlers. Psittacosis, also called "Parrot fever" will cause many pet birds many hours of suffering. If you swim in the same waters they swim in; they're are also known carries of the parasitic worm that causes swimmer's itch. They're considered a "pest" or "invasive" species....they are causing many of our common natives - herons, egrets, and gallinules, to name a few - to nest elsewhere. But they are edible...and they are huntable.
Didn't watch tonight's debate, though flipping past saw Bernie sounded a bit hoarse (throat strained...
Robecology comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Bill and his roundtable guests - Michael Moore, Krystal Ball, Michael Steele, Fernand Amandi & Bari Weiss - will answer viewer questions after Friday's show. Watch Bill Tonight if you want a good summary of the debate.
After watching MSM down play Bernie and Elizabeth and Try to play up Biden (fail), they played up ...
Robecology comments on Sep 13, 2019:
@Charlene I agree with most of what you say...up to Yang. He's far from "know nothing"...I think he earned a berth in this debate because he has substantial support - and wisdom. I'm not saying I'd vote for him...yet...but calling him "just a foil"....sorry....can't agree.
Really fit
Robecology comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Hard to call her "fit"....she looks rather un-sculpted to me....and those tattoos are the sign of a not too wise POV.....
A few more from last nights dinner on the deck. I really like this guy, he is so photogenic....
Robecology comments on Sep 13, 2019:
That's a Muscovy duck. Be aware...they're "exotics/accidental imports" that are quickly taking over the habitats of shyer native birds. They are too friendly, and easy to adapt and hand feed....that's what makes them attractive. They are edible. When you walk on their waste-droppings, you can carry Psittacosis (swimmers itch....a skin infection) spores in to your home. Toddlers are often unwary victims.
Happy Friday the 13th! So many superstitions and hubbub about this day! In general though, I've ...
Robecology comments on Sep 13, 2019:
Superstitious...I call them #Stupidstitions....they're in the same category as magic, myths, and the #religulous
Thinking about divine miracles...
Robecology comments on Sep 13, 2019:
There's a place to send expired condoms. Health agencies throughout the caribbean are asking for any condoms...even old ones. I'll share an agency taking them via mail if you're interested. I've sent them dozens!
Good Morning, I completed this bag yesterday as I said.
Robecology comments on Sep 13, 2019:
I don't get the trend toward the stripes and images on bags...but I know that's a lot of work to make! Kudos!
TODAY'S QUOTE "Lord God, let us live, I beg You, I want to live! I've experienced so little of ...
Robecology comments on Sep 13, 2019:
I keep this on my desktop to enlighten folk...that unless we reduce our population (can you tell I'm a demographer?) we will continue to grow in competition and stress. It's just logical. J.R. Malthus observed, over 200 years ago..."as the quantity (of life per area) increases, the Quality of life decreses. And he said that in 1812. More people = greater competition for resources, jobs, land, space. We're increasing - births minus deaths - at the rate of 158 more per minute. Per minute. 227,000 more per day. A million more every 5 days/
My favorite picture, taken in Swan Valley, Idaho.
Robecology comments on Sep 12, 2019:
Perfect lighting!
Very good reasons.
Robecology comments on Sep 12, 2019:
WTF is a PS4?
Robecology comments on Sep 12, 2019: only Dr. Frankenfurter could have said it...
11 September, 2019 - Diet Diary - Not a lot to say today.
Robecology comments on Sep 12, 2019:
"Smelling rain"....nice pass-time!
I've met all types. This is the short list.
Robecology comments on Sep 12, 2019:
Yep...older women....for me...please?
Here is a challenge everyone think about how we can do better than capitalism and create a better ...
Robecology comments on Sep 12, 2019:
Mark Richards, from UC Berkeley walks through the latest evidence concerning the extinction of the ...
Robecology comments on Sep 12, 2019:
A lot of evidence to point to the fact that it just wasn't an was also a whole bunch of other instabilities. Makes sense. It would be if an asteroid hit us...which then triggered a erupt....which would then trigger rapid cooling, and mass extinctions...followed by runaway warming.
I'm watching the debates tonight, I'm curious to see if Bernie and Warren continue with the truce ...
Robecology comments on Sep 12, 2019:
Bernie's been saying the same stuff for decades. Liz likes Bernie's basic ideas...but she thinks most of America won't buy in to his "left-leaning" views...and is basically proposing a "Bernie-lyte" strategy. I hope they both hug, make up, and team up. Either would make a great Pres/VP.
The end of the universe There are some errors/old and disproved stuff here and there, but the big...
Robecology comments on Sep 12, 2019:
Wow! So, basically, the universe will expand and shut off...eventually once all that energy is spent, gravity will take over,,,and after many billions of years, it will collapse and start over! Makes sense!
The end of the universe There are some errors/old and disproved stuff here and there, but the big...
Robecology comments on Sep 11, 2019:
I support the 'fluxuating universe" theory...that says the "big bang" wasn't the first...and won't be the last.
Today my daughter told me that I have an addiction ... I don't think so!
Robecology comments on Sep 11, 2019:
There's serious drug addictions... Coffee is perhaps an addiction; but most scientists think it's not only a harmless addiction, but we've become so adapted to it that having coffee - or caffeine - in your blood might give us "coffee junkies" a slight advantage over the non-caffeine addicts. ...and's a physical as well as mental addiction. Stopping coffee/caffeine can lead to withdrawal illness.
Hard to get much more classic
Robecology comments on Sep 10, 2019:
NOW you're talking...and posting the true Classy-Sexy pics. Thanks for these. Rare gems.
The difference in tomatoes from my garden (lower two) & our friend's truck farm operation (top two).
Robecology comments on Sep 10, 2019:
Experienced farmers know the tricks. It's a balance of fertilizers and pesticides - some not available unless you're a "truck farmer" or certified in it for profit. I know folk who shun the "perfect" tomatoes...too many chemicals to make that fat juicy thing.
9 Sept.
Robecology comments on Sep 10, 2019:
We're all victims of a deep-seeded/seated habit. Our diet preferences were established before we could walk and our well-intended but oft misguided parents. Don't kick yourself. Don't hate them. Just start over. Today is the very first day of the rest of your life.
You know its true.. We used that shit for damn near anything and everything.
Robecology comments on Sep 10, 2019:
I still have a's probably worth more now than it was new, decades ago!
Are you a collector?
Robecology comments on Sep 10, 2019:
I got to know Carolyn Gorton Fuller's Key West bottle collection, including her famous bottle wall...and I have a signed book by her. SHE was a bottle collector. Sadly, she died not too long ago...and her bottle "wall" was crashed in to by a wreckless and horribly inconsiderate driver.
Ignorance curiosity and unity what made us evolve this far.
Robecology comments on Sep 10, 2019:
You're preaching to the choir. We're already with you. The challenge is to change the minds of the greedy and stubborn....and the #religulous... I recommend you save and share this video to any "fringe" groups you belong to ... I do all the time...
Happy Tuesday! Positivity and productivity to you all! In the Matrix Movies, it is possible to ...
Robecology comments on Sep 10, 2019:
In the movie "Contact" (Jodie Foster playing Dr. Ellie Arroway - Carl Sagan's last book and best movie)...she transported through an Einstein - Rosen bridge - what is commonly called a "worm hole" to a planet 27 light years seconds. Great movie...and there's a remote possibility that this "Fiction Technology" might be real some day.
This link work? The Bern Notice is worth subscribing to. []
Robecology comments on Sep 9, 2019:
Good facts. Thanks!
I survived the "rite of passage" of being pitched off one of these onto the asphalt covered ...
Robecology comments on Sep 9, 2019: these clowns put one of those carousels to a motorized spin;
[] Judiciary panel to set rules for impeachment investigation. About time?
Robecology comments on Sep 9, 2019:
I concur with @bigpawbullets....Trump puts a lot of money in to finding legal loopholes. I'm sure his well paid law staff has told him he won't get convicted...
This is the kind of bullshit thinking that I'm trying to recover from. []
Robecology comments on Sep 9, 2019:
You gotta warn us better than that! Ugggh...much bigger than bull s...t...elephant s...t?
"gee, I wonder if that guy is talking on his phone, or talking a picture... Hmm.. "
Robecology comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Sexy and classy! Nice pic...really nice bathing suit....fabulous body...sorry she couldn't pose with a smile...that would have knocked it out of the park for me....
A few recent shots from out and about. An old windmill near Wasco, OR and Syrah grapes from work.
Robecology comments on Sep 8, 2019:
I love both. The windmill is making a resurgence - obviously; not just to jump water...but to generate electricity. Grapes are now being bred to be longer, larger, and grow to maturity faster.
happy Saturday :-) .
Robecology comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Yes, it should not also be should be depends on how much your business is irritating you...or it doesn't seem not acceptable to not adjust your business....?
Shall I create a new group for alternative models ( tattoos, piercings, crazy hair color) and save ...
Robecology comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Thank you for suggesting that, and setting up a vote! I'm a classy-sexy devotee. I get turned off by tattoos and body piercings...I read too much in to the reasons some of these beauties chose to get over zealous about body me old fashioned,'s just me. And nude doesn't necessarily work for me...some classy-sexy posts aren't nude at all. Good idea!
Time to turn back the clocks? []
Robecology comments on Sep 8, 2019:
I've been reading up on....and taking.... dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) for a few decades now. I think it has a lot to do with my fairly good health. That and Melatonin, in the evening. Both are easily available, and quite inexpensive. Here's a link that discusses how DHEA works...
For those who love the teachings of Richard Dawkins.
Robecology comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Seen's a favorite quote of his I keep on my desktop....
Curvy redhead anyone?
Robecology comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Race for the cure.
Robecology comments on Sep 8, 2019:
A mellow day for me at home. Swam 40 feeling mellow. The football season has started...I see the Dolphins look can't root for my home-team...sad about that... But do enjoy the "race for the cure"...and I, for one, would love to see some baby/mom pics!
Happy Sunday everyone! It's about the time that everyone's at church, so I'm heading to my nice ...
Robecology comments on Sep 8, 2019:
I'm a swimmer and biker....and alone works for me. The high is exhilarating,,,,a very comfortable, mellow high. I should check my blood pressure after a swim or's got to be low.
Risk rescuers' lives for people who refused mandatory evacuation?
Robecology comments on Sep 8, 2019:
@LiterateHiker; You call them stubborn. I call them desperate. 90% of those who live dangerously close to the natural elements do so because they must stay there. They have no choice. It's their livelihood to "live near/on the water's edge". the other 10% Live there because it's beautiful, isolated, private, primitive, and enjoyable. ...and they're paying insurance rates most of us can't touch to live there...but they look at it as a bet. They're betting that a storm DOES take out their property. That way they can rebuild bigger, stronger, and higher above sea level. They're not bad people; just very wealthy.
If someone changes everything about them (interests/style/beliefs), does that mean he/she is no ...
Robecology comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Semantics. We all change. As our population increases, (158 more births, than deaths, per minute) our rate of change increases. Alvin Toffler in "Future Shock" said this increased rate of change is the result of population density; The more crowded it is....the more people you meet....the more subject you are to different opinions, styles, tastes, attitudes.
I am not so sure.
Robecology comments on Sep 8, 2019:
Rushing in is natural. You meet...and the "chemistry" is there...or it isn't. If it's both want to test further,'s quite biological, really. The trick is to enjoy the early chemistry - but watch for the red flags. Sit down....have a face-to-face.... don't just hum and haw... Say, politely, softly, but in-the-eyes, full-voice, sincerely; , "if you can't do/not do this/that then we can't continue". Show the courage to draw the line.
The Democratic Party’s Addiction to Dirty Money
Robecology comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Consider the source; New Republic. A far left-leaning news reporting service.
Good morning Lovely People! That begs the question: are you early birds, or night owls?
Robecology comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Teachers almost always are up before dawn...and on their way to the school they teach at. Late teachers don't last long. So having taught 45 years...I'm an early bird/early to bed kinda guy. Now there's no "alarm clocks" just the one in my head....oh...and the coffee smell around 6 I'm an addict....
Nothing like a good stretch in the morning... Or the afternoon...
Robecology comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Excellent! True Sexy-classy picture!
The rest is nice too []
Robecology comments on Sep 6, 2019:
Nice; but Tattoos kill the sexy - IMO....
From Facebook page of The New Yorker; cartoon by Tim Hamilton. Plus a bonus image!
Robecology comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Bill Maher was the originator of the Whiny Little Bitch meme...
Im a fairly new atheist, only came out to my wife recently, it did not go well.
Robecology comments on Sep 5, 2019:
It sometimes is best left undiscussed. No need to tell anyone.... and you have us to share your thoughts and experiences with.
Gautama Buddha, "Self applause, belittling of others, or encouragement of sin, some such is sure to...
Robecology comments on Sep 5, 2019:
That image is far too flattering; where's his Vagina-neck?
I remember hearing about these theories way back on the original COSMOS show.
Robecology comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Sorry; the chart is unreadable. Here's the link....
Weighed 314 lbs yesterday; lost 136 in 2.5 years
Robecology comments on Sep 5, 2019:
Truly incredible. I hope some magazine or health organization is documenting your fabulous journey!
Hey everyone.
Robecology comments on Sep 5, 2019:
This is a tough one. I've been through a wife dying it taught me a few lessons in letting go and moving on. Women have left me....and I've left them. Of course it's painful. It's rarely "cut and dry" - there's often not very good reasons for "letting someone go" out of your life; and they have their reasons for letting you go as well. Ken Keyes Jr. has many words of wisdom for this situation. One of his favorites of mine is "Hold on tightly, but let go lightly" Another of his is "make your addictions (must haves) in to preferences (would be nice to have...but you can do without)." Another of his is "go from love, to hate, to indifference as quickly as possible". Erase contacts. Remove them from your phone and address book. They probably have a list of things about you that they it's wise to look at the relationship as a two way street. Try to learn lessons from each experience...what was it that "drove them crazy" about you? It's only fair to reflect on that...and try to change a bit.


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Me on the boardwalk over my beachfront condo in the background!
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Me cooking up a storm at Tom’s home in Puerto Rico!
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Environmental science/Ecology/Demography
31 members, Host, Moderator
Ricky Gervais
26 members, Host
George Carlin sayings, memes, etc.
26 members, Host
Tesla owners/drivers/lovers
13 members, Host, Moderator
Prostate treatments
8 members, Host
Topic of the day
93236 members
Just for Laughs
3301 members
Memes R Us
3012 members
2667 members
Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter
2443 members
Newbie Groupies!
2189 members
2133 members
Real Intimacy
1850 members
Out Of The Illusion
1719 members
50s +
1656 members
1652 members
1530 members
Food Glorious Food
1444 members
Music Fans
1281 members
1197 members
Trump Pinata
1140 members
handcrafters , fine artists, photographers, or other things of beauty
1097 members
Human Sexuality: Everything About It
1017 members
Humour, Fun, Chuckles, Laughs, or Cutes, From Everywhere.
924 members
Gun Control Now
921 members
Sexy Classy Pics
774 members
Legalize Cannabis Nationwide/Worldwide
773 members
All Things Astronomy
731 members
Critical thinking
663 members
Freedom from Religion Foundation
645 members
Mental Health Support
632 members
598 members
The Watering hole
525 members
Music of the Movies
507 members
Florida Freethinkers
444 members
438 members
aussie sceptics
433 members
Science, Health & History Tidbits
419 members
The Escapees- - Hide here!
418 members
416 members
Jazz, Blues, Funk, Soul, Reggae, Dance, Punk, Alternative, Rock and Roll.
415 members
Community Senate
385 members
372 members
Critter Corner
369 members
Dating for Real People
369 members
Hike, Climb, Paddle
355 members
Coffee Drinkers Corner
336 members
visual art
327 members
"Positive Vibes"
324 members
Documentaries you should see
324 members
Online Dating: The Reality
322 members
Environment, Ecology and Sustainability
317 members
Geek's Corner
308 members
304 members
Liberal/Progressive Party
303 members
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
295 members
Abuse Survivors(Emotional, verbal, physical, sexual, toxic relationship)
294 members
Hippie Land -
290 members
American Atheists (Fans)
288 members
283 members
Workout Warriors
266 members
Battling Obesity
255 members
Childfree Domain
254 members
36 Questions
247 members
247 members
Baby Boomers
233 members
Me Too - Women's Rights and Men's Rights
225 members
Simply Atheist
222 members
General Forum
205 members
The Best of Late Night & News
203 members
Science and religion. :) lets debate
196 members
Simple Thoughts
194 members
Non-nude sexy pics
191 members
Memes edited
190 members
Truly single gal and guys looking for love.
182 members
Science Fiction & Godlessness
181 members
Natural history
179 members
I Love Halloween!
167 members
This Day In History
166 members
Political Posts, Articles and Memes
163 members
Science & Technology
155 members
General Topics
155 members
Sun Moon Stars
150 members
Pets and wildlife
149 members
Women's Empowerment
147 members
All Things Legal/Crime and Punishment
144 members
Biden 2020
141 members
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
140 members
Dharma Café
133 members
122 members
Earth Preservers
119 members
Jewish by Culture
119 members
114 members
107 members
Marriage & Long-term Relationships
103 members
103 members
Conservative Atheist Singles
102 members
Celebrity Pictures
100 members
Political Theory & Policy
97 members
At Retirement!
92 members
Pop Culture - TV
87 members
Atheist Videos & Miscellany
87 members
Crass Comedy
87 members
Tales from the Lockdown
82 members
Memes R hilarioUS!
80 members
Marijuana changing the world
79 members
78 members
Sex Over Sixty
78 members
Age Related
72 members
Healthy Living
72 members
Religion of Science & Higher Consciousness
72 members
Atheist News Network
70 members
62 members
Gardening and natural crafting
61 members
The Path of a Taoist
60 members
Trumpanzees & Morons
55 members
Common Ground
55 members
54 members
54 members
The Truth Is Out There
50 members
Suicide is painless
50 members
No more war
50 members
Electric Vehicles and Vehicle Related Technology.
49 members
Car Lovers Group
45 members
Volunteering, Charity Work, and Community Service
45 members
Meatballs & Pasta
40 members
40 members
Secular Teachers
39 members
39 members
37 members
Signs signs everywhere signs
36 members
36 members
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
35 members
Elon Musk
30 members
Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
28 members
Camping for adults in Dixie (no children)
27 members
Atheist Points Of View On The Middle East
27 members
Pin Ups
20 members
Oppression Throughout The World
14 members
9 members