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Same here.
Robecology comments on Sep 22, 2019:
Like it or not; you're competing with 158 more people per Minute (births minus deaths) on this planet to simply "make it". We may not realize this until it's too late.
I've seen examples of this in my own family.
Robecology comments on Sep 22, 2019:
copied that one...great one!
Maybe some day we might all learn???
Robecology comments on Sep 22, 2019:
Indeed! Here's tune called "Fix You"(a cover of a "ColdPlay" tune by "Naturally 7") with a nice acapella sound, and a poignant video message;
21 Sept.
Robecology comments on Sep 22, 2019:
Fresh pears! Yum!!! Pear pie? Pear soup? Pear sauce? Go for it! Canning/jar-ing?
Maybe a fence like this would keep those pesky SUVs out of the Mall......
Robecology comments on Sep 22, 2019:
Is that a real fence or a painting?
Always sexy
Robecology comments on Sep 22, 2019:
Yay! Now THIS is a "sexy classy" image.
I am considering asking Admin to change, on the introductory list of topics within posts the wording...
Robecology comments on Sep 22, 2019:
IMO, as a retired science teacher (of 45 years), It's not a bad thing to push its' classification as "academic"... I think it implies that scientific posts are information and/or knowledge-based, and/or fact-based comments. I would hope that more science posts would include a link to back them up... that's a way to be "academic" your POV with references... thusly;
The Dems need to read this.
Robecology comments on Sep 22, 2019:
The Dems are becoming the party of sophistication. Trump may seem illiterate and borderline crazy...but he's crazy like a fox. He's clever enough to make sure he's using all the ways to skirt the issues...all the ways to avoid confrontation with "the law"....including getting the heads of law on his side. So I'm sensing, as jerry99 seems to be doing as well....that the Dems in power know they're wasting their time and efforts to go against the Republicans now. It will take a massive sea-change in 2020 to bring back the sanity, the science, and the ecology of sophisticated rule. The image says it for me....
republiKKKans Ammosexuals in ameriKKKa.
Robecology comments on Sep 22, 2019:
I saved this for you;
Hi ya, I would like to share these lists, I hope you guys find it useful.
Robecology comments on Sep 22, 2019:
Too many links for one post; and mostly posted by one person of unknown repute.
Perhaps sometimes a collection in a tiny space is good, like this one I saw the other day.
Robecology comments on Sep 22, 2019:
Charming....and that's a lot of work!
Quite the Walmart outfit.
Robecology comments on Sep 22, 2019:
THIS is why we need another group; this is NOT Classy. Call it "Sexy-Trashy" or Young 'n' Sexy...but this is not classy at all. Sexy? Sure...but so inappropriate to be "putting it out there" while shopping...
Good Sunday morning! It's pose-your-question-day! The rule: pose your question as a comment and ...
Robecology comments on Sep 22, 2019:
OK... I was so impressed when I signed on to "Agnostic,com"...easy to post, easy to navigate, decent, civil and quick replies. I came here because I thought it was a "free dating site" but have since just enjoyed the chatter and have had no "dates"...and that's actually working fine for me. I was also impressed with the perks...from forming my own groups to getting the T shirt! So that leads me to the question; why did you sign on to Why do you prefer it as a social media?
Perhaps sometimes you can do great things with just one plant.
Robecology comments on Sep 22, 2019:
I concur with the beauty of a monoculture border...but that spike is definitely not Verbena bonarensis. If you google it and type in get things like this;
I am so frustrated with the Democrats in the House.
Robecology comments on Sep 22, 2019:
I think it's strategy. They've tried...and they see that the Admin/Republican attorneys are technically constitutionally correct. Let's be patient. Let's trust the Dems in power. I think they're working toward a serious, strong, complete sweep and "house" cleaning in 2020. In the meantime....I'm on my third dozen of these. If you know my address, send me a SASE and I'll send you one... Better yet; Buy 'em, Wear 'em and Share 'em.... Website is on the pin image.
We know less than we think we know.
Robecology comments on Sep 21, 2019:
Very interesting! Shared on FB!
Storms ...
Robecology comments on Sep 21, 2019:
If you want the best maps for weather...go on the various bands....I love on the blue boxes at the top for interesting sections and "loops".§or=taw=07=24
Good Afternoon Everyone! Does anyone like being single?
Robecology comments on Sep 21, 2019:
It is, indeed, a challenge to be "paired up" with someone. You have to sacrifice, and bend, and tolerate certain things....and in exchange you're rewarded with intimacy and children. There's a lot of wisdom to the person that finds themselves single, alone...and complete! It's easy to explain biologically; whenever any species gets too crowded there's a natural turn-off of the mating drive. Any student of Ecology will vouch for me here. So my strategy is - put myself out there. When someone's very in tune with me...and lives close to me...they'll find me. ....and vice-versa. I am focusing, right now, on loving myself -alone - as I am - with all my flaws....perfect. ....but if anyone's ready for "my kind of perfection" please do get in touch!
What are you?
Robecology comments on Sep 21, 2019:
Paganism is #Religulous....just like Christianity and other myth worshipers. "Embrace the godless and god-free"....not "the god and goddess..." Remember what Agnosticism means...
Remember a way back when?
Robecology comments on Sep 21, 2019:
The anniversary of his death was just recently; Sept 18th, I believe. That's a great image of him!
Since I’ve been eating GF, I’ve been greatly disappointed in the options for pizza (I really ...
Robecology comments on Sep 20, 2019:
The crust in that pie isn't a looks quite thick. Just make a crust like that pie - only flat....then go at it with the toppings. There's high protein flours you can use as well. I'd experiment with ultra-thin crusts, and high protein toppings. The less carbs the better for any diet.
TOP SANDERS ADVISER: 'HE IS A LITTLE BIT ANGRY' "There is sort of a thinly veiled contempt for ...
Robecology comments on Sep 20, 2019:
I'm never saying "Bernie or bust"'s that attitude that got a lot of Bernie supporters who stayed home in 2016...and let Trump in. So I implore Bernie supporters....don't go down that road again. Watch the primaries. Scrape together your cash and mail it in to him when you can....but if another candidate "gets the nod" them. Bernie will continue to work for us no matter where he is.
I am loving Keto, losing weight, and dinner is a thing of beauty!
Robecology comments on Sep 20, 2019:
Call it Keto. Call it Adkins. I'm sure the root of America's issues is the excessive carbs. Big breads. Rice and Potatoes. Pasta. Just cut down these will lose weight. I cut my bagels and english muffins twice;to make them ultra thin (yes...very carefully) but worth it. I haven't had potatoes, regular loaf bread, or rice in ages.
What happens if tRump gets indicted?
Robecology comments on Sep 20, 2019:
Then closet pseudo-gay #religulous Pence moves in, immediately declares a presidential pardon for Trump...and he then goes gofling on our dime, and making money from his realestate holdings.
Climate Change: The Trouble With Trees []
Robecology comments on Sep 20, 2019:
So #1. Earth is only 30% land. #2. Only 25% of that land is covered with forests; for a total earthly percentage of 7.5% CO2/O2 exchange. Even is we allow for 50% of our land coverage to become more forest-covered...that's still only 15% of world-wide total oxygen production. #3. Oceans cover 70% of the the planet. Our real name should be planet Ocean. #4. 90% of the ocean is where most (70-80%) of our oxygen comes from #5. Oceans are where we still dump our most toxic, most dangerous wastes. #6. Let's stop struggling with tree planting, and look toward cleaner oceans and healthier phyto-plankton; the microscopic pre-plants that gave us most of our Oxygen in the first place.
Women😉 attire💙
Robecology comments on Sep 20, 2019:
What's your favorite?
If you make coffee in a six cup mocha pot but then drink it in one big mug, that counts as one cup ...
Robecology comments on Sep 20, 2019:
I fill the automatic maker to the "10" mark. It makes 2 or 3 18 oz thermos bottles of cofffee...plenty for fact I had to go to half decaf to avoid the jitters....
Yussss! FRIDAY! I'm going to Rocky Horror Picture Show for the first time tonight - I'm so excited! ...
Robecology comments on Sep 20, 2019:
Rocky? In Kentucky? Wow...who knew that such a conservative state would host such a wild show! Have fun, take and post pics!
Biden support falls, Sanders gains in new polling [msnbc.]
Robecology comments on Sep 19, 2019:
Biden did well with Obama....but he's showing that he's in deciine. He means well...but I hope he "bows out" before the primaries. He'd make a good Secretary of State...or even a Cabinet member; but this ticket belongs to Sanders and Warren.
Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Are Breeding in Brazil, Despite Biotech Firm's Assurances to the ...
Robecology comments on Sep 19, 2019:
So their main concern is that the F1 generation didn't create enough infertility (3-6%) to be significant, and within a few generatiosn (months) that infertility trait was lost? NBD....except that millions spent on research means the experiment failed and they need to re-start with more passable traits.
My mom said the doctor recorded her blood pressure at 170 over 100 I did not think that sound right...
Robecology comments on Sep 19, 2019:
Yes. And Unfortunately, being a retired science and health teacher BP would go that high - and even higher - when I "partook" in Cannabis....which made me eventually quit. When you have two Sphygmomanometers around you tend to check this carefully. Mine did go that high...and I don't want to die while I'm high.
Robecology comments on Sep 19, 2019:
BAM! Your last words nailed it for me; "Going forward, the Warren-Sanders dynamic could be equally important." THAT's the ticket I will donate for, and work for.
Bernie Sanders hits 1 million donors "One million people have donated to Bernie Sanders' ...
Robecology comments on Sep 19, 2019:
I've given to Sanders four separate times; 3 times in 2015 and 2016, and once, when he entered the race earlier this year. My fifth time will be if he wins the nomination.
At best, I see Warren as Bernie-lite.
Robecology comments on Sep 19, 2019:
She recently said on Maddow (last Tuesday, Sept 17th) that her and Bernie were life-long friends. They're both on the same team. She won't do anything to offend him; I see them running as a team...
Good morning! As a teenager, I read the German teenie magazine Bravo, which usually included a star...
Robecology comments on Sep 19, 2019:
i think I've mentioned this...Annette Funicello?
If anybody is interested in accurate polling data this website has it all.
Robecology comments on Sep 18, 2019:
Here's another good one; it tracks the 10 most common polls, and keeps a running average. Click on any pollster to get more data. Very interactive.
I took this photo. One of my best.
Robecology comments on Sep 18, 2019:
That's not an easy pic to take....looking right in to the sun. Keep that up....try different exposures....different times... I notice you're tilted off the horizontal....try to get a totally horizontal pic. Clean your lens well to avoid that purple smudge.
Black or white? Which do you prefer?
Robecology comments on Sep 18, 2019:
That high-thigh cut has phased out of popularity....and I don't know why. I love the look...either color. Kudos!
Solitude is often a hard pill to swallow.
Robecology comments on Sep 18, 2019:
If you say "Solitude is often a hard pill to swallow." Why quote something which is asking you not to fear "that pill"? It's been my experience that if you do, indeed "swallow that pill" you'll be amazed at the should not only "not fear the process" but "welcome" it. You entered this world in solitude. You will leave it the same way. Embrace it.
Is there a group here called Agnostic Faith? Or was there?
Robecology comments on Sep 18, 2019:
Agnostic means "unknown" or Not aware, or unproven. It doesn't depend on "faith". Quite the opposite - Agnosticism abhors faith, leans strongly toward facts, evidences and proofs. As @CutieBeauty put's an "oxymoron" to call agnosticism a "faith"'s a thought system that is the opposite of faith.
How Tall Can Mountains Get? []
Robecology comments on Sep 17, 2019:
Mountains rise because Granite is less dense than Basalt....Hence granitic rocks "float" on the mantle, Basaltic rocks sink. As long as the core is fluid and plastic, mountains will rise...and as long as wind and rain occurs, they will be eroded. It's this rate of rise and erosion that separates the Rockies from the Alps and the Alps from the Appalachians and Catskills.
They're everywhere!
Robecology comments on Sep 17, 2019:
The opposite of being "Cunstipated"? Perhaps Dicktated? Let's not be afraid of male nor female strength. Let's stop the name calling - of either sex - and try to work together?
Robecology comments on Sep 17, 2019:
Not sure yet. Perhaps her and him on the same ticket?
Love the beauty mark []
Robecology comments on Sep 17, 2019:
@OdMetalHead. uh...oh...she looks too young for me .....and with a damned tattoo? Ugggghhhh! Not sexy, not classy!
16 Sept.
Robecology comments on Sep 17, 2019:
I still don't know how you do it...I can't measure out portions to exact calorie count. Kudos for your efforts.
State Atheism; Afghanistan used to have atheist government officially, but now with the help of ...
Robecology comments on Sep 17, 2019:
Don't get me started on Afghanistan. I know of several folk who've been there; they all came back and said this; Opium is the main reason we're still there....50,000 US deaths per year, billions in profits.... Try googling "U.S. troops in Afghanistan protecting Opium poppy - images"'ll see dozens of pics like this.
Upcoming posting of key Land Ice melt data: In another group I was discussing this, and there was...
Robecology comments on Sep 17, 2019:
The facts are there; they're being ignored for the not-so-obvious reasons...greed is more important than protecting humanity endangered by sea level rise. When storms kill tens of thousands...or hundreds of thousands...when bodies start washing up at Mar-a-Lago...then we might see some action....
Fox News guest Dana Loesch suggests Democrats might massacre gun owners, like troops did at Wounded ...
Robecology comments on Sep 17, 2019:
I like an ex's description of these women....gotten from a former construction associate; "these ladies are "half-a-bubble" off....
Mr. Potato Head
Robecology comments on Sep 17, 2019:
I used to love Steve; until I discovered he's not only #religulous, but hypocritical as well...divorces, affairs, alleged drug trafficking....sad.
Has anyone ever had this kind of mayonnaise?
Robecology comments on Sep 17, 2019:
I laughed when I read the ingredients...."nearly nonexistent flavor of turnips"....LOL! ...and do you see who made that? Larry Harmon pictures foods....WTF? I did some research; back then entertainers were struggling with gimmicks to make ends meet...Larry Harmon was AKA Bozo the clown!
I’ll be at the New York City event, because if we don’t address climate change, finding our ...
Robecology comments on Sep 17, 2019:
Kudos for your activism!
William Hearst, the father of rightists propaganda and the man who is behind the demonization of ...
Robecology comments on Sep 17, 2019:
I get it. Too many have made Socialism in to a nightmare scenario. But America now is fundamentally socialist; Any system supported by collecting taxes to pay for it is socialist. The problem is our population growth. Socialst leaders have tried - with horrible results - to control population. We can't keep growing...but for capitalism to work - it must. Socialism has the root of the issue in it's name. We've formed a society. A society that's growing by 158 more per minute. 227,000 more per day. A million more every 5 days. ( The earth isn't the "capitalists" profit from wars and weapons, from stripping the earth of its' resources. They knew forssts were necessary for us to breathe - yet they kept stripping the forests...until socialists restricted them. They know that fuels have to be ended...but their lust for money makes them ignore this. And so far, in America, at least, low taxes (we're the lowest of any nation) on fuels and subsidies on fuel makers (we're the highest) make the capitalists' fuel obsession work. So they push capitalism and fear "socialism" This must end.
Good morning! Think of your dream car as the one you'd never get because of various reasons.
Robecology comments on Sep 17, 2019:
Allow me to introduce you to what might be - possibly - the last car I'll purchase in my life. Fast, safe, very good on the environment (uses only electricity, - no gas) O to 60 in 2.1 seconds, range 600 miles on one charge. The 2020 Tesla Roadster. I'm dreaming, of course...but I'm close to owning it...I own a 2018 Tesla S 100D now.
Speaking of real intimacy.
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Wow; you're talking in vague generalities. Some people? Deep emotions? Remember - we're agnostic...not just with religion, but with all aspects of alleged issues. How about you tell us where you get your "impressions" from? A few links would help.....
Excellent, science-based, non-academic talk, explains the science behind the title of the talk.
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Yes...sea levels are rising...but it's this very process and its still slow nature that will catch us with our pants down. Al Gore pointed out the problem with the relative slowness of this action...
Wonder if that tattoo artist is still alive..
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
I just don't get tattoos... Jimmy Buffett's commentary on it in his song Margaritaville is a hint.... Don't know the reason... Stayed here all season... Nothing to show but this brand new tattoo But it's a real beauty A Mexican Cutie How it got here I haven't a clue
The Iconic Electric Eel Is Actually Three Species []
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
A good, interesting read! Kudos, Dave! Good find!
Too funny!
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
The #Religulous are generally sikh, indeed....
Part 2 my happy place
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
There's something super-attractive about the beach. I live within a few hundred feet of it...I've been warned about living there....I'm insured...bring the gets me high....
A kickstarter campaign for a funny card game about dating that I just felt I had to share! Enjoy!...
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Too complicated...let's just do "spin the bottle"...
Joe Walsh: GOP is a ‘cult’ and Trump a ‘would-be dictator’ [thehill.
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Walsh gets destroyed by Bill;
Joe Biden Is a Phony, Plain and Simple Norman Solomon • 4/24/2019 "Let’s be blunt: As a ...
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
I wouldn't go so far as to call him "phony" - he's just clearly centrist....clearly "middle-of-the-road" clearly he will go with the flow but doesn't show us much leadership.
Rocky Mountain national Park, one month ago.
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
I see a lot of dead and dying trees, and two stone (?) monoliths....correct?
Since he's gone... []
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
I had no idea that Ben Orr was the lead singer for most of the Cars' hits... sad that the group didn't keep going...Orr died young, in 2000, of Pancreatic cancer. Sad.
Hey everybody! What's your favorite form of transportation?
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
My two favorite activities are transportation oriented...swimming and biking. My favorite car....the Tesla...I even created a group for that.("Tesla owners/drivers/lovers Group"). Trains are are buses. Too few use mass transit; once you try it you fall in love with it. Can you tell I love it?
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
That committee's toothless, and Chao and McConnell know it. Trump's proven he can flaunt any congressional action, with our courts' blessings. We're in deep s...t until we vote for a regime change.
Good afternoon all.
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
If you're in NYC, find a good Broadway show. There's plenty to be seen....and that plus a dinner out can end up being a huge tab...but a glorious time!
[] You may want to know. Keto diets are good for weight loss, but have side effects.
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
I'm slowly losing weight. My target is getting in to the 130's and staying there...while keeping my fitness. I work out daily; either a good swim, or a decent bike ride. I won't go to a high fat /low carb "keto" diet. The logic to me is in the portions and the hunger factor. If I go to be a bit hungry, I lose weight. If I eat unwisely, I gain weight. The diet demands we have are far stronger than any drug addiction; we've been programmed to diet prefs before we could walk and it's no wonder that it's hard to change our diet. My recommendations are simple....ease up on the carbs. Cut out/reduce breads, rice, and potatoes. Boost your proteins and fiber. Boost your fresh frruits and veggies. Even frozen and lightly cooked is better than none. Ease up on your pure sugar; Splenda/sucralose is a good substitute. I'm at 145 this AM and I plan to be in the 130's by the time the holiday "feasting" season rolls around.
Dear Odin... NOOOOOOOO! 😳😯😫😫😫😫 []
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
For those who don't want to "click" to the web site; it's basically that Cacao may go extinct...NO CHOCOLATE!! "Here's some chocolate-covered bad news. Many of the world's cacao plants—the natural ingredient in chocolate—are being decimated by a fungus. '
I do not go on FaceBook very often I rarely read post there anymore.
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
I concur...and that damned "messenger" box floats right in the middle of my Words with Friends games. Restart your computer, or go to preferences and close or cancel the messenger service.
When you just can't take it at work and need a break...
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
That reminds me of a good one I've saved;
“Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers.
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Love my old, last of the long-haired, ex WWF wrestler/Minnasota Governor Jesse!
Yummmy tasty!
Robecology comments on Sep 16, 2019:
Sexy, classy! Well composed, well lit, provocative but not "revealing."...excellent!
Tots and pears!
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
As @Livinlife said.....
Classic art
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Finally, a Sexy Classy image !! Thanks! It seems some posters forgot what that means....
How do we stop the American Taliban?
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Religion is dying a slow death - in fact - it's growing, still, in many parts of the world. There's serious generational brain-washing going on world wide...many religions are actually growing in relation to population increase - mainly due to the traditions and mores passed on, and the family behaviors.
If I join this religion, I could become the high priest of memes.
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
This reminds me of early Red Foxx I recall; "Confuscius say, man who loses key to girlfriend's apartment get no Nookie....
Interesting changes for the younger generation (change is constant).
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Proven in 1962; As population density increases, any social population naturally loses interest in sex, there's more child neglect and abandonment, and there's more same-sex behavior... BTW We're still growing (births minus deaths) at the rate of 158 more per minute, 227,000 more per day, 1 million every 5 days.
NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE @FlippantLlama and I discussed a few minor changes to the group.
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Thanks for opening up the possible questions to us for a day! I love it!
A doubles feature today...
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
uh....this is the 'Sexy-classy" strand, right?
In a bathroom, somewhere in India...
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Cute...but please allow me to shave that belly....
Shall we tell them?...
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Only if (s)he's been hit with the Santa and Easter bunny myth....don't want to overwhelm him/her.
Question - is this group basically just about sex?
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Great question...and of course it depends on too many factors to give a definitive answer. Generally; younger women inspire me to value my life better...they challenge me. to stay fit, be more interesting. Older men offer the younger woman a lot that men their age don't. So again....this depends on lots of factors.
Happy Sunday everyone! Swimming, sewing and family time for me today - what about you?
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
A stormy, windy day here on the east coast of Florida as yet another Tropical wave reminds us that we're living close to violent mother nature. I got in 40 laps before the foul weather moved in this I'm rested and chillin' on the computer...high from the swim.....
What every man dreams a woman should be:
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
A Corvettte Truck? LOL! Here's my kind of "woman/truck" - an all electric...and made by a smart/hot woman!
A no smoking sign is needed.
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Obesity is a serious epidemic in America. Thank you for poking fun at what is a potentially serious nightmare for too many of us... Check out this 10 second gif Map showing the growth of obesity in America by the CDC.
I'm trained in photography, but the only real camera I have is a 35mm Canon A1.
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
They're very personal tools...your best bet is to go in to a store and talk to a salesperson. Look through many - ask lots of questions. The weight, the "heft" the reputation, new or used...there's too many really depends on what you're comfortable with.
Good Morning Everyone! Deportations begin at Homeland Security.
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
You are beyond courageous for protesting....while too many of us just sit and observe. Pat yourself on the back...a big thank you for being an activist in the true sense of the word.
Yesterday afternoon I was at a Mediterranean fete.
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
The ethnic Greeks of N.C. know how to eat...or shall i say "indulge" in gastronomic delights...
Mid Autumn festival with the Love Birds on the train, nyayyyyy 😉😂
Robecology comments on Sep 15, 2019:
Hong Kong, I presume? And is that a pic of you or someone else taking a "selfie"?
Sadly, terraforming, while maybe possible technically, doesn't stand a chance politically. 😥
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Bill Maher covered this well, the eve of Earth day this past April. it was so good I've saved it...
Hi all! I was feeling discouraged about my weight loss and told myself that I had to wait a week ...
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Great question! Forgive me while I ramble and rant...but.... Being retired - and being "old"(74)... is a mixed work to do...but if you don't "sweat" or "huff and puff" feel it more quickly than when you were young. So, I do weigh myself daily. I do exercise every day (love the "rush" of energy after a workout and shower)...and I just feel better on the days I've had a good bike ride or swim-lap workout... ...And then there's the wondering about "the end"...a lot closer, now. You try not to think about it...but if you don't, you forget the "meds" your doc prescribes.... Yes, I do volunteer for a few things...I have my finger in the pie at the local botanical gardens, I'm lined up to be an assistant at the community science fair, and etc. There's the frustration of very, very infrequent "intimacy" because I've chosen to live alone... I do bend over backwards to please the lady-friend who rarely visits, and when she does, is too often bitter and is not fun to be I'm happy to see her go... I eat carefully; after morning coffee - some egg whites, with cheese and salsa....a light yogurt lunch, and I love the evening meal...a small portion of something healthful....followed by something decadent... tiny....but decadent (my 'muscle' brownies usually fill the bill).
Almost nighty night time....
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Now I believe that Sophia Loren did allow a few pics of herself semi-nude; although her areolas were darker ( that dark Italian pigmentation) so I'm guessing this isn't accurate;[]=Sophia%7Ctyped[]=Loren%7Ctyped
Almost nighty night time....
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Just going to drop this here to explain what is really going on these days...
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
It's almost too close to the truth to be funny....
The remains of a man missing for 22 years have been found -- thanks to Google Earth []
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
LOL....Good ol' alcohol....
Lucy Lui? Or another Photoshop?
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
If you google 'Luci Lieu nude photographs" you get all sorts of soft and even some hard porn shots. I'm 99% sure she'd never pose for them...but I could be wrong.
Lucy Lui? Or another Photoshop?
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
Luci and Annette are/were both too "classy" to have allowed a topless or full nude image of them I'm only guessing that yes...that's decent photoshop work.
Retro tins.🙂
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
I still have a few, including a band-aid box pre-"plastic strips"...when they were cloth and gauze!
Ten thousand years from now we will be the subject being analyzed.
Robecology comments on Sep 14, 2019:
We are all combining and re-combining our DNA. In a few generations there won't be an "Asian" sub-species Why? Because all the dark skinned and fair skinned and oriental and western folk will have interbred.


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Me on the boardwalk over my beachfront condo in the background!
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Me cooking up a storm at Tom’s home in Puerto Rico!
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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting women
  • Level9 (292,668pts)
  • Posts1689
  • Comments
  • Followers 32
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  • Following 7
  • Fav. Posts 11
  • Referrals73
  • Joined Dec 17th, 2017
  • Last Visit Recently
Robecology's Groups
Older Men and Younger Women
99 members, Host
Language abuse and bad spelling
38 members, Host
Environmental science/Ecology/Demography
31 members, Host, Moderator
George Carlin sayings, memes, etc.
27 members, Host
Ricky Gervais
26 members, Host
Tesla owners/drivers/lovers
13 members, Host, Moderator
Prostate treatments
8 members, Host
Topic of the day
94628 members
Just for Laughs
3329 members
Memes R Us
3036 members
2692 members
Progressives, Socialists, and Black/Palestinian Lives Matter
2456 members
Newbie Groupies!
2194 members
2154 members
Real Intimacy
1855 members
Out Of The Illusion
1738 members
50s +
1671 members
1650 members
1541 members
Food Glorious Food
1461 members
Music Fans
1280 members
1209 members
Trump Pinata
1139 members
handcrafters , fine artists, photographers, or other things of beauty
1100 members
Human Sexuality: Everything About It
1017 members
Humour, Fun, Chuckles, Laughs, or Cutes, From Everywhere.
942 members
Gun Control Now
925 members
Sexy Classy Pics
773 members
Legalize Cannabis Nationwide/Worldwide
772 members
All Things Astronomy
730 members
Critical thinking
668 members
Freedom from Religion Foundation
644 members
Mental Health Support
632 members
596 members
The Watering hole
526 members
Music of the Movies
509 members
Florida Freethinkers
445 members
438 members
aussie sceptics
437 members
424 members
Science, Health & History Tidbits
419 members
The Escapees- - Hide here!
418 members
Jazz, Blues, Funk, Soul, Reggae, Dance, Punk, Alternative, Rock and Roll.
418 members
Community Senate
380 members
Critter Corner
373 members
370 members
Dating for Real People
370 members
Hike, Climb, Paddle
356 members
Coffee Drinkers Corner
336 members
visual art
327 members
"Positive Vibes"
325 members
Documentaries you should see
324 members
Online Dating: The Reality
320 members
Environment, Ecology and Sustainability
316 members
Geek's Corner
307 members
303 members
Liberal/Progressive Party
302 members
Hippie Land -
295 members
P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
294 members
Abuse Survivors(Emotional, verbal, physical, sexual, toxic relationship)
294 members
American Atheists (Fans)
289 members
Jokes and humor about religion
282 members
281 members
Workout Warriors
265 members
Battling Obesity
255 members
Childfree Domain
250 members
249 members
36 Questions
247 members
Baby Boomers
235 members
Me Too - Women's Rights and Men's Rights
224 members
Simply Atheist
221 members
General Forum
209 members
The Best of Late Night & News
202 members
Science and religion. :) lets debate
196 members
Simple Thoughts
194 members
Memes edited
190 members
Non-nude sexy pics
190 members
Truly single gal and guys looking for love.
182 members
Science Fiction & Godlessness
181 members
Natural history
177 members
I Love Halloween!
174 members
Political Posts, Articles and Memes
166 members
This Day In History
165 members
Science & Technology
155 members
General Topics
152 members
Sun Moon Stars
150 members
Pets and wildlife
150 members
Women's Empowerment
147 members
All Things Legal/Crime and Punishment
143 members
Autism and/or Asperger's Syndrome
140 members
Biden 2020
140 members
Dharma Café
133 members
122 members
Jewish by Culture
120 members
Earth Preservers
119 members
116 members
110 members
Conservative Atheist Singles
103 members
Marriage & Long-term Relationships
103 members
103 members
Celebrity Pictures
100 members
Political Theory & Policy
96 members
At Retirement!
93 members
Pop Culture - TV
87 members
Atheist Videos & Miscellany
87 members
Crass Comedy
87 members
Tales from the Lockdown
82 members
Memes R hilarioUS!
80 members
Marijuana changing the world
79 members
78 members
Sex Over Sixty
77 members
Age Related
72 members
Healthy Living
72 members
Religion of Science & Higher Consciousness
71 members
Atheist News Network
70 members
Gardening and natural crafting
61 members
61 members
The Path of a Taoist
60 members
Trumpanzees & Morons
55 members
Common Ground
55 members
54 members
54 members
Electric Vehicles and Vehicle Related Technology.
50 members
Suicide is painless
50 members
No more war
50 members
The Truth Is Out There
49 members
Car Lovers Group
45 members
Volunteering, Charity Work, and Community Service
45 members
Meatballs & Pasta
40 members
Secular Teachers
39 members
39 members
38 members
38 members
Signs signs everywhere signs
36 members
36 members
Non Religious Science teachers -any age
35 members
Elon Musk
30 members
Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
28 members
Camping for adults in Dixie (no children)
27 members
Atheist Points Of View On The Middle East
26 members
Pin Ups
20 members
Oppression Throughout The World
14 members
9 members