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29 July 2019 - Diet Diary- Really late tonight, made jelly from the chokecherries I picked over the...
Robecology comments on Jul 30, 2019:
Hi, Dot... I hear you about the low-sugar thing...I've swtiched from straight sugar to splenda (sucralose) and sugar (in my AM coffee) Sucralose, BTW is by far the safest of all the artificial's just one molecule away from sucrose (C6H12O6) so the liver and kidneys can metabolize it easily. Straight sugar gives me a jittery "high" anyway....I'm sure I'm borderline diabetic. Back up to 149....just passed "birthday" weekend so I'm struggling with rich cakes and brownies that well intended (but thoughtless) friends gave me....and of course I can't just "dump" them! You've inspired me to get my a....s in gear and go swim some laps...
Clothes make all the difference, don't you agree?
Robecology comments on Jul 30, 2019:
I like that women know how to play down the sexiness for military dress...and then play it up when they're ready to "partner" woman! (and yes...very hot!).
I have been trying in vain to reach any creationists on line with questions regarding Lucy and ...
Robecology comments on Jul 30, 2019:
#1. Try facebook...there's plenty of Christian groups that accept comments. #2 You're pretty much wasting your time. They've deeply brain-washed with the myth of religion. #3. There's been thousands of fossil evidence unearthed about the sequencing of human evolution. A book you need to read in "Origins Reconsidered" by Richard Leakey. If you send me a SASE with sufficient postage for a book...I'll mail it to you -it's a signed copy.
About 12-14 years ago, I got into a survivalist mode.
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
The "canning" of foods has gotten very sophisticated. Remember, "canning" is nothing more than cooking food and their containers, then putting the cooked food in to "cooked" containers (cans or jars) that, once they're sealed, also shrink as they cool, creating a vacuum that makes any surviving bacteria/molds/decomposers starve. As we get closer to global warming extremes, you can and should expect longer power outages. Folks with gas cooking will have the adantage of being able to "Can" or "preserve" foods that those of us with just electricity won't have. Using pure nitrogen gas inside these packs also stops "oxidation" and starves 'aerobic" (oxygen breathing) that's one trick. (You might have heard about tire dealers using pure nitrogen to make the inside of your tires last longer). Vitamin C...ascorbic acid...has also proven to be an excellent preservative. And there's many more chemicals and techniques....most quite safe....although there were some experimental drugs that were used that created problems and issues. But today's "preserved foods"...even those from a couple of decades ago...are pretty safe. Those "use by" labels? That's relatively new...and used more to encourage you to replace older foods...than to warn you of them becoming dangerous. I even did a similar post a few months ago about very outdated "condoms" ....chances are good that they're still "useable and safe" as well...
This is actually a black and white photo, but an artist has drawn color lines through it.
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
Very cool!!
I really do, for all of us
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
I've seen this's a favorite!
Ok, so I have been a member for a while, but only recently began to become active.
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
Look at it this way; you're a pioneer. You're in a group that still gives perks and rewards for reaching higher levels...that's not sustainable. FB started small and local. Agnostic's just getting started.
Let them decide!
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
The "super-power" comics are clearly an offshoot of the myths and anticipations of the miracles of religion. Someone who "makes wrongs right" and "avenges" the poor and disadvantaged....pure religious themes.
[] Surviving Woodstock - some myths and realities.
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
The author's last sentence; "Maybe it was just a glorious accident." ....indeed. ...and I had bought tickets for all three days...which were useless when we got there. We tried staying one day...the rain and no place to stay (except in the car) made it impossible to linger....
Been out taking a few shots of the animals of the White Mountains.
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
Dazzling double rainbow!
Downtown Austin. The Austonian reflected in the windows of the Colorado Tower.
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
What's the reddish/rust coloring in the trees?
Doubt you'd see that sign at a Trump rally
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
Far too complex for Trumpsters to even comprehend...
10 Scientific Reasons Why Our Solar System is Really Weird []
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
Anton's work is wonderful; and his images are very special....but I'm sorry; his speaking style just leaves me disappointed. Perhaps it's his accent....perhaps it's my sound system...but I just don't follow his story line very well. I wish he'd hire a speaker...he needs to be a producer/director, not a presenter.
Offensive... to who? Oh,, never mind.. 😒😪😩😢 []
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
From the article; Zhu went up to a Muslim Student Association booth celebrating World Hijab Day and declined to wear a hijab when prompted. She then tweeted: "There is a 'try a hijab on' booth at my college campus. So you're telling me that it's now just a fashion accessory and not a religious thing? Or are you just trying to get women used to being oppressed under Islam?" So I don't see anything wrong with the comments against the #religulous Muslims. Where Ms. Zhu really lost her title was when she tweeted this obviously racist comment; Zhu said: "Did you know the majority of black deaths are caused by other blacks? Fix problems within your own community before blaming others." It's the old Trump-based strategy of pointing out black-on-black deaths instead of the obviously imbalanced persecution that still exists by law enforcement and many people who aren't "colored" that got her banned, IMO. .
Would anyone be interested in scheduled chats?
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
What you could do is announce your schedule; when you'll be joining the chat room. Those who will follow you will either join you - or not...but at least your followers will know.
So i posted about a casual relationship here and in another group on FB.
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
FB is notorious for rudeness. I'd report them right away; they really appreciated it. In the meantime I've commented on this before; watch this video and see if you get the analogy;
Finally, a realistic, yet depressing, religious funeral:
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
Whenever death is an issue, I read this...
The truth about dating the younger women []
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
Not half as good as a video you gave us a few weeks ago. It bothers me when anyone - male or female - just sits in front of a camera and rattles off wisdom when we know little or nothing of their me it's an ego trip for them. Here's the link to that excellent video. I keep it tabbed and view it often. Thanks again for THIS one...
I feel young enough to be in the group. Are there any counselors in this group? aha
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
I'm always happy to see young women join our gives us senior men hope! Keep smiling! And feel free to advise us as to ways we can please, and attract you! Ms. Boomtara03 gave us this video; and I saved you might enjoy it.
Good morning all!!! A couple more pix of the Festival!!!
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
Weird images...what kind of festival...where?
Sooo many people text.
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
Produced in 1988...over 30 years ago...but still a profound truth;
What poems may be housed in your soul? []
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
The WaPo and the N.Y. Times are pioneers in charging for on-line reading... us "free-internet" folk refuse to submit; call us cheap, call us righteous. ...but this insults me: "We're glad you're enjoying The Washington Post. Get access to this story, and every story, on the web and in our apps with our Basic Digital subscription. Keep reading for $10 $1 Show me more offers Already a subscriber? Sign in" uh-uh.
One morning long ago I had a long series of vivid dreams and awakenings, convinced I was awake but ...
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
I recall that when I first wake...especially if the dream seemed pleasant....I almost have a strong desire to go back to sleep....then I smell the coffee, and/or see the twilight of dawn...and get up. Scary.
A beautiful pair of legs... Agree? Yes, I do...
Robecology comments on Jul 29, 2019:
There's no way to surgically get a great pair of's a combo of genetics and a serious workout routine. Kudos to her...
Robecology comments on Jul 28, 2019:
I love the "tree optimism" but science doesn't support the idealism. Earth covers only 30% of the planet. Of that, once that land was 60% forests...that's been reduced to 30% But remember; 60% of 30% is only 18%. 30% of 30% is only 9%...of today's forest (trees) coverage of land...compared to the entire surface. The Oceans - and the plant-like organisms (actually pre-plant phytoplankton) are the thankless providers for most of our Oxygen, and the majority "sink" for CO2. And phytoplankton exist almost everywhere...and yes...they are being reduced by oceanic polltution. How much do oceans add to world's oxygen? | Earth | EarthSky
Breast Pianist ever! Hope this is ok here. Could go in other groups! []
Robecology comments on Jul 28, 2019:
Freudian spelling slip..."Breast" pianist ever>. LOL!
I'm going to say this once.
Robecology comments on Jul 28, 2019:
Why are you saying this once? What's your point?
Today's cheese 🧀🧀🧀🧀 😛
Robecology comments on Jul 28, 2019:
....and let me throw in some cool Science;
Good Sunday afternoon! We are relaxing today, about to binge watch Stranger Things on Netflix -- I ...
Robecology comments on Jul 28, 2019:
I used to be much more "in" to TV than I am today. I find the stories just too poorly acted, or the story lines too absurd for me. I do watch TV news at 9-10....and switch between CNN and MSNBC. I will occasionally go to Fox just to see how they're cleverly avoiding criticizing the POTUS. ....and I often watch highlights of Colbert and Maher on Facebook/youtube....
This is a serious climate change article.
Robecology comments on Jul 28, 2019:
To sum it up; The mass extinction we are now living through has only just begun. So much more dying is coming. And yet, improbably, Ward (the author of the article) is an optimist. I'm copying the audio version for those who like to multi-task...
They never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games.
Robecology comments on Jul 28, 2019:
Trump blames White House air conditioning on Obama [boston.
Robecology comments on Jul 28, 2019:
You must have seen the most recent "New Yorker" magazine article, titled Trump Tries to Think Up Crime by Obama, Comes Up With ‘Wrote Book’
Ahhh the latest trend on Twitter.... TrumpIsaRat...
Robecology comments on Jul 28, 2019:
LOL! Please decide now to not only vote, but "get others out" to vote? This election is critical.
Apparently, our host, @frayedbear has been banished from Agnostic.
Robecology comments on Jul 28, 2019:
I've had my share of debates with the fellow....but I don't recall him going off the rails. Perhaps we need to know the guidelines better...I'm wondering if he was warned?
Does salt go bad?
Robecology comments on Jul 28, 2019:
The "best if used by" stamp is used by some due to some regulations, and by some due to standards of quality. Libertarians would throw a fit about this.... But once salt is mined and ground down for use - it will "hydrolyze" or absorb water from the air, and then cake, stick together, and lose it's purity.
27 July 2019 - Diet Diary - Felt a little better today, although the night was disrupted by my ...
Robecology comments on Jul 28, 2019:
I am so jealous! I've GOT to get in to the 130's again! With mixed feelings I celebrated a birthday with a decadent dinner out....and of course she bought me a super-rich cake....uggghhh....mixed feelings...
Finally, a Green New Deal I can support
Robecology comments on Jul 28, 2019:
Good morning, such a beautiful morning sitting here on the back porch watching the sunrise.
Robecology comments on Jul 28, 2019:
Nice; Happy 74th birthday to me! I've just watched that same sun rise (in Ft. Pierce, Florida!)
July 27th. 1940 Bugs Bunny makes his debut in Warner Bros. cartoon a ''A wild Hare''.
Robecology comments on Jul 27, 2019:
Sad that we made a "world" for Mickey and MInnie but nothing for Bugs, Elmer, and Daffy...
This is a "study" on a sunset.
Robecology comments on Jul 27, 2019:
I can never tire of watching a sunset/sunrise. Something special about it.
It's my bf birthday on Monday(his timezone) and it is on Tuesday (in mine) and I am at work that ...
Robecology comments on Jul 27, 2019:
Now THAT is a long distance relationship!
It's horrible to wish anyone dead, and I've lived through presidents good and bad.
Robecology comments on Jul 26, 2019:
The hate is palpable...and when i read about folk complaining about us hating Trump, I try to explain it to them. There's love, hate, and indifference. "You don't hate someone you don't know. You hate someone who's lied to you. Deceived you. Shown you another side of themselves that you never expected and are sad and sorry to see. We hate him for a lot of very good reasons.
Hordes of grasshoppers have invaded Las Vegas [] []
Robecology comments on Jul 26, 2019:
Just don't inhale one...or let your driving be distracted...
Yes, laughter is the best medicine, as these old guys show, and yes, Masters and Johnson proved ...
Robecology comments on Jul 26, 2019:
I'm just turning 74....these guys give me hope....
The Mystery of the Undead Tree Stump []
Robecology comments on Jul 26, 2019:
Fascinating. I wonder....and I'm sure many do....about the "perspective" of ancient llving things. Do they "sense" like we do? Are they perhaps far more advanced in their living/lifestyle than we give them credit for? I walk through a forest in a "preserve" that I help care for....HeathCote in Ft. Pierce, Florida...and there's a section called the rainforest which is all palms, bromeliads, Ferns and other pre-Conifer, pre-deciduous plants....all can trace their evolutionary roots to hundreds of millions of years ago. I'm always in awe of them. Cool find...good study!
I just told my friend I think I am the runaway bride of dating!
Robecology comments on Jul 26, 2019:
LOL....I'm not sure many know what you're referring to.... but I think that's a funny comment! Here's the movie clip /trailer to "Runaway Bride"
OK - back to a people photo today.
Robecology comments on Jul 26, 2019:
Obviously central or South American (Peruvian) children? Their outfits are incredibly colorful...and their smiles. infectious! See what you can do to crop/photoshop the people in the background out? Not sure if you can take out the white rails as well....but worth a try... This pic would go from great to amazing.
25 July 2019 - Diet Diary - My quick dip yesterday was rescinded, back up to 139.
Robecology comments on Jul 26, 2019:
I concur on the smoothies..and they lend themselves to infinite varieties. Different kinds of milk, fruit, veggies, yogurt My current "fad" is no fat, high protein greek yogurt with fruit...can be made thin (to drink it) or thick with frozen fruit and ice. Mango's just ending their season here in S.Florida....there's plenty of it available...and it good!
Robecology comments on Jul 26, 2019:
Yea, Bill didn't age well. Sorry that such a good, publicly "clean" comedian pulled such crap on so many women...
Good morning and happy Friday! While I'm glad it's Friday, my favorite day of the week is actually ...
Robecology comments on Jul 26, 2019:
As a retired teacher I'm very lucky...but I worked hard to make that "luck". I have good health (I turn 74 Saturday....reitred since 2012) so every day is a good day. Up early (6 ish) and to bed early (9 ish) - living alone....friends and family many miles away....I'm cool with that! I try to get a workout in every day (4 pieces of equipment including a desk-seated bike combination!) and I eat smart...staying in the 140's (a bit overweight for my height...but can't complain) - Tesla (EV) in the garage... So life is good!
Simplified, but basically the short story.
Robecology comments on Jul 25, 2019:
You got the gist of it. The addiction of greed is perfect...nothing to smoke, snort nor shoot.... ...and your family loves your "habit"... ...but it is an addiction. If your investments crash there's a high rate of suicide. ...many wealthy are also high cigarette and opium users. They're sick people...and they could take us all with them. Elon Musk has proposed a solution;
THE ANGRY ARAB: Maxime Rodinson & the Palestinian Question A new book attacking the French ...
Robecology comments on Jul 25, 2019:
I almost never attended any Jewish ceremonies.....but my mother came from a strict Jewish family; and she was "ostracized" by her parents for years before they finally "befriended us. So I have lots of reasons to support the Israeli struggle. But it's clearly gotten out of hand. I'm now embarrassed to admit my Jewish heritage. I'm so not proud of the way Israel is behaving.
Robecology comments on Jul 25, 2019: reminded me of one of my favorite scenes from "Meet the Fockers" ...simply called...ass - hole.... Watch; it WILL make you smile!
Who else shops like I do?
Robecology comments on Jul 25, 2019:
We're all price conscientious to a degree; depending on our incomes. It's a problem with the extremes in income; both the very rich and very poor are not wise shoppers. The wealthy - even the ecological minded - tend to be wasteful if they're making good money. Very poor are often big wasters and poor shoppers as well....often eating out "fast food" when it's much more thrifty and wiser to prep meals at home.
Says the guy whose net worth is 65 million dollars, earned as an employee of some of the most ...
Robecology comments on Jul 25, 2019:
@corrupt(231) and @bigpawbullets; First let me thank you for sharing Woodie's "cause" Now, let me say....I'm sad that your intro has to mention, and denigrate, his wealth. He's a spokesperson. He's taking risks of losing support by coming out against the very corporations that feed let's empathize. He's using his success and popularity to reach people to create social justice. If this were you or I we'd make far less of an impact. You may see this as hypocrisy; but I don't. There's lots of wealthy actors who do NOT speak out for any social causes...and they're the ones who are far more hypocritical. People attack Leo DeCaprio for being environmental activist as well. They laugh at his wealthy lifestyle, his private jets, etc. But again...he's taking a lot of risk speaking out against the "establishment"; and if you dig in to either one of their personal'd see that they do their best to support their cause - they spend a far greater percentage of their income for charity than you or I do Let's applaud these fellows for NOT "keeping their mouths shut" for "speaking out against the establishment" that in many ways fund their success. You or I could never dream of having near the "impact" they do.
Good morning! If you walked a mile in my shoes, you'd feel my brace that keeps me from falling ...
Robecology comments on Jul 25, 2019:
That's a wonderful commentary encouraging empathy. Humanists - especially Agnostic ones I know - are great empaths.
The Marvels of Tick Saliva []
Robecology comments on Jul 25, 2019:
I’m so confused lately about how those defending racist statement keep claiming that they ...
Robecology comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Racism is deeply ingrained; and the more crowded the earth becomes (158 more births, than deaths per minute, 227,000 more per day) the slower the evolution is away from hate and competition. My parents were racist; especially my father. I caught myself growing up with racist feelings. Education, awareness, and experiences makes you realize how wrong it is; but it's not something you can just wake up and switch out of. It takes a behavioral evolution. So let's be patient. We know it's wrong. Most Americans know it's wrong. But there's a competitiveness among peoples and classes of people that intensifies as we grow more crowded. This isn't opinion; this is proven science.
The origin of Amway
Robecology comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Yul Brynner made a striking image in that scene...I think it was from the 1956 movie "The Ten commandments" and Mr. Brynner played the pharoah....not sure of the ruler's name.
Heck! Might be a hit!!!
Robecology comments on Jul 25, 2019:
The book was good, as was the hearing. This is obviously a Republican/conervative laughing point. But the truth hurts too many Americans; so the meme exists. Sadly we'll have to toterate the tyrant until Nov 2020.... I sure hope the dems pick a clear favorite. The choices are not good ones.
Practical joke
Robecology comments on Jul 25, 2019:
LOL...Love his work!
24 July 2019 - Diet Diary - Well, the body was being cooperative today, slid off that plateau and ...
Robecology comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Wow! Good job, Dot! I suffered a setback...I made a chili that was "too delicious" and gave in to temptation...and finished the rather large remaining/leftovers. Oh...well...
I simply reject the entire notion that there are any sort of non-physical beings in existance.
Robecology comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Of course you're right.... ...but then there's "imagination" . The human mind's ability to consider the future is a blessing and a curse, IMO. ...many "pretend" to be "religious" or act "spiritual" simply because that's the socially acceptable "thing" right now. Saying you're agnostic or atheist too often is labeled as being "too honest" or "brutally honest".
Robecology comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Not surprising. When there's some seriously long heat waves, along with major power outages and numerous deaths....maybe then we'll sse some pro-alternative energy/anti fossil fuel action. Please view this great speech by Elon Musk made at the Sorbonne in Paris a few years ago. I think his idea of a "carbon tax" isn't do-able at this point...but his presentation explaining our very narrow temperature tolerance range is brilliant.
Practical joke
Robecology comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Larsen is the best!
What attracts women to men []
Robecology comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Do a similar study with glasses, please! Wait.....I found a video; that include frame-makers that let you use your own image to see how the glasses look! Very cool technology!
Here’s an interesting statistic.
Robecology comments on Jul 24, 2019:
I actually had a parking lot troll motion me over to tell me I should smile.
Robecology comments on Jul 24, 2019:
That's the way parking attendants flirt...or you could be like slydr68 and shoot him...
Is there anyone who actually thinks Mueller's testimony will do anything to help?
Robecology comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Remember; Independents have been rising; a recent data check said America is 46% Independent and rising, and Democrats, slightly ahead of Republicans, are both sinking in new registration sign-ups. The independents can't vote in primaries...but more are sacrificing that right for the chance to chose the best at the time....a true open-minded approach. So the independents, in my opinion, are watching Mueller and realizing that we have to chose someone else besides Trump in 2020.
Robert Mueller : 1.
Robecology comments on Jul 24, 2019:
You got it right IMO...but you're "preaching to the choir"....we're mostly with you. The real problem is those polite church folk. Those American Legion folk. The incredible number of folk who get rich off the "Republican" way of life. They are a solidified group. They're locked in to their opinions. ....and we ignored them in 2016. We did a better job in 2018. Now we REALLY got to get busy and support the "democratic" way of life for 2020....or we are in deep.....
23 July 2019 - Diet Diary - Alright! Back on track here.
Robecology comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Congrats on breaking the 140 mark!
Let's listen to what our Islamic Scientist has to say. 😂
Robecology comments on Jul 24, 2019: he's #religulous. We all know that there's a very high level of gullibility in all religious folk. But be aware; The Islamic religion is rising much faster than the Christian religion, or agnostics, for that the world. At least Islamic folk don't buy the reincarnation thing, or the "risen again" thing, or the "virgin birth" thing... But they do buy a "heaven" or "after-life"...and all sorts of diet restrictions (no pork, etc.) and they also buy that aggressive proselytizing behavior gets the males more - or fewer - virgins in heaven. Yea, they're very misogynist - that's why they demand that their women wear Burqas - they're afraid their lust will have them rape all eligible women - which - in fact - they do. Hence the need for virgins in heaven. But let's not poke fun at alleged "spokespeople" for them. Remember; our numerical system is Arabic....they were the "cradle of civilization" once. Sadly, the typical middle eastern man is what we agnostics know as "unenlightened". Who the Chinese grow to world dominance, and we produce more Trump/Republicans....maybe we'll sink to 3rd world status?
This article looks at the common ancestry and evolution of gut bacterium in apes and humans - the ...
Robecology comments on Jul 24, 2019:
The most fascinating research (about symbiotic organisms living within us) is that **Mitochondria** *have their own DNA.*..and might be an invasive organism from very, very early in the evolution of life that evolved a symbiotic relationship with all animal life. "**Mitochondria Have DNA**" Mitochondria and chloroplasts have striking similarities to bacteria cells. They have their own DNA, which is separate from the DNA found in the nucleus of the cell. And both organelles use their DNA to produce many proteins and enzymes required for their function. The Evolution of the Cell - Learn Genetics Utah - University of Utah
Meanwhile, in Miami:
Robecology comments on Jul 24, 2019:
It's true! The drivers there are soooo aggressive!
Good morning! On a more silly and fun side today, what will you not do for love?
Robecology comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Ever wonder what Meat Loaf actually won't do? I looked it up... What is “that” which he won’t do? Meat Loaf explains in VH1 Storytellers that each chorus starts with the line “But I’ll never…”, and ends with “But I won’t do that”. So the things that he won’t do are: But I’ll never forget the way you feel right now But I’ll never forgive myself if we don’t go all the way tonight But I’ll never do it better than I do it with you But I’ll never stop dreaming of you every night of my life And the song...and the lyrics...are long; [Intro] And I would do anything for love I'd run right into hell and back I would do anything for love I'll never lie to you and that's a fact But I'll never forget the way you feel right now - Oh no - No way And I would do anything for love But I won't do that, No I won't do that Anything for love Oh I would do anything for love I would do anything for love But I won't do that No I won't do that [Verse 1] And some days it don't come easy And some days it don't come hard Some days it don't come at all And these are the days that never end And some nights you're breathing fire And some nights you're carved in ice Some nights you're like nothing I've ever Seen before, or will again [Pre-Chorus] And maybe I'm crazy Oh it's crazy and it's true I know you can save me No one else can save me now but you As long as the planets are turning As long as the stars are burning As long as your dreams are coming true- You better believe it! [Chorus] That I would do anything for love! And I'll be there till the final act And I would do anything for love! And I'll take the vow and seal a pact But I'll never forgive myself if we don't go all the way Tonight And I would do anything for love! Oh I would do anything for love! Oh I would do anything for love! But I won't do that! No I won't do that! [Hook] I would do anything for love Anything you've been dreaming of But I just won't do that... I would do anything for love Anything you've been dreaming of But I just won't do that... I would do anything for love Anything you've been dreaming of But I just won't do that... [Verse 2] And some days I pray for Silence And some days I pray for Soul Some days I just pray to the God Of Sex and Drums and Rock 'N' Roll And some nights I lose the feeling And some nights I lose control Some nights I just lose it all When I watch you dance and the thunder rolls [Pre-Chorus] And maybe I'm lonely That's all I'm qualified to be There's just one and only One and only promise I can keep As long as the wheels are turning As long as the fires are burning As long as your prayers are coming true You better ...
One of the reasons we plant lots of tomatoes.
Robecology comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Uh-oh....I see vines in serious need of trimming...more trimming = more fruit. Less trimming = more vines...
Neanderthals made repeated use of the ancient settlement of ‘Ein Qashish, Israel ...
Robecology comments on Jul 24, 2019:
...and to look at that "settlement"...makes me could that hill be there? Why is the land around it so flat....could it have been an early burial ground? Could that "mound" be human-made?
Which do you prefer?
Robecology comments on Jul 24, 2019:
I'll pay good $$ for either...
I sure do miss this guy on TV every night.
Robecology comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Love John...and his mentor, and now late-night-show-host both of them challenge Mitch...
Immigration is getting ridiculous!
Robecology comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Funny....yet sad. I see the Mexican immigrants in town (Homestead) avoiding eye contact, skulking around....I'm embarrassed for them...and for the alleged "white American" I represent. They work hard at work no regular, ordinary person would take nor endure....working the crops is seasonal, hard work. Some crops just need I don't see mechanization of harvesting in the near future. We need to respect the immigrant more....please! Blow an immigrant mind. Give them a buck or two just because....
Good afternoon and Happy Friday! As I am eating my Knackwurst (or "knockwurst" as it's called here)...
Robecology comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Unique Italian has caught my interest. Not the typical pasta, or sauce, but a combination that's unique.
Elon Musk & Nuralink: share your thoughts. Go! []
Robecology comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Elon Musk; our illustrious dabbling...
I remember those days, many decades ago, when I could climb trees like a squirrel.
Robecology comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Growing old gracefully isn't as easy as it sounds...that's for sure! Consider that you always had "common sense" but now you have the wisdom of experience.
Childhood fun and terror!
Robecology comments on Jul 23, 2019:
The "wheel of death" the "psycho-go-round"...the "playground suicide machine" The "vomitorium".... any others?
Nice windows. Too bad you can't see more.
Robecology comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Can't believe she's dumb enough to wear underwear...and whoever took the pic thinks it's hot!
"Toward Rational, Authentic Food Choices | Melanie Joy" [youtube.
Robecology comments on Jul 23, 2019:
@AnonySchmoose; There's an ecological advantage to eating lower on the food chain....more plants, in other words. There's also lots of research and development of plant proteins with the "feel" and "flavor" of meats - to help those who have "acquired the taste" to transition. Good video. Thanks for sharing.
Robecology comments on Jul 23, 2019:
LOL...solution? Buy an EV....plug in charge at home or at a Supercharger....the fee for the "juice" is paid for on the privacy of your car...and it's a third the price of gas....
How do you spend your non-work, non-family obligation time?
Robecology comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Great question - I'm a retired teacher. I have a son, daughter-in-law, and grandson who live 60 miles, away, a step daughter who lives 180 miles away, and an occasional lady friend 120 miles away. I spend each day doing at least 1/2 hour of "working out"...biking, swimming, walking. Rarely tennis and golf. Rarely exercise machines I have in my home (three of them) ** But both friends and relatives say I spend too much time on the computer. **I'm on it from morning until bed time.** I rarely watch TV...maybe some Maddow (news) at bedtime. My weight is good; I'm close to ideal. My eating habits are healthy. Almost vegan, with occasional fish and chicken, rarely beef, lots of yogurts cereal and fruits and veggies. But I love my Words with Friends, and Facebook time..and yes...time here on I sing in the shower...but I don't have the ego to sing publicly. And I don't have pets. I've had pets all my life; but the need to "put down" an elderly shepherd a few years ago broke me of the "pet" habit. I do volunteer; I help with two different community gardens at least a few hours a week. I'm going to a "meeting" for a "children's garden" group in a few hours. So the big question on my mind is the concern from friends...of spending too much time on the computer. To's not too much. **How do I convince them to quit bugging me about it?**
Friend posted. Care to guess? She wants to know what it's called.
Robecology comments on Jul 22, 2019:
Rope clouds. Google "Rope cloud images"
I have no idea what are the names of those flowers but I find them so lovely even they are tiny and ...
Robecology comments on Jul 22, 2019:
Nice. I think the purple ones are "Snapdragons"...the second one looks like a thorny rose? Not sure of the "flowers of Hong Kong ID images"....I found this....
Indian ghost pipe plant. Taken during my Sunday hike.
Robecology comments on Jul 22, 2019:
A rare one, for sure! It's actually a real flowering plant. The only species that is "parasitic" and doesn't make its' own food (hence no chlorophyll, no green color). But do note; it does "flower; produce sperm (inside of pollen) and eggs; and reproduces sexually!
I guess even the seemingly perfect relationship is really wrought with problems.
Robecology comments on Jul 22, 2019:
I think it comes down to a lot of luck, and a great ability to compromise. Luck to meet that person that likes you apparently as much as you like them. ...and then the give and take begins. I've met quite a few; we hit it off; then one of us gave up on the "compromise" thing. The flexible and tolerant do well in relationships. Those like me with a narrow tolerance for debate and/or give-and-take are learning to love themselves and live alone - or they're not happy with their "alone-ness" and keep seeking that "relationship" More power to you! I'm falling in love with me, more than ever before.
Missed opportunity.....
Robecology comments on Jul 22, 2019:
Not a chance...not even close with me; mainly because I'm hetero, and they're nearly always guys. But I would love to know if a woman ever "seduced" a good looking THAT would be funny!
Since many here are looking to develop friendships with like-minded folks and distance seems to be ...
Robecology comments on Jul 22, 2019:
I live in Ft. Pierce, Florida on the beach. I've welcomed women who've read my bio and IF they like what I've said to get in touch. I'm not gonna beg...if it happens, it happens. I've had one visitor. I hope to have more!
Get the hell out Trump!
Robecology comments on Jul 22, 2019:
Shared on FB!
Robecology comments on Jul 22, 2019:
The "being alone" takes "getting used to"'s a matter of preferences...I'm totally happy with my level of cleanliness, style and quantity of food I eat, time on the computer vs time on the TV, work out prefs, etc. When she's here it's a compromise. I've done that enough in my life. I think my days of compromising to please a woman are over.
Question: Have you lost a relationship (spouse/family/friend)due to the political climate in our ...
Robecology comments on Jul 22, 2019:
Liking/not liking Trump is symbolic of lots of things...Religious vs non religious, Scientific vs not scientific, honest vs corrupt, sexist vs not, racist vs not. Some of us fell in to a habit of lying - and it it continued...for the Trump supporters. Being honest goes hand-in-hand with agnosticism. So my brothers and I were at odds with each other for years. Trump's rise to power just put a wrap on the finality of ending communications with them.
How do you motivate yourself to exercise?
Robecology comments on Jul 22, 2019:
Biking, swimming and walking the beach are my 3 favorite "sweat-producers". A close 4th is tennis and golf....but they cost $$ and I can't find the time and energy to haul out the equipment and go to the clubhouse...but the bikes are in the garage, and he pool is out back...hence my two favorite "go-to" workouts. Why work out? It's a high...I feel so much better after having "pushed" myself. I think when the day comes that it hurts too much to bike or swim I'll be ready to say....bye-bye...
For better or for half.
Robecology comments on Jul 22, 2019:
I would say....DON't get in touch....or please, remove my # from your phone?
Dragons from Hell!
Robecology comments on Jul 22, 2019:
Shared on FB...excellent!


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Me on the boardwalk over my beachfront condo in the background!
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Me cooking up a storm at Tom’s home in Puerto Rico!
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