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I am a progressive millennial interested in political discourse. Always willing to discuss and debate.

I do not believe in censorship and I never block anyone.


If Sanders wins the presidency he will have a congress and senate, both parties, bought off by ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 20, 2020:
For Sanders to win the election, he will have to beat the DNC, The corporations and billionaires, and Trump. If he is able to overcome those obstacles, it will only be because of a massive shift in political preferences of a populace which is deeply dissatisfied with the establishment and the staus quo. A movement with enough political momentum to get a democratic socialist elected in America will be a powerful force and difficult to resist. How does he get meaningful legislation passed? The same way he becomes president. By consistently pointing out the ways in which wall street and corporations are benefiting at the expense of working people. By holding rallies in the states and districts of Congressional holdouts and hammering the topics that effect people's lives like wealth inequality, the dysfunctional healthcare system, education debt, raising the minimum wage, making drug prices affordable, challenging the military industrial complex, ending the the constant wars, affordable housing, infrastructure and public transportation, getting money out of politics, and all the other practical issues that Bernie is always going on about. These policies are widely popular and with him using the presidency as a very far reaching platform to speak from, people will get energized and the legislators will be pressured by their constituents. Let me ask you this, If the congress and both parties are bought off by corporations and wall street, how will putting in place a centrist president who is also bought off by corporations and wall street going to help anything? That is a guarantee that nothing good will get done but probably bad stuff will continue right on. At least with a president on the side of the people, we have the massively powerful presidential veto. And there actually is much a president can do without the support of congress. You are so totally right that we desperately need change. With Sanders as president, at least there is some chance of it happening.
I keep saying males will do anything for sex.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 20, 2020:
Does it grow back?
Trump May Not Be Removed By The Senate
RoboGraham comments on Jan 19, 2020:
There is no chance that he will be re moved.
Happier Syria Of course, Syria was neither perfect nor utopian before the start of the Civil War,...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 18, 2020:
The Syrian Civil War is confusing. I feel like I've been kept in the dark about it.
I'm looking for a good friend to talk to and spend time with.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 18, 2020:
Great, so do we. Bring up a specific political topic and we will surely discuss it with you.
Thoughts on the Bernie/Warren kerfuffle?
RoboGraham comments on Jan 17, 2020:
If Bernie really said it close to two years ago, why is her campaign bringing it up just now? Coincidentally just a few weeks before Iowa. Everything was good between them this whole time but suddenly he is a sexist and she refuses to shake his hand on stage? He allegedly said this a long while back and she had no problem with it until just now. This is a very transparent despicable smear. And it was extremely politically unsavvy. Rather than helping her numbers, it has revealed that she is desperate and lacking of integrity. Her supporters are running away from her and Sanders had one of his best fund raising days because of it. This is amateur hour. She would be crushed by Trump.
The Greed of guns manufacturers.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 17, 2020:
The problem is a very very small percentage of people. The purpose of gun control is identifying those problem people and keeping them away from fire arms. Not keeping fire arms away from all people just because a tiny fraction of them are irresponsible and/or mentally unstable.
Beware yet another religious troll has joined the site posting pro catholic godbothering answers and...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 17, 2020:
Not sure what we need to beware of. We encounter christians every day. Most of them are decent people. Are his words dangerous in someway? Should we shut him out because he thinks differently? Perhaps we could try engaging with him and attempting to talk some sense into him. This hostile attitude does no one any good. It just helps to reinforce the stereotype that nonbelievers are angry and immoral.
Well, all those "agnostics" who have substituted government as their god are really coming out of ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 17, 2020:
I checked it out. What I saw was a lot of people coming out of the woodwork to point out how illogical your assertion is. When you have dozens of people telling you that you are wrong and you can't form any cogent arguments to show that you are right, it's probably better to admit to yourself that this idea is nonsensical rather than promoting it elsewhere so more people will go to it and tell you how you are wrong and find amusement in the number of people who came together to point that out to you.
Just curious to see how people here feel about the main two parties in the U.S.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 17, 2020:
One sucks a lot more than the other though.
I can't stand Buttigieg, he's the Ultimate Mike Dukakis..and just as weasally looking..ugg.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 16, 2020:
He is just another corporate democrat. He takes bribes from wealthy elites and corporations and he thinks he is better than all of us regular people. He is a snob. He couldn't care less about the people. He is only running to satisfy his own ambition. He thinks that his homosexuality will get him votes. That identity politics stuff only works with the "woke" liberals who have only ever experienced first world problems.
Do you understand or know what Neoliberalism is? I have shared info about it before. []
RoboGraham comments on Jan 16, 2020:
My understanding of Neo-liberalism is that it is very similar to classical liberalism but with a very important difference. Classical liberals believe in total laissez faire capitalism. Neoliberals on the other hand have realized that government does actually play an important role in the economy. After the great depression, the economy was injected with public money to jump start it back to life. The neoliberals realized that this can be very useful because it mitigates their losses during the bust periods of the boom-bust cycle that is inevitable in capitalism. So they are actually in favor of socialism in the form of government bailouts. They also support government intervention in the form of subsidies for corporations. Finally, unlike the classical liberals, they support a meager social safety net for the poor because it allows them to pay their employees less and provide fewer benefits to them. They don't need to worry that their poorly paid employees may not work as effectively if they are starving and sick because the government will provide food supplements and healthcare to those living in poverty. The neoliberals have mastered the art of using government to provide socialism for the elites and rugged individualism for the rest of us.
The Proof: That God Exists There is a hierarchy in Animalia, not only as quantified by the DNA ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 16, 2020:
God is supernatural. Government is tangible. God is all powerful. Government is far from all powerful. God is autocratic. Government is democratic. God is singular. Government consists of thousands of individuals. Obedience to god is optional. Obedience to government is mandatory. God has nothing more to offer than a false promise. Government can offer safety, education, employment, infrastructure, law & order, subsidies, healthcare, environmental protection, innovation... The two aren't actually very similar at all.
RefundWarren Trends After Elizabeth Warren Accuses Bernie Sanders of Saying a Woman Couldn't Beat ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 16, 2020:
If Bernie really said this close to two years ago, why is her campaign bringing it up just now? Coincidentally just a few weeks before Iowa. Everything was good between them this whole time but suddenly he is a sexist and she refuses to shake his hand on stage? He allegedly said this a long while back and she had no problem with it until just now. This is a very transparent despicable smear. And it was extremely politically unsavvy. Rather than helping her numbers, it has revealed that she is desperate and lacking of integrity. Her supporters are running away from her and Sanders had one of his best fund raising days because of it. This is amateur hour. She would be crushed by Trump.
"I fell for the Sanders active measure because I fell for the Snowden active measure.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 15, 2020:
It sounds like you've fallen for some nonsense.
The analysis from HillTV is pretty good, imo.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 15, 2020:
Warren was my second choice. After this desperate backstabbing, there is no second choice.
The international witch-hunt of Julian Assange - World Socialist Web Site
RoboGraham comments on Jan 15, 2020:
Some day, they'll make a movie about him.
Sanders’ rise in polls alarms Democratic political establishment - World Socialist Web Site
RoboGraham comments on Jan 15, 2020:
I bet they will fight harder to keep him out of the white house than they did against Trump.
Donald Trump is a pussy grabber, Bernie Sanders is a feminist, and Elizabeth Warren postures to ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 15, 2020:
Elizabeth Warren is desperate and she lacks integrity.
UK Threatening to Tear Up its Defense Alliance with US Because of President Trump’s ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 14, 2020:
We can't blame them for wanting to distance themselves. How can any world leaders trust the USA when our president pulls out of agreements, breaks treaties, and assassinates the generals of sovereign nations openly?
RoboGraham comments on Jan 14, 2020:
This is the end of the line for Elizabeth.
Does anyone believe Bernie said this?
RoboGraham comments on Jan 14, 2020:
If he doesn't believe a woman can get elected, why did he campaign for Hillary?
Agnostic wicca
RoboGraham comments on Jan 14, 2020:
What sorts of benefits do you get from this Wicca stuff?
And Joe Biden is the preferred choice by the Democratic Party rulers? []
RoboGraham comments on Jan 13, 2020:
The Dem party rulers are war mongers.
Michael Bloomberg has only one unique donor.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 10, 2020:
Aside from the relentless advertising, what does he bring to the table? Why are people supporting him?
Black Britons Know Why Meghan Markle Wants Out
RoboGraham comments on Jan 10, 2020:
Who is Meghan Markle?
Bernie Sanders Rejects Theocracy, Defends Church State Separation | Michael Stone
RoboGraham comments on Jan 9, 2020:
Bernie is the best for non-believers
Despite Constitution, Sanders fears Congress having war powers | MSNBC
RoboGraham comments on Jan 9, 2020:
Huckabee-Sanders that is. Funny how they leave the Huckabee part of her name off in this headline. I wonder why they would do that?
Very true. Sorry I couldn't screenshot the entire pic.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 9, 2020:
I could see him invading a king size box of cup cakes.
Americans Aren't Rallying to Trump - The Atlantic
RoboGraham comments on Jan 9, 2020:
Thank gawd
Every American should be required to watch this. [] Poll question: Is Sen Kerry right?
RoboGraham comments on Jan 9, 2020:
Every American should be required to watch corporate news? No
i just want to read other posts.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 8, 2020:
Who are they?
Okay here's an easy one, what is the ONE best invention EVER and why.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 7, 2020:
Why I am for all removal of all guns from civilian hands?
RoboGraham comments on Jan 6, 2020:
If normal is wanting to remove all guns from civilians then most of us are not normal. This is gun control group not gun prohibition group.
How Lindsey Graham Lost His Way - Rolling Stone
RoboGraham comments on Jan 6, 2020:
That guy doesn't deserve to have my name.
Selective Website Crashes Amid Panic Over Military Draft In the aftermath of the US drone ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 6, 2020:
Perhaps those desperately poor people can be organized into a movement of resistance and civil disobedience?
I have my issues with Bernie, but I know he's not going to turn the US into the USSR. []
RoboGraham comments on Jan 5, 2020:
Keeping in place a monstrously expensive, stupidly inefficient, extremely unequal, for profit healthcare system that results in death and bankruptcy for large numbers of people on a regular basis just so that some redundant administrators will continue to have a job is a very, very, very, very weak argument.
This is for the ladies - (or gents, if they care to answer) I am attending The Women's March in ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 5, 2020:
Holy s%t. Tucker Carlson sounding reasonable. What is going on? []
RoboGraham comments on Jan 5, 2020:
Even some right wingers can see the stupidity in humping into all of these endless wars.
Medicare would cover dental, vision — if Senate OKs House bill Speaking of Medicare, I applied ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 4, 2020:
Too little for medicade? Isn't it for people with low income?
My reply is "is Mexico paying for the wall"?
RoboGraham comments on Jan 4, 2020:
Gut the military budget, end the drug war, tax legal cannabis, stop mass incarceration, increase taxes on high earners, increase the estate tax, put in place a wealth tax...
What do you think about George’s analysis that going to war with Iran is a bad idea for much of ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 4, 2020:
Sounds like he knows his stuff. Way too many Americans are naive about the rest of the world. War with Iran will be a disaster for us all. But it will be wonderful for the military industrial complex so there is a good chance it will happen.
Palestine as Litmus Test: If Democratic candidates like Harris, Booker, etc.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 4, 2020:
I think going third party is a dead end plan. Much better to take over one of the main parties as Bernie is currently doing.
I'm posting this not to troll anyone, or start a caustic dialogue, but to ask my Conservative ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 4, 2020:
If it is clear to you that Trump is going down the path of fascism, wouldn't someone like Joe Biden or Elizabeth Warren be the lesser of two evils this time around?
Any progressives on here? I'm talking anti-war, Democratic-Socialist, Medicare for all progressive.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 4, 2020:
Yes indeed, Quite a few. We even have groups.
Name one good thing that comes from the Christian beliefs.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 4, 2020:
Fantastic architecture, wonderful music, turn the other cheek, an excuse to drink wine on Sunday.
Word to the wise, If you look like a deer, don't go hunting.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 3, 2020:
This is why you where orange when hunting.
Trump really did say, in 2011, that "Obama would start a war with Iran because he's weak" ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 3, 2020:
He also said that a government shut down is the fault of the president for being a bad leader. And during his own shutdown, he blamed the democrats.
Robert Rathswohl Just a note to all trump supporters in the greatest country in the world.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 3, 2020:
The majority of us Americans also view him as Moronic,idiot,imbecile,below average intelligence, and then some. I'd love to avoid some humiliation. What can you do for me?
Did not the US just see Russian, Chinese and Iranian naval ship exercising together?
RoboGraham comments on Jan 3, 2020:
The shit is nearing the fan.
Australia is Committing Climate Suicide.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 3, 2020:
At least Australians will be able to ride kangaroos through the apocalyptic hellscape of he future.
Will hostility towards the US be reduced if the sitting president is removed?
RoboGraham comments on Jan 3, 2020:
If he is removed and replaced by his VP, no, I don't think so. If he is removed by an election and is replaced by someone in a different party, yes, for sure.
Attacking Iran plus , we have no allies and we were the aggressors.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 3, 2020:
Hopefully, the rest of the world will see this for what it is and get outraged and decide to put enough pressure on the American empire to get him to back down.
On the death of the Iranian General.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 3, 2020:
The Trump debacle wouldn't be complete without a costly war in western asia.
I keep hearing how much money politicians keep rising and then I wonder, why would anyone want to ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 3, 2020:
Money is speech. Speech can be used for persuasion. An awful lot of persuading needs to be done to win an election so large sums of money are needed. If you believe that a certain candidate getting into power will help your personal situation, campaign contributions are like investments.
Welcome to five new members to the group: - @Blindbird who is into blues, bluegrass, sad Irish ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 3, 2020:
I found a gem on youtube. These young guys are very talented.
‪Fears of new conflict rise after US kills Qasem Soleimani, a top Iranian general, in strike on ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 3, 2020:
Here we go again.
In a libertarian society who decides the validity of geographical property claims?
RoboGraham comments on Jan 3, 2020:
If I decided not to recognize the validity of your claim on those thousand acres and laid claim to them myself, what would you do about it?
Now that Trump just whacked the top general in the Iranian army, look forward to a war with them ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 2, 2020:
I'm hoping that, with it being so abundantly obvious how disastrous Iraq and Afghanistan have been, people will lose their enthusiasm for war and vote against him for it. Probably won't go down that way though. Merica loves her a good ole fashion overseas conflict.
Religion in the workplace
RoboGraham comments on Jan 2, 2020:
I had a boss who would find a way to mention god in every conversation he got into. My strategy was to avoid him and eventually quit. I don't recommend it.
Here's a small improvement idea.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 2, 2020:
I've done that before, I hate it, good idea.
Why have the Dems dropped their opposition to illegal immigration? []
RoboGraham comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Prager U? This must be a joke
This is heartwarming
RoboGraham comments on Jan 2, 2020:
That's what I'm talkin about. Give Caesar his due my ass. We don't need no goverment funded roads, or schools, or court houses, or military, or NASA. Anything I need, I'll do it my damn self!
I think the mind reader was being generous.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 2, 2020:
I think it'd be hard to read her mind. I mean what the hells going on in there? ya know
Some questions can never be answered!
RoboGraham comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Albert Einstein was a socialist. I wonder which way it was for him?
Finland solves housing crisis?
RoboGraham comments on Jan 2, 2020:
It's pretty obvious when you think about it. Struggling people will be much more likely to succeed and become productive members of society if they have a home. Much better and more cost effective to give these people a hand rather then allow their situation to continue to deteriorate. With 3D printing technology, simple housing can be produced cheaper and faster than ever before. The solution to the problem is there. We just need to break away from this antiquated mindset that nobody can ever be given anything they didn't earn with their own bloody bare hands and boot straps.
Balloon Juice | Under the Radar
RoboGraham comments on Jan 2, 2020:
Pro-Bernie comment posted. Let's see how they respond.
My political beliefs are as follows: Plato was right about some things, not everyone should have ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 1, 2020:
I like your idea about two separate forms of currency. Not so much the mandatory community service part of it though. How about if the first type is provided to all via UBI and the second is earned through wages, interest on investments, and other income sources?
My political beliefs are as follows: Plato was right about some things, not everyone should have ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 1, 2020:
Who will be in charge of creating the voting tests? Who will determine whether a person passes or fails? How will you prevent whoever is in charge from giving the right to vote to friends and allies while restricting it to those in opposition? How will you prevent wealthy people from buying it rather than earning it? Will the people not allowed to vote still have to pay taxes. If so, what will you do when the "no taxation without representation" rallying cry returns? If the tests are mandatory, what will you do with the people who refuse to take them? How will you prevent the people who do have the ability to vote from awarding themselves further privileges and relegating the rest to 2nd class citizen status?
Not that I was a fan of Bloomberg anyway, but this doesn’t instill confidence in me.
RoboGraham comments on Jan 1, 2020:
This is his pitch for why we should select him as our leader? I guess he doesn't have any substantive policy proposals to run on so he just resorts to telling people that he will run things like an office. That was Trump's pitch. He said that he is a brilliant business man who will run the country like a thriving company. Bloomberg is using the same playbook.
Anybody here from the Annapolis area?
RoboGraham comments on Jan 1, 2020:
I love Annapolis. I live in south county and work in Arnold.
Always the same states proving why the only acceptable solution is removal of all guns from ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 1, 2020:
Impossible. Advocating such a radical position only hurts the cause of gun control because it plays right into the hands of republicans who are constantly fearmongering about the democrats coming for all the guns. It legitimizes their argument and makes law abiding gun owners, of which there are millions, turn away from us and support Second Amendment advocates. 46% of American households have at least 1 gun. You will never take them all. This take all the guns idea is politically counterproductive and not even feasible.
US Now Officially Has a Space Force and a Space Command While no one seems quite certain as to ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 1, 2020:
Don't forget, the democrats in the House gave Trump his space force along with a military budget increased by billions. They claim to be resisting him and turn around and give him massive amounts of money to squander.
Elizabeth Warren has a powerful vision of true representative democracy, the intelligence and drive ...
RoboGraham comments on Jan 1, 2020:
What more can we want out of a candidate? I want a candidate who refuses to accept corporate bribes. Both in the primary and the general election. Anyone who takes their money becomes beholden to their will. I want a candidate who is free of big donor influences and able to lead in the best interest of the people.
‘I don’t believe in violence, but…’: Trump’s most rabid supporters warn of ‘civil war’...
RoboGraham comments on Dec 31, 2019:
What's so civil about war anyway?
Biden would consider Republican for VP 'but I can't think of one right now' | TheHill
RoboGraham comments on Dec 31, 2019:
Biden logic- Donald Trump and the republicans have steered the country in a dangerously immoral direction. Only I can right the course and I'd be happy to invite one of them who got us off track to help me steer things back in the right direction.
The goal of government should be to prevent bad things from happening to people.
RoboGraham comments on Dec 30, 2019:
There are over 100 different types of Socialism, ranging from the energy co-ops that exist in 47 US ...
RoboGraham comments on Dec 30, 2019:
Some very good points. The waters are so muddied when discussing socialism that it can feel useless. Many think that socialism and communism are two words for the same system. The way I see it, socialism is when all workers have representation and a significant amount of participation in the determination of major decisions in the work place. The society pools it's resources for the advancement of all members. "Your success is on you. Your misfortune is on everyone." I like the way you put that. And finally, the government plays a role in large scale economic planning. Big economic decisions that have significant effects on society are made by democratically elected representatives rather than leaving those choices to the market. I favor the Nordic brand of "socialism." I think you are correct that they aren't truly socialist but their societies do have socialistic elements. They pools their resources for the betterment of all their citizens and they have very strong unions giving their workers a lot of say in how things are run. But, ultimately, it is the free market that runs their economies. A very regulated free market but it is market based at it's core so not socialism. I think the best way to describe it is Keynesian. I wish people would stop using the word socialism to describe societies that are organized in this social democratic fashion. It's not really accurate and more importantly, socialism has become a taboo word so it does no good to attach this word to it with all of it's negative connotations that many people still have for it.
Opioid overdose deaths: Study finds link to automotive plant closures - CNN
RoboGraham comments on Dec 30, 2019:
The first step is to guarantee healthcare to all.
By Americans Defending The Consitution Them's fighting words.
RoboGraham comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Who killed millions of babies?
This is one of the things that is wrong with inequality.
RoboGraham comments on Dec 29, 2019:
The majority of Americans don't realize that during the time of our most abundant economic growth, the 1950s and 60s, we had a tax policy similar to what you are proposing here.
Or J F Kennedy
RoboGraham comments on Dec 29, 2019:
He wins with 3 million fewer votes than the other candidate. He donates his salary knowing that he will make a killing violating the emoluments clause. He cuts taxes for the wealthy increasing the national deficit to preposterous levels and removes regulations allowing corporations to trash the environment. He starts a trade war which forces Americans to pay taxes, excuse me tariffs, on imported goods and limits what can be exported causing hardship for midwestern farmers so intense that they require bailouts costing billions. The economy soars moderately. GDP increases at about the same rate as it did during the Obama era but has nothing on the soaring it did during the 50s and 60s when taxes were much higher. His immigration policies end up putting children in cages at the border. He wastes tremendous amounts of money building a useless fence and when Congress refuses to give him more he takes funds from defense. He removes supplemental nutrition funding causing millions of struggling people to go hungry. His relentless attempts to destroy the ACA cause millions to lose access to healthcare. He pardons war criminals and vetoes legislation that would have put a stop to the selling of weapons to a backward nation currently involved in genocide. His education secretary attempt to destroy the public school system and his HUD secretary is doing the same with subsidized housing. And the list continues as we head into the next election. Thanks to his disregard of the law, he is investigated. He obstructs the investigation and is eventually impeached but his corrupt republican allies in the Senate put party over country and refuse to hold a fair trial. He will surely be remembered by history as one of the most despicable presidents and if he were a democrat, he would still be seen as the worst.
Time to dismantle neo liberalism?
RoboGraham comments on Dec 29, 2019:
I think neoliberalism will defeat itself. It will increase wealth inequality to preposterous levels and when the next big economic bust occurs, the outrage of the people will be uncontrollable.
RoboGraham comments on Dec 29, 2019:
This is a crime I believe. But Trump is above the law thanks to the morally bankrupt republican senators so for Trump, it's not a crime.
RoboGraham comments on Dec 29, 2019:
No surprises here. When the elected leaders are selfish superstitious buffoons, this is what happens.
Why do Christians get threatened and terrified by Atheists?
RoboGraham comments on Dec 28, 2019:
All throughout history, whenever something bad happened, a famine, a plague, an earthquake... people would assume that it happened because god was displeased. So they would search for the reason that god became upset and inevitably, they would find scapegoats. Those who worshiped differently, incorrectly, or not at all would get the blame. They would assume that these religiously challenged people were the ones who caused gods anger and so they would be purged and repressed. They are threatened by us because they perceive us arrogant sinners who are purposefully provoking gods anger and sometimes his retribution destroys not just the sinners that brought it about but whole communities including pious bystanders who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. So to avoid this, they want to convert everyone and force us all to live by the dogmatic rules of their religion. It's messed up but god works in mysterious ways, they say.
RoboGraham comments on Dec 28, 2019:
This is why we must abandon all corporate media. Not just fox.
FUCK WITH JANUARY 1 You agnostics and Atheists here, don't start doing silly happy new year's ...
RoboGraham comments on Dec 28, 2019:
The Gregorian calender is just an updated version of the Julian calender. The first day of the year being set on January 1st has nothing to do with christianity. It's because the Romans decided to place the first day of the year on the day that the new Consuls took office for the year which happened to be on January 1st. They kept track of the years not by numbers but by the names of the Consuls for each year so it made a lot of sense to have the year start on the day the Consuls took power. Before the Gregorian calender came along, christian kingdoms typically placed new years day on important days in the christian religion such as December 25th. After adopting the Gregorian calender, they put it on January 1st because that's how it was on the Julian calender and the Gregorian calender is just a slightly more accurate version of the Julian. So the Gregorian calender actually took the religious significance out of new years day.
I only wish i could live to see the day when stone age beliefs will be overcome by science and ...
RoboGraham comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Would prefer the military did get involved in politics?
We are being robbed . . . .
RoboGraham comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Yes and the democrats just recently approved Trump's budget increasing the military budget by billions more and creating a space force. Both parties are in on it. Both parties are putting the wants of the military industrial complex over the needs of the people.
He told me he's a psychopath.
RoboGraham comments on Dec 27, 2019:
You should have said something like "No actually tonight you'll be the victim, I'm thirsty." and then flashed him your fangs.
Here goes nothing.
RoboGraham comments on Dec 27, 2019:
I don't recall communalism as ever having been a major issue. So were you protesting something and someone claimed to know all about it?
How do my fellow Atheists deal with depression?
RoboGraham comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Driving Under The Influence: It's interesting to see two different things going on at that same ...
RoboGraham comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Do you think that people weren't driving stoned before legalization? Since legalization, I drive stoned much less often. It used to be that I wasn't allowed to smoke at home so I'd have to go for a drive just to get high. Now I wouldn't even consider doing that. It's no longer against the law so no one that I live with can give me a hard time about using it at home.
If you think it is the right thing to "respect other's beliefs", please tell me why?
RoboGraham comments on Dec 27, 2019:
I have a hard time respecting beliefs based on faith at all.
I can't blame her. In these times (since January 20, 2017), ANYWHERE would be better than the USA.
RoboGraham comments on Dec 26, 2019:
The USA is still awesome. Let's not forget how good we have it just because of one small orange step backward.
Trump's base of support continues to erode. Yay!
RoboGraham comments on Dec 26, 2019:
Let's keep in mind that is a left leaning partisan site. Not exactly unbiased or reliable. From everything I've seen, his support has actually gone up since impeachment, unfortunately.
I'll take useful idiot for $2000, Alex.
RoboGraham comments on Dec 26, 2019:
What is the liberal fake news?
The Importance and Relevance of Endorsements in Presidential Candidates Joe BIden has the most ...
RoboGraham comments on Dec 26, 2019:
When fighting the establishment, you can't expect their endorsements. In fact, if you get them, you aren't doing it right.
A little something from the Libertarian party
RoboGraham comments on Dec 22, 2019:
I'm down with some of this. No victim = no crime, addicts need treatment not punishment, bombing abroad is stupid, that's all great stuff. I take issue with the whole no one should be taxed and we should all rely on ourselves and the kindness of each other. A world without taxation and social programs to lift the less fortunate is inevitably a world of deep inequality and poor outcomes for most.


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Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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