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Beard or Clean Shaven? What's your preference?
Secretguy comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Women don't look good in beards.
Are you an authentic person?
Secretguy comments on Nov 8, 2018:
I'm a fake.
Sarah Silverman Reminds 'Defeatist' Democrats They Fu-king Won
Secretguy comments on Nov 8, 2018:
I don't get the hand wringing. We had a GREAT day!
What's your take on Jim Acosta in the White House yesterday?
Secretguy comments on Nov 8, 2018:
Yah...trying to ask a question. What a "stunt".
Police: Man with no pants falls through Waffle House ceiling | CTV News
Secretguy comments on Nov 8, 2018:
Man brings own sausage to Waffle House.
OMG...anyone watching this press conference??? What a fucking joke he is.
Secretguy comments on Nov 7, 2018:
This was just bizarre today. I've never seen such insane behavior.
I'm confused! As non believers, why are people talking about celebrating Christmas? Hmmm
Secretguy comments on Nov 7, 2018:
I still love Christmas...the traditions...the (hopefully) good vibes among (and getting) gifts. Plus it's the last bright spot before the long, depressing dead of winter.
What’s your favorite and least favorite season?
Secretguy comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Summer is my fave. It's a tossup between fall and winter for least.
Americans, I hope you exercise your vote today! It's the one thing that is uniquely yours that ...
Secretguy comments on Nov 6, 2018:
It is being taken away. Just ask Georgia.
Men: how comfortable are you with women?
Secretguy comments on Nov 5, 2018:
I prefer women.
Secretguy comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Those ridiculous ads are running here too. You know...where an old white guy just slaughtered 11 people in a synagogue.
Secretguy comments on Nov 5, 2018:
The people I worry about are the white men that come into theaters or schools or churches alone. These are the terrorists.
Are there any right leaning non-believers in this group?
Secretguy comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Far too many.
Best drummer on the planet, ever []
Secretguy comments on Nov 5, 2018:
This is why I hate when civilians talk about music.
Was listening to Todd Starnes and he played a recording of Demos talking about giving campaign funds...
Secretguy comments on Nov 5, 2018:
You keep trying. We'll wait.
My state operates on two different time zones.
Secretguy comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Indiana is bullshit.
I'd personally like to see their guts splattered in the dirt. []
Secretguy comments on Nov 5, 2018:
A bunch of yay-hoos playing soldier. What could go wrong?
Secretguy comments on Nov 4, 2018:
I just now saw the most heinous TV ad about the caravan. I can't believe that I live in a country where anyone could be so fucking stupid.
Are you liberal or conservative?
Secretguy comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Watching another Amazon Prime movie suggestion, as usual continuing with the RUssian indoctrination.
Secretguy comments on Nov 4, 2018:
This is a terrific Russian film about true events.
Secretguy comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Cunningham probably loves it.
In universities, there are 12 Democrat professors for every Republican, striking!!!
Secretguy comments on Nov 3, 2018:
Education will do that for ya.
What I would like to see.
Secretguy comments on Nov 3, 2018:
Chain him down and make him watch Robert Mueller boff Melania.
TRUMP: What one thing describes your problem with Trump in as few words as possible?
Secretguy comments on Nov 3, 2018:
Liar. But he probably won't live a lot longer.
What I would like to see.
Secretguy comments on Nov 3, 2018:
Chained to a chair connected to a switch.
Surgery for my foot fusion happened today, I now have another plate and several screws to add to the...
Secretguy comments on Nov 3, 2018:
Good luck!I get the pain thing.
So now, a rock is the same as an AR15. trump "logic"
Secretguy comments on Nov 2, 2018:
I wonder if any of the generals have told the pinhead in chief that it would be illegal for the military to fire on them.
I bought a laptop recently online from a company with which i have dealt before (buying a desktop) ...
Secretguy comments on Nov 2, 2018:
What company? I'd like to avoid them.
I work with this man that was actively trying to get someone.
Secretguy comments on Nov 2, 2018:
It happened to my MIL.
How Do You Say It? Keep adding to the list...
Secretguy comments on Nov 2, 2018:
You're in the south and you mispronounce pecan?!?!
Not much offends me but one thing that does is Atheist apologists that rush to defend people's right...
Secretguy comments on Nov 1, 2018:
I expected better of atheists/agnostics. Silly me.
Well said, Charles Pierce.
Secretguy comments on Nov 1, 2018:
Well said, indeed.
When did you start drinking coffee and why?
Secretguy comments on Oct 31, 2018:
In high school. I was working 6 nights a week and getting up for school.
Who or what pisses you off the most?
Secretguy comments on Oct 31, 2018:
trump and his idiot followers.
As we all know.
Secretguy comments on Oct 31, 2018:
My ex gf is a nurse in BC. Small world.
I am thinking of moving to a legal marijuana state, I feel like I am in the dark ages here in Texas.
Secretguy comments on Oct 31, 2018:
What a pathetic thing to base one's life on.
I think this was swiped from The Onion []
Secretguy comments on Oct 31, 2018:
Just call me Casper. :)
This is my first post here.
Secretguy comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Hi, fellow Burgher!
The Cancer in chief and his wife, Melanoma are here.
Secretguy comments on Oct 30, 2018:
He brought Ivanka too. I guess she's his "beard".
The Cancer in chief and his wife, Melanoma are here.
Secretguy comments on Oct 30, 2018:
There are 2 separate protests going on that plan to unite into 1 bigger one. Hoping it's peaceful. Things are pretty tense around here. Actually, I think there shouldn't be protests today.
Trump Says He Will Void Birthright Citizenship Law Through Executive Order : NPR
Secretguy comments on Oct 30, 2018:
They love the constitution. Until they don't.
I saw a post, in a group to which i do not and would not belong, claiming that christine ...
Secretguy comments on Oct 30, 2018:
I hope she does make some money after all the abuse she's enduring.
Did popularity ever matter to you throughout High School Years?
Secretguy comments on Oct 29, 2018:
I was already on my career path. So no.
Childhood photo challenge: Post a favorite childhood photo.
Secretguy comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Photography wasn't invented when I was a kid.
Helpful tips you learned as an adult?
Secretguy comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Don't shave right before you....uh......nevermind....
I wish trump would have the decency (who am I kidding?
Secretguy comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Nope...he's coming. Despite the fact that no one from the synagogue wants him here.
Gender parity is without reason ::::: A good presentation of the impacts of the insanity of the ...
Secretguy comments on Oct 29, 2018:
Da, Comrade!
So I decided to by "organic" milk that comes from farms that kiss their cows daily or some shit.
Secretguy comments on Oct 28, 2018:
4% or nothing!
Are posts ever monitored?
Secretguy comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Time to block another asshole.
Debating if this will make an acceptable profile pic .
Secretguy comments on Oct 28, 2018:
That makes me hot!
I hate the feeling of being watched.
Secretguy comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Wow...that's truly creepy.
Yesterday’s horror in Pittsburgh reminds me that, though I am an atheist, I will always be a Jew.
Secretguy comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Indeed. The divisions fall away and we remember that we're all just people. I'm so saddened for that congregation and the neighborhood and the families of the victims and my city.
How we got here
Secretguy comments on Oct 27, 2018:
2 words: Lee Atwater.
What is going to happen after the midterm elections when the Dems take the house and senate?
Secretguy comments on Oct 27, 2018:
They won't get the Senate. Even the House isn't a sure thing.
Seems like every time Windows updates on my Windows 10 machine I need to go in and clear a bunch of ...
Secretguy comments on Oct 27, 2018:
I despise W10. Bring back 95. LOL
Today's mass shooting in my city. :(
Secretguy comments on Oct 27, 2018:
I'm too saddened to even be angry. It seems so different when it hits home.
Republican TV ads are becoming more unhinged by the day! Associating every Democratic candidate with...
Secretguy comments on Oct 27, 2018:
How about the one that has Scott Wagner threatening to stomp on the governor's face with golf spikes?
The Bomber's Van Here's a photo of the van of the person they arrested in Florida for sending the...
Secretguy comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Trump is probably already planning a pardon.
English is not my first language so I'll try to make this as comprehensible as I can.
Secretguy comments on Oct 26, 2018:
We'll move on when your ignorant criminal is out of office.
The Bomber's Van Here's a photo of the van of the person they arrested in Florida for sending the...
Secretguy comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Old, white trumpie. Like there was ever a doubt.
Caught the bomber and he is a right wing nut job.
Secretguy comments on Oct 26, 2018:
An old, white trumpie. Of course.
What reaaally happened to the dinosaurs..
Secretguy comments on Oct 26, 2018:
....and I thought they all became republicans....
Do you fear civil war in the USA?
Secretguy comments on Oct 26, 2018:
It's worse. There is, for the first time, an avowed white nationalist in the white house, with all the accompanying rhetoric that comes with him.
Say Goodbye To Megyn Kelly
Secretguy comments on Oct 25, 2018:
They should never have lowered their standards in the first place.
In this current political climate, can progressives be true friends with republicans?
Secretguy comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Not all republicans are the same. So, yes.
Dating married men?
Secretguy comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Secret relationships are the most exciting of all. Go for it.
Someone just tried to murder Barack and Michelle Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, two members of ...
Secretguy comments on Oct 25, 2018:
How far this country has fallen in less than 2 years.
Secretguy comments on Oct 25, 2018:
My back hurts.
Parents outraged after drag queen speaks to students during career day | FOX31 Denver
Secretguy comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Afraid their kids might catch the drag, I guess.
BREAKING Pipes bombs to the Clintons, Obama, Soros, AND the White House.
Secretguy comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I think Steve Scalise actually shot himself while he was playing softball. (Sorry...just trying to see what it's like to be as vapid as some posters.)
BREAKING Pipes bombs to the Clintons, Obama, Soros, AND the White House.
Secretguy comments on Oct 24, 2018:
It's remarkable that anyone could doubt that it's trump (lock her up...fake birth enemy of the people...dem mobs) supporters behind it. They reveal what they are.
So suspicious packages sent to Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and Barack Obama have ...
Secretguy comments on Oct 24, 2018:
And once again, the trumpies reveal themselves to be the lowlifes we all knew they are.
Dating more than one person
Secretguy comments on Oct 24, 2018:
On the same day?
[] Bible Museum says five of its Dead Sea Scrolls are fake
Secretguy comments on Oct 24, 2018: an avowed homophobe would be dishonest?!?!? I'm shocked! SHOCKED, I tell ya.
Been watching the last season of Anthony Bourdain's Parts Unkown -- he left us far too soon.
Secretguy comments on Oct 23, 2018:
That's the truth.
I got a text from “Donald Trump,” so I responded accordingly.
Secretguy comments on Oct 23, 2018:
I got a text not long ago about voting republican. My response: "Fuck off".
What are your thoughts on the Honduras refugees heading to our border?
Secretguy comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Leave it to trumpies to come to the opposite of a logical conclusion.
Some things need to be posted.
Secretguy comments on Oct 22, 2018:
What a world...
How much older or younger than you would you date someone?
Secretguy comments on Oct 22, 2018:
I've been with mostly younger...but I did have a long relationship with someone 11 years older. Age has never (as far as I know) been an issue. It seemed for most of my life I was dating 34 year olds.
Why can't people (especially newsreaders) pronounce certain words?
Secretguy comments on Oct 21, 2018:
One of our local newsreaders actually pronounced "Newfoundland" and New-FOUND-land.
History Is Not Kind
Secretguy comments on Oct 21, 2018:
Reagan was the end of the American Dream. At least for non billionaires.
I'm almost through Bob Woodward's FEAR.
Secretguy comments on Oct 21, 2018:
I'm reading it as well. It's horrifying.
My mom used to say, "If I had to choose between God in one hand or money in the other, I'd take the ...
Secretguy comments on Oct 21, 2018:
Smart woman!
Who Should Pay On The First Date?
Secretguy comments on Oct 21, 2018:
"I don't care, as long as there's beer." - Brett Kavanaugh
Do you think, private business should be allowed to sponsor the Police with private funds?
Secretguy comments on Oct 20, 2018:
They are private businesses. The key word being "private".
Who is still feeling that is was wrong to confirm a man to the supreme court that fibbed outright in...
Secretguy comments on Oct 20, 2018:
His lying about that stolen Dem emails should have been disqualifying.
Look what was in my mailbox today!
Secretguy comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Awww...I was going to guess it was a love letter from Stuart. And a cookbook. LOL
I'm not a lesbian.
Secretguy comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Same here.
Hey. I am new to the site, and hope to meet some cool people!
Secretguy comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Hope springs eternal.
I like Whataburger. Only been a few times, but I do like Whataburger.
Secretguy comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Maybe the worst burger I've ever had.
Horror movies!!
Secretguy comments on Oct 19, 2018:
The Tingler! Classic Vincent Price. Exorcist! And John Carpenter's The Thing.
Little known fact: the most common compliment of my face is that I have "bathroom eyes".
Secretguy comments on Oct 18, 2018:
Who's your Celebrity Crush or crushes?
Secretguy comments on Oct 18, 2018:
Different ones over the years...Catherine Zeta Jones...Abby Huntsman....Mila Kunis....and a local weather girl that gives me a chub every day at noon.
Why Does Pompeo Pretend US Intelligence Hasn’t Told Trump What Happened in Khashoggi Case?
Secretguy comments on Oct 18, 2018:
Everything is about money with these souless fucks.
Was the site down today?
Secretguy comments on Oct 18, 2018:
It was the Devil.
Wondering how deeply the chaos in the USA, mostly advanced by far right republicans, is going to ...
Secretguy comments on Oct 18, 2018:
Stay vigilant. Don't let this happen in your great country.
If your pet could talk, what would it say to you?
Secretguy comments on Oct 17, 2018:
"YOU try crapping in the snow!"
Today my job had a company wide meeting telling us that 200 people were getting laid off ...
Secretguy comments on Oct 17, 2018:
Secretguy comments on Oct 17, 2018:
The First Gold Digger.
Do You Believe The Apollo 11 Moon Landing Actually Happened?
Secretguy comments on Oct 17, 2018:
Who was the mouth breather that voted no? May he/she fell off the end of the earth.


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Atheist, Humanist, Freethinker
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