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metal is the way of my religion it calms me down when I need it to also it helps with my mental ...
Seriousreason comments on Feb 6, 2019:
Praise be .. Metal ...The god of downtuned heaven. Post watch you like... sick of seeing pot head jesus all the time... Ale.
Marc Rizzo- ..... By Great Odin's Beard []
Seriousreason comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Marc Rizzo.. rings a bell ... What's his resume?...
A 20 year old guy defends himself against 5 home invaders.
Seriousreason comments on Feb 5, 2019:
That's a frightening and ever so real fact of life. . The loan defender was obviously an accomplished marksman .. To remain cool and levelheaded..Take out 3 of the 5 by himself . The guys a living embodiment of the reason the 2nd amendment is crucial to the safety and protection of oneself and their family. .
MDC - Mein Trumpf (2017) []
Seriousreason comments on Feb 4, 2019: Let's all puch a nazi.
MDC - Mein Trumpf (2017) []
Seriousreason comments on Feb 4, 2019:
I scored a new copy of Millions of damn Christians.. not long ago... it's brilliant. . Remember 'S. K.I.N.H.E.A.D.
Old school Death Metal Compilation ,,1hr 22 min. you busy? ,,[]
Seriousreason comments on Feb 4, 2019:
The Fact you like old school Metal & not just the predictable Metallica, ACDC.' type vein is pretty cool in my book.. you 1hr plus feast here has been great. . Broken hope... Any Swedish sound. Plus you like SLAYER... That band has been a useful weapon in my fight when I lived on a commune to rid my home of hippies... Then years later to see it mirrored on a South Park episode... when Cartman pulled out Reign in blood. . Boarded a huge vehicle like a drill and mowed through the crowd of hippies ( blood everywhere ) was art imitating life....
Seriousreason comments on Feb 4, 2019:
Love this post .. @VIKingsCFH. .. Cheers. Beers. A's a this true quote i's a git for eyes and ears. ...
Iron Maiden Remember Tomorrow (Paul D'Ianno) 1980 ,,[]
Seriousreason comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Admittedly "air raid siren" Dickenson has a good vocal range . But personally their debut album and killers are my favourites.
Old school Death Metal Compilation ,,1hr 22 min. you busy? ,,[]
Seriousreason comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Bravo ... cheers for the nostalgic and enjoyable post. ... I just plugged it into the stereo and carried on doing shit round the house.... extracting motivation from the downtuned bliss.
Slayer Skeletons of society.[]
Seriousreason comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Another band who's gigs are a must see.... Watch that OPETH post fellow lover of music & denier of the omnipotent one.... If your not already a big fan ... you may enjoy.. .
[] Mikeal Arkerfeldt. .. OPETH.....
Seriousreason comments on Feb 2, 2019:
An OPETH Gig is a bucket list event.. ... I flew to another country to see them... ..
Slayer Raining Blood []
Seriousreason comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Fricking. Awsome.... great video. . I found one with Tom in a long grey beard.... nah. .... and Jeffs still alive..
[] ....BOTH THROWER. ...
Seriousreason comments on Feb 1, 2019:
I'll blame the alcohol. .. BOLTTHROWER. ..
Seriousreason comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Plain to see I definitely flunked sPEllING. Sepultura
Seriousreason comments on Feb 1, 2019:
So keen to post I missed the rest of MASSACRE. ...
The police use of force was justified in this case- [ammoland.
Seriousreason comments on Jan 31, 2019:
I seen the footage of that shooting on YouTube.. I’d post it if requested though it’s 30 mins long. ( it’s a brilliant look into the mind and actions of an incredibly self entitled narcissistic, and sadly deluded young man . Who as you & I and any rightminded individual realises. Police do not take kindly to having a gun pulled on them. he was given numerous chances to pull his head in and take a deep breath , He was protesting the most benign, pointless and eventually life taking point .... SMH. As previous posts of mine ie the antifa parody song. Prove I’m no fan of those idiots. I feel for the police officer in this case having a pointless preventable death on your hands.... Of course the first card defenders of this guy pull is the race card... pathetic.
God wanted Trump to be president, straight from the press secretary's mouth.
Seriousreason comments on Jan 31, 2019:
Gotta agree with you there... hilarious... If the cloud surfer wanted anyone to be president, I’m sure he would of announced his running for office while walking on water. Not coming down a gold escalator.
[] As refreshing as a cold shower on a hot August night.
Seriousreason comments on Jan 31, 2019:
@azzow2.... It’s a start in the shift to repel the narrative of hatred... Candice Owens , Charlie Kirk ,& my favourite long hair @dreamare..... who’s latest positive post was seen as problematic so Facebook YouTube took it down... kinda makes you think ..Who are the real Nazis?
[] Obituary. ...Insane.
Seriousreason comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Wow I'm jelous. .. The Hardy brothers are legends.. I was a bit disappointed with their latest album.. but that's just me .. the millenials love it.
(SWE) At the gates - Slaughter of the Soul (album November 14, 1995) []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Tomas Lindberg. Is an epic front man. . He's harding working to ....fronting many a great metal act... see lurking fear an earlier post of mine . In honour of Rossy92 who handed the reign's for the group over to me earlier in the month..
[] Tribute to Paul Gray. ... the Knots great Base player.
Seriousreason comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Fucking auto correct bass not base jess lol
Speaking of depression, here's Lifelover, "Nackskott".
Seriousreason comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Joy division. .. check em out when they were Warsaw. ....epic
I hope he does run and take away votes from the Democrats- []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Yesss. . The Token black... ( she's an Asian indian) karmala. & token native 1000/24th American Indian Pocohantis. .. Are diversity candidates with no real policies. . So why not have an ex Starbucks ceo.... Run . Trump must be smiling inside..
In honor of Bruce Corbitt, you will be missed. RIP []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Always tragic loosing prominent metal mucic contributors . Great video.
Love this song, but band is okay. KYUSS - Green Machine (HD) []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Yahhh. Got sky valley and blues for the red sun . Thanks for posting. .. don't want to much echo chamber.
Hey peoples, LTNS eh Elmo's Death Metal Song []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 24, 2019:
There ya go proof death is child friendly. . lol.
Jinjer - Pisces (Live Session) I love with Tatiyana []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Nice . Vocals... just nice all round. . Ale. Must be tatts help her get that gutteral arrrrrrr.....
There is no other way! []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Oh and it says this video can not be read in your backward ass Lil country... must be like a blue ray inna dvd player. Had fine print over the screen. No view. In your zone.
There is no other way! []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Man do you know how many times , the Mrsat the time has had enough of the party crowd and said right hun time for Reign in blood. . By the time crimanaly insane hit. The house was empty. .. jesus saves alright. . Enjoy pussy metal for 1 night a week and a SJW gets its wings.
There is no other way! []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Mate . The video didn't play.. I appreciate the post tho. Favourite album. ..
[] Gojira. Have yellow vest friends.
Seriousreason comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Totally original aye. No one sounds like Gojira.
Any fans of Scandinavian metal groups in here
Seriousreason comments on Jan 22, 2019: Or maybe a nice melodic style is more your cup of tea . Tribulation are epic... this track "Lament " aww beautiful. . And Scandinavian
Any fans of Scandinavian metal groups in here
Seriousreason comments on Jan 22, 2019:
YES!!!Some of the best metal ever recorded was originated from there..
Seriousreason comments on Jan 22, 2019:
I remember when Judas Priest were taken to court for the insane charge of being the creators of music that a kid who blew his brains out was listening to when he topped himself.. Puritanical Christian bullshit. . Charges were dropped eventually, only giving Priest more nationwide coverage & notorioty ... gotta laugh.
Favorite metal album of all time to listen to on vinyl?
Seriousreason comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Hard to recommend an album without knowing your taste in metal. I seen a major brawl break out in a pub over wether ACDC were metal.or hard rock.. Even Metal heads have delicate sensibilities it seems. I thought at the time "who gives a flying......f. But apparently. .....Music being so subjective , individual music taste and all Some people consider Korn metal.. ?
Anthrax gets better with every album []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Ouch .. blood eagle.. Doesn't sound like Joey singing. Who's the new guy. ?
If anything, the President has been an ally to Israel... []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 22, 2019:
That woman ... I honestly cannot understand her appeal. Facts are obstructions to her narrative. ..She's were she is today because of capitilst donors .. The type that have so many zeros on their bank statement it' isolates them from her ludicrous policy suggestions. .. Foreign calaphates with evil agendas who push this White is bad. . Evil Patriarchal tyranny oppressing whammen. .. The latest wage gap stats going round is whammen earn 30cents to a man's dollar. .. How can they believe people take them seriously. The last thing Jewish people need is " support " from AOC. or Linda ( cockroach ) Sasour. . Are liberal progressives that blind. ..I'm beginning to think they are.
[] Something good out a Canada..
Seriousreason comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Yes seriousreason. .. He was in Strapping young lad.. .....I thought so " don't tread on me" meme. Thanks for being a member of this metal fan site... please post more stuff .....
[] Something good out a Canada..
Seriousreason comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Cool .. esoteric Lil fucker aye. . Didn't he do S.Y.L.?
Seriousreason comments on Jan 20, 2019:
The kings of viking metal.. like that Something rising album with the live dvd .. very cool.
[] This time.? @cmadler
Seriousreason comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Greg Guttfelds version was too long. Grit you teeth is Ezra Levant.
Tryna make conversation... If I like Ihsahn, what else will I like?
Seriousreason comments on Jan 20, 2019:
EMPORER. . To hazard a guess
Anyone out there interested in taking over this Metal group?
Seriousreason comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Tell me Rossy92.. what does it entail ? .. I'll throw my studded vest in the ring. As I have enjoyed many of your posts . You are a true Metal fan and I salute you. I realise with the other two heavy music groups .. debateably more populated. . Which I belong to. I just wondered what's involved. . I'm Mark.
Seriousreason comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Hair farmers unite. Kill your masters.
[] IVAR THE BONELESS "Seven Devils" actor of the year goes to
Seriousreason comments on Jan 19, 2019:
This new season looks epic.
I feel this riff and distortion. This is a very good song by Gojira. []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I don't think these Frenchies could put out a bad album if they tried
I posted this in 'politics' an hour or so ago... no response from a soul.. ? []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Oh no ....but this goes against the anti trump... never Trumpers," Demoncates " long held narrative. That Putin and his army of hackers rigged the election. Buzzfeed. Honestly Buzzfeed. The bastions of truth and virtue. Need to close their doors. Googles new algorithm is destroying conservetive YouTube creators income by demonitisation... I hear prolife vIdeos also were bring caught ....swapped for pro abortion vids. . Its truly getting to a state where free speech is pemitted. .. But. .. ...
Brought a smile to my face... []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Oh thank you Jesus , thank you lord... Pardon .. it was Trump who haltered Perlosis,s galavanting about at tax payers expense.. .,means the same thing I guess. ... Well done omnipotent one!!!.
Oh this is good... []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Oh that’s priceless.. Buzzfeed must of hated outing the dems new clueless darlings underlings... . The state boarding ( down with the millennials) Dem candidate is only slightly more cohesive in thought than Cortez.. After watching Tucker Carlson interview his mouthpiece the other night. . Gotta love that Tucker Carlson by the way.. And of course my little Jewish destroyer of libtards Ben and his Daly wire.. Cheers Spike ...
I haven't heard this one in a while so I thought I'd post it. []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 18, 2019:
See you can’t stream” opiate” anymore.. Glad I have cd .. it is soooo good.But still it’s like Danzig and “ Mother” love that track but Danzig album .... it’s not there. ..... Tool are great live aye.. .. So original no one sounds like tool ... plus gertting thousands of men to wear a tee with tool on it... lol.
I hope that this is not true. This is utterly disgusting
Seriousreason comments on Jan 17, 2019:
Oh it's true alright. .. Her parents would of sold her for a goat and two bottles of camel piss. The feminist liberal movement have been blind to the horror of Islam . And will remain so as it goes against their narrative .
[] zayde wolf/ heroes amazing video
Seriousreason comments on Jan 17, 2019:
Shame I have to wait for the latest season DVD.. We get Netflix and that's it. What do you expect I suppose in a country with more sheep than people. Lol..
LOL......the leftist on the general section reacted like pitbulls to this meme
Seriousreason comments on Jan 17, 2019:
Oh the joys of triggering the left .. one must thrust headlong into the quagmire that is leftist / communism disguised as socialism. . I find hilarious the Scandinavian countries put forward by regressives as shining examples. Of course neglecting to mention that free market capitalism is the only reason a social safety net is available to resedents
About time we quit wasting so much money in Muslim countries. Hell just let them fight it out!
Seriousreason comments on Jan 17, 2019:
Trump will be able too build two walls with the excess saved.. a few stategic landmines as well ..
Seriousreason comments on Jan 17, 2019:
Oooops forget the l.... proof read dick head. ?
Seriousreason comments on Jan 17, 2019:
To @sleeplessintexas. . Whoa hard case .. He's American not Israeli. . So get your facts straight. . Ben obviously offended you in some way . More power to you objecting to the meme. Free speech is so important. You shouldn't let a 5ft4 Jewish guy upset you..
Anyone else hear about this one... [] Glad I don't use Gillette products.
Seriousreason comments on Jan 16, 2019:
"FEAR THE MEN OF TOMORROW " This is sickening.. imagine if you will in 10 years, another Sadam Hussein ' Idi amin, Ayitola : whoever.. Strikes again and declares war against the West Who will be able to fight for freedom. NO ONE that's who. Masculinity will be so watered down because of sickening propoganda like this... The #metoo movement will have won. Been the catalyst for the cuckdom and feminising of Men. . The end of the day , no one is happy. No one wins.
Wow, and that guy was a doctor huh? Unreal... []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 15, 2019:
To simply assert Winslow's " comment of truth" regarding AR15 ownership being insane . Therefore leading to rejection from Trump's cabinet. Is so disingenuous. Speaks volumes regarding the need to appear saintly and virtuous. He needs to own up to suffering from PTSD.
I'm probably not as sympathetic as I should be.
Seriousreason comments on Jan 14, 2019:
So being an ignorant foreigner. What's a TSA worker and should I feel sympathy?
Bad Brains - Pay To Cum []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 12, 2019:
Thanks . I needed that . You sir have a very good ear.
[] Some earth consious hair farmers , with a nice chunky sound.
Seriousreason comments on Jan 12, 2019:
My first musical post ended up in the wrong group.. ( techno glitch) I was quickly made aware that sensiblitys were offended. ... So to this group , which is thoroughly enjoyed by the way.. I raise my glass .. apparently anything heavier Ed Sheen is just not on. ..
Maybe we ought to deport this new foul mouthed Muslim member of congress to Syria and give her to ...
Seriousreason comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Plus I find it truly sickening and a testiment to the anti American anti freedom bias people like her .have. Californias Whammens March canceled ... it's to white.. I wish there were real mazis about. Their heads would be on spikes. . And Cortez would be deported to Venezuela. .. chowimg down on free dog.
Just because: []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Ah yes Judas Priest. I still hold in high regard their unleashed in the east masterpiece. .. I wore the grooves off two copies
I thought that I had Meshuggah’s The Violent Sleep Of Reason and Death Angel’s The Dream Calls ...
Seriousreason comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Messuggah.. I love their mastery of syncopated heavy brilliant musical feasts. Does anyone recall the video where they are in a tour bus air playing a truly brilliant song. I want to own that album.
Democrats were never against walls or borders- [truthorfiction.
Seriousreason comments on Jan 11, 2019:
One of the most hilarious comments I've witnessed from the rather dastardly Chuck Shummer is " enough with the memes already ". I was rolling in my theoretical isle. ..
[] The only thing immoral is Pelosi and her progressive Democrat crowd.
Seriousreason comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Just look at this thousands of Germans who marched against Merkels madness today.. Its the alt left's desire to destroy America... They are trying really hard. .. Globalist , communist scum . Trump 2020 is the only remedy to left wing nihilistic madness
Burn the Priest - Chronic Auditory Hallucination []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Wicked... thank you. L.O.G & the Adler bros, are in the elite catagorie. Love the Legion X covers album.
This is messed up
Seriousreason comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Doesn't Chuck look simply evil in that shot.. The truth of this is self evident. As they get their immoral asses into more pivotal positions on the hill . The more evil old Shumer will get..
If Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has her way on going 100% green by 2030 it will wreck the US economy so ...
Seriousreason comments on Jan 4, 2019:
For a socialist with absolutely no idea about economics, or any outcome from idiotic policy decisions having input into the lives of millions is a chilling thought... " Free stuff for everyone "..
Ah, for the good old days:
Seriousreason comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Imagine this picture (meme) today... Their would be protests with vegan's pouring fake blood on each other . Antifa denouncing capitalism while their wealthy ( so they don't have to work) parents are on wall Street or " creepy port lawyers" . I seen a video with those , ever increasingly insane , women from the view. Trump's now Voldermorte ....As His name shall not be mentioned .. " BUILD THAT WALL".
I am so annoyed that this kind of behavior is found funny.
Seriousreason comments on Jan 2, 2019:
Really!!! Really!!!??..... I will never understand the offence taking culture festering to absurdity. These days ..There's as big roll in each individuals life to ...Turn off what you don't like... don't go to a comedy club or listen to comedians if you don't like them... freedom of choice hasn't been taken away from you liberal fruitcakes... has it ... has it... no NO! it hasn't. So get a life and stop throwing your soy beverages in the air and grow up. F#$%k
Anthrax- Among The Living []
Seriousreason comments on Jan 2, 2019:
Totally their best album. ... no debates
Hello. Can we join you?
Seriousreason comments on Jan 2, 2019:
A cute bird family like yours...absolutely. pleasure to have more of gods noble creatures join . Welcome.
[] anthrax/packaged rebellion
Seriousreason comments on Jan 1, 2019:
What songs make you happy?
Seriousreason comments on Dec 31, 2018:
Happy songs ... love those endorphins created by enjoying music as well as being over joyous... 1- Hunger... the distillers. 2 - I saw your money .. suicidal tendencies. 3 - red neck stomp ... Obituary. 4 - angel of death ... slayer. .. HAPPY NEW YEAR.
Death- Crystal Mountain []
Seriousreason comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Arrrr Chuck ... Death ....legendary.. As your a Death fan you would like Gruesome... Matt Hardy’s Death tribute band ... they are brilliant.
I’ve often wondered why this guy didn’t get the congressional Medal of Honor.
Seriousreason comments on Dec 20, 2018:
The unsung hero’s ... colour me impressed ,as the sniper is and always will be a valuable and skilled beyond belief, asset to any military manuver... One can only imagine the devotion and discipline it must take to be one with your rifle... I wonder what his rifles name was ... ( full metal jacket)
Do you listen to religious music?
Seriousreason comments on Dec 17, 2018:
I quite like “ straight edge” Christian , non drinking, non smoking ( anything) vegetarian, hard core bands .. such as Saving Grace.... and the more metal like Devildriver.. The devil doesn’t have al the best music .. ??
Seriousreason comments on Dec 15, 2018:
Oops fat finger syndrome.. “ bestowing that many virtues... has major hidden issues or is Christ himself.. .. they say there’s someone for everyone.... does anyone know who they is.
Seriousreason comments on Dec 15, 2018:
Well..... that’s a tall ask.... Anyone bestowing the virtue
Seriousreason comments on Dec 14, 2018:
Have to agree.. one of the best of many Black Sabbath classics... Personally feel they influenced the birth.. .. If you venture amongst Death Metal. . 2018.s winner of Death album of the year... down under is New York own Skinless.and Savergry
House democrats aren’t even in power yet and are already working on a gun control bill.
Seriousreason comments on Dec 7, 2018:
Gun ownership, personal gun control and common sense when using firearms is something most law abiding citizens hold in high regard.The culture of guns is so ingrained into American psychological makeup that surely the virtue signiling Dems I feel will find any push to seriously change attitudes a futile attempt. .. Oh and to celibate reaching level 6. I'm going out to my neighbours farm to shoot many many nocturnal pests.. yeeeehaaaa. Lol.
Thought I'd post this here to give you guys some more hair on your chests and immediately impregnate...
Seriousreason comments on Dec 7, 2018:
I personally can't get into the "clean" vocal style. To look at then you would think " viking metal" but the vikings would fall on their axes listing to this... I know music's subjective but " 'cringe much "''?
A great president like George HW Bush dies and they shut down the government to honor him.
Seriousreason comments on Dec 6, 2018:
Do the still have Monica Luwinskis infamous dress on display at the Clinton foundation headquarters. .. ??
Autumn Fire by Swallow The Sun []
Seriousreason comments on Dec 6, 2018:
The caliber of musicians in this band are legendary. .. . If you haven't already give Tau cross a listen ..
JUST HEARD ON TV: A substitute teacher in New Jersey won't be asked back next semester because ...
Seriousreason comments on Dec 6, 2018:
Because the tooth fairy is gender fluid . Instant dismissal if you try to defame or miss gender zhe.
Seriousreason comments on Dec 6, 2018:
An tares rose. .. nice avatar name. Thank you for the music.
Just what we need in our country: :-(
Seriousreason comments on Nov 30, 2018:
I’m so thankful for this group , bigpawbullets. Posting is a refreshing look at a poster screaming truths, from Mexicans . Mexicans , who are fully aware of what’s further down south . Have seen where they come from ( we all know it’s not their fault where they were born . ) But civilisation has clawed itself up through trial and error. Discovered that capitalism rescued more from poverty than any other economic reality. But it does seem ( most cringeingly ) that apologising for an existence ,you had no control over just because your white. This white guilt phenomenon .History wasn’t perfect , Humans make mistakes , the geographical make up of this rock made lives completely different depending on where you were born. Trying to appease. Satisfy , and accommodate people that ( the god they believe in ) put them in their country of origin...But now it seems to be successful countries guilted into opening their gates So all this unessasary “white guilt” . Accept antifa. .( they should feel guilty for all of us ) isn’t going to be a solution .... Until someone works out a fairer to all economic and political utopia ....We’re stuck with red or blue.... .
(Just heard this again recently and had forgotten how awesome it is on so many levels) Shoot You In ...
Seriousreason comments on Nov 30, 2018:
Plus for it’s time Ace of spades was the coolest album cover Motörhead have ever done.. way to pose guys....
This Study On Trump & "Fragile Masculinity" Suggests That Certain Male Voters Are Drawn To POTUS
Seriousreason comments on Nov 30, 2018:
It amazes me this need by great swaths of society to demand the need for labels..... Jesus h Christ . If it’s not toxic masculinity’s fragile masculinity.... This insane furore over gender pronouns , the LGTBQTIA......ETC. community demanding there sexuality identifies them... It’s a sad state of afairs indeed .. humans are more than a stupid made up label.. More than one dimensional mindless creatures who get professionally offended by a micro aggression , or worse still demanding punitive actions be taken against the imagined unconcious bias of an individual, totally oblivious to any wrongdoing . The snowflakes are taking over folks.... #PC INSANITY.
Ever gotten dumped because they found out you don't believe in God?
Seriousreason comments on Nov 30, 2018:
You mean “ released from a hypocritical, draining, imbecilic and downright travesty of superstitious belief.... be greatful ... you are saved. Being dumped by a bible thumper is similar to the end of a jail sentence.
Mexico is smart- []
Seriousreason comments on Nov 28, 2018:
Watching CNN totally play down the riotous stone throwing behaviour of Honduras “ asylum seekers” was insanity disguised as news.. If the Libtards had their way America would be in its death throws as the enevitable crime, corruption and cruelty will be rife. George Soros should house them all with him . He can afford it.
Mexico is smart- []
Seriousreason comments on Nov 27, 2018:
I’m sorry to see Trumps proposal to deal with the” caravan “ , was denied by the higher ups. Justice and common sense swayed by public opinion,, Can’t be called a racist.
What was the last concert you went to? My last one was Gloryhammer/Alestorm
Seriousreason comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Hi ya ... I gather you would recommend Alestorm then? . They play my home town in NZ in the near future. We were treated to Aborted the other month. Then Black Dahlia Murder. . Yeehaaaa
It's so funny how people assume all atheists are liberal, arrogant, conceded, assholes who wants ...
Seriousreason comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Suspicion and ignorance are still rife in current year... I even heard mention Atheisum is “our religion” .. Honestly tears down cheeks...
It's so funny how people assume all atheists are liberal, arrogant, conceded, assholes who wants ...
Seriousreason comments on Nov 16, 2018:
That’s what’s wrong with the world today. To much assuming..... nothing is what I it seems . When it comes to perceived threatts neither polical party has a monopoly on being an arrogant, douche bag arsehole. . You don’t have to be liberal,
Seriousreason comments on Nov 16, 2018:
From a non American who can appreciate the 2nd amendment. The fact that Freedom involves responsibility , and the sence to know “ I’m living in city with millions of people. All with their own story and reason for doing shit ..highs lows , loses and scores and to trifle with a persons choice to pack some possibley life saving lbs of metal and lead to there pearsonage ....or not be bothered because its against their beliefs “ guns are bad”” wouldn’t be caught dead with one. seems a no brainer .. leave the assult rifle alone .... Keep me out of the hands of gangs , Muslims, Drug cartels , deranged deprived of empathy serial killers and those capable of premeditated murder on a whim. People guilty of violent crimes with little or no remorse . Which any logical person can deduce is a fantasy. Banning assault rifles is not the answer... humans are responsible for the premeditated murdering of countess of their kind. Blaming the tool only makes you a bad repair person. Plus isn’t the world getting so insanely pc these days that . Hating and insalting an assault rifle , defaming and ridiculing the 2nd amendment is Un American ... bigoted , hateful , insulting comments towards assult rifles, will be made to face the full power of America’s judicial system. Do not utter a slur at assult rifles doing so is actually offensive and racist.. Most assault rifles are black. .. Born in using Trump speak ( Broadly.. factual) ... So it makes sence that the assault rifle needs to get woke. .. to no longer stand for the hatred and sheer blame with scant occounting of the facts.....blame the rifle for this school shooting and those latest school shootings .. Dead kids ...killed by other kids.with serious problems and .....a lifetime of treatment and jail time.........But they demonised the assult rifle ... don’t the realise It can’t shoot itself .... I... it wishes it could but no..inanimate , benign. Forced against its will to expel their lethal cargo .. spill blood , kill others.. innocents. Blaming the gun is being a lazy human...
Hi good people, I just want to say I love you all being here have really been exciting and ...
Seriousreason comments on Nov 15, 2018:
What a fine example of humanity ... sir I salute you. Keep doing and being whatever it is that makes up you. Feel the love.
[] Smack my bitch
Seriousreason comments on Nov 15, 2018:
Yes good old Prodigy ... guaranteed to liven up that party , formally drowning in Bee gees and bones m tracks. ?
Suffocation - Breeding the Spawn []
Seriousreason comments on Nov 15, 2018:
Amongst the pioneers of brutal death... thanks for the post , their debut “ effigy of the forgotten “ certainly blazed a trail that was ahead of their time..


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