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[] Bleed. MESUGGAH.. Masters of discordant Metal
MichelleGar1 comments on Apr 28, 2021:
Seriousreason replies on May 5, 2021:
Love bands that have their own signature sound.. 🎸🤘
Captain_Feelgood comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Okay,,,, I'm sending them money!! 😁👍🤣
Seriousreason replies on May 5, 2021:
I look forward to whenever freedom toons post's a YouTube video.. Always factual & humourous.
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 27, 2021:
Seriousreason replies on Apr 27, 2021:
Gerzuntaut.... ! 😷
MichelleGar1 comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Seriousreason replies on Apr 26, 2021:
@MichelleGar1 Arrhh. So jealous... They are awesome. 🤘
Garf comments on Apr 26, 2021:
Good song!! I came to post a song but I'll let yours get a bit of age on them first
Seriousreason replies on Apr 26, 2021:
No worrys mate. I enjoyed the Danni Filth you posted.. 🎸🤘 He's a metal icon for sure..
MichelleGar1 comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Seriousreason replies on Apr 26, 2021:
@MichelleGar1 One of my CDs I'm really chuffed with & play often is GOJIRA. Live .. Early days the Debut I think. It's called the LINK . Red cover with a big black tree on it .. Ever since I've been a fan. Amazing drummer , original sound.. It's cool you're a big fan as well. To see them live would be amazing..🤘🎸
I hope they Acquit Chauvin of all charges and then arrest all the idiots who violently protest the ...
Seriousreason comments on Apr 25, 2021:
Jurors are revealing the hyper politicised, mob rule lead violence & intolorence.. Is what swayed the verdict of guilty . Self preservation & fear. Fear of extremists BLM radicals , targeting family & businesses. Threatening violence & Intimidating anyone who possibly sought justice . Beyond all...
Seriousreason replies on Apr 25, 2021:
@Trajan61 And as we can already predict. The appeal will insite the same if not more media manufactured outrage. Throwing the defence team , judge & anyone else hoping for justice, into the White Supremist camp.. Poor bugger, he never had a chance.
Well I'm as happy as a lesbian in a paddle pop lickathon contest.
Seriousreason comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Happy lesbians lives matter.. 😂
Seriousreason replies on Apr 25, 2021:
@Garf In this world of gender binary spectrums & trans racial indentitarian ideologies. You can be whatever you like.. 😂
Garf comments on Apr 23, 2021:
Video not available to me so I can't hoo!!
Seriousreason replies on Apr 24, 2021: One of my all time favourite bands GRAVE.. an oldy. Souless The other track went AWALL
Captain_Feelgood comments on Apr 24, 2021:
We.... one of us... needs to post this on the 'Political' page... 😂
Seriousreason replies on Apr 24, 2021:
Good idea. Ha I can hear the screams of Capitol riot insurectionists , attempting to murder congress member's . from here. All the while refusing to acknowledge Capitol police new well in advance , there may be unrest. But no action was taken. It all worked out as planned. Feighn outrage while branding Trump supporters domestic terrorists. Fan those flames even more by deploying thousands of national guard. Giant barbed wire fences get erected , as they cry walls don't work. Perlosi even requesting machine gun posts be built . While her side wants to take your personal guns away. Google the words riots or protests & instead of Minisota or Portland antifa appearing first . You get Jan 6. Capitol insurection pop up before anything ... Nearly 4 months on .
Trajan61 comments on Apr 24, 2021:
She needs to be removed from congress!
Seriousreason replies on Apr 24, 2021:
Tucker had her 2022 mid term opponent on his show. A young smart POC intent on helping those in that district VS an evil aunt filled with hatred & bias . Who doesn't even live anywhere near her district , let alone benefit it in any way. The left get away with so much bullshit . Mainly because they run the cable propoganda outlets, shaping opinions with fiction & blatant misinformation. Then blame the right for their own crimes , while deplatforming & cancelling anyone incase they dare call them out.
richiegtt comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Excellent and true. The pathetic and sad fact is the hypocrites know this is true but do not care and will never admit it
Seriousreason replies on Apr 24, 2021:
Which frustrates the living hell out of me to be honest.. I agree with your comment completely. Those who refuse to acknowledge the facts & reality of a situation . Are either lazy ignorant & believe anything. Or are completely aware of the brazen hypocrisy , as it fuels a narrative that benifits their view. While denying actual facts , as they smugly yell Racist bigot.. Like NBC News displayed a heavily cut & edited report on the Ohio teenage stabber . The girl intending to stab her victim, had her knife welding hand removed from view . So it appeared the cop shot another unarmed Black person. That type of divisive dishonest reporting should be exposed . Or better yet made illegal. It nurchers I'll informed , sometimes violent reactionaries on nothing but lies.. Which as we see , often doesn't end well.
MichelleGar1 comments on Apr 24, 2021:
Seriousreason replies on Apr 24, 2021:
Run into a friend I hadn't seen for months today. They pointed me to some new music I'd never heard before. As I'm sure you are aware. Metal head's are thin on the ground percentage wise. 10 Cardi B fans to every 1 GOJIRA fan is about right.. Hopeing all is well in your world @MichelleGar1. Your GOJIRA post was a treat.. 🤘🎸
Adam_Metal comments on Apr 9, 2021:
This is Tasty! Sludgy distorted guitar for sure, and did someone say Squeeeeal!
Seriousreason replies on Apr 10, 2021:
@Adam_Metal There's so much good music these day's. Well for a METAL HARDCORE Nerd like me , there's always something new.. Sometimes I can't believe how young they are. Making that rib rattling big boy sound.. Ha maybe it's just me getting older.
Adam_Metal comments on Apr 9, 2021:
This is Tasty! Sludgy distorted guitar for sure, and did someone say Squeeeeal!
Seriousreason replies on Apr 9, 2021:
I love JFAC. Cheers. 🤘🎸
Adam_Metal comments on Apr 9, 2021:
Between the riff & drum triggers that's one chunky intro! I dig Exhumed (pun intended!)
Seriousreason replies on Apr 9, 2021:
Happy to discover another ear that appreciates just how good that song is. Impeccable punchy intro carries through to that solo the track is a landmark in metal song structure.. A Gore rate effort.. raise chainsaws in salute..
You may ask yourself 'another post?
Seriousreason comments on Apr 8, 2021:
One of the last gigs here in NZ before the coff coff fucked life as we know it. Was BELPHEGOR The corpse painted leather clad black death masters . Left me gobsmacked.. plus you could throw a pint &; not hit anyone.. I seen MOTORHEAD years ago in a small rural town of Palmerston North. 80 people. ...
Seriousreason replies on Apr 9, 2021:
@Garf True , this social gathering destroyer can't last for ever. Bands & festival's.. weeeeee. I've always dreamt of big European festivals like HELLFEST ,. WAKEN. ,. DEATH & BARELY BREATHING. . To see 50 killer bands over three days. ARRRGGGHHH
Hate-Preacher During Crowded Easter Service: “Take Them Stupid Masks Off!” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Canndue comments on Apr 6, 2021:
“ to mock anyone daring to wear a mask for any reason that’s not medical.” Umm, isn’t COVID protection medical? Damn nimrod
Seriousreason replies on Apr 9, 2021:
True , to mock a fellow human for Simply taking precautions. Is not very Christan of him.. Hate preacher is very apt.
The media tried to smear Ron DeSantis. It backfired- []
Trajan61 comments on Apr 8, 2021:
I’m sure some of the libtards on this website believed all the lies told by 60 minutes.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 8, 2021:
So true . Bet you dollars to donuts it's the same liberal do rights , posting about Georgia. Believing all the , less booths & no food to voter's in lines at polls. ID requirements for voting , I feel should be mandatory.. End of story no argument.. posting absentee, personal , No ID . No vote. Short memories alot of people. Votings a privilege.. Certain instance's should deny the person the right to vote. Murders, rapists, pedos.. convicts..You shit on your country or other people. They shit on you.. Respect is earned.. Allowing invalid votes & making up voting rules as you go is how Nov 2020 became bizarro world . Bidens more popular than his former boss. Than anyone in recorded history. When his appearances held 100s of supporters a. Big percentage is media.. But the former vice president has fucked up now.. insisting MLB avoid the peach state.. 100 million approximately now going elsewhere.. How's that for uniting the country ? .. fuckwit..
Questions to religious people
ToakReon comments on Apr 8, 2021:
Prayer. God is doing something. It doesn't matter what the something is, as far as this question goes. You pray. God hears your prayer, changes his mind, and does something else that is notably different from what he was doing. So what's going on here? Is it: 1. God was initially doing ...
Seriousreason replies on Apr 8, 2021:
Those who pray don't for a second consider. How narsasistic & self absorbed they are . That the great omnipotent & almighty creator of heaven & earth . Is listening to my thoughts & desires.. I alone have the ear of the deity I imagine. . While the millions of others consumed in prayer , falls on deaf ears. Prayer must save in therapist bills.. Not as effective but a placebo in any effect. Amen & Awomen .. 😂
How difficult a concept is this to grasp?
racocn8 comments on Apr 6, 2021:
There are no explanations. We have hypotheses that are supported by facts to varying degrees. Claims of a god or a creator aren't even hypotheses because they explain nothing and are unfalsifiable. These claims seek to end inquiry, and not to increase understanding.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 8, 2021:
@racocn8 There's the age old adage. You can't prove a negative. The religious conveniently forget. In times before the conseption of mathematics & physics, philosophy & biology. The sheer wonderment of nature was unexplained. So a creator was conceived as the only answer . Any other hypothesis was considered witch craft. In the words of the truly great & sadly missed Christopher Hitchens ". Religion poisons everything "
Westside Story?
racocn8 comments on Apr 6, 2021:
And when they meet the bacteria, they blow up to three times their size and start pissing out antibodies?
Seriousreason replies on Apr 8, 2021:
@racocn8 He says as he hangs his white lab coat on the hook , next to the micro biology doctorate on the wall..I'm Impressed.. Fauci got nothing on @racocn8. 😂
The media tried to smear Ron DeSantis. It backfired- []
richiegtt comments on Apr 7, 2021:
I used to like 60 minutes but it it turned into ultra liberal crap .The reporters on this show are so full of venom it’s disgusting .
Seriousreason replies on Apr 8, 2021:
Corporate Media no longer report the news. They create it .
[] Here piggy piggy pig 🐖 pig .. 😂
of-the-mountain comments on Apr 6, 2021:
Here maga maga maga!!! Here maga maga maga!!!
Seriousreason replies on Apr 8, 2021:
Something I found amusing , fueld by strange false narratives. Some people have white supremecy on the brain. The Chinese cook at the end s a true legend.. crispy pork . MMM MAGA NIFICENT...😂
waitingforgodo comments on Apr 1, 2021:
Any aquatance of yours makes me wet.
Seriousreason replies on Apr 1, 2021:
He wants your number . 😂
MichelleGar1 comments on Apr 1, 2021:
Takes me back to my youth! Tell Jerry I said hi and great request for Judas Priest!
Seriousreason replies on Apr 1, 2021:
He's blushing , said thanks. Recons my taste is terrible. We laughed.. 😂
This makes a lot of sense actually.. []
Seriousreason comments on Mar 31, 2021:
In the catagory called News articles & opinions that didn't age well . 1. Texas allowing mask mandates to be relaxed will cause major rises in infection rates & death.. bzzz wrong. 2. Abbott unleashes super spreader danger with irresponsible , anti mask anti lockdown measure in Texas . .. ...
Seriousreason replies on Apr 1, 2021:
@Captain_Feelgood. No didn't post it anywhere else . I just liked the consept.. as seen on other programs. .t didn't age well. Is funny true &; reveals shit
A little nostalgia with Sepultura - Territory []
Seriousreason comments on Mar 30, 2021:
SEPULTURA One of my all time favorites. When beneath the remains was released... Whoowooo.. MAX CAVALERA. ANDRES KISSER.. Metal gods.. LIVE during the Arise tour was a blast. . Chaos AD Was fantastic. ROOTS ... Seriously tho I'm guilty of ignoring the band without Max..Must keep in mind Andreas...
Seriousreason replies on Mar 31, 2021:
@Garf It was a great gig . Support for SEPULTURA was ANTHRAX.. . Persistence of time tour.. Don't often get double Bill tours way down here.. Not anymore anyway.
A little nostalgia with Sepultura - Territory []
MichelleGar1 comments on Mar 29, 2021:
I LOVE Sepultura!!!!! Thanks for posting this! ❤️🤘🎸🤘🎸🤘🎸❤️
Seriousreason replies on Mar 31, 2021:
@MichelleGar1 yea they are really good. MASTODON front man is in it as well..
This makes a lot of sense actually.. []
Seriousreason comments on Mar 31, 2021:
In the catagory called News articles & opinions that didn't age well . 1. Texas allowing mask mandates to be relaxed will cause major rises in infection rates & death.. bzzz wrong. 2. Abbott unleashes super spreader danger with irresponsible , anti mask anti lockdown measure in Texas . .. ...
Seriousreason replies on Mar 31, 2021:
@Captain_Feelgood Oh it's just a Common theme for alot of disgruntled people with platforms. That see the double standards & create shows pointing out the hypocrisy.. Twitter, CNN, the Atlantic & vice , WAPO etc . The fodder available is endless.
MichelleGar1 comments on Mar 31, 2021:
🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘 In Las Vegas here in the States, there's a bar that will have you experience"Russia". When you walk in, they have the temperature set to the same as it is in Russia. You can rent a huge fur coat and drink vodka and vodka mixed drinks. The catch they charge you $30 just to ...
Seriousreason replies on Mar 31, 2021:
Unreal . A place for everyone.. DASKADUNYA... ❄️
MichelleGar1 comments on Mar 31, 2021:
He sounds just like Chino Moreno! Sounds just like the Deftones!
Seriousreason replies on Mar 31, 2021:
Glad you think so too. .. So DEFTONES. ISH ... HA. I Like the song.. 🎸👍
Was watching Ted Cruz & his video at the border , largely objected to by Dems because the evidence ...
Trajan61 comments on Mar 31, 2021:
It’s a disgrace we have that crooked senile idiot as president!
Seriousreason replies on Mar 31, 2021:
I feel your pain my. Friend.. I may be a centre right libertarian from New Zealand. But I totally realise the cruel most insideous , in your face, blatant steal. was in place. There was dead voting from non existent residential addresses given. . Supreme Court santioned , media supporting slight of hand. 80 million voted for a straight White man. Establishment swamp resident. Entrenched in scandal , Yeah Come on who believes that. Plus political money enriching Biden's family. While Trumps family money is earned not courtesy of Joe tax payer.. .
MichelleGar1 comments on Mar 30, 2021:
Seriousreason replies on Mar 31, 2021:
Check out the VARIALS Romance track I posted when you're able. It's got a nice DEFTONES vibe Yah MUSIC.. Brings me eargasms
Was watching Ted Cruz & his video at the border , largely objected to by Dems because the evidence ...
SpikeTalon comments on Mar 30, 2021:
These days, Biden probably doesn't even remember who he is, let alone knowing how to run the country properly...
Seriousreason replies on Mar 30, 2021:
It's all being manipulated behind the scenes. You're absolutely spot on. Those who continue to deny his obvious decline , aren't fooling anyone.. Jill Biden should be charged with elderly abuse.. 😂
MichelleGar1 comments on Mar 30, 2021:
Love Pestilence! Haven't heard this one, thanks for posting! 🤘🤘🤘🤘
Seriousreason replies on Mar 30, 2021:
Pestilence do have newish material. Clearly lack the magic of TESTIMONY OF THE ANCIENTS.. that's a hard act to follow..
MichelleGar1 comments on Mar 30, 2021:
Love Pestilence! Haven't heard this one, thanks for posting! 🤘🤘🤘🤘
Seriousreason replies on Mar 30, 2021:
Hi ya , Pestilence yea awesome band.. twisted truth... One of the all-time best Metal riffs ever written.. Covered umpteen times... Apparently I hear there's new stuff.. must try to find it. 🤘🤘
A little nostalgia with Sepultura - Territory []
MichelleGar1 comments on Mar 29, 2021:
I LOVE Sepultura!!!!! Thanks for posting this! ❤️🤘🎸🤘🎸🤘🎸❤️
Seriousreason replies on Mar 30, 2021:
Me to. I'm grateful you guys post.. otherwise there would only be Tuesday night AGNOSTIC. COM Metal group song & unessasary comments night.. Other 6 nights nothing... 🤘🎸👍 .
I'm sure ratings for the Grammys was expected to be abysmal.
Alienbeing comments on Mar 17, 2021:
I never wanted to watch two ugly strippers dance.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 18, 2021:
The all empowering women of the millenium. Strong & brave..Cardi B & her Clydesdale friend being ghetto trash . =. Good .. Doc Suess & Peppie la pue. =. Bad.. I'm glad I'm Old.. 😂
MichelleGar1 comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Seriousreason replies on Mar 18, 2021:
@MichelleGar1 Yea very high. But that long a time subjected to a genre not usually in my wheelhouse. A woman is why I was there. Piha beach in Auckland . Tickets were 60$ food & alcohol with extra lashings of reggae for 48 hours.. Ah the old days were good in their own way. .
MichelleGar1 comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Seriousreason replies on Mar 17, 2021:
Hey ya ..Glad you gave this track a devil horns comment. Probably one of my favourite songs Top 10 . The guitar solo part 2/3rd through.. uurrggh. Love it .. the whole EP is the bomb.. But music is subjective. What I love. Someone else hates... Visa vrsa I was physically unwell after 11; hours of non stop Reggae.. lovely beach. Stoners everywhere. But that chick Chi chit chute.. chick. Chaasst... Yea mon.. Never forgot the power of music. Got so bad I had to leave. 😀 Nearly 11 hours.. torture. Ha So Guantanamo bay has nothing on me..
I'm sure ratings for the Grammys was expected to be abysmal.
richiegtt comments on Mar 16, 2021:
I would never watch that crap
Seriousreason replies on Mar 17, 2021:
Who's placing bets on " mostly peaceful " protests happening in and around Minisota . If the verdict is anything less than the death sentence. Jan 6 will seem like a ted talk..
I'm sure ratings for the Grammys was expected to be abysmal.
richiegtt comments on Mar 16, 2021:
I would never watch that crap
Seriousreason replies on Mar 17, 2021:
Ha so true, never imagined you would. I'm only privy to the shameful nonsense courtesy of Steven Crowder, or Micheal Knowles. Who make videos of the Trainwreck so we have something different to laugh at.. With 9 - 14 yr old girls being the target demographic. We would feel silly watching it aye.. 😂
Uaral - depression []
Seriousreason comments on Mar 16, 2021:
😭😭🤘🍺😭😭. Depressed metal with mountain/ lake backdrops is so Scandinavian.. Here's one of the band's on the superb compilation album. THE DEPRESSION SESSIONS.. FIT FOR AN AUTOPSY...
Seriousreason replies on Mar 17, 2021:
@Garf Thy art is murder do a ridiculous cover of. BLACK HOLE SUN.. SOUNDGARDEN... it's on Depression sessions.. A great compilation album.. 🎸🤘
Uaral - depression []
Seriousreason comments on Mar 16, 2021:
😭😭🤘🍺😭😭. Depressed metal with mountain/ lake backdrops is so Scandinavian.. Here's one of the band's on the superb compilation album. THE DEPRESSION SESSIONS.. FIT FOR AN AUTOPSY...
Seriousreason replies on Mar 17, 2021:
@Garf They Lay down a great tune. For the death Core genre. They own the most melodic band badge. Every album is worth a listen. Especially absolute hope absolute hell... 🤘🤘
I'm sure ratings for the Grammys was expected to be abysmal.
SpikeTalon comments on Mar 16, 2021:
Grammy Awards, what are they, lol... Joking aside, I stopped paying attention to the Grammys years ago, don't feel like wasting my time watching phonies act politically correct.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 16, 2021:
The only reason I saw snippets was because the whole award concept was being torn a new one on multiple show's 😀 Just finished listening to a great podcast with Col Allen West . The kind of person I'm grateful is on our side. The side of common sense, reason logic & sanity.. Top bloke..
Biden has gone longer than his 15 most recent predecessors -going back 100 years-without taking ...
azzow2 comments on Mar 10, 2021:
Congress needed a puppet to get the oil prices climbing.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 16, 2021:
The Babylon bee acknowledged Biden's win of this year's most successful Child trafficker award.. One of the cartels most sought after prizes. He looks set to keep the top spot for some time. 😂😂
Spudgun comments on Mar 16, 2021:
I still don't think that Biden is going to pretend that he got elected for very long. He really is an absolute moron.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 16, 2021:
True. To deny it is being submersed in the "BLUANON". conspiracy. A humourous spin on QANON craziness. By being religious in absorbing CNN & MSNBC propaganda. Woke , angry Twitter checkmarks . Expired bits of TDS still remains lodged in their bone marrow. BLUANON . The people who are sure Minisota will remain" mostly peaceful". After George Floyd's killer isn't gassed..
Tell me if this one fails Michelle.
MichelleGar1 comments on Feb 17, 2021:
I can see it! I was going to post some Agnostic Front yesterday too, same label and old school!
Seriousreason replies on Mar 11, 2021:
AGNOSTIC FRONT have an awesome live album . Pair of Docs on the cover . Used to play it heaps.. 🤘
Got a laugh out of this story.
Trajan61 comments on Mar 4, 2021:
Bernie Sanders is nothing but an old communist/socialist. I never could figure out why people supported that idiot.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 4, 2021:
@Trajan61 Roll on 2022 . Take a chamber or two of congress back . Before Biden does to much damage. Shame Jim Jordan doesn't Run for President. I'd vote for him.
Got a laugh out of this story.
Trajan61 comments on Mar 4, 2021:
Bernie Sanders is nothing but an old communist/socialist. I never could figure out why people supported that idiot.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 4, 2021:
Similar to the huge amounts of Biden voters remorse . Suddenly been expressed. I hope for everyone's sake, he doesn't do to much irreparable damage to the country. Well besides losing control of the southern border , Destroying the livelihoods of hard working self sufficient energy producers . By listening to crack pot greeny commies , pushing the GND . Brace yourselves for attacks on the right to bare arm's ... Christ the list is lengthy.
Garf comments on Mar 4, 2021:
Good song!! And I'll have a shirt made out of osmium thanks!! 🤘🤘😅
Seriousreason replies on Mar 4, 2021:
Great choice..The orders are coming in . 3. to. 7 yr old orphan handicapped blind kids . Dying of cancer get paid $ 5.00 a month make the tees for us. Feels good to aid the under privileged.. XL is it ?
Mooolah comments on Mar 3, 2021:
Yep. Took you seriously. Internet has no inflection, connotation, or facial gestures. I stand corrected. =0}
Seriousreason replies on Mar 4, 2021:
Point taken. Much is lost in context . Much indeed.
Read a hit piece just recently by the Atlantic on the CPAC Convention.
SpikeTalon comments on Feb 27, 2021:
Yeah, they likened it to a graven image as mentioned in the holy babble. Biased indeed.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 2, 2021:
I'd imagine Trump would fancy being compared to a graven image.. There's a vanity smurf inside , just waiting to get out.. Modesty is not in the Trump vocabulary.. 😂. But then neither is pandering, lying race baiting hypocritical statements. Many will miss his, Promises made promises kept..
Read a hit piece just recently by the Atlantic on the CPAC Convention.
DUCHESSA comments on Feb 27, 2021:
**When a person's words / actions could destroy those who are bad / corrupts / dangerous....that person is demonized by those who risk to lose everything **
Seriousreason replies on Mar 2, 2021:
So utterly true , in yet the MSM continue to bait all who are gullible enough . That their carefully crafted narrative is to be believed. They are continuously caught in lies of gargantuan proportion . Then remain confident enough to double down.. Since Trump left office.. CNNs ratings dropped more than . 40 %.. So there's still 60% of viewers who believe whatever they are told to believe.. sad. Naive believers in inflammatory falsehoods are potentially very dangerous. .
Read a hit piece just recently by the Atlantic on the CPAC Convention.
Trajan61 comments on Feb 28, 2021:
The main stream media is extremely biased and get away with telling all kinds of crap.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 2, 2021:
Plus recently they get called out displaying glaring double standards.. eg... Syria bombing.. Gov Cuomo's Cover Up . Maxine ( wicked witch). Waters , while caught on video . Telling a bunch of her loonies the textbook definition of incitement. " Tell them they are not wanted. ". " Form a mob & yell they are not welcome here ". Then denies saying it to congress.. Hypocrisy at a level never to be beaten..
Garf comments on Feb 28, 2021:
Danzig!! Fuck yeah!!
Seriousreason replies on Mar 2, 2021:
That whole DANZIG album is just ridiculously good.. love every track . Age's well to...🤘🤘
Mooolah comments on Mar 2, 2021:
Crash & burned.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 2, 2021:
What a way to go.. 🎸 . Bruce Springsteen should of followed suit. Now he's a laughing stock.
MichelleGar1 comments on Mar 2, 2021:
Free Metal t-shirt!!!!! That would be cool!!! Hopefully he says yes! 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
Seriousreason replies on Mar 2, 2021:
Is @ Moolah pulling my leg . Surely I wasn't taken seriously.. Bless your sense of humour my friend. 🤘😂😂🤘 I've asked for a GOJIRA HOODIE.. 😀
Mooolah comments on Mar 2, 2021:
The other groups will demand their choice of Tee shirts. The Tee shirt is gratitude for participation. Are you that hard up for clothes? Did you think critically what this would foment on this site? I think not.
Seriousreason replies on Mar 2, 2021:
Please approach comments with skeptism. May contain humour, sarcasm or complete & utter JOKES .. Please tell me you didn't think I was serious. Mr couldn't keep a straight face.. 😂😂.
[] A cool tribute to one of Metals true legends METALLICA. ...One play's one ..
MichelleGar1 comments on Feb 26, 2021:
🤘🎸🤘🎸🤘🎸❤️ Love this!
Seriousreason replies on Feb 27, 2021:
@MichelleGar1 Can't say I blame him . Have you seen that movie on NETFLIX. called YESTERDAY.. It's good .. Shines a light on the seedy side of the music industry . You're just a commodity..
MichelleGar1 comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Love Danzig!!!!
Seriousreason replies on Feb 27, 2021:
Hey ya . This song , actually that whole album is in my Top 100 ..It's brilliant... DANZIGS an imposing character. 🤘 Being in the MISFITS as well ..
Hello and good morning.
Seriousreason comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Through not paying due attention. I wondered onto a music fans group & met a lovely person. Music fan as well.. Honestly I thought you were visiting my Metal Music group.. Me going on about not many people visit these parts I guess because it's true. Metal puts 90 % of people off . Love it or...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@whiskywoman Admittedly the quality of metal song Writing has improved alot.. Heres a singer sadly missed .. loved .. SOUNDGARDEN
MichelleGar1 comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Seriousreason replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@MichelleGar1 I'm finally catching up .. cheers
I ❤️ Gojira!!!!! New song, new album out April 30th! Gojira- Born For One Thing []
Seriousreason comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Ha you beat my ass by more than a week posting this .. Classic.. am I worthy.. 😂
Seriousreason replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@MichelleGar1 😂😂
[] A cool tribute to one of Metals true legends METALLICA. ...One play's one ..
MichelleGar1 comments on Feb 26, 2021:
🤘🎸🤘🎸🤘🎸❤️ Love this!
Seriousreason replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@MichelleGar1 Totally.. I looked him up & he's done a bit of guitar coaching.. But he currently does a podcast. I wonder why a talented musician . Decides talking on the internet is better than shareing his gift.. hmmm
Hello and good morning.
Seriousreason comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Through not paying due attention. I wondered onto a music fans group & met a lovely person. Music fan as well.. Honestly I thought you were visiting my Metal Music group.. Me going on about not many people visit these parts I guess because it's true. Metal puts 90 % of people off . Love it or...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@whiskywoman That's a nice gesture. But I wouldn't Sully the audio airways with a bludgeoning blast that's barely endured let alone enjoyed by current members.. Although I do enjoy this acoustic Cover of Metallica. One It's rather good...
I ❤️ Gojira!!!!! New song, new album out April 30th! Gojira- Born For One Thing []
Seriousreason comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Ha you beat my ass by more than a week posting this .. Classic.. am I worthy.. 😂
Seriousreason replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@MichelleGar1 I'm so impressed with that new song.. frog legs stuffed crosants all round.. 🤘😀
[] A cool tribute to one of Metals true legends METALLICA. ...One play's one ..
MichelleGar1 comments on Feb 26, 2021:
🤘🎸🤘🎸🤘🎸❤️ Love this!
Seriousreason replies on Feb 26, 2021:
Image the money you would rake in busking. If you're as good as him.. It's a fantastic cover.
MichelleGar1 comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Seriousreason replies on Feb 26, 2021:
Did you catch my comment on your Post.. All I had to do was scroll down a few post's.& See your first off the mark.. ha.. . 🥴. So glad you love the new GOJIRA as much as I do. So good..🤘🎸
MichelleGar1 comments on Feb 16, 2021:
LOVE Lamb of God and this song! Last I read about Chris Adler, he was in a pretty bad accident and couldn't do drum's for Slayer and Lamb of God but I believe he has recovered but Lamb of God decided to go on without him, his brother is still in the band. I hope he's recuperating and joining ...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@MichelleGar1 Yes,. Yes. Growling is definitely an acquired taste. The Gutteral vocals & pig squeals don't settle on the ear very gently.. Iron Maidens first two albums will always be essential listening.. Paved the way as much as any band..
Because it's Taco Tuesday here in Texas! Brujeria- Hechando Chingasos (Grenudo Loco II) ...
Seriousreason comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Ha Taco Tuesday..🌮🌮 I'll never forget the lineup BRUJERIA,. LOCK UP & NAPALM DEATH. The ginger Bass player Shane Embury. Was in all three band's.. What a night 🤘🤘🍺🍺
Seriousreason replies on Feb 26, 2021:
@MichelleGar1 Got much respect for Shane Embury... He play good.. grunt.... 🥴🥴🥴🥴 Can you smell toast.... Hmmmm.
I feel the need to remind you all that posting several consecutive posts is counter productive.
Seriousreason comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Hello I'm Mark Just joined . Long time music fan. Short time member. First post a disaster.. Won't play in area. Music videos are not universally accepted. Not good enough..Played fine before I saved it I do recommend it. The whole album is a delight. It's the wee hours of the morning in ...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 17, 2021:
@Marionville Very kind of you. I hope you enjoy it The saxophone is a nice touch
MichelleGar1 comments on Feb 16, 2021:
Seriousreason replies on Feb 17, 2021:
@MichelleGar1 That's one storm Michelle. Did you read about the dumb Los Angeles snobs rich & toxic. . No idea how to maintain machinery.. no antifreeze . Forgot the antifreeze in the generators.They all froze Over A Texan wouldn't forget antifreeze in the engine.. Sanfrancisco shit heads . Though.. freezing temperatures with water.. ice maybe.. Life lesson.. antifreeze in the generator. Or we freeze in a gingery blind state. No electricity no lights. . I laughed.. . I did I Experience minus 38degees in Canada . My Aunty owns a huge pig .farm . Plus I'd never been to Canada.. I was only 12 though. . I feel it would seem colder when you're fifty something.. . Hope you don't get all emergency rashons.. cold baths.. . No power no internet. A Wind up phone charger would be miss popular in school. lol..🥴
@seriousreason Wussy Metal Wednesday, even though it's still Fat Tuesday here in Texas, just joining...
Seriousreason comments on Feb 16, 2021:
I hear it's rather bone chilling cold in Texas.. it's on the news about power cuts & stuff .. Hope you're doing ok.. ,🎸😭
Seriousreason replies on Feb 17, 2021:
@MichelleGar1 Jesus .... Your fatrenhheight to aye not Celsius..I alot of the Californian shifters not used to generators or snowy cold.. forget the antifreeze.. ggeezz . A Texan wouldn't forget antifreeze . Dicks
MichelleGar1 comments on Feb 16, 2021:
LOVE Lamb of God and this song! Last I read about Chris Adler, he was in a pretty bad accident and couldn't do drum's for Slayer and Lamb of God but I believe he has recovered but Lamb of God decided to go on without him, his brother is still in the band. I hope he's recuperating and joining ...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 17, 2021:
@MichelleGar1 Some PRONG. live .. I love their groove.. Drummer did WELl now LOG..
Death- Flesh and the Power it Holds []
Seriousreason comments on Feb 17, 2021:
Screeeeaaam.. yes. DEATH. .. I'm throwing my token nickers at the token stage.. CHUCK SHILINDER is a god. . Swoon. Swoon. .. my pulse is racing .. DEATH.. THANKSS.. So happy.. 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
Seriousreason replies on Feb 17, 2021:
@MichelleGar1 True true.. The godfather of death metal.
MichelleGar1 comments on Feb 16, 2021:
LOVE Lamb of God and this song! Last I read about Chris Adler, he was in a pretty bad accident and couldn't do drum's for Slayer and Lamb of God but I believe he has recovered but Lamb of God decided to go on without him, his brother is still in the band. I hope he's recuperating and joining ...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 17, 2021:
Wicked , I had no idea he had an accident.. He is one of Rock's greatest drumming talents.. His bass peddle triplet beats are legendary.. I've always liked PRONG.. 100%, LIVE is an album I still play on the regular since 2002,, But LOG are a stadium filing talent.. Who can blame him.
MichelleGar1 comments on Feb 16, 2021:
Seriousreason replies on Feb 17, 2021:
I respect the range of music that tempts your palette. BLOOD RED THRONE. Have Been a delight for probably 8 or 9 albums.. Texas . The state , everyone wants to move to. I hope it doesn't absorb the mindset of the broken ass snowflakes that flock to the lone Star..🤘🎸. Texas .. Cool
MichelleGar1 comments on Feb 16, 2021:
Wussy Metal Wednesday! Hahahahaha!!! You're going to make me post something lame now because I find this funny! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Seriousreason replies on Feb 16, 2021:
Ha. Classic .. I've cracked a smile .. Please do.. I'll listen to anything you recommend .. cheers.
MichelleGar1 comments on Feb 16, 2021:
Oh no! Video unavailable! 😑
Seriousreason replies on Feb 16, 2021:
Its a good song so I posted it again..If it's still a dud . Well I'll write a complaint to the record company. 😂
MichelleGar1 comments on Feb 16, 2021:
Oh no! Video unavailable! 😑
Seriousreason replies on Feb 16, 2021:
Oh bugger. Thanx for letting me know.. it may be me not holding my tongue correctly. It maybe the video itself.. Cheers @MichelleGar1. Top person.
So much for green wind power energy!
CourtJester comments on Feb 16, 2021:
Would it be wrong to hope the liberals freeze?
Seriousreason replies on Feb 16, 2021:
Our Govt is so left wing . Climate change & the push for electric cars . Has taken top spot in our budget ahead of getting Covid vaccines.. She's a topsy turvy world.. Granny can die. Just as Long as there's a Tesla in the driveway..
So another fake news narrative .
SpikeTalon comments on Feb 16, 2021:
Yeah, the left sure is trying to keep that one under wraps, it contradicts the narrative they want to push.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 16, 2021:
I watched the fake outrage & repeated cries of "MAH Constitution . ".By Perlosi . Calling senators cowards for not being an unhinged , lying reactionary devoid of logic & reason.. So that without facts or hard evidence you were supposed to impeach a private citizen on hearsay & conjecture.... Nancy .. Nancy. .. He's 0 for 2 now.. Start looking after the people who pay taxes. You can not re write history to suit your hard as you try. Trump's not beilzibub. AOC should get an award for most dramatic frictional take on events of that day. Her Instagram vid & the Under 19s watching her , don't laugh rauchously like we do.. They think she's being honest.. So dumb but so dangerous..
So another fake news narrative .
SpikeTalon comments on Feb 16, 2021:
Yeah, the left sure is trying to keep that one under wraps, it contradicts the narrative they want to push.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 16, 2021:
Totally. The humourous thing being. They are incapable of deceiving the free thinking citizens who realise so much is false or misleading. Convinced the media & partisan cover up by the party in power goes unnoticed. Perlosi is a real piece of work.. Her definition of unity is a 9/11 commission on Trump.. I think she secretly loves him & wants MAGA babies. She cannot leave the ex president alone..
So much for green wind power energy!
Spudgun comments on Feb 16, 2021:
There is a reason that people quit using wind turbines back in the '40s. The REA gave them much better and more consistent electricity. Wind turbines have their place, but it is NOT as a main power source.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 16, 2021:
So true. As a back up is where green energy wind & solar , really shine.. The media did a thoroughly good job of demonizing Nuclear.. Chernobyl looking at you . A PR nightmare.
Garf comments on Feb 15, 2021:
His mask seems like it's from five nights at Freddy's, cool voice.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 16, 2021:
For some reason that mask reminds me of SLIPKNOT.. & TRIVIUM .. I Like how the mouth can move..😀
1BrentMichael comments on Feb 15, 2021:
Saw them live shortly before the pandemic fucked things up.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 16, 2021:
Wicked 🤘🤘 . What a Gig to end on before Covid destroyed our lives with lock downs & panic porn on the Media.. Mid April 2020 , I was due to see INGESTED &. NILE In a quaint wee pub . Double bill dreams ville. But screech , brakes, as you were.. Cancelled.. Gigs are such a rare treat at present..I was shattered.. Alex Terrible gets those low Gutteral notes so well . Love a vocalist with range..
After you leave this world, would you want to be part of an amorphous, nebulous, celestial, sentient...
Seriousreason comments on Feb 6, 2021:
After 12 years living in a relationship with a High dependency unit head nurse. Of the dozens of sentient beings , many religious, many desperate to believe in something omnipotent. Who were diagnosed as clinically dead. Then luckily brought back to life by modern medical machine's & technology. ...
Seriousreason replies on Feb 6, 2021:
@Lorajay Fair enough , semantics these days are more important than ever.
SpikeTalon comments on Feb 3, 2021:
I never have and never will use Twitter.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 4, 2021:
@SpikeTalon The term " Clown world" got bandied about alot in 2019 - 2020. Honestly Spike the literal meaning is going to pale in comparison with this sudden unattractive, spiteful attack on personal freedoms.. Censorship is only the start.. There was a time when liberals screamed free speech from the rafters.. Biden's America..
SpikeTalon comments on Feb 3, 2021:
I never have and never will use Twitter.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 3, 2021:
Twitter is cancer..
azzow2 comments on Feb 3, 2021:
I have an account i go to Twitter so infrequently that I am surprised that they have not eliminated my account.
Seriousreason replies on Feb 3, 2021:
True ,. It's something I pondered . But it's so chock full of reactionary nut Bars. Who read a calm sanitary comment. Then decipher it as a percieved incitement to violence . Hate speech is not a thing . The supreme Court fortunately had a sane moment overiding that proposal. The fact that Trump can get banned for life. But truly loathsome individuals who do irreparable harm to innocent people get a platform . Is well , honestly par for the coarse. The left wing woke, virus of Social justice insanity . Masquerading as a good thing. Will surely eat itself before long.. Wishful thinking I feel. Things are only going to get worse.. Biden administration . Say that three times in front of a mirror. Death won't come quick enough.. 😂
MichelleGar1 comments on Feb 3, 2021:
You're welcome! LOL!!! Well the videos play for me at least!
Seriousreason replies on Feb 3, 2021:
I'm rapt because it's still fun to post stuff . Like you giving the horn's 🤘 for MALODOROUS was not expected.. Your tastes a vast indeed my friend.. plus the vids don't play for me. I can't listen to anyone else's post . YouTube pulled out their big stick to Wack me with.. So main thing if you can still hear them. Others can also. Cheers..🎸🤘
I heard about 30 seconds of NPR on the way home.
Trajan61 comments on Feb 2, 2021:
Trumps current trial isn’t even constitutional as he’s a private citizen now and his first trial was a witch hunt. Just goes to show the hate from the democrats. I hope it bites them on the ass in 2022!
Seriousreason replies on Feb 3, 2021:
Seriously though. Through the lens of international focus. Uninfected people resistant to unbelievable amounts of over dramatic, hyperbolic bull crap. Dripping in double standards . Hypocrisy & false equivalents. See Biden for the corporate shill he is Forever showing foreigners how much he dipises Joe Blue collar.. Unity & equity ,as long as you agree. . Uninterested in hiding the obvious fascist , tyrannical behaviour they project onto opposition. While championing that exact rule themselves . Imagine if Trump did a quarter of Biden's executive actions. Media wouldn't settle for a dismissive " I'll circle back on that question".. ,. The fawning is embarrassing.
I heard about 30 seconds of NPR on the way home.
Trajan61 comments on Feb 2, 2021:
Trumps current trial isn’t even constitutional as he’s a private citizen now and his first trial was a witch hunt. Just goes to show the hate from the democrats. I hope it bites them on the ass in 2022!
Seriousreason replies on Feb 3, 2021:
When AOC describes her fan fiction involving Ted Cruz . I seriously can't understand why she's allowed to associate with grown ups.
MichelleGar1 comments on Jan 19, 2021:
It plays for me.🤘🤘
Seriousreason replies on Feb 3, 2021:
Thanks @MichelleGar1. So pleased to know post's still work Gracious., dunker, 😀 .
Did everyone feel the warm comforting embrace of Joe Bidens Unity speech .
Trajan61 comments on Jan 22, 2021:
It may be a rough 4 years. Hopefully that crooked senile, left wing idiot Biden will have a Republican house and Senate to hold him in check in 2 years.
Seriousreason replies on Jan 23, 2021:
I'm hoping your right. The midterms. Yes. Because as it stacks up currently. They are in a position of power, that is very all encompassing. Total power corrupts totally.. & the pair of fake ass , pandering political pawns. Now in control . Somehow duped average MSNBC watching John . With Media puff pieces left & right.people Get a unrealistic view of The leadership. Kamala could be video taped burning puppies alive., As she laughs manically like she does. The media will spin it into. Democrat vice president & animal rights activist. Bravely battles burning pet store . Rescues 3 or more puppy litters. One reported as being a rescue pup on it's way to a teenage blind cancer victim.. Kamala is compared to mother Teresa by relieved family of dog owners.
Did everyone feel the warm comforting embrace of Joe Bidens Unity speech .
brentan comments on Jan 22, 2021:
I understand your frustration. It was a case of history being written by the victors.
Seriousreason replies on Jan 22, 2021:
True. That's generally the consensus..The vanquished end up being unrecognisable to the general population. As trained media , manufacturing Propaganda that's tarnishing with a vigur & vindictiveness that's you realise it's operation delete Trump. Cast aspersions so ridiculously cartoonish . & Worthy of a dramatic script Oscar. Like that pair of pandering Queens , Clinton &; Perlosi. Hover over the water cooler. Decide. Let's really sow it thick . " What if while his violent supporters ,hell bent on murder & mayhem.. Storm & Terrorize innocent congress members. He was on the phone to Putin... Oh yes . High fiving EA other . Yes your right it is frustrating. & Showing how shallow , petty & void of any sound logic,& sane constructed reasoning skills, the Democratic party are revealing to be.
The left's hypocrisy on violence is on full display- []
girlwithsmiles comments on Jan 22, 2021:
Yeah, what is it with the violent tantrums when people don’t get what they want? On both sides. A feeling of lack of control? I cannot imagine a situation where I’d go out and willingly damage other’s property. It seems rather bizarre.
Seriousreason replies on Jan 22, 2021:
@girlwithsmiles Social media will always be a user beware type of arrangement. Individuals easily lead , fooled, indoctrinatated Is a casualty of the internet. I'm still strongly opposed to the sudden surge in normalising censorship. Censorship is evil . Freedom of speech has never been more under threat of big Tech tyrannical control than now. Keep financial operations going for FBI crime task forces. Investigating human trafficking, & child pedo ring's. Inciting violence needs clarification. Apparently " March peacefully & patrioticly let your voices be heard. " Somehow constitutes incitement... No no. No..
The left's hypocrisy on violence is on full display- []
girlwithsmiles comments on Jan 22, 2021:
Yeah, what is it with the violent tantrums when people don’t get what they want? On both sides. A feeling of lack of control? I cannot imagine a situation where I’d go out and willingly damage other’s property. It seems rather bizarre.
Seriousreason replies on Jan 22, 2021:
@SpikeTalon And the divisive Media help normalise violence. Political violence is warranted if it's their side.. The unfair, unwarranted, heavy handed over reaction by lying, evil demonic house democrats. To weds Capitol building visit. Is cartoonish.. With the media circus clowns in full regalia... A frustrated action of impulsive pissed off voter's . Being compared to pearl harbour blows my mind. Clown world


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