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‘Open to meeting women’ means:

  1. For sharing ideas, conversation and comparing perspectives.

  2. Personally meeting some showing mutual interest in cultivating friendship and social activities. There is no sexual or 'relationship' agenda.

  3. a possibility of exclusive intimacy eventuating, should in particular become special;. Don't count on it because the 'last train' has probably already left the station. But it doesn't hurt to keep an ear open for a distant whistle..

So, for women in my age range still seeking ‘that ’ as sole motivation for screening, it is vital to point out that I’m not him.
I’m leaving the ‘off feet sweeping’ and hip attachment to other generations.

I avoid rituals as much as possible.

Full Bio


What are your political views all about? Do they include protecting the planet?
Silver1wun comments on Nov 14, 2019:
I'm 'basically against' accepting questionable on their faces group doctrines because they conveniently serve motivations unrelated to the 'thought system'. This happens with virtually all popular myths; especially those hailed as beyond question. History, more often than not, discloses them to be like theological and ideological movements; like in fact, an interesting old book titled 'Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds', written in 1841 by Charles Mackay. Global Man Made Climate Change is not the first incarnation of the thought system. Names for it have changed to suit marketing purposes over the last half century. The alleged 'unified' and (laughably) 'settled science' propaganda associated with it mocks theologies astonishingly. How people who are skeptical about gods etc. can swallow the program so easily and in solidarity with the unquestioning believers is also good reason for pause. To give the topic automatic entre into politics while seeking to exclude the theological reveals, to me that is, what is tantamount to religious bias. Defining and validating what is or isn't good science cannot depend solely on judgment of alleged scientists. Such things must be subjected to critical reasoning tests that are every bit as valid as scientific ones. People and human reasoning predate 'the sciences'; themselves open to some critical definitions, by thousands of years. What is good reasoning* can* be validated by what is considered good science, but what is good science* must* be validated by good reasoning. It is but a tool, a very good tool, but we came first.
My little girl made it three years without religious ideas being taught to her.
Silver1wun comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Little can be done about family or close friends making references to such things that reach little ears and brains. They're going to encounter it as part of the environment away from home. If, however, someone out of the family loop is attempting to indoctrinate her or any child, a case might be made for child abuse. Seriously, to interfere without parental consent (parents already do enough damage on their own), with a child's perceptual and critical thinking faculties is to harm them. A parent's job is to protect and foster a child's healthy development. Toying with their vulnerable perceptual apparatus is not a joking matter. Making fools of them isn't a healthy, 'fun' activity. It is a violation of instinctive trust and developmental dependence. For a non-related person to interfere with such things goes beyond mere familial 'good intentions'. There are evangelizing fanatics who license themselves to do those things with the misguided delusion that is obeying the wishes of an invisible 'friend'. It is predatory, regardless of the reason.
Wondering if anyone else accepts the Absurd (pursuing meaning in a meaningless world)?
Silver1wun comments on Feb 3, 2020:
Wish it or not, humans are distinguished from all other known species by our penchant for 'making sense' of our surroundings. It is the way our brains 'work'. We can't help it. It isn't possible for a person with a healthy mind to *not* try making 'sense' of what is perceived. It's as automatic as looking at a word on a page or a sign and refusing to read it. Likewise, we* read* everything in our environment, albeit filtered, trying to make sense of it. Being successful at the process translates into other kinds of successes; not the least of which is achieving a fulfilled, healthy existence in this life. There are, however, different classifications of what 'makes sense'. Most important is primary, personal sense development, for which we are superbly equipped by Nature. A healthy newborn has in-born,self-regulating senses of morality and sexuality that can be easily adapted as they develop into a life affirmative, cohesive, accepting and loving cultural environment. One that is comprised of parents, siblings, extended family and community of people bonded by love, sharing knowledge, affection and work. Such a community is the seat of secondary 'group sense', also largely in-born and shared in forms of group affection, cooperation and identity. That, unfortunately, is a 'Paradise' lost long ago. Tiny living sherds still cling to existence in remote areas of the planet, but for the most part it can be said to have vanished; save in archaeological and ancient historical records. We, as in our 'kind' are afflicted with 'civilization'. Our state of existence is incompatible with our inborn nature and therefore, in many ways, is pathogenic. Those social and theological institutions claiming roles of protection and salvation from the evils of our fellows *are the very causes of them in the first place*. They manufacture their own market, while humanity gets sicker with each successive generation. If such a state of mind as 'absurdist' actually existed (as I understand it), they wouldn't be following this at all; nor would they be 'trying-on' any of the ideas in their fertile imaginations, trying to make sense. If that is what you've been doing, then I don't think (something we all do so well) you'd likely meet the standard. It is our sick world, the 'brine' is what I call it, that causes us to seek out alternative identities from those imposed upon us by parents, family, society and especially theology. They are afflicted and in turn infect their progeny with a shared and serious discomfort. We're coerced into betraying our very natures; of abdicating our precious human birthright of reasoning and individual thinking to a 'higher or wiser' power. In return we're issued an identity, like a mental and emotional straight-jacket. ...
What dissappoints me most when reading posts by many atheists/agnostics is the tendency to blame the...
Silver1wun comments on Feb 24, 2020:
You've expressed it very well. What we can do for believers in gods and such is to emancipate them. They are captives and like physical captives that identify, as with Stockholm Syndrome, with their captors. Most have been brainwashed and addicted to artifice since their earliest memories. They've internalized and become 'as one' with their captivating 'isms', so criticizing their adopted or imposed thought systems or overseers within them is felt by captives personally, as attacks upon them anyway. To directly ridicule or humiliate them personally makes it even worse. Example is the best teacher because good example attracts attention and curiosity. Kindness in attitude increases questioning. A good friend once told me with the best of meaning, though it felt personally insulting, that I was more Christian than the Christians he knew and couldn't understand how I could be atheist too. Of course, he meant the comparison as a compliment, and I thanked him. Believers are taught, as some of us were taught before rejecting gods, that atheists are misguided at best and down right evil, untrustworthy and immoral at worst. If we conduct ourselves intolerantly and immorally, (not their morality, but Nature's) it only repels them and confirms the worst they are told about us. That said, all too many atheists carry resentments toward former captors and, unfortunately, treat those still addicted to theological mythology with disrespect and rudeness; creating misunderstanding of the rest of us. It is also disheartening to observe how many of us think we've become free thinking while clinging to many of the trappings and habits that are rooted in theology and superstition. How many atheists do we know who propagate political and socio-political myths as aggressively as any Baptist who comes knocking at the door. They do the same things. As ardent followers of parties and candidates and political ideologies, they solicit membership in their movements (read missions), financial contributions (read gifts), volunteering for phones and canvasing (read evangelizing) and of course propagating promises of better things in the future for the loyal, the devout. (read pie in the sky and 72 virgins). Atheists, as a very loosely definable grouping, have a long way to go before we can look upon ourselves as emancipated thinkers. It does no good to escape one confining, fear based thought system if we immediately embrace some other captivating systems that also do our thinking for us in return for false security of even more false identities.
Went out for drinks with a guy from Match.
Silver1wun comments on Feb 25, 2020:
We don't learn much about life or one another from 'sameness' or 'like minds'. All they can provide is a comfort zone that will shield us from learning and exploring differing perspectives. Group identity *is* such a zone. Increasing understanding is what defines us from other creatures. It is how our minds work and a most delightful aspect of being human. Deep conflicts arise between people not because they think so differently but because they identify so differently and can't differentiate between what thoughts are theirs and native to their own reasoning and those that have been adopted from this or that 'ism' as a requisite price for their identity. I try to view differences as opportunities to see things from a different point of view. Our native ideas are, for us, as close to reality as we can get and it isn't difficult to describe them because we've given them a place in our expanding thought systems. Questions from others don't threaten either our ideas or our identity. Thought systems of groups can only be explained by their sources; those 'isms' from which they are literally borrowed. To explain them we need 'talking points', tracts of scriptures or other such authority. They aren't as real to us as our own reasoning. The closer a thought/belief system is to reality, the more tolerant and even curious we are of others. Conversely, the further the 'isms' are from our reality and objective reality, the more intolerance and cruelty are required to maintain our faith in their validity. This is at the root of why some people cannot tolerate or respect differences in others beliefs. Identification with something other than or 'greater than' ourselves doesn't have to be outsourced for validity. It spoils a lot of rich opportunities for sharing knowledge, love and work which are so vital to happy living.
How much respect do religious believers deserve?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 16, 2020:
Rights of belief and 'worship' are due respect. To distract and insult others in attempts to propagate beliefs or to use them as an excuse to push punitive laws imposing behaviors prohibited within those beliefs should be punishable with fines. It should also mean loss of tax exempt status.
Well I went out shopping to get a few necessities and while I was in Aldis shoppers told me the ...
Silver1wun comments on Mar 16, 2020:
Schools closed here by the Politburo in Sacramento; which is a good thing. Schools here manufacture obedient morons. California has had quite a rush in markets with people obviously distancing themselves while wandering in aisles and waiting in checkout lines. At Aldi, I suspect a little more space and marching in aisles.
How has COVID-19 affected your dating and social life?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 22, 2020:
Look at the positive side for a moment. We all have a built-in excuse for avoiding people we don't want to be around without hurting their feelings. 'In every cloud'..
Silver1wun comments on Mar 23, 2020:
The path of crushing hopes is a lonely one. Yes, of course there are mitigating elements and influences that affect the accuracy of any index. There are also orientations to events and their meanings; prognostications about outcomes and a lot of identity based wishful thinking. This is why different formatting of information reveals errors in all of them to reach a body of information that consists of more knowledge and less misinformation. One cannot hear one movement and know a symphony. Media presentations are, however, skewed for political motives belonging to media owners. We know who they are without charts and we also know that their reported information has been 100% anti-elected administration for it's entire existence. One really ought to 'get out once in awhile' for different perspectives. Incidentally, I'm neither a Republican/Conservative nor a Democrat/Liberal. In fact I have but one identity - my own, in no need of institutional approval.
Corona is definitely hitting men harder!
Silver1wun comments on Mar 23, 2020:
Aha!!!! I knew it! And once again comes the question: What the Hell are males still in charge for??? Isn't 6,000 years of this folly enough yet?
Corona is definitely hitting men harder!
Silver1wun comments on Mar 23, 2020:
We males really aren't being hit any harder. Our ability to survive 'hits' is less, constitutionally, emotionally and mentally. In return for a few enhanced abilities, Nature exacts a price. Fewer of us survive gestation and fewer survive our own native, excess of kinetic abundance, restlessness and ill-advised activities; not the least of which is war and conquest. What we've done to females with our dominance of the 'world' , I believe would qualify as a crime against Nature itself. To ourselves? Perhaps it is even more egregious because of abuse and betrayal of abilities intended for protection and fostering. Some day, sooner or later, Nature will return things to balance. We probably won't be around to take part in it.
If anyone can listen the whole way through this, you are more adept at survival than I.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 26, 2020:
I don't even want to open it. Didn't like the music from that era anyway. He had to have made it worse.
The world is running low or out of condoms. What may that mean for after the stay at home?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 29, 2020:
Greater proportion of children with no grandparents.
We shouldn’t hate Christ as a person in spite of what his philosophy has done to humanity over the...
Silver1wun comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Hating a person who probably didn't exist, at least as portrayed, isn't reasonable. Most fictional heroes are loved for the principles they espouse and great deeds they perform. It is the stuff of great fiction and even better soap operas.
Is anyone here the daughter or son of a minister?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 15, 2020:
The 'final shoe' dropped for me after years of independent study of history and human (particularly destructive) behaviors. With a former attitude that 'religions were the 'keystone at the center of mass and individual mental sickness and destructiveness, something rather simple, almost comical happened to slightly adjust that perspective to my present one. I noticed two things clearly on display at the top of all the (modern/'civilization) world religions; which I prefer calling theologies. 1. The top several strata of theological hierarchies are all comprised of males, usually elder, with a penchant for aggrandizing themselves with ostentatious attire and absurd heas gear. 2. In kind of a 'back to 1', they being male, propagate a shared idea that at the top of their deities a male god is in charge. Before about 4500 or so BCE archaeological evidence shows human societies to have been much less warlike. Before agriculture, more like 10,000 years or so ago, we were even more peaceful and even greater evidence shows female parity in social structure and roles. Surviving hunter-gatherer societies in remote areas bear this out, for the most part. So, for me it isn't religions as the root cause of violence and human suffering, but males being in exclusive 'charge', as we can still see clearly in places like North Africa, Middle East and central Asia.
What can we talk about aside from religion or Trump?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 30, 2020:
Let's talk about something exciting, different and NEW! Let's talk about COVID 19!
This is the worst possible moment to try to kill Obamacare
Silver1wun comments on May 6, 2020:
It was practically DOA from the start.
New report finds nonreligious people face stigma and discrimination
Silver1wun comments on May 7, 2020:
You're missing all the fun.🥳👀
New report finds nonreligious people face stigma and discrimination
Silver1wun comments on May 7, 2020:
Braised baby shanks are my FAVORITE! I tell'm 'if you're not interested, then it just means more for me'. 😛🍴🧂
Are you in favor of UBI ? Why/not ?
Silver1wun comments on May 8, 2020:
I think it could work in a positive way in our constitutional republic without driving us into a Marxist style society. A UBI in an amount that assures only nutrition, shelter and basic clothing ought to be doable. Unfortunately, a bit late... We are submerged in a drug and other addictives existence. Anything a UBI might otherwise soften would certainly be abused and pipelined to purveyors of addictive substitutes for satisfaction of secondary needs and drives. WE are terminal.
Interesting reporting about Tara Reade and her exploits. []
Silver1wun comments on May 10, 2020:
If you can't see Joseph Biden for what he is, I pity you and the Republic.
What would you have done differently had you been god?
Silver1wun comments on May 12, 2020:
Even though there's a built-in assumption that there is or ever was such a thing, it's a tempting fantasy question. Based on what the latest version of a male god has done, I'd be forced to abdicate my position to the kindest, smartest, most generous female I could find. Then just staying out of the way and not taking myself too seriously would ******have to ****** result in a better world than the one we have today.
[] Yes, indeed! THOSE were the days! Guess we'll never see them again. :(
Silver1wun comments on May 15, 2020:
'The days' are never seen again. We've seen them once. So many others have not and shall not. They are ours and are the only real things we can take with us from this world of artifice.
Young people attended a :coronavirus party in Kentucky, governor says.
Silver1wun comments on May 18, 2020:
If they were infected with anything else, like flu, herpes, HIV, mono, the common cold, pink eye, ringworm or strep throat, etc., this would be a non-story. It would also serve no politically convenient purpose. Any one or more of those conditions could and possibly have been acquired in connection with the 'party'. We won't know unless it is the affliction the media and political opportunists can use any of those possible infections to advantage. Bank on it.
Why women remain in religious sects like this is beyond me--brainwashing into feeling inferior, I ...
Silver1wun comments on May 21, 2020:
These vermin are worthy of the guillotine remedy. All or our miseries can be traced to male usurpation of exclusive leadership in human societies and the crime against the other more than half of humanity, women and children, of turning them into mere property. The struggle for homeostatic balance after more than 6,000 years is far from over.
Was Jesus a man who became mythicized or a myth that became historicized or something else?
Silver1wun comments on May 25, 2020:
My impression is the former. Easy to put prophetically convenient words in a mouth and deeds into legend centuries hence. Today's press routinely does it on a daily basis.
Is homosexuality a choice?
Silver1wun comments on May 27, 2020:
Lots of good questions and I'm sure lots of interesting answers from people who've devoted a lot of thought to the phenomenon. Perhaps phenomena would be more accurate. I don't understand from a personal basis how it happens that men are sexually aroused by other males. Ironically, my life, psyche and interests continuously brought me into contact with other males fitting the description of homosexual and over that long span of experiences of them, I learned a lot about them intellectually while still being puzzled to this day about what makes them 'tick' and how they became that way. I've come to view homosexuals (males) as not monolithic in their attractions and practices. Consequently, I'm of the opinion that those who display any of the array of behaviors called homosexual, came to those orientations by equally diverse causes. Most strong attitudes embraced by believers are anchored in fear, as they are one and all conditioned to be fearful of negative consequences for diverging in any way, including reasoning, from their respective established 'paths of righteousness'. The conditioning began for most of us before conscious memory. With so many anti-Nature admonitions imposed on developing minds, healthy development becomes distorted, even prevented. We are assigned roles and identities that modify and prevent fully realizing ourselves by inherent drives rooted in instinct and Nature's intentionality. Sometimes the roles can be consistent with our inner character structure and sometimes they leave no room for 'us' in them. The nature/nurture argument is what passes for whether one has been 'born' a certain way or has 'chosen' their way. In the many causes of behaviors that include homosexual ones, I think there is room to consider causes to be either or sometimes even both. Sexually based roles (genders) imposed on us by family, theology and culture aren't the only elements of our developing identities that might not be a 'fit'. Historically, children have suffered abuse for stepping out of character by being things like 'too precocious', too kinetic and destructive (usually males), refusing to show interest in 'guidance' with a strong will to experience first-hand and any number of other divergences from family or cultural 'plans' made for them. As a youngster given to daydreams and intense curiosities, with a strong creative drive leading toward both arts and sciences, religion and I became early adversaries. That attitude led to lots of abuse from nuns in a few parochial school experiences. I should count my erstwhile blessings and good luck of not encountering any pedophile priests. Keeping many of my thoughts and questions under wraps was an early lesson taught by more than one nun, reinforced with pointers, ...
[] Falling in love. How long does it take to find the one?
Silver1wun comments on May 27, 2020:
The 'one' for all intents and purposes might as well be the 'one god'. Both are mythical, absolute-minded concepts promising some level of Paradise. They are just accepted and spoken of among believers as something real. Acquiescence to the notion is easily accomplished because it, like religion, is introduced early and alleged 'examples' abound. 'Oh, Grandpa and Grandma, Mommy and Daddy, etc ad nausea are especially lauded as eternal, that 'one' loves especially when romanticizing about them after they're gone; Heaven, ...'together forever'. Sound cynical? 'tis a bit and largely for effect. Oh, I'd be one of the last to argue that deep, eternal kinds of loving bonds don't occur. It just isn't so purist because I interpret all 'that ones' to mean optimal ones. We're here only so long and hobble through our best that one finding years as damaged goods. By the time some, certainly not all, manage to repair, we're nearing the vast ocean from whence we came, on a beach littered with emotionally wrecked refugees of that one quests; many of whom still comb the beach frantically hoping to 'beat the tide' and finally get at least a glimpse of possible Paradise; one last fling at a target once, twice or never hit. That 'one' is a psychological affliction romanticizing 'settling' to the extreme. One can win a hand or two and settle happily with the winnings but must always know that unknown wins and losses were ahead in that rejected future. That knowledge is gratifying when one bonds to the optimal and a source of sometimes recurrent torture when choices fail. I don't any more believe in a that one than in a that god. The most we can comfort ourselves with is the notion that we made a 'best of all possible' decision from what was known at the time and left of life..
Consider this: people have used religion to justify and advance their agendas since the earliest ...
Silver1wun comments on Jun 11, 2020:
Blaming 'gods' or belief in them ignores the commonality shared by theologies and secular ideologies, placing sole responsibility for destructive human behavior on imaginary entities. People get angry when their expectations are not realized and angry at anything that undermines their 'faith' that expectations are real enough to *be realized*; as in becoming manifest in their reality some time and some place. Religions are protection/salvation games that are very costly of life, love and material means to play in the long-term. Bad news is never welcome and particularly so if it even hints that our 'faith' in things we come to the opinion are vital are actually nothing we imagine them to be; sometimes nothing at all. Secular 'faiths' can be every bit as dangerous and destructive, all by themselves, as theologies. One of them, Communism, often gets erroneously chalked up to atheist alleged destructiveness because it, like atheists, rejects gods. This, because they fail to recognize (consciously or not) that the 'ism', the ideological construct has merely supplanted gods. Promises are functionally identical. Paradise is promised to the devout and the end (god or ideal) always justifies means. As long a Paradise is somewhere and sometime in the future, the only difference between the one with ecstatic workers and harp playing angels is that one is allegedly material and the other not. In actuality, they are both non-existent and never will be. As long as our kind follows a penchant for outsourcing personal reality rather than articulating it ourselves, theologians, carnival barkers, politicians, patent medicine purveyors, climate change oracles, pyramid investment geniuses and the rest of the promise merchants will have job security and we'll continue our 6,000 (so far) festival of butchery and intolerance. There's plenty of blame to go around for dispatching deluded people to spread their respective special systems of 'truth' in service to anything and everything except personal use of the faculties we are born with in greater abundance than any other creatures on the planet.
Researchers are finding that modern women who carry a Neanderthal gene have some definite ...
Silver1wun comments on Jun 13, 2020:
Wondering what, if anything, is known about the gene in males.. Well, maybe not wondering too much.
MAGA Cultist Bill Mitchell: Systemic Racism is a “Fantasy Created by the Media” | Hemant Mehta |...
Silver1wun comments on Jun 17, 2020:
People who didn't live in times when racism was accepted as common and legal protections from discrimination weren't yet available, don't know what real (original meaning of) racism is. Like other terms such as misogyny and 'hate', they've been conveniently and purposely eroded to mean just about anything a user wishes. These 'hot button' labels and epithets are employed as a means of undermining the very system that brought about SYSTEMIC remedies to real race-based, social inequities under the law; even for illegitimate local laws conflicting with both letter and spirit Constitutional protections. Our system protects civil rights of Americans far more effectively than at any time in our history. Social practices and attitudes, however, cannot be changed legislatively and in a free country cannot be entirely regulated by laws. Such changes occur over longer periods of time. The best part is that they really do happen. Everything will not be equal for everyone, EVER. It is a concept conceived of, by and for 'the ignorant'. Laws will never achieve unrealistic expectations. Inequality, like the poor, will always exist in pockets of the population; especially a heterogeneous population. Equality and fairness are human contrived, imagined concepts that can only exist to the extent that humans can bring them into reality not just by rules and laws but by personal conduct of people who first love and respect themselves and forces of Nature that animate everything we experience.
A Question of Morality -- Looking for Opinions -- Should saving a puppy mill dog just be written...
Silver1wun comments on Jun 19, 2020:
We don't yet live within a system that places a high value on love and compassion. As natural as those life affirming attributes are, they don't rule how human societies operate and have to settle for expression in limited ways that are allowed and that don't 'interfere'. If allegedly civilized human societies that dominate our world had not been emotionally crippled by the advent of exclusively male leadership, life affirmation and love would be, as they were before birth of the emotional plague, driving forces in human existence. As it is though, even lives of human beings are terminated if they interfere with or 'get in the way' of ANY powerful organization/s of our 'kind'. If elusive principles of fairness and compassion were to be valued, I'd expect them not to be limited by special status arbitrarily decided by emotional whim and fancy. We'd not spare canines what we so thoughtlessly inflict on bovines or some of our other animal cousins. If, as self-respecting and living creatures, we gave ourselves a higher priority there might be some reason for hope. We do not. When our own species gets in the way, history and our present are rife with examples of cruelty and heartless destructiveness. It is everywhere around us from our own city streets to countless other temples of misery like Gaza or slave markets in North Africa. To claim that life is precious while actively supporting cheapening of it to the level of worthlessness is a special HUMAN proclivity. Animals are deprived of our high level of self-awareness and the ability to cast verbal self praise and rose petals in their own paths. Morality is instinctive and animals demonstrate amounts of it far superior to the artificial moralities contrived and embossed on creatures like us for the last 6,000 years. 'Man's best friend' is one of Nature's best teachers of spontaneous affection, selfless dedication, honesty and genuine love. In a civilization that strangles the capacity in the cradle, replacing it with manufactured substitutes should be neither rare nor surprising. Unfortunately, it isn't realistic to see the puppy mills, stockyards, sex and slave trades, abortion facilities, warehousing of our own (inconvenient) kind in prisons and ghettos or ideological cults any time soon. Yes, it is disappointing I know. Thats how unrealistic expectations ALWAYS play out.
I’m struggling with the statement people make when they say they are Free Thinkers, Critical ...
Silver1wun comments on Jun 22, 2020:
Lotta stuff there Ex. I like it though, considering it's grounded in isms and labels. In my way of thinking real individuals dwell intellectually beyond labels. Not to say they won't BE labeled at any time they agree with this or that group/s position on 'issues'. As often as not, an individual will support a position advocated by groups for reasons that differ from theirs. Nevertheless, they'll find themselves labeled as herd members until the next issue comes along and they part ways with those who thought them ideological comrades. Individual thinkers find themselves among many divergent groups if they weigh issues at hand on the basis of personal reasoning. If it doesn't happen, they'd better re-check their 'individuality'... Labels and 'identities' are for the intellectually lazy and those who lack confidence in their own gifts of discernment ability. If one is in need of an identity with one or more groups to feel comfortable to themselves they are still dependent; still addicted to the notion that validity requires some sort of group licensing for legitimacy; that one or more others possess superior qualities of reason. We're gifted as humans with faculties that are a bit more and less, as there is no such thing in Nature as equality. Our distinctly human abilities are not vastly different and unfortunately we are taught the opposite before those abilities reach fruition. If you can escape the penchant for thinking of yourself in group and group identity terms it is a healthy first step toward affirmation of Nature and our nature.
Do u agree or disagree?
Silver1wun comments on Jun 22, 2020:
What is called morality in our system is unnatural and by definition impossible to achieve completely. Morality is instinctual and self-regulating. If allowed to 'play out' in a non indoctrinative and non abusive environment, it develops very well all by itself. Don't believe it? Have a chat with your dog.
Most guys get in their head to do something that later proves to be not the wisest choice.
Silver1wun comments on Jul 1, 2020:
As the diastolic portion of humanity, we are doomed in the systolic role. Unwise choices are inevitable when the decision makers are at a judgment disadvantage.
"Religion is a practice that counterbalances our animal instincts for the purpose of accommodating ...
Silver1wun comments on Jul 2, 2020:
I view 'civilization' as we know it as a product of theologies rather than the other way around. Their forms and functions are supportive of theologies and, for that matter, secular ideologies. It is the 'godhead' usurped and redefined by the (male) manhead.
Goya CEO Praises Trump : Trump Enemy of Hispanics So Is Goya BOYCOTTGOYA GOYAWAY : NPR
Silver1wun comments on Jul 10, 2020:
I stand with the American Community that ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP LAST TIME AND THIS! I will become a new Goya customer today! Boycotts only work when the overwhelming majority support them and the overwhelming majority of working and Hispanic Americans are not stupid cattle who follow Judas Goats to the boxcars.
I’m trying hard to be comfortable in my own skin.
Silver1wun comments on Jul 12, 2020:
Conventionally attractive applies, it seems, to what can be seen with the eyes. Personality is generally acknowledged to play a secondary role. The greater part of any good person's beauty cannot be perceived by the eyes and to subscribe to the notion that one can love and become bonded with a person based on what the eyes do perceive is superficial and transitory. Any 'relationship' based upon it will also be capricious and lacking in depth. A mirror can be a friend to those who love, respect and admire themselves because they see all of themselves in the reflection; someone they know better than anyone else in this world. Sharing that wonderful person intimately with someone with comparable standards is effortless and isn't a 'trade deal'. No facades and no promises are necessary. If we market our superficialities, expect to get consumed, used and traded-off for 'new and improvcd' packaging. Expect to feel like less with each transaction. Expect to see it in a mirror - every mirror.
This was fun, hitting a mask with UV light.
Silver1wun comments on Jul 14, 2020:
could't a helmet housing power and devices that could project UV via fiber optics into the body of a mask or other mouth/nose barrier be fabricated? Any airborne virus life would have to pass through the radiated 'space' in either direction. One might even convolute clear air passage tubes (radiator style) through a dimensional facial housing of some sort, maximizing flow whilst slowing air travel between environment and organism enough for exposure lethal to the viruses.
According to a 2019 Pew Research survey, 68 percent of all atheists in America are men, with a ...
Silver1wun comments on Jul 17, 2020:
I see it as evidence of how male dominated and construed societies cause females to self-suppress inclinations toward individuality combined with the human female's natural inclination toward integration and strengthening of family in any form. Women tend to be more private and prudent about asserting individuality more in line with the wise adage about care in choosing 'what hill you want to die on'. Males, are more impetuous, even reckless about most things. Among atheists with whom I've shared discussions, though perhaps fewer in number, females' atheistic attitudes tend to be more internally examined, diverse and 'native' than many boisterous, 'science' and pseudo-science dependent thought systems parroted more so by other males. No fixed separations, mind you, but just genuine impressions from the preponderance of discussions. There will always be a few Amazons and Milquetoasts about.
What do you think of this carving?
Silver1wun comments on Jul 17, 2020:
He'd better hide it from the Marxist wingnuts..
Glory! Its the 'End Times' in South Africa. 🤢😇
Silver1wun comments on Jul 18, 2020:
Well, PULL MY FINGER, whoddah thunk it??
New group if you’re interested.
Silver1wun comments on Jul 25, 2020:
They are mindless cattle.
In my last post i spoke about coming out as an atheist and the ramifications of doing so.
Silver1wun comments on Jul 27, 2020:
Your internal self and primary drives are fueling your emancipation. Answers aren't out here, but within. Trust it. Come to know it. It loves you and you will come to love it.
Why do his followers believe Trump's lies even when he's been caught red-handed?
Silver1wun comments on Aug 6, 2020:
All supporters of Trump aren't Republican; or Christian for that matter. All supporters of Trump aren't hero worshiping fools the likes of which were plentiful on the side of his opponent in 2016. All supporters of Trump aren't people who wouldn't have been open to voting for better. With only two choices, better often doesn't even apply because it is a form of good. We ALWAYS get a mixed bag. There is another 'always'. the central 1/5 th. plus or minus portion of the electorate determines all presidential election outcomes. Bedazzled followers notwithstanding. The ship of state is saved from listing too far to port OR starbord by the sane, non affiliated segment of the electorate. Partisans choose only the two dismal candidates we are forced to choose from. I despise Many things about Trump and am uncomfortable with many others, but overall he's done a more effective job at keeping promises and improving lives of both the productive and non-productive segments of our society against fierce opposition. His Middle East foreign policy stinks except for moves to bring troops back and get out of there. His pandering to the fundamentalist fools is disgusting and places mild reversals in civil rights progress for all of us, not just minorities that theological fanaticism wants. Left wing Socialist and Communist fanaticism is far more dangerous to our liberties. The Left's intolerance and violence toward those expressing differing views is far more vicious than what the holy rollers could ever again effect even in the remnants of our system. Unfortunately, political philosophies are tantamount to religions and functionally identical in their respective oppressive and murderous potential. That is a lesson, apparently, yet to be learned by our doltish, poorly educated young.
Hi Everyone, I am working on trying to identify red flags.
Silver1wun comments on Aug 12, 2020:
Sadly, you're not ready. This is a place that enables many contacts and if you're mature, fewer 'frogs to kiss'. If you're offended by what appears to be friendly humor and a subtle complement, I'm afraid that you are one of the 'red flags' about which you seem concerned. That you take a broad number of contacts and conversation to indicate something negative 'to be thrown in one's face' shows probable arrested development and low self-esteem. Why should anyone feel insulted for doing the very thing this kind of site is about in the first place? If your notion is, even worse, applicable more so to women than to men, it is an even larger red flag. This isn't to say that it might not be the case for both of you...
Just think about it.....
Silver1wun comments on Aug 22, 2020:
Never found Heaven on a stairway, but a couple of times in a shower. Driving down a highway? Better not go there...
When someone says they are spiritual and also agnostic-atheist, I always wonder, "Do they believe ...
Silver1wun comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Looking at life force and love through religion 'colored glasses' will only confuse you. Life and love exist all around us and within us. They are both strongly sensed externally and deeply felt internally. Everything that exists cannot be perceived by eyes alone. Chief among those things is beauty.
I am trying to figure out what is going to kill us faster.
Silver1wun comments on Sep 20, 2020:
According to the figures announced by Joe Biden, we're all going to be dead from COVID19 by next Spring. No joke! I wish it was. This corrupt, demented old fool announced last June that over 120 Million Americans had died of COVID19. Today, Sunday, September 20th., he announced that 200 Million Americans will have died of it by the end of his "speech". So, in Joe's world, we've lost 80 million people in 3 months to COVID. Now stretch those figures out. With a population, before last June, of about 331 Million, according to Joe's calculations we're all going to be dead from COVID by next Spring! Can't make this crap up! And a substantial number of blindly political sycophants want to put his finger on the button that can assure ours and our children dying in a nuclear war. Good thing we'll all be dead in 6-8 months if he gets elected because then it won't matter!
Why do people believe in the devil when it’s obviously a myth?
Silver1wun comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Its only an annoyance like when they try to pressure you into joining a union, donating to the 'United Way', joining a political party or a pyramid scheme.
Since I am new here I have to share.
Silver1wun comments on Oct 1, 2020:
I fully support protection of bodily sovereignty, not just for women but for all humans. That said, I don't understand why people who believe whatever they believe praying over a stone that expresses sympathy for the lives of unborn terminated at various stages 'shames' anyone. It is something they do where they congregate and is a shared sentiment. That I also see prohibition of pregnancy termination via voluntary abortion as a matter of bodily sovereignty and a private matter over which a woman is entitled to 100%, unmolested, unthreatened authority, it remains homicide and some people, believers and non, hold homicide to be something very grave (pun intended). As long as they mourn away - as far as possible - from secular laws and society, I have no problem with it. It falls under First Amendment protection; an amendment which is vitally important to non-believers as well.
I have recently come upon the situation of trying to explain my position on "religion" to a ...
Silver1wun comments on Oct 6, 2020:
I try with Mormons but with life-long indoctrinated people of many other 'religions', sometimes the fear factor and brainwashing are too deeply seated to allow escape. Joseph Smith, on the face of it, was an extraordinary con artist. The most glaring facts to non-programmed people make it obvious. In the origin of their 'religion', three entities are involved. Joe Smith, a formerly convicted con-man who bilked local farmers of money with promises of finding buried treasure on their properties, who was a 19th. Century American; who wrote things like memoirs etc. in the language of his day. The other two makers of the religion were the god of Abraham and an angel by the name of 'Maroni', who'd lived an ancient human existence before becoming an angel. NONE of those entities were Englishmen, let alone Englishmen of Elizabethan era existence. Strangely, even though Smith's writings were in contemporary English, translations made from 'Reformed Egyptian Language' allegedly inscribed on Maroni's golden pages containing the god's revelations to Smith were rendered in boring, stilted, English that was already archaic by a century or two by Smith's time. This, came to the world in a process that involved Smith dictating what he was reading from those golden pages while staring into his hat that contained some 'seer stones'. There are so many many more (politely) curiosities and absurdities connected with that religion too lengthly to go into here. But how about it? Does it require much more to see it for what it is? Don't bother asking anyone at about it because they aren't the least bit curious.
I do this all the time.
Silver1wun comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Anger management is expectation management. Expect learning how to be a free thinking individual to be frustrating in this life filled with faith swindlers and protection rackets. It isn't life getting shitty. Its you getting frustrated by unreasonable expectation from life.
why does all religion want your hard earned cash when they don't do anything to deserve it....
Silver1wun comments on Oct 13, 2020:
Oh, they bring you salvation. Trouble is, you don't get it until after you're dead. Its sort of a 'layaway plan'.🤣
Pope Francis assures atheists: You don’t have to believe in God to go to heaven | The Independent ...
Silver1wun comments on Oct 15, 2020:
Just send money
I have been living alone a while now and no pets allowed where I am (my mother who visits for long ...
Silver1wun comments on Nov 2, 2020:
Yes, you apparently do. You MUST have to feed it batteries or 'main-line' it the necessary nutrition. At least you don't have to take it for walks or stop it from humping your leg. Nice reversal of functions with the pet as it cleans messes instead of making them. Well, maybe not all of YOUR messes. I've seen videos of those pets being compatible with cats by giving them rides; bet they're good at picking up stray litter pebbles. Won't be long before even those vacuums will have 'aps' that home them to the door to make barking sounds and actually process verbal orders on where to go for special or urgent mess attention. Imagine how much fun an 'obsessive compulsive' ap will be to watch!
Do you think there will ever be a time when we can actually discuss removing "under God" from the ...
Silver1wun comments on Nov 11, 2020:
For now, and the past 65 years this minor pyrrhic and symbolic annoyance is affordable compared to other, real liberty limiting other encroachments made by theological fanaticism on our secular laws and government. It really is low priority. The majority, so far, in this country aren't bothered by it because they are believers. As enlightenment expands in it's many directions this, like theology itself, will become obsolete and fall by the wayside with little opposition. Retirement of our original 'from many, one' motto was more damaging to our society that what replaced it. The bitter harvest of the loss is now upon us via absence of desire to emulate our evolving mainstream unified culture to higher valuation of cultural roots, differentiations and identity enclaves producing deep divisions. Turning our national loyalty pledge virtually into an act of worship came conveniently on the heels of imperial executive action committing our military to combat under a LIE called 'policing'. Foreign wars began to be unconstitutionally prosecuted at that point, going unchallenged ever since. They have been more ideologically (religiously) justified than politically. War for us became almost as much a theological duty to fulfill our 'under God' mandate as a means of rational, political, national defense. By usurping Congressional (the people) control of whether sufficient reason existed for sacrificing our children on the altar of the war god, our would-be emperor President Truman began a trend that was all the more easier to justify half a dozen years later with claiming 'God's' divine endorsement of superiority in an erstwhile strictly secular oath. God and the executive branch have teamed-up many times since to bypass the peoples' approval in shedding of the people's blood. Returning power where it belongs is a far more urgent priority than changing a few words that are merely part of the problem of concentrated, illegitimate use of power.
Are you ready to reduce your carbon footprint?
Silver1wun comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Something else? Rapturously funny but still embarrassing to see so many allegedly rejecting nonsense of gods whilst continuing to cling to such androcentric scientism, 'cherry picked' like so many scriptures from the deluded public domain. Can there possibly be another cleaner term to describe 'atheist' that would be free of ASSociation with these Chicken Littles?
Just because a person is agnostic doesn't mean that they have to believe in evolution and the same ...
Silver1wun comments on Dec 6, 2020:
Evolution isn't something that one 'believes in'. It is a system of thought that fits within a reasoned hypothesis. It makes a lot of sense as a conceptual tool and there is observable evidence to support it in 'adaptation'. Where evolutionary phenomena are consistent they earn degrees of 'belief' and where not, much remains to be discovered. As close as our nearest non-human cousins are, our species leapt across a wide, evolutionary (if you will) chasm that cannot be reasoned by many to be entirely consistent with evolutionary processes alone. Something happened and the effects have been sudden and compounding. To discover what happened will probably require transcending the evolutionary frame of reference.
If you believe in unproven conspiracy theories, you're neither free nor a thinker.
Silver1wun comments on Dec 20, 2020:
The term 'Conspiracy Theory' is a threadbare tactic often used by mental captives to avoid seeing what they wish not to see. From the first, their attitude is that any new or differing points of view, provable or not, are discomforting not because there is no evidence; quite the contrary. Group-bound minds are lazy to begin with and demonstrate it by purchasing their thought systems 'off the shelf', with ingredients furnished and proportioned by others. If their adopted substitutes for independent reasoning and self-formation of points of view are questioned they are at a loss because they can never explain why or how they believe as they do without scriptures or talking points furnished by those who ACTUALLY do their thinking for them. Both facts and fallacies, in these circumstances, become frightening. To reason and evaluate information for themselves was abdicated when they subscribed to their group identity, they close-off new information in panic and fear and call it 'theories'; in that way shielding unprepared minds from the task of actually thinking. Of course we can all, as non-believers, recognize such conduct on the part of people rejecting scientifically based questions that might conflict with their 'faith'. What apparently few fellow atheists recognize is that theologies aren't the only mindless cults in this world. There are political ones as well. Evidence doesn't exist for those who won't even, out of fear, consider it's existence in the first place; who won't allow it into their cookie cutter, group thought fantasies. Facts are scary things to know and carry with them an automatic impulse and responsibility to act. This is can also play into the reasoning of courts refusing to hear cases. They don't want to be in a position to have to act if evidence is clear and UNCOMFORTABLE... We can, to quote Lincoln, 'fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time'. When it comes to ourselves, if we examine deeply enough, there is no such thing as fooling. We know exactly why we're terrified.
Silver1wun comments on Jan 18, 2021:
What a superb and redundant example we see here of the Left displaying the precise behavior of which they accuse others. It is en masse, on steroids in that THEY brag about something that is NOT so. They strut and boast about having vanquished an 'enemy' with whom they've been obsessed and BY WHOM they've been humiliated time and again by his working and accomplishing results while playing their whining like a cocophonous symphony orchestra comprised of pretend virtuosi who cannot even read music. The Democrat insurgency came first; being successful at brute, coordinated election theft. You see, all votes are ballots, yet all ballots most certainly are not votes. In the same way all wins are victories in a system yet all victories aren't necessarily wins when laws for all participants are ignored and deceitfully violated by the few. Even supporters of this establishment insurgency can see how it happened. Braggadocious opportunities, for them, are irresistible after 4 years of conditioning by their "information" Judas Goat commissars causing them to seethe with envy. You bought a 'pig in a poke' with installation of these shallow political house slaves for the establishment. The true Progressives on the Left are painfully aware of this second betrayal. Soon, very soon, you also will be silenced for daring to criticize our new masters. They have ZERO loyalty to either you or this nation. The only solace left to those who love our erstwhile freedoms on Left and Right will come from sadistically enjoying the company of stunned, embittered supporters of this desperate crime.
To observe Atheist Day (23 March): [youtube.] [youtube.]
Silver1wun comments on Mar 23, 2021:
A day designated to ritualize anything is personally distasteful. It is a herd-mind phenomenon attempting to bring about togetherness of identity, as though united under some sort of umbrella of likeness. People rejecting theologies and gods are not alike and share only that single attitude. One might as well declare a day celebrating those with a parent that choked to death on food as a unifying group ritual. There isn't enough likeness between them for a common identity meaningful enough for them to bother with. Not sure how most of us feel, but personally, I'm tweary of the theologically botched taking it upon themselves to 'define' me solely on the basis of having rejected their 'off the shelf' systems of others' adopted thoughts. It is just as discomforting to be defined by others who are atheist doing the same and being equally incorrect. There is NO such thing as a set of doctrines defining atheists and attempts to articulate them by self-important, ignorant 'non-believers' are insulting. Rituals as a means of unifying are just as silly as declaring that we all devoutly follow sciences as substitutes for superstitions. Next thing, some rube will declare that 'good atheists' must be observant by wearing stickers with the image of Pope Richard of Oxford.
Probably going to be the best 9 minutes of my YouTube viewing day! This footage is amazing.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 2, 2021:
More to come and pretty soon.
MLB moving 2021 All-Star Game from Atlanta over Georgia voting law
Silver1wun comments on Apr 3, 2021:
I agree on most points. Areas of disagreement between states and the federal government can be handled by the judiciary; when and if they possess the courage to hear all of the cases. Between individuals, we have differences in philosophy and a lot more commonality than meets the eye with regard to 'conspiracies' on both sides.
creation of man? I guess that we can say the same for religion as well.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 21, 2021:
And certainly not above woman.
Hawley votes against anti-Asian hate crime bill | TheHill
Silver1wun comments on Apr 23, 2021:
The greatest single hate crime against Asians in our history was made possible by a Democrat President who also behaved like a king with 'executive orders'. He was immediately followed by another Democrat President who also by-passed Congress to commit our troops to an undeclared, adventurous foreign war. Today we have a 'Mad Hatter' Democrat in charge, dropping executive orders and usurping power at an unprecedented rate; while Congress and the 'news' media provide ample, symbolic distractions for the national peanut gallery watching the marionettes.
Georgia considering racketeering charges against Trump
Silver1wun comments on Apr 23, 2021:
Another wishful suppository for those who constantly *grind and get nothing. *
Do you feel it is appropriate to take your own life if you have a debilitating illness, such as ...
Silver1wun comments on May 10, 2021:
Personal bodily, intellectual sovereignty and free agency thereof are the conceptual platform upon which our fragile political system rests. Unfortunately, because of group social, economic and migrated cultural mores and interests, complete protection of our personal sovereignty has been a bitter national struggle. Considering that our crumbling Republic has only existed for about 230 years, some astonishing leaps forward have been accomplished. Most important progress among them, in my view, has been reestablishment of social and political parity for females and children. Parity, however, isn't full equality. Voluntarily preserved vestiges of the property system that reduced women and children to near livestock status remain in 'advanced' nations and little to no change has occurred in the so-called Third World. In also so-called advanced civilization, women and children still bear surnames of either fathers or husbands. There is still an assumed male 'head of household' unless otherwise stipulated. Men remain at the top of every large political, commercial and theological establishment; making this still very much a man's world. Besides that most important advancement toward universal human dignity and equality, we also managed to rid our society of slave ownership officially; although it continues to exist de facto in commerce and familial arrangements. The institution, as it is called, of slavery is not one based primarily on race, but on procurement, in the erstwhile huge world, of those either taken captive upon venturing far from native lands or captured at home and taken to places far away. Both practices providing extra security by making escape difficult to impossible. Differences in tongues, races and cultures also made them easier to recapture. As with women and children as property, our part of the world has made great progress in having abandoned those forms of captivity and trade. In pockets abroad, slavery is still alive and well. Slavery is just the honest, straightforward admission that the practice of holding other humans captive is what political organization is about at all levels. Chains and bars are only the more obvious forms of captivity; ideological and theological cult chains and bars, though invisible are far more sophisticated and effective at making captives fearful of consequences of escape. Chief among influences that surreptitiously deprive us of personal sovereignty rather than expanding and enhancing it are theology and ALL forms of governmental centralization. They are functionally identical, in common functional principles employed to herd timorous masses who fail to recognize that consolidation of power is antithetical to individual liberty. Labels by which totalitarianism is ...
“There are only two emotions: love and fear.
Silver1wun comments on May 18, 2021:
Silent majority corresponds with our self-silenced core; self-silenced out of instilled fears, many of which were embossed on our vulnerable developing minds before we became capable of reasoning.
What do you think?
Silver1wun comments on May 22, 2021:
Marriage, as it is known today, will soon be an archaic, obsolete institution. The sooner the better.
Catholic Woman: Should I Call Out an Atheist for Not Calling Nuns “Sisters”?
Silver1wun comments on May 28, 2021:
They are frustrated Sadistic bitches.
I officiated a wedding yesterday and ended up doing divorce counseling for a woman in the ladies ...
Silver1wun comments on Jul 19, 2021:
Marriage as we know it is destructive of healthy, natural bonds. It turns a bond of shared life and experience into an adversarial 'relationship' wherein promises are made and tokens exchanged on a foundation not of trust; but by the very necessity of the ritual and contract, distrust. A strong bond might survive the negative influence of marriage but a marriage cannot facilitate a bond of trust.
Definition of the word Trumpery should have been enough to make people realize Trump's character.
Silver1wun comments on Sep 3, 2021:
Stale, moldy and as juvenile today as it was when we had an elected president. This is 'school yard' stuff. What, no tongue out? No ear wagging? No nanners? Some people reject gods and theologies because they don't make sense. Others find substitutes that do the same things, only without the gods. Both ways of (not) experiencing reality share a common lack of sense, individual reasoning and reek of herd identity. If this was meant as humor and taken that way, it would be a pun...
Powerful .image that describes Texas now under the current right wing religious government
Silver1wun comments on Sep 3, 2021:
The Right-wing extremists finally managed to gain some ground because of the Left-wing extremists' intransigence and both of them ride hobby horses going nowhere. Neither belongs in charge of establishing laws protecting bodily sovereignty OR the safety and health of the republic. Fanaticism will happen though because the human character structure demands it in the male dominated 'family', in god houses, in schooling, in home owners' associations, in city governments, state, federal and so forth. Like an emotional anchor, fascism under its many names always reappears.
A powerful message for Texas
Silver1wun comments on Sep 3, 2021:
For it to work, the law should apply to all persons; not only to one sex or another. Our bodily sovereignty should be protected from state intrusion but a clear law doing so would deprive the 'state' of it's current pick and choose, illegitimate power to govern what goes on with (and in) our bodies. If all persons' bodies are inviolable by strict constitutionally defined protections to the exclusion of state mandated intrusions of any kind, there go your efforts to require vaccinations or prohibit refusal of blood by parents for their children and many other forms of rejecting secular and ever flawed 'sciences' by those who claim individual bodily sovereignty protections. There go also prohibitions against genital mutilation for all, not just females.. Try banning circumcision as effectively as mutilating genitalia of young females and see how far it gets you. If we are not all free then none are free. Our male dominated (yes even today), female erasing, high holy AMA and Pharma strangled government will never protect all; only temporarily appear to be protecting some given ebbing and flowing legal privileges that pass for 'constitutional protections'. Y'al really need some new 'smoke' for those pipes.
Two days ago on highway I-44 at 2:15 PM I saw an OTR truck from Hurricane Express openly flying a ...
Silver1wun comments on Oct 13, 2021:
IF and only if a business owner wishes to advertise partisan sentiments, they are free to do so. It has a place only for those with the courage to put their money where their sentiments are. I like it and cream rises to the top. Some can gain from it and some lose. Their's is the gamble.
Greetings folks! I’m new here.
Silver1wun comments on Nov 10, 2021:
If you want to be free, I believe and have experienced that, one has to be willing to face losing closeness with others partially or permanently as a price of emancipation. The price itself is liberating because discovering and living your own truth ( it IS subjective at root but objective in what it allows into your objective environment) cannot occur in confinement; of the theological, ideological sense. Groups gain strength from their constituents' willingness to abdicate (indenture) their subjective truth in exchange for off-the-shelf recipes contrived* for* them. Why are people so uncomfortable discussing politics and religion? First thing to recognize is that they are functionally identical. They are salvation/protection rackets and are the ACTUAL oldest profession. The alleged oldest profession came along later.. Be fiercely you and exactly who you are will shine through to your 'outer orbit' and as elements form into compounds on the micro level, people too form their social and intimate 'molecules' in the same fashion. Stable compounds with strong, lasting bonds cannot come from counterfeit outer orbits. I know its simplistic but that is how it works. Don't hide the real you out of politeness or fear of losing unnecessary, unnatural 'friendships' or family. Those who are free and honest; who'd value and appreciate you won't be able to even see and recognize you until you resonate in your every sound, motion and appearance. Goats don't have to be anything else to be enough; to be perfect. Why should we?
Question? How does “what you think/believe” shape your outlook on your life?
Silver1wun comments on Nov 10, 2021:
If true to who you are comes first, what you come to think and believe will be formed by it; not the other way around. What we think/believe should serve us, not dominate and confine us. It is an erroneous assumption that not subscribing to gods and such means believing that our reality is the product of lucky accidents. Both extremes require a lazy, juvenile mindset. We are thinking creatures. Our brains have one fundamental function and that is to 'make sense' of what our senses *tell us.*. Ours, not what others' senses tell them.
If only women this pretty just wrote us at random.
Silver1wun comments on Feb 6, 2022:
Delusions of grandeur can be dangerous to your bank account.
Freethinkers = deists?
Silver1wun comments on Feb 20, 2022:
Free thinking, in my view, is only partial thinking if contained by a group identity. If free is to have it's real meaning a person's thinking ought not be limited in definition by group association. I see a free thinker as someone who can agree at times with people from just about any group; though not always for the same reasons. It is one thing to share a view with a group or association of them on specifics but being 'one of them' immediately removes the freedom part. Using my own example (don't know any others), I frequently share points of view with believers, Democrats, Republicans, 'Pro-Life and Pro-Choice' groups and even Communists. Belong to those groups? N E V E R So, for someone to claim to be a free thinker on one hand and identify with a group only means to me that they are free thinking withing the frame of reference for the group but not outside it. I don't evcen identify myself as AN Atheist, but as a-theist; rather describing an attitude or state of mind (adjective) than an identity as part of a group as 'an Atheist'. It isn't splitting hairs because there are plenty of would-be Atheist 'leaders' practicing Popery by setting criteria for what makes a 'real Atheist' or 'better Atheist'. Many people rejecting gods and such while still clinging to other ideological identities actually call themselves 'free thinkers' solely because of their new atheistic attitude, as though theologies are the only mind enslaving 'isms' on the planet.
What's your super power...
Silver1wun comments on Feb 24, 2022:
Though often powerful, common sense is like 'stealth' or at least often feels that way because one often feels entirely invisible yet entirely able to move about at will from one perspective to another without the limitations of membership.
"The Russian Orthodox Church has endorsed Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 2, 2022:
Putin is acting in defense of his country and of ethnic Russians who've been attacked for the last five years by shelling. NATO was not to expand according to the Minsk agreement. We lied! these people now want to join NATO and EU and present a threat not only to Donbas, but the rest of Russia. Putin is right!
I believe in a society just regulated enough to ensure a positive outcome for a large majority of ...
Silver1wun comments on Mar 14, 2022:
That would also include censorship support by those who fear ideas and particularly fear that others better equipped for the task will.
Good evening all “Man is a Religious Animal.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 21, 2022:
There's little functional difference between a theological and an ideological one. They are both extremely political; seeking power over the minds and conduct of their followers. Variations are separated only by degrees from one to another. This wasn't as clear in Twain's time as today. Communism, Fascism, Political Zionism and the role myths play in them, as with religions, had yet to become widespread and violent political movements until after his passing. As his criticisms evidence, there isn't ten cents worth of difference between any of their eligibility for the above description. People in groups are ultimately vile and far removed from the ability to love, respect and tolerate differences born in us as individuals.
Will a Stand Your Ground Self-Defense Claim Save Black Oklahoma Man Who Killed White Intruder?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 24, 2022:
NOBODY likes injustice if they identify it as such; usually when they experience it instead of dishing it out. Injustice and authoritarianism are part of the DNA of our 'civilization'. Until the authoritarian male dominated, fascist family structure stops being the, albeit often unfulfilled, ideal, it will push all other strata of civil organization to that end. The family and the individual character structure are the molecules and elemental building blocks of most societies for the last 6,000 years. Thus our history is might makes right, from the top down and*the bottom up*. Organize it's architecture any way you wish. The composition will always ultimately be authoritarian and fascist. Even dictators are chosen. Most often it is because they offer the same kind of deal as the authoritarian father. Banded together under 'Godfathers' they offer protection and salvation, whether the 'kissing ring' is on the hand of a pope or a tin god in a pinstriped suit. Justice isn't a thing of Nature but a human (male) contrivance; an ideal, like gods and devils on opposite ends of the scale, that is entirely whimsical and fictitious.
Here's another gem for all of the fanatics who lack a sense of humor. Irresistable!
Silver1wun comments on Mar 25, 2022:
Because you have no self-awareness, many of you are blind to how well you compare to Fundamentalist Christians who accuse atheists of 'hating god'. Y'all just have a few different gods and those who question them are accused of hating them. All we are doing is agitating your sense of security in safe-zones of fantasy. Sounds the same and probably feels the same. Doesn't it??
Marriage, Relationships and Religion
Silver1wun comments on Mar 28, 2022:
You've not stated your age or why and how it is that you are firmly atheist. Nothing there about what you as an individual want to get from and contribute to life. That kind of information would make anyone who's experienced long life better understanding. What you have included doesn't look good at all for building a life together with another person. The saying is 'opposites attract'. To whatever extent they do, I think it has only fleeting value because likeness in attitudes and values is vital to stability. Like Annie said, I must absolutely agree, if you can support and admire him it's puzzling how that happens. Admiration in particular for oneself and the other is such a necessary element for both people to form a close bond. The other elements are love, respect and trust. Without feeling these things I don't know how, as you put it, sense that 'everything is great'. Marriage aside, my experience and study doesn't square with inability to surrender completely to that other person for 'everything to be great'... This is where knowing things like your age, background etc. could be helpful. Sometimes when we're young, raging hormones influence us into believing that what is certainly pleasurable is 'great'. Time and living often reveal what great can be if one is successful forming a bond within which one CAN totally surrender to someone loved, respected, trusted and admired. The man you describe sounds like someone trapped (voluntarily or involuntarily) within family and cultural dictates that he allows to determine his ways of living. You also mention 'years of relationship' without a number. There is no such thing as an investment in a relationship unless it's basis is one like a business deal; a trade situation in which parties make commitments, promises, assurances, sometimes property, tokens etc. Many marriages/relationships function for better or worse (like the ceremony says) but not necessarily in happiness. Such 'marriages' aren't founded on trust, but lack thereof; hence the necessity for assurances and commitments. Adversarial foundations can work in business and politics but they are not the stuff of close, loving, trusting KNOWING bonds. "Truth is the daughter of Time." I taught my daughters that principle to apply to ALL relationships/friendships. If people don't allow time to really know the other person, fantasies and wishful thinking automatically fill-in, between what one does know about the other. Children? With such a low regard for him in so many ways it would be foolhardy and doom you to bitterness and regret whether a marriage eventuated, lasted or didn't. They'd be hurt even more. Marriage is ironically more strongly advocated by women than most men. It's an institution in which the...
Will these billions, like the $2.
Silver1wun comments on May 10, 2022:
This stinks to the high and nonexistent Heaven... I don't think it's just Biden and his family, but many FUKUS, EU leaders and their corporate overseers that have A LOT TO LOSE, if Russia (when) Russia prevails. Ukraine isn't the US private laundromat and corruption club. I think nearly the whole of NATO has been availing itself of Ukraine's whoring 'services' since the coup and perhaps before. They just don't throw this kind of money around, even at the weapons manufacturers unless key people are in sheer panic over what could be uncovered and shown to the rest of the world. Russia has already begun with the bio-labs. This article already provides the loading of the now 'smoking gun', as always happens. What also happens is what Clarence Darrow called 'mobilizing of the Liars Brigade' to warrant use of that loaded gun. Heaven might be nonexistent, but if these vermin, who are in a corner, feel like their end is inevitable or Putin for good reason feels his to be, either side won't hesitate to take the rest of us with them. Putin has stated how Russia will emerge victorious no matter the outcome. "We will go to Heaven. They won't have time to repent."
Poll Reveals American Church Membership Is At An All-Time Low
Silver1wun comments on May 21, 2022:
This is the 'atheist rapture' going o. Though slower than the one Christian aligned cults anticipate for themselves, it will nevertheless result in THEM being left behing in an unmanageable non-reality. We're emancipated and they remain trapped and abandoned, in dwindling numbers.
A question has been started (and I totally agree), should the carnage of the latest (and previous ...
Silver1wun comments on Jun 4, 2022:
Absence of understanding is central to how and why these and other atrocities are growing in frequency and depravity. That fostering deficiency doesn't belong to perpetrators, but the public at large. Two primary facts underpinning these terrible events aren't given proper attention and they're huge clues that can lead to discovery of many of the secondary causes, none of which, incidentally, are related to the instruments of murder and mayhem. Fact #1 relates to worsening over time; not a decade or two, but a much longer duration. The many decades long, gradual increase screams at us that, like other sicknesses, instead of correcting or erasing them, we're fostering them. There is no such thing as 'a pound of cure' to block this accelerating problem. It will require tons of cure aimed at the sources! Fact #2 can't be any clearer These crimes (school specific) are committed by men; usually Caucasian and young. Other mass murders are an adjacent but obviously related issue. The racial aspect shouldn't carry nearly as much significance because our population is overwhelmingly white, but I think it still remains a valuable clue. Little, if any courage, let alone reasoning power, is being mobilized to eliminate causes. That 'take' isn't some misguided excuse-making, trying to avoid necessary attention to a vital question of who's right to weapon possession deserves liberty of exercise suspended or forbidden. Constructive and destructive actions have causes. Yes, actions are required to mitigate destructive potential at least in temporary terms, but an oft used example of an upstairs bathtub overflowing clarifies. Mop and squeegy? Oh yes, vigorously! However, if the flow isn't stopped upstairs, the problem will remain and damage will increase. To terminate a life, human or animal, is extremely discomforting; less so if survival or well being are 'on the line'. Harboring sentiments to harm or kill indiscriminately is but one of a host of symptoms, all of which point to emotional separation phenomena. Culturally, we boys are conditioned to this as part of our sexual role identity, allegedly as a sign of strength. To do what is perceived to be necessary and overcoming emotional resistance, relatively healthy character must 'separate' from and overpower instinctual distaste in order to kill. Thought of it alone, not only creates frightening anxiety, but deep, penetrating regret and loss of some high regard for self, after the fact. I know, this personally and my duties only pertained to animals. A person who derives any type of satisfaction or pleasure in such acts possesses a sick and potentially dangerous character structure. Our 'civilization' manufactures sick character structures. Except for bombs, it is what ...
What is the pettiest reason you won’t date someone?
Silver1wun comments on Jun 14, 2022:
If they are stupid. It is obvious on first meeting. Cannot be fixed and is terribly boring.
If you have ever heard the expression " Is in Timbuktu" this is an actual country.
Silver1wun comments on Jun 17, 2022:
SouthWest of Bumfuk Egypt.
I'm reminded to be careful what you ask for.
Silver1wun comments on Jun 21, 2022:
One if the best examples of the potential destructiveness fostered by the ownership institution we call marriage. My first marriage worked until insanity happened and she tried to kill me, based on what she IMAGINED. Best adbice I have for any sane, loving people is DO NOT GET MARRIED. DO NOT LIVE TOGETHER OR OWN ANYTHING IN COMMON WITH ANYONE. Anything people can do under one com.on roof, can be done in more than one individually owned/rented one. Marriage is founded on mistrust and arguable joint titles to people and things. It is adversarial from the begining; that's why promises, tokens and witnesses are required. A trusting, respectful bond needs NONE of that.
Americans Have Lost Confidence in Government, Religion, but Not Unions
Silver1wun comments on Jul 7, 2022:
By any of their names, they are different forms of the same phenomenon; excuse me, the same 'protection/salvation racket'. 'Faith' in their ability or intention to deliver what they trade in varies because they all trade in promises of benefits. ...for a price. And the price is seldom money alone.
A friend of mine had posted this on Facebook, he is one of those guys that is more than a little ...
Silver1wun comments on Jul 19, 2022:
If he can appreciate and understand that, the 'rough around the edges' evaluation must be from a pretty narrow orientation. He's in the 97+ percentile range of sagacity.
Maybe this is a dumb question however it needs to be asked.
Silver1wun comments on Jul 20, 2022:
Or nothing.. ?
Cassville, Mo.
Silver1wun comments on Aug 26, 2022:
I get more excited by the idea of Parents being spanked when their children behave disruptively. Can you imagine how children's behavior might change if their parents were spanked for children's bad behavior? That some of the parents would enjoy it explains why so many of the little bastards are so unhinged.
Women: i don't need no man! Car breaks down: thats a mans job! Tree needs to be cut down: ...
Silver1wun comments on Sep 11, 2022:
And, most of us earn it honestly.
Choose wisely: "The choice between the Democrat and the Republican presidential candidates is the ...
Silver1wun comments on Jun 18, 2024:
Says it as well as anything I've heard, read or thought. NO matter which cheek one chooses, the ass will determine outcome..
It took a lot of personal responsibility on the part of President Biden to withdraw, but he put the ...
Silver1wun comments on Jul 23, 2024:
In witnessing the astonishing capacity of people who are smart enough to reject gods, to do 'full immersion' in even greater this-world myths, I must say that this site never disappoints. It's like watching people who do algebra failing at basic math. High comedy!


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