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Passions are aligned with the 'wellsprings of life' noted by Dr.
FrayedBear comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Welcome to the group @Silver1wun. Your musical passion will I hope result in many sharings. I have long loved the work of Weill & Brecht but have only recently "got into" the early recordings. It was certainly a time that inspired some great song music and dance around the world - think Noel ...
Silver1wun replies on Feb 20, 2018:
Thank you! Here's one of my favorites.
What is it you like about
Silver1wun comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Stimulating exchanges of ideas, so far, are inspiring and increase my expectations of being able to discover people, primarily female, with similar interests and passions. Romance, is certainly neither prerequisite or even primary. I happen to prefer exchanging ideas and sharing company and ...
Silver1wun replies on Feb 20, 2018:
@RavenCT 'All' is perhaps a bit of a stretch, but I'll take it. :) Good company.
I'm pleasantly surprised and a bit overwhelmed by responses to my post yesterday.
jlynn37 comments on Feb 16, 2018: is a web page and can be accessed anywhere in the world with wifi, an internet connection and any browser. Adding: Agnostic is also an App on Tablets and Phones and is also accessed with wifi, internet connection and the App.
Silver1wun replies on Feb 16, 2018:
Thank you. I'll only have my phone for travel. Ap or no ap, my fat fingers and poor tech skills make using a phone for this kind of communication and expression too arduous for my blood pressure to manage.
I'm pleasantly surprised and a bit overwhelmed by responses to my post yesterday.
EllenDale comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Too bad you couldn't pick warm spots!
Silver1wun replies on Feb 16, 2018:
I kind of think of myself AS a warm spot. :)
Rejecting the notions about gods are a healthy starting point.
engineer_in_nj comments on Feb 16, 2018:
I dont trust ideological purity. If I wanted that I would go back to being a theist. If I find a cathedral beautiful I find it beautiful. If I find a hymn nice to listen to, I will listen to it. If I enjoy a holiday I will enjoy the holiday. If no one is keeping score, and no one cares what ...
Silver1wun replies on Feb 16, 2018:
To 'trust' ideological purity is to trust the exploded neocortex that is exclusively ours a humans over doctrinal confines contrived by others; others who have no greater share of grey matter than anyone else, save devoting it to the purpose of manipulating others for gain. Not trusting innate gifts sets one up for exploitation by those claiming superior gifts and in that regard, places one securely in the good company of theists in terms of a shared attitude. Theologians' entire existence depends on instilling distrust of independence of thought and reasoning as early as possible. Perceptual faculties are distorted long before they are allowed to develop and mature. If children were free of religious indoctrination until their ability to reason freely developed, religion wouldn't merit serious discussion.
Rejecting the notions about gods are a healthy starting point.
Whathappensnow comments on Feb 16, 2018:
I like milk, , cheese, butter and hamburgers.
Silver1wun replies on Feb 16, 2018:
Get thee a 'golden calf'. :)
Rejecting the notions about gods are a healthy starting point.
nlcperk comments on Feb 16, 2018:
It has galled me for years that the school calendar works around the church calendar. Why?
Silver1wun replies on Feb 16, 2018:
A good example of a ritual artifact deserving of social reexamination. I think it will take a yet to be achieved state of secularity in society.
Rejecting the notions about gods are a healthy starting point.
Leon comments on Feb 16, 2018:
It’s just like leaving home where one’s Mam looked after the cooking and laundry. Now one has moved into a flat and one has to look after one’s self. James
Silver1wun replies on Feb 16, 2018:
Yes! Theologies instill the same kind of dependency as loving, doting moms. They often also share the propensity for creating (male) monsters.
Rejecting the notions about gods are a healthy starting point.
BanjoTango comments on Feb 16, 2018:
I think its good to think deeply about the reasons for things, but I can't get too excited about stripping out every theist inspired tradition. You must realise that so called "religious" events for example, were actually just adopted by churches for convenience. Xmas for example, was a ...
Silver1wun replies on Feb 16, 2018:
Ritual behaviors serve the purpose of binding together that we as creatures require. We're social. To reject all commonality with others makes one a good candidate for a straight jacket. Speaking of clothing, I think many of our familial and culturally instilled habits are similar to wardrobe style; much like dressing for an occasion. We feel more comfortable in familiar duds as long as they fit our growing bodies (and minds). This is comparable to institutionally issued intellectual attire becoming to 'tight' and confining; as in the case of switching religions or rejecting them for greater comfort. Similar also to your 'evolutionary' comparison.
Rejecting the notions about gods are a healthy starting point.
josh_karpf comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Deciding to what degree we’ll separate ourselves from society will always mean compromise. I’ll observe Christmas for its material benefits, but turn a blind eye to its religiosity whether or not that’s been co-opted by theists from so-called pagans. I’ll enjoy yoga as meditation and ...
Silver1wun replies on Feb 16, 2018:
The degree of 'compromise' chosen, I agree, is up to the individual. Asserting individuality in today's America is even more difficult than in yesterday's. Our integrative side draws us to behaviors and rituals; especially those we can share with family and acquaintances. Symbolism associated with them I also agree, can be a 'take it or leave it', non-essential element. What I was attempting to and perhaps failed in the main to point out was that rejecting rituals rooted in theological principles and superstition affords one progress towards greater individual freedom. It is a mental, possibly intellectual, orientation acquired from separation that can be compared to stepping through a portal that allows a perspective of what was left behind. It also doesn't mean rigid self-prohibition from different levels of participation at times, but motivated by circumstantial, individual choice over social compulsion. One small, recent example: A friend told me about her boss sending another employee out to pick up candy and some flowers to bring home for his wife. My instant, intuitive if you will, comparison was to asking somebody to go out and pick up a package of cigarettes. From a standpoint of having escaped both types of habits they really are similar and when people 'do them', one can also feel the same sense of gratitude for having escaped them.
Rejecting the notions about gods are a healthy starting point.
wordywalt comments on Feb 16, 2018:
All religions are total system ideologies (ones which purport to include and explain everything). All total system ideologies (including political ones , like communism) are totalitarian in nature. They will, given half a chance, establish a religiously controlled dictatorship. That is why we ...
Silver1wun replies on Feb 16, 2018:
I agree that religions should be kept away from the business of lawmaking and self-government. It seems to be easier for the average person to recognize the ways in which religious fundamentalists undermine our secular, Constitutional Republic than to see how it has been and continues to be undermined by Socialism and Globalism. Progressives have been busily eroding our freedoms and individual independence, arguably, since the time of Woodrow Wilson, with a real surge in the 30's. Seldom do we hear alarms about this long-standing destructive force. It has come to be accepted as commonplace.
starstuff comments on Feb 12, 2018:
The important information here is defining our term "attractive". Are we using conventional advertising airbrushed attractive? Or having discernable personality traits attractive? You see where I am going with this. The interesting discussion for me is the concept of hookups. If it is only about...
Silver1wun replies on Feb 15, 2018:
The greater part of a person's beauty cannot be perceived by the eyes alone. Realization of this, would in proper, natural order, occur in our youth. Because 'culture' intervenes, especially Patriarchal, sex negative culture, it takes many years to overcome damage. Decades as a professional model, surrounded by allegedly 'beautiful women' helped with the revelation. I could sit for lunch, after shows, with women who were all pleasing to the eye. Conversations, over time, revealed who among them were truly beautiful. The same principle applies at large to all people.
Do you do meditation or yoga?
dianemclark56 comments on Feb 10, 2018:
I’ve been divorced for a year and a half and want yo get out but don’t know where or have friends who go out do I’m stuck
Silver1wun replies on Feb 11, 2018:
Perhaps your feeling of being 'stuck' is caused by limitations long ago accepted to be so when they really aren't. We are all products at best and victims at worst of our familial and culturally imposed notions about what is 'proper'. Being female ought not make one feel dependent on anyone else as a crutch or to serve as propriety for going anywhere. Sadly, this is what we (culturally) inflict on our females. Men 'go out' anywhere they please without the need for support or feeling that it is o.k. Though women can be somewhat more vulnerable, it isn't in all places or circumstances. Being divorced includes being liberated from more than a spouse who influences or controls one's actions. It should include self-liberation and self-encouragement to take hold of life with both hands. Religions dominate and define most cultural values and principles. To leave theological domination and perhaps spousal domination opens the world and should also open one to rejecting so-called cultural taboos and role assignments that are directly related to theological doctrines. Love yourself, forgive yourself and thereby free yourself. The rest will come almost automatically.


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Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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