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Wherever you live I bid you all a, good morning, good afternoon, good evening or goodnight.?
Silver1wun comments on May 22, 2018:
'bout covers it alright. :)
Sexual identities and labeling others.
Silver1wun comments on May 22, 2018:
I love all people until or unless they ACT individually or en mass of a single mind, in ways that interfere with my automatic respect. Then I'll criticize and as they are entitled to their feelings, opinions, delusions etc. I am no less entitled to mine, whether personally reasoned or, though I shun it, borrowed from others as in group-think. Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual people are among the many categories of people I personally love, respect and trust - some of them - faithfully with my life if circumstances called for it. That said, I'm not comfortable with the huge umbrella under which people claiming to be 'Transgender' gather and demand often unearned or undeserved respect. If a person 'identifies' with the opposite sex (not to be confused with crazy mixed up gender roles in other than sexual aspects of life) and because of present day medical technology, choses to undergo a change of landscape and artificial absorption of hormonal/chemical substances enabling functional life as the opposite sex, I'M ALL FOR IT. It harms nobody and does nothing to threaten or upset the balance of society in the interests of the overwhelming number of it's inhabitants who are* relatively comfortable* with the way it functions. If, however, a person wishes NOT to invest themselves in an actual, albeit limited, functional change enabling life as a member of the opposite sex, I don't agree that the overwhelming majority of others should have to accommodate or inconvenience themselves over that person's personal 'identity'. After all, if that person isn't ready to commit seriously to accomplish the change in physical terms, how is it that the public is obliged to commit serously or even take seriously their claim? A lunatic who believes him/herself to be Napoleon or Anastasia or Teddy Roosevelt *might expect* their 'identity' to be respected and demand behavior toward them to be modified to suit it. They are entitled to expect anything they want. That doesn't mean society should acquiesce or make rules or laws to accommodate them. There is no such thing as a male who knows what growing up female is like, early identity notwithstanding. A woman is the culmination of that experience. The same applies to the male half of our kind. Nature sets the biological 'rules of the game'; the inviolable canon within which we, like all other creatures, live. A limited, functional alteration of a person physiologically doesn't qualify them in full *as a definitive, non-limited* member of an opposite sex. Therefore any laws made to facilitate and protect rights to function as such should also be limited relative only to functional, *not definitive* legitimacy. Fairness and respect cut both ways. Women, in particular are the more functionally superior sex in...
Silver1wun comments on May 22, 2018:
Men who are 'interested in sex' can still be (though admittedly rare) good friends with whom good times can be arranged and shared. I'm one of them. Many of my female friends are or have been people who happen to share a common interest or work. Much of my earlier work life was as a professional model and being the 'minority' in the field as a male meant being surrounded not just by women, but women who were very pleasing to the eye. I regarded some as friends and other women not related to work likewise as friends, with sexuality, other than unavoidable surface attraction, completely out of the mix. I was married during those times and many of them were as well. Today, even on this site, my interest in women is based on preference for their company or interaction as primary motivation and sex has no part of expectations as far as meeting people. IF, because I'm interested in sex also and conditionally, I meet someone with the intellectual and character elements that makes the stuff or which real 'sex' is made, that would be great too, but FAR from prerequisite. Not sure how many other guys here are about that but I can't be alone, can I? If you or any female has a resonating 'bio' in the profile that stimulates interest in direct communication expectation of a sexual relationship would be the extreme of 'cart before the horse'. .... a little horse and buggy lingo. :)
What was the best memory you had from your childhood?
Silver1wun comments on May 22, 2018:
A girl named Judy sitting across the aisle at her desk would look over and smile at me. She was beautiful beyond words, with a couple of teeth missing. When she smiled my tummy tickled inside. When that happened I couldn't contain my smile and had to look away. Travel adventures like driving to California; taking the street we lived on in Chicago all the way there. It was Ogden Avenue (Route 66), riding in the back seat of the '47 Olds. Not enough memories from that trip, but two stand out. Seeing 'Indians' in New Mexico, wrapped in heavy blankets, some wearing hats was disappointing. I expected them to be scantilly clad, with bows and arrows, on horses like the ones in the movies. Loved the way the roadsides glittered and flashed in the sun as we sped by. It was before the 'litter bug' program got started. People on the way to California just discarded trash out of car windows without even thinking about it. Train back a year later was a nice new smelling 'El Capitan'; a Santa Fe train we took back to Chicago. One could see the beautiful passing landscape from the top of the 'dome car. More of the litter culture that was fun was the restroom. When you 'flushed' a small round door opened at the bottom of the toilet and water washed contents out under the train and onto the track below. Kinda made it more fun than a boring vortex. :) Oh, almost forgot a much earlier and vividly remembered thrill. Probably because my parents were gushing over the whole thing and so excited that it has stayed so long. We were at Midway Airport in Chicago on a typically cold, snowy day when I was very small watching some men with hats and overcoats walking down stairs from an airplane and toward us. Oh they were so excited! "Bobby! Here comes President Truman! Wave!" Dad held me up for a bit and I remember the President's grin and his reflecting wire glasses as he looked over and waved back. I didn't know what a president was, but learned that they caused a whole lot of fuss.
Funeral Rites
Silver1wun comments on May 22, 2018:
I want to be cremated. My ashes should be gathered carefully and sent with a special death-wish request to Sophia Lauren, that she take them for spreading to a remote area or sea coast in Italy to be disposed of. If she showed compassion for an old man with a life-long crush, I'd have the greatest of all achievements to brag about in the hereafter. "I got my ashes hauled by Sophia Lauren!" Why should Carlo get all the envy?
Choosing partner is directly or indirectly related with racism.
Silver1wun comments on May 22, 2018:
Some folks just go around with a chip on their shoulder about race. People, just about all people, are more comfortable around the 'familiar'. That includes but is not limited to race. Venturing into the unknown is adventurous and exciting to many; especially in youth. One cannot separate perfectly human propensities to remain where things and people are familiar. It is called 'clanishness' and has NOTHING to do with racism. Some are more clannish than others. For those who are not, cross-culturalism benefits and we all ultimately benefit. It isn't mean, hateful or racist to be comfortable among one's 'own kind'. Though often disclosing a lack of curiosity or adventurousness, it is definitely NOT racism. Get over it.
Does this mean there's something wrong with me?
Silver1wun comments on May 22, 2018:
It is normal for you and that is all that matters. I felt similarly about the passing of both my parents and would wish for my kids to feel the same about me. "Dad was suffering, (sometimes for a long time), he's free now and even though he could be a pain in the ass sometimes we loved him and it is good for him and us that he has gone on. Nothing wrong with that in my book. It is NOT wishing one's parents dead. It is pragmatic and compassionate.
[] What gives you joy?
Silver1wun comments on May 22, 2018:
Animals, especially young animals and children. They exude pure beauty, unspoiled and undamaged by "civilization"...
How many of you atheist are pro-life? Just curious
Silver1wun comments on May 21, 2018:
'Pro-life' and 'Pro-choice' are unnecessarily limiting and disingenuous labels for this stupid, merry-go-round topic. An atheist should really be beyond subscribing to the juvenile simplicity of it.
Why do intelligent people suddenly turn to a god in there darkest hours
Silver1wun comments on May 21, 2018:
Go along with it. Being humane sometimes calls for humoring. It doesn't matter at this point for them. Earlier perhaps, but not now. It is like a controlling spouse condemning a well meaning family member who smuggles in a drink or a cigarette to a dying loved one. Who the Hell cares at this point?
Anyone else having an absolute blast on this site?
Silver1wun comments on May 21, 2018:
Just stop it right now or I shall be forced to report this to the pastor.
Love will set you free? True or false?
Silver1wun comments on May 21, 2018:
Understanding, knowledge and truth set one free. Unfortunately, they also set one alone.
Is religiosity really declining?
Silver1wun comments on May 21, 2018:
Lots of people still hang on to religious beliefs about politicians LONG after rejecting gods. Those falling short of sainthood are always savaged. Where are the good ol' time perfect gods anyway?
Did you hear about the dyslexic, agnostic insomniac?
Silver1wun comments on May 21, 2018:
You PROMISED you wouldn't tell!
Are there any other Sapiophiles here?
Silver1wun comments on May 19, 2018:
The whole reason I was attracted to this site was the increased likelihood of encountering women with whom to carry on interesting exchanges of ideas and from whom one can learn. The only disappointment is that so many are too far away to easily meet in person for authentic contact. Please don't misinterpret my use of authentic... :)
On this Friday evening, who else is spending it home alone, if you're willing to admit it like I am.
Silver1wun comments on May 19, 2018:
What's wrong with home alone? I like my company and that of others as well. Without others, there is no special feeling of deficiency on my part. As for theirs not being with me? It would make more sense because I know what they're missing. :)
Many are impressed with how much money someone makes, the friends they have or title they carry.
Silver1wun comments on May 17, 2018:
Two of the above plus intellect. The two are kindness and integrity.
Is it correct for the US to block a UN vote for an investigation into the murders and maimings of ...
Silver1wun comments on May 16, 2018:
Let American cops shoot only one unarmed protester for getting too close to a fence and there would be Hell to pay! Rightfully so! Not the same rules for the racist, Zionist occupying thugs outside the Gaza ghetto. I voted for Trump and would still again, given the same alternative. His Middle East policy? I despise it and the minions around him. Our greatest generation freed the world of Fascist, racist mass murderers. Now this pitiful, ignorant generation supports them. Disgraceful!
Who is your favorite Atheist?
Silver1wun comments on May 15, 2018:
me ?
Best way to combat antisemitism is by firing live rounds at unarmed kids, Israel confirms
Silver1wun comments on May 15, 2018:
It, in my view, is driven by what often passes for religion but is certainly a product of it. That is, fanaticism. The 70 year long veneer over the fanatic Zionist state has finally worn so thin that even partisans are forced to see the reality with their 'lyin' eyes'. My awakening came years ago. It was bitter and embarrassing. It is the very same kind of embarrassment and inner humiliation that many supporters of Israel fear most; that and being labeled the dreaded 'anti-Semite' or self-hating Jew smear for having the audacity to question or criticize. Political Zionism is in fact an enemy of Jews. Brutal, murderous behavior of fanatic Zionists in charge of the Israeli regime has resulted in reproach of Jews around the world who have nothing to do with Israel. They have given re-birth to instead of fighting a rise of anti-Jewish feeling. We who get our information from news and entertainment media have been spoon-fed a false narrative; a huge myth regarding the advent of the criminal state that now occupies virtually all of Palestine. Israel conducts itself in ways that are the antithesis of every moral principle associated with Judaism. Yet they counterfeit themselves as the homeland of world Jewry! More Jews live here in the USA by far, than in occupied Palestine. Next to the Zionist state, Iran has the largest Jewish population in the Middle East. Yet because of the big lie propagated by political Zionists one is never made aware of these and other facts that don't fit the phony scenario. Many of Israel's harshest critics and opposition figures are themselves Jewish journalists, historians, physicians, rabbis, politicians (British) and expatriated Jews born in Palestine. Americans need desperately to learn the real history of the region if we are ever going to escape the yoke of public defamation to which we're harnessed by Zionist interests, preventing so many from speaking out. If we love humanity and love Jews, Zionism's secondary victims, we must speak out! We must not 'remain silent'.
Be careful out there
Silver1wun comments on May 15, 2018:
I think a good preventative is not being prematurely promiscuous in the first place. Part of knowing and trusting recognizing across the board honesty in a person. It, unfortunately requires time and close observation of not only conduct toward you, but toward all others. When a person speaks disingenuously about anything it is the first clue. Showing lack of honesty and candor in any specific can metastasize later and find you as it's new home. I don't see sex as a means of getting to know another better. It is actually the other way around; as a means making possible eventual sharing sexual experience of one another.
Does anybody think that moving our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem will increase the possibility of a...
Silver1wun comments on May 15, 2018:
I see the move as an embarrassment. Make that a further embarrassment because our national leadership is already embarrassingly harnessed by the Zionist criminal enterprise calling itself a "Democracy". The whole world seems to see this save Britain's leadership and Micronesia... We've gone, since my parents' 'Greatest Generation' that defeated rabid racist, Fascist regimes that threatened the world and mass murdered innocent people to become latter day supporters and enablers of the very same behavior. Moving our embassy to illegally occupied and soon annexed territory is tacit continued support for atrocities, for crimes against humanity for which we'd punish and oppose any other nation on Earth but the criminal state and counterfeit Jewish homeland calling itself Israel.
Silver1wun comments on May 15, 2018:
I disagree and would attribute it more to common sense.
Jewish or Muslim Agnostics or Atheists
Silver1wun comments on May 15, 2018:
All believers of any theology are former atheists. It is where we all begin. Family and culture interject premature answers for what our brains would ultimately cause us to question, left to develop without interference. That is, to make sense out of this reality. The task of our brain is actually to make sense of all information. Whether afflicted early or not with theologies, getting in touch with reality is still a task, a journey. I was afflicted early with Roman Catholic delusions, rejected them for Protestant delusions and believed for awhile that answers could be best found in a religion that respected individual intellectual integrity. Judaism, reform Judaism in particular seemed to hold-out that kind of attraction. For more than half my life it was reasonably comfortable until discovering that one needs actually no religion to validate intellectual freedom or integrity. We are each in possession of the same basic allotment of 'grey matter'; some a little more damaged and some a little less. None of our kind are endowed with superior equipment or knowledge about any possible hereafter; least of all savage, nomadic Middle Eastern Patriarchs of six thousand years ago. Science is completely unnecessary for disproving myths. Common sense and reasoning are all that is required Unfortunately, damage caused to some of us as a result of early indoctrination and abuse can be life-long. The very idea of asserting ourselves solely on the basis of our personal reasoning and opinions terrifies many and in some parts of the world, for good reason. I think what is important is the escape itself from mental captors who kidnapped our developing minds regardless of what they call themselves. We return 'home', often still unaware exactly what home is; still clinging to habitual vestiges of what religion imposed on us and applying old bad habits to new 'religions' or political isms. There is really nothing to fear in asserting our native common sense as what the song says about 'old time religion'. It's good enough for me.
Compatibility issues
Silver1wun comments on May 14, 2018:
The more fundamental something is that sets one apart, the earlier it should be revealed. Don't waste time.... or hopes.
"Snowflakes" I'm tired of hearing people from both political sides call people from the other ...
Silver1wun comments on May 14, 2018:
Refusal to address issues, calling names and labels and seeking 'safe zones' was the original catalyst for the term. Both sides have them but they really are more plentiful on the Left.
Interacting with religious folks.
Silver1wun comments on May 13, 2018:
Yes, a considerable number of friends, people who's character I admire are devout believers, Christian and Islamic. One is a man of 100; a dear soul who still works in housekeeping dept. at Glacier Park. I say whatever results in a person being genuinely loving and life affirmative isn't evil. Unfortunately, religions also host and manufacture dangerously sick people.
Interacting with religious folks.
Silver1wun comments on May 13, 2018:
Yes, a considerable number of friends, people who's character I admire are devout believers, Christian and Islamic. One is a man of 100; a dear soul who still works in housekeeping dept. at Glacier Park. I say whatever results in a person being genuinely loving and life affirmative isn't evil. Unfortunately, religions also host and manufacture dangerously sick people.
PANEM ET CIRCENSES or the inevitable decline of occidental civilization " Homo sapiens " Does ...
Silver1wun comments on May 13, 2018:
There are no words, let alone thoughts, for which this myopic vulgarization masquerading as anthropology is worthy.
How do the men here feel about having a relationship with ?
Silver1wun comments on May 12, 2018:
At my age time seems more precious; not as meant in the usual way. To reach a level in friendship that qualifies for sexual intimacy still requires time. I am drawn to women of strong character/integrity who know and love who they are. And that is just for getting acquainted. There is little time to repeat errors of anxious, impetuous youth. Especially regarding something as commonly available as 'casual sex'. Borrrring. An old Swedish proverb, in a way, illustrates the difference between it and bonded sexual intimacy wherein total trust and surrender are involved. But it applies to another emotion altogether. "Shared sorrow is half sorrow. Shared joy is double joy." Am I saying casual sex, an activity in which we borrow and trade is unpleasurable? Hardly... It is, however less than half of the promise Nature holds out from sharing. Most women, not all, at my age, but for a few of those widowed have given up seeking that level and if they've never known it, gave up long ago. Also because of precious time, I don't care for very young women because ANYTHING in common or commonly understood is rare. Time required to explain isn't worth it. They are young enough to learn for themselves. Women, really get a worse hand dealt because they mature early, seem to lose a lot of interest and trust (for good reasons) earlier and my sex dies earlier. The few left are largely arrested at 20, still chasing hard bodies, with a Hell of a lot les$ to trade on.
Athiestists and Astrology
Silver1wun comments on May 12, 2018:
First error is the first few words. Makes the rest really irrelevant. "Maybe we're not supposed to believe..." We are individuals sharing, by definition, but one disbelief. The rest is open; attempts to build corrals around our minds notwithstanding. To be atheist must not surrender to being AN 'Atheist'. Do that and invite hordes of self-appointed, sniffy prigs to start dictating to you THEIR criteria qualifying you as'a true Atheist or a good Atheist. Soon they'll be telling you what 'WE're not supposed to believe', sometimes even with talking points if they think you're too botched to know why you're prohibited.
I filed for divorce from my wife of almost sixteen years today.
Silver1wun comments on May 10, 2018:
The dearest person in this world to me right now is a woman with whom living together was tried for several years, a couple of times. It doesn't work well, but we are still very close and didn't throw out the proverbial 'baby with the bath water'. We were eleven years together 'intimately' and decided mutually to release from the close orbit to one more comfortable that wasn't close enough for the day to day, habit negatives to impinge. She is now intimately bonded to another guy we've both known for about three years. He is one of a handful of men I really like and respect. They are closer in habits and values and he's even kinder and more tender hearted than me.. Go figure :) I could see that he was thoroughly smitten from almost the first but respectful. We are, all three, close friends. I'd do anything for either of them or her son; who is like my own son to me. I watch over him (he's disabled) when she or they go away on trips, vacations etc. We three and often four (when I invite a woman) go out places for fun times. Tomorrow morning she'll be driving me to a surgery an hour away, bringing me back to her home and nursing me back for a few post-op days. She cuts my hair and acts as an enthusiastic yenta. I still help out with projects around her place sometimes. What I'm trying to say, not just to you but rather rhetorically, is that if we really love and care about another person's happiness and well-being, the conditions don't necessarily become exclusionary if both share the deep regard and respect for one another. It is society's and cultures awful, limiting dictates and ego that cause so much unnecessary pain and regret. If your situation can't be mutually adjustable in some way, heal soon. Life is so short.
We need to pick a movie for our next long distance movie night...suggestions please?
Silver1wun comments on May 10, 2018:
It is touching time travel. Not a disappointment and really novel.
How far are you willing to travel for a first date?
Silver1wun comments on May 10, 2018:
If first date means first meeting, keep the beer. I don't mislead that a meeting will become a subsequent date. But, that's the thrill of adventure...
Another Trae Crowder post about Trump, the media, conspiracies and more, from about a year ago.
Silver1wun comments on May 10, 2018:
Sorry kids. The guy is a funny personality but to me, his material is vacuous. Two videos and no specific references, citations etc. For all of the lies alleged, there should have been at least a few. Sure would have made it more like a comedy act than a whining session. All politicians lie. It they don't start out that way, internal party systems force lying to become routine and strategic. If the public was capable of remembering anything that happened a year ago, none of the liars would be reelected. Instead, the most talented bunco artists are resurrected for decades until they are better candidates for the embalmer; most looking like they've already been embalmed. Trump, the corrupt darling of the Right and even more so the Left and pop media culture, stepped out of line. The same huge ego, bankroll and showmanship for which he was once adored vanished. When they could no longer laugh about his audacity, they whistled past the graveyard. When he succeeded in refashioning himself in a political role, he turned over-night into a "monster" and the barrage never ends. Talk about comedy! I don't worship him nor any other ballot choice I've ever made; not from the crappy, corrupt minions proffered every four years by the two thoroughly corrupt political parties. Holding one's nose and choosing who seems to be least destructive to what's left of our system is hardly hero worship. Nannering is for juveniles and anyone vilifying an opposition personality as though they are Devil incarnate while extolling the unquestionable virtues and de facto sainthood of* their *candidate exemplifies a personality cult sycophant. It matters not whether Left or Right. They remind me of children watching old 'Punch and Judy' puppet shows. It really is unbecoming of mature adults who reject Jesus, Mohamed et al, to exhibit blindly slavish devotion to counterfeit personalities and bankrupt religions/ideologies. The guy in the video has a funny, 'countryfied' personality and delivery, but when I look into the package it comes across as empty. He wouldn't be any more or less funny if he applied the same 'comedy' with name changes to - take your pick- on the Left. Maybe he should try singing. It worked for Gomer...
Why do we continually want someone we can’t have?
Silver1wun comments on May 9, 2018:
Your 'we' must be rhetorical, right? I mean as not including everyone? It isn't that almost all, if not all of us haven't regarded at some stage of life relationships cultivated with others as 'having' them. It's a notion instilled early as social, cultural and religious fact. This, because ownership and title are considered paramount for all categories of personal security. It is, however, only a notion that isn't really prerequisite for a rich life and deeply loving relationships outside the societal frame of reference with which we've also been afflicted for like integrating reasons. We arrive in the world alone; are taught that bonding with others means different levels of culturally prescribed entitlement; some from birth itself such as mother or father etc. Later we start establishing bonds similarly by 'having' a best friend, a pet, a boy or girlfriend or a spouse. The point is that loving, human bonds are named and contained within externally imposed bounds or canon. If the orientation was as healthy as claimed, people wouldn't relate to one another as usable today, disposable or recyclable tomorrow; buy it, use it up and discard it. Some of us reach emotional places requiring no external definition or title; determining relatedness canon mutually and internally in a natural self-asserting, self-regulating way. Love isn't exemplified by making a deal but by sharing of free intention and charging one of another in internal security only possible by admiring, trusting and especially KNOWING each other. Nature does the rest and surrender is no element whatsoever of an external trade or entitlement. Actually it's half as good at best. In our pathogenic society what passes for sexual intimacy is regarded as some kind of service or commodity, which like other commodities calls for a price or exchange. Nature and love are not subordinate to human contrivances. It works the other way around and we ignore it, as one can see by social conditions, at our peril with Nature being trumped and frozen out in favor of dictated substitutes. My answer is that 'we' who continually seek wholeness or happiness by *having* anyone are doomed to disappointment because having and being had by others substitutes for love's optimal, natural promise. People never get enough of substitutes; especially the left-brained ones.
Once either of these are severed, there is no going back. It can never be the same.
Silver1wun comments on May 8, 2018:
I agree with the principle and that is why one must invest time in that process. Often, given the time, respect will diminish before the other two have a chance. The more time spent observing demonstrations of loyalty the easier for trust to develop. Buyer beware; especially in investments that carry no warranty. Reckless investment causes outcomes with shared responsibility because all of the bad ones aren't scams. Some snake oil sellers believe their own BS.
Late night crew, what ya sippin' on? Sailor Jerry here. Got the nice warm fuzzies goin' on.
Silver1wun comments on May 8, 2018:
Fruit punch and sparkling water. Surgery this week or it would be red wine. Maybe next week. Alan Hamel, Suzanne Somers' hubby likes Sailor Jerry. So you are in good, 'good taste' company. ;)
Are you lonely?.
Silver1wun comments on May 8, 2018:
I've known loneliness. Who hasn't? One of the best cures around is a good divorce lawyer. ;)
Hows donald trump doing as president of the united states?
Silver1wun comments on May 8, 2018:
MAGA is just a unifying slogan that happened to work very well. He's accomplished, like them or not, more changes in shorter time than the politicians he followed. Unemployment for minorities in particular is at all time lows. I disagree with his Middle East policies entirely. Nevertheless, over-all, he's done things that the last few presidents could only dream of while capitulating in the face of challenges. Markets and real estate are soaring solidly, not on zero-sum dreams. He's gutting a lot of bureaucracy and useless agencies. Our energy independence moves are going to result in greater international competition between oil producers with reduction of income from their top customer. Add coal to that mix. The newly employed, bonused and raised folks and friends and relative witnessing it aren't going to be moved by spin on it from the press. The hysteria ensuing among the media people and the Washington establishment is palpable and they think nobody sees it; sorta like the Emperor who was naked... Yes, I voted for him, given the alternative; from only two choices. I don't worsip him or have any illusions about sainthood or lack thereof. The partisan herds always romanticize and worship at the personality altar, but fortunately they never determine election outcomes. Say, aren't you juveniles over the 'Clinton lied' 'Bush lied' 'Obama lied' 'Trump lied' pablum yet? Grow up. All politicians lie. Did y'all know that dogs sniff butts?
Why did you choose atheism?
Silver1wun comments on May 8, 2018:
Calling the way we are born an 'ism' doesn't fit into my perspective on life; given that one comes to the isms either voluntarily from a non-believing state or involuntarily having had perceptual faculties savaged by deluded parents who didn't (still might not) know better, with a virtual deluge of misinformation before reaching the developmental level of independent reasoning.
How does the religious right look at themselves in the mirror while backing a habitual liar and ...
Silver1wun comments on May 8, 2018:
I can only imagine not being one of them, but a good place to begin would be a close study of either Clinton since they lived at the same address. Maybe a member of the house staff observed them.
How comfortable are you with the word "Atheist" ?
Silver1wun comments on May 7, 2018:
Use it only as an adjective and avoid the budding orthodoxies. :)
What are you listening to?
Silver1wun comments on May 7, 2018:
Who do you think is making the best argument for atheism today--Richard Dawkins?
Silver1wun comments on May 7, 2018:
Since an atheist rejects by definition, what is there to 'argue for'? We aren't monolithic; only sharing one element of our many, varied complete descriptions. Attempts by Dawkins', Harris' et al, to confine us within criteria for qualification that they deign to issue on our behalf is pure Popery. It belongs to the mentality of theological clerical hierarchies. So-called atheist leaders definitely argue *for.* They argue for establishment of doctrines governing just who is and is not a true Atheist. The Judas Goats never rest.
Finally! A lecture worth posting here for comment.
Silver1wun comments on May 7, 2018:
“There are three classes of people: those who see. Those who see when they are shown. Those who do not see.” ― Leonardo da Vinci In our male, linear fashion, the perspective Shlain proffers occurred, as mentioned by Cheri, from the viewpoint of a surgeon. This is how he 'sees'; how we all see from our respective places in life. He talks about 'cones and rods' roles in our physical vision. His hypothesis about what caused the paradigm shift from full female participation and leadership in human societies, I understand to be one of rods. It has a valuable place in the collective scope of other scientific hypotheses that flesh-out our cone perceptions of the broader picture; increasing our ability to sort out and separate that which is a product of time and place of the thinker from what is encapsulated within. Here we go with yet another metaphor and from the Bible of all places. The perspective in/from which we receive ideas, I see as the hull or chaff within which the usable substance is contained; from which it is rendered. By itself it has limited use potential. In this case, broad understanding. More grains, 'the whole being greater than a sum', from other parts of the plant and other plants can give us something for a recipe. Shlain is far from the only scientist trying to 'make sense' of the shift that occurred about 6,000 years ago +/-. Their perceptions, ideas and hypotheses also came wrapped-up in the packaging of their places and times. Anyone vexed, as I've been for a lifetime, by our 'kind's' lethal dichotomy of extreme empathy and kindness on one hand and blood chilling savagery on the other, knows instinctively that something is very wrong. One cannot be victim of evil, perpetrator of it or anything between without the inner self crying out that life isn't what it ought to be. The human brain, however flawed or damaged it might be, is a different story. Since we each have one of these with a primary purpose of 'making sense' by processing information, isn't it rather safe to reason that it (both sides) exists for both integrative and independent use? So far, I've only studied a few scientists of the many from different scientific disciplines that saw correlations between male usurpation of female roles and subsequent domination of females as a clue to our troubling shift. Please consider suggesting any with whom you are familiar that I have missed. For you, consider: James DeMeo, Phd. In his work 'Saharasia, The 4000 BCE Origins of Child Abuse, Sex Repression, Warfare and Social Violence, in the Deserts of the Old World', DeMeo asserts a climate-linked geographical pattern in human behavior. Marija Gimbutas, Lithuanian Archaeologist with Phd. in Archaeology and Applied Sciences. I'm ...
Finally! A lecture worth posting here for comment.
Silver1wun comments on May 6, 2018:
So many thoughtful' incisive comments and so little time to join-in until tomorrow. :(
Has anyone met somewhere here and actually had a date?
Silver1wun comments on May 6, 2018:
A date, in my view, is what might happen after a 'meet-up'. If enough interests or passions in common are discovered in meeting, then I'd try to arrange a 'date' or activity to share in which there is mutual interest. That is how I see people getting to know each other, possibly developing affection or just enjoying the company. About a month ago, I met a nice woman for lunch. We had an interesting (for me) conversation. If something comes up that might be of mutual interest or that she might find to be (also) perhaps we'll get together for it. I didn't detect a lot of our interests going in the same direction, but she is definitely an interesting person - as is. Come to think of it, I'm going to message her and see how one of her projects is coming along. Distance seems be a difficulty for many people to do that first step meet. Many people aren't free to travel far on an adventure at all, and some of us just not without some planning. There are several women on this site I'd like to meet and you are one of them. One good way might be (are y'all listening out there?) video calls on messenger. Seeing a person speaking, hearing their voice inflections, humor, emphases, expressions, etc. would be particularly informative for women. Females are more comfortable with hearing and sight than the (left-brain) written word. Males also can't bite through a screen... :)
Freethinking Atheist
Silver1wun comments on May 5, 2018:
As expected, your poll so-far, shows a majority for yes. I chose no. The question's form necessitated it. While it makes sense that a person who thinks freely/independently would reject existence of gods; given the total lack of evidence, it doesn't all by itself, qualify one as a free thinker. I've read many an opinion post here and elsewhere by atheists that show little to no progress toward actual independent thinking or unwillingness to worship this or that godlike personality as blindly as any Fundamentalist praises Jesus or Mohamed. Free thinkers aren't characterized by romanticized gushing and rapturous praising of personalities as one sees so blatantly in the political realm. It matters not which end of the socio-political spectrum. They one and all worship their leaders blindly and curse and demonize the opposition's leaders. It's like a mindless pack of juveniles cheering and jeering at a Punch and Judy show. That said, it is also IMPOSSIBLE for any independent thinking person to evaluate and decide upon a position on ANY hotly disputed topic or candidate in the socio-political minefield without being categorized by one or the other opposition as arch-evil, deluded or worse yet, stupid! Why? Because dedicated partisans can only see things in pack terms causes them to attack anything that invades their barren intellectual territory as viciously as a pack of dogs will attack violators of their physical territory. Many politician, and for that matter, scientist worshiping atheists have a long, difficult journey. Dare to question. Dare to argue. Dare to refute. Dare to be called names and to be hated. That is exactly what will happen. There might be no such thing as entirely free thought, but rejection by all lunatic fringes is the best evidence of at least being on the road to a state of intellectual freedom.
GADS! After reading LOADS of witty/sharp post responses and reviewing these hilarious profiles, some...
Silver1wun comments on May 5, 2018:
Budding writers are always advised to 'write about what you know about'. It must be something related to our more feminine right-brain, that makes writing about oneself difficult. As one who is more left-brain oriented, impulses to write about self must be stifled to prevent boring the reader. Self absorption goes with the testosterritory along with phenomena like strutting and verbose preening of our linguistic feathers. If you want something to glaze the eyes over more effectively than marijuana, just ask me to pen a few phrases about me and you'll be treatised to gobs of alphabetical gymnastics to complement you new 'My Pillow'. ;)
I'm feeling a wee bit melancholy this evening.
Silver1wun comments on May 5, 2018:
When something ends, what we miss is what we thought it was; seldom what it actually was or the other person would still be connected. To cheer up or just to start the day and get the 'blood moving' I love to listen to the Jeffersons Theme' 'Movin' on Up'.
As a human, are you an outside observer of the universe, or are you a piece of the universe ...
Silver1wun comments on May 4, 2018:
"The act of thought is life comprehending it's own essence." Wilhelm Reich, M. D.
Do Some Atheists Seem Superior?
Silver1wun comments on May 3, 2018:
These are the kinds of 'atheists' who remind me of the people who flee the high taxes and high crime in places like LA, Chicago, and New York to places like Texas or Arizona, only to turn around and vote in support of politicians who want to turn those prosperous places into parasite infested bergs like the ones they fled! It is why I make a distinction between being atheist and being an Atheist. No sooner do people categorize themselves with a 'noun' label then manipulative opportunists start appointing themselves experts or authorities. They license themselves in their own elitist eyes as superiors, to dictate criteria for who is and isn't a real Atheist or good Atheist. They are the non-believing equivalents of theological orthodoxies and sects overseen by, usually, sexually sick old men. Being atheist is defined in simple terms when applied as an adjective. It describes a state of mind that rejects deities, fairly expanded to theologies with gods. THAT'S IT! I too appreciate science and what has done and can do for humanity. What many of the 'science as our saviour' proselytes miss is that even science has flaws; many of them. For all of their feigned superiority, they forget that science is in it's infancy in the broad span of human existence. It is thought by them that science validates what is good sense. Human beings were here first and good sense is our property. It is sense that validates what is good science. I too am tired of priggish attitudes from people I also hold in high esteem; like Dawkins. The 'science crowd' is far more often correct in evaluations of phenomena in our reality, but they are not infallible. There is too much Popery among them and they have no right nor preeminence to set criteria for just who is and isn't intelligent, based on their effete self-images. Rant over! We seem to deeply agree.
You're on a long flight next to a believer who wants to talk deeply about their faith/proselytize.
Silver1wun comments on May 2, 2018:
I was stuck, in March on an 11 hour flight from China to Seattle next to a guy who looked like the Dalai Lama. That was the best part. As the plane began backing away to taxi for take-off, he removed his leather, closed toed sandals. The stench was something from another dimension. My two adult kids were together in the next seats up. Daughter -in -law said later that she went to the restroom after we were aloft to check her armpits and crotch (I swear) just to 'make sure' it wasn't her! Not the worst of it! For the following hour - two hours - as we're over Russia, he's 'breaking wind' about every fifteen to twenty minutes. It was an overnight flight, serving dinner and breakfast between points. Imagine now, will you, perusing a dinner menu with nostrils filled with aromas that would have made Limburger Cheese seem like a waft of fresh mountain air! I'd have gleefully paid a hundred bucks for a seat next to a Jehovah's Witness!
Name the two musical performers and/or bands which you find the most innovative.
Silver1wun comments on May 2, 2018:
Mine are McKinney's Cotton Pickers and Big Maybelle (who coincidentally happens to have been born on today, May 1)
To you, what is the difference between being lonely and being alone. No platitudes, please.
Silver1wun comments on May 1, 2018:
We arrive alone and without the self awareness with which we leave, also alone, for the journey forward. Being alone is probably about half of our creature existence; the other half being integrated as part of other things to which we are connected by blood, association and geography. As social (what we're dubiously classified) animals, it is thought and partially experienced that we need a balance of both individuality and belongingness for a healthy existence. 'Being lonely' seems to me to indicate a deficiency of relatedness in our personal recipe for maintaining that healthy balance. The lonely crave company of others in order to be at peace. It is a need that I see as greater among those who are more integrative in their identity and priorities. Those of us with stronger tendencies to assert individuality tend to be less lonely; often even relishing our solitude.
I have a nice cushy office job, which affords me the opportunity to stream podcasts and YouTube ...
Silver1wun comments on Apr 30, 2018:
A 29 minute documentary, 'Man's Right to Know'. If you follow up on it to learn more and avoid parasitic Charlatans misrepresenting it, life will not appear the same again.
Whether you think he is guilty or not.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 28, 2018:
Nobody goes through life without a 'balance sheet' of the good, life affirming things they've done and the evil and destructive acts. He did a lot of good and apparently a lot of bad that cannot be redeemed by simply making people laugh and being an irreproachable 'dicty'. At this stage in life, he cannot 're-offend'. More could be done to mend the lives of the people he damaged if his assets were siezed or bargained for distribution to his many victims and he was allowed on live-on in infamy as a ward of anyone who can still befriend him. Like all of us in varying degrees, he's damaged. In his case to the point of social malignancy. He should have been dealt with long ago.
Argle-bargle: copious but meaningless talk or writing (Seems to a lot of this these days)
Silver1wun comments on Apr 28, 2018:
Got my Phd. in that. :)
Hi. Has anyone else finding it hard to find someone who is real?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 28, 2018:
People who work the hardest at being real themselves will find (recognize) each other. Disingenuous people won't tolerate you being true to you and telling things as you see them. Others living the same way won't just appreciate it, they'll love it.
Why are atheists not willing to form a coalition?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 26, 2018:
Human intellect and individual ideas require no validation by groups. Our 'coalition' exists, but is limited by what is shared. We reject gods/theology. That's good enough. No additional criteria are needed. As for other issues around which we can also unite, some of us might and some might not. That is the way independent reasoning works. To articulate our own ideas and evaluate those of others is a distinctly human capacity belonging, not to groups, but to each person; as a sovereign free agent. To whatever extent we choose to subordinate that sovereignty, it becomes the price of alliance; a voluntary, partial abdication our primary incumbency. Need for group validation is taught as early as possible by groups and their agents. We are conditioned to believe it's necessity at developmental levels preceding those at which self-awareness and reasoning abilities have ripened. Resistance to grouping runs strong among atheists who reject and Agnostics who question that which would bind us into religious herds. It isn't, in my view, sufficient to be entirely free of overseers, but enough to be encouraging.
Ready to help the religious right lose the midterm elections this year?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 26, 2018:
They'll not be losing. If they were the only ones on the team, they would certainly lose; just like if the Left-wing fanatics had a candidate worth electing, they would be perceived to have 'won'. Neither of them ever wins or determines election outcomes. To believe it is as silly and delusional as believing in gods or Democracy. Juvenile, herd minds don't see anything for themselves. They see what they are told to see by party politicos of 'the cloth'. The political mainstream wins elections by choosing which of the two crappy, compromised candidates is probably lying the least. We do the electing. Lunatic fringes of whichever side wins, get to rejoice over their respective new opportunities to undermine our system for four years. The lunatics on the Left, instead of consolidating and focusing on things that will move us (we the people in the middle) to the polls on their behalf, have only indulged in absurd, juvenile hysterics and character assassination. Mid-terms are determined by presence of absence of backlash. The only backlashing going on is on the Left outer fringes. People are working. The economy is humming. Minority unemployment figures are a historic lows. Unless something extraordinary happens to our way of life in the next few months, its going to take more than whining about orange hair or accusations of ancient 'whoopie' to convince us to move left next November. Lots of grateful working folks will be going to polls out of fear; fear that if the left returns, so will the dismal economy. Take it to the bank.
Philosophy vs Religion...
Silver1wun comments on Apr 26, 2018:
Political ideologies operate on the same principle. From Left or Right, the opposition is arch evil. Purveyors of the 'truth' on both sides offer doctrines in which you must have faith and to which you must contribute for propagation of the respective faiths. Who would question or criticize is 'of the Devil'.
Politically speaking, are atheists more liberal or conservative leaning?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 25, 2018:
The act of rejecting myths/gods is assertive; something one does as an individual acting apart from 'group'. If one wanted to compare it to what we call, by today's definitions, Liberal or Conservative, I can't see how it would be anything but Conservative. Ironically, most of those identifying as atheist seem also to view themselves as Liberal or Progressive. The whole labeling penchant defeats individuality anyway. Any well studied and thought out position on an issue considered to be controversial or 'hot button' will, of necessity, place one in the company of one faction or the other; as it pertains to the question at hand. To be, all or in part, supportive of a Left or Right mob's position on any issue will lead inevitably to being LABELED as one of 'those people', by the opposing herd. Liberal/Progressive herds are undeniably focused on the 'greater good of the many' with Conservatives notoriously supportive of 'rugged individuality' and personal achievement notions. Don't get me wrong. Both sides have herd mentalities in spite of it. One just happens to be more INTEGRATIVE with the other more ASSERTIVE. I think many rejecting religion do so because their sentiments are anti-Conservative to begin with and they see religion as a strong component of the Conservative mind set. They're accurate in that observation too! What seems to be lost on so many is ideologies are nothing more than religions masquerading as secular; while still clinging to doctrines and less than ethereal 'gods' that are no less dependent upon financial support and no less confining in what followers are allowed to 'think' and do. To be atheist is to assert individuality; to reject ALL myths, not just the ones about white haired old men in clouds. When it comes to mysticism political manipulators take a back-seat to nobody.
Famous person?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Toss-up? President Gerald Ford or Bob Hope - both a number of times.
Just wanted to know if anybody has had any luck with the dating on this site?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Once only so far and she is a very intelligent, well educated, world traveled person. I don't consider a meeting a date. Subsequent get togethers can be or may not be 'dates' in the general idea of what dates are. It was a pleasant time and I'd meet her again or inviter her if some event came up that might be of mutual interest.
If you could create a government what would you select as the basis for it?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Governments created by individuals have the worst records of success. By groups of historically aware individuals with a mind to protect individual freedoms and form codes to define and regulate means of self-government, we've seen active progress. If an opportunity came along for forming an optimal, self-governing system, I'd put historically aware women in charge of the process. As a basis, women would automatically make it about love.
I like to talk politics and religion.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Welcome Relax about scars. The greater part of beauty cannot be percieved by the eyes alone. The same principle applies to 'scars'. The *least* of them can be 'seen'. In a similar way, politics and religion differ about as much from one another as phyche and soma. They are different aspects of the same phenomenon; one set of promises will be fulfilled by ethereal gods and the other set by earth-bound gods. They both need worship and money; oh yeah, lots of money. :)
First day on here.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Welcome! It seems like you're here for some of the best reasons. Since most people make dates with others with whom they are familiar, I like to think of this as a meeting site. One establishes communication with others on the basis of what and how they think and who they are in terms of expressed values and perspectives. Ideally, some might be worth the effort to meet. For a closer look, a 'date' might be made. What's nice about his place is the minimal presence of juveniles (of all ages) looking for an emotional payoff by 'trolling'. Have fun!
What is your favorite paradox?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 17, 2018:
A smallness of staggering enormity?
What is your favorite paradox?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 17, 2018:
Lewis Thomas and Wilhelm Reich :)
Would you rather be crazy rich or deeply in love?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 17, 2018:
Are these my only choices?
Feelings about your own Funerals
Silver1wun comments on Apr 17, 2018:
No funeral for me. Who wants a buch of sobbing people telling huge lies about how wonderful you were to people who really think you were an asshole?
How many of you older people listen to current pop music, or is it only "noise" to you?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 16, 2018:
None of the above applies here. The reason what is called music today is noise to so many is that it is largely the product of machines, electronics. Music is something produced by humans and resonates with other humans. What people listen to today is water tortuously perfect and redundant beyond belief. This has accounted for several generations flipping through many radio stations 'seeking' something that sounds different, like music from actual people. There used to be genres, now there are few differences. Smooth Jazz, Electro Swing, Rap, New Country they are all losing live human content. The difference I hear between New Country and Rap is the former sounds like adolescent whining rap with a twang.
It seems that most outspoken anti-choice ("pro-life") people are in a religious community.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 16, 2018:
The frames of reference from both sides of this issue are too narrow and too fanatic for any reconciliation. The names 'Pro-Life' and 'Pro-Choice' are disingenuous and designed for morons. They are meant to keep people steeped in ignorance and tools of the politically ambitious dividers of our society.
Do you read the comments on a post from the top down, or bottom up?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 16, 2018:
It is said that the way to a mans heart is to keep his stomach full and his balls empty.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 16, 2018:
Might have some truth to it if he's missing a brain or can't cook.
Syrian conflict sparked a thought, would we the human race still fight and kill each other if no ...
Silver1wun comments on Apr 14, 2018:
Specifically, not in the broader historic placement, this conflict is more about real estate and natural resource acquisition. For all of the misrepresentation inundating our news media coverage, broad parts of Syria are viewed by the fanatics who've taken over political power in Israel, as part of 'Greater Israel'. Altogether it includes also Lebanon, Jordan, part of Iraq and all of Sinai. We announced that we were leaving just a week ago. 'Rebels' were in the process of negotiating surrender and suddenly another 'attack' happened not against the rebels, but against civilians.. Ask, who would benefit from our remaining, continuing a war to depose Syrian leadership and thereby create a power vacuum? My best guess is the Turks and the Israelis; with ancillary benefit to Saudis by minimizing Iran's influence. We certainly have no stake, other than involvement with petroleum enterprises. This is about religion alright; worship of the almighty dollar with 'religion' as a cover.
I recently fell on hard times and needed to move back home.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 14, 2018:
Most of us are familiar with the Bible and Jehovah's Witnesses pride themselves in some ways with how closely the conduct themselves to the (direct) teachings or the Jesus represented in virtually all translations. He was not one to folow the 'doctrines of men'. Refusal to associate and/or ostracizing or 'disfellowshipping' all comport not to the Biblically described examples of one wh broke bread with the likes of tax collectors and prostitutes, but of dictates and doctrines articulated by men; in their case MALE 'men'. Without using it as a means of acceptance but to possibly cause stirring of a brain cell or two, I'd remind them of that they're refusing what their hearts tell them in subservience to such doctrinal admonitions. It has to be discomforting and one can hope, thought provoking.
Any Sapiosexuals here?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 14, 2018:
Guilty! :)
Anyone else find painting relaxing and stressful at the same time?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 14, 2018:
With OCD elements we all share drying time is the WORST for me! If one has a spacious studio or shop and can keep three or more pieces going simultaneously it probably helps?
Am I the only one but I have just experienced an exploding potato.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 14, 2018:
Not certainof this cause, mind you, but sometimes potatoes (more often larger ones) have air spaces in the center. If small in proportion to the surrounding substance, it makes sense that extreme heat would crate steam and pressure within. One poke and just like a balloon!
How long to wait before going on dates?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 14, 2018:
Trying to get out socially in groups is a good start and probably a good way to meet women. I'm thinking interest oriented stuff like bowling, softball, billiards, bicycling, hiking, etc. in leagues/clubs. Nothing like common likes to share as a start. I think common misery or grief can be a transient slippery slope, with affections based something temporary. When the 'healin's done', where do you go from there? Divorces don't happen by accident. Honest reflection on self and possible illusions created about the other person that disn't pan out to be so ought to help mend in a more painful way, like sutures without anesthetic. It isn't speculation. I've been there too.
Hello to everybody, have a great day,
Silver1wun comments on Apr 13, 2018:
Have a great day? Are you some kind of subversive?
So, today was Friday 13th. Where did the superstition associated with number 13 come from?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 13, 2018:
A good place to begin investigating would be on the 13th. floor of any Casino Hotel or High Rise Building.
It's never too late for ________ (fill in the blank).
Silver1wun comments on Apr 13, 2018:
It seems that if you don't post a lot people forget you're here.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 13, 2018:
Hi! ;)
Teen Age Sex, the worst outcome!
Silver1wun comments on Apr 12, 2018:
The same thing responsible for making 'teen sex' a negative has also made sex an interest therein a negative from the very earliest developmental stages. It is also responsible for a great deal of human misery at all ages, but especially among young adults. I call it society; society as an 80% product of dominating androcentric theologies with almost all of what's left-over determined by laws supporting healthy domestic industry and national interest over personal mental and emotional health. Nature doesn't recognize either legality or alleged validity of human laws and bureaucracies. She makes her own rules and we violate them routinely at our own peril. Until recent history, so-called teen pregnancy wasn't the exception but the rule, and so was marriage. An industrial revolution, notions of 'higher education fo all' and coincident lengthening of the already dubious term called 'childhood' has been a real crazy-maker. Joan of Arc and Alexander the Great were busily making history at times in their life that are today officially and legally defined as childhood. Many of this nation's founders were in their teens and slightly beyond them in 1776. Depriving young adults of instinctive, naturally driven behaviors for as long as five years legally and longer socially is cruel and pathogenic. The interests of 'society', to include Patriarchal theological fanaticism, do not trump the dictates of Nature. One way of the other she will win out. We are in decline and Nature is patient. She in fact, has all the time in the world. :)
Anyone else in my age bracket having this issue?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Women have so much less to choose from than we. Any person, male or female, who starts in on sex/coitus before they actually get to know the other person, develop affection, feel the joy of being in their company, share ideas and activities with no expectation of more than perhaps some holding, kissing hello or goodnight etc. is puting the proverbial cart before the horse. It's almost guaranteed to go 'dead end'. Sexuality in our time and place has degraded to secondary and substitutional acting out in place of what is genuine. Where familiarity is lacking, fantasy is substituted for expedience. Cognition soon dissolves fantasy and oddly enough, we, both men and women, blame and demonize the 'other' for not living up to the fiction. It isn't that women are less damaged, in my opinion. They are just more resilient and act out in ways different than men, who are more aggressive and compulsive, both naturally and by our gender assignments and conditioning. Very sad.
Straight,bi, or gay/lesbian folks, I have a question.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Perhaps the most memorable, in terms of casual sexual encounter, experiences was one afternoon in 1979. She was a breathtakingly beautiful young woman; a coworker who'd just turned 21 that week. She was also, by my understanding and her own admission, a lesbian. At my age, 32, as also a different person, I nevertheless flirted with her constantly. She was the book keeper and I asked her one evening about getting an 'advance' on pay. She told me to come by the office (also her quarters) next morning. (a restaurant where she also kept track of our checks at night) I showed up, she had me wait while she crossed the driveway into the restaurant and returned with a bottle of wine in a bucket, two glasses and asked a four word question that still causes ripples up my spine. "You wanna fool around?" No more info., I'm not a porn writer. At the time, I knew it would be a cherished memory for the rest of life. So far, so good, at 71.
Whats your dream date
Silver1wun comments on Apr 12, 2018:
A dream date, in my view, only happens with somebody with whom you've some familiarity socially via friends or family or arranged (via internet for example) to meet at least once. Aquaintance meeting really isn't a 'date'. I don't think arranged blind dates are either. That said, I like to gamble a bit like making dinner for her, maybe at her place or visa versa; followed by a night out for some kind of live entertainment, movie or even pool or bowling. Back at her door or mine, maybe a hug. Whoever initiated the date should be the one to await a call/contact to see if there is further interest. Yes, I know. ... a very strange man.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 12, 2018:
The world has an abundant number of great looking people, a fair number of wealthy and sadly, too few that really are smart. Combine all three? It is like getting three sevens at a casino with beginners' luck. The impression is that it will happen again today or next week or even next year. It can. In the meantime, there are substitutes that are, unlike many, non-addictive. One guy might be prosperous but dull; another a brilliant artist but broke; another professional but an idealist. As long as you're not deceptive/misleading about what to expect from you and keep the orbits wide, in time you'll find that rare combination again. After 20 years of what appears to have been a good bond, you know the difference between sharing real sexual intimacy and pitfalls and emptiness of discharging energy out of convenience. Though certainly pleasurable, it's a poor substitute that can turn into quicksand.. What's wrong with cats anyway? They're some of the smartest people I know. You're young and it will happen
Have you ever met anybody who actually believed the Earth was 6,000 years old?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Yes and have also known people who believe though Earth's age might be a good deal more than 6,000 years, that people, our kind, Adam & Eve products, etc. are only about 6,000 years old. I partially agree. About that time was a period that saw (relatively) rapid and wide-spread changes in the environment, primarily in the form of desertification. We know from Archeology and even some ancient writings that portions of the planet now largely desert were once fertile and abundant with animal life, water and vegetation. Biblical writings, if not taken too literally, also describe a loss of Paradise and subsequent loss of status for females, blamed in fables for the ills of human kind. It isn't just limited to Genesis either. Look at poor Pandora! These staunch supporters of all that Patriarchy as afflicted us with, in a way of speaking are partially correct. THEIR WORLD IS ONLY 6,000 YEARS OLD; not ours. The sooner their world succombs to it's self-inflicted miseries, now matter how painful, the better for the future of our kinid.
Conspiracy Theories.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Two things we know about conspiracies and paranoics are, 1. There are such things as conspiracies. 2. That if a conspiracy is going to be spotted, the paranoic is going to be the first to see it. They are almost like the radar units of our creaturehood; our natural early warning system. Unfortunately, they don't seem to be able to distinguish what's significant from what is debris. I'm glad we have them, even though listening to 'wooluf, wooluf!' can be a bit annoying.
What do you do - from a social perspective - when you discover that someone you know is ...
Silver1wun comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Anti-vaxers, as I understand them, perhaps incorrectly, are people who make personal choices to accept or reject something; within their bodily sovereignty rights. I have no problem with that, though in more cases than not, I'd disagree with their belief. In no way, should anyone be forced to accept something into their sovereign body against their will. If they are found individually, on the basis of case-specific empiracally evidenced 'science' to place society in jeopardy because of their personal decisions, alternatives exist such as prohibition from designated areas as a standing risk or even quarantine.
What's your favorite food from the can?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Chilled Salmon
Jehovah's Witnesses are my biggest pet peeve on Earth.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 12, 2018:
I like your reasoning. One thing I can say on their behalf is that if the other cults followed their example, we wouldn't have theological fanatics trying to insert their irrationality into our secular laws and we wouldn't have 'holy' or holy supported wars. As cults go they are far more annoying than threatening to outsiders. If a choice was ever necessary, I'd go enthusiastically for annoying.
Should prostitution be illegal?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 12, 2018:
You state: "Prostitution prohibition is a result of a paranoid society sexually repressed by irrational religious beliefs." It certainly isn't something with which I'd disagree. Lots more relating to this 'oldest profession' is attributable to irrationality of androcentric religions. We should be more generous with credit for roles they play in the phenomenon of prostitution and moreover, the very structuring and oversight of societies as a whole. Attempts to prohibit are necessarily secondary. Religions block and harness primary sexual drives via indoctrination at the earliest possible stages. Far reaching, cumulative consequences of thwarting otherwise self-regulating human sexuality development has at best distorted and at worst crippled populations of 'modern societies. Actually, distortions effected are the goal of indoctrination as a means of supporting irrationally based mores built-in to the social framework by theological overseers. We call it being normal... Those afflicted by the process with crippling damage are considered abnormal, degenerate, perverted or even criminal. Toxins were too much for them to absorb and meatabolize. They couldn't survive and fell short. These non-survivors; ostracized pariahs stand convicted of the very crimes that caused their injuries. Among them one often finds prostitutes. Prohibition is but a partial result of such ills. It's an attempted secondary block on an 'end run'. Many might ask why end run? I looks rather direct. After all men and sometimes women have to find an 'outlet' don't they? What's wrong with that? We are products of advanced, 'modern society' aren't we? We correctly recognize naturalness of sexual drives instinctively; by common and professional consensus and simple reasoning. We draw the conclusions, however, from a shared 'secondary platform' upon which rests our entire social and historical frame of reference. We're afforded only a partial view:having left primary, ground level long ago. Note, it probably accounts for why we call it 'primitive'. From a primitive cultural perspective, appetites and behaviors considered 'givens' or normal on our secondary, irrational, Patrist dominated platform would be CONSPICUOUSLY ABSENT. From up here, only prohibition appears clearly connected to irrationality of religions. Religion is also the causal source of secondary (substitutional) cravings; for blocked primary drives seeking secondary outlet via artificial means. Religion also, unintentionally, creates the market. Absence of market would also mean absence of product. This is but one example of how Patriarchally dominated religions create the very 'evils' they claim to oppose. Religion is the most prodigious manufacturer of human misery on the ...
What have any of you used as a spiritual outlet
Silver1wun comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Flatulence.. :)
Are we all tired of being classified by a color, or what???
Silver1wun comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Ohhhh Finchi, you're getting me started! Especially irritating is the way Americans (of all 'colors' ) look at this. This could (as usual) get lengthly.. When people ask about my heritige I usually anwer mostly Irish with some Czech and French. Nobody bats an eye. If, however my French great grandmother had come from Ethiopia instead of France, I would be considered "black". How crazy is that? It gets worse than this old attitudinally held-over Jim Crow crap. Same answer but applying the same social 'rules' prevalent in our sick society in the case of African ancestry: 'I'm mostly Irish with some Czech and French'. From the Franco-Americans would come a frenzied indictment! WHAT DID YOU SAY? ARE YOU ASHAMED OF BEING FRENCH??!!! Poor (rich) Tiger Woods got this treatment after acknowledging/including his Asian ancestry and that was his mother, not two generations hence.. It really is daunting to see so many people who already have an irrational stigma associated with their racial heritage be so severely complicit in their own oppression! Why? This was the dream of America to be 'one from many'. Today, the attitude, instead of improving among many, has given way to political and social forces that seek to separate us. We are all African, incidentally, if one goes back far enough in the human family. It is no great mystery why people spending more generations in sunny parts of the planet have more melanin protecting them than people dwelling in overcast areas, where they are lighter. Color isn't the only racial (environmental) attribute. Why people with huge rib cages and lungs live in higher altitudes, or people with long legs and great height live in the tall grass, where those who spot predators first and run the fastest survive or those who climb trees in rainforests are lighter skinned and smaller, etc. O. K. Finchi, yeah, you struck a nerve.. Rant over. ;)


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