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Any pansexuals out there besides me? I feel like I need to represent..??
Silver1wun comments on Apr 11, 2018:
The closest I can get to 'Pan' was as a kid. I had a thing for Wendy too. ;)
Day-drinking....yes or no?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Alcohol is like any other drug/brain altering substance; different by degrees and parts of the brain affected. I follow H.L. Mencken's advice. If you have anything important to do, like work, driving, getting married etc. Let it wait until after. Otherwise, it IS always 5:00 somewhere, right? :)
I am 56 years old.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Love you, try to be a better you and be your own best friend. Compatible others will be inspired by it. The rest will take care of itself.
Why isn't it socially acceptable on the first date to just hand each other questionnaires you've ...
Silver1wun comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Isn't that what a site like this assists in doing? That's what I like about it. Nobody has to waste time learning after the fact, what can be 'weeded out' before. Even better, if like me, the primary cause is meeting stimulating people without future intimacy possibilities as a qualifier, meeting people and learning are good enough reasons all by themselves. That I prefer women can, but doesn't necessarily require making a good social friendship any more than it is. If meeting an interesting woman off the Internet, one of the first things to suggest will be this site.
What's your favorite car? Mine is 1988 Pontiac Fiero GT. Car pictured is not mine, but I can dream.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 11, 2018:
1962 Lincoln Continental Convertible and Model A Ford Roadster - can't decide..
I would like to ask if anyone on this site has confronted a faith believer who supports Trump.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 11, 2018:
I'm neither a 'faith believer' nor Republican, for that matter. I voted for him. I'm not a "Trump Supporter" as the term is understood (often misunderstood) by sycophants of either Left or Right fringes. Democrats and Republicans NEVER. repeat NEVER elect anyone. One migh think so to watch them strut after elections wherein their candidates win. Both factions/parties have lunatic fringes and party loyals that are incapable of understanding, let alone asserting independent ideas. Accepting ideas and "facts" of others is the price of identity and admission. Fundamentalist Christians and Socialist blind sycophants function almost identically. Don't believe it? Try reasoning with any of them outside their doctrinal boundaries. They're all, in my view, juvenile name-calling, tantrum throwing, non-reasoning cattle who stampede easily if they can't simply side-step reasoning or irrefutable facts. It really is funny sometimes. Humor is kind of rooted in tragedy anyway. We, the non-party affiliated portion of the electorate ALWAYS determine who will win an election. The only thing parties do is nominate the crappy candidates between whom we must choose. Since chosen ones, one and all, are adored as saints by their gushing, fawning herds anyone with anything critical and thought-based to say about the darlings will be savaged and demonized by the faithful' who worship them as tin gods and despise opponents as devils. All too juvenile. I'm so thankful that our Constitution hasn't decayed yet to the point where either faction can capsize our 'ship of state' to port or starboard. Won't be long though. The only hope yet is that ignorant new voters will have a difficult time finding time to visit polling places while they thumb their phones.
Dating: what's your ideal age range? How important is age?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Another thought about age as it relates to those seeking 'that one' and 'long' term as primary in importance is life expectancy. I like to think of it as shelf-life. No substitute for time in getting to KNOW another person and by that I mean months to years. How else can sincerely felt admiration, affection and craving for the person, not just the body, eventuate? Most are content with spawning their own fantasies about who another person is out of impatience and 'falling in love' with the fiction. Finding 'that one' isn't a prerequisite consideration for me, but I'm admittedly a very strange man. For so many others it isn't practical to cultivate something at say, 53 with a person who is 66 (example only) because in ten years it will be 63/76 then 68/81 etc. If the male is the elder good health and longevity statistics make it even darker. Lets say he goes at 79. She's still 66. Does she start looking for 'the one' all over again? If the quality of bonding reaches something ideal, I suppose a few years of it is better than more years with less. I think in practical terms, for parity, women are better suited to finding men a bit younger.
Do you stand for the anthem?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 10, 2018:
I don't agree with ANY ritual preceding ANY civil public meeting or spectator entertainment or sporting event. That said, IF im in attendance I'll stand out of respect for those voluntarily exercising secular mass freedom of expression. People can always try to arrive late enough to miss the rituals but on time for the meeting or event. One also has the restroom option if you're early for good seats. For prayer nosense in those circumstances I'll sit or remain seated. That crap has no place at secular gatherings save advertising and I don't stand for advertising either.
Dating: what's your ideal age range? How important is age?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Though an age range relates to my preference of IQ range; dating for me never has been synonymous with or assumed to include sexual intimacy. Range for dating alone with sex having no role would probably be 30 ish to any age at which the mind is still nimble. IQ range roughly about 130 and up. I LOVE sharing ideas and perspectives with elder AND smarter women.
So as an atheist, I'm looking to meet a like minded man.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 10, 2018:
You have the icon. Based on your profile answers, I think the color turns red and intensifies, as seen by others rated as more and less compatible. Posting and commenting so others can read them probably is a more reliable means by which to be measured for compatibility.
This Is How Many Hours It Takes to Make a Friend
Silver1wun comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Dogs are gifted with the ability to decide on friendship right away after sniffing each others' butts or people's crotches. For people it seems the process is divorced from such pure instincts and that might well serve as one explanation for our exploded neocortex. Use?
Can we have a civil conversation about American policy without getting emotional?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Mental cattle are not equipped to recognize, let alone express ideas of personal origin. They are either indoctrinated or have voluntarily abdicated their faculties of discernment of group leadership; be that theological, political or both. Partisans love you when your thoughts about something agree with their spoon-fed notions adopted from their 'betters'. Conversely they'll hate and demonize you when your thought-out opinions disagree with and threaten to add flavor to their pap. I voted for Trump. Am I a Trump supporter on every policy? Of course not! That would make me functionally indistiguishable from a Clinton sycophant. I vehemently disagree with notions that using religion as an excuse to inconvenience or otherwise discriminate in accommodations to the public, exemplify 'religious freedom'. Agree wholeheartedly with his border and Second Amendment policies. I like his policies toward North Korea and China and they are proving to be fruitful. Disagree totally with his policies toward Russia and in the MIddle East; seeing them as very misguided and leading us toward war. Lots of other examples but these should suffice to illustrate that any of my positions would be welcomed by one herd and earn labeling and demonization by the other. It's the price one pays for emancipation from the herds. In this country where expressing disagreement gets only name calling at best and loss of a career at worst, we are still better off than in other places where the same behavior merits prison or head pruning.
I am a former atheist, but after using psychedelics I have come to believe there is some form of ...
Silver1wun comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Mind altering drugs are not necessary for observing Nature from a functional thinkiing perspective. Recognition of life energy isn't antithetical to rejection of deities in my thinking. One of my favorite quotations (in my bio): "In the act of thought, life comprehends it's own essence." Wilhelm Reich, M.D. We are manifestations of life. How we function, societal and theological damage notwithstanding, exemplifies our place in the hierarchy and offers functional clues in our quest for understanding; in our 'comprehension of our own essence'.
For those worried that America is no longer 1.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 10, 2018:
And I suppose that people in possession of critical thinking capacities that enabled them to reject notions about the existence of gods are supposed to accept that absurd meme representation at face value as accurate? Why not give each set of 'statistics' a nice page, bind them all in a book and distribute them to hotel rooms? That statistics is the art of lying with numbers is common knowledge. Pollsters do it all the time.
Wednesday is a very special day! At work via an email to all employees, I learned that April 11th is...
Silver1wun comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Since I don't believe there is any concept beyond the bounds of critical examination or above questioning or criticism, I'll have to wear pale green on Wednesday. ;) No amens here.
What's your critique for commoners trying to understand 4D space-time?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Hierarchic organization exists across the board; macro and micro. No evidence I know of to suggest otherwise.
What item from fiction would you most like to possess?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 10, 2018:
A 'guardian angel'.
What are some of your favorite childhood memories?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Sunday afternoons on Nora's living room couch breathing heavily and trying to wear out each others' lips. (@14)
Do you find yourself spending more time on and less time on facebook and other sites?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Reasonable but wrong?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 9, 2018:
It is reasonable to see a move toward independence of thinking by rejecting gods, but wrong to believe that a step in a direction represents actual arrival at the destination.
I would like this right wing hate spewer to lose more advertisers and ideally his voice on the ...
Silver1wun comments on Apr 9, 2018:
We are all susceptible to acceptance of falsified or misrepresented statements; whether they originate from Left or Right-wing propagandists. Our respective dispositions regarding sources of alleged facts can also be colored by herd thinking limited by the corral or pasture in which our Left or Right wing herds are contained. So my comment isn't a partisan one. Any comment or position taken on any issue is going to have to go wading into partisan waters. The aggreement with and support of it by friendly partisans though a given, doesn't necessarily categorize the author as one of the 'community'. That said, in specifically addressing this, I must assert that David Hogg is, by his own video description, NOT a survivor of that tragic event. He wasn't present, but rushed to get to school to cover the shooting as soon as he allegedly learned of it, on his bicycle. David Hogg's detractors emerge from a very broad range that includes minions of CNN and FOXNEWS, classmates and qualitatively not the least of which are his own behaviors. He's also a camera 'hog' with a curious history of aggressively putting himself in front of cameras at every opportunity. If this comment is considered an attack, we'll have to redefine the word.
What are your silliest/most unreasonable fears?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Having to pee really bad during a long, free-fall to my death. Some things, you just really dread having to 'take with you'. :O
What is the first thing you are attracted to in a man or woman?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 9, 2018:
None of the above., after of course 'chemistry' which isn't visible. I'm attracted first to the 'music' she makes with her body and face while moving, gazing back and speaking; her body language. Intellect and character are vitally important. Unless she's emaciated, morbidly obese or unclean and ungroomed, the rest doesn't matter that much for cultivation of friendship. For intimacy, deep respect, admiration, trust and love. The greater part of beauty cannot be seen by the eyes alone.
How old were you when you got married for the first time?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Seventeen - My wife turned sixteen, fifteen days after our first child's birth. I was also in the Army by that time.
Tell me something about your town/village/area.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Primary, as home can be seasonal and changing, is Palm Springs California for 43 years. Ain't no place like this place. It is small, nestled up against the East side of Mt. San Jacinto in the California desert. Palms, swimming pools, tennis courts, golf courses and mild to hot weather here compares to many other resort type destinations in states like Arizona or Florida. What distinguishes Palm Sptings is the long association with giants of entertainment. It's a small, socio-economic crossroads. The mixture of people and 'characters' here is rivaled by Alaska, but look at the size difference. Our neighbors range widely to include world-class and renowned and street people, high powered busines moguls to bartenders, elderly with fixed incomes to billionaires in gated country clubs. Nowhere else I've lived compares to the sense of glamour and opulent history relative to its tiny size.
Follow up to "A Major Milestone" post.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Can't understand how you (or any sensible man in similar circumstances) would even consider the possibility of another encounter. What is often called a 'first date' I think to be a bit inaccurate. When the two people don't know each other, also applies to 'blind dates', it seems more accurately a meeting. (screening) To learn if the person is polite, has other good manners, shares any common life passions, has any interesting views, in agreement or not and shows interest and respect, agreeing or not. To me, this is far ahead of a time for issuing personal appearance evaluations and how they might bear on whether to be 'seen with' another person. People also telegraph as much about motivations and their priorities by the questions and unsolicited satements as they do by answers to questions.. This guy began testing you right away for manipulation potential and by that alone showed himself to be a possible abuser.
If we ever officially devolope time travel, when would you go to?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 8, 2018:
I'd go back about 120 years, hoping to hang around for a couple of decades at least I'd seek out some of my favorite, most admired personalities and pioneers like Mark Twain, H.L. Mencken, Zora Neale Hurston, Wilhelm Reich, George Schuyler and Clara Bow. (yum) After that, If I could stick around even longer, sail to Italy and marry Sophia Loren before Carlo got a chance to meet her first. :)
If you lived with a replica of yourself, how long would you still be together ?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Hi everyone.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Making friends is where it all starts Endora. I agree with your point of view. We can arrest or continue acquaintenceship as we choose. Welcome!
What is your favorite place to eat that is not fast food?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Has Radical Islam increased the spread of Athiesm ?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 8, 2018:
It has in the 'Arab world' but openness about it can still mean deep trouble.
Is Buddhism a religion?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 8, 2018:
It is hair splitting nonsense to consider Buddhism different because no deity allegedly oversees it. An 'ism' of any kind that calls upon members to abdicate individual reasoning faculties and accept doctrinal codes established by others, especially sexually sick old men, is functionally a 'religion'. This is why polite people don't discuss any of them in public. Faith is faith, whether the pathogenic males overseeing it claim to represent gods or not. A herd doesn't cease being a herd because it leaves a corral and gathers in a pasture. We possess an exploded cerebral cortex differentiating us from all other fauna. There are other strictly individual human attributes and abilities. Playing 'hot potato' with them in fear of freedom and out of mental laziness is the height of ingratitude to Nature itself for our respective natures as creatures.
Do you dislike all religions equally?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 8, 2018:
What makes some of them worse is determined by the proportion of violent lunatics to the merely well meaning deluded. Almost all of them are breeding grounds for their respective lunatic fringes. They all also share androcentrism. Even the most peaceful sects practice keeping women out of leadership roles. This form of destructiveness is more subtle than violence but still keeps females in subjection.
I have loved to dance since I was in junior high school and learned I had rhythmn.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Love it to live music; especially from the 30's/40's. Not a lot of practice though, as one might imagine in our times of blasting machined music and screaming vocal gymnasts.
Why will prostitution never go away? or will it?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 8, 2018:
I believe that prostitution will be around as long as Patriarchal domination and androcentric religions are. A few, very few, surviving isolated matriarchal cultures made it to the 19th. and early 20th. centuries showing no evidence of it and some other ills we're afflicted with like child abuse and genital mutilation. It is born, like so many other artificial secondary compulsions, of sex-negative Patrist societies wherein (which is to say all) women are regarded more as forms of property at worst and members of society of secondary import at best. It won't disappear in our lifetimes. If, however, our kind is ever purged of the ridiculous notions that males are natural leaders and that substitutional, secondary drives are healthy, there might just be a prostitution, pornography, marriage, religion, addiction, ritual free society some day. Well, I can dream can't I?
“People don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 7, 2018:
And, what we have for a press today protects them from that very threat.
I know this is more than a dating site but it's still a dating site as well.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Your rant, no doubt, is well founded. I believe this kind of site/format allows a lot of time saving ability to evaluate potential friends and social contacts. Trying to evaluate 'romantic' or intimate potential isn't reasonable because of the very examples you cite. People trying to make contacts in cyberspace all about sexual potential or screening for that 'one' put the cart before the horse. They are also likely motivated by unhealty drives and better to avoid. Dating is an inaccurate description of any site on the Internet. One 'dates' (unless blind and arranged) people who are already familiar on some level. What eventuates from this kind of format is meeting, when respective criteria appear to have been met. Too many people allow fantasies they contrive to rush them into premature, clumsy situations. It isn't necessary.
Hi very skeptical about this site. I hope someone can prove me wrong here.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 7, 2018:
A man seeking an environment in which he will be proven wrong is an excellent candidate for marriage. I'm certain that you'll find what you are looking for here. :)
I am not sure where to post this as it covers several possibilities (sorry, Meme peeps!).
Silver1wun comments on Apr 7, 2018:
'Fake news' is easily refuted. Unfortunately, it is more often easily dismissed by those either not equipped or not disposed to refute. I think ol' Elmer personifies the yoked minions of partisan doctrines who continue to believe, regardless of cognitive paradoxes. For Elmer's entire life of hunting he returned home to be greeted by a pot full of veggies and water patiently awaiting a wabbit. I think the vegetables actually gave up before Elmer. Hu huh huh huh. ;)
What's the best bit of advice you've ever been given?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 7, 2018:
To daughters, but it applies to all. It is a proverb. "Truth is the daughter of time." Unless evidence to the contrary appears, one cannot possibly KNOW about another person's character without familiarity over a period of time allowing for observation of any inconsistencies. Unfortunately, the process is often 'short circuited' by what I call chemistry or physical attraction. Especially when the drive is secondary (substitutional), getting to know the target of the attraction can cause anxiety because a certain amount of fantasy is created early and cognitive corrections provided within longer time frames are not welcome. New technology has provided means, like this site for example, for getting acquainted with others without having perceptions distracted by such drives until later in the progression where they more naturally belong.
YES!! Sweet! [lgbtqnation.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Seems easier to comment on this by pasting the tail end of my bio. It fits so well. What's called politics differs little from religion. One is dominated by this world focused, faith-based organizations and ‘parties’ masquerading as secular. Theology promises 'pie in the sky'. Political fanaticism promises 'pie on earth'. One worships invisible gods aloft and the other, tin god personalities below. One offers denominational group identities; the other ideological. Price of membership is identical for both. Abdicate independent reasoning in exchange for packaged opinions (read faith) as 'your own'. Luxuriating in ideological mass ignorance reveals small progress in rejection of theology if we cling to its social artifacts or alternative faith systems. Neither counterfeit 'faith' ever actually delivers the pie... Blind political followers are like Alice in Wonderland: “The rule is, jam to-morrow and jam yesterday—but never jam to-day.” “It must come sometimes to ‘jam to-day,’” Alice objected. “No, it can’t,” said the Queen. “It’s jam every other day: to-day isn’t any other day, you know” ― Lewis Carroll Atheists still clinging to many social mores established by theology or partisan doctrines of the Left or Right are high comedy; especially when ridiculing the botched ‘faithful’ and calling it independent thinking.
What do you value most in life, what is your strongest purpose?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 7, 2018:
For many people what is valued most is based on feeling alone. Finding more centered answers, for me, led to studying what we as creatures are based on how we function and what differentiates our kind from the rest of the known animal world. Our strongest purpose individually, as we percieve it, is probably only half the answer. Our purpose in Nature also counts. We are as much integrated as we are individual in our existence. To me, it would follow also in whatever purpose/s we might have.
Calling all “ex christians” I am putting together a documentary called “confessions” and ...
Silver1wun comments on Apr 7, 2018:
What would the location be? Is it religion specific or might include any 'walk-aways', in terms of belonging and belief? Is there any penance? :)
A few suggestions for this site....thoughts?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 6, 2018:
Agree on all counts. The profile and I suspect you mean including 'bio' offers the best way to introduce ouselves and assist those 'screening' for possible friendship and even more typical, relationship possibilites.
For all those grammer poilce that are so anal about everything and just downright pain in the ass.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 6, 2018:
"grammer poilce" This is bait. Right? :)
We are what we eat. What's your motto?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 6, 2018:
We are what we do. What we do shows what we believe. We believe what we consume as mental food. Some of us dine from a limited partisan menu and others from a lavish buffet. It isn't as refined as a slogan but works for me.
Would you live in a 400 sq ft home, if it meant you could live in an absolutely beautiful place?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 6, 2018:
One can live in beautiful places with even less. It can be as little as a backpack and tent or even a room shared with one or more others in remote resorts seasonally. A dwelling furnishes needs like shelter for showers, rest, vegetating and stuff. The most beautiful parts of the world and adventure for me are outside.
I was having my Honda worked on today and I saw a patriotic book lying on the table.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 6, 2018:
"It is for the good of states that men should be deluded by religion." Marcus Terentius Varro (116 b.c.e. - 27 b.c.e.) When religion* is state*, it goes double. Add, a Paradise/Utopia 'carrot on the stick' leading from the front and the seven devils chasing from behind and need for cooperation between them clarifies. Pethaps Varro's point of view developed from observing food supply as a secondary ally of both entities used for guidance. He was an agriculturist. The sacred cow from back woods theology to the halls ov Congress in this country has always been the aggrandized American farmer.
What is the most memorable live concert you have seen?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Cab Calloway at the McCallum Theater in the 90's. His daughter was a part of the show and he was decked out in a silver tux with tails. Loved his recordings but they did zero justice to his booming, electrifying voice.
What is the most adventurous thing you would go do with someone on a first date? (Keep it rated R)
Silver1wun comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Since custom dictates that we categorize a first planned occasion to get acquainted a 'date' I'd have to admit to nothing much adventurous. I like activities that allow for conversation #1 and perhaps some distraction with a game, something like bowling or pool or even making that first get together include some other people such as another couple or even some family. How we play games and act among others socially reveals a lot to the observant. I personally define dating as a next step people already acquainted on some level decide upon for a closer look and potential romantic consideration; whereas an initial meeting is way before interest in intimacy can be determined because people don't even know one another yet. It probably sounds a bit 'hair splitting' or crazy to some but detailed explanation takes in more explaining than a little comment box ought to include. Nice thing about this kind of site and format is that it enables members to learn enough about one another to satisfy some curiosities before the first in-person meeting, makinig it less of a 'cold call' than a typical 'blind date' meeting. And, by the way, how many of them can be disastrous due to zero knowledge about who the other person is?
Dating after 50
Silver1wun comments on Apr 2, 2018:
To avoid kissing frogs might call for going out to sea. By screening for sexual potential as prerequisite, I think we can miss knowing some fascinating people; while still keeping gay friends, being open to later possibilities for intimacy growing out of friendships and still keeping a vibrator. ;)
This is sooooooo accurate.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 1, 2018:
say cheese!
This is sooooooo accurate.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Too funny!
Do you practice Yoga?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Oh Yeah!
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone here.
Silver1wun comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Since I'm holiday free (read sober), being alone during those days, though rare, is cherished. I'm a really strange man n many harmless ways. Ritual days and rituals themselves are absent. No problem withothers' participation, but I 'just say no'. The feeling, after withdrawals of a few years allowing relatives and friends to catch-up to the condition, is one of exhillarating freedom! It's a take it or leave it status. If people are having a party or something like that for general purposes of some habitual occasion, I don't reject their company if invited and feel like attending. Wishing of happy this or merry that gets a cordial response unless it is used by those who know my attitude as a disrespectfully meant taunt. Same goes for religious and nationalistic rituals. The choice is there to arrive late, skip attendance or stand without participating, out of respect for the group. Fanaticism CAN swing the other way too.
My new hero: "Age is not a number, it's an attitude" []
Silver1wun comments on Apr 1, 2018:
In my neighborhood 80's and 90's are really common. I've had the privilege of knowing many people who functioned well, even worked up to and near their second century. Some of them you'd probably know.
How would everyone feel about being refused a date because you’re an atheist?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 1, 2018:
All this means is that you are not well matched for sharing an intimate, closer expansion of your friendship. In my view, things like that only define where the relationship can go and contrary to popular, rather senseless notions predominating in our society, it doesn't have to be a negative or the proverbial 'deal breaker'. If intimacy can't be a part, why throw something that is apparently good away, unless it's the other person discarding? It seems this guy you're describing closes himself off unnecessarily from friendships with good potential. It's his loss. Shake the dirt off your feet. (a little Biblical advice there...) We all cherish close, loving dedicated relationships with members of both sexes; friends and family with whom sexual intimacy is not a part. It would be silly, even sick, to discard them for lack of a sexual dimension. For example, I dearly love a woman with whom about 12 wonderful years were shared. We couldn't be closer friends today, save the discontinued intimacy. She is now primarily involved with a great guy who is far better for her than I in a more closely bonded role. He's one of only half a dozen or so men with whom I'm acquainted, held in high esteem. We're all friends, go out as three sometimes and as four others. Life is short. Good people, when we find them, are few.
How do you feel about the person you're dating talking about their ex?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Our past accounts for who we have become. Some has been edifying and some damaging. A person who loves who've they become and appreciates others for who they've also become has no difficulty sharing ANY life experiences, joyful, hurtful or teaching. Without the past included who are we?
Can you recommend a book, please?
Silver1wun comments on Apr 1, 2018:
'Saharasia' by James DeMeo, Phd. You'll never look at the world the same way again.
On this Holiest of day easter April 1st 2018 I profess and declare am am hopeful my nightmare ...
Silver1wun comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Save the expense. We can git ouselves saved at a revival in Oklahoma City! Jesus might be cancelling out. We don't know yet. When room service showed up with breakfast this morning his door was open. He ain't thar!
I am an atheist and were going to church tomorrow with the family! If you were in my shoes, would ...
Silver1wun comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Being different is what rejection or acceptance of notions of gods is all about. Some of us might go, some not. I wouldnt, but that's me. An Orthodox Jew or Fundamentalist Muslim might or might not accompany friends to an oyster bar and just pass on the treyf/halal items. You don't need anyone's agreement or approval. If that was important, rejecting gods would have been a problem. You apparently can tolerate what goes on. Other atheists couldnt. I believe we must show the same kinds of respect for one another that we expect from believers. Enjoy!
Any Grillers out there?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 31, 2018:
You're superb sense of composition is showing. I prefer grilling done by others. My preference is preparing things that involve hours because of a love of cooking with wine; and sometimes even adding it to the food. (stolen from a decorative kitchen plaque) Scratch chicken soup, chicken/shrimp curry, stroganoff etc. Particularly love doing breakfast items. The best part of any meal is the company. Wine qualifies. :)
Proof of no god?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 31, 2018:
By seeking 'points and authorities' in an effort to prove or disprove something that can be neither, we devaluate ourselves as thinking, reasoning creatures. I agree that there isn't much difference between faith and faith in non-faith, functionally. Grasping at either theological or scientific rooted answers as though they're the only eligible sources for use in deciding whether gods or like invisible entities exist, I believe to be distracting at best and limiting at worst. Those, for example, who believe (place faith) that science validates what is good sense, in my view, overlook which came first. I think it is sense that validates good science. Personal disbelief is firmly rooted in reasoning. Human reasoning occurs beyond the limitations of theology and science. We are validated by our very existence at the top of known inhabitants of this planet and, albeit underdemonstrated, best examples of evolving reasoning capacity. Without us, as a kind, abstracts like religion or science wouldn't exist. Theologies, particularly male dominated ones, imposed many destructive, substitutional sets of answers about hows and whys of life little understood at the dawn of our existence. Gods of the gaps they've been accurately called. The Renaissance revolution ushering in more independence of thought and rationality also gave us more rapidly evolving science, dramatically raising the bar on religion's archaic explanations of reality. Scientific faith though better placed, functionally repeats some errors related to theology. By sometimes abdicating our special reasoning faculties in blind acceptance of 'data' interpreted by alleged 'experts', we make them into substitutes for theological patriarchs recieving and providing expert interpretations of 'data from above'. The human brain exists for the purpose of making sense out of the environment. My favorite scientist 'believed' - "In the act of thought, life contemplates it's own essence."
I'm an Atheist... Soo, Should I Feel Stressed Out?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 30, 2018:
You've identified one of many examples of how difficult it can be to escape the grip of false assumptions about what is so and what is not. Many atheist/agnostic people reject notions about the existence of gods and believe that by doing so, 'the work is over'. Gods are only one of the ways in which various kinds of elitists cooperate in manipulating and exploiting people with false beliefs. This is why politics is paired with 'religion' as a hot topic to be avoided in polite social company. Both employ belief systems requiring emotional and often financial investments. Both set doctrinal boundaries on those who wish to claim them as part of individual identity. Both kinds of systems require checking critical reasoning and criticism at the door or risk being vilified as 'one of** those** people' by the corraled minds within. Another false, in my view, set of doctrines consists of the assumption that males are supposed to be the leaders in families and societies, when women are obviously better prepared for both and often fullfil those vital leadership roles while deprived of recognition for it. This crazy notion of men heading anything and possessing natural authority over women has infused thinking in religion, politics and societies dominated by them in spite of recent improvements in understanding over the last century. If there ARE to be a majorities of one sex in any kind of executive or representation roles, women are better equipped as a group to occupy them. We have all but done away with the natural familial structure of close, extended and interelated family support. Families seldom live close to one another, are often widely dispersed and erstwhile participation in child and household care by siblings for one another, uncles/aunts and grandparents has practically vanished. Children are now largely left in the care of paid strangers; lacking the important sense fo belonging and benefits of affection from extended families. It is especially harmful leaving young children unable to understand that mom or dad will return for them and when. Toddlers need close contact and fostering of security during early stages of emotional development that strangers aren't in a position to provide. Rejection of gods is a start but self and societal responsibility to examine values adopted by routine rather than choice is far from complete. If we are determined to improve our own lives and society overall, there is no substitute for xample, the best teacher, and it can only be demonstrated by coinciding beliefs.
What liars and hypocrites fear most is the truth.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Maybe all or most of us fit the description of liars and hypocrites, depending on the subject. By 'liars' I don't mean intentional prevarication but repeating untruths because we believe them sincerely. Today, I experienced something that was very uplifting on my part that might have been other wise for others. A man, a Phd, whom I hold in very high esteem called me an ignorant man. NOrmally those kinds of insults are like proverbial water on a duck's back when originating from people about whom we hold a simiar opinion. I have, however, supported his ideas and have purchased his books addressing some very profound issues with nothing short of genius. So, one might imagine that such a statement might be recieved as hurtful. In my case it was enlightening and I'm grateful for his honestly meant criticism. It served to illustrate for me how none of us, no matter how intelligent or in possession of expertise in a specific area, gets everything. Knowing a lot about one or two things doesn't make us experts in all things. Unfortunately, human ego often gives us false pride because of stellar achievements in a body of knowledge, convincing us that we possess sagacity in other areas about which we are woefully ignorant. So, what I'm saying is, that it feels good to be insulted by a person with such grand scientific credentials that I fully agree with and support when I discover that by his insult, his understanding of what I know well is so lacking. I love his genius but find high comedy in his pretensions of superiority in areas about which he knows so little. How many topics I address showing myself to be equally hypocritical and one who conveys 'lies' ramains to be seen. Perhaps some of you will point them out. :)
Why Men Send Dick Pics
Silver1wun comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Men in accurate desription don't do these things. Males doing them are arrested in their sexual and emotional development due to untold but only imaginable damage. Their many juvenile, often destructive behaviors make actually being a man rather embarrassing in many circumstances. Furthermore, even the behaviors of lesser botched individuals makes it very difficult for us to honestly represent ourselves because of the natural barriers women understandably set up as a result of other males' conduct. For example, being taken at one's word regarding such simple things as invitations out to points of interest, lunch, brunch, dinner etc. are most often evaluated and decided upon by women with a cautious aire of anticipation that one actually may not mean what they say or expects more from the meeting than what is stated. Men who say what they mean and mean only what they say are often vexed with having to compensate in some way for the disrespectful or disingenuous behaviors of those who've preceded them. Take it to the bank that many of us are actually sincere in the specificity of our offers to get acquainted. It, admittedly and regrettably, might be a small some, but we do exist. ;) It helps a lot when women honestly respond or reciprocate in gestures of mutual interest. too.
I'm writing a novel primarily about my childhood (still fiction though).
Silver1wun comments on Mar 30, 2018:
What part does art share with approval? Under what circumstances does the abandonment of free expression stiffle itself in order to gain approval? The same principle applies to science as art. To the extent that the aforementioned considerations play a role, art and true science are negated and become akin to shallow breathing or genital climax without fullness of breathing and repose, or abandonment and surrender to orgasm. 'Go for it' is all one has for full artistic expression. Herman Melville expressed it so well: "It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in immitation." This life is no dress rehearsal.
Does anyone else think my cat looks like Danny Glover? She's a lady...her name is Queso-Dilla
Silver1wun comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Not really, but in a couple of pics I've seen, the former First Lady does. Looks like his son in drag.
Anyone like Broadway musicals?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Broadway Melody of 1929 is one of my favorites (on film) also 42nd. Street.
People that won't take no for an answer
Silver1wun comments on Mar 29, 2018:
It does happen to both sexes. In our (male) case, usually after at least some minor kind of social familiarity has been established and termination attempted, some emotionally damaged women will react in this disrespectful way. Because damaged males act out differently from females in ours and most other societies, no such connection is necessary for the fixation. Sight and objectification alone suffice. Objects aren't necessarily due any respect and in some warped minds neither are objectified females. It is pathological behavior from which all women and men should run at full speed.
If you could talk to someone that has passed away, who would it be and what would you say to them?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I would talk with Dr. Wilhelm Reich and try to console him in his bitter disappointment in the expectation that fifty years from his death, he'd be a little better understood. He is in fact no better understood today than 60 years ago when his lifeless body was found in a prison cell where he died of a broken heart. His books were burned by government order following suit with the NAZIS and Communists previously in Europe. They had him on death lists, yet he met his end in the hands of the US Government. His crimes were loving humankind too deeply, too much dedication to findings of his scientific work and too much unwelcome knowledge. Yes I'd try to conslole him at this time but join him in confidence that at least some time in the future a society will exist that is capable of not only understanding his discoveries but implementing them because, as he said: 'In the act of thought life comprehends it's own essence."
What do you do if he just wants to be friends?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 29, 2018:
What on Earth could be negative about cultivating genuine friendships with the opposite sex that don't invove sexual intimacy? I've even changed status of valued bonded friendship by (mutual) exclusion/discontinuance of sexual intimacy. Staying or becoming close with persons we respect, admire and come to love is a wonderful way to experience life! It also avoids the ancillary heartache of separation from many others associated/related primarily in their lives like their children, parents, siblings and other close friends. Notions that end or non-beginning of sexual intimacy call for rejection and abandonment are just that - notions and senseless ones. Life is too short to place unrealistic demands on ourselves and others because of malignant cultural dictates. Love is life's best expression and it in no way has to be limited because of exclusivity inherent in a sexual element to a relationship.
Anyone Like Tarot Cards?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I like tarot cards boiled al dente and layered with thin slices of velveeta, topped with unread tea leaves in the microwave for about two minutes. It saves a lot of time shopping for strawberry fertilizer.
Do you address a service person by the name on their name tag?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Error? The error is working for people haviing such a dim view of you (us) that they make sure just in case we forget our name, that it is pinned to our chest; sometimes with our home town included so we can find our way home when we get fired. in the finest establishments (not corporate) name tags and aprons are absent and unnecessary because they hire well. The only place that pronouns matter is at the bank, where the service person deposits their gains; where THEY become the client. :)
Can I get a Mazel Tov?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Vaht? So now I'm a threat? Schnorring praise in return for Jewish guilt are we? Introvert - schmintrovert, under the schmaltz aren't we all chopped liver?
What is the plural of Jesus?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Since the name originates from Hebrew, Yeshuah or Yeheshuah, my inclination would be to apply the Hebrew pluralization suffix. I'd say Jesim or Yeshuim; following other examples such as Cushim (not necessarily respectfully used) for people of Black African ancestry or Goyim applied to non-Jews. It is also used to designate different kinds of other Jews such as Sephardim, Mizrahim and Ashkenazim.
Any wine lovers?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 28, 2018:
If over 42 years in the best French restaurant in Palm Springs California didn't result in a love for wine something would definitely be wrong. Beer bloats and I'm too old for the system pounding of distilled spirits. Wine, particualrly red, is a good old friend. My friend, as a matter of fact is sitting right here next to me, taking part in choosing every word expressed through these fingers and keys. If Scott Fitzgerald had chosen wine over booze, he might still be with us. O.K., it is a bit of a stretch. Must have been my friend's notion. :)
Silver1wun comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Do NOT limit each other's social or friendship relationships unless acceptable amounts of mutual time (which is finite) are not available. One either trusts or one does not. Without it, there really is no bond in the first place; probably just a trade deal. If a 'relationship' lacks understanding about who the other person is, trust will also be lacking. An intimate bond can only exist with that kind of 'knowing'. If deficient or absent, the pair has a lot more problems than any social activity can jeopardize. A bond should have primary importance over all other relationships but not exclusionarily. Anywhere one partner goes, the ought be welcome to choose to accompany or not; not due to mistrust or having to prove anything, but because there are -short of business- no healthy environments in which either person should feel uncomfortable with the other's presence. My clumsy way of putting it is you can't lose what you don't have in the first place.
What's the biggest benefit to dating you?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 28, 2018:
The term 'dating' is dated; sourced in a social system already antiquated. In the question's context does it mean something like: What benefit will I get from meeting to get acquainted with you? My answer would be that 'benefit' for one person, self or other, isn't a reason worth the effort. Getting acquainted and possible cultivating of friendship isn't a process that lends itself well to trading or benefitting in the business or game sense. If genuine, it actually is the antithesis of a business deal. It's a sharing of each others' time and attention in an environment of mutual consideration of greater sharing possibilities. This why marriage, a business/trade deal, ultimatly destroys otherwise loving, sharing bonds. Nobody really gives another a benefit in a loving bond. Both share benefits naturally occuring as a result of growing mutual closeness, respect, admiration and trust. Bondng is intrinsically rooted. 'Benefits' derive from nature itself, not either individual. No human contrived system of marriage or sanctioning can effect such a result via externally aproved and imposed criteria. The effects turn the process into a cheap trade; an adversarial business deal, thereby undermining healthy, bonds of trust formed by primary drives. It's all my verbose way of saying those looking for a benefit to be gained or bestowed as prerequisite bring nothing of value to the table.
Eating out alone?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Getting more commfortable with a person we love is a great sign of healthy individual development comfort in my book. We are often our best company, given the typical peer landscape. I like to keep a book close by for just such occasions for intelligent company and inner discussions of things worth the exercise. It is, however, always better shared with a person or persons who are stimulating. Unfortunately, its also all too rare. Keep up the evolution! :)
How do you get rid of mental exhaustion?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 28, 2018:
You are trying very hard to tell yourself something and you are resistant to listening to that inner self, so it is going to 'throw tantrums' and keep you awake. That's my take. :) What it is, only you can discover. We've all, or almost all, had such periods. Whatever is on your mind during those sleepless periods is your best clue. Examine it, decide on some self-promised course of action and slumber will occur. (another best guess) Good luck! :)
What would civilization have looked like if humanimals had not invented religion?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Inventing gods, etc. as a primitive explanation for natural phenomena isnt by itself a destructive influence on develping humans and societies. Gods and the like, including and especially godesses, seem to have been our invisible friends in a form or other even in 'pre-history'. The era wherein gods and religions defining and promoting them became malignant seems to have begun about 6,000 years ago, give or take about a thousand. Climatic changes like sudden desertification, I believe, changed the importance of males' roles from subordinated to family and tribe to one of dominance upon changes in conditions necessitating greater assertion of specialized male physical attributes. Desertification and want caused damage rom famine and rampant disease connected with it. Migration to lands that could support life from desertified areas also called upon males' abilities to fight over and disposess those already occupying such lands. Theretofore, most to allancient cultures were Matrist hunter/gatherers with some agriculture mixed in and as such, unprepared and defenseless in the face of force and violence of militant, conquesting male dominated tribes. Those were times of the advent of Violent, domineering, warlike, always male godheads in the rapidly desertifying areas of Northern Africa, Middle East and Central Asia. Theologies promoting them were also male dominated; thus women were forced from roles of leadership and parity to little more than property, like cattle and children. We still suffer the cumulative malignancy wrought by this fundamental change in societies and the ways they define themselves and their allegedly moral principles. How would the world have been without these six millenia of male domination, wars, child abuse and mutilation, subjugation and abuse of women and children? I'd use one of the few surviving models of Matrist societies left in the world that were protected by natural barriers from discovery by the emotional plague of mankind called Patriarchy. They were few by the 19th./20th. Centuries, remote and surrounde by oceans. In the Trobriand Islands an anthropologist by the name of Bronislaw Malinkowski thoroughly studied and journaled his experiences with one such culture and many controversial conclusions were drawn from it. Title: 'A Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term' (posthumously, 1967) The social ills afflicting our generation and centuries of generatios in the West preceding us were absent among these gentle people and their Matriarchal culture. Others but very few discovered in remote places like Indian Ocean islands also survived. Most were devastated and absorbed many centuries ago. This, I believe, had not climate wrought extreme need and accompanying extreme damage, would ...
Again, religious ignorance running amok;;; There is an stone chapel for the virgen in The Bronx; ...
Silver1wun comments on Mar 28, 2018:
It is what they do. They need ignorance and dependency even more than the political Left. Far more social damage has been effected by the church though if one includes damage to emotional amd sexual well being.
Is the era of men "wooing" or "Pursuing" over?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Mine absolutely is a hopeful vote. Women are humanty's natural leaders. There is no reason one sex should automatically carry the responsibility for initiating contact or showing interest. For my entire lifetime, showing more than initial interest without any reciprocals from a woman I've shown interest leads to disinterest after a second try. I never ask for a number or contact information, but offer it with the attitude that 'if she is also interested', I've indicated mine already so she'll let me know. I'm not even interested, no matter how she looks, in a woman who is too damaged to also meet half-way if she feels the same and wants a closer look.. If they haven't overcome Patriarchal conditioning to that extent, how can they expect on my part to treat them with parity instead of assuming they are lessers in need of leading? What is* called* 'romance' is sets of reciprocals founded on Patrist notions of female passivity, as though woman is less; not entitled to show interest on an equal level with 'the man'... We males are not superior and you females well know it. The whole notion is a source of high humor among many women. I adore women for what they are in Nature, not what they are supposed to be to fit imposed gender roles of passivity and feigned dependence and marginal helplessness. So I sincerely HOPE that what was called romance has been and will continue to be replaced by assertiveness and honesty both directions.
Today, I had lunch with my niece and a friend.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Oh my, was it on Westheimer?
Do you believe that life is mostly about luck?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Luck is for most people comparable to the 'god of the gaps'. In absence of knowledge about how others came to their positions in life, 'luck' is often inserted as the accountable element. Notice how often luck is described in an ascending direction. Those who achieve things in life have so much deeper understanding about the relationship of workiing smart and the relationship beteween what some call luck and working one's arse off. Many are obviously, born into financial independence, a fantastic set of genes, an intellect that soars, seductive talents, etc. I guess those thigs can be caled luck no matter how much or little they're improved and expanded. Being born with congenital disorders or experiencing permanently damagiing tramas seem to be most closely related to luck. Fortunately, as luck relates to life at large, these are exceptions clearly out of the mainstream. Quanitatively, I'd give luck an unevenly occuring life score of about 20%.
I recently watched a documentary regarding (in this instance) American men choosing to marry ...
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Cannot imagine how one can get to know another person closely enough to send for them for marrriage of all things, even with skype! There is so much more, if it is important to them, to learning about the true character of another person. Time and direct experience are, to me, indispensable elements in the process. This is not to say that distance cannot be overcome if people learn a lot superfically, as inscreenig and comparing so many important things as how each others' minds work and what values and perspectives are. For example, in places like this site, where we meet minds in absence and advance of physical appearance allows such comparisons more easily for those overly impressed by and aroused by personal appearance. My experience in life as a professional model taught that men have no special monopoly when it comes to objectification of the opposite sex; though for several reasons it is far more common among males. People of both sexes in our society, also due to multiple causes, allow attraction to 'cut in line' so to say, ahead of appropriate sequencing of getting acquainted for some pretty heart breaking, even disastrous results. I've also known a 'couple'; customers for years who exemplified all that is wrong with such arrangements. He was (is) a thoroughly disgusting man in both personnality and appearance and a superb, well known, personal injury lawyer. She, an exquisitely beautiful (physically) Russian woman with pale blonde hair, rich blue eyes and skin like the finest white china. One, anyone that is, on sight basis alone would marvel over - what possible attraction might there be? It's elementary, but he's now even more bitter and disgusting. She paid dues and divorced well; later marrying a prosperous, young, general contractor with a nice appearance. Western sexuality, in the main, is marked by secondary drives operating in place of (placebo) early damaged capacity to follow and express natural, self-regulating primary drives. Thus what is fundamentally sick is considered to be the religious, political and social norm. Damage increases with each subsequent generation. Sending off for dependent women, probably one of the more benign practices, still borders on pathology to me.
Christians love the song Amazing Grace, but has anyone really listened to the demeaning words in it?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
It is Masochistic and entirely fitting for fear-based ideologies of any kind, not just theologies. It is inspiring to herds that view others as their leaders and betters in possession of superior knowledge and judgment. It is the consumate dependency song. Funny, that label just reminded me of a dear friend, with the cutest sense of humor who called 'My Way' the 'Depends song'. I thought of it more as the Testosterone Song and have avoided performing it for that reason. The idea of wearing a large depends over my slacks and doing it with sight gags is reallly tempting though. :)
Climate Change Believers Leaving the Trump White House | Time
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
The recent decrease i solar activity will likely lead to cooling. There are no SUV's on the Sun... I just returned from China last week. If what I breathed there hasn't changed the climate and destroyed the planet, nothing else will, save more Fukishimas. They are confusing negative, localized effects of polluting air and water with HUGE influences beyond our control or making that account for millions of years of actual climate change; much of which is attributable to solar activity. A great source of information on both climatic changes and real, palpable effect on our kind is a sizable work by James DeMeo, Phd. titled: 'Saharasia: The 4000 BCE Origins of Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence, In the Deserts of the Old World' It is available directly from Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory in Ashland Oregon. They have, of course, a website.
Stupid holiday.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Love this. Stealing and exporting to facebook forthwith! Maybe even thirdwith.
I gotta know.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Why men spit in the street is less curious to me, perhaps because it is less noticeable here in Southern California than some other places. What inspires my curiosity is why men frequently spit, scratch their gonads and cross themselves on baseball fields..?
For the mature members out there, a question.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
I think some theoretical discussions comparing attitudes somewhat hypothetically, HONESTLY AND MATURELY about things intimate and sexual are better done before the fact. It can save misunderstandings, hurt feelings from misapprehensions and wasted time in the longer run. There is no substitute for time and familiarization at any stage of life. Anything less is something less...
How do you sleep?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
I think you might have overlooked cuddling. For some years now, my side sleeping includes a pillow or two. Life-long habit still has me occupying only one side of the queen-size bed with the knee and elbow pillows. If you'd re-tool this survey to include cuddling, bet it would get a great score. :)
Can you have too many books?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
The most burdensome feeling connected to lots of books is space and mobility. I like to travel a bit and of necessity, have to leave some books behind. With fiction it doesn't matter much because they've either been read, occupying shelf space or yet to be read and trip eligible. By far, most reading is non-fiction. Except for biographies, texts and topics are often interelated and I enjoy the stimulation of cross-referencing to compare related concepts expressed by original thinkers who've assigned different labels or even coined terms applied to their ideas. Being without access to compare one text with another while away from home is very frustrating. Kindle is no less frustrating. I mind far less losing and replaciing books loaned out to vanish, than losing a tablet containing many titles to some thief or, worse yet, absent minded old bastard... This site can be a refreshing alternative sometimes to the, albeit better researched and articulated ideas of acclaimed and obscure origiinal thinkers. It is alive and interactive. Exchanges are still lacking in desirable quantity but quality has appeared now and then and is worth it. I'm thoroughly confident that it will serve as a filter in meeting women with similar curiosities, knowledge and passions to share.
When you're feeling blue.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Focus on the things for which one ought to be grateful. For example: About 15years ago after leaving my LAST wife with the car, house and everything else of material value as a small price for sanity and freedom, I had to ride busses for a few months. As one might imagine, it only added to the discomfort level of freedom's price. Sometimes the bus would be off schedule or late. On ocasion, I'd be late and riding a bus that would guarantee it by a little. At some stops I'd hear that dreaded 'beep, beep, beep' tone when the bus was extendig the platform for a wheelchair. "Oh shit!" was my first reaction. "Now i'm really gonna be late." That was how it felt until one typiically late afternoon it flashed on me, how lucky I was to be able to walk on the bus. Further, to wind up at a great job serviing food to some of the most famous people in the world, in the best place in town! Asked my self: "what the Hell are YOU complaining about?" Would I trade places with that unfortunate soul for even a day? For an hour? Today, I go to malls, the streets, places like Wal~Mart and see so many examples of people no different from me, save being physically or developmentally challenged, who's entire lives will never see days like I've experienced; love like I've known; opportunities to express talents they possess in which few to no others are interested. I look also at the 'ungrateful' who are born mentally and physically gifted with good health that chose to throw it away like so much trash with addictions to substances or compulsive practices like meth, opiates, gambling, etc. Among the most ungrateful of all are those who reject their special human gifts and healthy life potential by sacrificing it on altars of theological and pollitical promises for 'better' in Paradise or the future utopian existence; neither of which ever materialize in the same quality as the living potential and happiness potential THIS LIFE offers. Ingratitude is but one toxic element in depression. Consider the possibility that it is poisoning your perceptions. If we are alive, Nature isn't wasteful. It is a good indication that potential for satisfaction lies ahead and we're still equipped to find it. Love yourself and forgive yourself for allowing unnecessary self-imposed limitations.
Another old favourite: []
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Caught in the act of planning!
What's something you're obsessed with?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Learning about what makes us tick. It has been a life-long, ancillary area of curiosity that retirement and life experience have enriched with both time and 'fodder'. Also music in a number of genres, mostly before the advent of electronics replacing instead of enhancing musical renditions and recordings; like the earliest years of recording through the 1940's. Love singing 'crooning' and the clever lyrics of the time when American music took the world by storm.
I just need to vent really quickly.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Most of my professional working life was in the food service and hospitality industry. Two and a half years, especially for a resourceful person with a sense of urgency and sincere wish to perform the best they can, is ample preparation for finding better work environments and pay. Your management people are the ones underperforming or the other person would hae been better trained, corrected or eliminated. From your description it appears that you are due for a happier, more profitable work environment. Don't short-sell yourself. You are all you have to market and better caliber places need your kind of team member. Finer dinng establishments offer not only improved income opportunities but avenues for improviing and expanding your talents even more. You're a 'front of the house' natural who takes responsibility and acts in support of the house. Don't await the best places in town placing ads. Most recognize talent and will either remember you for a future opening or make a special, entry level place. Moonlight to do it if you can and don't have personal committments in the way. You'll thank yourself later
What is the deal with the Church of Latter Day Saints?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
I know that they wear special white underwear often sarcastically described as 'magic underwear'. Like most cults, they aren't entirely destructive, but the destructivenes still weighs heavily on the bottom line. They are mentally locked iinto a set of inviolable doctrines that disable the ability to reason beyond doctrinal bounds, just like all other religions/cults. I once tried to get a straight answer from their website and directly by visiting one of their 'temples' in Utah to consult with elder/leaders. The question has been asked by others. NONE of the Mormon heirarchy can expain and they furthermore see no reason to question it. Question? Josph Smith, their founding 'prophet' was not an Englishman. The Angel Moroni who allegedly visited Smith with a divine set of messages, though ascribed a former human existence, wasn't a Brit either. The other party to Smith's revelations was allegedly God.. As far as anyone can tell, and reasoning since this god allegedly predated England, 'he' also wasn't an Englishman. Further: All of Joseph Smith's everyday writings and journaling were in contemporary English of his home and era; early 19th. Century America. How is it that the 'Book of Mormon' and all other written 'revelations' from Smith were rendered in archaic redundant (non-poetic iin the least) Elizabethan style English? Why would that be? The targeted population didn't use it and could hardly even understand it. Wouldn't the god want to reach the people as clearly as possible with 'his' messages?? Try it yourself. I won't waste space wiht their non-nswers and faith dodges. Ask any Latter Day saints that question and see how for it gets into their ossified crainia. It is a real lesson in an intellectual form of Stockholm Syndrome and fear-based theology..
How prevalent is pseudo-medicine?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 27, 2018:
Unfortunately, modalities that are little more than junk exist. Others also exist that have greater efficacy in some circumstances than chemical suppression of symptoms that so dominates 'medicine' as we know it and as overseen by government and insurance entities. One should first gain a good understanding of human physiology and psychology and how they relate to each other as a whole. With that, the individual should explore foundations of what traditional medical interests universally label 'junk medicine' for themselves. Lives and fortunes rest on a dependable medical orthodoxy that protects adherents from unwelcome remedies for both human suffering and their practitioners' own livelihoods.


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