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This is my 2nd incarnation on, originally under the handle of Surfpirate and on my way to lvl 10, my profile was lost somewhere in cyberspace. Raised in a JW family and got out the day I turned 13 years of age and earned the right to choose for myself, use the book against them and there's not much they can say. I have read many religious texts from cover to cover and found them all wanting, studied Life Sciences and Business Admin in University, owned several construction companies and retired with my lovely wife at the ripe old age of 47. Currently we own and operate an electric bicycle business in Ontario, Canada - not a big money maker but it is something we love to do and being retired we can feel free to do whatever we please.


Just curious..... Are there any level 10 members on this site?
SnowyOwl comments on Jan 19, 2023:
This is my second incarnation on this site, my first one got lost when I was a 9 and I had to start over but getting to 10 would take a very long time, even combined I don't think I would be a 10. Probably just as well for if you fly too high then you might touch the sun. ;) lol I think there are at least 3.
Came across this and I really liked it. It’s spot on for me for the most part
SnowyOwl comments on Feb 8, 2023:
They forgot the part about how introverts will walk past you like you don't exist if you betray them but only if you are lucky, if you are unlucky they will burn you to the ground and you will never be able to pin it on them. lol We're smart, we're patient and we don't just shrug off that kind of shit.
It's raining here and I'm still in bed, sleeping off and on again, greatest weekend I've had in a ...
SnowyOwl comments on Feb 19, 2023:
Bringing your partner to climax is usually going to have more to do with dexterous fingers and an enthusiastic tongue, cocks are great for coming but vaginal orgasms are not reliable. While all of that is great fun, it's not the foundation for a great relationship that will last, friendship and mutual respect are what we should all be looking for in love.
Creepy as Fuck!
SnowyOwl comments on Feb 21, 2023:
If they have been in a relationship long enough to propose marriage, 4 years, but she just turned 18 years old then he was an older person, in a position of power and trust who was taking advantage of a minor in his congregation. Creepy as Fuck.
Beauty created by years of human pollution.
SnowyOwl comments on Feb 22, 2023:
I used to collect sea glass at Glass Beach when I lived in Bermuda, it was at the site of a ruined bottling plant from the 1800's, the sea glass was several feet deep. Blue and Red and Yellow and Orange are the prized colours.
Pump it Up. Elvis Costello and the Attractions. []
SnowyOwl comments on Feb 23, 2023:
Elvis Costello has always been a personal favourite of mine, such a talented and prolific songwriter.
Montevideo, Uruguay. Security guide at a pharmacy.
SnowyOwl comments on Mar 1, 2023:
Montevideo is a lovely city and I don't remember seeing the usual guards with machine guns and assault shotguns in front of the banks the way you often see them in other parts of South America. I was there in 2010 and it had a very relaxed vibe compared to Rio de Janiero or Buenos Aires. The Mercado del Puerto is a cool place to grab some lunch in what I believe used to be the train station.
If John had spent the money on the more expensive bullets, his aim would have been fine
SnowyOwl comments on Mar 2, 2023:
They'd have just put Spooky Bush SR, in his place, probably would have been even worse.
Always with the hand me downs
SnowyOwl comments on Mar 2, 2023:
That's a hard act to follow, no wonder Lilith left him flat.
What can I say, but, what can I say.
SnowyOwl comments on Mar 2, 2023:
I'm a member of the zero fucks given camp, I'm good with me and when I'm not I make changes so that I am back on track; the rest of the fuckers out there can go sort out their own shit and go piss up a rope.
The resemblance is uncanny
SnowyOwl comments on Mar 5, 2023:
Vloggers know how to use a VPN but do tyrants?
Surprisingly, I kind of thought this seemed like a workable idea at the time! 😂 Our obsession ...
SnowyOwl comments on Mar 10, 2023:
I've watched Soylent Green several times over the years and I think that H G Robinson did a very good job, muh better than Heston who is a hack in my opinion. You have to follow the intro to the movie to realize that Climate Change combined with Over-population lead to the dystopian future scenario set in 2022. With conventional agriculture destroyed and the plankton farms failing, the political and corporate leaders decide to feed the populace crakers made of reprocessed human cadavers, starting at one day per week to make up for the shortfall from the plankton farms which the soylent crackers are made from the rest of the week. Everyday is a different colour of soylent green cracker but in the movie only the soylent green crackers are made of processed cadavers. America is a welfare state as there is very little work and the government is composed of oligarchs who are running out of ways to keep kicking the can down the road before the peasants revolt and eat them for dinner. I always thought it was quite prophetic and when I listen to the news from the USA I think my original opinion is still on the money, only the time frame is off a bit OR C Heston's Planet of the Apes is an alternative scenario.
I really hope that she is wrong.
SnowyOwl comments on Mar 15, 2023:
Women who vote Republican, WTF?
I used to have to walk past all of my classmate each school day and go stand in the hall while the ...
SnowyOwl comments on Mar 21, 2023:
It is rather ironic that growing up in a religious cult taught me independent thinking, it wasn't the plan but it worked out that way for me but not all of my siblings. My older brother fell on hard times and crawled back to the JW cult and eventually became an elder in their church.
Doesn't seem so bad now.
SnowyOwl comments on Mar 22, 2023:
My morning chuckle. :D
Now, they are resorting to blackmail. Congregation is getting skinny, tips are low.
SnowyOwl comments on Mar 24, 2023:
Don't threaten me with a good time.
What type of personality of amimal are you and put in order of importance?
SnowyOwl comments on Apr 4, 2023:
Primary would be Snowy Owl - go figure - secondary would be Lobo Timber Wolf.
Racist Water. :-)
SnowyOwl comments on Apr 14, 2023:
I recall being subjected to racist comments on several occasions when I lived in Bermuda for 8 years, I usually let it slide but I did call out one dark skinned Bermudian after he called me a Cracker and his response was that it couldn't be a racist remark because 'he wasn't White'.
If I quiet my mouth.. the anxiety brain follows. ☀️
SnowyOwl comments on Aug 6, 2022:
Say what you mean and mean what you say, it's really not that hard. Identify the hateful and stand up against it because hate is just a black hole that wants to suck in everything good but if it's just plain old stupid then exercise your better judgment.
So turns out Bob and Doug MacKenzie aren’t real people.
SnowyOwl comments on Oct 3, 2022:
I went to high school in Toronto with Bob and Doug MacKenzie (his mom insists upon calling them Robert and Douglas btw) so your childhood was not a big lie. They only wore toques in the winter back then, toques in the summertime was not a thing back then.
Coming into the light.
SnowyOwl comments on Oct 6, 2022:
She is the Queen of a generation that is largely misunderstood and happy to be that way. An Atheist Queen is an interesting transition away from religion but any transition away from religion is a good start.
Freya or Frigg is also the source of the name for Friday but let's just pretend that the Dead God on...
SnowyOwl comments on Oct 14, 2022:
If the Marvel Universe isn't the one true religion yet, it probably soon will be. :D
Somewhat true.
SnowyOwl comments on Oct 26, 2022:
Practical to a fault and also the most likely to yield positive results.
What I meant by money reducing it value is that it doesn’t lose it worth if you throw $10 on the ...
SnowyOwl comments on Oct 31, 2022:
Money is a medium of exchange and it is worth only what you can purchase with it, paper scrip like your $10 bill is particularly vulnerable to becoming worthless as it has no more intrinsic value than the promise of value from the government backing that piece of paper. Let's say the Republicans decide to make good on their promise to freeze debt ceiling and crash the world's reserve currency by doing so, US dollars would potentially lose much of their value over night and people would be far less likely to stoop down to pick up that dirty sawbuck. The old myth about King Midas and his touch turning everything into gold, including his daughter is also a legendary example of how little money matters in the greater scheme of things.
Zoe Duchesne
SnowyOwl comments on Nov 15, 2022:
Fond memories.
Would you stay here if someone paid for your plane tickets and other expenses?
SnowyOwl comments on Dec 3, 2022:
Mostly just challenging the Taxman beause in many countries your property taxes are calculated based upon the foundation footprint, so cantilevered living space is nontaxable . ;)
Sometimes Im reminded that my job description matters.
SnowyOwl comments on Dec 3, 2022:
That's some handle.
Vandalism is getting to be a lot less in my area.
SnowyOwl comments on Dec 7, 2022:
I live on an island in Canada, 500 pop in winter and 2000 in the summer months, it's pretty safe and the year round residents generally know each other, so we tend to watch out for each other. The downside is that everybody is watching everybody else all of the time and gossip is rampant but at least there's very little crime. There used to be a lot of social shunning if people didn't follow 'island rules' but that has largely gone by the wayside and it is mostly just pointless gossip with perhaps a grain of truth in the center. I have a property issue with a road allowance for the people who live a mile down the private lane that passes through my property, they have tried harrassment, vandalism and my personal favourite - Shunning. When one of the ringleaders told me that nobody who lives down the lane would talk to me anymore, I told him to keep up the good work and spread the message because I don't have anything to say to the likes of him, he left me with a stunned look on his face. lol
Sounds about right.
SnowyOwl comments on Dec 10, 2022:
If they can't pay to provide their customers with the proper training to do the job correctly then they can't expect them to do a proper job and be held accountable if the customer makes a mistake because they were too damn cheap to pay for trained cashiers in the first place.
I watched him every day... he was always a little tipsy?
SnowyOwl comments on Jan 24, 2023:
I learned the basics of cooking by watching him every day for a couple of years when I was in my early teens. The shows were shot 3 or 4 at a time, back to back and since Graham was always having a little splash of wine as he prepared the meal, he was pretty much sloshed by the last show of the day was shot.
I was always told that health care in Canada was paid for but hard to get for lack of doctors.
SnowyOwl comments on Mar 29, 2023:
As a 9th generation Canadian who has lived in many countries and has experience with the different healthcare options available, I can truthfully say that the Canadian system does have some problems and those problems are exasperated by the US system undermining the Canadian healthcare system. Go into most ER's in the USA and you are quite likely to find yourself being attended by a Canadian doctor or nurse who has moved to the USA for the climate and the extra cash. That said, I have received excellent health care in several latin american countries at a fraction of the cost of American healthcare, definitely the most expensive healthcare in the world in my experience. The US system is not only a disgustingly immoral way of treating the sick, it pilfers from other countries to prop up its system of medicine for profit and big pharma billionaires. I have never met a Canadian who went bankrupt or lost their home to keep a family member alive in a hospital but I've met far to many Americans who lost everything and then had to pull the plug when they ran out of money to feed the US medical system, what a bunch of bloodsuckers. If anything tells you that US politicians don't give a shit about their constituents, it's how they take money from Big Pharma and HMO's while turning away while Americans die because they can't afford medicine that is considered a fundamental human right in the rest of the civilized world.
It's not really drinkable no matter who is on the label.
SnowyOwl comments on Apr 4, 2023:
It's ironic that sexy woman are always portrayed in beer advertisements, beer not only diminishes male sexual performance but it diminishes judgment. Not only will the encounter be less than optimal but you are liable to wake up next to a 4 when you thought you went home with a 10, this applies equally to each party. ;)
General, Hellos & Goodbyes Well my friends and co site users, it’s time for me to leave.
SnowyOwl comments on Jun 2, 2021:
Au revoir, we'll always have Paris. Remember to visit.
Do you have a special talent?
SnowyOwl comments on Jun 5, 2021:
So you're a boy scout then?
Scary thought...
SnowyOwl comments on Jun 6, 2021:
Programming, lots and lots of programming.
Oh, man... what should I do!? run!
SnowyOwl comments on Jun 11, 2021:
Seems a bit like tilting at windmills. The nuns just aren't used to seeing a dick without a priest attached to it, sort of like two dicks for the price of one.
Are you really just mad at “God?
SnowyOwl comments on Jun 12, 2021:
I just love it when believers post this stupid shit, I can just imagine the shit spilling out of the sides of their mouths when they say this stupid crap and thinking that it's really good chocolate. :D
Cute mushrooms while out for a walk
SnowyOwl comments on Jun 20, 2021:
What's the colour of the spore print.
They don’t like decent and won’t let me post in their group, but this is funny. I love it.
SnowyOwl comments on Jun 21, 2021:
Poetic Justice for the Unjust.
SnowyOwl comments on Jul 15, 2021:
I think I will keep my gold in my safe for now, autumn leaves will be here in a few more months for free.
Invoking the Boogieman, the Holy Moley or whatever you want to call it.
SnowyOwl comments on Jul 20, 2021:
Rulers and Priests know the power of superstition and they use it to maintain their power over the weak minded and the ignorant.
Every Saturday night.
SnowyOwl comments on Jul 27, 2021:
Sunday night was The Wonderful World of Disney, followed by Tom Messer's Jubilee and then Lawrence Welk. Easy if you had to walk 10 miles to school in the morning, barefoot, uphill both ways. ;)
The FDA uses 'clear as mud' Doublespeak. []
SnowyOwl comments on Jul 29, 2021:
Ad hominem but these posts are as stupid as a sack of hammers. Maybe seek electroshock therapy instead of posting this pointless drivel?
I'm falling behind in my buying.
SnowyOwl comments on Aug 5, 2021:
Unread books are like possible new friends that you have connected with but not really had a chance to get to know in depth, yet.
Gppd to see we are still here.
SnowyOwl comments on Aug 14, 2021:
I must admit that I felt a little tingle in my shoulder at one point but it just turned out to be a pinched nerve.
I Don't Believe In Souls Or Spirits I don't have a soul, I am a soulless being.
SnowyOwl comments on Aug 15, 2021:
Very hard to prove the existence of something so intangible, you are probably right.
What scares you?
SnowyOwl comments on Aug 23, 2021:
I'm still gonna go with Werewolves, they'd eat that whiny little prick Dylan and spit out his bones in the course of a full moon. lol
Random Graphical Representation of Data.
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 5, 2021:
How many people in the survey had Ivermectin compared to the total population? When you compare apples and oranges you wind up with horse apples.
The FDA's misinformation campaign will eventually come back to bite them in their horse's ass.
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 5, 2021:
When you get Covid and the new variants will probably kill you, I'll say a prayer for you. See how much good that will do for you. ;)
Thought this might be of use as it pretty well sums up how we should look at elections and voting.
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 11, 2021:
I voted yesterday, voted Liberal for the first time in my life. It's not that I am a fan of Trudeau but I do see that this pandemic will likely get much worse before it gets much better and of the choices, Liberal is the best of an incompetent lot. Conservatives will doom so many to an early grave if left to run with the ball and the NDP won't win, in either case we need a majority government that is able to make tough decisions that are on the horizon. I like a minority government for the most part, it allows good policies to be put into place over a lengthy period of time as the minority players jockey for position but this is not the time for slow decisions but rather it requires the ability to be decisive and I think that is why Trudeau called this election. Either give his government the ability to take the necessary steps or let the Conservatives have a chance and watch the body count rise on their watch.
Vote here, eh.
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 11, 2021:
I look at the shit show to the south of our border and suddenly I don't feel so pessimistic about the candidates in this federal election.
(sarcasm) Let’s hear it for the US, Number one in guns.
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 13, 2021:
To be fair, the USofA is doing so much better on gun violence than places like El Salvador.
Evangelist Franklin Graham Trashes Lazy American Workers Over Labor Day MAGA right-wing ...
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 13, 2021:
Soft hands is how we describe lazy SOBs like Mr. Holy Roller, hired and fired by lunchtime on any of my projects.
Not sure how this ended up on my Facebook page but more absurdity.
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 13, 2021:
Algae, one of the most common species on the planet, the red variant being just a little unique but not in that area of the world with high salinity. Science is so stupid, religion and superstition is so smart. It actually looks more purple than blood red, maybe it was a bunch of cheap plonk dumped in the pond? I don't know.
Do we need academia to "teach" (indoctrinate) us as to what to think? []
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 18, 2021:
Fox News has indoctrination well in hand, put those fact based, logic based, white tower mandarins in the dust bin, let's get back to the good old days, also known as The Dark Ages.
It's a lot of walking
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 18, 2021:
But at least you won't feel tired or anything else for that matter - maybe insatiable hunger.
Strong arguments on homosexuality by bible believers against homophobic bible believers ...
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 20, 2021:
Leviticus is Old Testament and predates the New Testament - without a time traveling Tartus it would be hard for Jesus to say much about the Old Testament.
I've been live watching the volcano in La Palma.
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 26, 2021:
Very few people have witnessed a volcanic eruption, maybe one in a million but it is a spectacular event. I saw a small eruption in Costa Rica back in the early 2000's and it does leave a person feeling rather small compared to the geological forces of a planet.
Large comet is comming towards Earth, will not come in contact, not even close, but it is large.
SnowyOwl comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Send Jeff Bezos and that guy who owns Virgin Airlines.
The US has never defaulted on its debt — except the four times it did []
SnowyOwl comments on Oct 9, 2021:
Look here, if I have the gun and you don't then when I tell you I don't owe you the money that we both know I owe you, then you better sit up and listen to what I'm telling you. Mobsters are all the same, especially the really big ones like nation states with nuclear weapons. Try weaning your country off of the US fiat currency and go to a gold standard, see what happens next. Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi and a few others could tell but they can't because they are dead, assassinated by US forces.
I'll never think of it in any other way now - memories ruined.
SnowyOwl comments on Oct 14, 2021:
That flying turd that was built by a turd of a man has stirred up a media shit storm on the planet and for good reason. Billionaires that have exploited the planet's resources are now dabbling with the idea of attaining escape velocity so they can go off to exploit another planet and leave the rest of us behind to perish on a desert planet. Corporate greed at its most insane.
Great surprise and pleasure to see this morning.
SnowyOwl comments on Oct 19, 2021:
Young birds are usually quite comical, I had a scrap between some Blue Jays and some Robins today, all because a couple of late in the season Robin juveniles wouldn't wait their turn to get a drink at our little fountain. The Jenny Wrens and the Junkos (early for them) just hung around in the background waiting for the kerfuffle to blow over.
Pope Francis to visit Canada for indigenous reconciliation []
SnowyOwl comments on Oct 27, 2021:
The Pope and the rest of those religious bastards can go get fucked and there will be no official apology or compensation given I can assure you of that. These bastards are takers and they do not give refunds, even when they have taken away a whole way of life, committed genocide and stolen Billion$ if not Trillion$ in land grants from the very cultures that they helped to destroy. Not so much as a crumb will fall from the Pope's table as compensation.
Just making a point.
SnowyOwl comments on Oct 27, 2021:
Just like Smaug, he doesn't put anything back into the economy for people to live on but instead he sucks it out like a parasite and sits on it with a smug look on his face.
Let's go flying! [youtube.
SnowyOwl comments on Oct 28, 2021:
Going up in those flying kites is such great fun. I did it in the 90's in Calgary and had a blast. I do prefer hot air balloons though, so much more peaceful to float along like a cloud.
Honor Blackman in 'Goldfinger' - 1964
SnowyOwl comments on Oct 29, 2021:
Perkier than double perked coffee.
Here he comes....
SnowyOwl comments on Nov 2, 2021:
Star Force, here we come!
How dare you?..... Lol BS of country leaders at world summit
SnowyOwl comments on Nov 2, 2021:
The moment that their petro chemical donors decide to switch to green energy then there will be real change. It will be too little too late but there will be some knee jerk reaction, maybe more than that if the billionaires finally figure out that trying to live on Mars is a no go.
A little late for Halloween but a local posted this and thought it would fun to share.
SnowyOwl comments on Nov 6, 2021:
Cute note
In a world where there seems to be a crazy theory about practically everything, how many of the more...
SnowyOwl comments on Nov 10, 2021:
It's an anonymous poll and I appreciate the comments, not judging one way or the other. I do think that the Queen is the real woman of steel in Britain and wouldn't necessarily have Diana killed but would certainly be quite amused if it came to be, which it did.
A local is leaving and left a message and poem about how they feel about this place.
SnowyOwl comments on Nov 18, 2021:
I've lived on 4 islands over the years and they are full of special and interesting people, so nice and some not nice at all but they are never boring. I hope that you find a nice place on the mainland that fills you with joy.
Mixed emotion. Do we laugh or cry?
SnowyOwl comments on Nov 19, 2021:
The main reason that Americans need universal health care is to provide treatment for all the citizens with mental health issues and there seems to be a disproportionate amount of them.
Wednesday Addams - all grown up
SnowyOwl comments on Nov 21, 2021:
Why yes she is.
Thought some might like to get a view of how we travel in these parts.
SnowyOwl comments on Dec 2, 2021:
How we travel on Howe Island, electric fat tire bike on the little ferry which only holds 3 cars and a few bikes.
The truth is stronger than Jesus so just let the truth reveal itself.
SnowyOwl comments on Dec 10, 2021:
'For I am the way, the truth and the light' - Buddy What's His Name and De Other Feller
Some pets are much larger than others.
SnowyOwl comments on Dec 11, 2021:
A couple of years ago we were at the tail end of a really nice neighbourhood party and chatting with our fellow islanders, when Joan mentioned her cows. My wife said she thought that baby cows (calves) are the cutest things in the world and could she have one? Joan is a farmer and she just looked aghast at my wife and then her husban Joe "NO, I'm not giving you one of my calves, they are my bread and butter!'. I just chuckled to myself because I know a bit about farming and I know that my wife knows nothing about farming, so that's the difference. What my wife meant was that she would look after one of Joan's calves (baby cows) like a pet for free, become emotionally attached to said baby cow and then I would be stuck shovelling the cow shit into the compost pile on our 4 acre residence. What Joan heard was that my wife wanted to get a calf for nothing and then slaughter it for the meat come the fall. I was so happy for Joan's sensible farmer response to my wife's query (alcohol may have been a factor as it was a good party) but now I find that Joan and Joe aren't maintaining their fences and because I have an ancient apple copse in or backyard, we get all the cow shit we need around our property as their cows wander in and out of our yard to feed on our apples and our freshly mown grass. What bugs the hell out of me is when they stomp all through my garden and I think I may have to set a snare to catch one of these critters, hang it from one of the apple trees to drain and give Joan and Joe their share after I butcher it up and keep all the good bits.
SnowyOwl comments on Dec 12, 2021:
Incell post or just Evangelical?
Afraid of the vaccine? Think again snowflake! :-)
SnowyOwl comments on Dec 14, 2021:
Good enough for a poke or two, just remember to stay safe and use protection.
Prompted by the disbelief of one of our members that atheists would ever visit a theist site, I ...
SnowyOwl comments on Dec 15, 2021:
By visiting a theist site does that mean going to Xmas dinner with my family? I don't do that anymore.
The Aussie answer to both the Christfool Road menace and the Christfool Road Hazards.
SnowyOwl comments on Dec 17, 2021:
Is that a Disco? I used to own an 98' Disco, now I'm driving an 07' RR 322L SC - talk about a glutton for punishment.
Nothing about fear.
SnowyOwl comments on Dec 31, 2021:
Last night I dreamt that a nuclear warhead landed just beyond the horizon and I was left to try and figure a way out of this no win scenario. Life is a no win scenario, in the end we all die but how we live between birth and death makes all the difference. This is something that god botherers who spend their life on their knees praying for salvation that will never come do not seem to understand.
Trump has been telling the truth all along about Fake News and Witch Hunts the whole time, he is a ...
SnowyOwl comments on Jan 6, 2022:
No disrespect to actual Wiccans who I have generally found to be quite nice but I meant the Wizard of Oz version, sort of a fairytale villain. Trump may be a buffoon but he does a great deal of evil and spreads lies faster than Omicron spreads the virus.
Hmmm, wonder why that is?
SnowyOwl comments on Jan 18, 2022:
Since this fictional character wasn't created until the 2nd Xstian century, that makes complete sense.
I love ethnic food!!! I've got to give this a try!!! Indian doctors warn against eating cow dung ...
SnowyOwl comments on Jan 18, 2022:
Considering that the cow is a sacred animal in the Hindu religion and that Xstians are proposing taking the blood of the little baby Jesus as a defense - I'm going to give 3 points to the Hindus.
I just saw this post on the Conservative forum, which of course I can't respond to as a non-member.
SnowyOwl comments on Jan 27, 2022:
I just love how he spelled US as Us, as in the country only belongs to the Republicans. Loonie Tunes.
Is this true? Were you experimentally dangerous when young?
SnowyOwl comments on Jan 28, 2022:
I have always been fascinated by how things work and approached things scientifically, my experiments tend to be less dangerous but only because I now have more knowledge than I did as a child. We used to make black powder bombs with homemade black powder, first with lit fuses and later with electric detonators but later in life when I required explosives on a heavy construction job I would bring in professional powder monkeys to do the job with blast mats. Just as an example. It's not dangerous if you know what you are doing.
Hopefully we can all agree on this
SnowyOwl comments on Jan 29, 2022:
Looks like the February blahs arrived early this year and the fringe is out waving flags and putting each other in danger by deliberately not following safety protocols. They came through Kingston yesterday and it is a miracle that none of the people crowding the overpasses weren't injured. I expect we will see a big spike in Omicron Cases next week from this super spreader event. The part that really annoys me is that a lot of Canadian Armed Forces veterans are involved in this foolish and reckless behavior and they should know better. The serving members of the forces have been exemplary in following protocols because as one young officer told me 'If things get really bad and we are called in to protect public safety then we have to set the right example in the first place.'
Ottawa police are making a good case to be defunded []
SnowyOwl comments on Feb 6, 2022:
The Conservatives just got rid of their leader, O'Toole because he didn't cuddle up to the White Supremacists and other hate groups that are behind this convoy of the disillusioned, that speaks volumes to where the Conservatives have gone.
On the steps of the Vatican each and every day.
SnowyOwl comments on Feb 7, 2022:
LMFAO! easily the best one so far this month.
Not really a joke but I have used it on religious friends
SnowyOwl comments on Feb 9, 2022:
When considering the possibility, however remote, of a creator god making itself known to me in real terms and not seeing the light or some other foolishness; I have to wonder what I would do but I am quite certain that dropping to my knees and offering prayers is not an option for me personally.
There's a test for that.
SnowyOwl comments on Feb 9, 2022:
I didn't realize that science had come up with a test for being a Total Fucking Asshole and yet there you have it. I am amazed.
And we have a winner.
SnowyOwl comments on Feb 18, 2022:
I have to wonder, did the wobble in the line happen as he came past the log and tried to realign or did it wobble because he spotted the log and wasn't sure if he should move it before deciding to just say Fuck it, not my job and scooted around it.
So that's why it takes so long.
SnowyOwl comments on Feb 19, 2022:
What's the difference between a donkey and a jackass? I can't recall exactly but I am sure there must be some way to differentiate between the two. ;)
All about that steam power baby. []
SnowyOwl comments on Feb 22, 2022:
A very pleasant way to spend a half an hour. Thanks for sharing this.
Laundry art
SnowyOwl comments on Feb 24, 2022:
Aqualung my friend, don't you slide away uneasy.
The government creates laws and regulations to protect us from what it would do to us without laws ...
SnowyOwl comments on Mar 26, 2022:
It's clear that Ayn Rand, Paul Ryan and Rand Paul have not died from drinking tainted alcohol, yet. There was a time before health and safety regulations were drafted and enforced when it was not that uncommon to hear of people becoming ill, going blind or even dying from drinking tainted alcohol. The wood alcohol that is toxic comes off of the first segment of distillation and moonshiners would often try and make the cut as close to that first segment before the drinkable alcohol would be distilled. A little of that wood alcohol will give you a bad hangover and some liver damage, hence the term rot gut whisky but too much and you are going to suffer permanent damage. The people who were behind poisoning alcohol to enforce prohibition were largely linked to the Temperance movement which had its stronghold in conservative religious groups who were dead set against alcohol, not social progressives.
Not everyone could afford a sword, they had to make do…
SnowyOwl comments on Apr 5, 2022:
When you tell the condemned person to grab that shovel and start digging their own grave, well you just gave them a weapon.
Meme dump
SnowyOwl comments on Apr 6, 2022:
We're all fucked but some of us are more fucked than others, so the muses are correct, depending upon which ears they are whispering into, ;)
It is human nature to follow the path of least resistance, the easiest path.
SnowyOwl comments on Apr 11, 2022:
I have found that in this life, most people would prefer to follow the other lemmings for a sense of belonging and gleefully run off a cliff. (yes, I know, Disney) As for me, I prefer the road less traveled, the people you meet along the way are much more interesting and it's not as if any of us are getting out of this life, alive.
Chicken Thighs with Hunter's Sauce or Poulet Chasseur (because everything sounds more haute cuisine ...
SnowyOwl comments on Apr 29, 2022:
My wife finished off the leftover sauce for lunch today, the chicken thighs didn't make it through the initial dinner.


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