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I built the Writer's Cottage at David Bowie's place in Mustique, it blows me away that the low ...
Marionville comments on Sep 27, 2021:
You built it…are you an architect or a builder? It looks wonderful…but a bit too rich for me sadly!
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 27, 2021:
I'm a Master Builder retired as my grandfather was before me. I hire architects and engineers but they don't hire me. People often get that backwards because they assume the professionals lead the way, from experience I can tell you that it is not the case. Architects dream lovely dreams and Engineers are good at crunching numbers but it is the Master Builders who get things built, co-ordinate the tradesmen and the bankers and the lawyers in order to get the drawings turned into actual buildings.
We lived in Ecuador for a couple of years, a beautiful country and it was very close to being our ...
rogerbenham comments on Sep 26, 2021:
I feel that I have seen this before.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 26, 2021:
Well it's a long way from Smithers (been there while I was renovating the Fraser Inn) but it is a nice song, so maybe you have.
I've been live watching the volcano in La Palma.
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 26, 2021:
I'm hoping that part of the cone doesn't collapse and create a tsunami. It's a remote possibility but it would have potentially devestating consequences for many coastal cities.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 26, 2021:
@Willow_Wisp Two very different events and Bin Laden couldn't produce anything near the cataclysmic force of a tsunami generated by a volcano collapsing and setting off that sort of destruction. The Yellowstone area is a probable source of a super volcano eruption that would devastate North America and much of the planet the way Krakatoa did a few centuries back. Geological events happen in geological time which is much longer than what humans can easily comprehend for the most part but these events do occur and on a more regular basis than we would like to believe. Imagine the aftermath of a 600' high wall of sea water hitting the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, that's the potential but it is unlikely.
I stopped at Mickey D's to grab a breakfast burrito meal with a small coffee regular and extra ...
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 23, 2021:
I'm not sure why the pic is rotated 90 degrees but maybe it's got the devil in it. lol
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 23, 2021:
@FrayedBear definitely not the time to pop the top. Maybe I could launch a lawsuit and make a Million Dollars but I doubt it. Xstian jury would find it was the fault of the Devil. lol
Canada's Trudeau Wins Another Minority In Federal Election, Claims 'Clear Mandate' | Reuters
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 21, 2021:
Trudeau's Liberal Party actually gained 3 more seats and it does give a clearer mandate compared to the claims that the Conservative Party have been trying to talk up, that Trudeau no longer has the confidence of Canadians. I voted Liberal for the first time in my life, in this election.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 21, 2021:
@barjoe Statistically the US Senate has an equal number of Republican Senators but they represent 12.5% less of the US voters, so that is even more significant a divide. I am politically conservative/libertarian and yet I still managed to vote Liberal for the first time in my life because it was the right thing to do considering how botched the conservative response to the virus has been with anti-vaxxer protests and conservative premiers flaunting covid protocols and this has lead to massive outbreaks in their provinces.
Canada's Trudeau Wins Another Minority In Federal Election, Claims 'Clear Mandate' | Reuters
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 21, 2021:
Trudeau's Liberal Party actually gained 3 more seats and it does give a clearer mandate compared to the claims that the Conservative Party have been trying to talk up, that Trudeau no longer has the confidence of Canadians. I voted Liberal for the first time in my life, in this election.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 21, 2021:
@barjoe Things are a little different in a country with 6 parties running for office.
Strong arguments on homosexuality by bible believers against homophobic bible believers ...
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 20, 2021:
Leviticus is Old Testament and predates the New Testament - without a time traveling Tartus it would be hard for Jesus to say much about the Old Testament.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 20, 2021:
@Ryo1 I have now that you pointed it out (they tend to fade into the background) but it doesn't reconcile what Jesus would do, assuming that Jesus ever existed and was not just a construct of the time. Buggering little boys is never a good thing, or little girls for that matter. There is an age of consent that has meandered about a bit over the centuries but I think that most people know the difference between an adult and a child. Cross over that line at your own peril.
Ivermectim: The alternative for people allergic to reality.
JackPedigo comments on Sep 8, 2021:
I think the world has gotten too complicated for people and the slow ones can't get it. The only complex issues they try to understand are conspiracy theories.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 20, 2021:
@MikeInBatonRouge To thine ownself be true. Somebody said this and it made sense, maybe Gilligan from Gilligans Island or that Noble Bard guy that everyone is so fussed about.
Camel Tow ( I's actually a dromedary)
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 19, 2021:
In Canada we call it a Moose Knuckle.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 20, 2021:
@NostraDumbass Not in the Lower Mainland possibly but in the other country to the East of the Rockies, yeah we really do.
Ivermectim: The alternative for people allergic to reality.
JackPedigo comments on Sep 8, 2021:
I think the world has gotten too complicated for people and the slow ones can't get it. The only complex issues they try to understand are conspiracy theories.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 19, 2021:
@MikeInBatonRouge you need to get out of Baton Rouge, you're like Einstein being locked up in the insane asylum in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest.
Second time the charm - right?
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 17, 2021:
Conservatives followed Harper down a rabbit hole and I hope they never find their way back into office.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 17, 2021:
@Lilac-JadeCanada me too and I am ashamed to say that I gave money to Stephen Harper when he was just starting out, what a horrible PM.
Of course this was posted in a private group, since anti-vaxxers aren't actually interested in ...
Julie808 comments on Sep 17, 2021:
Yep, it would be a quick sky diving trip without the chute!
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 17, 2021:
It has been done before but rarely twice. ;)
As a Canadian who has traveled through more states of the union than most Americans this is spot on.
CallMeDave comments on Sep 14, 2021:
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 16, 2021:
@CallMeDave Alaska and Hawaii are definitely destination locations
Are vaccination passports and putting unvaccinated Covid patients to the bottom of the triage queue ...
powder comments on Sep 15, 2021:
You understand it is a world wide pandemic? You understand the vaccines are not stopping transmission? Western countries are hoarding all the medicine allowing the 3rd world to act as "petri dishes" to keep the virus alive. But it's fun being able to direct anger at fellow citizens who luckily ...
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 15, 2021:
I am well aware that the Earth is a closed system, a fish bowl if you like and if the goldfish pisses in one corner it will eventually be drinking that piss on the other side of the bowl. A person in a 3rd world country who would very much like the vaccine is denied it as shots remain on the shelf because 1st world people don't want to take the shot. Both issues are important but one is about supply issues and the other is about ignorance and selfishness. I have yet to see people not eating Chicken McNuggets or Hotdogs because they don't know what's in them or the science behind them - knowing what's in them is why I am very particular about eating hotdogs and why I never eat chicken McNuggets.
Are vaccination passports and putting unvaccinated Covid patients to the bottom of the triage queue ...
SeaGreenEyez comments on Sep 15, 2021:
I feel more extreme than simply putting them to the bottom of the queue. If they refuse to vaccinate, they need to stay the fuck home if/when they feel sick. If someone doesn't trust the vaccine, they aren't entitled to professional health care providers should they become ill. PERIOD. They ...
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 15, 2021:
@SeaGreenEyez Surely we can offer them two aspirin and call me in the morning if you are still around tomorrow. Let's not be inhumane. ;)
Are vaccination passports and putting unvaccinated Covid patients to the bottom of the triage queue ...
273kelvin comments on Sep 15, 2021:
Triage is not who is the sickest or some kind of class system. It is those who are most likely to survive given limited resources. If the unvaccinated tend to end up losing out? It will be because they have less chance of making it.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 15, 2021:
More correctly, they will have less chance of making it because the current resources are being stressed to the maximum by those who are willfully putting themselves and others at risk. Similar but not the same.
As a Canadian who has traveled through more states of the union than most Americans this is spot on.
CallMeDave comments on Sep 14, 2021:
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 15, 2021:
@CallMeDave I've been down there and a lot more besides, travel is a great eye opener. I have visited 46 states and lived in a few as well, generally the people are kind and generous but the government tends to keep slipping towards goose stepping.
Are vaccination passports and putting unvaccinated Covid patients to the bottom of the triage queue ...
SeaGreenEyez comments on Sep 15, 2021:
I feel more extreme than simply putting them to the bottom of the queue. If they refuse to vaccinate, they need to stay the fuck home if/when they feel sick. If someone doesn't trust the vaccine, they aren't entitled to professional health care providers should they become ill. PERIOD. They ...
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 15, 2021:
Triage for the unvaccinated could be done in MASH tents set up in the parking lots of the hospitals, that way we could keep an eye on them, provide basic care but not ventilators or other procedures that required too much manpower. They would be isolated outdoors so that would free up the space in the hospitals for other and more urgent procedures. Religious leaders would be welcome to visit the MASH tents and use faith healing, prayer and the laying on of hands, maybe even pass around a rattlesnake or two. Innocent people should not be dying of treatable diseases because of the poor decisions of a bunch of asshats.
As a Canadian who has traveled through more states of the union than most Americans this is spot on.
Matias comments on Sep 14, 2021:
How the USA sees the rest of the world: "WHAT ?"
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 15, 2021:
How the rest of the world sees the USA.
As a Canadian who has traveled through more states of the union than most Americans this is spot on.
CallMeDave comments on Sep 14, 2021:
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 15, 2021:
The area labeled French is actually the most AngloSaxon region of Canada, Quebec (originally New France) is the province to the east that is labeled as snow. Alberta is famous for Oil, especially the Tar Sands but not for beer, beef but not beer. Washington/Oregon/Alaska plus an island larger than many US states and of course the Rockies would better describe British Columbia or just BC Bud would also work, very high grade pot growing. The Maritimes are like New England but with a sense of humour. etc etc
It's been one month since changing the light timer to 12 on 12 off for my Green Girls.
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 13, 2021:
Very nice, my crop is pushing up against the top of the hot house, so 7' plus but they still need to get more golden and thicken up instead of just pop corn buds. Harvested a few today and will thin out the crop a bit next week.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 14, 2021:
@OldGoat43 I was thinking about using a compost heap with a coil of pipe to transfer the heat from the decomposition of organic matter into the green house this winter. At least for cold hardy plants that will survive under row cover ala Elliot Coleman who grows year round in the same climate zone as I am in 5a.
These sorts of discussions tend to give me a headache, so I tend to avoid them and just say 'You ...
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Sep 13, 2021:
I ask them what the stats/facts are to support their claims. If they say, "I read it on the Internet" or "Joe down the street told me," I tell them that unless they have facts from qualified and recognized experts in the field with articles published in peer-reviewed journals, I am not discussing ...
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 13, 2021:
@Gwendolyn2018 Such a bad kitten, keep up the good work. lol
These sorts of discussions tend to give me a headache, so I tend to avoid them and just say 'You ...
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Sep 13, 2021:
I ask them what the stats/facts are to support their claims. If they say, "I read it on the Internet" or "Joe down the street told me," I tell them that unless they have facts from qualified and recognized experts in the field with articles published in peer-reviewed journals, I am not discussing ...
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 13, 2021:
@Gwendolyn2018 No reason to suffer them at all. Tell them to go piss up a rope and then get out of there before the idiots try to do it. lol
These sorts of discussions tend to give me a headache, so I tend to avoid them and just say 'You ...
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Sep 13, 2021:
I ask them what the stats/facts are to support their claims. If they say, "I read it on the Internet" or "Joe down the street told me," I tell them that unless they have facts from qualified and recognized experts in the field with articles published in peer-reviewed journals, I am not discussing ...
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 13, 2021:
It does grow tiresome, quickly.
It sounds just a little less crazy when you couch it in old English but still pretty bat shit crazy ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 13, 2021:
Yup. And the catholics believe they eat and drink it every week.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 13, 2021:
@Beowulfsfriend I find it interesting that Protestant Xstians and Catholic Xstians love to differentiate between their mutual form of crazy by picking nits. Religitards are the same regardless of their various stripes, it's always delusional thinking, faith based, logic deprived thinking.
Quando, quando, quando??
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 13, 2021:
Qien Sabe?
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 13, 2021:
@BirdMan1 No se.
It sounds just a little less crazy when you couch it in old English but still pretty bat shit crazy ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Sep 13, 2021:
Yup. And the catholics believe they eat and drink it every week.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 13, 2021:
Like an episode of The Walking Dead then?
US Pastors have finally started supporting vaccinations.
Julie808 comments on Sep 12, 2021:
They might not be issuing cards with ink on paper, but I know of pastors here who seem to be laughing at the pandemic, teaching their flock that if God wants them to get sick, die or be spared, there is nothing that a vaccine can do to change that. Trust in the Lord in his infinite wisdom, rather ...
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 12, 2021:
I was surprised to discover that the JW's were toeing the line on taking proper precautions and getting vaccinated, orders for HQ. My mother is a JW and in her mid 80's so for once I was relieved that she is religious as I don't think she would have had the jab otherwise.
US Pastors have finally started supporting vaccinations.
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 12, 2021:
I am shocked, amazed, and quite surprised to find the word "vaccinated" in the buybull. I read that sucker three times front to back, and chronological order and NEVER saw that word in there. Must have been a version not available to me.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 12, 2021:
I expect the pastor would say it was more of a metaphor. lol
Being "unique" may not be a good thing.
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 8, 2021:
It still makes you special in a mundane world, being useful is overrated for the most part. Prison guards are useful and so are toilet brushes, no big deal.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 9, 2021:
@p-nullifidian Prison guards are useful and so are toilet brushes, so are a lot of things, it's a statement and not a comparison. Make yourself more useful, than a toilet brush.
I suppose we'll find out just who eats who when the 8th wave hits. :D
Paul4747 comments on Sep 7, 2021:
That's what I was hoping to see when *Survivor* first came out. Man, was I disappointed.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 8, 2021:
@Diagoras They're Keto so they are on my menu.
I suppose we'll find out just who eats who when the 8th wave hits. :D
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 8, 2021:
The many of bad people are running the world. Many of the good people are locked up. The bad people greed will eat up anything and are more cunting than the vast majority(not really intelligence) Then their is highest level of integrity and intelligence, that earn good money and balance enough and ...
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 8, 2021:
I'm all in on the cunting.
Random Graphical Representation of Data.
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 5, 2021:
How many people in the survey had Ivermectin compared to the total population? When you compare apples and oranges you wind up with horse apples.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 7, 2021:
@BDair I just sent a little prayer to Satan than he might provide you with a 12 guage shotgun to stick up your ass in order to clear your mind. Think happy thoughts. lol
Random Graphical Representation of Data.
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 5, 2021:
How many people in the survey had Ivermectin compared to the total population? When you compare apples and oranges you wind up with horse apples.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 7, 2021:
@BDair you might find that putting a 12 guage up your ass will clear your mind, keep pulling the trigger until all you hear is Click.
Random Graphical Representation of Data.
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 5, 2021:
How many people in the survey had Ivermectin compared to the total population? When you compare apples and oranges you wind up with horse apples.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 7, 2021:
@BDair I'm a scientist, I don't put bleach up my ass. Preparation H if the situation requires but chlorox up the wazzoo, that's just fucking retarded.
Random Graphical Representation of Data.
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 5, 2021:
How many people in the survey had Ivermectin compared to the total population? When you compare apples and oranges you wind up with horse apples.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 7, 2021:
@BDair Have you tried Clorox suppositories? I'm told they will clean you from top to bottom.
I coming to be of the opinion that if people want to choose not to protect themselves and others ...
Pralina1 comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Does not work like that 🙁 66 yr old transferred to me from another hospital last night . Overall healthy without significant / alarming history . He was working on his motorcycle , motorcycle failed on him and crushed his left foot . Has a displace and closed fracture , he is in pain , w blood ...
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 6, 2021:
You are a gem and an underappreciated gem at that, I was actually thinking about you and your situation in general when I made this post. Life is often unfair, generally cruel and yet there are bright spots as well; people like yourself really. Stay strong, stay healthy and realize that the coming waves are going to be a shit storm of epic proportions because historically that's what happens with epidemics when things go pear shaped. If things get completely out of control then I suggest you do what Shakespeare suggested - To thine ownself be true.
Hallelujah! We're Saved! Pass that Viper around the Congregation and Test Your Faith.
FrayedBear comments on Sep 6, 2021:
I've just been watching a tv program on Australian deadly beasties. The box jelly fish sounds promising. It can cause death in minutes by stopping the heart. Each mid sized on has sufficient poison to kill 60.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 6, 2021:
Spread the word, box jellies are the key to salvation. lol
I mean I wouldn't visit either...
SnowyOwl comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Good Advice, never visit a prison planet. lol
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 6, 2021:
We were wondering about our new home on a nice island in the St. Lawrence River until a neighbour set us straight - he explained that the major city in the area was a prison city, the economy runs on prisons, the military and universities. There's a mindset that goes with all of these institutions and it doesn't allow for freethinkers.
Hallelujah! We're Saved! Pass that Viper around the Congregation and Test Your Faith.
Marionville comments on Sep 6, 2021:
…this is gonna wipe out a whole congregation at a time!
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 6, 2021:
Let's hope, maybe gunplay to try and kill the snake will result in further casualties, those Texan Churches do like open carry rights. lol
I coming to be of the opinion that if people want to choose not to protect themselves and others ...
Redneckliberal comments on Sep 5, 2021:
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 6, 2021:
@FrayedBear I'm surprisingly qualified with 3 years of microbiology and genetics studies under my belt, just enough to know that I'm no expert, that most of the stuff on the internet is total bullshit and that the behavior of viruses hasn't changed in billions of years.
Imagine being a doctor or nurse who is trying to treat people who are dying from the Covid virus and...
FrayedBear comments on Sep 6, 2021:
The same has happened on this site with a number of good members on here driven out by intolerant chattering class stupids.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 6, 2021:
To be honest I often wonder just where you are coming from FB. There are some really interesting people on this site and also a few dim bulbs but generally a much higher level of discourse than when dealing with the general population. I'll keep coming back so long as there are interesting people on this site.
I coming to be of the opinion that if people want to choose not to protect themselves and others ...
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 6, 2021:
After 6 to 8 months the vaccines really kick in. Like in Israel where most hospitalized covid victims are vaccined. Since Israel was the most vaccined country in the world. Which is a sure sign the booster shot will be much worst in hospitalized serious and dead victims from vaccined in the dark ...
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 6, 2021:
Don't you think that 15% is setting bar rather low? Neutron bombs would have been so much more cost effective and the Elites could get advance notice to remove their assets from the effected areas in advance. It could be spun on FOX as solar flares or some such bunk. The numbers just don't add up, from a cost benefit analysis perspective the COVID angle just doesn't work for me and it is too indiscriminate a system that could easily get out of hand. A good conspiracy theory should make good economic sense and this one doesn't.
I'll take John Wicks as Jesus over Obi Wan Kenobi any day.
UrsiMajor comments on Sep 5, 2021:
It's not?
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 5, 2021:
@UrsiMajor I only saw the trailer, seemed too religious for my tastes, all Catholic ritual sort of stuff, gives me the heeby jeebies. lol
Imagine being a doctor or nurse who is trying to treat people who are dying from the Covid virus and...
dalefvictor comments on Sep 5, 2021:
No one every said life was easy. I one is in the medical profession and they are able to help a hurt person it is their job to do so. I have no idea how one keeps sane while they do this. It is like hunting dragons one is in charge of feeding and caring for. Kind of absurd.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 5, 2021:
Just as we need more doctors and nurses, many are throwing in the towel because too many of us expect far too much from them.
I coming to be of the opinion that if people want to choose not to protect themselves and others ...
racocn8 comments on Sep 5, 2021:
The principles of triage are based on survivability and don't take into account how the patients came to be in need. From the perspective that does consider the outrageousness of their behavior, the principles of triage seem unfair. The anti-vax conduct is so offensive that it does invite the ...
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 5, 2021:
@racocn8 As a Canadian I can't wait for winter to arrive, it will give us some breathing room in the hopes that our dumb as fuck cousins to the south will kill each other off before they decide to turn on us.
I coming to be of the opinion that if people want to choose not to protect themselves and others ...
dalefvictor comments on Sep 5, 2021:
I have come to the conclusion that the Conservatives want to be in control of the country so bad they do not care what happens to it. They are not concerned with the lives of the people they are supposedly representing, nor do they have an economic understanding or program that gets the Nation past ...
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 5, 2021:
As a lefty Libertarian, I long ago came to the conclusion that the Lefties give at least a semblance of caring about their fellow man and the Righties have never cared about anything but money, power and their pet.
I'll take John Wicks as Jesus over Obi Wan Kenobi any day.
UrsiMajor comments on Sep 5, 2021:
It's not?
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 5, 2021:
According to the Bibble, JC will make John Wick look like a pussy cat but that's fairy tales for you.
I coming to be of the opinion that if people want to choose not to protect themselves and others ...
racocn8 comments on Sep 5, 2021:
The principles of triage are based on survivability and don't take into account how the patients came to be in need. From the perspective that does consider the outrageousness of their behavior, the principles of triage seem unfair. The anti-vax conduct is so offensive that it does invite the ...
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 5, 2021:
Epidemics have historically proven that once the health care system is overrun then pandemonium breaks loose. Triage be damned, the very people who are bringing this down upon themselves and others should be held responsible for their actions. Maybe some of them will wake the fuck up.
I coming to be of the opinion that if people want to choose not to protect themselves and others ...
Redneckliberal comments on Sep 5, 2021:
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 5, 2021:
@FrayedBear Are you vaccinated FB? If you are not then that's your business but I don't want to hear about it.
I coming to be of the opinion that if people want to choose not to protect themselves and others ...
Redneckliberal comments on Sep 5, 2021:
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 5, 2021:
@Redneckliberal probably why so many people take that option, easy way out, path of least resistance - of course it goes no where good.
I coming to be of the opinion that if people want to choose not to protect themselves and others ...
Redneckliberal comments on Sep 5, 2021:
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 5, 2021:
Reality is often harsh, that's why most people prefer to live in a world of delusions. Religion remains popular for a reason and it isn't a logical one. What is really harsh is when someone is injured through no fault of their own but they are turned away because all the ICU beds are full, all of the nurses and doctors are burnt out and all of this because some idiots decided that it was better to take aquarium chemicals or animal dewormer and they are now occupying all of the available ICU beds.
Isn't this what most conflict comes down to?
Fletch comments on Sep 3, 2021:
This is a great post. I was so upset today at an ignorant post on YouTube claiming that Biden is solely responsible for the Afghanistan debacle. I don't like to get into online debates with people but the wackos are really out in force and I couldn't help it. People just want to make up their own ...
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 3, 2021:
@Fletch I rise to the bait on occasion myself but I do my best to try not to because there really isn't much point trying to debate a point with a person who is so immature that they cannot even consider a point of view that is different from their own.
Isn't this what most conflict comes down to?
Lorajay comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Fear and dislike of the "other,and the unknown is definitely fuel for fire but greed often builds the fire.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 3, 2021:
I often find that the greedy are very adept at feeding the fire in order to play both sides off against each other and make a tidy profit in the bargain. There's a word for those sorts of people, pond scum.
Isn't this what most conflict comes down to?
Fletch comments on Sep 3, 2021:
This is a great post. I was so upset today at an ignorant post on YouTube claiming that Biden is solely responsible for the Afghanistan debacle. I don't like to get into online debates with people but the wackos are really out in force and I couldn't help it. People just want to make up their own ...
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 3, 2021:
Everywhere you go, there they are - Frickin Idjits! lol
My daughter in law came over wearing a shirt that said: UNMASKED UNMUZZLED UNVACCINATED ...
Killtheskyfairy comments on Sep 1, 2021:
Unintelligent, unpleasant, unwise, unfair, unhinged, unnecessary…we can all play that game.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 1, 2021:
Uncaring and unacceptable.
Focusing on the Problem!!!!!!: Is there any legal way to shut these bastards up? []
SnowyOwl comments on Aug 31, 2021:
Usually there is a lone gunman involved in these sorts of scenarios, at least in the US of A.
SnowyOwl replies on Sep 1, 2021:
@TomMcGiverin It sounds very Roman.
Wanted to assert his freedom.
SnowyOwl comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Clearly not PADI certified. :)
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 28, 2021:
@barjoe Guess you're not certified either then, I am.
Interesting sentiment.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Old ass meme. 4.49 million now.
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 28, 2021:
@Willow_Wisp I found that to be a bit of a toss up, myself. Was she actually thanking the Holy Moley for killing others instead of herself the way many Evangelicals praise the Lord after a tornado takes out their neighbours but they are left without a scratch or was she more along the lines of an Atheist speaking sarcastically out of frustration with all of these Covidiots. We could ask Asuka but she's been incinerated in a Covid approved mortuary.
Interesting sentiment.
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Old ass meme. 4.49 million now.
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 28, 2021:
Asuko Saito is now gone, the Covid took her on Angel's Wings, right down into the fiery abyss so she could hang out with all her friends in a nice warm place. ;)
He did that
SnowyOwl comments on Aug 24, 2021:
It amazes me that some morons still think that politicians that are bought and paid for by big business interests are running the economy that big businesses have been in control of for ages. That's like blaming the manager of a Walmart for the prices that are being set by head office.
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 25, 2021:
@CourtJester nice to see that the peanut gallery is still full of nuts. :)
Just stolen from fbuk.
MattHardy comments on Aug 24, 2021:
I agree with sentiment but my inner pedant is screaming that "decimated" originally means to reduce by 10% Annihilate would be better.
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 24, 2021:
That makes perfect sense when you think about it but I have always thought of it as only 10% left and 90% decimated. Glad you were able to help clear that up. (y)
Never, ever, tell! Lol
SnowyOwl comments on Aug 23, 2021:
No se y no tengo nada.
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 24, 2021:
@MichelleGar1 Claro
What scares you?
SnowyOwl comments on Aug 23, 2021:
I'm still gonna go with Werewolves, they'd eat that whiny little prick Dylan and spit out his bones in the course of a full moon. lol
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 24, 2021:
@GeorgeRocheleau Werewolves prefer cooler climates and are not strong swimmers so that may account for the lack of shark/werewolf interaction. Ditto for the sharks that are unlikely to be found flopping about in arboreal forest regions. ;)
What scares you?
SnowyOwl comments on Aug 23, 2021:
I'm still gonna go with Werewolves, they'd eat that whiny little prick Dylan and spit out his bones in the course of a full moon. lol
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 23, 2021:
Just as an FYI, sharks are a cakewalk compared to werewolves. ;)
Whatever works
AnneWimsey comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Tell 'em Nothing, we are vaxxed, let Nature take its course
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 23, 2021:
@AnneWimsey I didn't get the flu shot because (a) I wasn't part of the at risk group (b) I have a healthy lifestyle and no underlying risk conditions and (c) the flu shot is often hit and miss because the Influenza virus has the ability to morph dramatically but the flu shots have become a cash cow for the pharmaceutical industry and they shoot for the middle ground but often miss. If smart people get vaccinated it still doesn't eliminate the half of the population that allows themselves to be a breeding ground for the virus and further allows for the development of new strains of the virus that can jump the vaccination barrier. It would be nice if there were a Stupidity Virus that only eliminated the Fuckwits of the world but that's not how microbiology works.
Whatever works
AnneWimsey comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Tell 'em Nothing, we are vaxxed, let Nature take its course
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 23, 2021:
@AnneWimsey So what? I have never had a flu shot but I am trained as a microbiologist and therefore I got the double jab for Covid and I will be expecting booster shots to come along as the Covidiots continue to deny the virus and refuse to be vaccinated, this will of course allow for more variants of the virus which will require boosters until the Covidiot Petri Dish exterminates itself and a lot of smart people along with them.
Should have kicked them all the fuck out over a century ago....
SnowyOwl comments on Aug 22, 2021:
They should be sent to Liberia, the same place they sent the freed slaves they no longer wanted around. They can get all racist over in Africa, see how it works out for them.
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 23, 2021:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Iraq or Afghanistan might take them if there was a monetary incentive but Saudi Arabia doesn't need the money at the moment.
Whatever works
AnneWimsey comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Tell 'em Nothing, we are vaxxed, let Nature take its course
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 23, 2021:
@AnneWimsey Which one? This is a coronavirus so very closely related to the Influenza virus. I expect this to go on for decades because once you let the genie out of the bottle it keeps morphing so you can't put it back in.
Whatever works
AnneWimsey comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Tell 'em Nothing, we are vaxxed, let Nature take its course
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 22, 2021:
If only it worked that way but unfortunately it just means that they provide a breeding ground for new and more deadly variants that can leap the vaccination barrier. Sure a lot of the stupids will die but they will take a lot more of us with them because they are walking petri dishes for the virus.
Testing out my map making skills
St-Sinner comments on Aug 22, 2021:
Why Southern Texas and Florida are not included?
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 22, 2021:
I suppose the higher concentrations of Mexicans and Cubans help to balance out the KKK insanity.
Latin isn't always superior
SnowyOwl comments on Aug 18, 2021:
I've met a few fiery librarians, they will burn your ass if you aren't careful.
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 18, 2021:
@FrayedBear Most librarians tend to be wound a bit too tight for comfort, at least in my experience.
I hope that logic was finally able to make sense of the nonsensical. :)
KateOahu comments on Aug 18, 2021:
It does for Christians.
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 18, 2021:
Xstians can think logically? Who knew? lol
I hope that logic was finally able to make sense of the nonsensical. :)
Mooolah comments on Aug 18, 2021:
Makes sense if one doesn't think.
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 18, 2021:
Thinky Pains are a problem for a lot people these days, that's why they avoid them. lol
So I'm watching the Olympics tonight (Aug 3) and those two talented women ran and won medals, and ...
MrDragon comments on Aug 4, 2021:
Well, regardless of how we would like to see it the reality is this is a religious world.
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 13, 2021:
@MrDragon well of course it is, if you are an Amerikaan. There's a whole world out there that doesn't give a tinkers damn about what Amerikaans think or do so long as they stay home, thankfully most of them don't even have a passport or a desire to travel outside of their own state. Win Win (y)
So I'm watching the Olympics tonight (Aug 3) and those two talented women ran and won medals, and ...
MrDragon comments on Aug 4, 2021:
Well, regardless of how we would like to see it the reality is this is a religious world.
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 13, 2021:
@MrDragon Please try to remember that the USofA is not the whole world, it just tends to think that it is.
So I'm watching the Olympics tonight (Aug 3) and those two talented women ran and won medals, and ...
MrDragon comments on Aug 4, 2021:
Well, regardless of how we would like to see it the reality is this is a religious world.
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 12, 2021:
Yes there are a lot of delusional people that lack logic or often even meaningful thoughts but that doesn't mean I want to dive into that mosh pity of morons. Do you?
Not all people in the world had a need to create supernatural beings.
xenoview comments on Aug 4, 2021:
We are all born atheist. You have to be taught religion.
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 12, 2021:
Once upon a time a weakling that was a bit more clever than the other chimps came up with the idea of religion and so we still have it.
Not all people in the world had a need to create supernatural beings.
Druvius comments on Aug 4, 2021:
Interesting but not sure how much relevance they have to western culture. They essentially have nothing resembling civilization, good for them I guess. And they are by no means lacking in supernatural beings: "However, they do believe in spirits that can sometimes take on the shape of things in the ...
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 12, 2021:
Having lived for several years in South America, I can assure you that they are as unimpressed by Western culture as you are unimpressed with their way of living. Civilized is a term that is often used to justify the most uncivilized behavior imaginable.
I’m not sure why I just joined. I’m having a panic attack and just took a Xanax.
1950debris comments on Aug 6, 2021:
Not that I know what a Xanax is . . .
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 6, 2021:
Have you ever considered getting an electric bicycle, just use it on the hills, ride it like an old style bike the rest of the time, beats pushing the old iron up a hill that got steeper over time.
While LOTR is a much better read than the Bible, which set of books do you think would make a better...
hankster comments on Aug 5, 2021:
the tales of Peter rabbit.
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 6, 2021:
@hankster Every frickin day, Mate. Sometimes I win, mostly not but I never surrender.
While LOTR is a much better read than the Bible, which set of books do you think would make a better...
Fernapple comments on Aug 6, 2021:
I Think that it is best not to set up any text written by humans as an infallible god. There is really no difference between the worship of an invisible sky daddy who is perfect and beyond question, and the worship of a text which will soon be seen as perfect and beyond question.
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 6, 2021:
But aren't all infallible gods set up by humans in the first place? An imaginary sky daddy who will support whatever you do, no matter how heinous because it was a construct that came out of your own culture?
While LOTR is a much better read than the Bible, which set of books do you think would make a better...
hankster comments on Aug 5, 2021:
the tales of Peter rabbit.
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 5, 2021:
@hankster Why be so sure when we have never really tried?
While LOTR is a much better read than the Bible, which set of books do you think would make a better...
hankster comments on Aug 5, 2021:
the tales of Peter rabbit.
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 5, 2021:
@hankster Do we really? Why can't we all just learn to get along, like adults instead of adolescents?
truth again.
FearlessFly comments on Aug 5, 2021:
/begin rant . . . . . . philosophers have been "discussing" 'truth' since at least the ancients. :P Why is the word 'argue' virtually always (even on this site of CT-ers) used in the pejorative ? Why do so many posts on this site consist of (just) memes ? (especially when the 'source(s)'...
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 5, 2021:
@UrsiMajor Any time, you are always Aces in my books. also as an FYI, there is a new Osprey nest down the road from me on an abandoned windmill, will send you pics when I can. High season so we are up to our eyeballs in Ebikes.
truth again.
FearlessFly comments on Aug 5, 2021:
/begin rant . . . . . . philosophers have been "discussing" 'truth' since at least the ancients. :P Why is the word 'argue' virtually always (even on this site of CT-ers) used in the pejorative ? Why do so many posts on this site consist of (just) memes ? (especially when the 'source(s)'...
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 5, 2021:
@FearlessFly They sell Snickers bars by the bag at Wally World but you probably already know that. Have a Super Sparkly Day. :)
truth again.
FearlessFly comments on Aug 5, 2021:
/begin rant . . . . . . philosophers have been "discussing" 'truth' since at least the ancients. :P Why is the word 'argue' virtually always (even on this site of CT-ers) used in the pejorative ? Why do so many posts on this site consist of (just) memes ? (especially when the 'source(s)'...
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 5, 2021:
I doubt that it's the end of the rant, you seem angry, maybe eating a Snickers bar will help?
While LOTR is a much better read than the Bible, which set of books do you think would make a better...
hankster comments on Aug 5, 2021:
the tales of Peter rabbit.
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 5, 2021:
@hankster Perhaps but it is certainly clear that while Farmer Brown was trying to make a living from his lands, he was also a bit of a cunt.
While LOTR is a much better read than the Bible, which set of books do you think would make a better...
hankster comments on Aug 5, 2021:
the tales of Peter rabbit.
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 5, 2021:
Plenty of valuable lessons to be learned from Beatrice Potter.
I was wondering to myself if there wasn't a grain of truth to this anti-vaxxer conspiracy theory ...
BDair comments on Aug 3, 2021:
Event 201
SnowyOwl replies on Aug 3, 2021:
I'd like to say that I'll miss you but that wouldn't be very genuine of me.
Practical magic.
SnowyOwl comments on Jul 29, 2021:
Fucking Genius, stolen in a heartbeat.
SnowyOwl replies on Jul 29, 2021:
@zeuser gotta be some mom trying to summom that fuck?
And brakes on my car, too.
Wildgreens comments on Jul 29, 2021:
A child in America…
SnowyOwl replies on Jul 29, 2021:
Usually people who are smart enough to realize that the JW's are a cult don't just fall back into another brainwashed group of retarded people but then there are always exceptions to the rule.
A car full of Irish nuns is sitting at a traffic light in downtown Dublin, when a bunch of rowdy ...
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 27, 2021:
My favourite Nun joke s that two nuns are riding their bicycles through an old part of town when they hit a cobbled street. "Oh dear" say the first nun "Oh my " says the second nun The come to a stop and breathless the first nun asks, "how are we going to go to confession tonight and admit we ...
SnowyOwl replies on Jul 27, 2021:
There's a reason why cycling is more popular in Europe with all those cobblestone streets.
This is me:
SnowyOwl comments on Jul 26, 2021:
They wield stupidity and ignorance as a super power to channel it into intolerance and hatred. Best of luck in your quest to find even one that can be saved. ;)
SnowyOwl replies on Jul 27, 2021:
@bbyrd009 Yeah, for sure.
'Kill them all, God will recognize his own' - July 22nd, 1209, Beziers, France.
altschmerz comments on Jul 23, 2021:
Ah yes, the glorious history of the Christian church -- welcome to the group, by the way.
SnowyOwl replies on Jul 23, 2021:
Thanks for the welcome, I started here a few years ago as Surfpirate but lost my access code so I am starting over, so welcome to the group as well from another level 9 bit in exile. lol
Invoking the Boogieman, the Holy Moley or whatever you want to call it.
rainmanjr comments on Jul 20, 2021:
Spoiler; the King wins. He declares "It's great to be King" but in a different movie.
SnowyOwl replies on Jul 22, 2021:
@rainmanjr And that is what it is to lose a friend that you hold dear but politics and power overwhelm you.
Invoking the Boogieman, the Holy Moley or whatever you want to call it.
rainmanjr comments on Jul 20, 2021:
Spoiler; the King wins. He declares "It's great to be King" but in a different movie.
SnowyOwl replies on Jul 22, 2021:
Invoking the Boogieman, the Holy Moley or whatever you want to call it.
rainmanjr comments on Jul 20, 2021:
Spoiler; the King wins. He declares "It's great to be King" but in a different movie.
SnowyOwl replies on Jul 20, 2021:
@rainmanjr I've seen it a couple of times, not many movies that have Peter O'Toole in them that I haven't seen.
Invoking the Boogieman, the Holy Moley or whatever you want to call it.
rainmanjr comments on Jul 20, 2021:
Spoiler; the King wins. He declares "It's great to be King" but in a different movie.
SnowyOwl replies on Jul 20, 2021:
He loses his best friend when his loyal hounds cut Beckett down in the cathedral but he gets lashed publicly in atonement - doesn't bring his friend back and he is miserable under the responsibility of being king.
The good ol' days...
twitch comments on Jul 19, 2021:
Almost as bad as riding in the car after it was parked for hours in the sun... The vinyl seat covers branded that pattern into the backs of your legs! It hurts just to remember that!
SnowyOwl replies on Jul 19, 2021:
@MsKathleen Older than Corinthian Leather? Impressive.


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