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Widower, mature student of Social Sciences, father, hero and a damn good egg!
Vehement non-smoker and atheist - well the later bit is why I'm here!
Right now I'm trying to put life back together after the death of my wife, she died back in 2015. My first step was to try a follow in our daughters footsteps and gain an education, or else I'll end up doing zero hour contracts for minimum wage. So, trying for a degree. If romance blossoms through meeting someone, then all well and good, if not then I want some good conversations without phrases about it being 'Gods plan' thrown at me.
Things about me.....

Full Bio


Atheist in the western world.
Sofabeast comments on Jul 1, 2019:
For many, they just have changed gods. Today the religion of consumerism rules. No time to worry about strange stories of talking snakes distributing apples and the stupidity of two of every animal crammed into a boat. For many, the foolish tales from the bible make little sense.
Faith is given, not inborn you agree?
Sofabeast comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Religious faith may be an evolutionary adaption (Swaab, D. 2014). Autopsies and scans of of human brains have indicated that faith may be found in the Amygdala area. In essence religion is a mutation in the brain which allows humans to band together to form societies for mutual protection.
Since becoming an atheist, I've been looking out for other atheists.
Sofabeast comments on Jun 27, 2019:
Come and study in Europe. Most of my class are atheists! (Scotland)
Ancient DNA reveals new twists in Neanderthal migration
Sofabeast comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Ok, here's a test of Neanderthal DNA. This came from a Science magazine New Scientist. You'll need your own original front teeth. Run the tip of your tongue along the inside of your front upper incisors. If they have a vertical ridge congratulations you're Neanderthal. Us humans have smooth incisors. Great fun at parties or work looking out for the tell tale tongue behind the teeth! My late wife was a Neanderthal, as is our daughter!
How many if yall are saving for college for your kids?
Sofabeast comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Fortunately Scotland has a free education system.
How many if yall are saving for college for your kids?
Sofabeast comments on Jun 26, 2019:
It's the other way around for me!
Name Something Christians say when they know they are losing an argument with an atheist.
Sofabeast comments on Jun 26, 2019:
Here's another stupid comment I often hear. "If God didn't make us who did?" Wrong question I reply, it's how did we get here, as who implies someone was around to make stuff, and hen the question has be how did god get here? At some point, god or not, something must come from nothing.
According to The Atlantic, there's but a few of us.
Sofabeast comments on Jun 26, 2019:
This will be a sociological question. This is, Americans are socialised into acting as Christian. From the most levels, Americans have 'In God we trust' on currency. Their Constitution includes God solidly as a part of it. Therefore, as part of just being an American, the carry over from primary and secondary agents of socialisation generate a commonality of behaviour which makes acting in a 'Christian' way is merely the social norm. I suggest reading C Wright Mills, Anthony Giddens, Michael Haralambos, as a start to understanding the statement on 'Nones'.
Name Something Christians say when they know they are losing an argument with an atheist.
Sofabeast comments on Jun 25, 2019:
"The enemy will twist words and sow the seeds of doubt, as they will speak with the tongue of the devil". In my work, I support a service user to church about twice a month. They encourage me to take Christ into my heart, but so far they have failed to tempt me. The guest preacher on Sunday was very entertaining and spoke well, even if he identified the likes of me as the enemy. Each part of his argument strengthened my atheism. The thing with the one true God, is there are so many of them!
I had to look twice at this!
Sofabeast comments on Jun 25, 2019:
Ah central London looks nice this time of year.
Two things you could not live without
Sofabeast comments on Jun 24, 2019:
A heartbeat and lungs full of air....
Does being an atheist go hand in hand with liberal politics or are some of you Tory voters ?
Sofabeast comments on Jun 24, 2019:
Neo-Marxist, but understanding that it doesn't work!
The hardest part of divorce. . . Finding and removing the dead mice on your own.
Sofabeast comments on Jun 24, 2019:
Since I live too far away to help, get a cat.
The reason I am agnostic is because there is no proof that a God told man to compose religious texts...
Sofabeast comments on Jun 24, 2019:
Twas the early and very hot summer of 1976 and our Religious Education (R.E.) tutor had gone away to bother Indians with Christianity. So the school's deputy head stepped into the post. After 35 minutes of explanation and questions a class of 32 young men had produced 30 atheists. I still don't know why boys and girls were separated for RE. My mother didn't like the idea of blasphemy being taught to children, but there you are. She enlightened me that I was like her dad, an unbeliever. To be fair, I doubted that there really was a god or gods before 1976. Why would a loving god allow so much evil. Why just one son, one location, and after Jesus had risen from the dead, why didn't he show himself off? Why are we not all Jews?
YES—failure is painful—very painful.
Sofabeast comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Failure is always an option
Why do so many men think sarcastic humor is positive?
Sofabeast comments on Jun 19, 2019:
By the way, empirical observation supports that sociologically sarcasm and irony are key parts of British cultural humour dating back well over a thousand years.
Why do so many men think sarcastic humor is positive?
Sofabeast comments on Jun 19, 2019:
Interesting, I'm writing a short report on this, so I'll let you know what I find out next week. And in advance, thank you for the extra source material.
Supreme Court Kills Virginia's Racial Gerrymandering
Sofabeast comments on Jun 18, 2019:
I look forwards to your election. I'll be covering it as part of my studies in the autumn.
I realise that I’m not likely to find any Tory Party members here on Agnostics, possibly not any ...
Sofabeast comments on Jun 18, 2019:
Time 16:24 BST. 18/06/2019. Imagine if none of the candidates got 33 votes needed to get to the next round, but all got just one! Yes I'm just being silly
School Board Jesus Prayer
Sofabeast comments on Jun 18, 2019:
Should the $ have 'In Gold We Trust' instead of God. After all, with a promise of religious freedom in the USA, then the inclusion of multiple Gods and none at all should be included. So, if schools take prayer, then they must allow for all belief systems.
Gun Crime, UK south coast style. []
Sofabeast comments on Jun 17, 2019:
So very Dad's Army
Are you tired of speculation in new stories?
Sofabeast comments on Jun 13, 2019:
In the UK you can replace Trump for Brexit. Overall, anxiety leans towards people becoming exhausted with the problem. With Trump, he continues to make mistakes that cannot be accepted by a world leader, yet he brushes them off with a simple statement 'Fake News'. He refuses to face or at appears not to understand the facts. He recently denied making statements about Meghan Markel, the Mayor of London and Micheal Gove. Gove could be the next British Prime Minister! Somehow he has weathered being a very poor businessman and is applying the same methods of failure to your country. To address the speculation in the news. Western news media is more to do with entertainment than facts, and like in a movie, situations need to be settled in 120 minutes or so. The true fallout of Trump (or Brexit) will not be known for at least a decade. This is because they are unknown quantities. Even George W. Bush followed the rules and conventions of a POTUS. Did you know that the present that H.M. Queen Lizzie was a book? Next time they meet, she should quiz him on the contents.
Sofabeast comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Ever seen that old film Demon Seed?
Sofabeast comments on Jun 12, 2019:
Millions of tiny daemons per 5ml of seminal fluid, well I suppose many religions claim sex to be sin.
Adventures in wine and wasps.
Sofabeast comments on Jun 12, 2019:
Wood drill - just drill the cork out and insert a straw.
So, God is in control.
Sofabeast comments on Jun 11, 2019:
My condolences on your loss. Yes, there is a conflict of gods plan vs reality. If god has a plan for everyone, then every horror of life is part its plan. That must therefore mean god did it deliberately. My maternal grandfather lost his Christianity in Italy. He'd been questioning it for some time, but when his artillery battery flattened an Italian town killing hundreds of civilians after the Germans had left, then that confirmed there couldn't be a god in the first place. No loving god could ever have good reason for that horror. In the end, gods plan is just a cop out for the truth of 'shit happens'. My late wife used to save lives and make people happy, she was one of the most intelligent people ever to walk the earth and we loved each other deeply, so why did god decide to put us together, take the lives of three of our unborn children and finally her. Well, there was no god and these things happen. Not nice, but true. Most people like to think there must be something more and blame everything on gods. Gods gave us an evolutionary edge, pulling small societies together and providing control to the powerful whilst providing answers to the impossible. Christians cannot have both ways, if it isn't gods plan, then surely there cannot be a god then. If it is gods plan, then every rape, murder, torture, illness is its fault. Therefore, we don't need prisons etc as everything must be gods will. Even the devil must be gods will.
Well, yeah!
Sofabeast comments on Jun 11, 2019:
May I suggest you study the Social Sciences, the mix of ethereal scientific approaches is ind expanding to the maximum. Drop me a line should you wish to know more.
Have any of our scientific fraternity any comment on this?
Sofabeast comments on Jun 11, 2019:
Iron Sky...
Brain vs heart
Sofabeast comments on Jun 11, 2019:
Follow your heart
I realise that I’m not likely to find any Tory Party members here on Agnostics, possibly not any ...
Sofabeast comments on Jun 10, 2019:
My question is, who would make their best leader after May's replacement? BoJo has promised to cut taxes of those who most afford to pay it, perhaps in some attempt to generate an American style of taxation after he has sold the UK to Trump. Gove just hasn't got the right stuff. Hunt is well... Savid Javid, the angry egg comes across to me as the 'Evil Man' from Thunderbirds. Ester Mcvey like Gove and many others just hasn't got the leadership about them. Dominic Raaaaaab really isn't as bright as he thinks he is. The world is far more complex than he understands. As a final act for Theresa May, she should have the Royal Engineers take Farage out to a big field and carry out a controlled explosion of him for public safety.
I realise that I’m not likely to find any Tory Party members here on Agnostics, possibly not any ...
Sofabeast comments on Jun 10, 2019:
Pretending for a moment that I would vote Tory, Rory Stewart. Best of a bad job
Do you think we will get in the similar era if Trump gets re-elected in 2020?
Sofabeast comments on Jun 5, 2019:
I saw some of the coverage of the D-Day commemorative services on the BBC today, and thought that the far right supporters should either be staying away from it or bemoaning the defeat of their beloved Nazism, but more likely they will be celebrating the people who stormed Festung Europe in twisted irony. Having been studying the rise of fascism at college this year, I see the deep similarities with the Alt-Rights popularity in the Western World. For myself, I guess I'll have to start looking for a nice wall to be put against come the revolution.
The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm: []
Sofabeast comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Why do men fall asleep after orgasm? - To allow women to masturbate in peace! But in all seriousness, I prefer to pleasure the lady first, ideally twice before my turn. It makes for better bonding. Then we can both fall asleep together.
World Naked Bike Ride | Various London locations | Things to do in London
Sofabeast comments on Jun 3, 2019:
I'd urge people to go
Trump says the 20-foot-tall angry-baby blimp flying in London makes him feel 'unwelcome'
Sofabeast comments on Jun 3, 2019:
Ah, he's got the point then.
There's an Egyptian graduate student visiting to work on his Master's & we've chatted a good bit.
Sofabeast comments on Jun 3, 2019:
A problem with religions, is when they are contrasted with each other. Why didn't god just give us one correct religion with rules and a single language so we shouldn't mistake what god was on about.
10 things people constantly get wrong about PTSD
Sofabeast comments on Jun 3, 2019:
At some point, all people who make to adulthood will encounter it. Some of us can suffer chronic PTSD. It's no fun. I'm on Prosac, which controls it nicely. In the UK, it a condition is generally only considered to be military based, but we all suffer from it. I was a long term carer for my late wife, loosing her caused it with me. Most people will get it from sudden stressful acts such as being in a violent storm, act or accident. Very few will have the Chronic version for more than a few years.
I had an Agnostic account a handful of months back but deleted it to continue finding myself without...
Sofabeast comments on Jun 3, 2019:
I work in the field of Autism, an amazing subject to be involved with. I'd suggest looking into the work of the late Lorn Wing and current research from Prof, Simon Baron-Cohen (yes he is related to Sasha Baron-Cohen/Borat). In the UK we don't currently type Autism officially, but that may change when DSM VI comes out.
Hi everyone! In case you are interested I have recently written a three-part hit-piece on how ...
Sofabeast comments on May 20, 2019:
I liked the bit about eyes, I use that often to confound Christian creationists.
Hi everyone! In case you are interested I have recently written a three-part hit-piece on how ...
Sofabeast comments on May 20, 2019:
Enjoyable reading, and reminded me of so many lost night time, half-drunk conversations with my late wife.
Hi everyone! In case you are interested I have recently written a three-part hit-piece on how ...
Sofabeast comments on May 20, 2019:
But surely they would all have funny foreheads and speak English!
Why do many conservatives vote against their own best interest and that of society?
Sofabeast comments on May 20, 2019:
The 'strict father' in Conservatism, is part of conformity. It provides a stable authoritarian system of leadership which of course must not be questioned, and if it is, the 'stupid child' must be chastised and punished. In basic life, we avoid pain thus, punishments work. However, life is far more complex. We fight pain, we question why and do things differently from each other. This produces conflict. We also see that the strict father is often wrong and at least as dumb as the rest of us! I suggest reading Thomas Hobbes and John Locke then compare & contrast them. Hobbes uses the strict father model and Locke was the basis for the US Constitution. There is a vast amount of information and contemplation to be done via Politics, Religious, Psychological, Historical and Sociological studies to come close to answering this question. So ask me again in twelve months, and I may have the answer.
Now that it looks like we’re going to be going into a Tory leadership election phase, before the ...
Sofabeast comments on May 17, 2019:
Now if we can just get a change of Labour and Liberal leaderships quick.... Politics is part of my studies. So two years ago the SQA set up this years questions for assessments and exams. Little did they conceive that by the time the UK was meant to leave the EU we still wouldn't know what Brexshit is yet! The Tory party now has to cut the tumour of Theresa May out. Her total failure at the task has made the UK a world-wide laughing stock. She took the choice to exclude the other parties in politics, she should have involved all of parliament from the start prior to triggering article 50. Then she must have discovered what Brexshit was going to be offered, and then ask the people do they want a deal or ruin the country with WTO rules. Then carry it out. Now who will lead the country? Boris isn't smart enough. Gove - well he's Gove. JRMogg is still living in 1933. Fox - just don't go there. Jeremy Hunt, is a cunt, nasty piece of work. Whomever they choose, the choice will be a terrible one.
Lethal Injections: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) Published on May 5, 2019 []
Sofabeast comments on May 14, 2019:
In Europe we don't have the death penalty as such. Under Scots law, the death penalty means life without parole. This sentence can be reversed should the accused be later found to be innocent. This as Oliver showed, cannot happen with the death of a person who is not guilty. It appears to me, that there are too many loopholes in State Laws for the death penalty to be administered in 'civilised' country. What are the reasons for the State/Nation State to take a persons life? What proof is needed and how is scrutinised? To add a question. Is the death penalty needed? If it is, then what method of extinction should be used? The United Kingdom last carried out a 'public execution' in 1962. Evidence does not support the notion that the death penalty deters crime, although those that are killed cannot continue to offend again of course!
Indian army says it found Yeti footprints in the Himalayas
Sofabeast comments on May 3, 2019:
The photograph infers it may have been riding a bicycle too!
Indian army says it found Yeti footprints in the Himalayas
Sofabeast comments on May 3, 2019:
Will it appear on 'Not finding Bigfoot again'?
What is your opinion of Nicola Sturgeon’s call of yesterday, to Scottish MSPs , for Indyref2 by ...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 26, 2019:
I met Alec Salmond in the CO OP last night stocking up with cakes... anyway. As for wee Nicki - Referendums are a reserved matter for Westminster. What is missing in the Nationalist argument are social effects of separation from a union that began to happen when King James VI of Scotland became King James I of Britain, then the act of Union 1707. The FUBAR of trying to separate from the EU has in three years shown how just four decades of union is proving painful. Thus attempting to disengage over four centuries of integration is going to be far harder. History has shown in recent years the nationalistic conflicts that have arisen in places like the Balkans and ex-Soviet Union are a potential outcome. Recent polls indicate a lack of appetite for more political conflicts. But the SNP cannot leave it alone. There may well be a fear in Nationalists that if they don't win a referendum soon, they could suddenly sink back to last century levels support wise. With the current Conservative government, there is a real potential for them to overturn the Sewell convention permanently as they have done with the EU withdrawl bill. Theresa May is psychologically unable to 'listen' to the opinions of others and her probable replacements don't seem to understand 'England' doesn't have an Empire anymore. As for myself, I would fully support a Federal Scotland (and Northern Ireland, Wales, England and London), but not Scotland as an independent nation state.
We dodged a bullet yesterday.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 24, 2019:
I wondered where I disappeared to yesterday!
As the dressing up season is upon us, some tips for the would be Scots out there: [youtube.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 24, 2019:
I very nearly hit a man when I was working on the 2004 epic movie (failure) Vanity Fair with Reese Witherspoon. We were being kitting out as a Highland regiment marching back from the Battle of Waterloo. The wardrobe guy busied himself putting the kilt of the Clan MacCarugg on me when I adjusted it to the correct length, he pulled it back down past my knees in a very Ms Maple fashion, to which I enlightened him as to 'Kings Regulations' and argument broke out. It was at this point I saw red, and thought better walk away and adjust later. When it comes to military stuff, I know my stuff.
Extinction Rebellion activities around the world.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 19, 2019:
We have one planet with far too many humans on it. What we have to do is try to save it and reduce the population peacefully without recourse to extermination by direct action or the inaction of not helping.
I had a creepy FB page today saying "It was my sin that nailed him there" and it had a photo of some...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 19, 2019:
Remember Jesus was moderately inconvenienced for our sins. Being immortal he couldn't die. Last time I was at church the priest said Jesus was alive and still walked among us. Personally I think he was talking bollocks, I just think of being paid to be there!
If only for arguments sake there was a God that does not necessarily mean there is a single or ...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 19, 2019:
It would be logical for a God to keep up proper communication with its subjects. Updating them in an identical manner on a regular basis. It would also be quite illogical for a God to start with a single interaction by say making a woman pregnant and wait for that person to grow up in a single location and spread the word to all of humanity at walking pace. Why not impregnate a few thousand and spread the good news all over the world, or just have us all have an inbuilt knowledge of God and the rules of how to worship it. Once you take apart religions, they don't stand up to scrutiny very well.
Meanwhile at the U.S. Mexico border...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 18, 2019:
Rocking it...
Make America what again?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 18, 2019:
Or an ice sheet 2km thick
I've evolved past the need for frivolous human sleep.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 18, 2019:
You'll be needing some sleep hygiene.
Best Coffee
Sofabeast comments on Apr 18, 2019:
Glasgow Scotland, many different places, many different types
Canada is the second country that totally Illegalized CBD & Low-THC cannabis use.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 18, 2019:
I think you'll find the most important and productive plant is wheat. Which makes products so you can cope with the munchies more effectively.
A page I follow on Facebook posted this question.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 18, 2019:
I love following my own time line. I don't like sex on my own as much as with someone else.
When someone says to me, "I know what I saw," I respond, "No, you know what your brain TOLD you you ...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 16, 2019:
So very correct
Is there a gap between Homo sapiens and other animals?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Interesting, but I would argue that we are animals with greater similarity to the animal kingdom than differences.
Praise the Lord!!!! :( []
Sofabeast comments on Apr 15, 2019:
The case appears to be a classic example of the institutional racism found in much of the American legal system.
Lady driving an SUV chooses to cross four lanes of traffic, mount the curb and a 10 foot hill, just ...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 15, 2019:
Who was driving the porch at the time? Did the porch have its parking break on? How fast was the porch going at the time? Why did the porch pull out on the SUV? I'm sure you'll encounter these questions by her insurers
Orgasms in the age of Antidepressants and Neuroscience I've noticed a lot of posts lately on ...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 15, 2019:
This is just in time for me, I've just started a course of anti-depressants at a low dose.
Jesus said he was going to die for us, Apparently, Dad God had a plan for his only begotten son.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Somewhat hurt for mankinds sins, but being immortal couldn't die. So not much of a sacrifice really.
What Jesus would say today.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Probably shout that in Aramaic then get shot at by an Israeli sniper
... and man created God.... and stupidity and misery followed
Sofabeast comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Well that just demonstrates a lack of imagination from the man.
Caption this. Superhero costume audition! Squareman.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 11, 2019:
The Grey Fart.
I'm genuinely looking for feedback on a train of thought I recently had.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 9, 2019:
With every case of autism being individual, the research will produce anomalies and ethical questions. Who would get the treatment? I find the research interesting. As an aside, my late wife had brain tumour. At times she presented with symptoms that mimicked autism very closely, only to then recover. Thus, could there be some sort of connection with some forms of treatment to 'normalise' cognitive ability.
Trump is trying to get us all fucking killed.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 8, 2019:
Please explain further. Does this include us non-Americans too?
We should start a Freedom of Science like religion has to protect it.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 8, 2019:
As such you do have.
If I cannot walk around naked without being arrested for indecency why should any of these people be...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 8, 2019:
Freedom comes with duties and responsibilities to others and not just the fulfillment of personal desires. Laws give us freedom (Locke, J. Social Compact) Being nude in public is not socially acceptable. The why, is the potential for the sexualisation of being nude. Paedophiles may well see children as sexual targets when outside in public. Misogynists leering at beautiful young ladies and so on. Ideally I'd like people to be able to wander around without clothes on if they wish, but quite frankly I don't want people to be uncomfortable should accidental inappropriate body contact happen on crowded public transport happens. As for symbols of religion, it is part of being a human being and shouldn't be infringed on, in the same way that should I decide to show my support for reason I could wear an atheist badge. Unless by donning said symbols it offends significantly or demands violence on others. An example symbol is the swastika. Although of course we are all nude under our clothes if that's any consolation.
The News in Cartoons
Sofabeast comments on Apr 8, 2019:
In the UK we have a National Health Service, it looks like Trump is giving America a National Death Service
The Northern lights from North Uist
Sofabeast comments on Apr 8, 2019:
I get to see them from my kitchen window.
I've seen a few questions from men asking women to tell them what is great sex to them.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 8, 2019:
Sex is very personal to the lovers. The interaction at the start of a relationship is one of great learning. Young lovers may not have the time or place for an all day session once the kids have gone to school and so must try great quickies where and when they can. More mature lovers can take their time and experiment. The key is communication and learning. Observe your lovers, try not to hurry. Take a break, kiss, touch, tickle, laugh and have fun. Tease one another. Tell your lover what you want and how to hold and caress you. Make adjustments for how you all may be feeling. I suggest enjoy making the other person orgasm and recover over attempting to coordinate orgasms. Afterwards, go and make them a snack and drink, give a moment for the post coital farting competition that never appears in movies or erotic literature, but we are all guilty of. Remember to cuddle.
You found god?...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 4, 2019:
I've got a dozen different 'One true Gods' if anyone wants one!
Last survivor of US slave ships discovered - The last known survivor of the transatlantic slave ...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 3, 2019:
Very interesting. I studied the transatlantic slave trade two years ago. The whole situation of who, how and when is astonishing. The social ramifications hit not only the USA but all of modern humanity. And in the UK at the moment its tendrils are still moving as hidden racism breaks free in the light of Brexit. Horribly I witnessed some 'innocent/ignorant' comments on a bus about a black man in Aberdeen this week. I don't think it was meant to hurt or offend, but the racism was there non the less.
The Gospel according to Milligan
Sofabeast comments on Apr 3, 2019:
Amazing fellow.
Mars methane surge spotted from space []
Sofabeast comments on Apr 3, 2019:
Hmm, methane would indicate the potential for life. Best check the date in case its April fools
I find this unsettling and disturbing. It underlines the twisted nature of belief in some. Whew !
Sofabeast comments on Apr 3, 2019:
It reads all rapey.
So one of my students is a flat-Earther.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 2, 2019:
I encountered a flat earther a couple of years ago. He could counter many arguments with flat earth logic, but couldn't stand scientific fact of naval gunnery - firing over the horizon with big guns must take into account curvature of the earth, atmospheric density and planetary rotation.
Existence in God!
Sofabeast comments on Apr 2, 2019:
I haven't lost my virginity, it's in a field near Guildford, Surrey, England. I visit it every now and again.
Look! A scenic castle!
Sofabeast comments on Apr 2, 2019:
He must be photoshopped in, the midges would have drained him of blood in seconds!
I watched Newsnight last night where former Tory Minister and unlikely star of Strictly Come ...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 2, 2019:
I agree with you. We could really do with Brexshit put on hold for 12 months. Elect our MEPs then have a general election with Brexshit at its heart. Effectively a second referendum via the ballot box. Some MPs need to be excluded from standing ever again. Boris, Gove, May, Corbyn, and Reese-Mogg. Once we a have a new government, then they must act together and decide on what choices for Brexshit are available. This must include what the EU will accept too. Then the choices will be put to the people for a final say. As this campaign proceeds an objective body must check the facts being touted. If like last time there is a blatant lie splashed on a bus, then this must be made plain to the public and those who spout the untruths will be branded as liars to the people, and will be removed from further campaigning.
We need a group for Aspergers only, No family or others, just those with Aspergers.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 2, 2019:
As a support worker, I'd love to sit in and read how this goes, but importantly I understand that it should be closed. That way any interfering do-gooders like myself are out of the picture. Go for it. Ask for help from the admins to set it up and how to police it.
Long dormant volcano in Scotland awakens....
Sofabeast comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Oh no not again!
Please give a braw Scottish welcome to @josh_is_exciting who has just joined the group.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Fit like Josh? Foo ye doin'?
Islam is not a religion, rather a death cult for apostates.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Thank you for raising the issue. I strongly suspect that most of the members of this site come from some sort of Christian background and a lesser number from Judaism. - I'm being very general here with that statement. So to hear from a person who has come from Islam into reason, at least for me is very interesting. I tend to see more 'Christian bashing' going on not only here, but in at least British society. I have often wondered if that is due to fear of some kind of retribution. Still, one can look back to the Inquisition for comparison on intolerance. At college I know that one of my lecturers is an evangelical devout Christian, which surprises as they are leading our research classes. And we have the only Muslim in the college. The Muslim is willing to question their faith, and I suspect will loose it as the arguments for a god dissipate under scrutiny. They would also love to try alcohol - after all, Islam shares the same god as Judaism and Christianity and they both have wine in their ceremonies. So why would god deny Muslims?
And now for something completely different from Brexit.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 1, 2019:
Where I work the clock changes play bloody havoc. Shift start and finishes, do night shift get paid for a full shift of an hour short - many staff on zero hours. Upsets with medication timing. Then bed times...
After a conversation with a Christian, I've had some continuing thoughts.
Sofabeast comments on Mar 31, 2019:
If we fail to worship, then that is failure of the creator god. If worship is needed by the creator god, then likelihood is there are many one true creator gods.
You couldn’t make this up.
Sofabeast comments on Mar 31, 2019:
May th fourth be with.... bugger it
Please give a guid Scottish welcome to @davisreed who has just joined the group.
Sofabeast comments on Mar 31, 2019:
Fit like?
We migrants are not burdens in the UK as a whole.
Sofabeast comments on Mar 29, 2019:
Don't forget the cultural contribution to the UK. Words, art and of course food. I had some curry earlier, now I'm wearing my pajamas and live in a bungalow. Then a drop of lassy to start the day in the morning.
Occupied Northern Ireland
Sofabeast comments on Mar 29, 2019:
Britain does not occupy Northern Ireland, it is part of Britain. Its citizens are British.
WAIT!! WHAT?? N.C. law: Woman can’t back out of sex once underway []
Sofabeast comments on Mar 29, 2019:
I was giving this some more thought today as I trying to make some sense of Brexit or lack of. By the way, I am studying British politics and we have been covering stupid fek-ups in government etc. So to the point... What the holy .... NC legislature gives time to decide on this when there surely must be more pressing political choices to be made like homes for the homeless, hospitals, jobs, gun control, child services and so on! What next? A woman must fake multiple orgasms just as a man cums?
Watching "The Expanse" on Prime. Didn't like it at first, but it's growing on me.
Sofabeast comments on Mar 28, 2019:
If it goes the whole way, it'll be like a soap opera in length.
WAIT!! WHAT?? N.C. law: Woman can’t back out of sex once underway []
Sofabeast comments on Mar 28, 2019:
I know the Trump won't stand for it, but the USA needs an American Court of Human Rights similar to the European Court of Human Rights. Now from a personal perspective, a few times my lovers have asked me to stop, and as a good guy and caring lover I did. Sometimes it happens for whatever reason that a woman says they want to stop, a man therefore should stop - end of. From my experience, it can be an excellent bonding activity. Something for NC male legislators need to think about is, if a guy looses his erection, he MUST make his lady orgasm, just to be equal. By the way, the link seems to be down
Even today people have a really hard time separating themselves from projecting their imagination ...
Sofabeast comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Sometimes dogs just do that.
Lol :-)
Sofabeast comments on Mar 28, 2019:
Very nice when fried up with a cooked breakfast the morning after
What do you say about near death experiences where the person claims they've seen heaven or hell?
Sofabeast comments on Mar 27, 2019:
My late wife had many near death experiences before her brain tumour finally won, and she said it was just pleasant and peaceful with memories of loved ones including her cats who had passed, but also some people who were still around. She/we believe it is just the delusions of a brain under those conditions.
The NRA comes out against the Violence Against Women Act
Sofabeast comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Ok, I see where the NRA are coming from. I don't agree with them. But what it is, is to do with the US Constitution and the philosophy of John Locke. By constricting the gun ownership of violent men will prevent those men from using their weapons to protect the liberty, property and laws of the people against tyranny and enemies foreign and domestic. A government who has nothing to fear from a peoples revolution, is at risk of corruption by a single tyrannical leader. Within this philosophy, a woman should protect herself by the use of firearms and the final sanction of death. Bloody John Locke and his second treatise on government! This argument works in the world of John Locke and latterly Thomas Paine and the American Revolution, but in the C21 no. We have seen in New Zealand recently and the USA the all to often mass shootings how modern firearms are a force multiplier. A pissed off maniac with a firelocke musket can pump out about two shots a minute, an assault rifle vomits out around seven rounds a second by comparison. Yes, useful when fighting a tyrannical government, but the evil that can be done when a stupid hate-monger lets loose on his previous co-workers or family. In conclusion, don't let fuckwits have guns.


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