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Widower, mature student of Social Sciences, father, hero and a damn good egg!
Vehement non-smoker and atheist - well the later bit is why I'm here!
Right now I'm trying to put life back together after the death of my wife, she died back in 2015. My first step was to try a follow in our daughters footsteps and gain an education, or else I'll end up doing zero hour contracts for minimum wage. So, trying for a degree. If romance blossoms through meeting someone, then all well and good, if not then I want some good conversations without phrases about it being 'Gods plan' thrown at me.
Things about me.....

Full Bio


Please welcome @Cutiebeauty to the group.
Sofabeast comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Fit like Cutiebeauty.
I'm an old man now, but I suspect that I have ASD.
Sofabeast comments on Sep 2, 2020:
I know a person who may know useful information for you. I'll let her know about you and she is a member of this site.
Oh, FFS. New MS flag features "IN GOD WE TRUST" []
Sofabeast comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Which god? There are just so many to choose from?
"Americana" paintings are a white supremacist's wet dream.
Sofabeast comments on Sep 8, 2020:
I covered white Americana in paintings a year ago as part of American history.
The Most Important Thing Biden Did During Tuesday’s Debate
Sofabeast comments on Oct 2, 2020:
Would wearing a mask count?
A Fly On Mike Pence’s Head During The VP Debate Drew The Buzziest Reactions
Sofabeast comments on Oct 8, 2020:
"Help me, help me" The Fly 1958
Watching Rachel Maddow Tuesday the 12th, talking about how the current " leadership" has decided ...
Sofabeast comments on Oct 14, 2020:
Perhaps Trump meant 'heard immunity' and missed the rest of the conversation.
"want to b my fun active naughty cougar perhaps?" a 49 year-old guy asked.
Sofabeast comments on Oct 21, 2020:
Hahaha, well that told him. I fear I'm a bit far away to suggest that you could be my naughty cougar, and I may well fall asleep much faster than your 19 year old! Hahahaha.
I had in interesting session with my therapist.
Sofabeast comments on Oct 26, 2020:
I'm not fully qualified yet, but I feel I could do a better job for you already. Firstly she should forensically regress your life history and observe you, your spoken and body language. Then investigate the route through what you need for whatever your psychological answer is.
Pimping out a friend on dating sites. What's up with that?
Sofabeast comments on Oct 26, 2020:
I fear dear lady that that liaison would be destined to fail, as I suspect you are not closely related enough to him. Have a little listen...
Insisting on exercising "your rights" at your own peril.
Sofabeast comments on Oct 26, 2020:
I wore eighteen pounds of bees back in 1997. Quite nice really, and very warm. And I was wearing Personal Protective Equipment.
Although I don't believe the world is ending soon , I believe there's a God, a force that has power ...
Sofabeast comments on Nov 12, 2020:
The something is the universe - see glennlab's comment. If our little world and the life upon it is merely here by the act of some superior force, then that force is subject to the universal laws of existence.
Why do men think this is a weapon?
Sofabeast comments on Nov 17, 2020:
Ooo a 'strop'. Weapons like these were commonplace in Scottish schools and used to punish unruly children.
For people who still have doubt in god this is my basic argument.
Sofabeast comments on Nov 18, 2020:
I was taught about Sumeria - English state school system during the 1970s. We even touched on the birth of Abrahamic religions. Humans have probably been inventing gods for thousands of years before the Sumerians appeared and will continue to do so long after our current era has passed.
Online Slave Trade. Very disturbing! []
Sofabeast comments on Dec 1, 2020:
From a sociological and historical perspective, slavery has been part of humanity from before recorded history until the early/mid nineteenth century. All of the great empires up to 1800 CE were built on it. For us in the West, the notion of ownership of another human being as property has become alien, but for some cultures it is still seen as normal. Where should those in power draw the line against slavery? What should they do to prevent it?
Georgia Election Official tears into TrUmP []
Sofabeast comments on Dec 4, 2020:
Dangerous times for America. I see the whole affair as a massive version of the experiments of Zimbardo and Milgram mixed with this quote from 'Men in Black'. " A person is smart, people are dumb panicky creatures".
Societies around the world are slowly (soemtimes begrudgingly) accepting the varieties of sexual ...
Sofabeast comments on Dec 5, 2020:
Studied the periphery of this two years ago, and found it to be currently a very broad subject. It does carry similarities with conceptual worship of non-human entities, items and animals throughout history. Consider people who screw their tractors, cars or pets as sexual partners.
I couldn't help laughing when he called himself a Shaman.
Sofabeast comments on Dec 8, 2020:
Sham man more like!
Chief Justice of South African Court [news24.
Sofabeast comments on Dec 11, 2020:
Bloody sky faeries, enemies of reason
Please welcome @Sorcha to the group....tell us about your Scots connections.
Sofabeast comments on Dec 20, 2020:
Fit like?
When people with horribly bad ideologies prey on their peers with the same horribly bad ideologies, ...
Sofabeast comments on Dec 22, 2020:
Very much of a 'Volksculture' or traditional Germanic ideological approach. If that is what your culture wants and wishes to live, then it is very logical, as it requires both sexes to play their part. The female runs the home and children, the males work for the family and the community and state. Both sexes are encouraged to think and be intelligent, but conformist. In the end society must become a stagnant social utopia like in the movie 'Starship Troopers'. I don't like enjoy suppression of thought or subjugation of gender etc., but in the end the rules, values and norms are generated subjectively.
The hats kind of reminds me of the losers who held giant flag rallies recently
Sofabeast comments on Dec 22, 2020:
I favour the pith helmet. Gives one a sense of superiority even in defeat.
Everything you need to know about how stupid Brexit supporters are This Radio show host is fabulous...
Sofabeast comments on Dec 22, 2020:
I studied into the EU deeply earlier this year at college. All the options were covered objectively and the best option was being a member. Now with Brexshit and covid hitting hard on the UK's borders, a taste of a no deal is clearly visible. The UK government has deliberately refused to act on the democratic choice of the people. That would be a soft Brexit or Norway/Switzerland deal. What the extremely rich (the 1%) want is to have even more wealth without paying tax, and outside of the EU this is very likely, but inside newer tax laws will take a little more off of them. So, the needs of the very few are being looked after thanks to a 'first past the post/winner take all' way democracy works in the UK. Thus, 48% of voters views are completely ignored and likely more than 51% in reality, as 16-17 year olds were kept out of showing their choice. Now more of the Brexit bleating anti EU fears have been shown to be false. Many EU countries have closed their borders in the way Brexiteers said the UK could not. Now the UK will become just another new country in world who will be wishing it had joined the World Trade Organisation. The UK is no longer the world's premiere superpower it was a century ago. I could make this into a 30000 word dissertation, and perhaps I will once I return to university post covid.
A bit of a rant ahead.
Sofabeast comments on Dec 27, 2020:
Tell me more of this bible belt. In the UK we are pretty free of such things, even in the outer isles the 'wee free kirks' have lost control of Sunday opening and ferries on 'the lords day'. As several have said already, your life journey is just starting and you are capable of thought. I became an atheist at school just before my fourteenth birthday back in 1976! Religious education is pretty hit and miss in the UK. I don't know your friends, but open their minds little by little with questions. I'm sure there are many people here who would help you with that. Don't be shy, wade in and enjoy a life free from religion.
If the Nashville bomber were Muslim, he'd be called a "terrorist."
Sofabeast comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Was that his target, or was this simply a mistake? By that I mean he intended to blow somewhere else up, probably without him becoming part of the fragmentation effect.
Reaching for connection but missing every time.
Sofabeast comments on Jan 1, 2021:
Well, how are you doing? From sofabeast, age 58 Scotland.....
Bojo Owns Scotland?
Sofabeast comments on Jan 3, 2021:
My apologies, the link which makes the question work, seems to have been deleted or removed.
This was a bad day for America, but there is a big silver lining.
Sofabeast comments on Jan 8, 2021:
Try to become more European and less 18th century British-ish. It's taken Europe a long time to socially get where it is today and millions losing their lives because of it. Now is the chance for the USA to try and catch up.
How did you feel when MAGA rioters breached the Capitol building in a major coup attempt?
Sofabeast comments on Jan 8, 2021:
I studied American politics and American civil rights 1945-2020 in 2019/20. Part of me exalted with joy that I had predicted this accurately together with Trump refusing to admit defeat, although I did assess incorrectly that his defeat would be by a greater margin. Then the horror of what was unfolding quickly came to light. These are real people, real lives and everything that goes with that, even wearing a Bison's head as a hat! I saw Trump on the BBC firing up his gullible minions to 'fight'. A pretty clear message to go to war with the system he claims is broken and corrupt. Then they move in to stifle the vote count. Now after the cost in human life and America's prestige in the world can begin to be assessed, Trump sort of climbs down. Trump has stated he will leave the White House, but hand over to the winner. Assuming he departs, he may yet leave a human minefield in the way of Biden's peaceful taking up residence there. I, like everyone else dosen't like being wrong, but I don't like being right. I wish I'd been wrong and my lecturer right. Now I hope my last little bit is incorrect.
When will I stop "doom scrolling"?
Sofabeast comments on Jan 12, 2021:
Like cracking open a vacuum vessel, the moment Trump popped opened the route of extremism it is too late. Now not only the US, but the western world must evacuate extremism & white power from our societies. For your USA, it will be a difficult one. One where America will have to take a long look at itself, 'warts and all'. People like myself will be writing about this for decades to come. When I return to university after this COVID has been cast aside, I will be researching the causes and maybe even crossing the Atlantic to carry out research in situ. Although I doubt I'll be able to afford that even with a Scottish free education. What good could come of this? A major shake up of your political system. Perhaps a third party in politics? Judicial branch that must be balanced. Impeachment proceedings that must follow effective legal process the same as a court of law. Senators who must consider the evidence and act directly upon that and not party political lines. And the worst that may come to pass? Collapse of the Union into civil unrest or even war even worse that the 1861-65 one. Then the divide was along State lines. Today America is split not only within every State, County, and Territory, but families and communities are also divided. So, engaging with you for some time, I see you have an active intelligence and social empathy. This means that there will be some time to pass before you can cease Doom Scrolling. Tony x
What makes boots look s-exy and edgy?
Sofabeast comments on Jan 17, 2021:
Its the woman that wears them...
Holy Hot Wholesomeness!
Sofabeast comments on Jan 20, 2021:
Well, she momentarily took my gaze from Lady Gaga!
Need friends
Sofabeast comments on Jan 22, 2021:
Well, wade in and talk to people.
Men in Kilts....mmmm Looking forward to this show.....
Sofabeast comments on Jan 27, 2021:
Auch the wee kilt
Men in Kilts....mmmm Looking forward to this show.....
Sofabeast comments on Jan 27, 2021:
And the great kilt
People are turning in family members, ex-romantic partners they recognize in Capitol riot footage.
Sofabeast comments on Jan 27, 2021:
I hope it all settles down, as when people in large numbers begin to accuse people then a wycht hunt can overwhelm a nation.
Republicans screamed "Lock her up!" Now they want to forgive Trump.
Sofabeast comments on Jan 28, 2021:
There has been a polarisation of American political viewpoints since the rise of Trump. It would appear that almost half of the voting population wished America to follow an authoritarian direction. This has led towards a harsh demand for the punishment of the opposition. Suddenly, they find themselves as the opposition and their erstwhile fuhrer the subject of investigation for apparent crimes with several thousand million witnesses to those accusations. Politically, it would be the norm for the ex-president to get off like Nixon. However in this case, America will look more stupid and corrupt on the world stage and history books if he isn't at least harshly examined through impeachment. Not like last time where your Senate refused to allow the inclusion of evidence. And I'll add that future impeachments really need to follow a legal direction beyond the political stupidity of partisan politics.
Massive protests as Poland implements near-total ban on abortions
Sofabeast comments on Feb 2, 2021:
I've conversed with some practicing Catholics about this - and most want this sort of ruling in the UK too. Life is life and given by god and to take it is crime against god and murder. But as a parent who has had to jointly made the choice in having to save my wife or lose them both, then the choice must remain. We had my wife for another 15 years because of being able to abort the fetus. As a support worker for adults with special needs, they too can fall pregnant. Thus the state must step in to remove the stress of that pregnancy from the person.
Trauma- the Body Never Forgets. Why Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Honesty About Trauma Matters.
Sofabeast comments on Feb 3, 2021:
It is the re-triggering of her PTSD. Frightenly, this sort of trauma can impact on the genetic level too.
Spurred by the Riot, Thousands of Republicans drop out of GOP
Sofabeast comments on Feb 3, 2021:
That is good to see. On the dark side, America really needs the addition of more countrywide political parties. Should a successful far right movement grow from this, then it could be a good thing as their votes become diluted rather than concentrated into the Republican party. Likewise, a proper liberal-socialist party could grow too.
Politics in the UK
Sofabeast comments on Feb 4, 2021:
Cultural fuckwittery.
Discount trip to hell 🤣🤣🤣
Sofabeast comments on Feb 10, 2021:
Window seat!
"gods" doing the killing 😅
Sofabeast comments on Feb 10, 2021:
Like some evil oppressor...
If he calls it
Sofabeast comments on Feb 14, 2021:
~~Mr boopsy knob~~
Dialogue between a cute Pakistani Muslim and an Arab atheist Atheist :what is the punishment for an...
Sofabeast comments on Feb 18, 2021:
If there is one true god, then why doesn't it send a definitive answer as to how we are meant to live? Answer, there is no god or gods, we make the rules and our religions reflect the societies they originate from and impress their views on society.
I was in the kitchen having toast and coffee in my slippers and pajamas reading agnostic.
Sofabeast comments on Feb 19, 2021:
I cannot give what I would describe as definitive evidence to support the existence of a higher power, although our existence and the universe around us and the rules govern it is that proof, but that opens the question where did the higher power come from?
if god knows the beginning and the end then why are we here?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 11, 2021:
Well of course, I'm an atheist because it is part of god(s) plan. Unless this god stuff is all bollocks?
Pro-Trump whites afraid of being replaced attacked the Capitol.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 11, 2021:
Interesting, this concurs with my study of 2019/20 into a related sociological subject. If you've the time, look into Rafaela M. Dancygier Professor, Department of Politics and School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University. She provides an interesting comparison of European and American social conflict in the current era.
Canada mourns as remains of 215 children found at indigenous school []
Sofabeast comments on Jun 2, 2021:
Sadly it is part of institutional conformity, where the institution thinks it is doing what is required by the system, surrendering their personal morality to the greater authority.
Was I too harsh with this guy on a dating site?
Sofabeast comments on Jun 10, 2021:
As a guy who is not currently happy with himself below the face, I can see what he/they are trying to do. Perhaps low mood or depression has led to letting go somewhat and they are looking for a reason to kick start improvement. Now a stock reply, Strewth! If I write to a lady, then it is a unique message, never cut and paste. In that a slap down is needed. I'm more than a fat bloke in his late fifties, I've got a brain, a sense of humour, hopes, fears, life baggage, likes and dislikes. Now I've been on a couple a dates with a lovely lady, it's given me incentive to loose the belly and tone up my butt. If nothing comes of it, then at least I'm making progress to rebuilding me. So, to any guys reading this, make an effort and be truthful. To the ladies, maybe give us men who make an effort a chance to be who we really are. To Kathleen, I wish you success in finding that special lover or lovers to share your life. Tony xx
This is no way to get a date. How would you reply?
Sofabeast comments on Jul 12, 2021:
Dear sir, where is your evidence for your 'rebirth'? I'm sure you could continue to refute his rambling incoherence with science backed argument explaining what happens to an oxygen deprived brain, but in the end I doubt he would be worthy of your romantic attention. I sadly, am too far away to become your 'toy-gentleman' .... too fat as well, but at least that is curable!
"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are ...
Sofabeast comments on Jul 16, 2021:
I work with autistic adults. One of my service users asked, "Why are we all being punished by Covid when I haven't done anything wrong? That's silly". There was a god bothering programme on the TV at the time. Frankly, that sums it up. All too silly.
Dating site gives "final warning" to man who criticized me for being atheist.
Sofabeast comments on Jul 22, 2021:
I find his comments illogical.
What are your goals for 2021?
Sofabeast comments on Aug 1, 2021:
1. Keeping Calm and Carrying On. 2. Gain even more academic and work qualifications 3. Enjoy myself more 4. Fall in love with someone, and they with me. 5. Continue to keep making the world and society a better, happier, nicer place than when I found it. 6. Get fitter, slimmer, stronger and healthier. 7. Enlighten more people to questioning religions. 8. Newer car. 9. Ride a horse. 10. Take a foreign holiday.
From a scientific perspective, COVID-19 virus is winning, a doctor said.
Sofabeast comments on Aug 11, 2021:
Something that the 'masses' seem to be missing is that a virus ignores human rights and freedoms. I miss the old world of 2019, but Covid 19 took that from me. I need to protect people and myself, so I obey and try to exceed the rules. In the UK we have now opened up, so I am expecting another spike in infections by the end of August. It may be a good thing for humanity if we can catch it a gain immunity like what happened with the 1918 flu. Then again, it could be a bad idea.
I'm giving up online dating. Feels like I'm dealing with leftovers.
Sofabeast comments on Aug 25, 2021:
To be very direct. You are a very, very beautiful lady to look at. I have read many of your posts and I'm convinced you are very intelligent and caring too. However, to use myself (age 59) as an example, I find many ladies around my age look far older than me, and tend to have very set world views (they voted for Brexit) based on opinion, religion and not science. Some like myself have outlived their spouses, others are classic grannies who happen to like Queen. Thus, there are not many as well preserved and still fresh as yourself.
Please welcome @BD66 to the group.
Sofabeast comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Fit like?
Please give a big Scottish welcome to @bobwjr who has decided to join the group.
Sofabeast comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Fit like loon? That translates as How are you?
For your amusement, here are my three worst internet dates.
Sofabeast comments on Sep 14, 2021:
If only I could take you on a civilised date after I had had a shower and worked on ensuring my waistline was trim and my fitness could handle long hikes. There we could discuss life, the universe and everything, putting across ideas to improve humankind through intelligent interaction, only bringing up group lovemaking if it was appropriate to said conversation and not as a 'to do list' following our departure. Sadly the likelihood of such a pleasant meeting is remote, and so I wish you success in finding an engaging gentleman to share an encounter with.
I have often stated that myth can very well be based on real historical events.
Sofabeast comments on Sep 20, 2021:
I found this very interesting. Similar events such as Noah's ark and the great flood may have been the over-topping of the Bosporus strait by the Mediterranean sea. If this occurrence was happening now, it could be explained, but prior to the scientific method events such as these would usually be explained by what people knew. Leading to the replacement of old gods by newer stronger bigger ones.
Haha! I got a scammer deleted.
Sofabeast comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Hi beautiful, I am a key support work for difficult cases of adults with autism, I work in Scotland and have a daughter who lives with me..... Well the information is on my biography hahaha. Like this fellow, my wife is also dead thanks to a brain tumour. When writing about myself I simply cannot capitalise 'i'. I do live very near to the North Sea oil fields and around 50% of the UK's natural gas comes ashore about 9 miles away. Unlike that person, I am not looking gain access to your funds, although should we ever meet, then if you were to offer to pay for a cuppa, then I would not turn it down. As for citizenship, I am British. And handsome - well that is subjective and being single, perhaps I'm not. Well done for getting rid of a scammer.
We seem to be popular this evening… another new member has decided to become an honorary Scot.
Sofabeast comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Foo ye deeing?
Please say hello and give a big Scottish welcome to @Beard63 who’s just joined the group.
Sofabeast comments on Sep 27, 2021:
Fit like?
"Distance can never be a barrier," a man wrote. Eye roll.
Sofabeast comments on Oct 4, 2021:
Well popping over to meet you is cheaper than I thought. A mere £1500 excluding hotel costs, and food, insurance, nice things..... I takes about two days, so I'd need a shower and a realignment of my body clock, and get a razor... If you don't mind, I'll give it a miss for a while.... Hahaha. My point being, distance is a barrier. I'm pretty sure that I'm not in love with you, nor you with me, but if we were, it isn't as if we are in the country. Drawing closer on your situation, and assuming the gentleman is suitable for you, consider the life baggage you both have? Houses, friends, work, pets and connections.
"That's all you can muster?" I thought.
Sofabeast comments on Oct 4, 2021:
I have a burning desire to discover and understand the lady who reads, writes and hikes. What are your thoughts on life, love and the beautiful little planet on which we live. I wish to come to know these things. And who are you now, the person you have been, your life journey, victories, defeats, hopes, fears, likes and dislikes. Prey enlighten me with your thoughts, the contents of your mind, what you wish for. Let us stay up together late into the day exchanging ideas as if we were laying in bed together talking for real and gazing into each other's eyes, until we can stand no more, and fall asleep. But do not tell me you like Trump, for I could never countenance that and would break my heart's hopes. Mr Perfect xxx Is that what you're after? If so, cut and paste using it as a slapdown example. It took me but a few minutes to weave these words. If we were 'word dating', then this is what you'd get from me. I'm like that in real life too. Mr Unperfect
I have been tempted to do this.
Sofabeast comments on Oct 4, 2021:
A bit like prayer then?
After all, if a woman is already used, she has no trade in value…
Sofabeast comments on Oct 15, 2021:
I'd like a second hand woman please. Warning, I do snore, so that may stop you from sleeping...
Gun-toting, conservative Catholic messaged me on a dating site.
Sofabeast comments on Oct 18, 2021:
Reading his rhetoric, it seems to me as a gun owning Briton, who has owned and used black powder muskets since I was 18 (I'm giving my muskets up shortly) that Americans primarily own guns for self-protection or home defence. Over here we own guns for mostly sport or recreational activities. As hopefully Americans will know, the UK has a civilian police force who uphold the law by consent and are except in extreme circumstances unarmed. So why are Americans so scared of not having guns? In some locations, I do see the need to protect oneself from becoming a bear's dinner.
Trump's 2024 election threat is political blackmail.
Sofabeast comments on Oct 22, 2021:
When studying politics and history, our class saw a close comparison with the use of Trump and the young Hitler during its early rise to power. That being, a man whom provided a voice for the confused and dumb in a complex world where the strength of their nation appeared to have been stolen by 'them'. The 'them' are better when they are lacking 'our' humanity. For the NAZIs it was the Jews, an internal enemy who has taken your jobs and spread defeatism. For the Republicans, you have Mexicans, Muslims and political correctness - a loss of the 'American way'. The Republicans together with their Christian Right Mega Church allies have learnt the lessons of Geobbels propaganda machine and wield it with determination and zeal, while Democrats scurry around allowing them to do so.
Let me use this post as a place to ask a question: Would you want to live for a thousand years?
Sofabeast comments on Oct 24, 2021:
Should I continue aging naturally, then no. However, if I aged at a rate of just 10% of normal (over a normal lifetime), then yes.
'Alien Reptile' Cultist Sherry Shriner Is 'The Epitome of Evil' in Vice's 'The Devil You Know' ...
Sofabeast comments on Oct 27, 2021:
We in social sciences are still at a very early stage of researching the new cults of fear and stupidity. I find it very interesting how enough lies or falsehoods given enough airtime produces an overflow into the general population. I believe it is very similar to how Imams stir up violence in people who were just getting on with their lives. Conformity by stealth, fed steadily into lower thinkers in society who then by numbers overthrow the system causing the middle thinkers to follow along for an easy life. The NAZIs employed this to rise to power and this can be seen in Afghanistan today where the few turn the many against themselves where conforming through thought coercion is joined with open violence.
'Alien Reptile' Cultist Sherry Shriner Is 'The Epitome of Evil' in Vice's 'The Devil You Know' ...
Sofabeast comments on Oct 27, 2021:
Of course we all have a zone in heads known as 'the lizard brain'....
Jacob Rees Mogg is one of my least favourite people in the world.
Sofabeast comments on Oct 31, 2021:
JRM and his 1930s life image has for sometime been an amusing parody of upper class privilege of a person who is separate from the norm of society. He is extremely well educated, but sadly lacks an understanding of society due to his autism. It is quite possible that he is unaware of his condition and would likely argue against being on the spectrum. This condition pervades much of the upper echelons of the Tory party with Gove and Sunak also being on the spectrum as well. Working as I do in autism, I am highly trained and skilled in recognising the often subtle signs given off. For some in power it is an excellent adaption for government allowing a stronger dedication to a cause, ideology or system of work. What the UK has at this time, is a collective of 'comedy' autistics who have been raised, sociolised and conditioned into a sub-culture which cannot think or act differently. No imagination for what is beyond their 'ken' (internal understanding).
How prone are you to believe conspiracy theories?
Sofabeast comments on Nov 4, 2021:
I'm British, and a Social Scientist, who very recently had been studying all of the subjects within the questions thus, biases my answers. This is why I scored 100%. Now, an interesting aside. Several of my classmates stiff profess to believe a number of these conspiracies going against our tutoring in the scientific method. This in turn, supports researcher bias. Add to this, the corroboration between religion and conspiracy theories.
Anybody know how to let a “love bomber” down without incurring wrath?
Sofabeast comments on Nov 4, 2021:
As promised, a longer reply... Although not limited just to males, it is us males who are more often the victims of biological drives. That is to pass on our genetic code. We develop schema to generate the perceived greatest chance of finding a mate. There are of course many different strategies to this, which we tend to base on what we learn from around the age of two, but these are also biased to our genetic makeup. From a male perspective here are some schemas which are common. One woman for life. Many women for life. One woman for now. Many women for now. One woman for life and others for now and again. One woman for as long as she can make babies, then trade in for a new one. Short term love, then move on. Short term love, then move on, but keep coming back 'cos you'll always be mine, y'hear bitch! No, no I love you... Cuckoo - mate and be gone. African-American in the USA tend to strongly follow the cuckoo or many women for now which has become a multi-generational social norm. We men can change, but that depends on the woman we are with. We will always have sudden urges to smash in the skull of a rival or lock our love away. If you want a more academic article with a few thousand words, message me.
Boo Hooey! Do you believe in ghosts?
Sofabeast comments on Nov 15, 2021:
I believe in 'ghosts', but What are ghosts? This is a very interesting question. Could this phenomena be purely internal due to seeing or feeling something they are experiencing or think they have seen or heard - quite probable in most cases. We are geared to try to make sense of the world around us in case of fight, flight, food, fun or fuck programming in our brains. Add to this, our socialisation into how to think and what to believe. Are they apparitions from beyond the grave? Unlikely I'd say. Could they be recordings of events which can be picked up on by some people and animals - possibly. How could this be so? Think of old magnetic tape to simplify the idea, but with a location due to a transfer of energy. Medical, intoxication or mental differences where a person may 'know' what they have encountered due to their reality being different from the norm - hallucinations. Mass hysteria where people can be encouraged to alter their perceptions through peer pressures which are difficult to counter. Basically I consider ghosts to be happenings which are not supernatural, just unexplained at this time by science or reason, like faeries, goblins and UFOs.
My goodbye email to Dave, 72. Was I clear? We didn't meet.
Sofabeast comments on Nov 15, 2021:
For myself there is a time and place for talking sexy, but treating you as 'cattle' simply is not acceptable without it being made clear that that is your 'thing'. For some relationships it could be part of humour although I do not detect that it exists here, so don't do it. I tend to ramble on in conversations, but I try to learn when to shut up. As for romance - pretending I'm close enough to be practical as well as suitable eye candy for you. I would not be demanding to see your feet, breasts and butt, that would be up to you to want to show them to me giving you the power for as, if or when. Maybe, I'm a bit old fashioned and romantic, as well as modern in my dislike for the sexual objectification of fellow human beings.
"You'd better not have hair anyplace else." Is this from online porn?
Sofabeast comments on Nov 21, 2021:
Being very direct, I prefer a natural lady with dark pubic hair. I also love fluffy armpits - something from puberty watching a beautiful French exchange student stretch... Oh la la! However, in a relationship it is fine to go with what you are all happy with. What this fellow seems to be doing is building a shopping list which he thinks you will submit to.
I just got the results of the first mammogram I have had in about 20 years.
Sofabeast comments on Nov 28, 2021:
I must not something inappropriate. I must not something inappropriate. I must not something inappropriate. I must not something inappropriate. I must not something inappropriate. I must not something inappropriate.....
If there is a god, this woman is going to hell: Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces bill to award ...
Sofabeast comments on Nov 28, 2021:
We've had a lot on our news in the UK about this case. We cannot see how this young man isn't doing serious time in prison for what would be an open and shut criminal act over here. For myself as a very recent gun owner (I've owned guns since I was 18, and only gave them up very recently) I kept my muskets under tight control. It's what we do over here, and some unrest in the streets break out locally, my concern would be ensuring my guns were properly secure and ammunition kept away from said guns in case of break in. I would not be heading out as a vigilante looking to shoot people. As a European I just cannot get my head around his thoughts other than he was a psychopath looking for a grand shootout.
The number of religious cuffs one has to overcome to get out of the indoctrination.
Sofabeast comments on Dec 1, 2021:
But overcome we all should.
Today's random, silly church names I've come across.
Sofabeast comments on Dec 1, 2021:
Ah that'll be the kingdom of god he's from!
Saw this on Facebook, and I think it is hilarious!
Sofabeast comments on Dec 1, 2021:
How the fuck do I explain this to the virgin Joseph?
In Norse tradition, the god Odin would wander the earth during Yuletide and visit people’s homes.
Sofabeast comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Bloody Vikings! It would seem that Christianity steals so much from every other religion, then exterminates them.
I was talking with two Mormon missionaries this weekend.
Sofabeast comments on Dec 7, 2021:
I enjoyed reading that.
Conveniently not questioned!
Sofabeast comments on Dec 7, 2021:
Ah ha! I was given the answer to this by some Mormon street preachers in Peterhead (Scotland) late last century. The oceans belong to the Devil, so he cannot drown. That's why Mormons have to fly rather than sail. There, aren't you glad that's all cleared up?
The holiday season is upon us and all those Xmas Xstians will be feeling holy for a few weeks or at ...
Sofabeast comments on Dec 7, 2021:
It was in a foxhole in north Africa during WWII, that gunner Len Rowley started to become an atheist, after flattening an Italian town which the Germans had left the night before, he could not believe in god moving in mysterious ways allowing his howitzer battery to unleash hell on earth onto the innocent. In the closing weeks of 1945, he bulldozed the dead bodies of Jews and others who were designated as sub-human into pits to prevent the spread of Typhoid amongst the weakened survivors of Bergen Belsen. These were gods chosen people that the NAZIs had tried to exterminate, and god let them do it. War is a matter for men regardless of what is on your flags, medals, currency or belt buckles. And the religion is employed as a tool to make war, to make others less human and easier to kill. The Christian statements are subjective. I've read chunks of the bible and the more I read, the stronger my atheism embeds itself.
"Are those your feet?" What's a stupid question you were asked?
Sofabeast comments on Dec 16, 2021:
I seem to kept finding 'hippy-chicks' who also never wore high heels or pointy-toed shoes. That said, I would have used a more diplomatic word route to compliment your feet without clouting you around your ears with "Most older women"! So to pretend for a moment it was I who were standing there looking at your feet, I may not have noticed the difference.But now it is mentioned I understand his clumsy point.
Sofabeast comments on Dec 16, 2021:
Is this an example of innocent fuckwittery thinking that they were simply gathering 'families of colour' together to praise their sky faerie? In the UK the term 'colour' is considered offensive and 'black' is employed instead even for brownish people.
Scammer or man of my dreams?
Sofabeast comments on Dec 24, 2021:
I could post a nude from waist up photo of myself, but I doubt you'd really like it at the moment.
“His knowledge was greater than his wisdom.
Sofabeast comments on Dec 26, 2021:
I like to point out that education does not equate to intelligence. See Her Majesties Government in the UK. Excellent schooling for fuckwitted incompetents.
What would it matter if realization was preconscious?
Sofabeast comments on Dec 26, 2021:
At the moment we simply do not know. It may even be different for male and female brains.
Trump's Scottish Golf Courses Claimed $4 Million in UK COVID Aid
Sofabeast comments on Dec 28, 2021:
That's my bloody tax money he's taking! Trump International is almost cut off from Aberdeen now, thanks to road improvements and has suffered from Storms Arwen and Barra recently bringing hurricane force winds destroying property and downing trees in some sort of irony for climate change denial! Locally there isn't much in the way of employment with the downturn of oil and Brexit killing off fish and farming across Aberdeenshire. There is a small success story though. Just outside Trump International is a small prosperous car repair garage run by a family of fairly orthodox Muslims. They are a little bit of Afghanistan/Pakistan in rural Aberdeenshire. I imagine Trump has attempted to shift these away from his front entrance. I thought it was very funny when the young lasses got off the 68 bus dressed in traditional Afghan/Pakistani clothing and their similarly attired friends still on the bus would strip their's off down to t-shirts, hoodies and jeans applying makeup the moment they were out of sight!
Why do males love loud noises? Come on, guys, please explain.
Sofabeast comments on Jan 1, 2022:
The pain from excessive noise excites us and produces endorphines which we find both pleasurable and addictive. Which is why so many of us males act like dicks in the presence of fireworks and guns! I adore loud bangs and miss firing guns, but due to hearing loss and not being ready for the grave, I have decided that shooting should be just for the Playstation now, where I can control the volume. Although I do miss the concussion of firing a musket. I have also encountered a large number of women who enjoy loud noises too, but even more who do not. My late wife and significant ex, both enjoyed the bang of gunpowder and rock music.
Elon Musk comes to mind…
Sofabeast comments on Jan 5, 2022:
Up the workers!
Please welcome new member Sharpeward to our group. I hope you will share why you joined us.
Sofabeast comments on Jan 9, 2022:
Welcome Sharpeward
Washington State is split in two after massive snowstorm.
Sofabeast comments on Jan 9, 2022:
In London and the Home Counties of England 1-2cm of snow brings the country to a halt.
As a non religious person how do you view lust as defined as an intense sexual desire or appetite?
Sofabeast comments on Jan 11, 2022:
Humans have a primal drive to pass on our genetic message and seek out the best mating opportunities based on instinctual triggers. Lust can also fall into a control act, where a person wishes to demonstrate power over others or be controlled. 'Lust', often clashes with our societal and cultural ideals. We have cognitive control sufficient to counter the biological drives to mate or control others. For example. I work with some very attractive young women, yet I do not exert pressure on them to have my babies. I also do not fantasize about them as it simply isn't right in my opinion to turn them into sex objects. Even with the single, beautiful, and age appropriate lady at work, I treat her with the respect she deserves. Should I ever pluck up the courage to ask her out and that goes well, then I can be lustful in my thoughts. To conclude, lust is only sinful through subjective rules applied by religion and/or society or cultures.
Hinduism - billed as a non-violent religion
Sofabeast comments on Jan 14, 2022:
Good and Evil are subjective human constructs. So there are no truths that can be held as self evident. What is good for some, equates to evil for others. Religion simply and often over-simply imparts rules as what these paradigms are, punishing those who do not follow the rules with violence handed down from non-human super-beings. Humans are just following orders from on high as they snip the heads off the shoulders of other human beings for daring to think they are right. Religion imparts violence of action via prayer, song, dance, stories and sermons through to extreme acts of mutilation and murder.
Trump surfaces with a new racist hoax and a new attack on our elections.
Sofabeast comments on Jan 17, 2022:
So, why is he saying these things? Where is the power behind this? And who? What are the ultimate goals? What is his plan B?


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