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Why is it nobody drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore? Such a shame?
Sofabeast comments on May 1, 2018:
Here ya go..
How does Pence answer to the equal rights question regarding LGBYN
Sofabeast comments on Apr 29, 2018:
As a British citizen, who lives in Britain, but who has a knowledge of some of the things that go on in the USA. I am quite concerned of the intrusion of religion into politics in America. I was under the impression that religion and state were deliberately kept different thing as two different things. Most of what I know about this Pence fellow, comes from watching ‘Our Cartoon President’. Myself my daughter were quite shocked when delving into this politician, the vice president of the USA and quite possibly POTUS46. That the cartoon appeared to be very accurate in the portrayal of this person. It would appear to us as Europeans, at least for the next few months, that America is pushing its far-right religious agenda ahead of the principles of the founding fathers. This counters the concept of common human decency that America in recent decades has attempted to portray to the world. The purpose of our politicians in this modern age should be the smooth running of society. Their tasks must be the furtherment of understanding and positive interaction not just from people of in country but the whole world. Backward religious zeal can only destroy the hard work carried out by forward thinking and acting generations of the past century.
The GOOD atheists
Sofabeast comments on Apr 29, 2018:
My only criticism of that, is there are female atheists too!
I'm new to the group, and I don't know if I'm autistic or where I land on the spectrum of autism.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 29, 2018:
Welcome, and as to where you are on the autistic spectrum. There are very basically three main parts to the spectrum. Autistic, high functioning autistic, and Asperger’s. In the bigger picture, we are all part of the Autistic Spectrum Condition, and something very important to remember. When you have met one person with autism, you have met one person with autism. That means we are all individuals. The very fact that you’ve managed to type a question, must now you into either high functioning autism, or Asperger’s syndrome. Wherever you are in the spectrum try to have fun and enjoy it. Everyone I support through my work are wonderful human beings, even if we have to grade them as not being neuro typical. Tony
I don't expect pro gun people to believe me, but the NRA is lying to you.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 26, 2018:
An interesting thing this 2nd Amendment. It was set up to bring down the cost of the National defence, following independence. If every man can be called to arms quickly to fight off the indigenous people or us British, it would save the cost of a standing army. However, over time, weapons have moved on from the muskets and rifle muskets of the late eighteenth century, but the laws have not kept pace. In America there are some places where guns need to be used for personal protection from the animals which may wish to prey on you. Question is, the Assault rifle. To keep the wolf literally from the door, are they the best choice? If I want to go mad and plug a neighbour or collegue. It will take me around 20 seconds to reload using a musket, and then I'll probably miss a moving target. With an AK74, that will discharge around 10 rounds per second, or bursts of three, and is quite accurate at up to 100 metres, with a far longer range should one wish to take proper aim. As a non American, I am astonished at the love affair the USA has with the gun. As astudent of criminology, psychology and sociology I am professionally even more confused by the way Americans mow eachother down in great numbers for no good reason. Are guns fun? Of course they are! I would love to own a Tommy gun, but I cannot justify having a sub-machine gun. I have no need, other than greed. Once the military has finished their duties, then they hand their weapons in. So, if a private citizen wishes to own a military rapid fire gun, then perhaps it should be stored outwith their residence, only to be used at a certified range day.
This is when we Trumped my sister's cat, Cheddar. Check out the lethal side-eye.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 26, 2018:
It can be beautiful folks, really the best hair in the world, people like it you know. Who'da thought it, nobody knew...
I have heard things along the lines of "only people who believe in god are good people" I like to ...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 24, 2018:
A friend of mine back in 2004 had a slogan on his Landrover, suggesting that we all carry out random acts of kindness. I did that before, but now I try to so every day. Many years ago, I had a very Christian girlfriend, who told me that every person who does not take Iezues into thier heart and be saved, would burn in hell. It wouldn't matter how many wonderful peaceful acts you carry out,. You're going to hell! Jews and Catholics are going to hell! Bhudists and Muslims are going to hell, so unless you are a 'Saved Christian' you are buggered!.
Imagine my disappointment after seeing on the news this morning that 'The Duchess of Cambridge in ...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 24, 2018:
I've no idea what his real name will be, but I just love spreading it about that he's prince Albert... named after dads special piercing! I'm a bit of a subversive really.
Just wondering how many post-Christians there are in this group
Sofabeast comments on Apr 24, 2018:
I must be one. Raised Church of England, gave it up just before 14th birthday. My parents weren't happy about it, as they had made a promise to nothing when I got Christened. We only eve went to church for weddings and funerals. God never answered my prayers for a better world free of war, hunger, disease and wot not. Started have to doubts before I was ten.
Debating Atheism
Sofabeast comments on Apr 21, 2018:
I cannot hold myself back, I just wade straight in, and on the subject of god, I remain, respectfully undeafeated.
Is Fox News State-Run Television?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 20, 2018:
I think it is the other way around. Your State appears to be Fox run
I had a great conversation with a Brit last night who was unaware of how religious the US was.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Do come over. I live in bible belt Scotland, but it isn't what is like in the USA.
"What are your goals in life?"
Sofabeast comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Fall in love again. Get rich, and spread the wealth. Rule the world, make it all socialist, rid us of famine, hate, desease and war. In the meantime, a good curry.
My recommendations are: 1) An American in Paris 2) Key Largo 3) 12 Angry Men Best Place to ...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 20, 2018:
War of the Worlds (1953) Better than Spielburg Battle of the River Plate (1956) Persuit of the Graf Spee USA We're no angels (1955) Bogey
Typical Friday night - what are you doing?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 20, 2018:
Either working or finishing work. Right now cooking my daughters supper due to an unusually early finish.
This is a genuine story from a Facebook buddy of mine.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 20, 2018:
People on the ASC can and do have very intense empathy and emotions. All too often it is the neurotypicals who hid or suppress them. Stiff upper and all.
Islam and Secularism in France
Sofabeast comments on Apr 19, 2018:
Interesting, I'm covering sub-cultures in my studies t the moment. France made all religions effectly sub-cultures. As such radical Islam beomes a 'revolutionary' sub-culture. May say more later most importantly time for dinner
So, I'm listening to one of the guys who tried to help pull that woman back in through the plane ...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 19, 2018:
Her death of course would be gods choice...
New term "Apatheist".
Sofabeast comments on Apr 19, 2018:
I thought you just didn't believe in bees
Favorite car brand and make?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 18, 2018:
I miss my old farm Jeep Cherokee Sport 2.5ltr petrol basic European model with the Swedish built engine. I drive a tiny useful Hyundia 1.1ltr Getz, ancient bit of metal, but it gets me about.
I like to confront my own bias, I know I have blind spots and I know I'm ignorant of many cultures ...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 18, 2018:
"Fuckin 'ate pykies". And no, my people 'came in' during the 1930s. That means settle into a house.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Work in - otherwise out, but always a vest underneath, don't want to scare people with a hairy belly poking out from beneath a t-shirt.
How do you respond when someone shows their religion around you?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 18, 2018:
I am open about my knowledge that there are no gods. I don't ram it down their throats unless they try to 'save' me. I try to respect their views, countering them with facts if they challenge me.
I don't remember where I heard this, but I still like it a lot.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 18, 2018:
What horse?
How do you try to have a positive impact on the world?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 18, 2018:
I make the world a slightly better place every day if I can. I support adults with special needs, I try to support my friends. I try to make people smile and feel good.
So in order to get a job, I colored my hair tonight. I think I look younger?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Ageism is illegal in Europe
Green energy
Sofabeast comments on Apr 18, 2018:
Just had the solar panels checked this morning. Love 'em. The Scottish government is running a massive green energy scheme for social housing, and I've just benefitted by having panels installed for free. During the day time, my electricity costs are almost £0.00 at this time of year. Shortly we will be getting about 22 hours of usable daylight out of every 24
I know this isn't the memes group, but I figured you all would appreciate this more than the general...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 17, 2018:
In gaming, the dice are the silent story tellers.
With all the progress in science to explain our universe why do you think people continue to cling ...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 17, 2018:
Information is easily ignored. When in college I am amazed at how I have to often teach simple history to classmates. Ignorance is bliss, ignorance is easy, ignorance feels safe, ignorance can be less embarassing.
Atheism and socialization
Sofabeast comments on Apr 17, 2018:
No. I fight my corner in that respect.
Does this point of view seem rational? does it offend you?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 17, 2018:
In romance the journey can be a solid one or fluid. As long as those who are part of it know the rules. I can't say whether I'd ever try a poly relationship myself, but I'd support those that do live that way. However, we should accept with respect the lifestyles of one another, as long as that is between consenting adults.
When/how did doubt about God's existence occur?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 17, 2018:
A build up of events for me. Being of a cerain age, during my childhood we had the Beafran problem. Hundreds of thousands of starving people. At school, we prayed for them and raised some money, but they still starved. They are today around 40 years on. Then bit by bit, I found that prayer didn't work. Then with religious education (compulsory in England) we studied the bible. Once you try to get an early teenage head around all of this begatting, the whole publication just falls apart under questioning. Contradictions appear. Then why just one son, at that time.... It's all just a lie, just a power trip. Historically, athiests have around since when humans invented gods as quick answers to shut the stupids up.
Brit living in USA Would love to join this group and keep in touch with what's happening at home.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 17, 2018:
There is a growing non religious movement in the EU & UK. Eire has the fastest growing population of agnostics and atheists in the world, which is upsetting the Catholic church there. Anyway, news from home. Ant (and Dec) has pleaded guilty to drink driving, paying a fine in excess of £86000. 15-18 month driving ban. The weather is changeable, with a warm front moving in from Germany. The government is feeble and unstable, and it must be Corbyn's fault that the UK bombed Syria. I've no idea what is happening in Corrie, EastEnders or Hollybrooksideoaks. Brexit is still looking bad, and we as yet don't know what it is.
More People Believe in Ghosts than Darwin.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 16, 2018:
Really! In Europe evolution is a simple scientific fact. There are some Kirks in this part of Scotland that scoff at evolution, but they are part of a tiny minority. Now, to ghosts. What is a ghost? Are there different types? I've encountered a few 'ghosts' in my time, but I couldn't tell you exactly what they are. Distorted images eminating from my sub-conscience, or false memories forming, perhaps some sort of environmental recording? Until then, just my imagination.
What is the best way to have a convincing moral argument?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 16, 2018:
When I get some free time (Wednesday) I'll put together a plan for you. It's fairly easy to follow and then all you need to do is be sceptical. Always get the other side to ask questions about their own thoughts.
Do you think there is a difference between liberal and progressive?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 15, 2018:
I find this interesting as a student of such things and a European (for now..any Irish ladies quite welcome to drag me off and marry me for love and the green passport). For us, the Democrats are right wing with the Republicans being extreme right wing bordering on Fascist. Where is the Socialist side of America? Don't confuse Socialism with Communism, though I'm sure users of this site wouldn't.
If you are born in Iran,then you most likely will be a Shiite Muslim.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 15, 2018:
If we can pretend for a moment that there is a Christian God, who some 2000 years ago got a teenage Jewish girl pregnant with HIS only son, somewhere in Palastine. Who then went on to have a mediocre career in carpentry before wandering around spreading the word about his invisible dad, then you have a very valid point. After all, why didn't God send lots of sons around the world all at the same time to spread the word about the talking snake and so on. If this Iezues fellow is living today, then why doesn't he come out and say what is the right way to worship? Some how, I think it's all just bollocks and organised religion is just the opium of the masses.
Is science antithetical to religion?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 15, 2018:
I have a good Christian friend who say's the bible can be wrong. "It is the word of God translated by mankind. Mankind has faults. Science is great as it uncovers the wonders that God has made. After all, six days..that's just bollocks!" He is an idealist Christian, sometimes following the Church of Scotland, but throwing Catholic traits in there too. Should I ever fall from the path of reason and take on superstition, I'd try to be like that. Afrer 40+ years, I somehow can't see that happening. Men created Gods, not the other way around
The Fuckery of Many Churches This post mostly discusses my personal experiences growing up in a ...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 15, 2018:
These are interesting observations you have made. I have perceived similar ones in a church I occasionally have to go to as part of my work. I stand there politely with my earphones in taking a good opportunity to observe the human beings around me. I have seen how some at certain parts of the performance will begin what they call speaking in tongues. This is mostly a mixture of words from French, German, Norwegian, Dutch and Spanish. Otherwise it is all constructed of made up words, with the exception of a Portuguese woman, who funnily enough speaks Portuguese! The lead God bothers tell us how wonderful things are in the world of God, and how the latest terrible thing to happen to a family of the congregation is all part of God’s plan, and medical science will be amazed at what God will do to save them, which will be followed of course by the obituaries of those who passed away during the week. I get to see more and more fiddling around on their mobile telephones. At least as an atheist I have the common decency to just stand there politely. The one advantage of having to occasionally attend this evangelical church, is they are not telling me that I am a sinner, destined for hell as we all are. In Peterhead, there are quite a number of different denominations of Christianity all of whom it appears hate the other for believing in the same spaghetti monster slightly differently than they do !
How many of you are stuck in a little place full of bible thumpers?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 15, 2018:
My heart goes out to you living in such a place, but at least you remind them that your spaghetti monster is bigger than theirs. The influence of religion where I live is still very strong. Fortunately, there is a growing underlined drive for sanity to prevail. Many ordinary people in this part of Britain simply cannot be bothered with religion, they were taught to pray and believe in the words of the King James Bible, and none of it seems to work. And so now they pray to the gods dwell within their mobile telephones and worship at the temples of McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken.
The Bible Says The World Is Going To End On June 24, 2018
Sofabeast comments on Apr 15, 2018:
Oh no, not again!
Anyone have anything to say about our amazing prime minister Thresa May, who decided to bomb Syria ...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 15, 2018:
Assuming the Syrian government did attack its people using chemical weapons, then it is the duty all other countries to step in and prevent by force any further attacks of this nature by any government upon its people. These rules originally came in with the league of Nations, and taken on by the United Nations. This is the cover in the event of a member of the permanent Security Council vetoing humanitarian support by the United Nations. And so, the countries which have bombed Syrian governmental are legally obliged to do so. The targets chosen of those which will provide a demonstration of firepower. This time despite strong words from the Kremlin, Russia chose to stand off with its anti-aircraft assets for fear of the easy and imminent destruction by overwhelming American firepower. The Kremlin could also demonstrate a degree of behind-the-scenes support for the United Nations proposals which it had publicly vetoed. This way Russia can attempt to avoid a direct conflict United States and the United Nations whilst still appearing strong in front of people. Perhaps the big question is, what should be done about the government and leadership of Syria once they have gained victory over the rebels. And help can peace be rebuilt in the Middle East following this long and disastrous civil war. The people that suffer most of the ordinary people of Syria have had to put up with the violence of the neighbours the government and the outside world. Torn apart by religious divides within Islam together with petty tribal rivalries that had remained hidden within their state from before the Ottoman Empire. Let us hope that this debacle can finish as peacefully as possible, without spilling into a world war.
How many of you older people listen to current pop music, or is it only "noise" to you?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 15, 2018:
Through my work I encounter a lot of modern pop. Some is ok, some great andmost terrrible, but that could also apply to any era. I will say, that most MOBO is frankly dismal and poorly performed, unlike its eariler musical roots of last century. Formulaic, violent pantomime rhymes about drugs, gangs and multipul sexual partnering with many ladies. Far too angry for my taste and that of my service users.
69 Visitors and no one says 'hello'
Sofabeast comments on Apr 15, 2018:
Eaye up and ecky thump lass
How do you spend your Sunday mornings?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 15, 2018:
Working mostly, sometimes in church! Hahaha. Soon I will hatch my plan to quietly spread reason and amongst them.... good, good.
Do you get visits from missionaries often?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 15, 2018:
Not often enough, I love the debate. They've not 'saved' me yet! However, I've planted doubt in many.
Does anyone like Nietzsche? Can you discuss at length? If so message or whatever you do on here me.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Well there's nothing Nietzsche couldn't teach ya 'bout the raising of the wrist....
What is the best Cartoon Series ever to grace television?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 12, 2018:
One Punch
That'll be an ecumenical matter
Sofabeast comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Just needed to say that on a site like this
Do you believe there are aliens walking among us?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Imagine that us humans are the classic elder race of the universe. Somebody has to be.
I've begun writing daily accounts of Gun Violence in my home town.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 11, 2018:
In the part of Scotland where I live, there is a higher than usual level of gun ownership, that said, we cannot own handguns in the UK unless they are muzzel loaders. Studying criminolgy is part of my college course, I can confirm 0 shootings. However, recently some drug dealers have come up from Liverpool with guns, but no evidence of them being fired yet. In fact, Scotland has fewer than 30 full-time SWAT officers for the whole country.
What was the worst date you have ever gone on?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 11, 2018:
One with a pretty Irish (republican) lass dring the hight of the troubles. Not far into the date, politics raised its ugly head. I supported the rights of British citizens to remain British in their own land, and she didn't. Not even a kiss goodnight!
Coming out of the Religious Closet
Sofabeast comments on Apr 11, 2018:
There is still a strong presbetarian influence in the part of Scotland where I live. Myself and my daughter stand up for our atheism. Gleefully debating down any and all god botherers that wish to cross wits with us.
Cosmology again as the last post in this category got some incredible replies.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 10, 2018:
This is a bit off the topic, but the speed of light peaked me to say this.. I fellow I know came up with this when we were talking about god botherers, said to me "If God is omnipitant, then prayers may take around 70000 years to get a replied to, as gods thoughts must be subject to the speed of light too!"
If the people in America that are alive today made up the generation that fought the revolutionary ...
Sofabeast comments on Apr 10, 2018:
Given the years approaching 1775, how would modern Americans have responded to the reduction in cost of tea and rise in taxation (without representation) to pay for a war to prevent them from becoming French? The colonnies were a huge place and expensive to Police from London. Would the action have turned into a series of major peaceful protests? Another thing to think on, is there would be no concept of the Constitution.
Who helped you on your path to becoming an atheist?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 10, 2018:
It was the start of the hot summer of 1976, when our usual Religious Education teacher had a sabatical in India trying to convert Muslims and Hindos to evangelical Christianity. And so, due to English law,we had to have some one tutor us on god bothering. This was our deputy head, Mr Green a working class maths teacher. He in under 35 mins enlightened the gathered boys of the school year to the fact that there were no gods... This wasn't a posh school, the girls were having a special lesson on lady things. I did falter into a period of being an agnostic for a couple of years during my middle twenties.
EU AND BREXIT ; Does anyone know what a "meaningful vote in parliament" would be at this stage?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 10, 2018:
There could be one more spanner in the works for Brexit, which is the Facebook effect. Should the courts act quickly, then the whole referendum affair may need to be run again. Then the Tories are 'listening to the will of the people'. However if they were, they should be finding out what sort of Brexit we want. Almost half of the voters wanted to remain, so therefore that side of the argument is needed to come to the fore. Unless ALL of those who voted leave want the hardest Brexit possible. Meaningful vote = doing as the party whips say.
Who's been the best President of the United States in your lifetime?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 9, 2018:
What would be interesing to observe, is how foriegners see POTUS. Then compare how Americans see the same POTUS. Then of course there is the passage of time. JFK is often looked back on with some adoration, much in the same way us Europeans see Obama now. But the outside looing in and the inside looking can be quite different viewpoints. A POTUS who is great at foreign policy may be terrible for domestic. Many of us Europeans,Canandians Aussies etc see Obama attempting to get the USA to catch up with our world view. Healthcare free at the point of need, fair world trade and a reduction of class disparity
Could Isaac Asimov's Planet Where Nightfall Almost Never Comes Really Exist?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 9, 2018:
I live in a part of Scotland where we only have about one month of night time left for a while!
Who's been the best President of the United States in your lifetime?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Ronald Regan... At the time, I feared a hated him as I did and still do with Thatcher. However being bothered to study his style and how he attempted to transition not only America but the world into the next century, my admiration in the way he did it excells. Regan was an actor and played the part of an 'everyman' very well. This kept the blue collar onside, but he was also film 'royalty', keeping the money people at hand too. He may have known how poor the USA and USSR were in reality, and found a way to break the Cold War deadlock without resort to nuclear armagedon. He fought against the onset of Dementia during tha latter part of his term, whilst still allowing a transition to George Bush. Regan saw the bigger picture, setting the stage for thinking POTUS such as the likes of Clinton and Obama. Trump... well I can't really say anything nice, or good about what he has achieved so far. America is the political laughing stock of the world, but then outside of the USA, we cannot get how distrusted Mrs Clinton was/is.
Must defeat the monster
Sofabeast comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Nature abhors a vacuum!
Cultural exchange: they got the chip butty, and we got the drive-by shooting. Does this seem fair?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 9, 2018:
Currently studying into this as part of criminology. What are seeing is a 'blip' in the figures for violent crime. However, crossing this study over with sociology, there appears to be a correlation with an appearance of violent drug related gang sub-cultures. This would indicate that imported life styles from the USA are at work on impressionable young minds. Guns are hard to come by in the UK and ammunition even harder. The knife is now the chosen weapon, as it has been since around three ice ages ago! The impact that social media has is hard to measure, but the language used in the newsfeeds concentrates on certain words such as 'bludgeoned, slaughtered, butchered and massacred'. This sells. Within the likes of twitter, blogs and facebook, we see biased views of one side. Entertainment gives over the story of 'Gallant drug dealers' fighting for the respect they are due and the territories they own. These include the 'oppression' by authorities and the police. So what is the solution? As yet, there isn't one. Prison only reinforces their behaviour. HMP Wandsworth is a joke of failure reinforcing failure. The Scandinavian model isn't working in British prisons, because... we're not Scandinavian! The Tories pretend to be tough on crime, and yet they slash the ability of the state to fight it. Perhaps to avoid the larger unseen 'white collar' sector financially speaking. Education, indoctrination and social hope are the only rays of hope. Education is being cut back, Brexit removes stability and indoctrination is only really working for the violent gang sub-cultures. We could try to bring back a National Service, so at least we'd have well disciplined thugs! That of course is very expensive, and a tory government shirks social responsibility to the masses, claiming all is in the hands of individuals. Well, that may be the start of my dissertation on the way!
Any Shadowrun and Earthdawn fans?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Just getting back into Shadowrun myself. Using my old 1989 copy! Running it for my daughters gaming group now and again.
Board games to recommend?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 8, 2018:
Nuclear War, old but fun... 'got change of twenty-five million'?
What are your views on the Simulation Theory........anyone?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 8, 2018:
I think, therefore it dosen't matter. To reinforce what some others have said... or at least what I think they have said. It is the reality of what we percieve that is real. The subjective nature of our own viewpoint cannot prove any other reality than that..
Friday Evening, I was coming out of the lab at the biggest hospital in town.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 8, 2018:
I am perhaps not in the best frame of mind to provide an intelligent answer at this time, having just finished the last of a series of very long shifts providing mental healthcare, and today no breaks for over 14 hours! Still, at least ponder a British style of response to the invite..... "Salaam mecum, I will pray with you". Then angle yourself towards Mecca, hand their holy man the frozen poo, clean and tidy yourself as best as can, smile, kneel and chant .... "Allah"! Too far? Or at least bring them into the light of Cthulhu. Keep smiling and don't let buggers get you down
I know this is more than a dating site but it's still a dating site as well.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 7, 2018:
Speaking for myself, I've never tried this online dating thing before. Being a widower who is just attempting to see if life can be better, I'm a bit wary of who people are online. I'm me! What you see, is what you get. I'm in my middle 50s, but still have a head lavish long brown hair, without much grey. Beard has gone grey though! I'm NOT just here for sex. Love, would be great, but a fine chat and debate is good too.
He Certainly Has A Way With Words!!
Sofabeast comments on Apr 7, 2018:
That isn't fake news is it?
So, I think we shoud start learning some chinese...they have the greatest percentage o atheists
Sofabeast comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Studied into this at college, the UK is just over 51% non-religious in 2017. Yougov figures. Eire has the fastest growing population of athiests on earth!
I know this has been asked but my answer has changed and new members here.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 5, 2018:
My late wife... brilliant person, with a loving nature and an intelligence to rival the late Stephen Hawkings. As for someone famous... Thomas Paine And the unknown, the next person I fall in love with (I hope)
MATH IS ABSOLUTE But is it really?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 5, 2018:
Can I suggest teaching it. That has helped me no end... or infinately! By having to explain maths to tiny humans, this activity has boosted my confidence. I still hate long division and times tables, but not as much as I did.
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 4, 2018:
Morality is mobile. What may be immoral for us today, may not have been in the past or in the future. For now, for me it's immoral.
How would everyone feel about being refused a date because you’re an atheist?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 4, 2018:
Thats a bummer. Happened to me many years ago. Lots of snogging and touching, then "You'll have to let Jezues into your heart"! Well, that relationship didn't last long. On the other side of the coin, I'm not likely to take to a god botherer either. At some point views on invisible friends crops up and bang! One person is packing their bags and much wailing and gnashing of teeth results. My late wife was an open minded pagan athiest, and knew that from the start.
That’s a cool idea :).
Sofabeast comments on Apr 4, 2018:
I could suggest Scotland, it's like Scandinavia, but with a greater language barrier to Americans...and everyone else! Gaming conventions too! Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen. With the benefit of deep fried food and curry thrown in too!
In doctors office and ran into a 26yr old mentally challenged man with his mother.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 4, 2018:
It is a common hope that the gods will heal, but there are no gods or daemons. No amount of prayer can `cure' autism. Currently there simply isn't a cure. It isn't as if science isn't trying. All that can be done is to give them as great a life as can be. It's what I do for a job! As for the Christian music, well he may just like it. It gives my butt-hole an earache, however when I'm working, its just work. But then I sometimes have to listen to Barney the Dinosaur too!
I’m an older student studying Applied Behavior Analysis.
Sofabeast comments on Apr 4, 2018:
As TEECH shows us (in the UK we use SPELL) `When you have met someone with Autism, you have met one person with Autism'. I used to work for the National Autistic Society UK, and they trained me well in engaging with people on the spectrum. I use the principles of ABA daily at work.
What part of the Bible Belt is everyone from?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 4, 2018:
North East Scotland, yes, we have a Bibble Belt here too!
How many people on here actually meet up?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I've only been here a few minutes, so no, not met anyone yet. It would be nice to meet someone for a chat at least. Never tried this online dating lark before.
Age Gap in a relationship???
Sofabeast comments on Apr 3, 2018:
* It really depends on who and when, in lifes journey. I wouldn't want to date a lady who is less that ten years older than my daughter. But so saying, the age gap can disappear more once you are all past mid thirties. Minds mature. A close friend of mine has a wonderful wife a decade younger than him. They are a true couple (as my wife and myself were, with me being her `toy-boy') but had they met a decade ago, they were not the grown ups they are today.
What's a phrase you vehemently despise?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 3, 2018:
`Like' being used throughout a conversation without apparent knowledge as to the correct use of the word. The other week I was on a bus hading North out of Aberdeen, when a large group of American female students joined the journey. All was well and good for about three seconds when the continula use of `like' was inserted into their conversations used as a verbal `comma'. It was all I could do not to enter their banter, enquiring as to the exact similarity between `he & her' (he's like and she's like) or else the enjoyment when they like something.


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