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The boys at our house know better:
Spudgun comments on Mar 17, 2020:
I don't think they even need to be sad to do that. Gideon knocks EVERYTHING he can get his paws on off of whatever it is on and on to the floor. Especially loves bottle caps, but will push just about anything on to the floor.
The girl cat... Sasha
Spudgun comments on Mar 16, 2020:
I've heard that both Calico's and Tortoiseshell's tend to have a bit of attitude. I know that my old Punkin cat, who was a Tortoiseshell, definitely had an attitude. This one looks like she might have a little attitude also, but she's a great looking cat.
What color is your cat?
Spudgun comments on Mar 16, 2020:
Right now, I have an orange cat, completely orange, no white anywhere. Before him, I've had an orange tabby cat with white on his face, a grey and white cat, 3 black cats, three or four tuxedo cats (but not at the same time), a black and white striped Alley cat, a Tortoiseshell, and a black and white mix. My cat collection started when I was in Jr. High School, and the only time I haven't had cats is when I was in the Navy. They're all gone now except for the orange one, who is about 2 1/2 years old. So I'll have him for another several years.
A crappy post
Spudgun comments on Mar 16, 2020:
Her books probably aren't even good for that.
My neighborhood: 🍻😎
Spudgun comments on Mar 16, 2020:
Heck of an interesting neighborhood you got there. Any vacancies?
New to the group, looking forward to connecting with like-minded folks :)
Spudgun comments on Mar 16, 2020:
Welcome aboard, Veronika. This may be the smallest group of Agnostics that there is. Way too many Agnostics are confirmed Liberals and want to disarm everybody. Being an Agnostic is cool. Being a Liberal is not. So it's nice to see that you have your head on straight.
Smart cat! .
Spudgun comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Very smart cat. I have said for years that cats are capable of deductive reasoning, and have seen various of my cats do this numerous times. I think the only reason that they don't talk is because they don't need to. Sometimes I really believe that they are telepathic. I've seen examples of this way too many times for it not to be true.
45 years ago, my Father told me, "Beware the Ides of March!" It was the day I got Married to my ...
Spudgun comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Welcome to the club no one wants to join. I lost my wife just about two years ago to ALS. It's never easy, and it never really goes away. Her 70th birthday would have been four days from now, and I'll have a few drinks to celebrate her memory.
Shiraz: "I think I heard the old hooman fall in the shower." Malbec: "I'll check our food bowls."
Spudgun comments on Mar 13, 2020:
Perfect picture of Sentries posted.
I had a peeping Tom in the bathroom! 😱
Spudgun comments on Mar 13, 2020:
I'm not sure what it is about bathrooms that fascinates cats, but you can't deny that for whatever reason, they almost always want to be in the bathroom. Whether you're in there or not. If Gideon gets in the bathroom when I've missed him sneaking in, the place looks like a tornado hit it a few minutes later.
Sophie being sweet!
Spudgun comments on Mar 12, 2020:
Gorgeous cat. All of her markings are perfect.
Yup...Right on!!!!
Spudgun comments on Mar 12, 2020:
He's a cutie, but he's obviously been very well fed for a long time. Maybe even too well fed. He's really had a good life.
The myth of "moderate" Joe Biden- [bearingarms.
Spudgun comments on Mar 12, 2020:
Biden has been a rabid anti gun way before he was Obama's VP. He's stupid, dishonest, and arrogant. If he manages to get elected, it will be one of the worst things that's ever happened to American firearms owners. And a lot of other people.
CT sued over its absurd ban on common ammo magazines... []
Spudgun comments on Mar 12, 2020:
It's about time that some of the idiots passing worthless laws got sued. Legislating against inanimate objects is beyond stupid, it's dangerous. All of the mass shootings have been in gun free zones. That should tell the anti gun nuts something, but it obviously hasn't.
Why comparing guns to diseases is beyond idiotic- []
Spudgun comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Comparing guns to diseases is not unlike comparing apples to soldering irons. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other. I am really getting sick of Liberals and their goofy bullshit.
Cats and wine....
Spudgun comments on Mar 10, 2020:
A number of years ago, when we had just moved to Idaho, we had a female cat named Punkin, who was feral to begin with and decided to move in with us when we were living in California. After we moved to Idaho, around Christmas time, we had made some Grasshopper cocktails. Something or other happened that distracted us for a few minutes, and when we came back into the family room, there was Punkin, drinking a Grasshopper. So every year after that, we had to give her a drink. She only liked Grasshoppers, though. Wouldn't drink anything else.
Linda has a select clientele of introverts who refuse to go to any office (Lawer, Accountant, ...
Spudgun comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Gideon has to inspect anyone who comes over to visit.
Listen to Snoopy!!!!
Spudgun comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Yep, cats and dogs are pretty good judges of character. Cats are even better than dogs. A dog will stay with an asshole, but a cat won't. They'll find another home.
How to change the bed...
Spudgun comments on Mar 9, 2020:
That made me laugh out loud. Whenever I make the bed, Mr. Gideon always has to help by climbing on it while I'm trying to tuck the sheets in.
A lot of truth in this one.
Spudgun comments on Mar 9, 2020:
No kidding. That's a great cartoon. Right on the money.
Good reasons for owning a gun.
Spudgun comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Hmmmm, y'know, I've got one of each of those. I'm ready!
I am definitely one:
Spudgun comments on Mar 9, 2020:
Yep, had that all my life.
Pending attack cat.
Spudgun comments on Mar 9, 2020:
My Gideon is into that. When we go to bed, he loves to bite my toes, if I don't get my feet under the covers fast enough.
This seems to work well for me:
Spudgun comments on Mar 9, 2020:
I used to have a miniature panther, but he got old and died when he was 18. Now I have a minature tiger. He'll be around for a while, because he's only two and a few months.
New Jersey’s infringement on gun rights has no bounds. []
Spudgun comments on Mar 8, 2020:
I grew up in Pennsylvania in the '50s, and even back then, New Jersey was screwed up. They obviously have not improved any since then.
Peer reviewed study claims unregulated gun shows save lives- []
Spudgun comments on Mar 7, 2020:
There have been a couple studies done by liberals who were actually honest enough to publish the studies proving that their ideas about gun control not only didn't work, but that private individuals owning guns decreased crime in a given area. The FBI statistics on causes of death in the US have showed for years that deaths by firearms (which include bad guys shot by cops, suicides, bad guys shot by citizens, bad guys shooting other bad guys, and bad guys shooting good guys) is way down on the list of causes of death, almost the very last item. Know what causes more deaths than anything else? (from FBI statistics) Answer: Medical malpractice. Maybe we should ban doctors instead of guns.
To those who use cardboard scratch pads.
Spudgun comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Mine loves all kinds of bugs, especially spiders.
They call them pussy-willows, But there’s no cat to see Except the little furry toes That stick...
Spudgun comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Neat poem.
Well, I certaintly qualify as "happy":
Spudgun comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Oh, it's not just on clothes. Cat hair on the bedspread, living room chairs, couch, rugs (all over the house), and in the bathroom (he likes to get in the bathtub when the water's running). Keeps my vacuum
Stay vigilant guys.
Spudgun comments on Mar 6, 2020:
Very true, we have to fight gun control every day. The more the Democrats push it, the harder we have to fight.
What Kittie sez.....
Spudgun comments on Mar 6, 2020:
Cats have an amazing way of looking innocent, no matter what they're done.LOL.
Nothing needs to be added:
Spudgun comments on Mar 4, 2020:
This pretty much says it all. Great post.
Cat Intelligence Agency...CIA!!!!
Spudgun comments on Mar 3, 2020:
That will tend to happen when you use your fangs to interrogate with, oh, well, bring in another suspect.
Oh look, it's Munchie. 😹
Spudgun comments on Mar 3, 2020:
We have a cat at Simply Cats name Molly that is like that. She will go from friendly to ferocious in about half a second, and will definitely draw blood. This is one we're working with to get her civilized so she can be adopted. She's only been in the shelter a couple of weeks, and has made progress, but still had a long way to go.
Progressive's use of hypotheticals illustrated by LA Times article- []
Spudgun comments on Mar 3, 2020:
The L.A. Times is what should be banned. That paper is one of the worst examples of yellow journalism I've just about ever seen, except for maybe the New York Times. It's only fit to line your cat box with.
Crab rangoon !
Spudgun comments on Mar 3, 2020:
That little guy sure looks hopeful. All animal babies are cute.
And we all know who these people are, and what they do for a living.. Very sad..
Spudgun comments on Mar 2, 2020:
The quotes are amusing for a few seconds, but when you stop to think about the fact that we have people in Congress who are complete idiots, it's really sad, and disgusting. These dolts should never have been elected in the first place. Plus the way Congress is set up, looks like we're stuck with them damn near forever.
Spudgun comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Welcome to the club, Buddy. I'm a conservative agnostic/atheist, which puts me in a REALLY small group. You'll find that there are some people here who tend to share your opinions, no matter what they are.
They’re getting downright looney with the gun control laws in California. []
Spudgun comments on Mar 2, 2020:
I'm hoping for the major earthquake to hit California, and even more, hoping that it destroys the building that the City Council of Alameda is using, with all the City Council members present. I moved out of California 24 years ago, when they started getting really stupid with gun laws, taxes, and overcrowding. The only thing I miss is the Pacific ocean, nothing else. California could be a beautiful place if it weren't for the idiots running the state.
U should be SCARED!!!!
Spudgun comments on Mar 1, 2020:
That is just adorable. Very cute kitten.
Any respect I may have had for Eastwood is gone now.
Spudgun comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Yeah, Clint must be getting senile. He'd never be in favor of Bloomberg if he were in anything near his right mind.
Spudgun comments on Feb 26, 2020:
I like the quote from Candace Owens, and I'm wondering if in the second one, that's a shot of Lyudmila Pavlichenko.
Hey...Shit head!!!!
Spudgun comments on Feb 26, 2020:
What name the cat has for me would probably depend on whether it's before or after meal time.
Cat canned food labels. Marketing aimed at us "hooman" staff:
Spudgun comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Some cat food seems to be meant more for people than cats. I've seen people at the dollar store buying it, and I really wonder if they have a cat or are just really hungry and too poor to buy normal groceries.
Seven fallacies from the left about gun control & gun ownership- [ammoland.]
Spudgun comments on Feb 24, 2020:
Very good article.
Im growing a cat.
Spudgun comments on Feb 24, 2020:
My old cat Hobbes used to like to sit in flower pots. No idea why.
WOW...So true!!!
Spudgun comments on Feb 24, 2020:
Actually, that's not true. Cats are smarter than dogs, and they are able to learn tricks, understand a considerable number of words (not only English, but other languages as well, same as dogs), and use deductive reasoning. I teach cats how to do High Fives, Sit, Spin, Jump through Hoops, High Tens, and a few other things in the Jackson Galaxy Cat Pawsitive Pro program.
If any of you folks would like to see what IAWCA's been doing lately, take a look at the Rapid Fire ...
Spudgun comments on Feb 23, 2020:
Okay, let's see if this works. [2020 RFR February.pdf]
If any of you folks would like to see what IAWCA's been doing lately, take a look at the Rapid Fire ...
Spudgun comments on Feb 23, 2020:
2020 RFR February.pdf
If any of you folks would like to see what IAWCA's been doing lately, take a look at the Rapid Fire ...
Spudgun comments on Feb 23, 2020:
Rats, that didn't work. Let me see if I can find a way to post that so you can open it.
Did you know that it's National Drink Wine With Your Cat Week??
Spudgun comments on Feb 21, 2020:
I'll drink to that!
I'd rather have one and not need it, as opposed to needing it and not have one.
Spudgun comments on Feb 21, 2020:
This is something I've been saying for years.
I suppose if Ohio follows Virginia we'll wind up like this:
Spudgun comments on Feb 20, 2020:
Apparently none of the liberal politician remember that Bill Clinton warned against being in favor of gun control. He said that it was the worst mistake he ever made.
This is disgusting... Misleading headlines demonizes Virginia gun owners- []
Spudgun comments on Feb 20, 2020:
What an incredible amount of bullshit!
I didn't know cats were so revered in Japan
Spudgun comments on Feb 20, 2020:
It's not only Japan. Have you ever heard of Dewey, the Library Cat from Iowa, who was world famous back in the 80's and 90's? I never heard of him until I read a book about him, but he was world famous. People would come from all over to go to this little town in Iowa just to meet Dewey.
Last night one of ours managed to ride a throw-rug down the stairs. 🙄😺
Spudgun comments on Feb 20, 2020:
Reminds me of Gideon. He races around the house more than any other cat I've ever had, and to date, I'm had 13, including Gideon.
Now, its "their" house. 👌😺😺
Spudgun comments on Feb 20, 2020:
This is what we go through every day at Simply Cats. I'm involved with the Cat Pawsitive Pro program which trains cats who are very shy or antisocial into getting used to being around and interacting with people. So far this year, we've had 127 cats get adopted. Including several that we've trained.
The Democrats can't even run a caucus right, and they want to screw around with our 2A rights?
Spudgun comments on Feb 19, 2020:
And raise out taxes so they can waste more of out money.
Cookie crunch.
Spudgun comments on Feb 18, 2020:
Must be cold, it's a 3 cat
Just a rant, getting something off of my chest.
Spudgun comments on Feb 17, 2020:
On the other hand, there are a lot of anti-gun groups who know exactly what they're doing and may or may not know anything about guns. But their aim is to disarm the public, so that the public has no means to defend themselves when the government decides it's time to exercise unpopular actions. Such as instituting socialism all over the country. This is why they make up terms that will upset uninformed people, and terms that are always misleading.
For any members here that reside in North Carolina.
Spudgun comments on Feb 17, 2020:
I just looked it up, and Idaho has one. A fairly small one, but its there.
Welcome new member Jetty from England!
Spudgun comments on Feb 15, 2020:
Welcome, Jetty. Stand by for some heavy rolls in the sea of discussion here.
I used to not mind rainy days.
Spudgun comments on Feb 15, 2020:
Mine does the same thing. He will walk on the computer keyboard, creating all kinds of computer havoc. He also likes to help me with paperwork by sitting on the papers I'm currently working on, such as paying bills. Both times he purrs loudly. Must be a cat thing, they all do it.
York, PA meeting of PA Nonbelievers: Sunday, Feb.
Spudgun comments on Feb 14, 2020:
Wish I could have come to that. It would be interesting to see if anyone in that group is anyone I used to know.
I shot a man with a paintball gun just to watch him dye.
Spudgun comments on Feb 14, 2020:
LMAO...........bad pun, but funny
Do we have any idea how many members are actually active say since the start of December?
Spudgun comments on Feb 13, 2020:
I joined about a year and a half ago (I think) and posted some comments right after that, but hadn't posted anything until recently. I've discovered some other groups that I've gotten to be pretty active in, so I'm a regular now. But I don't post every day either.
Feline Valentines
Spudgun comments on Feb 12, 2020:
That card is really the truth...........LMAO
What ever happened to snuggling?
Spudgun comments on Feb 12, 2020:
Nothing happened to it, Gideon does it every night when I go to bed. He stays with me until it's time to get up.
I was on Agnostic.
Spudgun comments on Feb 11, 2020:
I think Bob's right (By the way, I haven't heard Bobsyouruncle since I was a Jaguar mechanic a lot of years ago) that there are hardly any Conservative Agnostic females. It's been my experience that most women who are Agnostics or Atheists are also Liberals and Trump haters. Both being stupid things that offend me to the point that I don't want to have anything to do with somebody who feels that way. Debating with most Liberals is an exercise in absolute futility. If the bimbos could think, they probably wouldn't be Liberals. The conservative women are either Jesus freaks of one kind or another, or even worse, Mormonoids (my own term for Mormons) and are somewhat horrified to find out that you don't believe in God, Jesus, or in the Bible. They will either try to convert you or have nothing to do with you after they find out your belief system. I'm a long way from Texas. I'm in Idaho. I like living in Idaho, because it's VERY gun friendly up here. But it's also way too religious, which is one of the things I just put up with. Don't discuss religion with most of the folks I hang out with. One of the other things I notice about this group is that there are zero, zilch, nada, women in it. So that kind of proves Bob's and my point. Finding a conservative agnostic women in this country is damn near impossible. Notice I said "nea impossible". There may be a few, which is why I keep looking. But not with any great expectation of finding one. 'Course, I'm also 75, which also makes it somewhat difficult to find a woman that is reasonably attractive. In other words, one who doesn't look like my grandmother. Bob's also right about Dating sites not working. There are a lot of them that are outright scams, and even the few that aren't tend to put some phony profiles on their sites, so beware. So what's the answer? I'm not sure there is one. If we ever do get a conservative agnostic/atheist women on here, there's going to be a real rush to chat with her, and an even bigger rush to date her.
Cat up to no good.
Spudgun comments on Feb 10, 2020:
Okay, that made me laugh out loud.
Cats Recognize Their Own Names—Even If They Choose to Ignore Them []
Spudgun comments on Feb 9, 2020:
Cats definitely know their names, but there are times when I think that cats are telepathic. They will respond to things that you say out loud, but they will also respond to what you are thinking. I have seen this happen way too many times with more than one cat, not to believe it.
Wisdom from a warrior/scholar:
Spudgun comments on Feb 9, 2020:
It is a proven fact that in every single case where right-to-carry laws have been passed, crime has gone down, and in every single case where anti-gun laws or gun-free zones have been created, crime has increased.
I just found out yesterday that my heart Lilly who is 16, has a slight heart murmur, in 3rd stage ...
Spudgun comments on Feb 3, 2020:
If she's having trouble with one of her teeth, you need to get her to a Vet really soon, as tooth problems can lead to a lot of other problems. Plus she'll be a lot happier when her teeth don't hurt.
A Fluffy New Grumpy Cat Has Arrived
Spudgun comments on Jan 26, 2020:
So if you folks are going to post songs about cats, how about "Smelly Cat" from the Friends TV show?
It's been almost two years since my wife died.
Spudgun comments on Jan 25, 2020:
Thanks for the suggestions. However, right off the bat, I can see that I should have been more specific. At the moment, I'm in the Idaho Chariots car club, on the Board of Directors of Black's Creek Range, I belong to the Idaho Automoatic Weapons Collector's Association, I volunteer at Simply Cats once a week, plus helping out there when they need something extra. I'm busy enough that sometimes it's hard to fit all of it into one day. And I'm not discontent. I like being me. I'm also working on setting up basic pistol classes, but that's still in the early stages (I've been a marksmanship instructor for 37 years and done classes before) of putting that together. There isn't anywhere else I want to live, so relocation isn't an option. I'm 75 years old. Cathy and I were together for 25 years. That means that I was on my own for 50 years. I've been single a lot more than I was married. So it's not like I'm not used to it. But there is a difference now. When I was younger and single, I dated a lot of women, but that was in Los Angeles, and no, there is no way on earth I'd move back to California now. The single women i find now are mostly looking to get married, plus they're not agnostics or atheists. Or they're liberals. I'm a pretty staunch conservative. Beginning to see the problem? And I'm not necessarily looking to get married again. I'd just like somebody to hang out with now and then, or go places with. I like to travel, and have done a lot of it in my 75 years. There used to be an Agnostics group in Boise. I've spent a lot of time trying to find them. Even logged on to their website and went to the restaurant they used to meet in. Operative words USED TO. The folks at the restaurant said that they hadn't been there for six months. But it's still on their website. So it seems that they've either dissolved or gave up on social events. I've sent them messages and not gotten any answer. So I suppose that there really isn't a good answer so far. Maybe there isn't one at all. Sometimes life is like that. I'll keep on nosing around. One thing I've found out over the years is that you never know what tomorrow will bring. That leaves possibilities (however slim) open.
Just relaxing with my kitty.... []
Spudgun comments on Jan 23, 2020:
I love those Messi videos. He's incredibly well trained, and acts just like a big house cat. Hard wired the same way.
HI. Anyone else from Boise or Idaho in this group?
Spudgun comments on Jan 23, 2020:
Della, Would you like to meet in person at some point? If you would, let me know, and we'll work out the details. Zeke
HI, Folks.
Spudgun comments on Jan 22, 2020:
Thanks for the comments. What I do at Simply Cats is to work in the Cat Pawsitive Pro program designed by Jackson Galaxy of My Cat From Hell fame. We teach cats to do things like High Fives, Sit, Jump through Hoops, Weave through Cones, Sit Pretty,Spin, and a few other things that will help them get adopted. Once they're in the shelter, which has no cages, they stay there until they get adopted, no matter how long it takes. I'm posting a shot of Gideon playing "Prince and the Pea" from a few months ago.
HI. Anyone else from Boise or Idaho in this group?
Spudgun comments on Jan 21, 2020:
Yeah, I know what you mean. Unlike a lot of the people on this site, I never has much use for religion. I don't know if there is a God or not, and I don't really care. My parents were Presbyterian, or I should say my Mother was. My dad wasn't particularly religious, and as soon a I got big enough, I stopped going to church. That was in high school some time. Years later, in the early 80's, I physically threw a Pentecostal preacher off my front porch when he wouldn't leave when I asked him to. So, yeah, I never talk about my lack of religion, because I figure that saying that will prompt somebody to "save" me, which I really don't need.
HI. Anyone else from Boise or Idaho in this group?
Spudgun comments on Jan 20, 2020:
Hi, Della, nice to meet you. There aren't many of us, that's for sure. The one negative to Boise is how many Jesus freaks there are here.
It's like living two lives?
Spudgun comments on Aug 2, 2018:
Yeah, I still don't get the "Stages of Grief" thing. I don't know that I've gone through any of the "stages". I'm just sad and incredibly lonely. Days aren't so bad, but nights are a bitch. Going to bed alone sucks.
What is your absolute favorite TV show of all time?
Spudgun comments on Aug 2, 2018:
Magnum, P.I.
It's like living two lives?
Spudgun comments on Jul 10, 2018:
Boy, that is certainly the truth.
I have friends and family who don't think there is a god but refuse the label of atheist because of ...
Spudgun comments on Jul 2, 2018:
This is especially true in Idaho. There are more Mormons (whom I refer to as "Mormonoids") per square mile here than there are in SLC. Then there are other denominations and faiths as well. You can't throw a rock up here without hitting a church of some kind. Most of my friends attend some kind of church. So I tend to keep my beliefs to myself around other people, but it does get old feeling like I'm the only non-religious type around. I haven't been dating long, but I've found that on most of the dating sites I've joined, the women list their religion as "Christian" more often than not. This tends to be somewhat depressing, as it means that other than going out for coffee, we most likely won't hit it off because of religion. Assuming that they're serious about being a Christian. It tends to be a bit lonesome being a nonbeliever in Idaho, but I knew that when I moved here. But I had my wife then, who was also a nonbeliever, and she's gone now. So at this point I'm alone and feeling it.
I'm the newbie here.
Spudgun comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Thanks, Folks. I really didn't expect this level of response to my original post. I'm both grateful and mildly amazed. The responses I've gotten have all generated an emotional reaction from me. You guys are the best.
As an atheist living in the bible belt, it is difficult to meet like minded women.
Spudgun comments on Jun 5, 2018:
Welcome to the club, Brother. Boise's not exactly in the Bible Belt, but there are lots of Mormonoids here and a variety of other true believers here. It's really difficult to find another agnostic, especially a female one.


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